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马属动物平脉脉象图特征探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用BYS-14型四导脉象心电仪从健康马属动物中描记得21例(马3匹、骡14头、驴4头)平脉的脉象图。通过对该21例平脉脉象图的分析测算,确定了马属动物平脉脉象图的基本图形、16项参数正常值及平脉的临床判定标准在脉象图上表现为“不浮不沉”、“不迟不数”、“节律一致”、“从容和缓”。不浮不沉表现为只有用适中的压力(中取)才能获取最清晰的脉波图形;“不迟不数”表现在一个脉搏波约占据8.5~6个中格,脉动周期约为1.7~1.2秒;“节律一致”表现在一长列脉搏波具有形态均衡、间距相等的特点;“从容和缓”表现在主波幅高约10~20mm,升支角度约60~76度,降支角度约18~36度,并有较明显的降中波和降中峡。  相似文献   

结缕草新品种DUS测试数量性状特异性判别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗涵夫  齐晓  麦靖雯  张巨明 《草业科学》2018,35(5):1145-1153
DUS测试是植物新品种保护的技术基础和授权依据。本研究按照农业部发布的结缕草属(Zoysia)DUS测试指南,对包括两个申请品种及其近似品种和标准品种在内的10份结缕草材料进行了连续两个独立生长周期的DUS测试,并使用代码法和数理统计分析法两种方法对8个数量性状的特异性进行判定,旨在为结缕草申请品种DUS数量性状的特异性判定提供依据。两种方法判定结果比较发现,使用代码法判定有特异性的数量性状不一定在统计学上有显著差异,而判定为没有特异性的数量性状在统计学上却可能有显著差异。为了避免特异性误判,对代码法判定有特异性的数量性状进一步做了数理统计分析。结果表明,广绿结缕草在匍匐茎节间长、叶长和种子千粒重3个数量性状上具备特异性;Z0413-1结缕草在匍匐茎节间长、叶宽和花序小穗数3个数量性状上具备特异性。  相似文献   

健康状态是关系到蛋鸡饲养成败的关键,也是蛋鸡福利水平的重要体现。对于蛋鸡健康状态的评价需要从以下3个方面进行:体表状态、疾病状况和人为伤害。一、体表状态1.福利标准。体表无损伤。2.评价方法。包括龙骨畸形、皮肤损伤、脚垫皮炎和脚趾损伤等4个评价指标。(1)龙骨畸形。一是指标性质。基于动物。二是指标测定。正常情况下,蛋鸡龙骨直,不倾斜,无球形隆起、弯曲及其他异常。龙骨异常通常是由形状不规则的栖架、骨骼断裂后愈合或龙骨脱钙引起的。与正常的直线型龙骨相比,任何形态上的异常变化都可  相似文献   

对金翼 1号、S原种、HO原种、兴仁、Z10号浆蜂及美意原种进行吻长、右前翅长、右前翅宽、 3 4背板总长、肘脉指数、细度指数、跗节指数等 7个指标测定 ,以及绘制其工蜂体色图。结果表明 ,6个蜂种在外形特征上均不相同 ,某些指标差异显著 ,甚至极显著 ,因此可判明它们是各自独立的蜂种 (品系 )。金翼 1号吻长特别突出 (占首位 ) ,达 6 5 5mm ,3 4背板总长 (4 73mm)和跗节指数(5 8 2 3)均较大 ,采蜜、采粉能力较强 ,经济性状较好。所测指标各标准差的平均值最小 (± 0 6 4) ,不同个体间差异小 ,纯度高 ,是一个遗传性比较稳定的蜂种。  相似文献   

<正>1如何诊断猪群中发生PMWS目前对于该病的诊断有三个标准,一是临床症状,二是典型的淋巴结病变,三是病变组织中有PCV2存在。当然,这几条标准仍然具有争议性,但起码给生产一线的养猪业者提供了诊断的依据。也有组织提出了几条相对详细的确诊标准。标准1∶整个猪群内出现相关症状。PMWS发生的特征是断乳仔猪的死亡率和系统衰竭出现的概率跟以往相比大大增加。如果没有过去的数据可以用来比较,可以将死亡率是否高于地区或全国水平的50%作为诊断标准。标准2∶病例剖检诊断PMWS。每一猪群至少要剖检5头病死猪,且至少有一头具有PMWS的典型的病变。从以上两点可以得知,有学者正试图从统计学角度来作为诊断PMWS的标准。但从该病实际发病情况来看,以数据来建立判定PMWS的标准是有一定困  相似文献   

