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Different combinations of organic mulch were applied in smallholder coffee farming systems to assess their effects on soil nutrient contents and coffee yield at three sites in different agro-ecological zones in Rwanda. Mulching systems consisted of Cymbopogon spp. (T1), Panicum spp. (T2), Cymbopogon spp. and Panicum spp. (T3), Eucalyptus spp. and Cymbopogon spp. (T4), mixed residues (T5) and un-mulched coffee used as control (T6). Mulch had significant and specific effects at each site (< 0.001). T3 reduced soil pH value and exchangeable acidity at Kibirizi, while at Karongi and Ruli, these effects were observed with T4 and T5. T4 and T5 significantly increased the content of soil carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). The amount of nutrients released was regulated by the amount and type of mulch applied, the agro-ecological conditions and the soil properties at each site. The increased soil nutrient levels led to improved soil fertility conditions and increased coffee yields. The coffee yields were significantly increased with T1 at Karongi (< 0.05) by up to 1.9 t ha−1. T2 and T3 had significantly higher yields at Kibirizi. Yields at Kibirizi were 48% lower compared to yields at Karongi; at this site, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 increased yields by 57%, 26%, 31%, 20% and 28%, respectively, when compared to the no mulching treatment (T6). However, coffee yields over 1.9 t ha−1 can only be obtained with additional applications of inorganic fertilizer at different rates depending on the agro-ecological zone and soil type.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 2010 and 2011 at the Agricultural College of Shiraz University to evaluate the effects of cattle manure and nitrogen (N) fertilizers on soil properties such as soil organic carbon (SOC), soil organic nitrogen (SON), soil electrical conductivity, soil pH and corn yield under two tillage systems. Treatments included tillage systems in two levels as conventional tillage and reduced tillage as subplots, cattle manure (0, 25 and 50 tons ha?1) and N fertilizer (0, 125 and 250 kg N ha?1) as sub-subplots. Results showed that SOC and SON were significantly affected by tillage system in both years of the experiment. SOC and SON were higher in reduced tillage compared to conventional tillage. Tillage system had no significant effect on grain yield, plant height and 1000 seed weight. Increased cattle manure rates at 25 and 50 tons ha?1 increased grain yield by 27% and 38%, respectively, in 2010 and 25% and 25% in 2011. The results showed that application of cattle manure combined with N fertilizer might be an efficient management to increase soil productivity in southern Iran, in soils with poor organic content. Additionally, reduced tillage showed to be an efficient method to increase soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Abstract. We compared the effects of conventional and organic arable farming on soil organic matter (SOM) content, soil structure, aggregate stability and C and N mineralization, which are considered important factors in defining sustainable land management. Within one soil series, three different farming systems were selected, including a conventional and an organic arable system and permanent pasture without tillage. The old pasture represents optimal conditions in terms of soil structure and organic matter inputs and is characterized by high earthworm activity. More than 70 years of different management has caused significant differences in soil properties. SOM content, mineralization, earthworm activity and water-stable aggregation decreased as a result of tillage and arable cropping when compared with pasture, but were significantly greater under organic farming than under conventional farming. Total SOM contents between 0 and 20 cm depth amounted to 15, 24 and 46 g kg−1 for the conventional arable, organic arable and permanent pasture fields, respectively. Although less sensitive to slaking than the conventionally managed field, the soil under organic farming was susceptible to compaction when high pressures were exerted on the soil under wet conditions. The beneficial effects of organic farming are generally associated with soil biochemical properties, but soil physical aspects should also be considered. Depending on soil type and climate, organic farmers need to be careful not to destroy the soil structure, so that they can enjoy maximum advantage from their organic farming systems.  相似文献   

Abstract. A no-tillage (NT) system was developed in semiarid Morocco to improve the soil fertility and stabilize yield through conservation of water. Results in two long-term trials (4 and 11 years) were able to show the effects of a no-tillage system in increasing total soil organic matter and total nitrogen. Over time, the quality of the NT soil surface was improved compared with that under conventional tillage (CT) with disc harrows. This effect was the result of an increase in soil organic carbon (SOC) and a slight decline in pH. However, over time, nitrogen decreased in both tillage practices, especially in the 0–25 mm layer (from 0.59 to 0.57 t ha−1 and from 0.44 to 0.42 t ha−1 under NT and CT, respectively). After 4 years of NT an extra 5.62 t ha−1 of SOC was sequestered in the 0–25 mm layer, and after 11 years the SOC increased further to 7.21 t ha−1.  相似文献   

