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A method for determining relative year class strength (YCS) in unexploited freshwater fish populations from individual surveys, based on reconstruction of the mortality schedule of the target population, is described. The method was tested against traditional approaches of assessment of YCS and the limitations and applicability discussed. The method is useful for analysing the factors regulating YCS in freshwater fisheries.  相似文献   

Stocking and electrofishing occurrence and abundance data for northern pike Esox lucius L. in >3800 km of French rivers across 7 years were compared to assess the effect of recreational fisheries stocking programmes on wild pike populations. A positive relationship was found between the additive effect of stocking and the size of the stocked pike. However, the stocking programmes implemented in France by recreational fishery managers from 2008 to 2013 increased the probability of pike occurring in the river network, without increasing abundance in well-established pike populations, because pike stocked in their early-life stages were used in most of the stocking programmes.  相似文献   

Assessing the value of recreational sea angling in South West England   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract  A choice experiment was developed to assess how the value of the recreational sea angling experience in South West England would change as characteristics of the angling experience changed. Catch levels of anglers' favourite species are extremely important, until they reach around six fish per day, at which point anglers become satiated. Anglers are discerning about the species they catch – they would pay only a third as much for increased catches of non-favourite species than for the favourite species. Overall, increasing the size of individual fish would have a larger impact than increasing the catch per day, although this varies by species. In contrast, the presence or absence of rod or bag limits and the environmental quality of a site are only minor factors in anglers' decisions on where to fish. These results will help fisheries managers to identify their goals with respect to sea angling.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the suitability of the Berkowitz' ( 2005 ) social norms approach (SNA) for improving compliance behaviour amongst recreational fishers. A total of 138 recreational shore anglers were interviewed in Eastern Cape, South Africa and asked about their compliance, attitudes towards compliance, perceptions of compliance and the attitudes of other anglers. Results indicate that angler compliance for individual regulations was relatively high (75%–90%). Attitudes of anglers towards compliance was positive, with >80% feeling that “breaking any regulation is wrong.” Yet, as predicted by the SNA, interviewees often overestimated the non‐compliance and negative attitudes of other anglers, particularly as their social proximity decreased. Interviewees with the greatest misperceptions were also less compliant. The social norms present in the Eastern Cape rock and surf fishery fulfil the criteria required for the application of the SNA, suggesting that this approach may provide a suitable normative intervention for improving compliance to be used in conjunction with instrumental approaches in recreational fisheries.  相似文献   

Abstract  Recreational shore angling in the Atlantic Ocean between Moledo and Aveiro (Portugal) was examined using roving creel surveys (March/September 2001). Cooperation was high (90% of 2310 anglers approached). At least 39 species of fish were caught at a rate of approximately 0.5 fish angler h−1. An estimated 7319 kg of Dicentrarchus labrax (L.), with 45.6% below the minimum legal size, and 2040 kg of sea breams (genus Diplodus ), correspond to 5.75% and 1.19% of the commercial landings in the same geographical area, respectively. The results shed light on a number of issues relevant to integrated coastal management, including temporal and spatial distribution of fishing effort, species caught, sizes of fish, catch rates, and factors influencing catches and angler satisfaction. Whilst the results suggest that the catches of sea breams and sea bass by day-time recreational shore angling in northern Portugal are small compared with commercial fishing, other recreational activities, such as boat fishing and spear-fishing, must be assessed.  相似文献   

Abstract  Catch-and-release angling is a well-established practice in recreational angler behaviour and fisheries management. Accompanying this is a growing body of catch-and-release research that can be applied to reduce injury, mortality and sublethal alterations in behaviour and physiology. Here, the status of catch-and-release research from a symposium on the topic is summarised. Several general themes emerged including the need to: (1) better connect sublethal assessments to population-level processes; (2) enhance understanding of the variation in fish, fishing practices and gear and their role in catch and release; (3) better understand animal welfare issues related to catch and release; (4) increase the exchange of information on fishing-induced stress, injury and mortality between the recreational and commercial fishing sectors; and (5) improve procedures for measuring and understanding the effect of catch-and-release angling. Through design of better catch-and-release studies, strategies could be developed to further minimise stress, injury and mortality arising from catch-and-release angling. These strategies, when integrated with other fish population and fishery characteristics, can be used by anglers and managers to sustain or enhance recreational fishing resources.  相似文献   

The role of recreational fisheries in the competition for marine resources is increasingly recognised. Their contribution in stock dynamics needs to be accounted for in assessments and management. Management regulations should be based on scientific advice on human and biological dimensions to be effective in reaching their goals. A survey among marine angling tourists staying in fishing camps in two study areas in Norway was conducted to study catch‐and‐release (C&R) behaviour. Although C&R has been assumed to be low in many marine recreational fisheries, this survey showed that for some species, more than 60% of the catch was released. As C&R may be associated with post‐release mortalities, the current management system could be inefficient towards its aim of reducing fishing mortality. It was concluded that it is necessary to quantify release mortalities, to consider C&R behaviour in future management decisions, and to minimise the potential negative impacts of C&R through handling guidelines.  相似文献   

