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The implement of enterprise knowledge management gives rise to extensive research on its measurement. Based on the existing measurement theories and evaluation index systems of enterprise knowledge management during the past three years in China, this paper analyzes the problems in measuring target and designing the evaluation index system in the existing research findings, and explains detailedly why measurement target of enterprise knowledge management should be "level evaluation" instead of "performance evaluation", and definitely points out the meanings of enterprise knowledge management level and significance of its evaluation. This paper also indicates that the design of the evaluation index system should be complete, reasonable, proper and operable.  相似文献   

利用Access+ASP+IIS技术,结合全国蜜粉源植物调查协作网各成员单位收集的全国主要蜜粉源植物信息,建立了基于WEB的中国主要蜜粉源植物信息导航系统,该系统包含4个模块,具有用户界面友好、功能强大、操作简便、便于数据维护等特点,用户可以通过浏览器访问http://www.biobee.cn/a.asp进行浏览和相关信息的查询。  相似文献   

To overcome the shortcomings of new word recognition and special word processing for the traditional dictionary-based matching algorithm in,text knowledge management oriented adaptive Chinese word segmentation algorithm (SACWSA) based on 2-gram statistical model is presented..At the preprocessing stage,SACWSA applies finite state machine theory,conjunction-based partition method and divide conquer strategy to partition long sentences in input text into sub-sentences,which reduces the algorithm complexity effectively.At the word segmentation stage,2-gram statistical model is employed and combined with partial probability and overall probability to partition the sub-sentences into words,which improved the recognition rate of new words and eliminated ambiguity.At the post-processing stage,the matching rules of part-of-speech are established to eliminate ambiguity of 2-gram word segmentation results further.The innovations of SACWSA include dealing with the long sentences and long terms with the idea of ’Divide and Conquer’; while combining the partial probability and overall probability to identify new words and eliminate ambiguity.Experimental results on text corpus of different fields show that SACWSA can adapt to different text knowledge management requirements in different fields accurately,efficiently and automatically.  相似文献   

水产养殖专家系统的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高水产养殖现代化管理水平,实现水产养殖自动化管理和控制,采用可视化软件开发工具Visual C++,动态连接库、神经网络模型等技术,设计并实现了水产养殖专家系统。该系统包括水质环境监控、养殖生产管理、专家知识查询、经济分析、系统设置和在线帮助等模块。系统能自动进行养殖环境水质数据采集和数据记录,并根据不同的养殖对象、环境、方式和状况实时进行专业化智能数据分析处理,最后将处理结果及时输出作报警人工处理或全自动控制。  相似文献   

From the point of view of Knowledge-based Engineering, the knowledge expression, the knowledge organizing format, the knowledge base and management system is researched aiming at the characteristic of motor total design and the knowledge. The knowledge of motor concept design is expressed and organized by Object Oriented method, and the blocking knowledge base is built. Base on the academic research, the Object Oriented knowledge base and its management system for motor intelligent design platform are developed. The result indicates this knowledge base can effectively express the motorcycle knowledge, and make reasoning simply.  相似文献   

knowledge management is an effective method to improve the enterprise's competitive ability. To construct knowledge system is the base for the performance of knowledge management. According to the theory and method of system engineering, information system and information management, this paper gives an architecture of enterprise knowledge management system basing on management information system. The architecture includes several main parts, such as knowledge base, knowledge base management system, people for knowledge management and users. A function structure of knowledge management system is given too.  相似文献   

By analyzing the inherent uncertainties, discrete uncertainties and external environmental uncertainties, a dual-feedback control strategy and the dynamic scheduling method are proposed to solve the dynamic scheduling problem of vehicle air-conditioning assembly shop under uncertainty. Considering the reentrant constraint, equipment capacity constraint, and time discrete constraint etc., the multi-objective scheduling model of vehicle air-conditioning assembly shop is set up,taken the earliness/tardiness, process time, production cost and quality loss as optimization objectives. According to the characteristic of the model, sectional chromosome encoding, crossover operator and mutation operator are designed to prevent the generation of illegal solutions and improve efficiency of the algorithm. An example is given to prove the feasibility and validity of the approach.  相似文献   

We designed a collaborative monitoring system based on JXTA. The system integrates P2P network technology with network management technology. We introduced the mechanism of JXTAs peer group, discussed the necessity of using a P2P network in a peer group application, presented the cooperative work scheme of P2P network, and emphasized the mechanism of peer group collaborative monitoring network when applying P2P network technology. The implementation method of the system was put forward by remotely monitoring the CISCO3640 port utilization ratio. The system features expansibility, usability, interoperability, high performance, decentralization, and robustness.  相似文献   