为了解沈阳市玉米主产区土壤养分状况及其与玉米产量水平之间的关系,于2004~2005年对沈阳市不同肥力水平的玉米主要产区的土壤有机质和有效磷含量及其与玉米产量水平之间的关系进行分析。结果表明,沈阳市玉米主产区土壤有机质含量总体处于中低水平,有效磷含量总体处于较高水平;玉米的产量水平与有机质和有效磷含量之间表现出了极显著的正相关关系。由此提出增施有机肥,实行有机无机肥配施以及建立适应目前农业生产需要的土壤磷素丰缺指标是发挥玉米增产潜力的必要手段。  相似文献   

To quantify functionally important differences in soil organic matter (SOM) that result from use of different farming practices, soils from 9 long-term trials comparing manure+legume-based organic, legume-based organic, and conventional farming systems were collected and particulate organic matter (POM) was fractionated to reflect its position within the soil matrix. The free, light POM (FPOM; <1.6 g cm−3) not occluded within aggregates and occluded POM (OPOM; <2.0 g cm−3) were compared to an undifferentiated POM fraction (coarse fraction, CF; >53 μm) obtained by wet sieving. Fraction C, N, and hydrolyzable N (quantified using the Illinois test (IL-N)) were determined. Organic farming systems had greater quantities of C and N in the OPOM and CF and, greater IL-N contents in all POM fractions considered. The OPOM's C:N ratio (16-19) and was least in the manure+legume-based organic, intermediate in the legume-based organic, and greatest in the conventional systems (P<0.10). Trends in OPOM C:N and IL-N abundance suggested occluded POM was most decomposed, and possibly a greater N reservoir, in the manured soils. The FPOM quality reflected the residues added to each system and its removal improved resolution of quality-based differences in POM associated with long-term management. Subdivision of POM revealed differences in its quality that were not evident using the undifferentiated CF. Quantification of hydrolysable N (IL-N) in POM did not enhance our understanding of management's affect on SOM quality. This multi-site comparison showed organic management simultaneously increased the size of the labile N reservoir and the amount of POM protected within aggregates; and that, occluded POM is more decomposed in manure+legume- than in legume-based organic systems. The characteristics of POM reveal how organic practices improve SOM and suggest the nutrient and substrate decay dynamics of organic systems may differ as a result of the N fertilization strategies they employ.  相似文献   

We examined the short-term effect of five organic amendments and compared them to plots fertilized with inorganic fertilizer and unfertilized plots on aggregate stability and hydraulic conductivity, and on the OC and ON distribution in physically separated SOM fractions. After less than 1 year, the addition of organic amendments significantly increased ( P  <   0.01) the aggregate stability and hydraulic conductivity. The stability index ranged between 0.97 and 1.76 and the hydraulic conductivity between 1.23 and 2.80 × 10−3 m/s for the plots receiving organic amendments, compared with 0.34–0.43, and 0.42–0.64 × 10−3 m/s, respectively, for the unamended plots. There were significant differences between the organic amendments (P <  0.01), although these results were not unequivocal for both soil physical parameters. The total OC and ON content were significantly increased ( P  <   0.05) by only two applications of organic fertilizers: between 1.10 and 1.51% OC for the amended plots versus 0.98–1.08% for the unamended and between 0.092 and 0.131% ON versus 0.092–0.098% respectively. The amount of OC and ON in the free particulate organic matter fraction was also significantly increased ( P  <   0.05), but there were no significant differences ( P  <   0.05) in the OC and ON content in the POM occluded in micro-aggregates and in the silt + clay-sized organic matter fraction. The results showed that even in less than 1 year pronounced effects on soil physical properties and on the distribution of OC and ON in the SOM fractions occurred.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that short‐term field experiments are not suitable for the quantitative assessment of cropping‐systems impact on soil organic matter (SOM) levels in arable soils, as expectable temporal changes are very small compared to a large spatial variation of SOM background levels. However, applying an optimized sampling design based on repeated sampling in small plots, we were able to detect soil total carbon (STC) and nitrogen (STN) changes in the magnitude of ≈ 1% (STC) and ≈ 2% (STN) of background levels with only four replications, respectively. Gradually enlarging the sample size up to n = 24 did not considerably improve change detectability with STC, but with STN (n = 15 allowing for the dection of ≈ 1% change of background levels). The common calculation of minimum detectable differences (MDD) based on a state analysis of SOM levels instead of repeated measurements considerably underestimated change detectability.  相似文献   


