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Abstract— Underwater observations were used to describe habitat use and diel behavior of juvenile bull trout ( Salvelinus confluentus ) at the onset of winter (0.8°C) in a second-order central Idaho stream. All fish observed during daytime counts were concealed beneath "home stones" (mean dimensions 32.3 by 21.9 cm) in primarily pool and run habitats. Focal point depths and velocities averaged 57.2 cm and 4.7 cm/s (home stone removed). Fish maintained stations over substrate with low percentages of fine (< 2 mm, mean= 5.2%) sediment. Concealed bull trout were not evenly distributed across the stream channel. Significantly more home stones were distributed near the midline of the channel, compared to the channel margins. Fish size was positively correlated with home stone size. At night, bull trout exhibited a diel behavioral shift, some fish moved out of daytime concealment cover into the water column. At night, bull trout were observed feeding and resting, primarily in pool and run habitats. During both day and night, bull trout used riffles significantly less frequently than those habitats were available.  相似文献   

Bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus (Suckley), populations are declining in many streams of North America and are listed under the Endangered Species Act in the United States. Many small populations are isolated in fragmented habitats where spawning conditions and success are not well understood. Factors affecting habitats selected for redds by spawning bull trout and redd habitat characteristics within Gold Creek, a headwater stream in the Yakima River within the Columbia River basin, Washington State, USA, were evaluated. Most spawning (>80% of the redds) occurred in upstream habitats after dewatering of downstream channels isolated fish. Habitats were selected or avoided in proportions different to their availability. For example, most bull trout selected pools and glides and avoided riffles despite the latter being more readily available. Although preferences suggest influences of prolonged fish entrapment, site fidelity could be important. A habitat with redds commonly contained abundant cover, gravel substratum and higher stream flows. The major factors influencing habitat selection by spawning fish and their persistence in streams of the Yakima and Columbia River regions include entrapment of fish by dewatering of channels and geographical isolation by dams. The goal of the US Government's recovery plan is ‘to ensure the long‐term persistence of self‐sustaining bull trout populations’. Recovery plans linked to provisions for protecting and conserving bull trout populations and their habitats were recommended. Landscape approaches are needed that provide networks of refuge habitats and greater connectivity between populations. Concurrent recovery efforts are encouraged to focus on protecting small populations and minimizing dangers of hybridization.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Many salmonids express multiple behavioural forms within the same population, representing an evolutionary adaptation to a heterogeneous environment. For bull trout, resident and migratory forms co-occur in streams, but it is unknown whether the two forms assortatively mate. We assessed genetic differentiation between resident and migratory bull trout (using eight microsatellite loci) in the South Fork Walla Walla River. We PIT-tagged and fin-clipped bull trout and assigned individuals to behavioural subpopulations based on movement patterns. The pair-wise F ST value between resident and migratory subpopulations (0.0037) was statistically insignificant, and individual-based analyses of structure using both multivariate and Bayesian approaches showed a lack of genetic structure within the population. These results have important implications for assessing population status and management; while the population may be managed as a single reproductive unit, the phenotypic variation within this population may have fitness consequences and thus merits conservation.  相似文献   

Abstract– Habitat use and population dynamics in brown trout Salmo trutta and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were studied in an oligotrophic lake over a period of 10 years. Previous studies showed that the species segregated by habitat during summer. While brown trout occupied the surface water down to a depth of 10 m, Arctic charr were found deeper with a maximum occurrence at depth 10–15 m. Following the removal of a large number of intermediate sized fish in 1988–89, habitat segregation between the species broke down and Arctic charr were found in upper waters, while brown trout descended to deeper waters. The following year, both species were most frequently found in surface waters at depths of 0–5 m. During the last four years, the species reestablished their original habitat segregation despite another removal experiment of intermediate-sized fish in 1992–1994. The removal of fish resulted in an increased proportion of large (≥ 25 cm) fish in both species. Furthermore, the charr stock responded by reduced abundance and increased size-at-age. The results revealed plasticity and strong resistance to harvest populations of brown trout and Arctic charr. This is probably due to internal mechanisms of intraspecific competition within each population, which result in differential mortality among size classes.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Movement and habitat use by bull trout ( Salvelinus confluentus ) was examined using radio telemetry in the Morice River watershed, north-western British Columbia, between April 2000 and November 2001. Bull trout principally utilised mainstem habitat. Throughout the watershed, little movement was observed during the winter months. From June to September, movement increased and was correlated with migration into tributaries. We directly observed spawning bull trout only in tributaries of the Morice River and never in the mainstem. Many of the fish ( N  = 48) migrated to the nearest potential spawning sites, but a few fish ( N  = 7) made extensive migrations to other regions of the watershed to spawn. Fish that spawned in both years of the study returned to the same spawning location. Variation in spatial and movement data, therefore, appears to be linked to availability of suitable habitat and not differences in life history that have been observed in large bull trout.  相似文献   