新鲜纯菊苣和黑麦草饲草切碎,饲喂圈养在舍内代谢笼中的阉公赤鹿。菊苣比黑麦草干物质含量较低,灰分含量较高,易发酵;结构碳水化合物比率高,有机物表观消化率菊苣最高(0.81对0.72),但纤维素表观消化率黑麦草最高(0.71对0.59)。同黑麦草比较,饲喂菊苣鹿的瘤胃液含有高浓度原生虫、氨和总挥发性脂肪酸(VFA),但在15:00时,PH值较低。饲喂菊苣鹿瘤胃VFA分子比例的丁酸盐较高,乙酸盐:丙酸盐比率较高。饲喂两种牧草鹿的总采食时间和饲喂期间的咀嚼/克干物质摄入量相 同,但饲喂菊苣鹿反刍时间短(33对270分钟/日),反刍食团少(38对305/日)。本试验结果表明,低反刍时间显示菊苣在瘤胃中迅速破碎到<1mm标准颗粒。饲喂菊苣鹿的颗粒破碎和瘤胃间歇流出率,将在以后试验中测定。  相似文献   

1 四季飘香闻名中外--漳州水果优势篇   漳州在我国地理位置上属同纬度下少数几个亚热带季风性湿润气候地区之一.西北有武夷山脉和戴云山脉挡住寒流入侵,年平均温度21℃,无霜期达330天以上,年日照2000小时以上,降雨量1000~1700mm.西北多山,东南临海,九龙江横贯全境,独特的地理优势十分有利于亚热带水果的种植与发展.   自明代以来,漳州就以盛产水果而闻名于世.明凌登名在<榕城随笔>中记载:"漳南产柑桔,其种不一,而颗皆硕大,芦柑为最.”<龙溪县志>也有明朝漳州人"入贡者皆以漳产文旦(柚)”的记载.20世纪50年代以来,漳州水果业得到空前发展,各类水果品种达400多个,春有枇杷,夏有桃李、荔枝,秋有柚,冬有柑桔.如今更推出四季龙眼、长年香蕉,可谓得天独厚,四季飘香.  相似文献   

在动物饲料中禁用抗生素生长促进剂(Antimicrobial Growth Promoters,AGPs)和再次准许可猪血浆用作猪和家禽的饲料原料,使人们产生了血浆能否成为AGPS合适替代品疑问.最近发布的一项试验证实,如果在不添加AGPs的饲料中使用猪血浆,其对猪生长和采食量所起的积极作用,要比在含有AGPS的饲料中使用时更大(图1).多个研究小组还证实,除了具有促生长的潜力之外,血浆还能改善仔猪的健康状况(图2).这个结论表明,从改善猪健康状况角度来看,血浆还可视作AGPs的替代品.对于欧盟的养猪生产者来说,血浆具有可改善猪健康的作用是一个极为重大的发现,因为欧盟当局正要求减少治疗用抗生素的使用,以减少所谓的人用抗生素"交叉耐药"的问题.  相似文献   

水在马属动物结症的发生、治疗及预后方面具有极其重要的作用。本人在临床工作中,经常遇到由于家畜饮水的失误,造成无病畜发生结症、已病畜加重病情、严重的丧失生命的情况。在农村,对家畜“起卧症”禁水的做法特别多,现从结症的病因、治疗、预后几个方面对“饮水”作一讨论,以期对纠正“起卧禁水”的偏见有所裨益,不妥之处请同道不吝赐教。1饮水的失调是结症发生的重要原因之一从《司牧安骥集》和《元享疗马集》中的有关篇章来看,结症的发生多是由饮水的失误而引起的。《三十六起卧病源图歌、前结起卧病源歌》中说:“前结者,冷热相击,因饮…  相似文献   

