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The Eg–Uur River ecosystem in north‐central Mongolia provides an opportunity to study salmonid species in a system that has already experienced significant climate change. These species are currently imperilled in Mongolian waters, with Baikal grayling (Thymallus arcticus baicalensis) listed as near‐threatened and lenok (Brachymystax lenok) listed as vulnerable on the Mongolian red list. Air temperature records demonstrate that in the last 40 years Northern Mongolia's rate of warming has been three times greater than the northern hemisphere average. Despite alarming trends in air temperatures, little is known of the thermal ecology of these species. Due to the threat of climate change to these species, the objective of our study was to quantify metabolic costs for these species from streamside routine metabolic measures and derive bioenergetics models that we used to assess potential climate change response. Streamside measurements of metabolism were remarkably consistent with expectations from measures of other salmonids gathered under more closely controlled laboratory conditions. Metabolism increased exponentially with temperature for both species. The resulting preliminary bioenergetics models suggest these species are already experiencing temperatures near their upper levels for growth during summer and conditions are expected to deteriorate with warming. Even a modest 2 °C increase in water temperatures during ice out would result in a 59% reduction in growth of lenok, and an inability of Baikal grayling to grow (if food levels remained unchanged) or a 14–23% increase in consumption in order to maintain current growth rates.  相似文献   

Salmonids of the genus Oncorhynchus, distributed throughout the Pacific Rim, can be infected by the gill lice species Salmincola californiensis (Dana, 1852), which makes them one of the most broadly distributed gill lice species. Despite their broad distribution and valuable obligate salmonid hosts, relatively little is known about S. californiensis. We evaluated effects of temperature on timing of S. californiensis hatching and survival of copepodids, and provide information on brood size and variability. Our results suggest that temperature was a primary driver of timing of S. californiensis hatching and post‐hatching survival. Prior to this study, the free‐swimming stage of S. californiensis was reported to survive approximately 2 days without a suitable host. We observed active copepodids 13 days after hatch with some individuals from most (>90%) viable egg sacs at all temperature treatments surviving ≥5 days. Our findings indicate that warmer temperatures could increase development rates of gill lice at certain life stages, potentially increasing fecundity. This information coupled with predictions that warmer water temperatures could intensify crowding of coldwater fishes, stress, and parasite transmission suggests that climate change could exacerbate negative effects of S. californiensis on ecologically and economically important salmonids.  相似文献   

The population density, species composition and lengths of fish landed by artisanal fishermen using six types of gear: large and small traps, gill nets, hand lines, spears and beach seines were studied in the multi‐species fishery of southern Kenya. Selectivity and catch composition among gears were determined by studying the species richness, diversity, size and mean trophic level of the catches for each gear type, to develop gear‐based management recommendations for this artisanal reef lagoon fishery. One hundred and sixty‐three reef and reef‐associated species from 37 families were recorded in the catch. Beach seines and small traps accounted for the highest number of fish landed (34–35 individuals per fisherman per day). These gears also caught smaller fish than big traps, spears and gill nets. Beach seines caught the highest number of species (14 ± 7 species per day) while most other gears caught four to five species per day with no differences between gears. Predatory species with a mean trophic level of 3.6 dominated catches from hand lines, while the mean trophic level of the other gears was low and ranged from 2.6 to 2.9 with no differences between the gears. The high diversity and small size of fish caught in beach seines indicates that its selectivity overlapped most with large traps and gill nets. Spears and small traps also showed high similarity in species selectivity and small traps captured the smaller mean size of fish, indicating that they are likely to pre‐empt the resource of spears. Large traps, hand lines and spears catch the largest individuals and the species composition of the catch differed sufficiently such that their selectivity should overlap the least and may, therefore, be the preferred mix of gears. The elimination or reduction of beach seines and small traps should reduce the catch of small fish and overlap in selectivity among the existing gears.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic global warming has significantly influenced physical and biological processes at global and regional scales. The observed and anticipated changes in global climate present significant opportunities and challenges for societies and economies. We compare the vulnerability of 132 national economies to potential climate change impacts on their capture fisheries using an indicator-based approach. Countries in Central and Western Africa (e.g. Malawi, Guinea, Senegal, and Uganda), Peru and Colombia in north-western South America, and four tropical Asian countries (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Pakistan, and Yemen) were identified as most vulnerable. This vulnerability was due to the combined effect of predicted warming, the relative importance of fisheries to national economies and diets, and limited societal capacity to adapt to potential impacts and opportunities. Many vulnerable countries were also among the world's least developed countries whose inhabitants are among the world's poorest and twice as reliant on fish, which provides 27% of dietary protein compared to 13% in less vulnerable countries. These countries also produce 20% of the world's fish exports and are in greatest need of adaptation planning to maintain or enhance the contribution that fisheries can make to poverty reduction. Although the precise impacts and direction of climate-driven change for particular fish stocks and fisheries are uncertain, our analysis suggests they are likely to lead to either increased economic hardship or missed opportunities for development in countries that depend upon fisheries but lack the capacity to adapt.  相似文献   

