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To obtain direct evidence for the translocation of cadmium (Cd) via the phloem, we measured the Cd concentrations in the phloem sap of 5-week-old rice plants (Oryza sativa L. cv. Kantou) treated with a nutrient solution containing Cd. The phloem sap was collected from the leaf sheaths through the cut ends of stylets of the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål.). Cd concentrations in the phloem sap from the plants treated with 10 and 100 µM Cd for 3 d were 4.6 ± 3.4 and 17.7 ± 9.8 µM, respectively. Detection of Cd in the phloem sap indicated that Cd was translocated via sieve tubes in rice plants. Cd concentrations in the xylem exudate collected from the cut basis of the leaf sheaths of the plants treated with 10 and 100 µM Cd for 3 d were 18.9 ± 6.4 and 64.2 ± 14.6 µM, respectively. Cd concentrations in the phloem sap were significantly lower than those in the xylem exudate, indicating that Cd is not concentrated during the transfer from xylem to phloem. To our knowledge, this is the first determination of Cd concentrations in the phloem sap of plants, and the first direct proof that Cd is translocated via sieve tubes in rice plants.  相似文献   

We studied the interacting effects on NH3 loss and grain yield of adding (1) urease inhibitors to retard the hydrolysis of urea (2) the algicide terbutryn to limit floodwater pH increases, and (3) C2H2 (provided by waxcoated calcium carbide) to prevent NH3 oxidation. The algicide treatment maintained the floodwater pH values below 8 for the first 3 days after the urea application and depressed the maximum values below 8.5 on subsequent days. As a consequence, NH3 loss was significantly (P<0.05) reduced in all treatments containing algicide. The addition of wax-coated calcium carbide effectively inhibited nitrification, as judged by the increased ammoniacal (NH3+NH4) N concentrations in the floodwater, However, these increased ammonical-N concentrations resulted in large losses of NH3. The results also showed that the effectiveness of a urease inhibitor cannot be judged solely from the ammonical-N concentrations in the floodwater of a single treatment with the inhibitor. Additional treatments with an algicide and a nitrification inhibitor are required to determine whether the low ammoniacal-N concentrations are caused by NH3 losses and nitrification. Thus N-(n-butyl)thiophosphorictriamide (NBPT) appeared to retard urea hydrolysis when judged by the low ammoniacal-N concentrations in the floodwater; however, treatments with NBPT, algicide, and C2H2 showed that the low concentrations were mainly a result of NH3 volatilization and nitrification. Even though NBPT did not completely inhibit urea hydrolysis, some treatments with this compound reduced NH3 losses and increased grain yields by up to 31%.  相似文献   

Summary Isouron, a pre-emergence herbicide, inhibited the growth of rice seedlings in a nutrient solution; the critical concentration was about 0.10 mg l-1. Isotope studies showed that isouron, added to the nutrient solution, was observed by the rice roots and translocated rapidly to the shoot. In rice seedlings, isouron was converted to six known metabolites, 3-(5-(1-dimethyl-2-hydroxy-ethy)-3-isoxazolyl]urea, 3-(5-tert-butyl-3-isoxazolyl)-1-methylurea, 3-(5-tert-butyl-3-isoxazolyl)ure, 3-amino-5-tert-butylisoxazole, 3-[5-(1,1-dimethyl-2-hydroxyethyl)-3-isoxazolyl]-1-dimethylurea, and 3-[5-(1,1-dimethyl-2-hydroxyethyl)-3-isoxazolyl]-1-methylurea, and two unknown metabolites.  相似文献   



Water management affects the bioavailability of cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As) in the soil and hence their accumulation in rice grains and grain yields. However, Cd and As show opposite responses to soil water content, but information, particularly on irrigation, is missing on a field scale. The purpose of the present study was therefore to find a water management regime that can lower accumulation of both Cd and As in grain without yield loss.

