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Seasonal variation of phosphatase activity in 0–5 cm soils from 1.6 m2 plots in 48 English Lake District woodlands has been studied. Six per cent or 21% of the total variation in phosphatase activity at the assay temperature of 13°C was seasonal if activity was expressed respectively as phenol liberated g?1 soil or cm?3 soil. No seasonal pattern of activity at 13°C was detectable within individual plots due to high within-plot spatial variation. By averaging the results of all 48 plots, a seasonal pattern was identified but this did not resemble the seasonal pattern of soil available P content. Two, possibly three, peaks of activity occurred during the year, one in summer, a second after leaf-fall in autumn and possibly a minor peak in spring. The highest activity occurred in mid-winter.When adjusted to field temperature, 19 or 37% of the total variation in phosphatase activity, expressed respectively in terms of g?1 soil or cm?3 soil, was seasonal. The same three peaks of activity were still apparent, but their relative heights were altered, with maximum activity occurring in summer. After adjustment to field temperature, the seasonal pattern could be detected in many of the individual plots, if activity was expressed in terms of cm?3 soil, and reflected the seasonal pattern of soil available P.Soil phosphatase data should be expressed in terms of activity per unit soil volume and adjusted to field temperatures, if the biological significance of the seasonal variation in activity is to be appreciated.  相似文献   

Acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase active colonies of bacteria, isolated from forest soils, were stained. The activity of acid and alkaline phosphatase and other soil properties (the number of aerobic bacteria, basal respiration, the level of ammonification, the number of bacteria active in ammonification, the level of nitrification, the number of micromycetes) were compared with the number of bacteria belonging to the genus Micrococcus. Soil samples were taken from the following horizons: F-AO1 (fermentative), H-AO2 (humic), and A (basic). The soil samples were taken from beneath forest stands in the Izera Mountains (North Bohemia, Czech Republic). The number of acid phosphatase active colonies correlated positively with the number of alkaline phosphatase active colonies in the F-AO1 horizon, and there was a high, positive correlation between the former and the level of ammonification in the H-AO2 horizon. The number of alkaline phosphatase active colonies correlated positively with organic carbon, the number of ammonification bacteria, and the number of micromycetes in the H-AO2 horizon. The A horizon was almost biologically inactive. Neither acid nor alkaline phosphatase activities correlated positively with the number of phosphatase active colonies of bacteria. Received: 6 December 1996  相似文献   

Variation in total, organic and available-P contents and phosphatase activity of P-deficient soils of some English Lake District woodlands of differing vegetative composition were examined in relation to individual woodlands, two depths in the soil profile, mull, moder and mor humus types, and different times of the year. Depth in the soil profile was a more important source of variation in the P properties than different woodlands. Soils in individual woodlands differed in their degree of variability in the four P properties. Available P contents and phosphatase activities were more variable than total and organic P contents. Available-P and organic-P contents and phosphatase activity showed seasonal variation. Seasonal variation in available-P was almost as great as differences in available-P between woodlands. Total and organic-P contents showed similar patterns of variation with respect to individual woodlands, humus type and soil depth. Differences in degree of variation within woodlands and differences in degree and pattern of variation of the four P-properties may need to be taken into account in soil sampling programmes of studies comparing soils under differing vegetation regimes.Different interpretations of the variation in the soil-P properties were obtained by expressing the data respectively in terms of soil weight (g?1 soil) or soil volume (cm?1 soil), due to marked variation in bulk-densities of the woodland soils. It is suggested that where soils vary in bulk-density, soil data should be expressed in terms of soil volume.The P-deficiency of the woodland soils is probably associated with the relatively low total P content per unit volume of soil and the high proportion of it which is organically bound.  相似文献   

In many of the publications concerning the measurement of phosphatase activities in soils, the basic rules governing enzyme assays have, at best, been only partially obeyed.This review article concentrates on the measurement of phosphatase activity, draws attention to the wide discrepancies in its measurement found in the literature and urges the adoption of a more uniform technique obeying the rules governing simple enzyme kinetics.  相似文献   

