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Measurements of Influent COD Components for Activated Sludge Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Activated Sludge Models were widely applied in Europe and America since they were put forward, however, for an accurate simulation of the activated sludge treatment processes, reliable wastewater characteristic parameters such as COD components were needed. The conventional parameters such as COD can not differentiate the carbonaceous organic matters of wastewater, so they need to be divided again. Therefore, the fractionation of influent COD components in the Activated Sludge Models is introduced, and the physical-chemical and biological characteristics of each COD components are analyzed. The measurements of influent COD components are reviewed and some evaluation is made. The issue in determining the influent COD components is discussed. The idea of establishing a characterization guideline is put forward at last.  相似文献   

活性污泥降解植物纤维容器的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物可降解塑料的开发已经成为目前的研究热点之一,而活性污泥法是常用的评价高分子材料的生物可降解性的方法。以活性污泥的干燥固体总质量(TS)和活性污泥的挥发性固体含量(VS)为考察指标,分析活性污泥对于聚丙烯(PP)、纸制、植物纤维(稻壳)餐具的降解能力。实验结果表明,在降解期间(21 d),纸制餐具降解速度最快,且降解程度最大,植物纤维餐具降解程度低于纸制,而聚丙烯餐具基本不降解。增加降解物的表面积和提高活性污泥与降解物的比值,有利于降解物的降解。  相似文献   

In the experiment, the denitrifying phosphorus removing bacteria (DPB) was cultivated by high phosphorus and low carbon source influent. It was cultivated successfully by the 2 stage mode for about 100 d. The first stage was about 40 d, which was with the mode of anaerobic/aerobic to enrich the phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs). The maximum amounts of the phosphorus release, phosphorus uptake and phosphorus removal were 77.2 mg/L, 89.4 mg/L and 250 mg/L respectively. The second stage was 60 d, which was with the mode of anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic. In this stage, the ratio of denitrifying phosphorus uptake amount to the total phosphorus uptake amount had an ascending tendency. The cultivation of nitrifying activated sludge was about 100 d, with the 50 mg/L ammonia removal amount and more than 98.5% ammonia removal efficiency. Nitrification rate fitted zero order kinetic equation, and the specific nitrification rate constant was 0.002 4 h-1. Phosphorus uptake rates fitted first order absorption kinetic equation. The uptake rate constants under aerobic and anoxic conditions were 0.377 and 0.740 L/(g·h-1). The cultivated DPB sludge and nitrifying activated sludge were used in an anaerobic/anoxic/nitrification sequencing batch reactor(A 2N-SBR) process to remove nitrogen and phosphorus. When the concentrations of influent COD, ammonia and phosphorus were 188.0 mg/L, 54.8 mg/L and 725 mg/L, the removal efficiencies of COD, ammonia and phosphorus were 935%, 76.7% and 94.1% respectively.  相似文献   

Based on the batch settling tests,the discipline of zone and compression settling activated sludge are studied.The parameters of Vesilind form used for estimation of stirred zone settling are determined by the experimental measurement and experiential formula,and the significant differences between them are found.According to the regression relation between height of the sludge blanket(SBH) and time,a mathematical model describing compression settling is(advanced) and the methods for its parameters estimation are structured.Furthermore,the validation of the model is(approved) by the experiments. From the model,the authors deduce a theoretical equation for determining the change-over point where the compression settling commences,and a new experiential velocity function of compression settling related to the settling time,initial sludge concentration and SBH.  相似文献   

采用黑曲霉为发酵剂对活性污泥进行全程无公害处理并对各种病原菌的生长变化进行监测。结果表明病原菌总量在发酵过程中呈“马鞍型”变化。由于不同堆肥处理组合的C/N比及添加辅料的不同,导致各种病原菌的生长规律出现差异;采用黑曲霉处理城市活性污泥可使病原菌数目减少,但不能达到完全杀灭的目的;对发酵污泥进行200℃高温物理处理后,病原菌存活量为零。因而活性污泥在堆肥后必须经过高温物理处理才能达到安全化和资源化。  相似文献   