Sandy soils are usually dominant in tropical monsoon regions, due to the high weathering potential associated with high temperatures and precipitation. The organic matter content of sandy soils is low due to low clay content and high microbial activity. Therefore, soil management practices that alter the soil organic carbon (SOC) content may be important for the sustainable management of crop yields. Thus, the present study investigates the distribution of rice yield and SOC content under different land management practices and analyzes the relationship between rice yield and SOC with pertinent management practices (manure and fertilizer applications). The soil horizons from 0- to 40-cm depths were collected in each layer to measure SOC and soil properties at 64 sites. At each sampling site, farmers were given questionnaires and the record book for the standards for good agricultural practices of farm owners were gathered to assimilate information on rice yield and their practices during 2010–2014. The mean rice yield of the whole crop year and SOC were 2.93 Mg ha?1 and 47.09 Mg C ha?1, respectively, in the irrigated areas, and were 2.38 Mg ha?1 and 32.08 Mg C ha?1 in the rain-fed areas. Significantly higher values were obtained in the irrigated areas (p < 0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between rice yield and SOC in both the irrigated areas (R2 = 0.72, p < 0.01) and the rain-fed areas (R2 = 0.85, p < 0.01); however, the slopes of these regression equations were significantly different. In both irrigated and rain-fed areas, manure should be applied every year, with an optimal application rate of N, P, and K fertilizers being selected. The combination of manure, fertilizer, and increasing irrigation facilities the maintenance of SOC levels and substantially increases rice yields.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to discuss the demand of fresh organic matter (FOM) supply to maintain soil organic matter (SOM) levels and productivity of arable soils under organic management. The basic question is whether the different frame conditions in organic vs. conventional farming result in a different and system‐specific FOM demand. If this is the case, it would follow that the farming system has to be considered in the calculation of SOM balances. SOM balances are the most common decision support tools in organic matter management. A conversion to organic farming in practice usually leads to an increase of SOM levels as well as soil microbial activity over time. The system‐specific driver of this effect is the indispensable extension of the share of (perennial) legumes in crop rotations at the expense of non‐legumes such as cereals, row crops, and maize. Extended legume cropping is essential for N supply in crop rotations as the import of N fertilizer in total is limited by organic farming regulations and mineral N fertilizer may not be used at all. Based on this characteristic of organic management, we argue that the demand of FOM supply to soils must be higher than in conventional crop production. The most relevant factors are (1) the non‐existence of mineral N fertilizer as an external N source that supports the maintenance of SOM by decreasing the demand for SOM‐N, (2) benefits of increasing SOM stocks and turnover for soil productivity under organic management, and, (3) increased mass‐losses of FOM and easily degradable SOM compartments due to higher microbial activity in soils. These effects have to be quantified and must be considered in SOM balances in order to avoid misleading assessments and erroneous decisions.  相似文献   

The effect of soil organic matter (SOM) on sorptive parameters under different soil management practices in Rendzic Leptosol was studied. In 2006, an experiment of different management practices in a productive vineyard was established in the locality of Nitra-Dra?ovce (Slovakia). The following treatments were established: (1) control (grass without fertilization), (2) T (tillage), (3) T + FYM (tillage + farmyard manure), (4) G + NPK3 (grass + 3rd intensity of fertilization for vineyards), (5) G + NPK1 (grass + 1st intensity of fertilization for vineyards). Soil samples were collected every month during the year 2010. Obtained results showed increased hydrolytic acidity (by 23%), sum of basic cations (by 37%) and decreased total cation exchange capacity (CEC) (by 36%) with higher doses of fertilization in comparison to control. Application of farmyard manure had a positive effect on the increase in the SOM cation sorption capacity. Positive correlations between pH and sum of basic cations (SBC) (r = 0.493, ≤ 0.001), CEC (r = 0.498, ≤ 0.001) and cation sorption capacity of SOM (r = 0.391, ≤ 0.01) were observed. Higher values of labile carbon:potentially mineralizable nitrogen (CL:Npot) ratio corresponded with lesser CEC, SBC and base saturation values in the soil. With increased humus quality (higher values of humic acid:fulvic acid (CHA:CFA) ratio), cation sorption capacity of SOM significantly increased (r = 0.329, p ≤ 0.01). The results of this study proved that the application of farmyard manure had a positive effect on the increase of SOM sorption capacity, but higher doses of mineral fertilizers added to soil had a negative effect.  相似文献   

