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The effect of controlled drainage on methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from a paddy field under controlled irrigation (CI) was investigated by controlling the sub-surface drainage percolation rate with a lysimeter. CI technology is one of the major water-saving irrigation methods for rice growing in China. Water percolation rates were adjusted to three values (2, 5, and 8 mm d?1) in the study. On the one hand, the CH4 emission flux and total CH4 emission from paddy fields under CI decreased with the increase of percolation rates. Total CH4 emissions during the growth stage of rice were 1.83, 1.16, and 1.05 g m?2 in the 2, 5, and 8 mm d?1 plots, respectively. On the other hand, the N2O emission flux and total N2O emissions from paddy fields under CI increased with the increase of percolation rates. Total N2O emissions during the growth stage of rice were 0.304, 0.367, and 0.480 g m?2 in the 2, 5, and 8 mm d?1 plots, respectively. The seasonal carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent of CH4 and N2O emissions from paddy fields under CI was lowest in the 2 mm d?1 plot (1364 kg CO2 ha?1). This value was 1.4% and 19.4% lower compared with that in the 5 and 8 mm d?1 plots, respectively. The joint application of CI and controlled drainage may be an effective mitigation strategy for reducing the carbon dioxide equivalents of CH4 and N2O emissions from paddy fields.  相似文献   

Agricultural fields, including rice (Oryza sativa L.) paddy fields, constitute one of the major sources of atmospheric methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Organic matter application, such as straw and organic fertilizer, enhances CH4 emission from paddy fields. In addition, rice straw management after harvest regulates CH4 emissions in the growing season. The interaction of tillage times and organic fertilizer application on CH4 and N2O emissions is largely unknown. Therefore, we studied the effects of fallow-season tillage times and fertilizer types on CH4 and N2O emissions in paddy fields in Ehime, southwestern Japan. From November 2011 to October 2013, four treatments, two (autumn and spring) or one (spring) in the first year, or two (autumn and spring) or three (autumn, winter, and spring) in the second year times of tillage with chemical or organic fertilizer application, were established. Gas fluxes were measured by the closed-chamber method. Increasing the number of tillage times from one to two decreased succeeding CH4 emission and the emission factor for CH4 (EFCH4) in the rice-growing season, suggesting that the substrate for CH4 production was reduced by autumn and spring tillage in the fallow season. Higher EFCH4 [1.8–2.0 kg carbon (C) ha?1 d?1] was observed when more straw was applied (6.9–7.2 Mg ha?1) in the second year. Organic fertilizer application induced higher CH4 emission just after the application as basal and supplemental fertilizers, especially at a lower straw application rate. This indicated that EFCH4 in the organically managed fields should be determined individually. Organic fertilizer application with two tillage times induced N2O efflux during the rice-growing season in the second year, but N2O emissions were not affected by winter tillage. Although paddy fields can act as an N2O sink because of reduced soil conditions when straw application was high, application of organic C and nitrogen as fertilizer can enhance N2O production by the denitrification process during the growing season, especially in the ripening stage when soil anaerobic conditions became moderate. These results suggest that negative emission factors for N2O (EFN2O) can be applied, and EFN2O of organic fertilizer should be considered during the estimation of N2O emission in the paddy field.  相似文献   

