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Carbon (C) stocks in forest soils were evaluated in the first comprehensive survey of Great Britain, the BioSoil soil survey, using a total of 167 plots (72 in England, 26 in Wales and 69 in Scotland). The average C stock down to 80 cm depth for seven main soil types ranged between 108 and 448 t C/ha with maximum values from 511 to 927 t C/ha. Carbon stock varied with soil depth and type, forest type, and stand age. Stocks within the upper mineral soil (0–20 cm) represented between 29 and 69% of the total 0–80 cm C stock, while those in the top 40 cm comprised 59–100% of the total. Carbon stocks decreased in the order deep peats > peaty gleys > groundwater gleys > surface‐water gleys > podzols and ironpans > brown earths > rankers and rendzinas. Litter and fermentation horizons on average contributed an additional 7.3 and 8.8 t C/ha, respectively, to the overall soil C stock. Measured soil C stocks (0–80 cm) were upscaled by area of main soil and forest types to provide national estimates. Total forest soil stocks for England, Wales and Scotland were upscaled to 163, 46 and 337 Mt C, respectively, with an additional 17, 4 and 21 Mt C within surface organic layers (litter and fermentation horizons). Carbon stocks were larger under conifers compared with broadleaves. Peaty gleys contributed most to the total C stock in Scotland, while brown earths and podzolic soils made the largest contribution in Wales, and brown earths and surface‐water gley soils in England. Estimated total carbon stocks in forest soils in Great Britain, including organic layers, are 589 Mt C in the top 80 cm and 664 Mt C in the top 1 m of soil. The BioSoil soil survey provides the most comprehensive estimate of forest soil C stocks in Great Britain to date and provides a good baseline for assessing future change even though variability in forest soil C stocks is high. However, a relatively small number of additional plots to fill existing gaps in spatial coverage and to increase representation of rendzinas and highly organic soils would significantly reduce the level of uncertainty.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) fashions soil structure, which is a key factor of soil fertility. Existing SOC content recommendations are based on SOC:clay ratio thresholds of >1:10. However, the corresponding SOC content might be considered hard to reach in clayey soils, whose structure degradation risk is assumed to be high. Here, we analysed the SOC content and soil structure quality of soils under similar cropping practices with clay contents ranging from 16% to 52%. Five undisturbed soil cores (5–10 cm layer) were collected from 96 fields at 58 farms in the Swiss Jura region. We assessed the soil structure quality visually using the CoreVESS method. Gravimetric air content and water content, and bulk density at −100 hPa were also measured, and the soil structure degradation index was calculated. We found that the relationship between SOC and clay content held over the clay content range, suggesting that reaching an acceptable SOC:clay ratio is not limited by large clay contents. This suggests that the 1:10 SOC:clay ratio may remain useful for clayey soils. In contrast to what was expected, it is not more challenging to reach this ratio in clayey soils even if it implies reaching very large SOC contents. SOC content explained the considered physical properties better than clay content. From a soil management point of view, these findings suggest that the soil texture determines a potential SOC content, while the SOC:clay ratio is determined by farming practices regardless of the clay content.  相似文献   