于1963年4月—1964年7月共观察了以下三种不同处理对母兎誘发排卵的效果:1.强迫配种,2.注射人絨毛膜促性腺激素(国产),3.注射孕馬血清(自制)。于繁殖旺季(4—6月)进行强迫配种試驗,共用73只母兎,首先剖腹观察了8只发情母兎和11只休情母兎卵巢上卵泡存在的情况,其大卵泡平均数差异不显著(P>0.05),而发情兎的小卵泡平均数多于休情兎者,差异显著(P<0.05)。8只經强迫配种的休情兎 中,有5只排卵占62.5%),平均排卵数为6.4土1.9;8只发情母兎經配种后全部排卵,平均排卵数为7.4土2.3,两者排卵数差异为不显著(P>0.05)。另20只强迫配种母兎有12只产仔(占60%),平均产仔5.5个。18只发情配种的母兎,有17只妊娠(94.4%)平均产仔数为6.7个,据解剖观察,卵巢中有黄体存在的休情母兎,經强迫配种后未曾引起排卵,这样就降低了强迫配种休情母兎的排卵率。于繁殖淡季(1963.10—1964.1)用国产人絨毛膜促性腺激素(簡称HCG)30,60,100或150单位处理了19只休情母兎,6只发情前期及8只发情期母兎,在19只休情母兎中,除用150单位HCG处理的5只外,其他(包括5只有黄体存在的母兎)全部排卵,在冲出的36个卵子中无受精者。其他14只发情前期和发情期母兎經处理后全部排卵,在冲得的56个卵子中,除三个卵子因母兎子宫角有肉瘤堵塞而未能受精外,其他卵子全部为受精卵。于繁殖旺季(1964.5)用HCG处理的10只休情母兎,除卵巢上有黄体存在的两只母兎的卵子未受精外,其他母兎所排的卵子全部受精,初步說明用HCG誘发母兎排卵的受精效果和季节及母兎的生理状态有关,所用HCG的剂量以每只30—100单位效果較好,而150单位效果不佳。 1964年6—7月对25只休情母兎用孕馬血清(簡称PMS)进行誘发排卵試驗,以120—140小白鼠单位PMS先行激发注射(皮下),再用60单位PMS加100单位HCG做排卵注射(靜脉)者效果較好,中型兎平均排卵数为14—16.7(个別达22个);大型兎平均排卵数为27.8个(个別可达34—39个),說明适量的PMS可以引起母觅超数排卵,比一般正常排卵数提高一倍以上。过大剂量的PMS(如用360小白鼠单位以上做激发注射)則降低排卵数和影响受精效果。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure changes in the modulus of elasticity (E) and describe histologic findings after extracorporeal shock wave therapy and radial pressure wave therapy on equine cortical bone specimens. SAMPLE POPULATION: 16 bone specimens from the proximodorsal cortex of an equine third metacarpal or metatarsal bone. PROCEDURE: Baseline E was determined by the density (p) and unidirectional ultrasound transmission velocity (C) of each specimen according to the equation E = pC2. Eight specimens were treated with 500 pulses of 0.15 mJ/mm2 of extracorporeal shock wave therapy, and 8 specimens were treated with 500 pulses of 0.16 mJ/mm2of radial pressure wave therapy. After treatment, C was determined again. Four treatment sessions resulted in 2,000 pulses and 5 C measurements. The p of each sample was measured again. Mean post-treatment E was calculated for each group. Nondecalcified sections of all specimens were stained with toluidine blue or basic fuchsin for histologic evaluation. RESULTS: Overall treatment group effect was not significant for C or E. Final E was not different from baseline values for extracorporeal shock wave therapy and radial pressure wave therapy. No histologic changes could be attributed to either treatment modality. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Extracorporeal shock wave therapy and radial pressure wave therapy did not affect the material properties of equine bone at the energy and pulse values used in this study.  相似文献   

Electrocardiograms were reocrded from 153 racehorses and 10 Olympic three-day-event horses. The horses were then grouped into those presented for routine examination, those in which there was a complaint of poor performance, those going to the Montreal Olympics, and those with upper respiratory tract abnormalities. When the ECGs of the four groups were compared on the basis of detection of abnormality, it was found that 93.2% of the poor performance group showed abnormalities of various types. The routine examination group showed 21.1% of horses with abnormal ECGs, and over half of these have been followed to the point where it can be said they raced unsuccessfully. In particular, this applied to those horses with T wave abnormalities in 4 or more leads, and to those with intraatrial block. There were significant T wave changes in 50% of the Olympic horses, and 43.7% of horses with laryngeal hemiplegia showed abnormality. While it can be concluded that T wave changes are highly significant findings in an ECG, it is also true that modification of the training programme is a way of helping trainers to get the best out of horses which might otherwise have a serious limitation of their performance potential.  相似文献   