生物质炭输入减少稻田痕量温室气体排放   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为揭示不同水平生物质炭输入对稻田土壤理化性质、水稻产量及温室气体排放的影响,采用自制竹炭在4种不同施用水平下(0、10、20、40 t/hm2)输入稻田土壤,开展了水稻一个生长周期的田间试验。结果表明,生物质炭输入可显著提高土壤p H值和有机碳含量(P0.05),且有机碳含量增幅与生物质炭施用水平呈正比(相关系数为0.78,P0.01)。生物质炭施用可显著降低土壤容重(P0.05),最大降幅为0.25 g/cm3,土壤容重随着生物质炭施用量的增加而降低。不同处理水稻产量无显著性差异(P0.05)。CH4累积排放量与生物质炭施用量呈负相关性(相关系数为-0.24,P0.01),投加生物质炭可显著降低稻田CH4排放通量和累积排放量(P0.05),但过量施用生物质炭(超过20 t/hm2)并不能显著降低CH4累积排放量(P0.05)。相比对照处理(不输入生物质炭),生物质炭输入后一周内可显著性降低N2O排放通量(P0.05),并在排水烤田时升高,最终稳定于9.80 mg/(m2·h)。生物质炭输入可显著性降低N2O累积排放量(P0.05),但不同水平生物质炭输入处理之间差异不显著(P0.05)。该试验条件下,生物质炭施用量为20 t/hm2时可实现稻田稳产和固碳减排目标,该研究可为太湖地区苕溪流域稻田增汇和温室气体减排提供参考。  相似文献   

节水灌溉对稻田N2O季节排放特征的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了揭示节水灌溉对技术对稻田N2O排放的影响,采用静态暗箱-气相色谱法对稻田N2O排放进行了田间原位观测,分析了节水灌溉对稻田N2O季节排放特征的影响。结果表明,水稻全生育期节水灌溉稻田N2O平均排放通量为41.84 μg/(m2 ?h),较淹水灌溉稻田N2O平均排放通量增加了33.3%;节水灌溉稻田N2O排放总量为119.86 mg/m2,比淹水灌溉稻田显著增加了17.8%;节水灌溉稻田N2O排放通量呈现明显的季节变化规律,有两次较大的排放峰值,峰值主要出现在施肥后1周左右;节水灌溉稻田土壤的每次脱水过程均不同程度地加剧了N2O排放,复水后N2O排放通量有增有减但变幅不大,而淹水灌溉稻田在黄熟期落干阶段N2O排放出现反弹。由此可见,不同灌溉模式下的稻田土壤水分状况决定了N2O季节排放的差异,与淹水灌溉相比,控制灌溉显著增加了稻田N2O季节排放量。  相似文献   

The effect of rice straw (RS) incorporated at the time of plowing in the previous cr–p season on CH4 emission from rice paddies was investigated in a pot experiment. Rice straw that incorporated just before transplanting of rice seedlings (June) into a paddy field was collected after the harvest (October) and at the beginning of the next cropping period (May). Methane emission rates from the rice-planted pots with the application of fresh RS, RS collected in October. and RS collected in Mayas well as the pots without RS application were measured using the chamber method. The composition of organic constituents in the three kinds of RS was estimated by the proximate analysis. The cumulative amount of CH4 emitted during the first 50–d period was lower in the order of the pots with RS collected in May, pots with RS collected in October, and pots with fresh RS. The cumulative amount of CH4 emitted throughout the rice growth period from the pots with fresh RS and with RS collected in October was significantly larger while that from the pots with RS collected in May did not differ statistically compared with the total CH4 emission from the pots without RS. These results suggested that there was an overall decrease in the amount of organic constituents in RS based on the large differences in T-C content and similar composition of organic constituents between the fresh RS and RS collected in May. Significant effect of RS continuously applied during the previous cropping period on the increase in CH4 emission was discussed.  相似文献   

生物炭和腐殖酸对土壤C、N循环和作物产量均具有深刻影响。该试验以稻麦轮作系统为研究对象,探究生物炭和腐殖酸在经过1 a陈化后对土壤肥力、作物产量和温室气体排放的持续影响。设置了6个处理:B0F0(对照,不添加生物炭和腐殖酸);B0F1(不添加生物炭,腐殖酸添加量为0.6 t/hm2);B0F2(不添加生物炭,腐殖酸添加量为1.2 t/hm2);B1F0(生物炭添加量为20 t/hm2,不添加腐殖酸);B1F1(生物炭添加量为20 t/hm2,腐殖酸添加量为0.6 t/hm2);B1F2(生物炭添加量为20 t/hm2,腐殖酸添加量为1.2 t/hm2)。结果表明:1)试验期内,与B0F0相比,生物炭显著增加了稻麦两季土壤有机碳含量;腐殖酸增加了稻季土壤有机碳含量,对麦季土壤有机碳含量无显著影响;单独施用生物炭或腐殖酸对水稻和小麦产量均没有显著影响,生物炭和腐殖酸混施处理显著提高了小麦产量,增幅为1.0%~5.0%,对水稻产量没有显著影...  相似文献   