土壤理化性质异质性研究及其影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Structured soils are characterized by the presence of inter- and intra-aggregate pore systems and aggregates, which show varying chemical, physical, and biological properties depending on the aggregate type and land use system. How far these aspects also affect the ion exchange processes and to what extent the interaction between the carbon distribution and kind of organic substances affect the internal soil strength as well as hydraulic properties like wettability are still under discussion. Thus, the objective of this research was to clarify the effect of soil aggregation on physical and chemical properties of structured soils at two scales: homogenized material and single aggregates. Data obtained by sequentially peeling off soil aggregates layers revealed gradients in the chemical composition from the aggregate surface to the aggregate core. In aggregates from long term untreated forest soils we found lower amounts of carbon in the external layer, while in arable soils the differentiation was not pronounced. However, soil aggregates originating from these sites exhibited a higher concentration of microbial activity in the outer aggregate layer and declined towards the interior. Furthermore, soil depth and the vegetation type affected the wettability. Aggregate strength depended on water suction and differences in tillage treatments.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of different forms of soil acidities on microbial biomass C, ergosterol content, microbial metabolic quotient, microbial respiration quotient, and fluorescein diacetate-hydrolyzing activity of some tea-growing soils of India. Total potential and exchangeable acidity and extractable and exchangeable aluminum were higher in Tripura followed by Jalpaiguri and Kharagpur soil. Different forms of acidity were significantly and positively correlated with each other. All the microbiological properties investigated were significantly and positively correlated with soil organic C content. The ratio of organic C with microbial parameters was significantly and negatively correlated with different forms of acidity. Principal component analysis indicated that the microbial activities were not directly affected by the extractable aluminum and total potential acidity. Although the tea soils had higher microbial biomass and activities because of higher organic matter content than other soils, the ratios of microbial parameters/organic carbon indicated that inhibition of microbial growth and activities had occurred because of acidity stress.  相似文献   

基于路径分析的土壤性质与硒形态的关系   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
王松山  梁东丽  魏威  王丹 《土壤学报》2011,48(4):823-830
选择我国15种不同类型土壤,采用连续浸提法测定了土壤中硒的形态,并以Amos18.0路径分析法研究了土壤理化性质对土壤硒形态的影响。结果表明,除江西红壤(水田和旱田)和黑龙江黑土中硒主要是以残渣态存在外,其余土壤中硒主要以有机结合态为主,可溶态硒仅占土壤硒总量的0.4%~14.6%。土壤可交换态及碳酸盐结合态、有机结合态和残渣态硒含量间呈显著正相关(p<0.01),而可溶态和铁锰氧化物结合态硒含量与其他形态硒含量间无显著相关。路径分析表明,土壤有机质含量对铁锰氧化物结合态硒有负影响作用,而对其他四形态硒均为正影响作用。无定形铁含量对可溶态硒含量无影响作用,但对其他四形态硒的正影响作用大于有机质含量的。除可溶态硒外,土壤有机质和无定形铁含量分别对有机结合态和铁锰氧化物结合态硒的影响最大。pH和黏粒分别通过对土壤有机质和无定形铁的负和正作用而影响硒形态。有机质和无定形铁对硒在土壤中的分配起直接决定作用,而pH和黏粒也是不可忽略的影响因素。  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential of soil maps and spatial information on basic soil properties for predicting soil hydraulic properties in the Shepparton irrigation region (SE Australia). For this purpose, the relationship between locally measured soil hydraulic properties and basic soil properties, and soil categories was analyzed. Pedotransfer functions developed for Australian soil were tested. Furthermore, association of field‐scale final infiltration rates with basic soil properties was investigated. Water‐retention properties, and in particular subsoil water‐retention properties, were significantly correlated with readily available basic soil properties. Spearman's rank correlation coefficients were particularly high for clay content, bulk density, and the sum of exchangeable cations Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+. Water‐retention properties were adequately predicted using Australian pedotransfer functions. Water‐transmission properties such the saturated conductivity and the final infiltration rate were overall poorly correlated with basic physical and chemical properties. Generally, median water‐transmission properties did not significantly change with soil groups and “within‐paddock variability” accounted for over half of the “within‐soil‐type variability” for many soil types. We concluded that it is feasible to regionalize water‐retention properties for the Shepparton irrigation region using basic physical and chemical soil properties, whereas the information on basic soil properties and from soil maps was insufficient to reliably estimate water‐transmission properties. It is demonstrated why field‐scale estimates of final infiltration rates, obtained by fitting a model for surface irrigation to field measurements of advance, depletion, and recession, may be better correlated with basic soil properties.  相似文献   

