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正为了全面了解广西壮族自治区崇左市牛羊养殖业发展的基本情况,崇左市畜牧站对全市7个县(市、区)牛羊养殖业的发展现状、经验做法及存在问题进行了深入调研。通过实地调研,全面准确地了解崇左市牛羊养殖业的发展现状和存在问题。现提出今后崇左市牛羊养殖产业发展的对策和建议,供参考。一、基本情况1.全市牛羊养殖情况。近年来,崇左市积极推进农业供给侧结  相似文献   

甘蔗尾叶青贮技术及利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崇左市是全国最大的甘蔗生产市,据统计,全市每年甘蔗种植面积可以稳定在300万亩以上,产蔗尾647万吨,目前甘蔗尾叶的利用率还不到10%.甘蔗尾叶青贮是一项合理利用资源,减少家畜对粮食和牧草的消耗,同时调节青绿饲料的余缺,解决牛羊饲草季节性短缺,对发展牛羊养殖,增加农民收入具有重要意义.  相似文献   

正2018年,广西壮族自治区崇左市积极采取措施,大力发展牛羊养殖业,推动农村产业发展,取得了一定的成效。截至7月底,全市牛饲养量38.44万头,同比增长12.7%;10头以上的牛场达到499家,同比增长65%;存栏100头以上的牛场17家,同比增长40%。羊的饲养量14.09万只,同比增长30.14%;30只以上的羊场890家,同比增长116%;100只以上的羊场253家,同比增长30%。创建国家级牛羊养殖标准化示范场3家、自治区级4家;荣获"广西畜禽现代生态养殖场"称号的牛羊养殖场28家。但是,崇左市发展牛羊养殖业仍存在一些亟待解决的困难和问题。  相似文献   

正江州区是广西甘蔗主产区,拥有丰富的甘蔗尾叶,如何利用好这一资源,发展壮大牛羊产业,是地方政府期待解决的一个重要问题。牛羊养殖业是现代畜牧业和现代农业的重要组成部分,发展牛羊产业,提高牛羊养殖的比重,有利于调整农业产业结构布局,有利于发展农业循环经济,对促进农村经济发展和农民增收具有十分重要的意义。本文通过剖析江州区牛羊养殖业现状及发展存在的主要问题,提出了推进牛羊养殖发展的一些方法和思路。1江州区牛羊养殖业的现状农村牛羊养  相似文献   

我国畜牧业在近年来的发展成效是有目共睹的,特别是以牛羊养殖为主的养殖产业,无论是发展规模还是发展速度均逐年提升。牛羊养殖产业规模的扩大为经济发展提供了重要动力,但同时也产生了不容忽视的环境污染问题。本文针对牛羊养殖产业的主要特点进行分析,概括牛羊养殖对环境所产生的污染,最后对环境污染问题的防控措施进行分析。  相似文献   

甘蔗制糖产业副产物丰富(梢、叶、渣、茎),且都可用作饲养原料。甘蔗砍收集中在11月至翌年3月,牧农在此期间大量囤积甘蔗副产物,但以不同副产物饲养牛羊等存在显著差异。研究选取了甘蔗不同副产物,同时以优质牧草皇竹草作对比,系统分析了它们的营养成分、纤维分及抗营养因子。结果表明,蔗梢有着作为优质饲料资源的潜能,与皇竹草不分伯仲。  相似文献   

甘蔗制糖产业副产物丰富(梢、叶、渣、茎),且都可用作饲养原料。甘蔗砍收集中在11月至翌年3月,牧农在此期间大量囤积甘蔗副产物,但以不同副产物饲养牛羊等存在显著差异。研究选取了甘蔗不同副产物,同时以优质牧草皇竹草作对比,系统分析了它们的营养成分、纤维分及抗营养因子。结果表明,蔗梢有着作为优质饲料资源的潜能,与皇竹草不分伯仲。  相似文献   

正带动畜牧养殖业民间投资、增强民营经济实力,不仅是实现我国农业经济平稳健康可持续发展的重要举措,也是助力脱贫攻坚和农民可持续创收的有效手段。2017年以来,广西壮族自治区崇左市通过激发民间有效投资活力、加快推动畜牧业转型升级,全市牛羊养殖业得到了较快发展,促进了畜牧业增效和农民增收。一、基本情况截至2017年年底,崇左市完成各项养殖投入逾10亿元,其中,牛羊养殖业投资5.4689亿元、土鸡养殖业投  相似文献   

<正>为进一步了解和掌握广西壮族自治区崇左市牛羊产业发展状况和政策落实情况,促进崇左市牛羊产业持续健康发展,加快转型升级,探索适合崇左市牛羊产业发展新模式。近期崇左市组织调研组,通过发放调查问卷、实地考察、召开座谈会等形式,分别在扶绥县、大新县、江州区及4个边境县天等县、宁明县、龙州县、凭祥市开展了实地调研。  相似文献   

