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[目的]探究长期不同施肥对土壤有机硫矿化量、动力学特征和酶活性的影响,揭示玉米–大豆轮作体系中棕壤有机硫矿化特征及其主要驱动因子.[方法]沈阳农业大学长期定位试验于1979年建立,为玉米–玉米–大豆(一年一熟)轮作模式.试验设置15个处理,本研究选取了其中7个处理,分别为:CK(不施肥)、N1(低量化学氮肥)、N2(高...  相似文献   

To understand the organic sulfur (S) stabilization in volcanic soils, we investigated organic S transformation rates and their relationships to soil properties in incubation experiments using forest soils from the Nikko volcanic region, central Japan. We hypothesized that carbon (C)-bonded S would first be transformed into ester sulfate-S and then into inorganic sulfate-S. We separately calculated the rates of decrease of C-bonded S (velocity 1, v 1) and ester sulfate-S (velocity 2, v 2) concentrations. During incubation, the ester sulfate-S concentration increased in two soils characterized by a high concentration of both ammonium oxalate-extractable aluminum (Alo) and pyrophosphate-extractable Al (Alp), whereas the C-bonded S concentration decreased in all soils. A large proportion of the S that was lost in the incubation experiments consisted of C-bonded S rather than ester sulfate-S. Velocity 2 was negatively correlated with both of Alo and Alp contents when soils were incubated at 20 °C. These results suggest that when C-bonded S is transformed into ester sulfate-S, complete mineralization to inorganic sulfate is inhibited, because ester sulfate-S is stabilized due to organo–mineral association. Incubation temperatures significantly affected v 2. Thus, production of inorganic sulfate by mineralization of ester sulfate-S appeared to be regulated by soil Al contents and temperatures. Velocity 1 was proportional to soil pH ranging from 4.5 to 5.5, indicating that the degradation of C-bonded S is pH dependent.  相似文献   

Fine surface soil ( < 2 mm) from four sites in Oregon and Washington and three in Costa Rica was separated by repeated notation in NaI solution (sp. gr. < 1.2, 1.4, or 1.6 g cm?3) into a light and a heavy fraction. Most organic matter in the light fractions consisted of partly-decomposed root fragments and other plant and microbial remnants and most in the heavy fractions was adsorbed or deposited on mineral surfaces or was protected within organo-mineral microaggregates. The light fraction had a consistently wider C:N ratio than the heavy, and net N mineralization during anaerobic incubation was greater from the heavy than from the light fraction in five of six soils for which both fractions were incubated. Net N mineralization was greater from the heavy fraction than from the whole soil of most sites perhaps because the light fraction immobilized N released from the heavy fraction when they were incubated together. Correlation between net N mineralization (as a proportion of total N) and C:N ratio was negative for the light fraction (r2=0.74) but positive for the heavy fraction (r2 = 0.85), suggesting that the C:N ratio does not control the extent to which heavy-fraction N is mineralizable.  相似文献   

Summary Several forests of varying elevations, soils and vegetation were studied to evaluate the relative importance of sulfonate S, amino acid S, and ester sulfate as constituents of soil organic S. Suflonate S exceeded 40% of total S in the O1 horizon of all but one site examined, and comprised at least 50% of total S in the O2 horizons of 14 out of 18 study sites examined. Sulfonate pool sizes, on a percentage basis, tended to decrease with increasing sample depth within the mineral horizons, but sulfonate S was still a major form of organic S in the C horizon. Amino-acid S pool sizes were, as a general rule, lower than those for sulfonate in the O1 and O2 horizons, and lower than those for both ester sulfate and sulfonate when mineral soil horizons were considered. In no case did amino-acid S represent>25% of total S. Amino-acid S decreased with increasing depth at all but one site examined. Ester sulfate pool sizes were generally less than those of sulfonate S and greater than those of amino-acid S. This trend was observed with the O1, O2, and A horizons, but it was not apparent with samples from the intermediate and lowest soil horizons, where ester sulfate levels exceeded those for sulfonate S in 4 out of 8 and 5 out of 14 sites, respectively, in these latter horizons. Although there were some exceptions, collectively, the data suggest that sulfonate S is a major form of organic S in forest soils, irrespective of depth.  相似文献   