Temporal variability in abundance and composition of species in marine ecosystems results from a combination of internal processes, external drivers, and stochasticity. One way to explore the temporal variability in an ecosystem is through temporal stability, measured using the inverse of the coefficient of variation for biomass of single species. The effect of temperature and fisheries on the variability of the Barents Sea food web is still poorly understood. To address this question, we simulate the possible dynamics of Barents Sea food web under different temperature and fishery scenarios using a simple food-web model (Non-Deterministic Network Dynamic [NDND]). The NDND model, which is based on chance and necessity (CaN), defines the state space of the ecosystem using its structural constraints (necessity) and explores it stochastically (chance). The effects of temperature and fisheries on stability are explored both separately and combined. The simulation results suggest that increasing temperature has a negative effect on species biomass and increasing fisheries triggers compensatory dynamics of fish species. There is a major intra-scenario variability in temporal stability, while individual scenarios of temperature and fisheries display a weak negative impact and no effect on stability, respectively. However, combined scenarios indicate that fisheries amplify the effects of temperature on stability, while increasing temperature leads to a shift from synergistic to antagonistic effects between these two drivers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   To estimate fishing gear selectivity of clam dredges from data of paired-gear tests in the SELECT analysis process, this paper presents a statistical model of the probability of a clam coming into contact with the dredge teeth and size-selectivity of the control gear. The net-mouth available selectivity is defined as the product of the probability of a clam contacting the dredge teeth and size-selectivity induced by tooth spacing. The model based on the SELECT analysis was tested by using data generated by virtual paired-gear test in which the control dredge of the smallest tooth spacing is assumed to be size-selective. No clear difference in shell length distribution between dredges of different tooth spacings was found in the simulation when the contact probability was small. The plots of proportion of clams caught in the test dredge to the total catch number of clams were U-shaped, and the model fitted the data well. For each simulation consisting of 500 replications, the sample mean and mean square error of each parameter were obtained to evaluate the performance of estimation by comparing with the true value. Parameters were properly estimated with the model.  相似文献   

朱清澄 《水产学报》2003,27(5):499-503
尼罗罗非鱼(OreochromisniloticaL.)属热带性鱼类,为我国1978年从国外引进的优良海淡水养殖对象,具有食性杂、生长速度快、肉质鲜美、经济价值高等优点[1]。目前已在我国数个省、市开展养殖。尼罗罗非鱼性喜群游,其最适生长水温为24~32℃,水温降至14℃时,活动迟缓,停止摄食,水温降至12℃以下时便逐渐死亡[2]。因此,在我国北方地区养殖的尼罗罗非鱼,一般在严冬前开始进行捕捞。水温达到20℃以上时,雄鱼会在池边或者池底挖洞,当遇到外界刺激或拉网捕捞受惊后,便潜入洞中或软泥中。尼罗罗非鱼的这一行为习性给捕捞造成很大困难,因此各地一般…  相似文献   

Recruitment of salmonids is a result of density‐dependent factors, specifically egg production in the previous year, and density‐independent environmental processes driven by discharge and temperature. With the plethora of knowledge on major drivers of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta recruitment, there is a requirement to explore less known species, such as European grayling Thymallus thymallus, whose postemergence time coincides with period of increasing temperature and low discharge. This study assessed drivers of grayling recruitment in a southern English chalk stream, a system vulnerable to discharge and temperature alterations under future climate change predictions. The analyses explored age 0+ grayling survival in relation to conspecific and heterospecific densities and discharge‐ and temperature‐derived factors. The final mixed‐effects model revealed a positive relationship between age 0+ grayling survival and incubation temperature anomaly and age 0+ trout abundance. Similarly, postincubation temperature anomaly had a positive effect on 0+ grayling survival, but only up to a threshold temperature of 13.5°C, beyond which it had a negative effect. In contrast, increasing number of days with low discharge postincubation negatively influenced age 0+ grayling survival, with no evidence of an effect of elevated discharges following spawning. Our results emphasise the importance of maintaining natural discharge regimes in salmonid rivers by tackling multiple stressors operating at the catchment scale, including land and water use to mitigate for predicted climate driven changes. In addition, further research on recruitment drivers in less stable, rain‐fed systems, is required.  相似文献   

