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Every cultivar released in Nebraska must have four characteristics:improved agronomic performance relative to existing cultivars, exceptionalwinterhardiness, resistance to Puccinia graminis (the causal agent ofstem rust), and acceptable end-use quality. This paper will discuss ourstrategy for breeding cultivars with acceptable end-use quality. Allexperimental lines are derived from crosses with at least one or moreparents with acceptable end-use quality. As soon as individual lines areidentified (F5) generation, microquality analyses are conducted andapproximately 10% are discarded on the basis of poor end-use quality. Inthe F6 and later generations, samples are composited from three ormore locations/year, milled on a Buhler Mill, and baked using 100 g offlour per loaf. Though genotype-by-environmental interactions are large forend-use quality traits, composite samples are satisfactory for determiningthe end-use quality when repeated over time. By using phenotypicselection, the program has released cultivars with acceptable qualityinvolving known `poor' quality genes and chromosomes, such ashigh-molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits 2+12 (Scout 66 andLancota), 1BL.1RS (heterogeneous in Rawhide and homogeneous inCougar), and 1AL.1RS (heterogeneous in Nekota and Niobrara).Phenotypic selection is preferred to genotypic selection.  相似文献   

Based on the model proposed by Tiwari and Patil, we improved the calculation method for surface energy, and calculated the vacancy formation energy for typical metals such as fcc, bcc and hcp metals. The calculated results and experimental values agree with each other when an energy modification coefficient is introduced. The energy modification coefficients of fcc, bcc and hcp metals are 1.292, 1.265 and 1.357, respectively. The proposed method can calculate and predict the vacancy formation energy of metals efficiently.  相似文献   

Through the analysis of the equivalent resistance method, a limitation of the equivalent capacity method was presented. When the direction of power at the feeder source end was changing, the equivalent capacity method for handling small generations would produce a large power loss calculation error. An improved calculation method, one not based on a single equivalent resistance, was proposed. In this method, one day was divided into several periods (such as 24 h), so that the direction of power at the feeder source end for each period does not vary. The equivalent resistance and energy loss in each period were calculated. The sum of all energy losses provided the daily energy loss total. Numerical examples were used to verify the improved method.  相似文献   

Quantitative assessment method for the quality of anchors   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A method is developed to quantitatively assess the quality of anchors. An analytical model is combined with the wavelet analysis and artificial neural network is used to estimate the values of bolt side stiffness coefficients for the anchor system. The samples of bolt’s anchorage system are fed into the artificial neural network for training. It’s a useable intelligent mean to assess the quality of bolt’s anchor system. The dynamic parameters of integrity bolt with different physical and mechanical parameters of surrounding rocks are acquired. A relationship curve between bolt side stiffness and surrounding rock’s modulus of deformation is erected, and its quadratic fitting formula is acquired. The curve and the formula can be used as the assessment standards for the anchor quality. The anchor degree is used to judge the anchor quality. The quantitative assessment method is applied to the engineering field.  相似文献   

玉米小斑病菌生理小种扫描电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用扫描电子显微镜观察玉米小斑病致病真菌T、C与O三个生理小种孢子和菌丝的表面结构,发现在生理小种间,孢子、菌丝的大小,表面形态结构,产孢量等存在着某些差异.  相似文献   

目的:了解香茶菜(Isodon amethystoides)、大萼香茶菜(I.macrocalyx)、显脉香茶菜(I.nervosa)小坚果表面超微结构的形态差异.方法:利用扫描电子显微镜对香茶菜、大萼香茶菜、显脉香茶菜果实表面超微结构进行观察.结果:香茶菜属3种植物果实表面都具有由四个细胞组成的腺鳞,但3种植物果实表面都有各自独特的细微构造.显脉香茶菜和香茶菜果实表面具有非腺毛,大萼香茶菜果实表面则没有.显脉香茶菜果实表面非腺毛的数量明显多于香茶菜果实,两者非腺毛的形态又存在着差异.结论:香茶菜、大萼香茶菜、显脉香茶菜果实的微形态存在明显差异,这些果实表面微观形态的差异可为品种鉴定提供依据.  相似文献   