As a key resource, the knowledge management is becoming a research field interested by many researchers. In order to study the mathematics theory base of knowledge expression, in this paper, a knowledge expression model is given. In this model the knowledge system is expressed by multi-tuple, the single knowledge object is expressed by the tuple, a structural expression of knowledge is given using token as example and the application of the model in city water supply pipe network is presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Singapore‐Indonesia‐Malaysia Growth Triangle has been applauded by the governments of the three nation states, economists and transnational corporations as an economic success. However, other stark realities are evident at the local level as well. The Growth Triangle is supplanting older cultural and economic geographies. This has given rise to struggles over rights to territories and resources. Of the three points in the triangle, it is the landscape of Riau‐Indonesia that has been transformed most dramatically. A comparative study of the cadastral maps of the administrators of the Growth Triangle versus the community maps of the indigenous peoples shows the differences in their perceived spatial ideas of Riau. It also highlights the different systems of knowledge as upheld by the administrators in contrast to that of the indigenous inhabitants. This comparative study brings to attention the issues of knowledge construction, mapping knowledge and the politics of mapping.  相似文献   

With the development of reform and opening-up and the continual innovation of government function in China,the notion of city management will be used to each field of city development,thus the competition between cities will be more active.How to found function-oriented strategies of city management is a significant issue for showing city's imagery and improving city's ability in competition.Taking an example of Fuling,this paper analyzes the times background and defines the sorts of strategic resources in the course of Fuling's development.Meanwhile,this article determines the function and the imagery of Fuling based on the real background and strategic resources.At last,it gives suggestions on the strategies of city management in Fuling.  相似文献   

According to the urgent need for motorcycle parts enterprise to improve the ability of information exchange and business collaboration between the production process and other links such as the marketing, design, production planning, outsourcing, purchasing and delivering, an integration framework of the intergraded workshop production management system for motorcycle parts enterprise is presented. It can be integrated with the designing and production planning management systems upwards, the workshop equipments and workers downwards, and the subcontract production and supply chain management systems outwards. Then, some key technologies are studied, such as the realization scheme of system integration based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), the data integration and sharing mechanism of heterogeneous information system based on eXtensible Markup Language (XML), and the real-time interaction technology of workshop information based on the multi-functional interactive information terminals, etc. Finally, the system is developed and successfully applied in a motorcycle parts enterprise, and good results are obtained.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to determine the feasibility of canopy temperature based crop water stress index (CWSI) for scheduling irrigation of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). Field crop experiments were conducted in Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh (India) during three consecutive cropping seasons (2015, 2016 and 2017). The experimental field was divided into five plots with different levels of irrigation treatments based on depletion of total available soil water (TASW) in the crop root zone. The maximum soil moisture depletion (SMD) of TASW at 10%, 30% and 50%, full irrigated (non-stressed) and extremely dry (full stressed) conditions were maintained in respective plots. Relationships were developed between canopy-air temperature differential (TC-TA) and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) for non-stressed and fully stressed conditions to generate non-water-stressed baseline (NWSB) and maximum water-stressed baseline (MWSB) baselines for Indian mustard crop. The CWSI was computed for different SMD of TASW by using a proven empirical approach based on the baselines. The irrigation treatment corresponding to 30% SMD with a mean CWSI of 0.4 resulted in optimal yield and maximum water use efficiency. Results of the study suggest that established CWSI value can be used to detect stress and schedule irrigations for Indian mustard.  相似文献   

基于CiteSpace的外生菌根知识图谱计量分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为更好地了解和掌握外生菌根的国内研究进展,以"外生菌根"为主题词,时间跨度为1979—2018年,从CNKI数据库中得到相关文献1607篇,运用CiteSpace知识图谱分析工具对关键词、作者、机构进行可视化分析,并对外生菌根的研究进展、发展趋势和资助基金等方面进行相关分析。结果表明:(1)外生菌根研究经历了起步阶段、快速增长阶段和稳定发展阶段3个阶段;(2)1979年以来,外生菌根研究主要围绕外生菌根、外生菌根真菌、樟子松、马尾松、菌根真菌、油松、大型真菌、多样性等展开;(3)内蒙古农业大学林学院、抚顺矿业集团林业处、西北农林科技大学林学院是最主要的研究机构;(4)闫伟是外生菌根研究领域发文量最多学者;(5)《内蒙古农业大学学报》是外生菌根相关研究刊载论文数量最多的期刊;(6)国家自然科学基金是研究外生菌根投入最多的基金项目。随着国内学者的研究逐渐深入,国内外生菌根的研究取得了快速发展,相关研究逐渐深入,可以预见国内外生菌根的研究会取得非常可喜的成果。  相似文献   

