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Kim YJ  Lee SH  Lee SW  Ahn YJ 《Pest management science》2004,60(10):1001-1006
A field colony of the Two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Koch), resistant to fenpyroximate was further selected with fenpyroximate 5SC for 20 generations at a selection pressure of 30-50% mortality (designated as FR-20 strain). Resistance and cross-resistance levels of the FR-20 strain to 18 acaricides were determined using a spray method. The FR-20 strain was extremely resistant to fenpyroximate [resistance ratio (RR) 252]. The strain exhibited extremely strong positive cross-resistance to acrinathrin (RR 196), and high levels of resistance to benzoximate (RR 55) and propargite (RR 64). Moderate levels of cross-resistance (RR 11-40) to abamectin, fenbutatin oxide, fenpropathrin, pyridaben, pyridaben + bifenthrin and tebufenpyrad were observed. The FR-20 strain showed low levels of resistance (RR < 10) to azocyclotin, bromopropylate, chlorfenapyr, chlorfenapyr + bifenthrin, chlorfenapyr + pyridaben, dicofol, fenazaquin and milbemectin. Synergist experiments with different metabolic inhibitors revealed that piperonyl butoxide had the greatest effect on the efficacy of fenpyroximate, followed by iprobenfos and triphenyl phosphate. In a comparative assay with detoxifying enzymes, the FR-20 strain showed 2.5-fold higher activity in p-nitroanisole-O-demethylation, and 2.5- and 2.2-fold higher activities in alpha- and beta-naphthyl acetate hydrolysis, respectively. These results suggested that enhanced activities of both mixed-function oxidases and esterases likely contribute to the fenpyroximate resistance of the FR-20 strain of T urticae.  相似文献   

A field-collected multiresistant strain of Tetranychus urticae Koch exhibiting high resistance to bifenthrin was investigated in comparison with a susceptible laboratory strain. The esterase inhibitor S,S,S-tributyl-phosphorotrithioate (DEF) was able strongly to synergise bifenthrin toxicity in the resistant strain. Optimal conditions for determining esterase activities in T. urticae were determined, and a higher esterase activity towards several artificial substrates was found in this resistant strain, which had a preference for hydrolysing 4-nitrophenyl butyrate. Bifenthrin was able to bind the active centres of T. urticae esterases in vitro, as was determined after competition experiments by a Dixon plot, revealing a higher affinity of bifenthrin in the resistant strain. Bifenthrin-hydrolysing activity in the resistant and susceptible strains was examined in vitro and quantified with gas chromatography. A 7.2-fold higher metabolising rate was found in the resistant strain.  相似文献   