Due to the importance of N in forest productivity ecosystem and nutrient cycling research often includes measurement of soil N transformation rates as indices of potential availability and ecosystem losses of N. We examined the feasibility of using soil temperature and moisture content to predict soil N mineralization rates (Nmin) at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in the southern Appalachians. We conducted seasonal laboratory incubations of A and AB horizon soils from three sites with mixed-oak vegetation using temperature and moisture levels characteristic of the season in which the soils were collected. The incubations showed that temperature and temperature-moisture interactions significantly affected net soil Nmin. We used the laboratory data to generate equations relating net Nmin to soil temperature and moisture data. Using field-collected temperature and moisture data we then calculated Nmin on similar forest sites and compared predicted rates with in situ, closed-core Nmin measurements. The comparison showed that the in situ Nmin was greater than rates predicted from laboratory generated equations (slope =3.22; r2=0.89). Our study suggests that while climatic factors have a significant effect on soil Nmin, other factors also influence rates measured in the laboratory and in situ.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the changes in microbial biomass carbon, litter decomposition, microbial abundance and the soil's physical and chemical properties after poultry manure and inorganic fertilizer application in soil‐eroded areas. Four plots measuring 10 m × 10 m, located on approximately the same slope, were established in the study area. Plot 1 (P1) was an eroded plot without any treatment; Plot 2 (P2) was treated with poultry manure (N:P:K ratio of 1:0.8:0·39); Plot 3 (P3) was treated with inorganic mineral fertilizer (NPK 10:10:10); and Plot 4 (P4) was an undisturbed area (no erosion occurred). The one‐time amendments used in this study significantly increased the soil's water‐holding capacity, pH, and the total carbon and nitrogen content, but soil moisture content was not influenced by any amendment. The biomass carbon was increased 3·2‐ and 2·9‐times by the poultry manure and the NPK fertilizer amendments respectively, but the values did not reach the same level as the undisturbed area. The Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, cellulase‐producers and amylase‐producers responded positively to the additives, which was shown by an abrupt increase in their abundance. Microbial biomass carbon and abundance were shown to be closely correlated with the soil's carbon and nitrogen content. None of the amendments, on the other hand, affected the rate of litter decomposition. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

土壤有机氮的矿化是土壤氮素肥力的重要指标之一,也是影响作物产量至关重要的因素.以33年长期定位试验为依托,对红壤性双季稻田土壤氮累积、矿化动力学特征等进行系统研究.定位试验始于1984年,选取其中5个施肥处理:不施肥(CK),施氮磷钾肥(NPK),施50%化肥+50%有机肥(50F+50M),施30%化肥+70%有机肥...  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to reduce or delay annual wintertime snow pack formation in the forests of the northeastern US. Any delay in snowpack formation could increase soil freezing in winter and, thereby, alter soil characteristics and processes. We examined the hypothesis that delayed snowpack would disrupt soil structure and change organic matter bioavailability in an experimental snow removal study at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), NH, USA. Pairs of reference and snow removal treatment plots were studied in four different sites at HBEF. Snow was removed from November–January of two winters, inducing soil freezing throughout both winters. Size class distribution and organic matter concentration and content of aggregates, and carbon and nitrogen mineralization potential of size fractions were quantified for surface mineral soils in the spring of both years immediately after snowmelt. In the first year of sampling, the only significant effect of snow removal was an increase in the smallest (<53 μm) size fraction of mineral soil. In the second year, snow removal increased organic matter concentrations of macroaggregate (250–2,000 μm) and microaggregate (53–250 μm) size fractions. This change corresponded to an increase in net N mineralization potential and the ratio of N to C mineralized in the macroaggregate fraction, but there were no effects of snow removal on C mineralization. We propose that soil freezing increases the movement of organic matter from organic to mineral soil horizons and increases the N content of mineralizable substrates in mineral soil following years with delayed snowpack formation.  相似文献   