Russia presents an interesting case of a country which has strived to implement innovation policies since the transition period but so far has achieved mixed results. This study aims to analyze the impact of knowledge production and knowledge spillovers on regional growth in Russia within a framework of endogenous growth models. Applying GMM and spatial error panel modeling techniques to Rosstat data for 80 Russian regions from 2005 to 2013, the authors test the hypothesis about the relevance of R&D and expenditure on technological innovations (H1) and the hypothesis about the relevance of knowledge spillovers (H2) on the growth rates of GRP per capita. Hypothesis 1 was confirmed while Hypothesis 2 was rejected, indicating the absorptive capacities of innovatively lagging regions were not high enough for effective adaptation of new technologies from technologically innovative regions. Inclusion of indicators related to additional channels of knowledge diffusion in regressions resulted in the relevance of FDI and imports of goods and services for regional growth. Results of the study could form the basis for developing innovation policies for the Russian regions.  相似文献   

客观分析国内氮沉降研究现状,总结现阶段研究的重点与薄弱点,旨在为氮沉降的科研工作者与决策者提供数据参考.以"氮沉降"为主题词,从CNKI数据库中得到2009-2019年发表的相关文献754篇,运用CiteSpace知识图谱分析工具对关键词、作者、机构进行可视化分析,并对氮沉降的研究进展、发展趋势和资助基金等方面进行相关...  相似文献   

采用CiteSpace V软件对中国知网数据库中1980—2019年166篇关于格氏栲研究领域的文献进行可视化研究分析,根据发文作者、研究机构、基金来源、期刊来源和关键词的分布情况绘制知识图谱,以呈现格氏栲研究领域目前的研究现状、发展历程和潜在的研究趋势。此外,还对Web of Science核心合集数据库中的15篇SCI文献进行对比研究。研究结果表明:(1)格氏栲研究主要围绕格氏栲、土壤肥力、人工林、天然林、杉木和林窗等主题展开;(2)刘金福、洪伟、杨玉盛、何中声和陈光水是该研究领域具有影响力的作者;(3)福建农林大学(原福建林学院)、福建师范大学、福建三明格氏栲自然保护区是该领域主要的研究机构;(4)高刊载量期刊有《福建林学院学报》、《生态学报》、《林业科技》、《福建林业科技》;(5)格氏栲天然林、土壤肥力、人工林、物种多样性、杉木和林窗为近40年的研究热点,预测会出现研究杉木、林窗和格氏栲凋落物的热潮。  相似文献   

科研机构是知识创新型单位,是知识密集型组织,科研机构的绝大多数产出与知识管理密切相关。由于人们理解的角度和范围不同,对农业科研机构的知识管理的认识也存在着不同的解释。本文探讨了农业科研机构知识管理研究的背景、必要性以及基本内容,认为农业科研机构的知识管理的核心在于隐性知识的显性化。这对于正确理解知识管理实务和构建农业科研机构的知识管理理论体系具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

本研究选取《中国科学引文索引(CSCI)》2011—2015年的水产资源学(分类号为S931)论文及其在2016年的被引数据, 利用文献计量学方法, 从高被引论文、高被引作者、高被引机构、高被引期刊等多种角度, 基于作者和机构合作网络、关键词共现的知识图谱, 探究中国渔业资源学研究现状。研究表明, 2011—2015年研究文献数量及被引频次年际间变化不大, 呈平稳态势, 渔业资源类文献影响力较高。高被引论文及关键词共现知识图谱显示热点研究领域为增殖放流、渔情预报、渔业生物多样性、渔业生物种群生态学与摄食生态学等领域。核心作者的研究主题与当前的热门主题词切合度较高。基于作者合著形成了以程家骅、袁兴伟、刘尊雷等作者为核心的网络和以杨胜龙和樊伟为核心的网络; 基于作者共被引形成了以杨胜龙为核心的网络和以张波为核心的网络。机构合作方面较为突出的是以上海海洋大学和中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所为节点构成的网络。从论文期刊分布来看,学科影响力较高的期刊为《中国水产科学》、《水产学报》、《南方水产科学》和《应用生态学报》等,学科影响力排名前10位的期刊所刊发论文数量占所有发表论文数的35.8%,被引用次数占所有论文被引次数的61.5%,各期刊水产资源学文章的研究主题分布未见明显差异。  相似文献   

The same CRM solution in same industry results in service assimilation among businesses, the cost of customer retention are rising, such strategy can not serve the purpose of saving customer cost for companies. This article introduces the new CRM solution- CKM, then analyzes the information from customer to company through the process that company dealing with consumer, and proposes a solution of the five styles CKM.  相似文献   

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