The toxicities of eight structurally different acaricidal compounds to six‐legged larvae (first motile stage) of three laboratory strains of the two‐spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, and the European red mite, Panonychus ulmi, were evaluated following spray application. The larvae of five field‐derived strains of T urticae originating from France, Italy, Brazil, California and Florida were also tested for their susceptibilities to discriminating concentrations of several acaricides resulting in 95% mortality when applied to the organophosphate‐resistant laboratory reference strain WI. The spray bioassay used was robust and gave repeatable results with a wide range of acaricidal compounds, irrespective of their mode of action (ovo‐larvicides or primarily acting on motile life stages). Compounds tested were abamectin, azocyclotin, chlorpyrifos, clofentezine, deltamethrin, fenpyroximate, hexythiazox and pyridaben. Larvae of one of the laboratory strains of T urticae, AK, originally collected in Japan in 1996 and maintained without further selection pressure, exhibited 2000‐ and >4000‐fold resistance to the mitochondrial electron transport inhibitors pyridaben and fenpyroximate, respectively. Another strain of T urticae, AU, obtained from Australia and maintained in the laboratory under selection with hexythiazox and clofentezine since 1987 showed >770‐ and >1000‐fold resistance to clofentezine and hexythiazox, respectively. The same resistance pattern was observed against larvae of a laboratory strain of P ulmi, CE, also selected with hexythiazox. Larvae of one of the field‐derived strains of T urticae, BR, showed a lower susceptibility to a number of compounds, whilst the others were susceptible to all compounds except the organophosphates. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKROUND: In Tetranychus urticae Koch, acetylcholinesterase insensitivity is often involved in organophosphate (OP) and carbamate (CARB) resistance. By combining toxicological, biochemical and molecular data from three reference laboratory and three OP selected strains (OP strains), the AChE1 mutations associated with resistance in T. urticae were characterised. RESULTS: The resistance ratios of the OP strains varied from 9 to 43 for pirimiphos‐methyl, from 78 to 586 for chlorpyrifos, from 8 to 333 for methomyl and from 137 to 4164 for dimethoate. The insecticide concentration needed to inhibit 50% of the AChE1 activity was, in the OP strains, at least 2.7, 55, 58 and 31 times higher for the OP pirimiphos‐methyl, chlorpyrifos oxon, paraoxon and omethoate respectively, and 87 times higher for the CARB carbaryl. By comparing the AChE1 sequence, four amino acid substitutions were detected in the OP strains: (1) F331W (Torpedo numbering) in all the three OP strains; (2) T280A found in the three OP strains but not in all clones; (3) G328A, found in two OP strains; (4) A201S found in only one OP strain. CONCLUSIONS: Four AChE1 mutations were found in resistant strains of T. urticae, and three of them, F331W, G328A and A201S, are possibly involved in resistance to OP and CARB insecticides. Among them, F331W is probably the most important and the most common in T. urticae. It can be easily detected by the diagnostic PCR‐RLFP assay developed in this study. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Occasional reports linking neonicotinoid insecticide applications to field population outbreaks of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, have been a topic of concern for integrated pest management (IPM) programmes, particularly in apples. In order to shed light on the factors which may contribute to the occasional field population increase of T. urticae following the application of neonicotinoid insecticides, greenhouse experiments have been set up. Four different T. urticae strains, namely GSS (acaricide-susceptible), WI (organophosphate-selected), USA (a largely uncharacterised strain) and Akita (METI (mitochondrial electron transport inhibitor) acaricide-resistant and cross-resistant to dicofol), were compared for their fecundity without insecticide treatment and for their ovipositional response to foliar and drench applications of the field-relevant dose of imidacloprid (100 mg litre(-1)). Without insecticide treatment, strain GSS laid significantly more eggs (162.50 (+/- 5.43)) than the multiple resistant strain Akita (139.90 (+/- 5.54)) during a 16 day oviposition period. With imidacloprid treatment the highest effect was observed with GSS, with a significantly reduced number of eggs in drench (143.40 (+/- 4.22)) and foliar (144.60 (+/- 5.85)) applications. For strains Akita and USA, no significant differences were observed in oviposition between imidacloprid treatments and controls. The proportion of F1 female offspring decreased significantly with drench application for GSS and WI, while no differences were observed among strains in the survival of F1 immature stages, except for strain USA. The viability of eggs was relatively high (from 82.9 (+/- 4.5)% for USA to 95.2 (+/- 1.2)% for GSS) and not affected by imidacloprid treatments.  相似文献   

Nine different strains of the two-spotted spider miteTetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) were collected on cotton from Adana, Antalya, Izmir, Manisa and Urfa in Turkey. Their responses to bifenthrin were investigated using conventional bioassay and biochemical assays. LC50 and LC90 values of bifenthrin were determined for all strains by using a residual bioassay with a petri dish-spray tower. Resistance ratios were determined by comparing the samples with a standard susceptible strain, GSS. The resistance ratios of the strains ranged from <1 to 669-fold (at LC50). Of the investigated field strains, only three (two from Adana and one from Urfa) were resistant to bifenthrin. There was a correlation between esterase enzyme activity and bifenthrin resistance according to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and microtiter plate assays in the three resistant strains. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 17, 2005.  相似文献   

A recent survey of insecticide resistance in two of the most problematic pests in UK glasshouses revealed some new developments. At least some individuals in all UK samples of Trialeurodes vaporariorum that were tested resisted the insect growth regulator (IGR) buprofezin. The most strongly resistant strains were unaffected by the field application rate of this compound, and even samples from populations that had never been exposed to buprofezin contained individuals that survived the highest concentration applied (10,000 mg litre-1). The field rate of buprofezin was shown to select for resistance through vapour action alone. The benzophenylurea teflubenzuron, an unrelated IGR, was cross-resisted by buprofezin-resistant individuals. There was no evidence of resistance to imidacloprid, but all T vaporariorum strains tested, regardless of origin, exhibited a high innate tolerance to nicotine, when compared with another whitefly species, Bemisia tabaci. Marked resistance to fenbutatin oxide and tebufenpyrad was found in single glasshouse populations of Tetranychus urticae, but these compounds and abamectin appeared to remain highly effective against all other strains collected.  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions, the acaricidal effect of wettable sulfur is influenced by climatic conditions and the stage of development of Tetranychus urticae. Its ovicidal effect results from the combined action of temperature and relative humidity (RH). Wettable sulfur becomes effective at 27.5 degrees C and 75% RH. Beyond this threshold, the acaricidal effect increases with rising temperature or humidity, to become complete at a temperature of 35 degrees C and 90% RH. Within the range of temperatures and humidities 20 degrees C/30% RH and 35 degrees C/90% RH the mortality of immatures (from protonymphs to teleiochrysalis) was total. Under similar experimental conditions, females usually died before the end of the experiment. Temperature and relative humidity increased the adulticidal potential of wettable sulfur. The fecundity of the sulfur-treated females and the viability of their progeny was found to depend on temperature and RH. According to the same climatic conditions, eggs were less susceptible than females, which were in turn less susceptible than juvenile stages.  相似文献   