In this paper,the concept,types and mechanism of activated sludge bulking were introduced.The factors affecting the sludge bulking were discussed from the aspects of wastewater quality,such as wastewater with high content of carbon hydrate,decayed wastewater,wastewater with toxic substance,wastewater with unbalanced content of N and P and wastewater with low pH value;the environment conditions such as flowing state of the flow,operation manner,variation of water quality and other factors(pH,temperature,nutrition) etc.And also,the emergency controlling,environment controlling and process operating controlling methods are put forward for controlling activated sludge bulking.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis and acidification abilities, dewaterabilities and sludge reduction of waste activated sludge (WAS) under four types of alkaline conditions, which were KOH, NaOH, Ca(OH)2 and Na2CO3, were investigated. Temperature and pH value were controlled at 35 ℃ and 10 respectively for all alkaline conditions investigated. WAS demonstrated different hydrolysis abilities, acidification abilities and dewaterabilities under the four types of alkaline conditions. The order of WAS hydrolysis abilities, acidification abilities, ammonia and phosphorus release, dewaterabilities under the four types of alkaline conditions were Na2CO3 > NaOH ≈ KOH > Ca(OH)2,, NaOH > KOH ≈ Na2CO3 > Ca(OH)2, Na2CO3 > NaOH ≈ KOH > Ca(OH)2 and Ca(OH)2,>Na2CO3 > NaOH ≈ KOH, respectively. Volatile suspended solid (VSS) reduction of WAS was the best under Na2CO3 condition; while under NaOH condition total suspended solid (TSS) reduction was the best.  相似文献   

Substantially, the process of biological treatment for wastewater is the process of bacterial energy metabolism. In this paper, from the viewpoint of energy and based on the conservation of mass and energy, an energy metabolism equation is constructed. Through the experimentation, the parameters in equation are measured. Through this equation the reason for SRT choice of activated sludge system is explained from the viewpoint of microcosmic. This equation is adaptable to optimizing the SRT of activated sludge system in the condition of low-organic load thereby to optimizing the energy distribution of activated sludge system for energy saving  相似文献   

污泥膨胀的原因及其控制方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
污泥膨胀不仅影响出水水质,增大污泥的处理费用,而且极易引起大量污泥流失,严重时可导致整个处理工艺失败。污泥膨胀分为丝状菌性污泥膨胀和非丝状菌性污泥膨胀,主要影响因素有污水水质、溶解氧、污泥负荷、冲击负荷以及运行方式和处理工艺等。通过临时控制措施、工艺设计控制措施、工艺运行控制措施可有效解决污泥膨胀问题。尽管当前有一些理论解释污泥膨胀问题,如表面积/容积比(A/V)假说,动力学理论,饥饿假说理论、NO假设,但缺乏充分的实验证明模型适用与否。需进一步完善污泥膨胀理论,为控制污泥膨胀提供严谨的理论依据。  相似文献   

The composition and heavy metals content of sludge, solid wastes and coke breeze is detected in the test. Sludge, solid wastes and coke breeze compost the organic composite fertilizer. The experiments on it for rice fertilization were conducted. The results show that the contents of organic matter and N, P, K in wastewater sludge and solid wastes of Guilin are very abundant and heavy metals remain under the criteria. There is a significant efficiency for the organic composite fertilizer applied in raising rice yield, providing an extensive applicability.  相似文献   

Coke oven waste water is respectively pretreated by blast furnace sludge method and blast furnace sludge plus iron scrap method, the effects of pH and the quantity of materials and treatment time on the removal efficiency of COD are analyzed. The results indicate that blast furnace sludge plus iron scrap method is superior to blast furnace sludge method .The treatment time and pH can greatly affect on the removal efficiency of COD using blast furnace sludge plus iron scrap method. The treatment time after 30 minutes and pH have no remarkable effects the removal efficiency of COD using blast furnace sludge method. The removal efficiency of COD increases with the increase of blast furnace sludge and iron scrap, but the increase rate decreases gradually.  相似文献   

随着棉花产能和市场对棉油需求的增加,棉油加工企业在棉油精炼过程中产生出数量十分可观的下脚料———棉油泥,因此,充分开发利用棉油泥已成为研究的焦点。以分析棉油泥的化学成分为入口,论述了脂肪酸钠、甘油三酯、脂肪酸、磷脂和棉酚的开发和利用现状。结果表明,棉油泥可以用在食品、医药、日用品、能源和采矿等领域,是一种蕴含巨大价值的天然资源,值得大规模综合开发。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the composition and the treatment process of sludge and energy consumption of dewaterizers in urban water treatment plant, the new development of sludge treatment techniques and the comprehensive uses of the sludge are evaluated. The calculation formulas for power consumption and economical benefit of wastewater recovery are presented with examples, offering a basis for economical evaluation to energy consumption of the technology of wastewater recovery in water works .  相似文献   

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