Abstract  Because of low fishing mortality that results from catch-and-release angling for carp, Cyprinius carpio L, it is counterintuitive that voluntary catch-and-release (vC&R) of this species induces conflicts within the angling community. Originally motivated by animal welfare concerns, vC&R is today probably as or more strongly criticised within the angling community itself than it is intersectorally. This study reviews the institutional treatment of C&R in Germany and explores within a sociological conflict model the conflicting views surrounding vC&R, specifically in specialised carp angling. It is argued that the intrasectoral (i.e. among angler groups) conflicts around vC&R fishing may divide the recreational angling community, which in turn may weaken the coherence of the entire angling sector. Restricting the opportunity to practice vC&R also can have important social and biological implications, which suggest a rethinking on the current treatment of vC&R recreational angling in Germany.  相似文献   

The debate over Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., stocking in Britain centres on the trade‐off between enhancing rod fisheries and harming wild populations. This article informs the debate by quantifying the relationship between stocking and angler catch statistics for 62 rivers over 15 years. After controlling for environmental factors affecting adult abundance, the 42 rivers with stocking had non‐significantly lower mean catch statistics than the 20 rivers without stocking. This difference increased with the age of stocked fish. Among stocked rivers, weak relationships between mean stocking effort and catch statistics also became more negative with the age of stocked fish. For stocked rivers, there was no evidence for a generally positive relationship between annual stocking efforts and catch statistics. Those rivers for which stocking appeared to improve annual rod catches tended to have lower than expected mean rod catches. The results suggest the damage inflicted on wild salmon populations by stocking is not balanced by detectable benefits to rod fisheries.  相似文献   

Abstract Inland fisheries in England and Wales have high economic and social values. Managing participation to maximise fishery performance is key to maintaining this status. The capital value of fishing rights for migratory salmonid fisheries is €165 million. Coarse fisheries contribute €1030 million to the economy. The central tenet to increasing participation in recreational salmonid fisheries is that an increase in stock size will result in more anglers accessing the fishery. This was examined for salmon on the rivers Usk and Lune where exploitation restrictions increased the number of salmon available to anglers. On the River Lune, the number of salmon available post‐intervention increased by 66%. There was no significant increase in catch while the number of anglers decreased by 16.3%. On the River Usk, the closure of the net fishery potentially resulted in an additional ~1200 salmon being available. Following closure, there was no significant change in rod catch or in the number of anglers. Increased participation is dependent less upon stock manipulation for coarse fisheries and more upon facilitating the activity. In recent years, urban fishery development programmes have provided improved access to local fishing opportunity. Also, new anglers have been targeted through campaigns such as Get Hooked on Fishing and the Scout Angler Badge.  相似文献   

Abstract  In England and Wales, freshwater anglers have shifted their behaviour towards visiting catch-and-release lake fisheries that are intensively stocked, mainly of large common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., to maintain high catch rates. Of 187 fish kills investigated in these intensively stocked lake fisheries in 2004 and 2005, most occurred between April and June and were mainly caused by parasitic or bacterial infections. Bacteria were usually associated with ulcerative diseases caused by strains of the bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida (Emmerich & Weibel) and secondary infections of opportunistic bacteria of the Genus Aeromonas (excluding salmonicida ) and Pseudomonas . Parasites involved in fish kills included Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Fouquet), Chilodenella sp., Ichthyobodo necator (Henneguy) and Argulus sp. Outbreaks were typically in fisheries with high extant stock densities (>1500 kg ha−1) and sub-optimal habitats, for example of low habitat heterogeneity with few macrophytes in the littoral zone. Recent stocking was also a key factor when only carp was affected. Thus, certain fisheries management practices that aim to enhance fishery performance may instead trigger fish kills during spring.  相似文献   

It is well known that fish can learn to avoid angling gear after experiencing a catch‐and‐release event, that is, after a private hooking experience. However, the possible importance of social information cues and their influence on an individual's vulnerability to angling remains largely unexplored, that is, social experience of a conspecific capture. The effects of private and social experience of hooking on the stress response of fish and subsequent catch rates were examined. Hatchery‐reared rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were implanted with heart rate loggers and experimentally subjected to private or social experience of hooking. Private and social experience of angling induced an increased heart rate in fish compared with naïve control fish. While private experience of hooking explained most of the reduced vulnerability to capture, no clear evidence was found that social experience of hooking affected angling vulnerability in fish that had never been hooked before. While both private and social experiences of angling constitute significant physiological stressors for rainbow trout, only the private experience reduces an individual's vulnerability to angling and in turn affecting population‐level catchability.  相似文献   

