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During continuous casting process, the composition of molten steel often varies with different heats, which leads to the big fluctuation of billet surface temperature when the traditional parameter water control model is applied to control the process. Additionally, it is difficult to keep the temperature at the straightening point of the billet within a reasonable range. Given above consideration, a new control model for secondary cooling of continuous casting based on compensation temperature of the difference between liquidus and solidus has been presented. Meanwhile, the temperature field of the billet is simulated with both the parameter water control model and the new secondary cooling control model, and the results indicate that the new control model for secondary cooling of continuous casting could perform better when it is used to control the surface temperature at straightening points of billet, thereby ensuring the quality of the billet.  相似文献   

The temperature distributions were measured in hardening concrete slabs, determining final set time of concrete; the calculation methods of built-in temperature difference and the effective temperature difference were provided to determine the corresponding values of the slabs constructed during spring and fall, respectively. Finally, the influence of built-in temperature difference on slab curling and stress were evaluated based on finite element analysis. The results show that negative built-in temperature differences were found in both spring and fall construction which will lead to loss of slab support in the mid-slab position during the most time of a day, and larger tensile stress generates at the slab bottom. However, small size slab will minimize this negative effect from built-in temperature difference and at the same time reduce fatigue damage.  相似文献   

We introduced a site selection method based on the modified maximum elevation angle intended for mountains possibly affecting the measurement and control of the initial phase in a launching port located in mountainous areas. To use the former analysis results, the method, along the helices whose center is the launcher's project point, analyze each point's visibility on the helices. The visible area can be obtained by comparing the visibility at each moment in the initial phase. Finally, there can be three points in the above visible area with distances longer than required.  相似文献   

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) aims to promote physical and biological regulation strategies that help farmers contain populations of pests (pathogens, animal pests and weeds) and to finally reduce the reliance on pesticides. It is based on the holistic combination of multiple management measures rather than on the sum of single methods, each of them having only small effects on pests reduction. Thus, to analyse the interactions between IPM measures and to evaluate the sustainability of their implementation, we require an approach considering the whole cropping system (CS), i.e. a functional entity whose complexity is more than the sum of its parts. A network of European experiments at the CS level was set up recently, and aimed at sharing data and expertise to enhance knowledge of IPM. Comparison of existing methodologies highlighted a diversity of CS designs and experimental layouts. We deduced that the concept of CS itself was viewed differently among scientists, and this affected experimental protocols. Other differences were related to the research context and objectives. Some experiments aimed to explore very innovative strategies and generated knowledge on both their effects on the agroecosystem and their ability to satisfy a set of performance targets, while others aimed to provide quickly adoptable solutions for local farmers in line with the current socio-economic constraints. In some research programmes, the experiment was part of the CS design process — and tested CS were regularly revised based on an continuous improvement loop — while in other cases CS were kept stable across years so as to enable the evaluation of their long-term cumulative effects. A critical aspect contributing to the diversity among CS experiments was the distinction between a factorial design of experimental CS and systemic approaches: factorial experiments allowed quantification of the effects of each IPM component regardless of the consistency between components defining the CS. In contrast, systemic approaches focused on the overall evaluation of CS designed with consideration of their consistency, hence maximising their ability to meet the objectives. Because CS experiments represent a huge investment in terms of economics and time, preliminary reflections of the relevance of the experimental strategy is of critical importance.  相似文献   

为确定合理的底板防水煤岩柱尺寸,减少底板突水安全事故的发生,利用支持向量机(SVM)与人工蜂群算法(ABCA)综合研究底板破坏深度问题。由于SVM训练参数惩罚因子 C 和核函数宽度 g 的选择对预测精度的影响显著,采用ABCA优化该训练参数的选择过程,建立基于SVM的底板破坏深度预测模型。选取采深、煤层倾角、采厚、工作面斜长、底板抗破坏能力和是否有切穿断层或破碎带作为影响底板破坏深度的主要影响指标,利用现场实测的30组数据作为样本对该模型进行训练和预测。结果表明:该预测模型的平均相对误差为12.5%,平均绝对误差为 0.986 m ,均方误差为0.005,平方相关系数为0.980,较其他预测模型具有更强的泛化能力和更高的预测精度。  相似文献   

王佳  陈钰文 《中国农学通报》2015,31(21):167-176
研究旨在精细化分析江苏空中水汽资源气候特征与开发潜力。笔者应用高分辨率再分析资料,计算资源总量及降水效率,给出空间分布、季节变化、长期变化趋势与模态。结果表明:江苏上空水汽资源(Q)达9223mm,降水效率(P)仅11.4%,近35年减少量约3mm/a,异常主要表现为一致偏多或偏少、南北反相2类空间型。Q与P均呈南多北少的纬向分布,其中淮北Q、P最低,且秋、冬季P持续下降,环太湖与沿海Q、P在春、夏、秋3季均呈下降趋势,宁镇扬Q、P在春、秋季也呈下降趋势。春季Q减少量最大,达4.4mm/a,P南多北少的差异最大达18%,秋季P最低,仅8.4%。可见,江苏空中水汽资源开发潜力巨大,需加强春、秋季开发力度,以及冬季以淮北、夏季以环太湖与沿海为重点区的开发力度。  相似文献   

One hundred and ninety-seven wheat accessions from Yellow and Huai Winter Wheat Region (YHW) were evaluated for differences of 14 agronomic traits under low- and high-density plantings. Compared with the high-density plantings, plant height, neck length, uppermost internode length, flag leaf angle and number of sterile spikelets under the low-density plantings reduced, while heading date, flowering date, flag leaf length and width, spike length, number of fertile spikelets, grain number per spike, thousand-kernel weight and grain weight per spike increased. A total of 1,118 markers were detected based on GWAS, and seven QTLs were confirmed. One QTL on chromosomes 5BL and two other QTLs on 5Dl were all tightly associated with flowering date difference. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that two haploblocks in 5Dl were involved, and the Vrn-D1 locus was located in this interval. A region on chromosome 5B at around 531.5 Mb was significantly associated with plant height difference. Two QTLs including AX-94840438 (7BL) and AX-94563647 (7DS) were responsible for neck length or uppermost internode length difference.  相似文献   

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