Conventional agricultural practices that use excessive chemical fertilizers and pesticides come at a great price with respect to soil health, a key component to achieve agricultural sustainability. Organic farming could serve as an alternative agricultural system and solve the problems associated with the usage of agro‐chemicals by sustainable use of soil resources. A study was carried out to evaluate the impact of organic vs . conventional cultivations of basmati rice on soil health during Kharif (rainy) season of 2011 at Kaithal district of Haryana, India, under farmers' participatory mode. Long‐term application of organic residues in certified organic farms was found to improve physical, chemical, and biological indicators of soil health. Greater organic matter buildup as indicated by higher soil organic carbon content in organic fields was critical to increase soil aggregate stability by increasing water holding capacity and reducing bulk density. Proper supplementation of nutrients (both major and micro nutrients) through organic residue addition favored biologically available nutrients in organic systems. Further, the prevalence of organic substrates stimulated soil microorganisms to produce enzymes responsible for the conversion of unavailable nutrients to plant available forms. Most importantly, a closer look at the relationship between physicochemical and biological indicators of soil health evidenced the significance of organic matter to enzyme activities suggesting enhanced nutrient cycling in systems receiving organic amendments. Enzyme activities were very sensitive to short‐term (one growing season) effects of organic vs . conventional nutrient management. Soil chemical indicators (organic matter and nutrient contents) were also changed in the short‐term, but the response was secondary to the biochemical indicators. Taken together, this study indicates that organic farming practices foster biotic and abiotic interactions in the soil which may facilitate in moving towards a sustainable food future.  相似文献   

Abstract. Knowledge of changes in soil organic matter (SOM) fractions resulting from agricultural practice is important for decision‐making at farm level because of the contrasting effects of different SOM fractions on soils. A long‐term trial sited under Sudano‐Sahelian conditions was used to assess the effect of organic and inorganic fertilization on SOM fractions and sorghum performance. Sorghum straw and kraal manure were applied annually at 10 t ha?1, with and without urea at 60 kg N ha?1. The other treatments included fallowing, a control (no fertilization), and inorganic fertilization only (urea, 60 kg N ha?1). Fallowing gave significantly larger soil organic carbon and nitrogen (N) levels than any other treatment. Total soil SOM and N concentrations increased in the following order: urea only < straw < control < straw+urea < manure with or without urea < fallow. Farming had an adverse effect on SOM and N status; however, this mostly affected the fraction of SOM >0.053 mm (particulate organic matter, POM). The POM concentrations in the control, straw and urea‐only treatments were about one‐half of the POM concentrations in the fallow treatment. POM concentrations increased in the following order: urea only < control < straw with or without urea < manure with or without urea < fallow. The fraction of SOM <0.053 mm (fine organic matter, FOM) was greater than POM in all plots except in fallow and manure+urea plots. Total N concentration followed the same trend as SOM, but cultivation led to a decline in both POM‐N and FOM‐N. Crop yield was greatest in the manure plots and lowest in the straw, control and urea‐only plots. Results indicate that under Sudano‐Sahelian conditions, SOM, POM and FOM fractions and crop performance were better maintained using organic materials with a low C/N ratio (manure) than with organic material with a high C/N ratio (straw). Urea improved the effect of straw on crop yield and SOM concentration.  相似文献   