不同有机肥对稻田温室气体排放及产量的影响   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
为研究有机肥施入稻田对温室气体排放的影响,设置猪粪、鸡粪和稻草分别与化肥混施处理,利用静态箱法-气相色谱仪监测稻田甲烷(CH_4)和氧化亚氮(N_2O)排放通量并进行分析。研究结果表明,化肥处理(CF)CH_4季节排放为202.1、279.9和332.5 kg/hm~2,与猪粪(PM)无显性差异,明显低于鸡粪(CM)和稻草(RS)处理;CF处理N_2O排放总量最高,与有机肥处理无显著性差异;CH_4季节排放通量与土壤Eh值呈极显著负相关关系,与土壤温度呈极显著正相关关系;肥料中不同活性有机碳质量分数为18.4~114.5 g/kg,肥料中被167 mmol/L高锰酸钾氧化的有机碳(ROC167)与稻田CH_4排放总量呈显著正相关关系(相关系数为0.872,P0.05);施有机肥第三年水稻平均产量比CF处理增加14.3%(P0.05);不同有机肥中,以PM处理的增温潜势和温室气体排放强度最小,与不施肥和CF处理无显著性差异,猪粪的ROC167含量低,能较好的协调环境与产量之间关系,是值得推荐的有机肥种类。  相似文献   

该研究以江西稻田为研究对象,设置了不施氮对照(N0)、减氮40%(N1)、常规施氮(N2)、增氮50%(N3)等4个处理,采用静态箱-气相色谱法研究了稻田温室气体(N_2O、CH4、CO_2)的排放通量和速率,并计算了温室气体排放强度及全球增温潜势。结果表明:在晚稻栽培过程中,N_2O和CO_2的排放通量均出现3次峰值,且都表现为增施氮肥处理高于其他处理,而CH4排放通量仅出现一次峰值;N0、N1、N2的N_2O和CO_2的总排放量无显著差异(P0.05),但N3处理下的N_2O和CO_2的排放量显著高于其他处理(P0.05);与对照比,N1、N2和N3的CH4总排放量分别提高了58.70%、69.63%、96.15%,净增温潜势分别增加了22.34%、25.34%、52.92%;N3的温室气体排放强度最高,达1.12kg/kg,显著高于N1和N2。  相似文献   

Methane (CH4) emissions from rice paddies often show significant diurnal variations, most likely driven by diurnal changes of radiation and temperature in air, floodwater, and soil. Field measurements, however, are often scheduled at a fixed time of a given measuring day, thereby neglecting sub‐daily variations of CH4 emissions. Here we evaluated diurnal patterns of CH4 emissions from traditional paddy rice production as observed during field measurements in the Philippines. Field emissions were measured during three consecutive cropping seasons using an automated chamber and gas sampling system with fluxes being obtained every 4 h. Methane fluxes were monitored with a total of nine chambers during the dry seasons in 2012 and 2013 and 27 chambers during the wet season in 2012. Significant and consistent diurnal patterns of CH4 emissions were mainly observed from the start of field flooding until the middle of cropping periods, i.e., periods with low leaf area of the rice crop. Our data show that disregarding the diurnal variability of fluxes results in an average overestimation of seasonal CH4 emissions of 22% (16–31%) if measurements were conducted only around noon. Scheduling manual sampling either at early morning (7:00–9:00) or evening (17:00–19:00) results in estimations of seasonal emissions within 94–101% of the “true” value as calculated from multiple daily flux measurements. Alternatively, uncertainties of seasonal emissions can be reduced to an average of ≤3% by applying sinus function or Gauss function‐based correction factors. Application of correction factors allows the performance of flux measurements at any time of day. We also investigated N2O emissions from rice paddies with respect to diurnal variations, but did not find, as in the case of CH4, any significant and persistent diurnal pattern.  相似文献   