The effect of estrus induction by cabergoline on gonadotropin and steroid hormone responses was examined in anestrous bitches. Eleven beagles were used in the study; seven were included in the estrus induction group and four were included in the spontaneous estrus group. Cabergoline was orally administered to the estrus induction group at 5 µg/kg once daily for four weeks, or until hemorrhagic discharge was detected. The inter-estrus interval in the estrus induction group was significantly shorter than the previous estrus interval. Bitches that showed proestrus within four weeks of treatment showed increased luteinizing hormone (LH) pulse frequency and, subsequently, increased estradiol (E2) levels. Prolactin (PRL) levels declined promptly after treatment, except in one bitch that did not show proestrus during the cabergoline treatment period. There was a significant correlation between the time to proestrus induction and the reduction in PRL levels. A positive correlation was found between the LH levels two weeks after cabergoline administration and PRL reduction. This study demonstrates that an abrupt reduction in PRL is likely to be important for initiation of estrus in bitches. A reduction in PRL indirectly leads to an increase in LH pulse frequency, which regulates follicular development in bitches. However, if the period from the end of the previous estrus to the cabergoline treatment is short, it may take some time to show proestrus without increasing E2 levels, even if the LH level increases after cabergoline administration.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine suitable conditions for an experimental method in which the CRISPR/Cas9 system is introduced into in vitro‐produced porcine zygotes by electroporation. In the first experiment, when putative zygotes derived from in vitro fertilization (IVF) were electroporated by either unipolar or bipolar pulses, keeping the voltage, pulse duration and pulse number fixed at 30 V/mm, 1 msec and five repeats, respectively, the rate of blastocyst formation from zygotes electroporated by bipolar pulses decreased compared to zygotes electroporated by unipolar pulses. In the second experiment, the putative zygotes were electroporated by electroporation voltages ranging from 20 V/mm–40 V/mm with five 1‐msec unipolar pulses. The rate of cleavage and blastocyst formation of zygotes electroporated at 40 V/mm was significantly lower (< .05) than that of zygotes electroporated at less than 30 V/mm. Moreover, the apoptotic nuclei indices of blastocysts derived from zygotes electroporated by voltages greater than 30 V/mm significantly increased compared with those from zygotes electroporated by voltages less than 25 V/mm (< .05). When zygotes were electroporated with Cas9 mRNA and single‐guide RNA (sgRNA) targeting site in the FGF10 exon 3, the proportions of blastocysts with targeted genomic sequences were 7.7% (2/26) and 3.6% (1/28) in the embryos derived from zygotes electroporated at 25 V/mm and 30 V/mm, respectively. Our results indicate that electroporation at 25 V/mm may be an acceptable condition for introducing Cas9 mRNA and sgRNA into pig IVF zygotes under which the viability of the embryos is not significantly affected.  相似文献   



To evaluate the ability of pulse wave transit time (PWTT) to detect changes in stroke volume (SV) and to estimate cardiac output (CO) compared with the thermodilution technique in isoflurane-anaesthetized dogs.

Study design

Prospective, experimental study.


Eight adult laboratory dogs.


The dogs were anaesthetized with isoflurane and mechanically ventilated. Reference CO (TDCO) was measured via a pulmonary artery catheter using the thermodilution technique and reference SV (TDSV) was calculated. PWTT was calculated as the time from the electrocardiogram R-wave peak to the rise point of the pulse oximeter wave. Estimated CO (esCO) was derived from PWTT after calibration with arterial pulse pressure (both non-invasive and invasive methods) and TDCO. Haemodynamic changes were induced by administration of phenylephrine (vasoconstriction), high isoflurane (vasodilatation and negative inotropy) and dobutamine (vasodilatation and positive inotropy). Trending between percentage change in PWTT and TDSV was assessed using concordance analysis and receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve. The agreement between esCO and TDCO was evaluated using the Bland–Altman method.