Much uncertainty exists around how fish communities in shallow lakes will respond to climate change. In this study, we modelled the effects of increased water temperatures on consumption and growth rates of two piscivores (northern pike [Esox lucius] and largemouth bass [Micropterus salmoides]) and examined relative effects of consumption by these predators on two prey species (bluegill [Lepomis macrochirus] and yellow perch [Perca flavescens]). Bioenergetics models were used to simulate the effects of climate change on growth and food consumption using predicted 2040 and 2060 temperatures in a shallow Nebraska Sandhill lake, USA. The patterns and magnitude of daily and cumulative consumption during the growing season (April–October) were generally similar between the two predators. However, growth of northern pike was always reduced (?3 to ?45% change) compared to largemouth bass that experienced subtle changes (4 to ?6% change) in weight by the end of the growing season. Assuming similar population size structure and numbers of predators in 2040–2060, future consumption of bluegill and yellow perch by northern pike and largemouth bass will likely increase (range: 3–24%), necessitating greater prey biomass to meet future energy demands. The timing of increased predator consumption will likely shift towards spring and fall (compared to summer), when prey species may not be available in the quantities required. Our findings suggest that increased water temperatures may affect species at the edge of their native range (i.e. northern pike) and a potential mismatch between predator and prey could exist.  相似文献   

捕捞压力和气候变化对东海马面纯渔获量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究捕捞压力和气候变化对东海马面纯(Navodon spp.)渔获量的影响,对1976年~2006年的东海马面纯渔获量进行了分析。东海马面纯渔获量可划分成因捕捞效应所产生的趋势变化和因气候变动所导致的渔获量变动,前者可用Fox模型来拟合。Fox模型拟合结果显示,东海马面纯渔获量与捕捞努力量显著相关(P〈0.01)。移除捕捞压力增长引起的变化趋势后,其渔获量变动与热带气旋影响指数、东海海表温度、东海冬季季风和黄海夏季季风呈显著正偏相关(P〈0.03),与热带气旋影响指数、黄海冬季季风及长江流域和东海沿岸降雨呈显著负偏相关(P〈0.03)。根据捕捞努力量和气候变量对东海马面纯渔获量进行拟合,结果显示,拟合的渔获量与实际渔获量显著相关(R=0.91,P〈0.01),说明捕捞压力和气候变化显著影响东海马面纯渔获量的变动。此外,由于未来气候的变化,东海马面鲍渔获量可能出现更大波动。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The effect of various tooth spacing on the contact selection and the net-mouth available selection of a dredge for the equilateral Venus clam Gomphina melanaegis is evaluated by applying a contact-probability model based on the SELECT method to the data of paired-gear tests with a control dredge of 12-mm tooth spacing and four test dredges of tooth spacing 16, 20, 24 and 35 mm. A master selection curve was estimated to be s ( R ) = exp(−11.23 R  + 4.799)/(1 + exp[−11.23 R  + 4.799]) where, R is l / d , the ratio of the shell length, l , to the tooth spacing, d . The shell width of 50% retention was slightly smaller than the tooth spacing, which means that size selectivity of teeth was a type of contact selection which was dependent on the tooth spacing. Contact probability, δ, of the clams coming into contact with the teeth were 0.625, 0.467, 0.563, 0.670 and 0.976 for tooth spacing 12, 16, 20, 24 and 35 mm, respectively. This indicates that some clams entered the dredge bagnet without contacting the teeth as the sand clogging the tooth spacing carried them into the bagnet. Available selection curve of the dredge net-mouth with teeth was obtained as δ s ( R ) + 1 −  δ , and examined in terms of the legal landing size of the Venus clam.  相似文献   

We searched major electronic databases to identify peer‐reviewed literature investigating the role of temperature on the stress response and mortality of captured and released fish. We identified 83 studies that fit these criteria, the majority of which were conducted in North America (81%) on freshwater fish (76%) in the orders Perciformes (52%) and Salmoniformes (28%). We found that hook‐and‐line fisheries (65% of all studies) were more commonly studied than all net fisheries combined (24%). Despite the wide recognition for many species that high water temperatures exacerbate the effects of capture on released fish, this review is the first to quantitatively investigate this problem, finding that warming contributed to both mortality and indices of stress in 70% of articles that measured each of those endpoints. However, more than half (58%) of the articles failed to place the experimental temperatures into a biological context, therefore limiting their broad applicability to management. Integration of survival and sublethal effects to investigate mechanisms of fish mortality was relatively rare (28%). Collectively, the results suggest that capture–release mortality increases at temperatures within, rather than above, species‐specific thermal preferenda. We illustrate how knowledge of ecologically relevant high temperatures in the capture and release of fish can be incorporated into management, which will become increasingly important as climate change exerts additional pressure on fish and fisheries.  相似文献   