Materials and methods

Two rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars, A16 and A159, with different grain Cd accumulation capacities were employed in field plot experiments with four water management regimes comprising aerobic, intermittent, conventional practice and flooded. The dynamics of Cd and As bioavailability in the soil and Cd and As concentrations in roots, straw and grains were determined at the early tillering, full tillering, panicle initiation, filling and maturity stages of crop growth.

Results and discussion

The lower water content regimes (aerobic and intermittent) mostly led to higher soil HCl-extractable Cd than the higher soil water content regimes (conventional and flooded). HCl-extractable As in contrast was favoured by the higher soil water content treatments. Conventional and flooded irrigation accordingly gave higher plant As concentrations but lower Cd compared to aerobic and intermittent irrigation. Cd concentrations in roots and straw of both varieties increased with growth stage, especially in aerobic and intermittent regimes, while As concentrations in plants showed little change or a slight decrease. As the water irrigation volume increased from aerobic to flooded, brown rice Cd decreased from 1.15 to 0.02 mg?kg?1 in cultivar A16 and from 1.60 to 0.05 mg?kg?1 in cultivar A159, whereas brown rice As increased. Aerobic and flooded treatments produced approximately 10–20 % lower grain yields than intermittent and conventional treatments. Cultivars with low Cd accumulation capacity show higher brown rice grain As than those with high Cd uptake capacity.


Of the four water management regimes, the conventional irrigation method (flooding maintained until full tillering followed by intermittent irrigation) ensured high yield with low Cd and As in the brown rice and so remains the recommended irrigation regime.  相似文献   

Yin  Bingkui  Zhou  Liqiang  Yin  Bin  Chen  Liang 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2016,16(2):537-546
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Previous studies showed that rapeseed cake increased rice grain yields and significantly lowered the heavy metal concentrations in the brown rice. The pH, dissolved...  相似文献   

选取华南地区广泛种植的杂交水稻品种“培杂泰丰”,利用外源添加砷(50 mg·kg-1)的土壤盆栽试验,研究不同施用量的磷硅肥对水稻生长特性和砷积累的影响。结果表明,施用磷硅肥的处理,水稻糙米中砷含量为0.504~0.586 mg·kg-1,低于农业部颁布的粮食中砷限量标准(NY 861—2004)中大米砷限值。相关性分析表明,水稻糙米砷含量与水稻植株的生物量、稻谷千粒重和秸秆中硅/砷摩尔比呈显著负相关,与秸秆中磷/砷摩尔比呈极显著负相关;糙米的砷含量随磷、硅肥的施加而降低。综合分析表明,在华南地区同类中度砷污染土壤中可有效控制砷向水稻籽粒运输累积的磷、硅肥最优施加量及配比为40 mg P·kg-1土、50 mg Si·kg-1土。  相似文献   

As the cultivars of rice markedly affect eating quality, processing suitability, and price, identification or differentiation of rice cultivar is very important. We developed suitable 14 STS (sequence-tagged site) primers for PCR (polymerase chain reaction), and it became possible to differentiate 60 Japanese dominant rice cultivars from each other using template DNA extracted and purified from rice grains. A multiplex primer set was shown to be useful to effectively differentiate rice cultivars produced in various countries by PCR. A novel multiplex primer set for PCR has been developed to differentiate KoshihikariBL, which is closely related with the premium cultivar, Koshihikari, in Japan. The application of the cultivar identification method by PCR method to commercially processed rice products was investigated. We developed an enzyme treatment method, in which the gelatinized starch is decomposed by the heat-stable alpha-amylase at 80 degrees C, followed by the hydrolysis of proteins by proteinase K with sodium dodecyl sulfate and purification of extracted DNAs by phenol/chloroform/iso-amyl alcohol. It became possible to identify the material rice cultivars of the commercially processed rice products, such as cooked rice, rice cake, or rice cracker, by a PCR method using template DNA prepared by the enzyme treatment method and novel multiplex primer sets.  相似文献   