Summary Total S, organic S and sulfate were measured in foliage, litter, roots, soil and solutions at a hardwood site within the Adirondack Mountains of New York. Sulfate as a percentage of total S was similar in foliage and litter (10%), but was greater in roots (30%). Sulfur constituents in the hardwood forest ecosystem were dominated by C-bonded S (60 g m–2) and ester sulfate (16 g m–2) which are formed by biological processes. Because sulfur mineralization (1.42 g m–2 yr–1) was greater than wet precipitation inputs (0.82 g m–2 yr–1), those factors that influence mineralization-immobilization processes are important in evaluating S cycling and sulfate fluxes in this ecosystem. Ester sulfate was formed within the forest floor by the soil biota and was leached to mineral horizons. Annual turnover of this pool was high (25%) within the mineral forest floor. Forest-floor C-bonded S was derived from root and above-ground litter, and substantial amounts were leached to mineral horizons. Calculated storage + outputs (1.64 g m–2 yr–1) was much greater than wet inputs (0.82 g m–2 yr–1).  相似文献   

The availability of inorganic N has been shown to be one of the major factors limiting primary productivity in high latitude ecosystems. The factors regulating the rate of transformation of organic N to nitrate and ammonium, however, remain poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the nature of the soluble N pool in forest soils and to determine the relative rate of inorganic N production from high and low molecular weight (MW) dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) compounds in black spruce forest soils. DON was found to be the dominant N form in soil solution, however, most of this DON was of high MW of which >75% remained unidentified. Free amino acids constituted less than 5% of the total DON pool. The concentration of NO3 and NH4+ was low in all soils but significantly greater than the concentration of free amino acids. Incubations of low MW DON with soil indicated a rapid processing of amino acids, di- and tri-peptides to NH4+ followed by a slower transformation of the NH4+ pool to NO3. The rate of protein transformation to NH4+ was slower than for amino acids and peptides suggesting that the block in N mineralization in taiga forest soils is the transformation of high MW DON to low MW DON and not low MW DON to NH4+ or NH4+ to NO3. Calculated turnover rates of amino acid-derived C and N immobilized in the soil microbial biomass were similar with a half-life of approximately 30 d indicating congruent C and N mineralization.  相似文献   

We report on the seasonal responses of soil nitrogen (N) pools to soil warming in a cool temperate forest where mild freeze–thaw cycles occur during winter. Artificial soil warming of 2–5 °C was implemented to prevent freezing, making it possible to evaluate the effects of soil freezing on soil characteristics. At control sites, the dissolved organic N and NH4–N pools were largest in winter. Soil warming decreased these solute pools to 17–25% of control levels during winter, but not in other seasons. These results confirm that soil freezing is the driving force of N dynamics during winter, and is easily lost by a few degrees of warming at this study site. The substantial reduction of solute N pools may reduce N availability in the cool temperate forest.  相似文献   

Rates of N mineralization were measured in 27 forest soils encompassing a wide range of forest types and management treatments in south-east Australia. Undisturbed soil columns were incubated at 20°C for 68 days at near field-capacity water content, and N mineralization was measured in 5-cm depth increments to 30 cm. The soils represented three primary profile forms: gradational, uniform and duplex. They were sampled beneath mature native Eucalyptus sp. forest and from plantations of Pinus radiata of varying age (<1 to 37 years). Several sites had been fertilized, irrigated, or intercropped with lupins. The soils ranged greatly in total soil N concentrations, C:N ratios, total P, and sand, silt, and clay contents. Net N mineralization for individual soil profiles (0–30 cm depth) varied from 2.0 to 66.6 kg ha-1 over 68 days, with soils from individual depths mineralizing from <0 (immobilization) to 19.3 kg ha-1 per 5 cm soil depth. Only 0.1–3.1% of the total N present at 0–30 cm in depth was mineralized during the incubation, and both the amount and the percentage of total N mineralized decreased with increasing soil depth. N fertilization, addition of slash residues, or intercropping with lupins in the years prior to sampling increased N mineralization. Several years of irrigation of a sandy soil reduced levels of total N and C, and lowered rates of N mineralization. Considuring all soil depths, the simple linear correlations between soil parameters (C, N, P, C:N, C:P, N:P, coarse sand, fine sand, silt, clay) and N mineralization rates were generally low (r<0.53), but these improved for total N (r=0.82) and organic C (r=0.79) when the soils were grouped into primary profile forms. Prediction of field N-mineralization rates was complicated by the poor correlations between soil properties and N mineralization, and temporal changes in the pools of labile organic-N substrates in the field.  相似文献   

