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To decrease the age at first calving in Holsteins, the effects of average daily body weight gain (ADG) and crude protein (CP) level until first insemination on growth performance and milk production were examined. The MM group had a target ADG of 0.75 kg and received a diet with a CP level of 14%. The HM and HH groups had a target ADG of 1 kg; both these groups received a diet with CP levels 14% and 16%, respectively. The ADG in the HM and HH groups was 1.1 kg, whereas in the MM group it was 0.97 kg (P < 0.01). The HM and HH groups showed no differences in withers height at body weight 350 kg. The ages at first calving in MM, HM and HH groups were 23.1, 21.0 and 21.8 months, respectively. The HM and HH groups had lower milk yield at day 305 than the MM group (P < 0.01). These results suggest that growth performance until first insemination should be maintained at an ADG of 0.97 kg or less with a CP level of approximately 14%, to shorten time until first insemination and prevent the decrease of milk yield.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that foot lesions and clinical lameness occur before first calving and develop further during the lactation period. Lameness may cause production losses, but the relationship between foot lesions, particularly in the claw horn, and lameness in heifers is unclear. The objectives of this study were to describe the development of and evaluate the relationship between lameness and foot lesions in Danish Holsteins before and after first calving. In a longitudinal study, 147 heifers were examined for lameness and foot lesions 2–5 times over an 18-month period. Lameness was assessed by means of a visual locomotion score and foot lesion severity was recorded.The prevalence of a locomotion score 3 was 25% before calving, and 90% at approximately 250 days in milk (DIM). Prevalence of moderate to severe sole haemorrhage (SH) was 27% before calving and 56% at 250 DIM, and that of moderate to severe white line lesion (WLL) 44% before calving with a peak of 70% at 200 DIM. There was one case of white line abscess but SH was seen throughout the entire study period. Digital dermatitis (DD) was prevalent prior to first calving (15%) and peaked at 39% at 0–100 DIM. Heel horn erosion (HHE) occurred in almost all cows (93–100%) and was strongly correlated with DD (r = 0.51). The correlation coefficient between SH and WLL was also high (0.42). The relatively high correlations between WLL and both DD and HHE were more surprising (0.38 and 0.35, respectively), those between SH and both DD and HHE were moderate (around 0.18). Interdigital dermatitis was significantly correlated with both HHE and DD, but completely unrelated to SH and WLL.The overall average locomotion score increased by about one-half of a score unit from 1 month prior to calving until 250 DIM, with a large difference between herds, although this was unsurprising as cows may alter their locomotion pattern with management factors (e.g. floor properties). DD and WLL were both associated with a locomotion score 3 but of the cows with severe WLL there was no clear association between a locomotion score 3 and DD. The highest locomotion scores occurred among cows with DD but without WLL.  相似文献   