Climate warming exhibits strong diurnal variations, with higher warming rates being observed at nighttime, which significantly affects rice (Oryza sativa L.) growth and grain yield. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of asymmetric warming (all-day warming, AW; daytime warming from 07:00 to 19:00, DW; nighttime warming from 19:00 to 07:00, NW, and a control, CK) on rice nitrogen (N) dynamics and productivity. Two rice bucket warming experiments were performed in Nanjing in Jiangsu Province, China, using the free air temperature increase (FATI) technique. The daily mean temperatures in the rice canopy in the AW, DW and NW plots were 2.0, 1.1 and 1.3ºC higher than those in the rice canopy in the CK plots, respectively. The results indicated that the total N accumulation of rice was 8.27–40.53% higher in the warming treatment than in the control during the jointing, anthesis and maturity stages. However, there was no significant difference detected among the three warming treatments. The warming treatment substantially decreased N translocation efficiency, leading to the retention of more N in the plant stems during grain filling. The warming treatment also decreased the N harvest index, N utilization efficiency based on grain yield and N utilization efficiencies based on biomass in both growing seasons. The warming treatment significantly increased the aboveground biomass (9.26–16.18%) in the jointing stage but decreased it (2.75–9.63%) in the maturity stage. Although DW increased the carbon (C) gain by photosynthesis and NW increased the C loss by night respiration, the daytime higher-temperature treatment affected rice photosynthesis and reduced its photosynthetic rate and product. This effect may be one of the primary reasons for the insignificant difference in the aboveground biomass between the DW and NW treatments. In the AW, DW and NW plots, the grain yield was reduced by an average of 10.07, 5.05 and 7.89%, respectively, across both years. The effective panicles and grains per spike tended to decrease in the warmed plots, whereas irregular changes in the 1000-grain weight were observed. Our results suggest that under the anticipated climate warming, rice productivity would further decline in the Yangtze River Basin.  相似文献   

Summary A field study was undertaken to examine the effects of various management strategies on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) performance and N cycling in an intensively cropped soil. Microplots receiving 100 kg N ha–1 as15NH4 + 15NO3 at sowing, tillering or stem elongation were compared with unfertilized microplots. Stubble from the previous rice crop was either incorporated, burnt without tillage, burnt then tilled or retained on the surface of untilled soil. Wheat grain yield ranged from 1.5 to 5.1 t ha and was closely related to N uptake. Plant accumulation of soil N averaged 36 kg N ha–1 (LSD 5% = 10) on stubble-incorporation plots and 54 kg N ha–1 on stubble-retention plots. Fertilizer N accumulation averaged 18 kg N ha–1 (LSD 51% = 6) on stubble-incorporation plots and 50 kg N ha–1 on stubble-retention plots. Tillage had little effect on burnt plots. Delaying N application from sowing until stem elongation increased average fertilizer N uptake from 26 to 39 kg N ha–1 (LSD 5% = 6), but reduced soil N uptake from 50 to 37 kg N ha (LSD 5% = 10).Immobilization and leaching did not vary greatly between treatments and approximately one-third of the fertilizer was immobilized. Less than 1% of the fertilizer was found below a depth of 300 mm. Incorporating 9 t ha–1 of rice stubble 13 days before wheat sowing reduced net apparent mineralization of native soil N from 37 to 3 kg ha–1 between tillering and maturity. It also increased apparent denitrification of fertilizer N from an average 34 to 53 kg N ha–1 (LSD 5% = 6). N loss occurred over several months, suggesting that denitrification was maintained by continued release of metabolizable carbohydrate from the decaying rice stubble. The results demonstrate that no-till systems increase crop yield and use of both fertilizer and soil N in intensive rice-based rotations.  相似文献   