The direction of percentage change between consecutive PWTT and the corresponding TDSV showed a concordance rate of 95%, with correlation coefficients of ?0.86 (p < 0.001). Area under the ROC curve for the change in PWTT to detect 15% change in TDSV was 0.91 (p < 0.001). TDCO compared with esCO calibrated with invasive and non-invasive blood pressure showed a bias (precision of agreement) of 0.58 (1.54) and 0.57 (1.59) L minute?1 with a percentage error of ±61% and ±63%, respectively.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

In isoflurane-anaesthetized dogs, PWTT showed a good trending ability to detect 15% changes in SV. This technique is easy to use, inexpensive, non-invasive and could become routine anaesthetic monitoring. However, the agreement between absolute esCO and TDCO was unacceptable.  相似文献   

以牛乳为试验材料,经场强50-100 kV/cm、脉冲数400-1200的高压脉冲电场进行杀菌处理后用倾注法进行菌落总数测定,发现高压脉冲电场对牛乳有一定的杀菌效果,得出杀菌率与电场条件优化的二次回归方程.分析表明,杀菌率与电场强度和脉冲数正相关,电场强度的通径系数和灵敏度高于脉冲数的通径系数和灵敏度.说明场强与脉冲数是影响杀菌效果的重要因素,场强的影响效果更为明显.  相似文献   

Cows with ovarian follicular cysts were treated with progesterone to determine whether a reduction in LH concentrations and initiation of ovulatory follicular waves would occur. Cysts were diagnosed using transrectal ultrasonography when single follicular structures > 20 mm or multiple structures > 15 mm in diameter were present for 7 d in the presence of low progesterone concentrations. Three groups were studied: 1) cows with normal estrous cycles (CYC, n = 8); 2) cows with untreated cysts (CYST, n = 7); and 3) cows with cysts treated with two progesterone-releasing intravaginal devices (PRID, n = 8) for 9 d. Ovaries were examined with transrectal ultrasonography, and blood samples were collected daily for analysis of progesterone and FSH. Serial blood samples for determination of mean LH and LH pulse frequency were collected on d 0 (CYST and PRID cows only), 1, 5, 9, and 10. Progesterone concentrations were higher in PRID cows than in CYST cows throughout the PRID treatment period (P < .002). On d 0, LH pulse frequency was similar (P = .10) in PRID (6.6+/-.6 pulses/8 h) and CYST cows (5.1+/-.6 pulses/8 h), but mean LH tended to be higher (P = .054) on d 0 in PRID cows (2.5+/-.2 ng/mL) than in CYST cows (1.9+/-.2 ng/mL). Mean LH and LH pulse frequency decreased (P < .002) by d 1 in PRID cows (1.1+/-.2 ng/mL, 1.8+/-.6 pulses/8 h) compared with CYST cows (2.1+/-.2 ng/mL, 5.6+/-.6 pulses/8 h) and remained lower throughout most of the experimental period. The FSH concentrations were higher (P < .01) in PRID cows than in CYC and CYST cows on d 3 and 4. The increase in FSH concentrations preceded emergence of the PRID-induced follicular wave. All PRID cows and four of seven CYST cows initiated new follicular waves during the period of PRID treatment. Follicular waves were initiated later (P < .05) in CYST cows (d 5.2+/-1.7) and PRID cows (d 5.5+/-.6) than in CYC cows (d 1.8+/-.3). Cysts were smaller (P < .01) at the end of the treatment period in PRID cows compared with CYST cows. No CYST cows ovulated, but all PRID cows ovulated newly developed follicles 3 or 4 d after PRID removal. Treatment with exogenous progesterone reduced LH in cows with cysts, and this was followed by development of normal ovulatory follicles.  相似文献   

采用高场强单次脉冲(1600V/cm,80μs)及低场强3次脉冲(400V/cm,20μs,每次间隔20min)刺激体外成熟牛卵母细胞(成熟26h),激活率分别为86.5%(167/193)和92.7%(101/109),差异不显著(P>0.05),其中多原核率分别为8.3%(16/193)和59.6%(65/109),差异极显著(P<0.01),但发育率差异不显著(20.6%和23.3%)。实验表明,电脉冲能显著提高牛成熟卵母细胞的激活率;多次电激会造成很大比例的多原核,但对卵母细胞的发育影响不大。  相似文献   