A short-term study was conducted to investigate the greenhouse gas emissions in five typical soils under two crop residue management practices: raw rice straw (Oryza sativa L., cv) and its derived biochar application. Rice straw and its derived biochar (two biochars, produced at 350 and 500°C and referred to as BC350 and BC500, respectively) were incubated with the soils at a 5% (weight/weight) rate and under 70% water holding capacity for 28 d. Incorporation of BC500 into soils reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emission in all five soils by 4?40% and 62?98%, respectively, compared to the untreated soils, whereas methane (CH4) emission was elevated by up to about 2 times. Contrary to the biochars, direct return of the straw to soil reduced CH4 emission by 22?69%, whereas CO2 increased by 4 to 34 times. For N2O emission, return of rice straw to soil reduced it by over 80% in two soils, while it increased by up to 14 times in other three soils. When all three greenhouse gases were normalized on the CO2 basis, the global warming potential in all treatments followed the order of straw > BC350 > control > BC500 in all five soils. The results indicated that turning rice straw into biochar followed by its incorporation into soil was an effective measure for reducing soil greenhouse gas emission, and the effectiveness increased with increasing biochar production temperature, whereas direct return of straw to soil enhanced soil greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

生物质炭还田对稻田甲烷的减排效果   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
为探讨不同生物质炭类型、输入量、还田时间和还田深度等因素作用下的CH4排放特征,采用静态箱-气相色谱法,通过向稻田土壤中施用3种类型的生物质炭(稻秆炭、麦秆炭、竹炭),开展了水稻一个生长周期的室内观测试验。结果表明,3种类型的生物质炭输入后,对比空白处理,水稻产量显著性增加(P<0.05),其中竹炭处理每盆实粒质量高达18.12 g,说明施用生物质炭可增加水稻产量;竹炭施用后稻田土壤CH4排放通量(80 mg/m2 h)显著低于稻杆炭和麦杆炭处理(P<0.05),而稻杆炭和麦杆炭处理无显著性差异(P>0.05),但都显著高于空白处理(P<0.05),说明施用生物质炭可有效减少CH4排放。CH4排放通量与生物质炭用量负相关,CH4的排放通量随着生物质炭用量的逐渐增加而降低。同时,水稻移植前施用竹炭CH4排放通量(56.6 mg/m2 h)低于空白(96 mg/m2 h)及水稻成活前后(73.4和76.6 mg/m2 h),但无显著性差异(P>0.05),这与土壤氧化还原电位(Eh)变化相一致,说明生物质炭施用时间对稻田土壤CH4排放通量影响不大。此外,不同竹炭还田深度下的土壤CH4排放通量顺序为:中部输入(15 cm处输入)<表层输入(5 cm处输入)<深部输入(25 cm处输入)<空白(不输入生物质炭),说明生物质炭中部输入更适用微生物生长和CH4气体减排。该研究可为太湖地区苕溪流域稻田增汇和温室气体减排提供参考。  相似文献   