Soil organic‐carbon (SOC) stocks are expected to increase after conversion of cropland into grassland. Two adjacent cropland and grassland sites—one with a Vertisol with 23 y after conversion and one with an Arenosol 29 y after conversion—were sampled down to 60 cm depth. Concentrations of SOC and total nitrogen (Ntot) were measured before and after density fractionation in two light fractions and a mineral‐associated fraction with C adsorbed on mineral surfaces. For the soil profiles, SOC stocks and radiocarbon (14C) concentrations of mineral associated C were determined. Carbon stocks and mineral‐associated SOC concentrations were increased in the upper 10 cm of the grassland soil compared to the cropland. This corresponded to the root‐biomass distribution, with 59% and 86% of the total root biomass at 0–5 cm soil depth of the grasslands. However, at the Arenosol site, at 10–20 cm depth, C in the mineral‐associated fraction was lost 29 y after the conversion into grassland. Over all, SOC stocks were not significantly different between grassland and cropland at both sites when the whole profile was taken into account. At the Arenosol site, the impact of land‐use conversion on SOC accumulation was limited by low total clay surface area available for C stabilization. Subsoil C (30–50 cm) at cropland of the Vertisol site comprised 32% of the total SOC stocks with high 14C concentrations below the plowing horizon. We concluded that fresh C was effectively translocated into the subsoil. Thus, subsoil C has to be taken into account when land‐use change effects on SOC are assessed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Knowledge of the stocks and the potential range of soil organic carbon (SOC) in various land–soil combinations is an important precursor to policies aimed at linking, for example, management of SOC to greenhouse gas emission controls. To investigate the factors controlling the percentage of SOC (%SOC) of soils in England and Wales, we made a multiple regression analysis of data for the 2448 arable and ley-arable sites in the 1980 England and Wales National Soil Inventory (NSI). Clay content, average annual precipitation and depth of topsoil explained 25.5% of the variation in %SOC, when calcareous and peaty soils and those susceptible to flooding were excluded. Using 'robust' statistics, 'indicative SOC management ranges' were estimated for different physiotopes, that is, landscape units for which the environmental factors governing %SOC are similar, namely soil clay content and precipitation. These ranges describe the expected %SOC range for an arable soil in a given physiotope. They have potential to support approximate targets for the %SOC of arable soils and for estimating upper and lower limits for sequestered soil carbon in arable systems.  相似文献   

Intensive field surveys were undertaken in two upland catchments in the UK, Plynlimon in mid-Wales and Glensaugh in North East Scotland. The survey was to examine the spatial variation across the area and to assess the accuracy of the database underpinning the soil carbon map for the UK. In each area three 1-km2 squares were sampled on a 200-m grid, with samples taken from both the organic and mineral horizons. Carbon stock was estimated, from the sample data, for each 1-km2 square and compared with values from the UK database for that square. The results showed large differences between some squares, particularly for Plynlimon. In this area, the overall discrepancy between field and database values was 45%, compared with 8% for Glensaugh. Various sources of uncertainty were examined, including bulk density, organic horizon depth, and the proportion of different soil types within a square. The value for bulk density, assumed to determine carbon stock, had a significant effect on the estimates. In both catchments the organic layer showed a gradual decrease in bulk density with depth, resulting in a large proportion of the carbon being stored in the top part of the profile. The soil types, mapped during the survey, also showed large differences from those previously identified for each 1-km2 square. This would have a considerable effect on the estimates of carbon stock within the UK database. It highlights that caution needs to be used when interpreting the UK soil map at this spatial scale.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate the C and N stocks and organic‐C fractions in soil under mixed forest stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Sessile oak (Quercus petraea [Matt.] Liebl.) of different ages in NE Germany. Treatments consisted of pure pine (age 102 y), and pine (age 90–102 y) mixed with 10‐, 35‐, 106‐, and 124‐y‐old oak trees. After sampling O layers, soils in the mineral layer were taken at two different depths (0–10 and 10–20 cm). Oak admixture did not affect total organic‐C (TOC) and N stocks considering the different layers separately. However, when the sum of TOC stocks in the organic and mineral layers was considered, TOC stocks decreased with increasing in oak age (r2 = 0.58, p < 0.10). The microbial C (CMB) was not directly correlated with increase of oak age, however, it was positively related with presence of oak species. There was an increase in the percentage of the CMB‐to‐TOC ratio with increase of oak‐tree ages. On average, light‐fraction C (CLF) comprised 68% of the soil TOC in upper layer corresponding to the highest C pool in the upper layer. CLF and heavy‐fraction C (CHF) were not directly affected by the admixture of oak trees in both layers. The CHF accounted on average for 30% and 59% of the TOC at 0–10 and 10–20 cm depths, respectively. Despite low clay contents in the studied soils, the differences in the DCB‐extractable Fe and Al affected the concentrations of the CHF and TOC in the 10–20 cm layers (p < 0.05). Admixture of oak in pine stands contributed to reduce topsoil C stocks, probably due to higher soil organic matter turnover promoted by higher quality of oak litter.  相似文献   

Abstract. Soil organic carbon stocks to 1 m for Brazil, calculated using an updated Soil and Terrain (SOTER) database and simulation of phenoforms , are 65.9–67.5 Pg C, of which 65% is in the Amazonian region of Brazil. Other researchers have obtained similar gross results, despite very different spatial patterns mapped due to use of different methods.  相似文献   