A field-collected strain (MR-VL) of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, exhibited strong resistance to bifenthrin, dicofol and fenbutatin oxide in comparison with a susceptible laboratory strain (LS-VL). The MR-VL strain was screened for cross-resistance with several currently used acaricides. Cross-resistance was detected with clofentezine (RR = 2631), dimethoate (RR = 250), chlorfenapyr (RR = 154), bromopropylate (RR = 25), amitraz (RR = 17), flucycloxuron (RR = 15) and azocyclotin (RR = 7). Abamectin, acequinocyl, bifenazate, tebufenpyrad and spirodiclofen did not show any signs of cross-resistance. Enhanced detoxification by increased activity of mono-oxygenases (MO) and esterases is at least partially responsible for the observed resistance and cross-resistance. MO assays with 7-ethoxycoumarin (7-EC) were optimised and 7-ethoxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin (7-EFC), a new MO-substrate, was evaluated for the first time in T urticae and proved to be a good alternative to 7-EC. Approximately 3- and 4-fold higher MO activity was detected with 7-EFC and 7-EC respectively in the MR-VL strain. Kinetic parameters of general esterase assays with 4-nitrophenyl acetate and 1-naphthyl acetate as substrate indicated that more esterases were present in the MR-VL strain. A first attempt was made to classify the esterases present in T urticae. Acetyl-, aryl- and carboxyl-esterases were detected with the use of inhibitors after separation by native PAGE. Glutathione-S-transferases did not seem to play any role in the observed resistance and no differences were detected when the general oxidative capacities of the two strains were compared.  相似文献   

四个二斑叶螨地理种群卵对10种杀螨剂的敏感性差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了明确二斑叶螨卵对现有杀螨剂的敏感性现状,采用棉苗浸渍法测定了4个二斑叶螨地理种群卵对10种常用杀螨剂的敏感性。结果表明,昌乐和寿光蔬菜大棚内二斑叶螨卵的敏感性明显低于郑州和沂源种群。其中,4个抗性种群对哒螨灵的敏感性均较低,敏感系数从高到低依次为:昌乐(216.02倍)、郑州(112.45倍)、沂源(53.56倍)、寿光(12.74倍)。唑螨酯和螺螨酯对卵的毒力均较高,是防治二斑叶螨卵较好的药剂。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Many plant essential oils show a broad spectrum of activity against pests. This study investigated the effects of two essential oils on Tetranychus urticae, one of the most serious pests in the world. RESULTS: The chemical composition of the two oils was characterised by GC‐MS. The most abundant component in the Santolina africana (Jord. & Fourr) oil was terpinen‐4‐ol (54.96%), while thymol (61%) was prevalent in the Hertia cheirifolia (L.) oil. Mortality and fecundity were measured upon treatment with oil concentrations ranging from 0.07 to 6.75 mg L?1 with a Potter spray tower. Mite mortality increased with oil concentration, with LC50 values of 2.35 mg L?1 for S. africana and 3.43 mg L?1 for H. cheirifolia respectively. For both oils, a reduction in fecundity was observed at concentrations of 0.07, 0.09 and 0.29 mg L?1. Artificial blends of constituents of oils were also prepared and tested with individual constituents missing from the mixture. The results showed that the presence of all constituents was necessary to equal the toxicity of the two natural oils. CONCLUSION: S. africana and H. cheirifolia oils can provide valuable acaricide activity with significantly lower LC50 values. Thus, these oils cause important mortality and reduce the number of eggs laid by females. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The toxicity of herbicides widely used in apple orchards to the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) was evaluated in laboratory and field studies. In a laboratory study with susceptible T. urticae, glufosinate-ammonium was highly effective against larvae, protonymphs and adults, but non-toxic to eggs. Its efficacy was much greater than that of the commonly used acaricide azocyclotin. The immatures died within 24 h after treatment, suggesting that the nymphicidal action may be attributable to a direct effect rather than an inhibitory action of chitin synthesis. Glufosinate-ammonium showed a positive temperature coefficient of toxicity against T. urticae adults at six temperatures from 10 to 32°C, being more toxic at higher temperatures. Very low levels of resistance to the herbicide were observed in the seven field-collected T. urticae populations resistant to various acaricides. Treatment with glufosinate-ammonium did not cause a repellent response from either adults or immature stages of T. urticae. Paraquat dichloride and glyphosate were ineffective against all stages of T. urticae. In a field study of a population of T. urticae, glufosinate-ammonium when sprayed to weeds caused significant decrease in T. urticae population densities in apple trees for nine weeks after treatment, as compared with the control. Thereafter, a single application of standard acaricides to apple foliage greatly reduced population densities, although there was no difference in the densities between the glufosinate-ammonium-treated and control plots. Based upon laboratory and field data, two single treatments with glufosinate-ammonium to weeds in May and a selective acaricide to apple trees in July may be used to prevent damage by T. urticae. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, is a major pest in hops with world-wide economic importance. According to official guidelines, the...  相似文献   