Summary Using 15N, the fate of N applied to wetland rice either as Azolla or urea was studied in a field at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). In bigger plots nearby, yield response and N uptake were also determined with unlabelled N sources. Azolla microphylla was labelled by repeated application of labelled ammonium sulfate. Labelled and unlabelled N were used alternately in applications of Azolla or urea 0 and 42 days after transplanting, in order to determine the effect of the time of application on the availability of Azolla N. The quantities of Azolla N incorporated were 23% more than those of urea N (30 kg N ha–1) in the isotope plots or 7% less in the yield response plots. Grain yield and total N uptake by the rice plants in the yield-response plots were higher in the urea-treated plots than in the Azolla-treated plots, but the physiological effect of Azolla N (grain yield response/increase in N uptake) was higher than that of rea. The labelled N balance was studied after the first and second crops of rice. Losses of labelled N after the first crop were higher from urea (30%–32%) than from Azolla (0%–11 %). Losses in N applied as a side dressing 42 days after transplanting were less than those of N applied basally. No further losses of 15N occurred after the first crop. The recovery of Azolla 15N in the first crop of rice was 39% from the basal application and 63% from the side dressing. The recovery of urea 15N was 27% from the basal application and 48% from the side dressing. Recoveries of residual N from both Azolla and urea during the second rice crop were similar. Laboratory incubation of the Azolla used and the changes in labelled exchangeable N in the soil showed that at least 65% of Azolla N (4.7% N content) was mineralized within 10 days.  相似文献   

Ashraf  M.  Mahmood  T.  Azam  F. 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》2003,38(4):257-260
Foliar uptake of 15NH3 applied at two growth stages (tillering and anthesis) and the subsequent 15N-labelled vegetative-N distribution in different plant components at maturity was investigated in three rice cultivars, IR-6, NIAB-6 and Bas-385. Rice plants absorbed 22–30% and 18–24% of the 15NH3 applied at tillering and anthesis stages, respectively. Of the total 15NH3 absorbed at tillering stage, IR-6 and Bas-385 showed higher recovery (71%) in different plant components at maturity as compared to NIAB-6 (48% recovery). At maturity, percent recovery of the 15NH3 absorbed at anthesis stage was almost comparable in different cultivars, but it was lower (46–55%) than that absorbed at the tillering stage. Recovery of the absorbed 15NH3-N in the soil was negligible and ranged from 0.3–1%. At maturity, the cultivars IR-6 and Bas-385 showed a higher loss (45–53%) of 15NH3 absorbed at anthesis than at the tillering stage (29% loss), whereas for NIAB-6, the corresponding figures were comparable for the two growth stages (tillering, 51% loss; anthesis, 49% loss). Results indicated a variable potential of the tested rice cultivars for foliar uptake of atmospheric 15NH3 and distribution of 15N-labelled vegetative-N in different plant components.  相似文献   

Azorhizobium caulinodans strongly colonized the rhizosphere of rice plants after incorporation of Sesbania rostrata in a field trial throughout the growing season and during the fallow period until 19 weeks after incorporation of S. rostrata. A. caulinodans became well established in the rhizosphere (7.17 log cfu g–1 dry rice root) and colonized subsequent S. rostrata test plants. Three traditional and three improved high-yielding rice varieties were inoculated with A. caulinodans under gnotobiotic conditions. In none of the combinations did acetylene reduction activity significantly increase. Ethylene production on colonized rice roots only started after the growth medium had been supplemented with an extra C source (0.1 to 0.25% Na-lactate). This indicates that the bacterial nitrogenase activity is limited by energy supply. Four possible inoculant-carriers (peat, coir dust, bagasse, rice straw) were compared for long-term survival of the bacterial strain. Independent of the storage temperature (26  °C or 4  °C), the survival of A. caulinodans in peat and coir dust was very high during a 12-month period (>8 log cfu g–1 dry carrier), whereas the bagasse and rice straw carriers showed a serious decline from 3 months onwards. Received: 6 April 1999  相似文献   

本文以水稻粤泰保持系为材料,采用ATPase定位方法研究了单核至三核花粉期雄蕊导管的发育。单核边位花粉期,分化的导管胞质变浓厚、细胞核染色质浓缩、核转变为新月形并出现凋亡小体;此外,导管内物质也可以大分子形式直接撤离。单核边位晚期,雄蕊导管发育成熟。在二核和三核花粉期,导管内重新出现具有ATPase活性的物质,同样的现象也存在于农垦58s可育花药成熟导管中。以上结果暗示水稻雄蕊导管分化存在程序性死亡及非程序性死亡多种途径,水稻成熟导管内具有ATPase活性物质可能是一种普遍现象。  相似文献   