该文评估了双季稻田施用生物炭的温室气体排放和固碳及经济效益。采用生命周期(life cycle assessment,LCA)方法核算了生物炭原料收集与运输、生物炭生产、运输和撒播以及避免秸秆燃烧等过程中的温室气体排放和土壤碳储量;采用静态箱-气相色谱法监测了不同生物炭施入量在4 a 8个生育期的稻田CH4和N2O排放量;计算了不同生物炭施入量处理的净温室气体排放量和减排百分比。水稻生长季温室气体排放结果显示,CK处理(不添加生物炭)、BC1处理(5 t/hm2)、BC2处理(10 t/hm2)、BC3处理(20 t/hm2)的4 a田间温室气体排放总量分别为19.5、15.6、16.1、12.4 t/hm2,BC1、BC2和BC3处理相对CK处理的总减排百分比分别为19.70%、17.46%和36.40%。综合生物炭全生命周期各阶段温室气体排放,CK、BC1、BC2和BC3处理的4 a总净排放量分别为19.5、20.3、10.9、4.2 t/hm2,BC1处理的4a净排放相对CK处理增加4.3%,BC2和BC3处理的4 a净排放相对CK处理分别减少了44.0%、78.6%。3个生物炭用量中,生物炭施用量越低,经济效益越好。稻田施用生物炭能够降低其温室气体排放;全生命周期评估结果表明中量和高量生物炭能够起到减排效果,高量生物炭减排效果最好;经济效益分析结果表明随着生物炭施用量增加,经济效益降低。  相似文献   


The anaerobic digestion of livestock manure is an environmentally compatible technology used for the production of renewable energy. Anaerobically digested residual slurry has been used worldwide as a liquid fertilizer in both upland and paddy fields. However, a controversial question remains as to whether the application of slurry to rice paddy fields increases methane emissions; although methane is one of the most prevalent greenhouse gases, little is known about the effects of the long-term application of residual slurry on methane emission. In this study, we repeatedly applied slurry to a paddy field for six years at different application rates (10, 15, and 20 g N m?2 based on ammonium-nitrogen content). At the fifth and sixth years of application, we evaluated the effect in terms of methane flux and soil total carbon content. The effect of the long-term application of the slurry (10 g N m?2) on grain yield was equivalent to that of chemical fertilizer (10 g N m?2). The application of the residual slurry was likely to increase the cumulative methane emissions during rice growing season in both 2006 and 2007. On the other hand, we observed that soil total carbon did not accumulate significantly in the soil. Thus, we cannot rule out the potential risk of additional methane emissions caused by the application of the residuary slurry to paddy fields.  相似文献   


Biochar application has been recognized as an effective option for promoting carbon (C) sequestration, but it may also affect the production and consumption of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in soil. A 1-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of rice husk charcoal application on rice (Oryza sativa L.) productivity and the balance of greenhouse gas exchanges in an Andosol paddy field. The experiment compared the treatments of rice husk charcoal applied at 10, 20 and 40 Mg ha?1 (RC10, RC20 and RC40, respectively), rice husk applied at 20 Mg ha?1 (RH20), and the control (CONT). Rice straw and grain yields did not significantly differ among the treatments. The seasonal cumulative CH4 emissions were 38–47% higher from RC10, RC20 and RC40 than from the CONT. However, the increases were not in proportion to the application rates of rice husk charcoal, and their values did not significantly differ from the CONT. On the contrary, the RH20 treatment significantly increased the cumulative CH4 emission by 227% compared to the CONT. The N2O emissions during the measurement were not affected by the treatments. As a result, the combined global warming potential (GWP) of CH4 and N2O emissions was significantly higher in RH20 than in the other treatments. There was a positive linear correlation between C storage in the top 10 cm of soil and the application rate of rice husk charcoal. The increases in soil C contents compared to the CONT corresponded to 98–149% of the C amounts added as rice husk charcoal and 41% of the C added as rice husk. Carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes in the off season were not significantly different among RC10, RC20, RC40 and CONT, indicating that C added as rice husk charcoal remained in the soil during the fallow period. The CO2 equivalent balance between soil C sequestration and the combined GWP indicates that the rice husk charcoal treatments stored more C in soil than the CONT, whereas the RH20 emitted more C than the CONT. These results suggest that rice husk charcoal application will contribute to mitigating global warming without sacrificing rice yields.  相似文献   