There are a lot of evaluation approach on Regional Tourism Competition,such as Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP),Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA),Principal Component Analysis(PCA),Fuzzy Cluster Analysis(FCA) and so on,but so far there is less research on valuation approach on Regional Tourism Competition via SEM.This paper has constructed an evaluation model about Regional Tourism Competition via the result of 5 Factors model on Regional Tourism Competition via SEM.  相似文献   

A performance test bench for power batteries in hybrid electric vehicles is built. According to vehicles’ real driving condition, the correlative charge and discharge experiments of power batteries are carried out in different environmental temperatures. A new algorithm about self-correction fuzzy neural network control is used to calculate the state of charge(SOC)of power batteries at 25 ℃, and the result is compared with that of Arbin test instrumentation. Theoretical analysis and experimental results suggest that the accuracy of SOC calculated by the algorithm of correction fuzzy neural network control under variable rate discharge for power batteries meets the requirements.  相似文献   

在对机械产品进行"功能-运动-动作"结构化分解的基础上,将影响元动作装配单元装配精度的误差源分为零部件的形状误差、位置误差、装配位置误差和运动误差等四类误差源。引入误差链接模型作为元动作装配单元误差关联关系的基本封装单元,构建结构化误差关联模型——链接网络和链接矩阵,形象描述误差间的耦合嵌套关系。提出基于误差链接模型的装配误差传递路径求解方法,用老鼠迷宫算法搜索所有可能的误差传递路径,以装配精度最高作为判别依据,得到各误差分量的有效传递路径。以蜗杆转动元动作装配单元蜗杆轴线平行度误差有效传递路径为目标,对上述方法进行验证,结果表明该方法能够高效地搜索到所有误差传递路径,并快速获得有效传递路径。该方法的提出为整机装配过程质量预测与控制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

邵邻相  周凌瑜  陈斌娜 《种子》2005,24(4):31-33,49
目的:探讨几种蔬菜种子表面微形态的差异.方法:用扫描电子显微镜对蔬菜种子表面进行观察.结果:菊科的香港玻璃生菜种子呈橄榄形,表皮细胞单个排列成细长条纹状,突起明显,上有密布的小颗粒.十字花科的种子呈圆形或椭圆形,小白菜种子表面网纹较模糊,褶皱少而细小,分泌物较多,网孔分布较均匀,次级网孔没有或不清晰;青菜种子表面网纹较清晰,分泌物较少,有次级网孔.品种之间也存在细微的差异.结论:蔬菜种子表面微观形态的差异较明显,可为蔬菜种及品种的鉴定提供一定的依据.  相似文献   

Now the appraisement of stock market of China is still in the exploring phases. When stocks are appraised, people usually use expert-method or history-method aiming at different factors, especially the confirming of the factors that affect the stock evaluation and the interaction between different factors are not analyzed quantitatively, resulting in the stagnation of next researches on the whole.By applying the SEM to stock evaluation of Chinese stock market, we build a financial structural model, analyzes the influence to stock evaluation of each factor and build the experience mode value of stock evaluation of China. This can be consulted by stock evaluation and credit evaluation of China.  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜对被甘薯糠腐茎线虫(DitylenchusdestructorThorne)侵染的甘薯组织细胞的损伤情况进行了观察,结果表明:与健康甘薯相比,轻一中度侵染的病薯细胞失水,雏缩,细胞间隙加大,淀粉粒颗粒变小,大部分细胞出现及变形等病理变化,同时可见许多正在侵染的线虫;患病严重的薯块内细胞严重失水,皱缩,细胞间呈现大的空隙,维管组织变形,有的破碎,细胞内淀粉数量明业减少甚至完全丢失,  相似文献   

In this paper the necessity and urgency of reforming the operating mechanism of building market are discussed.It suggests that the improvement of quality of builing engineering in China can be ensured in aspects of system and operating mechanism only through the reforms in responsibility mechanism, competition mechanism,supply and demand mechanism,price mechanism,security mechanism and supervision and control mechanism.  相似文献   