  • 1. The lacustrine brown trout (Salmo trutta) is endangered and of high conservation importance. In the only spawning habitat of the population in the Bavarian Lake Walchensee, the River Obernach, a substantial decrease in spawning runs has been reported. In this study, the present ecological state of the spawning stream was analysed with the objective of identifying life‐stage specific limitations to successful recruitment attributable to deficiencies in (i) spawning migration, (ii) spawning habitat quality, and (iii) habitat quality for juveniles.
  • 2. Structural stream analysis showed that discharge and several migration barriers — particularly near the river outlet into the lake — prevent successful spawning migrations at normal water levels. Migration barriers are probably the main limiting factor for reproduction of lacustrine brown trout, whereas structural variability of the Obernach meets the habitat requirements of both spawners and juveniles.
  • 3. Spawning site quality was suitable for trout, as indicated by stream substratum texture and high exchange rates between free‐flowing water and the interstitial zone in physico‐chemical parameters (redox potential, dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature and conductivity).
  • 4. Analyses of fish community structure revealed dominance of lithophilic species, in particular of riverine brown trout (Salmo trutta). Its density and intact demographic population structure suggest that spawning and juvenile habitat quality for salmonids is not limiting. Recapture of stocked lacustrine trout juveniles also indicates habitat suitability for the juvenile stage.
  • 5. In conclusion, the results show that the methodology used in this study is suitable for the identification of life‐stage specific habitat deficiencies in lacustrine brown trout and other fish species. Availability of habitat data throughout the species' distribution range is a first crucial step for the development of an effective recovery plan. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

While marine reefs are degraded globally, the responses of fish to marine reef restoration remain uncertain, particularly in temperate waters. This study measured the effect of marine boulder reef restoration on the behaviour of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L., in a Natura 2000 area using acoustic telemetry. Cod were tagged and released in the study area before and after the restoration and tracked continuously for six months. A larger fraction of the released fish remained in the study area after restoration (94%) than before (53%). Moreover, throughout the study period, cod spent significantly more hours per day and prolonged their residence time in the study area after the restoration. The study indicates that marine reefs subjected to boulder extraction can be restored and function as favourable cod habitats. Temperate marine boulder reef restoration represents a valuable management tool to improve habitats for temperate fish species.  相似文献   