<正>牛羊产业既是甘肃传统优势产业,也是当前和未来推动全省农业转型跨越发展的重要突破口。近年来,全省立足"三农"实际,坚持把推广玉米全膜双垄沟播种植技术、加快秸秆转化利用和建设牛羊产业大县、发展农业循环经济有机统一起来,凝神聚力实施草食畜牧业发展行动,牛羊产业已成为全省农业结构调整中最具活力的产业和增加农牧民收入的重要增长源。1产业发展成效1.1战略性主导产业地位基本确立1.1.1产业规模持续扩张2015年末,全省牛、羊存栏  相似文献   

The resistance to artificial infection with Cowdria ruminantium of calves born to cows fully susceptible to heartwater is no different from that of calves bred in heartwater endemic areas where the tick challenge is negligible to considerable. The sub-inoculation into mice of blood collected 14-26 days after infection proved the presence of the heartwater agent in the blood of 8 out of 10 calves with no other clinical signs than mild to moderate fever. The combined use of a mouse model and the indirect fluorescent antibody test revealed considerable variation in the degrees to which calves become infected and react to artificial infection.  相似文献   

如何确定奶牛成母牛的投料系数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据有关报道 ,奶牛成母牛的投料系数一般在15~25 %之间 ,但是实际情况到底要多少才能既节约成本 ,又满足奶牛成母牛的营养需要 ,也不影响牛奶的质量和产量。为此 ,我们进行了为期一年的实测 ,经过总结和分析认为 :①因为能量所需的投料系数大于其他项(包括DM、DCP、Ca、P等)的系数 ,所以投料系数以满足能量的需要为主。②投料系数根据不同的月份在7 34 %~33 58 %之间。且环境温度越高 ,所需的投料系数越大。大家知道 ,奶牛成母牛的营养需要包括产奶需要、维持需要、生长阶段营养需要、妊娠的营养需要。环境温度变化 ,…  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to investigate the acquisition by goats of resistance to Haemonchus contortus. In Experiment 1, five Saanen wethers reared worm-free and averaging 51/2 months of age at the start of the experiment, were dosed with 200 H. contortus infective larvae three times per week for 10 weeks (approximately 23 infective larvae/kg mean initial liveweight/week) and then given anthelmintic treatment. Each goat and an equal number of worm-free controls were then challenged with 10,000 infective larvae. Post mortem worm counts were carried out 30 days later. In Experiment 2, eight worm-free Saanen wethers, 14 months old at the start of the experiment, were dosed with 825 infective larvae per week for 14 weeks (approximately 23 infective larvae/kg mean initial liveweight/week) except for one week when only 300 larvae were given and one week when no larvae were given. After anthelmintic treatment, each received, together with seven worm-free control animals, a challenge dose of 15,000 infective larvae. Post-mortem worm counts were carried out 28 days later. There were no significant dii- ferences in post-mortem worm counts between previously infected and uninfected groups in either experiment. In both experiments, serum pepsinogen values rose significantly as a result of infection but there was no significant (p>0.5) correlation between worm counts and pepsinogen values on the day of slaughter.  相似文献   

Feral swine (Sus scrofa) pose a significant disease threat to livestock and humans. Emerging technologies to reduce feral swine disease transmission risks include fertility control, vaccination, and toxicants. However, for these technologies to be appropriate for field application, a feral swine-specific oral delivery system is needed. We used two field trials to generate information related to appropriate field application of the Boar-Operated-System (BOS?), an oral delivery system designed to provide bait access only to feral swine. Our objectives were to determine whether pre-baiting BOS? units increased bait removal and to evaluate the proportion of feral swine and non-target animals that ingest baits designed to deliver pharmaceuticals through the BOS?. During both trials we used baits housed within 10 BOS? units. We monitored wildlife visitation, bait removal, and ingestion using motion sensing digital photography and baits containing the bait marker tetracycline hydrochloride (TH). During trial 1 we found three of five pre-baited BOS? units were used by feral swine only. Additionally, we found the five BOS? units that were not pre-baited were not used by feral swine or non-target wildlife. During trial 2 we determined bait removal from the BOS? to be reduced by only 10% for feral swine when activated, whereas bait removal from the BOS? by all other wildlife was reduced by 100% when activated. We captured 81 feral swine and 23 raccoons and found 90% and 13% to have TH-marked teeth, respectively. With minor modifications, the BOS? should be considered a valuable tool to be used in feral swine disease management in conjunction with existing technologies.  相似文献   

Two herds of swine, believed to be free from mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine (MPS) based upon negative Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae microtiter complement fixation test (CFT) results, subsequently exhibited clinical signs of MPS.Lungworms (Metastrongylus spp.) were common to both herds. The possibility that lungworms could serve as a reservoir for M. hyopneumoniae was investigated. Lungworm-larvae-infected earthworms, collected from each of the farms, were fed to swine free of lungworms and MPS. This procedure resulted in lungworm infection in the recipient pigs, but failed to produce pneumonic lesions or CFT antibody titers against MPS.  相似文献   

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