Past land‐use changes, intensive cropping with large proportions of root crops, and preferred use of mineral fertilizer have been made responsible for proceeding losses of soil organic C (SOC) in the plough layer. We hypothesized that in intensive agriculturally managed regions changes in SOC stocks would be detectable within a decade. To test this hypothesis, we tracked the temporal development of the concentrations and stocks of SOC in 268 arable sites, sampled by horizon down to 60 cm in the Cologne‐Bonn region, W Germany, in 2005 and in 2013. We then related these changes to soil management data and humus balances obtained from farmers' surveys. As we expected that changes in SOC concentrations might at least in part be minor, we fractionated soils from 38 representative sites according to particle size in order to obtain C pools of different stability. We found that SOC concentrations had increased significantly in the topsoil (from 9.4 g kg?1 in 2005 to 9.8 g kg?1 in 2013), but had decreased significantly in the subsoil (from 4.1 g kg?1 in 2005 to 3.5 g kg?­1 in 2013). Intriguingly, these changes were due to changes in mineral‐bound SOC rather than to changes in sand‐sized organic matter pools. As bulk density decreased, the overall SOC stocks in the upper 60 cm exhibited a SOC loss of nearly 0.6 t C (ha · y)?1 after correction by the equivalent soil mass method. This loss was most pronounced for sandy soils [?0.73 t SOC (ha · y)?1], and less pronounced for loamy soils [?0.64 t SOC (ha · y)?1]; silty soils revealed the smallest reduction in SOC [?0.3 t SOC (ha · y)?1]. Losses of SOC occurred even with the overall humus balances having increased positively from about 20 kg C (ha · y)?1 (2003–2005) to about 133 kg C (ha · y)?1 (2005–2013) due to an improved organic fertilization and intercropping. We conclude that current management may fail to raise overall SOC stocks. In our study area SOC stocks even continued to decline, despite humus conservation practice, likely because past land use conversions (before 2005) still affect SOC dynamics.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) inventories are important tools for studying the effects of land‐use and climate change and evaluating climate‐change policies. A detailed inventory of SOC in the agricultural soils of the federal state of Baden‐Württemberg was therefore prepared based on the highest‐resolution geo‐referenced soil, land‐use, and climate data (BÜK200 inventory). In order to estimate the quality of different approaches, C inventories of the region were also prepared based on data from the National Inventory Report (UBA, 2003) and by applying the IPCC (1997) method to the two data sets. Finally, the BÜK200 inventory was used to estimate potentials of no‐tillage agriculture (NT) and peatland restoration to contribute to C sequestration and greenhouse‐gas (GHG)‐emission mitigation since both measures are discussed in this context. Scenario assumptions were change to NT on 40% of the cropland and restoration of 50% of cultivated peatlands within 20 years. On average, grasslands contained 9.5 kg C m–2 to 0.3 m depth as compared to only 6.0 kg C m–2 under cropland, indicating strong land‐use effects. The SOC content depended strongly on waterlogging and elevation, thus reflecting reduced C mineralization under aquic moisture regimes and low temperatures. Comparison of the BÜK200 inventory with the approach used for UBA (2003) showed high inconsistencies due to map resolution and SOC contents, whereas the IPCC method led to fairly good agreements. Results on the simulated effects of NT and peatland restoration suggested that 5%–14% of total agricultural GHG emissions could be abated with NT whereas peat restoration appeared to have a minor mitigation potential (0.2%–2.7%) because the total area of cultivated organic soils was too small to have larger impact.  相似文献   

Black Mollisols are typically rich in charred organic matter, however, little is known about the zonal distribution of black C (BC) in steppe soils. In this study, we used benzene polycarboxylic acids (BPCA) as specific markers for BC in particle‐size fractions of depth profiles in several zonal soils (Greyzem, Phaeozem, Chernozem, Kastanozem) of the Russian steppe. In addition, liquid‐state 13C‐NMR spectra were obtained on the alkaline‐soluble soil organic matter (SOM). The results showed that both the content and depth distribution of BC varies in the different soil types; the concentration of BC in the bulk top soils being closely related to the aromaticity of the SOM (r2 = 0.98 for the native topsoils, 0.83 for top‐ and subsurface soils). Especially the Chernozems were rich in aromatic SOM, which partly contained more than 17% BC of total C, most of which being allocated in the mineral fractions. Long‐term arable cropping did not reduce the BC contents of the surface soil, though it did promote the enrichment of BC in the silt fractions. The same shift was detected as soil depth increased. We conclude that BC is not fully inert in these soils, but apparently can be preserved in the silt as decomposition of SOM increased, i.e., it accumulates exactly in that fraction, which has been formerly assigned to contain old, aromatic C.  相似文献   