Park  Hyun-Jung  Park  Hyun-Jin  Yang  Hye In  Park  Se-In  Lim  Sang-Sun  Kwak  Jin-Hyeob  Lee  Goon-Taek  Lee  Sang-Mo  Park  Man  Choi  Woo-Jung 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(1):310-321
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Lead (Pb) sorption capacity (PbSmax) and distribution in chemical and particle-size fractions of six soils with different physico-chemical properties were...  相似文献   

在中国科学院红壤生态试验站优化农业生态模式的长期定位试验地选取恢复14年的常绿针叶林地(马尾松)、落叶阔叶林地(小叶栎)、针阔混交林地(湿地松-小叶栎)和自然恢复地(受到人为干扰)为样地,并以附近疏草荒地作为对照,研究了不同人工林型对土壤微生物类群、酶活性以及土壤理化性质的影响.结果表明:与对照相比,不同林型下土壤细菌、真菌和放线菌总数均有很大程度的增加,依次为针阔混交林>阔叶林>针叶林>自然恢复地>疏草荒地.土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶和酸性磷酸酶活性表现为阔叶林>针阔混交林>针叶林>自然恢复地>疏草荒地.在剖面分布上,土壤微生物类群和酶活性也有明显的层次差异,即随土层的增加而减少.在0~10 cm土层中,土壤细菌、真菌与脲酶、酸性磷酸酶之间具有显著或极显著相关性.土壤微生物类群和酶活性与土壤有机质、全氮和有效氮之间具有极显著相关性.  相似文献   

对哈尔滨市和大庆市不同种植年限的大棚土壤取样,调查结果表明:(1)随着种植年限的增加,土壤水稳性团聚体(5~0.25mm)的数量增加,毛细管孔隙发达,持水性变好;通气透水性变差.(2)种植5年以上的大棚土壤与露地土壤比较有机质和全氮含量明显增加,达极显著水平;速效氮明显增加,达显著水平;速效磷呈高度富集状态;速效钾的变化因地区而异,哈尔滨市无明显变化,大庆市呈富集状态;pH值有随种植年限的增加而下降的趋势.(3)哈尔滨市种植8年以上的大棚土壤出现了次生盐渍化.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationships between soil chemical properties, humus form, and feeding activity in eight forest sites in Northrhine‐Westphalia, Germany. The study sites varied in forest type (oak, oak‐hornbeam, spruce, and pine). Three study sites were located under the same climatic conditions, and five study sites were distributed all over Northrhine‐Westphalia. We determined humus form, soil chemical properties, and feeding activity in three replication plots per site. We used the bait‐lamina test to determine feeding activity of soil fauna. Independent of forest type, all study sites were very acid with pH(CaCl2) values in the Ah horizon between 2.8 and 4.0. The three study sites located under the same climatic conditions showed very homogenous soil chemical properties (pH in Ah: 2.9–3.0), whereas the five other sites varied significantly due to their soil chemical parameters (pH in Ah: 2.8–4.0). All single sites presented feeding activities with a very low spatial heterogeneity. Forest types and climatic conditions were not related to activity of soil fauna. Feeding activity and thickness of the O layer were strongly negatively correlated, whereas the activity was strongly positively correlated to soil pH in the five study sites with a wide range of soil chemical parameters. The three extremely acid forest sites presented significant differences in feeding activities that were not related to soil chemical properties.  相似文献   