A two-year study in a typical red soil region of Southern China was conducted to determine 1) the dry deposition velocity (Vd) for SO2 and particulate SO4^2- above a broadleaf forest, and 2) atmospheric sulfur fluxes so as to estimate the contribution of various fractions in the total. Using a resistance model based on continuous hourly meteorological data, atmospheric dry sulfur deposition in a forest was estimated according to Va and concentrations of both atmospheric SO2 and particulate SO2^4-. Meanwhile, wet S deposition was estimated based on rainfall and sulfate concentrations in the rainwater. Results showed that about 99% of the dry sulfur deposition flux in the forest resulted from SO2 dry deposition.In addition, the observed dry S deposition was greater in 2002 than in 2000 because of a higher average concentration of SO2 in 2002 than in 2000 and not because of the average dry deposition velocity which was lower for SO2 in 2002. Also,dry SO2 deposition was the dominant fraction of deposited atmospheric sulfur in forests, contributing over 69% of the total annual sulfur deposition. Thus, dry SO2 deposition should be considered when estimating sulfur balance in forest ecological systems.  相似文献   

Plant nitrogen (N) acquisition is strongly controlled by the concentration of available inorganic and organic N in the soil solution and by biogeochemical processes in the rhizosphere. However, until now it was hardly possible to reliably estimate plant-available N in soil microsites. Here, a novel microdialysis approach based on passive diffusion sampling is presented and compared qualitatively and quantitatively with lysimeter and soil extraction techniques when analyzing two contrasting boreal soils. Further, preliminary dialysis membrane calibration issues for sampling plant-available N compounds are discussed. Due to its miniaturized design microdialysis was shown to be a suitable tool for continuous sampling of ammonium, nitrate and free amino acids from the soil solution with only minimal disturbance of the soil structure. Microdialysis proved to be outstanding regarding the possible spatial (<0.5 mm) and temporal (<30 min) resolution of soil solution N chemistry. The different methods for soil N sampling resulted in significantly different results. In lysimeter and soil extraction samples, nitrate and ammonium were found at the highest concentrations, while results from microdialysis revealed that the pool of plant-available amino acids was contributing most to the total N pool tested. Application of a standard N solution to the tested soils led to an immediate peak of recovery via the microdialysis probes followed by a rapid decrease due to the formation of a depletion zone at the probe surfaces. Therefore, this relatively new technique will not only provide essential data on diffusion rates of a variety of N compounds in the soil but might be used for monitoring quantitative and qualitative changes in plant-available N in soil microsites such as the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

东北3 个典型黑土区土壤无机硫的形态分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用田间取样、室内分步浸提的方法, 系统研究了我国东北3 个典型黑土地区土壤无机硫的含量分布和形态特征。结果表明: 耕层(0~20 cm)黑土中无机硫含量占全硫的百分比为22%, 其中水溶性硫占6%, 吸附性硫占3%, 盐酸可溶性硫占13%。水溶性硫和吸附性硫含量表现为海伦>北安>公主岭, 盐酸可溶性硫含量为公主岭>海伦>北安。水溶性硫、吸附性硫含量随剖面的加深变化不大, 盐酸可溶性硫在115 cm 深度以下有一个积累的过程。土壤水溶性硫、吸附性硫与土壤有机质含量、阳离子交换量和<0.002 mm 黏粒含量呈显著或极显著正相关, 与pH 呈显著和极显著负相关; 盐酸可溶性硫含量和土壤电导率之间呈显著正相关。海伦地区黑土无机硫总量和盐酸可溶性硫含量随开垦年限增加明显下降, 呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