Grassland extensification is followed by a change of soil organic‐matter (SOM) contents. In order to give a better assessment of these developments on grassland sites in SW Germany, the CENTURY Soil Organic Matter Model was used on five long‐term experimental sites under three different management practices (“Mowing”, “Mulching” (mowing without removal of the phytomass), and “Natural succession”). On these sites, soil‐organic‐carbon (SOC) monitoring was continuously done for soil depths of 0–4 and 4–8 cm from 1975 to 2002. The contents of organic carbon (OC) were at steady state or showed a slight decrease for the mulched and succession plots. Carbon contents of the mowed plots were decreasing. Measured C contents were transferred into stocks and compared with the simulated OC stocks. Linear regressions between observed and simulated C stocks were calculated separately for mulched and succession plots. The regressions for OC yielded significant relationships (R2 = 0.8) for both kinds of plots. However, the model did not reproduce the short‐term dynamics of C stocks. Whereas SOC stocks on mulched and succession plots are expected to stay stable for the next decades according to the simulation, they are expected to decrease for a couple of years before stabilization on mowed plots.  相似文献   

The organic carbon content in developed soddy-podzolic soils increased during the overgrowing of abandoned plowland with meadow and forest vegetation. The highest carbon content was recorded at the stage of 40–50-year-old forest, which was related to the largest input of organic matter into the soil and the intense litter decomposition during this period. A decrease in the soil carbon content was observed during the development of forest vegetation on the long-term hayfields in place of the former croplands, because the humus content in the lower part of the old-arable horizon decreased significantly. The spatial variability in the distribution of organic carbon in the soils increased with the development of forest biogeocenoses.  相似文献   

Soil carbon stock change between two major land uses in New Zealand was measured by sampling paired plots across the boundaries of low productivity grassland and forest planted pre‐1990. The national soil carbon monitoring system uses low productivity grassland as a benchmark to evaluate soil carbon stock change for other land uses. The goal was to validate earlier estimates of the effect of pre‐1990 afforestation and to reduce their level of uncertainty. We selected a set of sites to represent the national stocks of forests planted pre‐1990. Previous studies derived estimates of the land‐use effect on soil carbon for afforestation ranging from +1.6 to ?8.5 t/ha to 30 cm depth. For all estimates, the 95% confidence interval spanned zero. Our study used nine of the previous paired‐plot sites and sampled and analysed 21 new sites. The land‐use effect of change from grassland to forest planted pre‐1990 was estimated at ?17.4 t/ha. The 95% confidence interval ranged from ?10.1 to ?24.6 t/ha and did not include zero change. The result supported the soil carbon monitoring system assumption that forests planted pre‐1990 have significantly lower soil carbon stocks than the low‐productivity‐grassland standard. Evidence of stock change occurred in depth increments to 0.2 m but with no significant change for the 0.2–0.3 m increment. This suggests that the sampling depth of 0.3 m was adequate for the estimation of soil carbon stock change.  相似文献   

The different management regimes on grassland soils were examined to determine the possibilities for improved and/or changed land management of grasslands in Flanders (Belgium), with respect to article 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol. Grassland soils were sampled for soil organic carbon (SOC) and for bulk density. For all grasslands under agricultural use, grazing and mowing + grazing led to higher SOC stocks compared with mowing, and grazing had higher SOC stocks compared with mowing + grazing. Overall, 15.1 ± 4.9 kg OC m–2 for the clayey texture, 9.8 ± 3.0 kg OC m–2 for the silty texture, and 11.8 ± 3.8 kg OC m–2 for the sandy texture were found for grassland under agricultural use to a depth of 60 cm. For seminatural grasslands, different results were found. For both the clayey and silty texture, mowing and mowing + grazing led to higher SOC stocks compared with grazing. The clayey texture had a mean stock of 15.1 ± 6.6, the silty texture of 10.9 ± 3.0, and the sandy texture of 12.1 ± 3.9 kg OC m–2 (0–60 cm). Lower bulk densities were found under grazed agricultural grassland compared with mown grassland but for seminatural grassland, no clear trends for the bulk density were found. The best management option for maintaining or enhancing SOC stocks in agricultural grassland soils may be permanent grazed grassland. For seminatural grassland, no clear conclusions could be made. The water status of the sampled mown fields was influencing the results for the clayey texture. Overall, the mean SOC stock was decreasing in the order clay > sand > silt. The higher mean SOC concentrations found for the sandy texture, compared to the finer silty texture, may be explained by the historical land use of these soils.  相似文献   