Eighteen Chinese Holstein heifers average age 230 ± 14 days were allocated to 1 of 3 dietary crude protein (CP) to metabolizable energy (ME) ratios to examine the effects on growth performance, blood metabolites and rumen fermentation parameters with 90‐days experiment. Three different dietary CP:ME ratios were targeted based on the formulation of dietary CP contents of 10.85%, 12.78% and 14.63% on dry matter (DM) basis with similar ME contents (10.42 MJ/kg DM), which were categorized as low, medium and high dietary CP:ME ratios. The actual CP:ME ratios obtained in this study significantly increased from low to high CP:ME ratio groups with a value of 10.59, 11.83 and 13.38 g/MJ respectively. Elevated CP:ME ratios significantly increased CP intake (kg/day) and feed efficiency (FE) which was defined as dry matter intake as a proportion of average daily gain (ADG), whereas little difference was observed in body weight (kg), ADG (kg/day), DM intake (kg/day) and ME intake (MJ/day) among the three different CP:ME ratio groups. Increasing dietary CP to ME ratios significantly increased CP digestibility, whereas digestibility of DM and gross energy remained constant in the current experiment. Blood urea nitrogen and insulin‐like growth factor‐1 linearly increased with increasing dietary CP:ME ratios. There was significantly dietary treatment effect on rumen fermentation parameters including acetate, propionate, butyrate and total volatile fatty acids. Therefore, this study indicated that increasing dietary CP levels with similar energy content contributed to increased protein intake and its digestibility, as well as FE. Holstein heifers between 200 and 341 kg subjected to 13.38 dietary CP:ME ratio showed improved feed efficiency, nutrient digestibility, some blood metabolites and rumen fermentation characteristics for 0.90 kg/day rate of gain.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify genomic regions associated with 305-day milk yield and lactation curve parameters on primiparous (n = 9,910) and multiparous (n = 11,158) Holstein cows. The SNP solutions were estimated using a weighted single-step genomic BLUP approach and imputed high-density panel (777k) genotypes. The proportion of genetic variance explained by windows of 50 consecutive SNP (with an average of 165 Kb) was calculated, and regions that accounted for more than 0.50% of the variance were used to search for candidate genes. Estimated heritabilities were 0.37, 0.34, 0.17, 0.12, 0.30 and 0.19, respectively, for 305-day milk yield, peak yield, peak time, ramp, scale and decay for primiparous cows. Genetic correlations of 305-day milk yield with peak yield, peak time, ramp, scale and decay in primiparous cows were 0.99, 0.63, 0.20, 0.97 and −0.52, respectively. The results identified three windows on BTA14 associated with 305-day milk yield and the parameters of lactation curve in primi- and multiparous cows. Previously proposed candidate genes for milk yield supported by this work include GRINA, CYHR1, FOXH1, TONSL, PPP1R16A, ARHGAP39, MAF1, OPLAH and MROH1, whereas newly identified candidate genes are MIR2308, ZNF7, ZNF34, SLURP1, MAFA and KIFC2 (BTA14). The protein lipidation biological process term, which plays a key role in controlling protein localization and function, was identified as the most important term enriched by the identified genes.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of supplementing rumen-protected Lys based on a Lys-deficient diet on liver metabolism in growing Holstein heifers. The experiment was conducted for 3 months with 36 Holstein heifers (initial body weight: 200 ± 9.0 kg; 7-month-old). Heifers were randomly assigned to 2 diets based on corn, soybean meal, alfalfa hay, and wheat bran: control, Lys-deficient diet (LD; 0.66% Lys in diet), and Lys-adequate diet (LA; 1.00% Lys in diet). The results showed no difference in growth performance between the 2 groups (P > 0.05). However, there was a clear trend of increasing feed conversion rate with Lys supplementation (0.05 < P < 0.01). The serum urea nitrogen concentration was significantly decreased, and the aspartate aminotransferase-to-alanine aminotransferase ratio was significantly decreased by Lys supplementation (P < 0.05). Moreover, growing heifers fed a Lys-adequate diet had lower levels of urine nitrogen excretion and higher levels of the biological value of nitrogen (P < 0.05). Metabolomic analysis revealed that 5 types of phosphatidylcholine and 3 types of ceramide were significantly increased and enriched in sphingolipid metabolism and glycerophospholipid metabolism (P < 0.05). His, Leu, and Asp levels were significantly decreased in the liver following Lys supplementation (P < 0.05). In conclusion, Lys supplementation may promote the synthesis of body tissue proteins, as evidenced by significantly decreased amino acids in the liver and urine N excretion, it also improves hepatic lipid metabolism by providing lipoprotein precursors.  相似文献   



Upon binding luteinizing hormone in the ovary, the luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor (LHCGR) is necessary for follicular maturation and ovulation, as well as luteal function. We detected mutations in the LHCGR gene and evaluated their association with superovulation.


Using polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) and DNA sequencing, we examined polymorphisms in LHCGR and the genotypes associated with superovulation traits in 127 Chinese Holstein heifers.


A G/T polymorphism (ss52050737) in exon 11 was significantly associated with the total number of ova and the number of transferable embryos.