The effects of acute nutritional change on endocrine and ovarian characteristics were studied in cyclic (intact; n = 20) and long-term ovariectomized (ovx; n = 18) heifers being fed 1.2 x maintenance (1.2M). On d 7 of an 8-d progesterone and estradiol treatment, intact and ovx heifers were randomly allocated to diets providing .4, 1.2, or 2.0M until emergence of the second follicular wave after ovulation in intact heifers. In intact heifers, two of eight fed .4M failed to ovulate. In the other six, growth rate and maximum diameter (1.1+/-.09 mm/d and 10.1+/-.7 mm, respectively) of the first dominant follicle (DF) postovulation were less (P<.05) than in heifers fed either 1.2 (1.6+/-.18 mm/d; 12.9+/-.44 mm) or 2.0M (1.6+/-.08 mm/d; 12.7+/-.7 mm). In intact heifers, LH pulse frequency and amplitude were not affected by diet (P>.10). In ovx heifers, the frequency of LH pulses was unaffected by diet (P>.10), but heifers fed .4M had a greater pulse amplitude (P<.05) and mean concentration of LH (P<.001) than those fed 1.2 or 2.0M. Plasma concentrations of FSH were greater (P<.05) in ovx heifers fed .4M than in those fed 1.2 or 2.0M and increased linearly with time (P<.01). The FSH concentrations in heifers fed 1.2 and 2.0M were similar (P>.10) and decreased linearly with time (P<.001). In intact heifers, concentrations of FSH preceding follicle wave emergence were greater in heifers fed .4M (P<.001), but basal concentrations were not affected (P>.10). Concentrations of progesterone and estradiol were unaffected by diet (P>.10). Significant diet x ovarian status interactions in plasma IGF-I concentrations existed. Plasma concentrations of insulin increased as the level of nutrition increased, whereas concentrations of NEFA decreased. In conclusion, growth rate and maximum diameter of the DF were decreased by acute nutritional restriction, without affecting the concentration of LH. The magnitude of the FSH increase preceding new follicle wave emergence increased following dietary restriction, but concentrations of FSH were unaffected during the other stages of DF growth. The results of this study may have important implications for the feeding strategies adapted for high-yielding dairy cows in the early postpartum period when feed intake is often physiologically restricted.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo record the success rate of veterinary professionals and students at identifying the pulse in conscious and anaesthetized dogs. To explore the influence of clinical experience, pulse location, anaesthesia and likely confounding variables on the success of pulse palpation.Study designProspective, observational, randomized study.AnimalsA total of 54 client-owned dogs scheduled for general anaesthesia.MethodsFor each dog, three participants (senior anaesthetist, anaesthesia resident/nurse, veterinary student/animal care assistant) attempted pulse palpation at three locations (femoral, radial and dorsal pedal pulse) in conscious and anaesthetized dogs. The time to pulse palpation was measured with a stopwatch for each attempt and data were modelled using a multivariate Cox regression survival analysis (significance p < 0.05).ResultsThe overall success rate of pulse palpation was 77%, with a median time of 10.91 seconds (interquartile range 9.09 seconds). Success rate was lower in conscious dogs (67%) than in anaesthetized dogs (87%). There was a 77% lower likelihood of success at the radial than at the femoral pulse [hazard ratio (HR) 0.23, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.38–0.69, p < 0.001]. Veterinary students/animal care assistants had a 71% lower likelihood of success than senior anaesthetists (HR 0.29, 95% CI 0.22–0.39, p < 0.001). Age, weight and American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status had no significant influence. Premedication/anaesthetic drugs, heart rate or mean arterial pressure had no significant influence on the time to pulse palpation in anaesthetized dogs. The median time to palpation was less than 10 seconds for all experience groups at the femoral location.ConclusionsPalpation of the femoral location had the greatest likelihood of success with the least amount of time. Monitoring the femoral pulse during induction of anaesthesia is suggested as a method for confirming spontaneous circulation. Pulse palpation improves with clinical experience.  相似文献   

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