  • 1. The vertical and horizontal distribution of unionoid mussels (Pronodularia japanensis) were examined in spring, late summer and winter for different size classes, including juveniles (<20 mm) and large adults (>50 mm), in an agricultural drainage channel in Central Japan.
  • 2. A large number of small‐sized juveniles were found at the surface (0–3 cm depth) in spring, whereas approximately half of the adults remained in the deep layer (3–8 cm depth). Most individuals were found in the surface layer irrespective of size classes in summer, and approximately 70% of all individuals descended to the deep layer in winter.
  • 3. Horizontal distribution did not substantially change across seasons and high density patches were consistently found in the areas where substrate appeared to be stable or hydraulically sheltered. Spatial distribution of small juveniles was relatively well predicted by the abundance of adults.
  • 4. The size–frequency distribution was multi‐modal in three seasons and estimated numbers of newly recruited juveniles were highly variable in recent years, suggesting that juveniles were rarely found owing to irregular reproduction and/or recruitment not the overlooked habitat preferred by small‐sized juveniles.
  • 5. As P. japanensis is characterized by the behaviour of burrowing down to a depth of ~10 cm, maintaining the processes of sediment deposition appears to be one of the critical criteria for the conservation of mussel habitats in agricultural drainage channel systems, which are commonly lined with smooth concrete materials. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • 1. During 2001 and 2002, 12 tributaries of the River Duero basin, north‐west Spain, were sampled. Pearl mussels Margaritifera margaritifera (L.) were located in two of them. Isolated individuals were found in the River Tera, a tributary of the River Esla; and only a few colonies with more than 20 mussels were found in the River Negro.
  • 2. All of the specimens found were adults (mean length 95 mm), with juveniles being absent in the river bed. The River Negro plots showed a low median mussel density (0.11 m?2), and that of greatest size consisted of 164 ageing individuals.
  • 3. Mussels were mainly located in permanent rivers and in shallow stretches with little flow of water, with heterogeneous substrates and heavily shaded by the riparian woods. The whole basin has well‐conserved rivers with cold oligotrophic water and poor mineralization due to the insolubility of the rocks.
  • 4. This relic population has a severely restricted distribution because of a series of large reservoirs in a hydropower complex of the rivers Duero and Esla (caused by the construction of the Ricobayo Dam in 1947) and their negative impact on the rheophilous fish. The mussels of the River Tera have been isolated from the rest of the Duero basin since 1969 (Cernadilla Dam), whereas in the River Negro they have been isolated since 1995 (Agavanzal Dam).
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

前黑素小体蛋白a (premelanosome protein,pmela)基因是黑色素合成通路中的关键基因之一,对动物的体色有着重要影响。为探讨pmela基因在虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)体色变异中的作用,本研究利用cDNA末端快速扩增(rapid amplification of cDNA ends,RACE)技术对pmela基因cDNA全长进行克隆并运用生物信息学方法分析该基因的序列特征,同时采用qRT-PCR比较pmela在野生型虹鳟(虹鳟)、黄色突变型虹鳟(金鳟)和杂交F1代受精期至孵化后3个月不同发育时期及成鱼不同组织中的相对表达量。研究获得pmela基因cDNA全长序列3 476 bp,包含2 532 bp开放阅读框,编码843个氨基酸。序列分析发现,Pmela为疏水性蛋白且存在PKD功能结构域。同源性比对发现,虹鳟Pemla氨基酸序列与红鲑(Oncorhynchus nerka)的同源性高达97.75%;进化分析结果显示,虹鳟与红鲑的亲缘关系最近,与人类(Homo sapiens)和小鼠(Mus musculus)的亲缘关系最远。...  相似文献   

Determining the extent of dispersal in exploited marine fishes is essential for understanding their population dynamics and optimising management. The West Australian dhufish, Glaucosoma hebraicum, is a highly sought‐after, large and long‐lived reef‐dwelling species, endemic to south‐western Australia. Stock assessments indicate that this indicator species is overexploited. The fishery is managed using a zone‐based system, which implicitly assumes a high degree of demographic independence among zones. While tagging studies indicate limited movement of adult G. hebraicum, there is no understanding of the spatial scale of dispersal of its larvae and thus the true extent of interdependence of management zones. We analysed 13 microsatellite DNA loci to characterise the extent of gene flow, and conducted particle tracking simulations to model larval transport in this species. Genetic data demonstrated that some local recruitment was likely, but that on a broad scale gene flow between the management zones was extensive, and the entire fishery represents a single genetic stock. Hydrodynamic modelling predicted that the majority of dhufish larvae recruit from within the management zone where they are spawned, and that inter‐annual variation in current velocities has limited effect on the extent of larval transport. Because management zones are likely to be largely independent in terms of both larval and adult recruitment, heavy localised fishing pressure has the potential to reduce the abundance and reproductive capacity of this species in highly fished areas, but it should have limited impact on neutral genetic diversity.  相似文献   

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