LHCGR may be a new predictor for superovulation in Chinese Holstein heifers.  相似文献   

[目的]探究江苏某牛场荷斯坦牛日产奶量和乳成分的影响因素。[方法]试验采集了该规模化牛场2018—2020年139 703条测定数据,并利用多因素方差模型对其进行系统的分析。[结果]不同胎次、测定季节、产犊季节、泌乳月对荷斯坦牛日产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率、体细胞评分、乳尿素氮均有极显著影响(P<0.01)。产奶量与乳脂率、乳蛋白率、体细胞评分均存在极显著负相关。[结论]综上结果,在生产中,应结合胎次、季节、产犊时间、泌乳等多种因素,灵活调整牛群结构、生产规划和饲养管理,以实现提高产奶量和乳品质的目的。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of postpartum mastitis between first calving and subsequent conception on production and reproduction performance as well as culling of Holstein cows. A data set of 9,183 first lactation cows was used. Results showed that the first cumulative 100?days' milk production and the milk yield standardized to 305?days were affected by the interval from calving to first mastitis (P??0.05). Calving year, calving difficulty score, and cumulative first 60?days milk production had significant impacts on mastitis risk (P?相似文献   

Background: Upon binding luteinizing hormone in the ovary, the luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor (LHCGR) is necessary for follicular maturation and ovulation, as well as luteal function. We detected mutations in the LHCGR gene and evaluated their association with superovulation. Methods: Using polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) and DNA sequencing, we examined polymorphisms in LHCGR and the genotypes associated with superovulation traits in 127 Chinese Holstein heifers. Results: A G/T polymorphism (ss52050737) in exon 11 was significantly associated with the total number of ova and the number of transferable embryos. Conclusions: LHCGR may be a new predictor for superovulation in Chinese Holstein heifers.  相似文献   

旨在研究母牛初次配种妊娠月龄(age at first pregnancy,AFP)对其泌乳性能和主要繁殖性能的影响。本研究以我国北方地区2个规模化奶牛场13 927头荷斯坦母牛(A牧场8 091头,B牧场5 836头)的生产数据为基础,统计了母牛AFP、头胎和二胎的产奶量、产后首次发情时间、首次配种时间和首次受孕时间,然后将母牛根据AFP的早晚(12~19月龄)分为8组,对各试验组母牛的头胎和二胎产奶量和主要繁殖性能的数据进行比较分析。结果表明:1)2个规模化奶牛场荷斯坦青年牛AFP以13和14月龄为主(总占比70.1%);2)AFP可显著影响荷斯坦青年牛头胎和二胎的305 d产奶量(P<0.05),其中AFP为14月龄时A牧场头胎和二胎305 d产奶量均最高,分别为15 102和15 534 kg;3)AFP可显著影响荷斯坦青年牛头胎和二胎产后首次发情时间和受孕时间(P<0.05),AFP为14月龄时头胎产后首次发情和受孕情况最优;4)对于产后首配时间,除A牧场头胎AFP为16月龄时产后首次配种时间显著高于AFP为17月龄时(P<0.05)外,其余各组间均无显著性差异(P ≥ 0.05),并且各组间配种时间相差≤ 5 d;5)通过对A牧场在场牛(2 703头)与淘汰牛(660头)的AFP记录数据分析发现,在场牛的AFP为14.52月龄,显著高于淘汰牛的AFP(P<0.05)。因此,在北方地区现有的生产管理水平下,14月龄可能是荷斯坦青年牛最适宜的初次配种妊娠月龄,这对我国规模化奶牛场选择荷斯坦青年牛适宜的初次配种月龄具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