One of the main advantages of using biochar for agricultural purposes is its ability to store carbon (C) in soil for a long-term. Studies of labile and stable fractions of soil organic matter (SOM) may be a good indicator of the dynamics of biochar in soils. This study evaluated the effects of applying sewage sludge biochar (SSB) in combination with mineral fertilizer on fractions of SOM. To conduct this evaluation, 15 Mg ha?1 of SSB combined or not with mineral fertilizer (NPK) was applied to the soil in two cropping seasons. Apart from total organic C (TOC), the labile and stable fractions of SOM were also determined. The combined use of SSB and NPK resulted in higher TOC, a 22% to 40% increase compared to the control and to the NPK treatments, respectively. The SSB produced at a lower temperature increased the labile fractions of SOM, especially the microbial biomass C, showing its capacity to supply nutrients in the short-term. The stable pools of SOM are increased after adding SSB produced at a higher temperature. It was concluded that pyrolysis temperature is a key-factor that determines the potential of SSB to accumulate C in labile and stable fractions of SOM.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper reviews current understanding of soil structure, the role of soil organic matter (SOM) in soil structure and evidence for or against better soil physical condition under organic farming. It also includes new data from farm case studies in the UK. Young SOM is especially important for soil structural development, improving ephemeral stability through fungal hyphae, extracellular polysaccharides, etc. Thus, to achieve aggregate stability and the advantages that this conveys, frequent input of fresh organic matter is required. Practices that add organic material are routinely a feature of organically farmed soils and the literature generally shows that, comparing like with like, organic farms had at least as good and sometimes better soil structure than conventionally managed farms. Our case studies confirmed this. In the reviewed papers, SOM was generally larger on the biodynamic/organic farms because of the organic additions and/or leys in the rotation. We can therefore hypothesize that, because it is especially the light fraction of SOM that is involved in soil structural development, soil structure will improve in a soil to which fresh organic residues are added regularly. Thus, we argue it is not the farming system per se that is important in promoting better physical condition, but the amount and quality of organic matter returned to a soil.  相似文献   


Changes in soil organic matter (SOM) content are presented for a 25 ha research farm, based on measurements in 1952, 1976, 1986 and 2002, and for 291 arable fields located throughout southeast Norway, which were sampled in around 1991 and again in 2001. Large declines were found in most cases at the research farm, especially for soils with high initial levels of SOM. The declines between 1952 and 1976 were thought to be partly due to increased depth of ploughing and improved drainage, while those in the latter period may in part be related to climatic change. Declines were also found since 1990 in the majority of the arable fields sampled, and the declines were proportional to the initial SOM level in this case also. No single causative factor was isolated for these declines, but the proportions of autumn tillage and of row crops in the rotation may be involved. A mean relative decline rate of around 1% per year of the initial SOM level was observed both at the research farm and in the arable fields. There was, however, also an indication that the percentage relative decline rate was proportional to one-tenth of the initial SOM. These two alternative scenarios suggest that soils with current SOM levels of 4%, 6% and 10%, will reach a possibly ‘critical’ level of 3% in 30–80, 70–165 and 120–230 years time, respectively.  相似文献   

通过两年的田间试验,以施用化肥(T_1)为对照,比较了施用农家肥(T_2)、胡麻油渣(T_3)、"1号"生物肥(T_4)和"2号"生物肥(T_5)对土壤水分、胡麻干物质生产和产量的影响。结果表明,T_3处理明显增加了青果期和成熟期0~100cm的土壤贮水量。促进胡麻植株中后期的生长发育,且现蕾期以后干物质日积累量明显增加,盛花期到青果期达高峰值。与对照(T_1)相比,T_3处理的营养器官开花前贮藏同化物向籽粒的转运量和花后干物质积累量分别显著增加了2.7%~2.9%、1.1%~1.7%,而且花后干物质同化量对籽粒的贡献率也最大。施有机肥对胡麻增产和提高土壤水分利用效率均有一定的影响,T_3处理比T_1处理显著增产9.6%~11.8%,而T_2、T_4、T_5处理分别比T_1处理减产0.5%~2.2%、19.6%~20.5%、18.0%~18.6%。T_3处理明显提高水分利用效率,比T_1处理显著增加11.4%~12.6%;T_4、T_5处理的水分利用效率分别比T_1处理显著降低14.0%~17.1%、10.5%~14.4%。研究表明,胡麻油渣对增加土壤贮水量和提高胡麻产量有较好的效果。  相似文献   