稻虾共作模式对涝渍稻田土壤理化性状的影响   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
稻虾共作模式是一种以涝渍水田为基础,以种稻为中心,稻草还田养虾为特点的复合生态系统。本文通过10年(2005—2015年)定位试验,以中稻单作模式为对照,研究了稻虾共作模式对0~10 cm、10~20 cm、20~30 cm和30~40 cm土层土壤理化性状以及水稻产量的影响;采用投入产出法,评估了稻虾共作模式的经济效益。结果表明,长期稻虾共作模式显著降低了15~30 cm土层的土壤紧实度,其在15 cm、20 cm、25 cm和30 cm处的土壤紧实度较中稻单作模式分别降低了20.9%、29.9%、24.8%和14.7%。长期稻虾共作模式提高了0~40 cm土层中0.25 mm水稳性团聚体数量、平均质量直径和几何平均直径,但降低了0~20 cm土层的团聚体分形维数。相对于中稻单作模式,长期稻虾共作模式显著提高了0~40 cm土层有机碳、全钾和碱解氮含量,0~30 cm土层全氮含量,0~10 cm土层全磷和速效磷含量以及20~40 cm土层速效钾含量。稻虾共作模式显著降低了0~10 cm土层还原性物质总量,但提高了20~30 cm土层土壤还原性物质总量。稻虾共作模式的水稻产量较中稻单作模式显著提高,增幅为9.5%,其总产值、利润和产投比较中稻单作模式分别增加了46 818.0元?hm-2、40 188.0元?hm-2和100.0%。可见稻虾共作模式改善了土壤结构,增加了土壤养分,提高了水稻产量以及经济效益,但增加了10 cm以下土层潜育化的风险。  相似文献   

An increase in the soil water content results in a decrease in the electrical resistivity of soil. This relationship obeys an exponential equation. When the water content is below the range of capillary-film water, the clearest relationship between the electrical resistivity and water content is observed, which allows the soil and ground waters to be studied. At a high water content, the dependence of the electrical resistivity on the content of exchangeable anions, the pH, and some other properties is detectable.  相似文献   



The land application or disposal of sewage sludge generally leads to phosphorus (P) loss in aquatic environments and often results in eutrophication. The nature of P fractions plays a key role in the transport of P within the environment, and alkaline phosphatase is important for the transformation of the P fractions. The objective of this study was to assess the P fractions and alkaline phosphatase activity in sewage sludge, soils, and sediments, in order to effectively evaluate their P bioavailability and mobility.  相似文献   