This field trial was conducted to test the effect of treatment with a sustained-release ivermectin bolus on first lactation milk production (projected to 305 days) and milk composition (percent fat and protein) in breeding-aged Holstein heifers. From 12 herds, 96 heifers were randomly allocated at turnout to treatment with a commercially available ivermectin bolus (n=49) or untreated control (n=47) groups. Animals were weighed at turnout, mid-season, and at the end of the grazing season. Fecal samples were taken and nematode eggs counted. Projected 305 days milk production, fat and protein content were retrieved from PATLQ reports (Quebec DHI records) for heifers that calved during the subsequent 10 months. The heifers had a mean weight of 409 and 404 kg at turnout, respectively, for control and treated groups. Nematode egg excretion was relatively low (mean of 10 egg/g (EPG) for controls at housing) throughout the pasture season. The average daily gain (ADG) and total weight gain (TWG) over the entire pasture season was found to be higher in treated heifers compared to controls (ADG: difference=0.08 kg per day, P=0.010; TWG: difference=12.82 kg, P=0.013). Taking into account a possible farm effect, the 305 days milk production for IVOMEC SR bolus-treated heifers was significantly higher than for untreated animals (mean+/-S.D.; 348+/-476 kg; t-test=2.31, P<0.05). Overall, 8 of the 10 remaining farms in the study demonstrated a positive milk production difference in treated (n=34) versus control heifers (n=33). The results of this study suggest that preventive treatment of breeding-aged, grazing dairy heifers with a sustained-release ivermectin bolus provides a significant weight-gain which may translate to a significant milk production advantage, even in situations with commercial utilization of moderately contaminated pastures.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究饲喂酸化乳对犊牛生长性能和血清免疫指标的影响。本试验采用完全随机试验设计,选择3日龄左右、体重(40±5) kg的健康荷斯坦犊牛20头,随机分为2组,即酸化乳组和巴氏杀菌乳组,每组10头。酸化乳组饲喂酸化乳,巴氏杀菌乳组饲喂巴氏杀菌乳,2组均自由采食颗粒料,试验期共180 d,在试验第60天时断奶。每天记录犊牛的采食量,于犊牛生长期的第7、30、60、90、180天分别测量体尺、体重,计算平均日增重,同时采血用于测定血清免疫指标。结果表明:1)酸化乳组乳尿素氮含量极显著高于巴氏杀菌乳组(P<0.01),乳大肠杆菌、总菌数量显著低于巴氏杀菌乳组(P<0.05),乳糖率、乳脂率和乳蛋白率组间差异不显著(P>0.05)。2)第31~50天时,酸化乳组犊牛液体饲料平均日采食量极显著高于巴氏杀菌乳组(P <0.01);第61~90天时,酸化乳组犊牛固体饲料平均日采食量极显著高于巴氏杀菌乳组(P <0.01)。3)第60~180天时,酸化乳组犊牛平均日增重显著高于巴氏杀菌乳组(P <0.05)。第60天时,酸化乳组犊牛体直长、体高和管围均显著高于巴氏杀菌乳组(P<0.05);第90天时,犊牛体直长、体斜长、体高和管围均显著高于巴氏杀菌乳组(P<0.05);第180天时,酸化乳组犊牛体直长、体斜长和体高均极显著高于巴氏杀菌乳组(P<0.01)。4)第60天时,酸化乳组血清免疫球蛋白A(IgA)含量显著高于巴氏杀菌乳组(P<0.05);第90天时,酸化乳组血清免疫球蛋白G(IgG)含量极显著高于巴氏杀菌乳组(P<0.01);第90和180天时,酸化乳组血清免疫球蛋白M(IgM)含量显著高于巴氏杀菌乳组(P<0.05)。第30天时,巴氏杀菌乳组血清肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)和白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)含量均极显著高于酸化乳组(P<0.01),血清白细胞介素-6(IL-6)含量显著高于酸化乳组(P<0.05);第60天时,巴氏杀菌乳组血清IL-1β含量极显著高于酸化乳组(P<0.01),血清IL-6含量显著高于酸化乳组(P<0.05);第90天时,巴氏杀菌乳组血清IL-1β含量显著高于酸化乳组(P <0. 05)。综上所述,利用甲酸酸化牛乳对牛乳成分影响不大,可抑制牛乳中有害细菌生长,改善适口性,提高犊牛采食量,改善机体免疫力。  相似文献   