The two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch is one of the most important pests of a wide range of crops worldwide. Its control is still largely based on the use of acaricides. However, due to its short life-cycle, high fecundity and arrhenotokous reproduction, it is able to develop resistance to these compounds very rapidly. Preliminary studies for milbemectin resistance in T. urticae showed that, under laboratory conditions, such resistance was unstable in the absence of a selection pressure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible fitness costs associated with milbemectin resistance in T. urticae. Comparison of biological traits between resistant and susceptible strains indicated the occurrence of fitness costs associated with milbemectin resistance. The resistant strain showed a longer juvenile development period for females, lower fecundity and a higher proportion of males among the progeny. The figures for net reproductive rate (R 0), intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m) and finite rate of increase (λ) were higher in the susceptible strain. The instability of milbemectin resistance can be exploited in resistance management programmes.  相似文献   

二斑叶螨是世界性害螨,为害多种经济作物和蔬菜.为明确球孢白僵菌和捕食螨联合应用防控二斑叶螨的可行性,本文测定了不同浓度球孢白僵菌GZGY-1-3孢子悬浮液对二斑叶螨的致病力,并用喷施球孢白僵菌16h、24h、36h和48h后的二斑叶螨分别饲喂智利小植绥螨,测定智利小植绥螨连续两代的致死率、生长发育及繁殖力变化.结果表明...  相似文献   

Han J  Kim SI  Choi BR  Lee SG  Ahn YJ 《Pest management science》2011,67(12):1583-1588
BACKGROUND: This study was aimed at assessing the fumigant toxicity of 14 essential oil constituents from lemon eucalyptus, Eucalyptus citriodora Hook, and another ten known compounds to females of acaricide‐susceptible, chlorfenapyr‐resistant, fenpropathrin‐resistant, pyridaben‐resistant and abamectin‐resistant strains of Tetranychus urticae Koch. RESULTS: Menthol (LC50, 12.9 µg cm?3) was the most toxic compound, followed by citronellyl acetate (16.8 µg cm?3), against the susceptible females. High toxicity was also produced by β‐citronellol, citral, geranyl acetate and eugenol (LC50, 21.7–24.6 µg cm?3). The fumigant toxicity of these compounds was almost identical against females from either of the susceptible and resistant strains, indicating that the compounds and acaricides do not share a common mode of action or elicit cross‐resistance. CONCLUSION: Global efforts to reduce the level of highly toxic synthetic acaricides in the agricultural environment justify further studies on materials derived from lemon eucalyptus oil, particularly menthol and citronellyl acetate, as potential acaricides for the control of acaricide‐resistant T. urticae as fumigants with contact action. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spirodiclofen is a selective, non‐systemic acaricide from the new chemical class of tetronic acid derivatives. In order to develop strategies to minimise resistance in the field, a laboratory‐selected spirodiclofen‐resistant strain of the two‐spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, was used to determine genetic, toxicological, biochemical and cross‐resistance data. RESULTS: Selecting for spirodiclofen resistance in the laboratory yielded a strain (SR‐VP) with a resistance ratio of 274, determined on the larval stage. The egg stage remained far more susceptible. No cross‐resistance was found against other established acaricides, except for spiromesifen. Based on synergist experiments and enzyme assays, it appeared that especially P450 monooxygenases, but also esterases and glutathione‐S‐transferases, could be involved in the metabolic detoxification of spirodiclofen. Genetic analysis showed that the resistance is inherited as an intermediate trait under control of more than one gene. CONCLUSIONS: Resistance to spirodiclofen exceeded by far the recommended field rate. A good acaricide resistance management programme is necessary to prevent fast resistance build‐up in the field. Spirodiclofen can be used in alternation with most established acaricides, except for other tetronic acid derivatives. Without selection pressure, resistance tends to be unstable and can decrease in the presence of susceptible individuals owing to the intermediate, polygenic inheritance mode. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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