To find out how acid phosphatase activity and production in some Alberta soils may be related to soil properties and past fertilizer history, soils of varying organic matter content, extractable P and P fertilization history were assayed for acid phosphatase using p-nitrophenyl phosphate as substrate. The effect of solution P concentration during the phosphatase assay was examined. The effect of P on the production of new phosphatase was examined in soils incubated with an added energy supply or orthophosphate.Phosphatase activity was influenced by P fertilization practices during the 5 yr before sampling. In a Black Chernozemic soil (Malmo SiCL) with a high organic matter content and high initial phosphatase activity, P fertilization at 27 or 54 kg P ha?1 y?1 for 5 yr reduced phosphatase activity by about 20%. However, in a Grey Luvisolic soil (Cooking Lake L) with low organic matter and initial phosphatase, P fertilization at 54 kg P ha?1y?1 for 5 yr tended to increase activity, probably by increasing plant root growth and organic matter additions.Assay solutions containing orthophosphate at 0.55 mM reduced activity by 25% and 47% in a Malmo SiCL and Maleb L (Orthic Brown Chernozem) soil respectively. Further increases of phosphate concentration to 5.5 mM reduced phosphatase activity by 50% and 76% in the Malmo and Maleb L soils respectively.Phosphatase activity was increased up to 6-fold by incubation of soil with glucose and NH4NO3. Addition of P to produce an added C: added P ratio of 20:1 completely prevented synthesis of phosphatase by proliferating organisms and had a slight inhibitory effect on phosphatase already present. Similarly, addition of P without C in a 6-week incubation had only a small effect on phosphatase activity and maintained P concentrations in the assay solutions slightly below 0.55 mM. It was concluded that the effect of phosphate on soil phosphatase operates more through its effect on phosphatase synthesis than on activity of existing phosphatase.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted with sodic soils of varying exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) (82, 65, 40, and 22) and a normal soil (ESP 4) to study the changes with time in soil pH, pCO2, Fe2+ and Mn2+ under submerged conditions with and without 1.0 per cent rice husk. In all the soils pCO2, Fe2+ and Mn2+ increased after flooding, reached the maximum value and then either maintained or declined slightly. The release of Fe2+ and Mn2+ was maximum in normal soil and decreased with increase of ESP in sodic soils. Addition of rice husk brought about a conspicuous increase in Fe2+ and Mn2+, the maximum increase being in lowest ESP soil. Flooding reduced the pH of all soils. The effect was more pronounced in the presence of rice husk. The kinetics of pCO2 indicated that accumulation of CO2 was higher in normal soil and least in highest ESP soil. The addition of rice husk showed an average increase of 0.0074 atm pCO2 in comparison to rice husk untreated soils.  相似文献   

Industrial Cu and Zn pollution reduces the decomposition rate, phosphatase activity, and P mineralization rate in the mor horizon of conifer forest surrounding a brass mill in Sweden. There is statistical evidence for Cu being more responsible for this effect than Zn at about equal concentrations. A negative influence on the phosphatase activity is measurable already at a low degree of pollution. A higher pH of the soil may counteract the heavy metal effect to some extent.  相似文献   

铁氧化物与土壤表面电荷性质的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Shao  Z. C.  Wang  W. J. 《土壤圈》1991,1(1):29-39
The relationship between iron oxides and surface charge characteristics in variable charge soils (latosol and red earth) was studied in following three ways.(1)Remove free iron oxides (Fed) and amorphous iron oxides (Feo) from the soils with sodium dithionite and acid ammonium oxalate solution respectively.(2) Add 2% glucose (on the basis of air-dry soil weight) to soils and incubate under submerged condition to activate iron oxides,and then the mixtures are dehydrated and air-dried to age iron oxides.(3) Precipitate various crystalline forms of iron oxides onto kaolinite.The results showed that free iron oxides (Fed) were the chief carrier of variable positive charges.Of which crystalline iron oxides (Fed-Feo) presented mainly as discrete particles in the soils and could only play a role of the carrier of positive charges,and did little influence on negative charges.Whereas the amorphous iron oxides (Feo),which presented mainly fas a coating with a large specific surface area,not only had positive charges,but also blocked the negative charge sites in soils.Submerged incubation activated iron oxides in the soils,and increased the amount of amorphous iron oxides and the degree of activation of iron oxide,which resulted in the increase of positive and negative charges of soils.Dehydration and air-dry aged iron oxides in soils and decreased the amount of amorphous iron oxides and the degree of activation of iron oxide,and also led to the decrease of positive and negative charges.Both the submerged incubation and the dehydration and air-dry had no significant influence on net charges.Precipitation of iron oxides onto kaolinite markedly increased positive charges and decreased negative charges.Amorphous iron oxide having a larger surface area contributed more positive charge sites and blocked more negative charge sites in kaolinite than crystalline goethite.  相似文献   

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