Abstract. Soil organic matter (SOM) controls the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil and is a key factor in soil productivity. Data on SOM quantity and quality are therefore important for agricultural sustainability. In 1990, an experiment was set up at Saria, Burkina Faso on a sandy loam Lixisol to evaluate long-term effects of tillage (hand hoeing or oxen ploughing) with or without 10 t ha−1 yr−1 of manure and fallowing on SOM and N concentrations and their distribution in particle size fractions. The field was sown annually to sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench). Ten years later, total organic C and total N, SOM fractions and their N concentrations, and sorghum yield were determined. Continuous sorghum cultivation without organic inputs caused significant losses of C and N in the hoed and ploughed plots. However, addition of manure to hoed plots was effective in maintaining similar levels of C and N to fallow plots. Without manure, SOM was mainly stored in the size-fraction <0.053 mm (fine organic matter, FOM). SOM was mainly stored in the size-fraction between 0.053 and 2 mm (particulate organic matter, POM). In plots with manure and in fallow plots, the addition of manure more than doubled POM concentrations, with levels in tilled plots exceeding those of the fallow plots, and the highest levels in manually hoed plots. Nitrogen associated with POM (POM-N) followed a similar trend to POM. Hoeing and ploughing led to a decline in sorghum grain yield. Manure application increased yields by 56% in the hoed plots and 70% in the ploughed plots. Grain yield was not correlated with total SOM but was positively correlated with total POM. This study indicated that POM was greatly affected by long-term soil management options.  相似文献   

Long-term changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) resulting from management change are documented for many experimental situations, and corresponding trends in the field have been observed by national survey. Since these changes are relevant to atmospheric carbon balance a practical measure to confirm the impact of recent management decisions at any location, without resorting to repeated sampling, is highly attractive but none has previously been tested. This study assessed intra-aggregate C to fulfil the role, based on a temporary deviation from its predictable contribution to total SOC under stable management. A total of 166 surface soil samples (0–15 cm) were analyzed for intra-aggregate C using an established physical fractionation protocol or compatible scaled-up procedure. Soils were arable (or ley-arable) managed by conventional or minimum-tillage, or permanent grassland, and assigned ‘stable’ or ‘changing’ status on the basis of a verbal account of management history. Log-normal populations of intra-aggregate C were compared for soils of stable and changing status using F-tests. Intra-aggregate C shows promise as an indicator of changing SOC in arable soils up to 30% clay content, particularly soils <20% clay. A larger dataset is required to establish its utility in grassland soils. It is not certain that intra-aggregate C is capable of confirming direction of change or trajectory (endpoint), and functions to indicate change, rather than confirm stable status. Supplementary information on the history of soil use and management is therefore essential in the interpretation of such measurements.  相似文献   

不同生物有机肥用量对土壤活性有机质和酶活性的影响   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
通过盆栽试验研究了不同有机质含量的土壤中,不同用量生物有机肥对棉花苗期土壤活性有机质和5种酶活性的影响。结果表明,不同土壤随着生物有机肥施用量的增加,其活性有机质及碳库管理指数(CMI)均显著增加。其中高有机质含量土壤施用生物有机肥20 g/kg效果显著,中等有机质含量土壤和低有机质含量土壤施用生物有机肥30、40 g/kg效果显著。5种土壤酶活性施肥处理均高于对照(CK),并且土壤酶活性与施用量成正比。脲酶、蔗糖酶、多酚氧化酶在施用生物有机肥10、20 g/kg与其它处理相比变化显著,过氧化氢酶、蛋白酶变化不显著。相关分析表明,有机质与活性有机质和CMI在棉花出苗0 d相关系数分别为0.831**、0.542*;在出苗后60 d相关系数分别为0.928**、0.635**,其中有机质与活性有机质相关性最高。而CMI与有机质和活性有机质在棉花出苗0 d相关系数分别为0.542*、0.896**,在出苗后60 d分别为0.635**、0.842**,说明活性有机质相对于有机质与CMI关系更为密切。蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶、多酚氧化酶与土壤有机质和活性有机质在棉花出苗0 d和出苗后60 d存在显著相关,表明活性有机质与土壤酶活性能够较好的反映肥力水平。  相似文献   

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