Insulin‐like growth factor‐1 (IGF‐1) is one of the important factors for growth, milk production and reproductive functions and mainly released from the liver in response to growth hormone (GH) via GH receptor (GHR) in cattle. Recently, some single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in the bovine GHR gene. Some GHR‐SNPs were shown to be related to plasma IGF‐1 concentration in cattle. Hence, the capacity to IGF‐1 production in the liver might be affected by GHR‐SNP and associated with performance in the future. This study examined whether GHR‐SNP is associated with IGF‐1 production in the liver of pre‐pubertal heifers. In 71 Holstein calves, blood samples for genomic DNA extraction were obtained immediately after birth. To genotype the GHR‐SNPs in the promoter region, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products were digested with restriction enzyme NsiI (cutting sites: AA, AG and GG). All heifers at 4 months of age were intramuscularly injected with 0.4 mg oestradiol benzoate. Blood samples were obtained from the jugular vein just before (0 h) and 24 h after injection. The number of AA, AG and GG at the NsiI site was 0, 17 and 54 respectively. In AG and GG, plasma GH concentrations were higher pre‐injection than 24 h post‐injection (p < 0.01). Moreover, plasma GH concentrations in AG post‐injection were higher than in GG (p < 0.05). In contrast, the GG genotype exhibited higher plasma IGF‐1 concentrations in pre‐injection than post‐injection (p < 0.01), although oestradiol did not change IGF‐1 concentration in the AG genotype. We conclude that the GG polymorphism in the promoter region of GHR is associated with a higher potential capacity of IGF‐1 production in the liver of cattle.  相似文献   

选取24头泌乳奶牛,随机分成A、B、C和D,4组,分别按剂量0.0(对照),6.0,12.0和16.0 mg/头静脉注射金属硫蛋白(MT),以探讨外源性MT对奶牛产能性能和内分泌的影响.结果表明,B组1~30 d、C组1~45 d的标准产奶量显著高于A组,C组乳脂率在31~45 d较A组有显著改善;B组INS含量30 ...  相似文献   

Effects of long‐term treatment with recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on concentrations of cellular metabolites in the milk of 87.5% crossbred Holstein cattle were performed. The peak milk yield of rbST‐treated animals was 22% higher (P < 0.05) than that of the control animals in early lactation. The mammary glucose uptake of rbST‐treated animals increased in early lactation, but decreased in mid and late lactation, while plasma glucose concentrations were not affected. Lactose and milk triacylglycerol secretion of rbST‐treated animals significantly increased (P < 0.05) when compared with those of control animals in early lactation. The concentrations of milk glucose of rbST‐treated animals significantly increased in early and mid‐lactation (P < 0.05). The concentrations of milk galactose markedly increased (P < 0.05) whereas the concentrations of milk uridine 5′‐diphosphoglucose (UDP‐glucose) and UDP‐galactose showed no significant changes as lactation advances in both groups. The concentrations of isocitrate, 2‐oxoglutarate and citrate in milk from both groups showed no significant changes throughout experiment. The concentration of glucose‐6‐phosphate (G6P), glucose‐1‐phosphate and cyclic adenosine 3,5′monophosphate in milk from both groups markedly decreased as lactation advances exception in early lactation of rbST‐treated animals, which G6P was not affected. These findings suggest that prolonged rbST treatment exerts its galactopoietic action at least in early lactation through both intramammary and extra‐mammary changes. Increases in the concentrations of glucose and G6P in milk maintained the level of pretreatment in early lactation associated with increases in milk yields during rbST administration, reflect their concentrations in the cytosol or Golgi vesicles of mammary cells, which would be one of the factors regulating intermediary metabolites in the lactose biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

The objective of the research was the evaluation of change in the traditional milking system using automatic milking system in the scope of the selected reproduction features of dairy cows of the Polish Holstein–Friesian breed. Animal material consisted of 2,818 cows used on nine farms equipped with the automatic milking system Astronaut A4 made by Lely. The cows were controlled in the scope of services per conception, service period, length of pregnancy, calving interval and calving to conception period, milk yield, protein and fat content obtained in lactations of 305 days. The selected traits were observed between 2005 and 2015. In this period, the milking system was changed from the conventional to automated one. The collected data material was statistically processed, using the multifactorial analysis of variance. The period between the first calving and the second effective insemination was reduced by 11.8 days, and the period between the second calving and the third effective insemination was shortened by 4 days after the installation of the automatic milking system. The increase in milk yield by 466 kg during 305‐day lactation was observed among primiparous cows. The percentage of protein and fat content in the researched groups decreased; moreover, the fall of intergroup variability was noticeable, which may be a sign of the levelling of the yield within the herd.  相似文献   


Aims: To examine the relationship between liveweight (LWT) at 12 months as a proportion of LWT at 21 months of age (LWT(12/21)%) and first lactation and cumulative 3-year milk production in dairy heifers in New Zealand.