Non-stationary driver-response relationships are increasingly being recognized by scientists, underlining that a paradigm shift out of conventional stationary relationships is crucial. Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanostictus, Clupeidae) is a typical small pelagic fish in the northwestern Pacific with considerable fluctuations in productivity, bringing about great economic and ecological concerns. Numerous studies suggest that the population dynamics of Japanese sardine is an integrated process affected by multiple density-dependent, fishing and climatic drivers. However, little has hitherto been done to incorporate the non-stationary effects of multiple drivers, impeding progresses in understanding the population dynamics and in developing management strategies. In this study, we adopted variable coefficients generalized additive models to reveal the non-stationary effects of density dependence, fishing pressure and climatic conditions on the population dynamics of Japanese sardine. Results suggest that the dynamics of Japanese sardine from 1976 to 2018 could be divided into four periods: the 1980s when suitable climatic conditions from strong Siberian High pressure system sustained high abundance; the 1990s when negative density-dependent effects and degrading climatic conditions due to temperature increase led to population collapse; the 2000s when negative triple effects, particularly high fishing pressure, restricted the population increase; and the 2010s when favourable climatic conditions with re-strengthening Siberian High pressure system accompanied by low fishing pressure contributed to the population recovery. The study highlights that precise identifications of population status and climatic conditions are helpful to achieve good trade-offs between resource exploitation and protection and to facilitate ecosystem-based management for Japanese sardine fisheries.  相似文献   

  1. The 13 California sea lion breeding colonies in the Gulf of California (GoC), Mexico are each characterized by different population growth trends, including a variable number of births. Despite being located in a highly productive marine area, both the species’ population and the number of births have declined significantly over the past few decades.
  2. The goal of this study was to assess the effects of certain environmental variables on the number of births at colonies in three regions (northern, central and southern) of the GoC (1995–2018). Data on diet, small pelagic fish catches by fisheries, the density of small pelagic fish schools, remotely sampled values of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration and El Niño Southern Oscillation events were collected in order to evaluate whether these variables had an effect on the number of births using correlations and generalized linear models.
  3. No significant relationships were found between the environmental variables and the number of births. However, the number of births decreased when the sea surface temperature anomalies exceeded 1°C in the northern and central regions of the GoC. Although no significant relationships were found between the small pelagic fish catches and the number of births, positive trends were observed between sardine catches and the number of births during certain periods in the central region. A positive correlation between the density of small pelagic fish schools and the number of births suggests a possible relationship between prey availability and reproductive success in the central region.
  4. A Programme of Action for the Conservation of the Species should be promoted by the Federal Government and carried out in order to implement specific management actions. Specifically, surveillance efforts should increase, fishing gear conversion plans should be established and sea lion exclusion devices should be introduced, among other measures.

  1. Understanding how different forms of environmental evidence inform the actions of different stakeholders is useful to improve how we share knowledge with knowledge users. Reflections on a literature review that we published in 2004 on circle hooks as a tool for fish conservation in the recreational fishing sector identified a number of ways in which that synthesis was influential.
  2. The article has had direct influence on policy and regulations in a number of countries, but there were even more examples of where the article has been used to influence voluntary guidelines. The article also contributed to formally defining circle hooks, which was necessary from a regulatory and enforcement perspective.
  3. The recreational fishing community has also embraced the work, with numerous angling articles based on the literature review appearing in the media and with some angler organizations pushing for the adoption of circle hooks. The fishing tackle industry has also responded with evidence that circle hooks are now more widely available in stores with more hook design options to suit diverse recreational fisheries. In addition, the influence of the article has extended beyond the recreational sector to commercial fishery issues that span several taxa. The research agenda from the article helped to direct research for more than a decade and has since been updated.
  4. Overall, this review was timely in that it provided various knowledge users with credible information synthesized in a thoughtful manner at a time when there was interest and need in exploring circle hooks as a tool to enhance the conservation of angled fish. Although this was not a systematic review, it still served as a form of evidence synthesis that gave diverse knowledge users information to guide them in their decisions.

Many species of salmonids have been stocked into waters outside of their native range. The invasiveness and impact of these species on native species varies depending on their biological traits, and on environmental conditions, such as climate. In Japan, rainbow trout and brown trout, both listed in 100 of the world's worst invasive alien species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, occur as non-native species. The invasiveness of these two species is thought to be related to seasonal flooding, given flood waters can physically damage fry and prevent population establishment. Rainbow trout have successfully invaded waters in Hokkaido, northern Japan, where the likelihood of flooding is low between June and July, when their fry emerge, but successful invasions are rare in regions south of Hokkaido. Brown trout, however, have successfully invaded waters not only in Hokkaido, but also other regions. Since brown trout have a similar life history to the native white-spotted charr and masu salmon, with fry emerging before the flood season, they are more suited to the Japanese climate than Rainbow trout. Rainbow and brown trout interact with native species in various ways, but a common outcome of these interactions is the displacement of native charr species. Legal regulations of non-native salmonids should be based on understandings of the ecological traits of each invasive species and regional impacts on native species. Given the ongoing nature of climate change, the nature and extent of the effects of rainbow and brown trout on native species might also change.  相似文献   

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