In northern industrialized countries, the inland fisheries sector has long been dominated by recreational fisheries, which normally exploit fish for leisure or subsistence and provide many (poorly investigated) benefits to society. Various factors constrain the development and existence of inland fisheries, such as local user conflicts, low social priority and inadequate research and funding. In many cases, however, degradation of the environment and loss of aquatic habitat are the predominant concerns for the sustainability of inland fisheries. The need for concerted effort to prevent and reduce environmental degradation, as well as conservation of freshwater fish and fisheries as renewable common pool resources or entities in their own right is the greatest challenge facing sustainable development of inland waters. In inland fisheries management, the declining quality of the aquatic environment coupled with long‐term inadequate and often inappropriate fisheries management has led to an emphasis on enhancement practices, such as stocking, to mitigate anthropogenic stress. However, this is not always the most appropriate management approach. Therefore, there is an urgent need to alter many traditional inland fisheries management practices and systems to focus on sustainable development. This paper reviews the literature regarding the inputs needed for sustainability of inland fisheries in industrialized countries. To understand better the problems facing sustainable inland fisheries management, the inland fisheries environment, its benefits, negative impacts and constraints, as well as historical management, paradigms, trends and current practices are described. Major philosophical shifts, challenges and promising integrated management approaches are envisaged in a holistic framework. The following are considered key elements for sustainable development of inland fisheries: communication, information dissemination, education, institutional restructuring, marketing outreach, management plans, decision analysis, socioeconomic evaluation and research into the human dimension, in addition to traditional biological and ecological sciences. If these inputs are integrated with traditional fisheries management practices, the prospects for sustainability in the inland fisheries will be enhanced.  相似文献   

Recreational fishing is a commonplace leisure activity within the developed world but can generate tension when activities conflict with conservation agendas. A potential conflict arises over the use of European river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis (L.), a protected species, by UK coarse (freshwater non-salmonid) predator anglers. This study used geographically stratified interviews with 69 predator anglers to explore attitudes towards the use of lamprey as bait, their conservation status and knowledge of biosecurity regulations. Most participants used lamprey as bait to some degree and agreed that, if threatened by exploitation, a ban on their use as angling bait should be implemented. Ordinal regression analysis indicated the presence of a subset of anglers who value lamprey as bait more than others and may oppose conservation efforts. The benefits of the potential establishment of bait certification schemes are also considered.  相似文献   

The welfare of fish is a topic of increasing debate touching on a number of complex scientific and ethical issues and constructive dialogue between groups with differing approaches to the topic requires mutual understanding from both perspectives. In a recent review aimed at stimulating debate on this topic, Arlinghaus et al. (2007) explore the question of fish welfare in the particular context of recreational angling, by means of a critique of a review of fish welfare in general written by ourselves ( Huntingford et al. 2006 ). We entirely agree with the desirability of debate on this topic and recognize a number of valuable qualities in the commentary by Arlinghaus et al. However, we argue that the critique has some serious flaws. In the first place, by rejecting a feelings‐based approach to welfare, it fails to address the aspect of welfare that is at the heart of much legitimate public concern. Secondly, while advocating an objective, scientific approach to fish welfare, Arlinghaus et al. fail to present their own agenda (that recreational angling is morally acceptable) in a transparent way. Thirdly, they seriously misrepresent the position taken in Huntingford et al. (2006) on a number of important issues. In this reply, we address these points and then discuss briefly the areas of agreement and constructive disagreement between the two reviews.  相似文献   

Abstract Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., recreational fisheries in Norway are facing shorter seasons and harvest restrictions because of low adult migration runs. Private fishing‐right holders (landowners) are important stakeholders, being co‐managers of the stocks, owners of salmon habitat and suppliers of angling. Landowners saw measures addressing salmon farming and Gyrodactylus salaris (Malmberg) as the most important management actions to strengthen stocks and downplayed actions restricting their own activity or gain. The results showed a need to build knowledge and improve communication between landowners and river owner organisations about the effects of stocking, catch and release, and other management actions. Four distinct landowner types were identified, based on their objectives for the fishing right. The diversity in the landowner group suggests managing angling tourism will be challenging, and cooperation is required to manage salmon stocks. Policy instruments to facilitate cooperation are discussed for each landowner type.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of physiological tools and experimental approaches for the study of the biological consequences of catch‐and‐release angling practices for fishes. Beyond simply documenting problems, physiological data are also being used to test and refine different strategies for handling fish such that stress is minimised and survival probability maximised, and in some cases, even for assessing and facilitating recovery post‐release. The inherent sensitivity of physiological processes means that nearly every study conducted has found some level of – unavoidable – physiological disturbance arising from recreational capture and subsequent release. An underlying tenet of catch‐and‐release studies that incorporate physiological tools is that a link exists between physiological status and fitness. In reality, finding such relationships has been elusive, with further extensions of individual‐level impacts to fish populations even more dubious. A focus of this article is to describe some of the challenges related to experimental design and interpretation that arise when using physiological tools for the study of the biological consequences of catch‐and‐release angling. Means of overcoming these challenges and the extrapolation of physiological data from individuals to the population level are discussed. The argument is presented that even if it is difficult to demonstrate strong links to mortality or other fitness measures, let alone population‐level impacts of catch‐and‐release, there remains merit in using physiological tools as objective indicators of fish welfare, which is an increasing concern in recreational fisheries. The overarching objective of this paper is to provide a balanced critique of the use of physiological approaches in catch‐and‐release science and of their role in providing meaningful information for anglers and managers.  相似文献   

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