In the recent past, biochar and crop residues have attracted lots of attention as a viable strategy for maintaining soil health. This paper evaluates the comparative effect of two different doses (equivalent to 2 and 5 t C ha?1) of each of pine needle and Lantana biochar (PBC and LBC), wheat residue and lentil residue (WR and LR) on soil biological properties, nutrient availability and yield of rice and wheat in pot culture. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) revealed higher C content of biochar than crop residues. Evaluation of biochemical quality reflected high recalcitrance indices of C and N for both PBC and LBC. Application of LBC and PBC increased the wheat grain yield significantly by 6.2%–24.2% over control. Both PBC and LBC significantly increased N and P uptakes in grain over the control and crop residues. Both biochars recorded a significant decrease of 33.9 and 71,7% in β-glucosidase activity in comparison to control at termination of study. PBC and LBC also resulted in more soil available N, P and K in soil at different intervals. The geometric mean of enzyme activities (GMea) reflected improved soil quality by PBC and LR and reduction by LBC application.  相似文献   

Foliar application of fertilizers can guarantee the availability of nutrients to rice for obtaining higher yield. Rice responds favorably to macro- and micronutrients and the tolerance to salinity hazards improves by decreasing the N/S ratio. In this study, results showed that nutrient concentrations (g L?1) for rice are: nitrogen (N) 108.0, phosphorous (P2O5) 6, potassium (K2O) 81.0, calcium (CaO) 15.0, and magnesium (MgO) 6 g L?1; and for iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), cupper (Cu), boron (B), molybdenum (Mo) and silicon (Si) the recommended concentrations are 0.6, 0.45, 0.21, 0.06, 0.09, 0.0002 and 0.004 g L?1, respectively. A significant increase was recorded in number of panicles m?2, 1000 grain weight, biological yield and grain yield with foliar application of nutrients. Five foliar applications of nutrients resulted in maximum number of panicles m?2, grains panicle?1, 1000 grain weight and biological yield. It is concluded that five foliar applications of balanced amounts of fertilizers at the seedling stage (two sprays), tillering (single spray) and at panicle initiation and panicle differentiation (two sprays) helped in enhancing yield and yield components of rice. In this research, five foliar applications produced the smallest damaging effects of blast (Pyricularia oryzae) in rice.  相似文献   

The rhizosphere is one of the hot spots in soil ecosystems for a variety of microorganisms. In this study, we explored the seasonal change of the microeukaryotic community of a rice rhizosphere focusing on the active members through an RNA-based molecular approach. Rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) were grown in a pot where the rhizosphere was compartmented from bulk soil with a nylon gauze. The Eh in the rhizosphere compartment indicated that the rhizosphere was under oxic conditions in the initial stage of plant growth and then suddenly became anoxic or suboxic. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis targeting 18S rRNA-transcribed cDNA demonstrated that the active community of microeukaryotes in the rice rhizosphere was different from that in the bulk soil. The rhizosphere community showed a temporal shift in accordance with the shift of the redox conditions having three stages: the oxic before maximum tillering stage, anoxic/suboxic stage before maximum tillering stage, and anoxic/suboxic stage in the panicle initiation stage and thereafter. Active members specific to the rhizosphere at either the oxic or anoxic/suboxic stage were found: Heterolobosea amoeba, ciliates, and Chytridiomycota fungi for the oxic stage and oomycetes, ciliates and Ascomycota fungi in the anoxic/suboxic stage. The present results demonstrate that a specific group of microeukaryotes inhabit the rice rhizosphere even under anoxic/suboxic conditions and play various ecological roles as plant parasites, microbial grazers and organic decomposers.  相似文献   

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