长期定位施肥紫色土无机硫形态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】以紫色土肥力与肥料效益监测基地的土壤为研究对象研究了长期(22年)不同施肥(不施肥对照、施用氮磷钾、单施有机肥、氮磷钾与有机肥配施、永久休闲)处理对表层土壤(0-20 cm)硫含量的影响,为合理进行硫素供应和肥料施用提供理论依据。【方法】利用连续提取法提取耕层土壤的水溶性硫、吸附性硫、HCl溶性硫和总硫,并用BaS04比浊法进行测定。【结果】化肥与有机肥长期配施能显著增加土壤的总硫含量,与原始土壤相比增加65.42 mg/kg但有效硫比例低于单施化肥处理;与原始土壤相比5个处理的水溶性硫含量都有所下降幅度为0.87~1.38 mg/kg;而单施有机肥或化肥与有机肥配施能显著增加土壤的吸附性硫含量分别比原始土壤增加93.3%和177.4%;长期施用氮磷钾化肥能显著增加土壤HCl溶性硫含量,比原始土壤增加了161.7%。【结论】单施化肥或有机肥化肥配合施用都能显著增加土壤硫的供给,而有机肥与化肥配施更有利于土壤硫的累积。此外,长期施肥试验表明大气硫沉降的减少对土壤硫供给的影响需值得进一步关注。  相似文献   

温度变化对森林土壤氮矿化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitrogen mineralization in forest soil wa studied in laboratory by incubating undisturbed soil cores enclosed within PVC columns at different temperatures to compare the effect of flucttuating temperature with that of constant temperaature,and to find out whether soil nitrification shows linearity over time .The results showed that there was no significant difference between soil nitrification at fluctuating temperature and that at constant temperature,and suggested that it must be careful to make the conclusion that soil nitrification has linearity over time.  相似文献   

Grassland‐livestock farming is the main agricultural activity in the Inner Mongolia steppe of China. It has been estimated that more than 80% of the grasslands suffer from sulfur (S) deficiency in this region. In an incubation study and a greenhouse experiment with alfalfa, the influence of soil moisture (40% and 70% water‐holding capacity, WHC), nitrogen (0 and 200 mg N (kg soil)–1 as NH4NO3), and elemental sulfur (eS; 0 and 300 mg S (kg soil)–1) amendments on the apparent eS oxidation, eS‐oxidation rate, net S‐mineralization rate, and S uptake of alfalfa were studied. After 28 d of incubation, the eS‐oxidation rate was four times higher at 70% than at 40% WHC if no N was applied. With N application, soil moisture had only minor effects on eS oxidation during the whole incubation period. In the greenhouse experiment, lower values for eS‐oxidation rate and net S‐mineralization rate were found if no N was applied. Application of N and eS significantly increased alfalfa growth and S uptake. The results of both experiments suggest that combined N and eS applications are the best way to alleviate S deficiency on these calcareous soils.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) plays a key role in the N cycle of many ecosystems, as DON availability and biodegradation are important for plant growth, microbial metabolism and N transport in soils. However, biodegradation of DON (defined as the sum of mineralization and microbial immobilization) is only poorly understood. In laboratory incubations, biodegradation of DON and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from Oi and Oa horizons of spruce, beech and cypress forests ranged from 6 to 72%. Biodegradation of DON and DOC was similar in most samples, and mineralization of DON was more important than microbial immobilization. Nitrate additions (0-10 mg N L−1) never influenced either DON immobilization by microorganisms or mineralization. We conclude that soil microorganisms do not necessarily prefer mineral N over DON for meeting their N demand, and that biodegradation of DON seems to be driven by the microbial demand for C rather than N. Quantifying the dynamics of DON in soils should include consideration of both C and N demands by microbes.  相似文献   

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