水稻是我国主要粮食作物,加强三高水稻品种的选育和生产,将对加快农村小康建设、促进农业产业化具有重要的意义。胜泰1号是广东省农科院水稻研究所采用本单位创制的半矮秆“早长”超高产类型品种胜优2号为母本与泰国优质软米品种泰引1号杂交,通过“根深、早长”的高产耐肥新株型的构建和塑造选育而成的。它既有父本的米质软、粒型长的优质特性,又具有母本的“早长”株型和丰产性,并且它的穗长、穗粒数等产量性状显著超亲。该品种有效地把优质与高产在较高的水平上统一起来,解决了优质与高产的矛盾,是广东省第一个通过品种审定的长大粒型软性…  相似文献   

对来自16个不同种源的苦参种子净度、千粒重、生活力、含水量、硬实率以及不同处理下发芽率等质量标准指标进行研究,结果表明:不同种源的苦参种子净度均在92%以上;千粒重除安徽亳州外,其他种源均在40g以上;含水量均不超过12%;硬实率均在85%以上;综合生活力、未处理种子、发芽率2个指标发现山西长治西河底、河北安国、内蒙古赤峰的苦参种子种质较好;经破除硬实处理的种子发芽率显著高于未处理,不同种源最优处理不同,其中6个种源苦参种子的3种处理之间没有显著差异,3个种源浓硫酸处理下发芽率显著高于其他处理,4个种源摩擦处理发芽率显著高于其他处理,还有3个种源浓硫酸与摩擦处理之间差异性不显著,但显著高于热水处理。  相似文献   

A comprehensive evaluation method based on fuzzy matter element analysis is proposed to solve problems of multiple performance and quality evaluation for computer numerical control (CNC) equipment. The fuzzy matter element theory is utilized to analyze multi-scale quality characteristics and attributes. Then, the comprehensive quality evaluation model for CNC equipment is founded by using fuzzy matter element analysis method. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and information entropy are applied to obtain the objective index weights. Furthermore, the combinational weight is calculated with the optimal mathematics model based on the least square method. Finally, the fuzzy matter element method is used to determine the assessment result. The case study indicates that the method has a certain rationality and feasibility.  相似文献   

农作物种子是一种特殊商品,其质量好坏不仅直接影响农民的增产增效和农村经济的发展,也是影响社会稳定的一个重要因素。因此,开展种子质量监督抽查.可以有效防止质量不合格的种子进入流通渠道,从而切实保护广大农民的利益。衡东县是稻谷生产大县,笔者根据多年的工作实践,对县级种子管理站水稻种子质量监督抽查筛选法的运用进行了总结和探讨。  相似文献   

西瓜再生系统的建立   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以京欣一号、查理斯顿、巨人、井神小西瓜、黑崩筋5个品种苗龄6d的子叶为外植体,建立了西瓜无性繁殖系和高效的培养体系,在MS+BA5mg/L+IAA0.5mg/L培养基上,芽诱导率为46.6-94%,转接到附加KT0.2mg/L的MS培养基上进行再生芽的伸长培养后,在MS+NAA0.5mg/L的根诱导培养基上的诱导率达96.2%  相似文献   

关于村级农业技术人员队伍建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
何兵存 《中国农学通报》2011,27(20):199-202
本文依托安徽省农业技术推广总站和陕西省畜牧总站两个单位,选择了两省10个具有不同代表性的区县,研究分析了两省以种植业、畜牧业为主的村级农业技术人员队伍建设情况。通过组织村级农业技术人员召开座谈会,对部分村级农业技术人员和作为潜在村级农业技术人员的示范户、种养大户等进行问卷调查等形式开展了相关调研并参阅相关材料。本文对一些好做法进行了总结,针对存在的一些共性问题,提出了进一步加强村级农业技术人员队伍建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

Indoor thermal comfort can be significantly improved by natural ventilation with reasonable architectural design. In order to compare natural ventilation effect, the distribution of velocity field, temperature field and the PMV in different architecture layout and orientation design were analyzed with house types in Best House Type Competition. It was found that indoor natural ventilation effect was obviously improved by means of altering the layout and orientation, where the maximum velocity varied from 0.24m/s to 0.82m/s. And the temperature decreased 0.9℃ and the value of PMV was more approximate to comfort.  相似文献   

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