为探究稻草生物炭和灌溉方式对稻田CH4和N2O排放的影响,揭示生物炭在干湿交替稻田中的应用潜力,该研究采用大田裂区试验,设置常规淹灌(ICF)和干湿交替灌溉(IAWD)2种灌溉方式,不施生物炭(B0)和施20 t/hm2生物炭(B20)2种施炭水平,连续3 a对稻田CH4、N2O排放和水稻产量进行了观测研究。结果表明:与ICF相比,IAWD在显著降低CH4排放(63.03%~78.89%)的同时也促进了N2O排放(100%~122.67%)。生物炭施加首年对CH4排放无显著影响,但第2年和第3年分别显著减少CH4排放21.99%和38.21%;而对N2O排放3 a均起到抑制作用,降幅达28.26%~33.10%。生物炭3 a平均增加土壤有机碳27.03%。施生物炭第1年水稻略有减产,但第2和第3年表现为正效应。主要是由于初期秸秆生物炭碱性较大,表现出了明显的石灰效应;但随着pH值逐步恢复正常后,生物炭固碳减排和缓释增效特性逐渐显现。尤其在2021年,B20较B0增产11.02%,显著降低37.50%的全球增温潜势(global warming potential,GWP)和42.86%的温室气体排放强度(greenhouse gas intensity,GHGI);同时,在B0条件下,IAWD较ICF增加137.21%的N2O排放,但B20条件下降低IAWD处理32.52%的N2O排放,有效抑制IAWD对N2O排放增加的负面效应。整体来看,与ICFB0处理相比,IAWDB20处理显著降低CH4排放,降幅为83.78%,同时降低77.98%的GWP和78.95%的GHGI。该研究为揭示生物炭固碳减排的正效应及其在稻田生态系统中的应用潜力,同时全面探究其对稻田增产、CH4和N2O排放的年限影响,为缓解实际稻田生产过程中CH4和N2O的排放,实现稻田绿色、高效、可持续生产提供理论依据。  相似文献   

耕作措施对双季稻田CH4与N2O排放的影响   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4  
随着全球气温的不断升高,温室气体减排成为研究的热点。该文旨在研究不同耕作措施下双季稻田CH4及N2O排放特征及其消长关系,为稻田温室气体减排及土壤固碳潜力评价提供依据。试验在湖南省宁乡县进行,通过静态箱法测定翻耕秸秆还田(CT)、旋耕秸秆还田(RT)、免耕秸秆还田(NT)的稻田CH4及N2O排放。结果表明:CH4排放主要来自于晚稻田,翻耕、旋耕和免耕晚稻田CH4排放分别占研究时段CH4排放的69%,67%,73%;各处理冬闲季CH4排放均不到研究时段排放量1%,冬闲CH4排放量为RT>CT>NT,差异显著;N2O排放时间变异性较大,早稻稻田N2O排放量为RT>NT>CT,晚稻稻田N2O排放量为NT>RT>CT,冬闲期各处理稻田N2O均为负排放;从研究时段排放量分析,翻耕秸秆还田有利于减少N2O排放,免耕秸秆还田有利于减少CH4排放;CH4与N2O排放呈显著负相关,冬闲季稻田CH4与N2O排放相关性不显著。总之,NT减少了CH4排放,虽N2O排放略有增加,但CH4与N2O引发的综合温室效应有所减弱。  相似文献   

Rice growth and its resistance to pests had been often constrained by soil‐silicon (Si) availability. The purpose of this study was to assess the potential of biochar soil amendment (BSA) to improve Si availability in paddy soils. A cross‐site field trail with BSA was conducted in six locations with different climatic and crop‐production conditions across S China. Plant‐available Si content before field‐trials establishment and after rice harvest, as well as Si content in rice shoot were determined. Varying with site conditions, plant‐available Si content of soil was observed to increase significantly with BSA in most sites. Significant increase in rice shoot Si was detected in four out of the six sites, which was well correlated to the concurrent increase in soil pH under BSA treatment. This study demonstrates an important role of BSA to improve Si availability and uptake by rice mainly through increasing soil pH of the acid and slightly acid rice soils.  相似文献   

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