Methods: Liveweight and milk production records were obtained for dairy heifers born from June to December (spring-calving season) between 2006–2007 and 2013–2014 dairy seasons; production records included first lactation (n?=?140,113) and cumulative 3-year (n?=?67,833) milksolids and energy-corrected milk (ECM) yields. Heifers were classified into five breed groups; Holstein-Friesian, Holstein-Friesian crossbred, Jersey, Jersey crossbred and Holstein-Friesian-Jersey crossbred. Within each breed group heifers were categorised into quintiles based on 21-month LWT. The LWT(12/21)% was calculated for each animal. Relationships between LWT(12/21)% and milk production within each breed group and LWT category were estimated using linear mixed effects models including the linear and quadratic effects of LWT(12/21)%.

Results: The relationship between LWT(12/21)% and milk production was predominantly curvilinear, with lower milk production at lesser LWT(12/21)% compared with greater LWT(12/21)%. For all breed groups and most LWT categories, heifers that were 55 or 65% LWT(12/21)% produced greater ECM and milksolids yields compared with heifers that were 45% LWT(12/21)%. Holstein-Friesian, Holstein-Friesian crossbred and Holstein-Friesian-Jersey crossbred heifers that were 65% LWT(12/21)% produced greater cumulative 3-year ECM and milksolids yields compared with heifers of the same breed group that were 45% LWT(12/21)%

Conclusions and clinical relevance: Heifers that were a greater proportion of their 21-month LWT at 12 months of age produced more first lactation and cumulative 3-year milk yields than heifers that were a lesser proportion of their 21-month LWT at 12 months of age. These results indicate that increased growth in early life of New Zealand dairy heifers is beneficial to future milk production.  相似文献   

A series of studies were carried out to determine the effects of increasing environmental temperature (20 to 28 to 33 °C) at a constant (60%) relative humidity on the physiological responses, energy and nitrogen balance of prepubertal Holstein heifers (n = 4, initial body weight = 198 ± 3 kg). The relatively high environmental temperatures of 28 and 33 °C increased rectal temperature by 0.2 and 1.2 °C and increased respiration by 23 and 58 breaths per min, respectively. At 28 °C, dry matter intake was similar to that at 20 °C, whereas at 33 °C dry matter intake was lower (P < 0.10) by about 9%. However, the dry matter digestibility was higher (P < 0.05) at 33 °C than at 20 °C, hence the thermal treatments did not affect daily weight gain. At 33 °C blood urea nitrogen increased whereas hematocrit and plasma glucose concentrations decreased. At 33 °C energy and nitrogen intake were lower (P < 0.10), while energy and nitrogen digestibility were higher at 33 °C than at 20 °C. Urinary nitrogen was elevated at 33 °C resulting in lower nitrogen retention. Although, energy retention as fat did not differ (P > 0.10) among the treatments, energy retention as protein was lower (P < 0.05) at 33 °C than at 20 °C or 28 °C. These results confirmed that the effects of environmental temperature on prepubertal heifers were severe above 28 °C.  相似文献   

选择经产期和产奶量相近的健康中国荷斯坦奶牛50头,完全随机分成5组,每组10头,分别饲喂基础日粮及添加150mg/kg和300mg/kg的有机锌和无机锌日粮。结果表明:1)添加150mg/kg和300mg/kg的锌对牛奶中乳脂率、乳蛋白、乳糖和非脂固形物(SNF)含量无显著影响(P>0.05);2)无机锌对产奶量无显著影响(P>0.05),而添加有机锌则可显著提高奶牛产奶量(P<0.05);3)高锌可极显著(P<0.01)提高血锌和乳锌含量,而且血锌与乳锌之间存在线性相关(r=0.627,n=50)。  相似文献   

文章旨在探究复合型饲料添加剂对荷斯坦奶牛生产性能、血清生化指标的影响.采取单因素试验设计,将18头身体健康、体况相近的泌乳中期荷斯坦奶牛随机分为2组,分别为对照组、试验组(添加复合型饲料200?g/d),其中每组设置3个重复,每个重复3头牛,整个试验周期为30?d.于试验期第15和30天采集奶牛乳样及空腹血样,用于测定...  相似文献   

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