耕作与轮作方式对黑土有机碳和全氮储量的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
土壤有机碳(SOC)及全氮(TN)对土壤肥力、作物产量、农业可持续发展以及全球碳、氮循环等都具有重要影响。为探索不同耕作和轮作方式对耕层黑土SOC和TN储量的影响,本文以吉林省德惠市进行了8 a的田间定位试验中层黑土为研究对象,对免耕、垄作和秋翻三种耕作方式及玉米-大豆轮作和玉米连作两种轮作方式下SOC和TN在各土层的含量变化进行了分析,并采用等质量土壤有机质储量计算方法,对比分析了不同处理对0~30 cm SOC和TN储量的影响。结果表明,与试验开始前相比,玉米-大豆轮作系统中,秋翻下SOC和TN储量均有所降低;免耕显著增加了0~5 cm SOC及TN含量,但SOC在亚表层亏损,导致其储量并未增加;而垄作处理下SOC及TN含量在0~5、5~10 cm的均显著增加,0~30 cm储量亦分别增加了4.9%和10.7%。玉米连作系统的两种耕作处理(免耕和秋翻)下SOC和TN储量均有所增加,且TN储量增幅均高于玉米-大豆轮作系统,其中免耕下TN储量增幅是玉米-大豆轮作的3.2倍。所有处理下C/N均呈降低趋势,其中垄作0~5 cm C/N由12.05降至11.04,降低幅度分别是免耕和秋翻的3.2和2.8倍。综上可知,对质地黏重排水不良的中层黑土,玉米-大豆轮作系统下免耕并不是促进SOC固定的有效形式,而垄作则促进了黑土SOC和TN的积累,这不仅有利于土壤肥力的改善,而且是使农田黑土由CO2"源"变为"汇"的有效形式之一。与玉米-大豆轮作相比,玉米连作下三种耕作方式都有利于SOC和TN积累。  相似文献   

Soil texture is one of the main factors controlling soil organic carbon (SOC) storage. Accurate soil‐texture analysis is costly and time‐consuming. Therefore, the clay content is frequently not determined within the scope of regional and plot‐scale studies with high sample numbers. Yet it is well known that the clay content strongly affects soil water content. The objective of our study was to evaluate if the clay content can be estimated by a simple and fast measure like the water content of air‐dried soil. The soil samples used for this study originated from four different European regions (Hainich‐Dün, Germany; Schwäbische Alb, Germany; Hesse, France; Bugac, Hungary) and were collected from topsoils and subsoils in forests, grasslands, and croplands. Clay content, water content of air‐dried soil, and SOC content were measured. Clay content was determined either by the Pipette method or by the Sedigraph method. The water content of air‐dried soil samples ranged from 2.8 g kg–1 to 63.3 g kg–1 and the corresponding clay contents from 60.0 g kg–1 to 815.7 g kg–1. A significant linear relationship was found between clay content and water content. The scaled mean absolute error (SMAE) of the clay estimation from the water content of air‐dried soil was 20% for the dataset using the Pipette method and 28% for the Sedigraph method. The estimation of the clay content was more accurate in fine‐textured than in coarse‐textured soils. In this study, organic‐C content played a subordinate role next to the clay content in explaining the variance of the water content. The water retention of coarse‐textured soils was more sensitive to the amount of organic C than that of fine‐textured soils. The results indicate that in our study the water content of air‐dried soil samples was a good quantitative proxy of clay contents, especially useful for fine‐textured soils.  相似文献   

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