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日本的猕猴桃人工授粉技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管良明 《落叶果树》2002,34(5):60-60
猕猴桃为雌雄异株果树,栽植时需配置一定数量的雄株(配置比8~6:1),这不仅影响了单位面积产量,而且增加了管理成本.在自然授粉情况下,由于部分雌花授粉不完全,果实中种子少,易造成畸形果或小果,甚至引起落果.为解决此问题,日本从20世纪80年代初就着手进行猕猴桃人工授粉技术的研究,现在已在生产中广泛应用.  相似文献   

欧洲甜樱桃品种的授粉试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对9个甜樱桃品种进行授粉试验的结果表明:拉宾斯、斯坦勒和佐藤锦为高度自花不实品种(自交结实率为0.1%);红灯的适宜授粉品种为那翁、滨库、雷尼尔等;佐藤锦的适宜授粉品种为雷尼尔、滨库、拉宾斯等;先锋的适宜授粉品种为红灯和雷尼尔。红灯用斯坦勒做授粉树,坐果率为25%,但反交时仅为3%。在多品种混栽园,各品种的自然授粉坐果率均较高。  相似文献   

探讨了16个梨品种花粉对南果梨授粉的亲和性。结果表明:在环境条件和栽培条件一致、树体发育正常的情况下,花粉发芽率存在着明显的差异。苹果梨最高,为45.21%,华酥、早酥、苹博香分别为24.14%、22.72%、22.22%,其他品种均低于20%。苹博香、秋白梨、早酥、花盖和华酥给南果梨授粉亲和性好,花朵坐果率达80%以上。安梨为雄性不育类型,不能做授粉树。  相似文献   

液体授粉对苹果坐果率及果实的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苹果液体授粉试验结果表明:液体授粉的花朵坐果率较自然授粉提高61.41%,花序坐果率提高13.73%;偏斜果率较自然授粉降低19.6%,果实纵径较自然授粉增加6.43 mm,果实横径较自然授粉增加8.27 mm。  相似文献   

2005年进行了设施果园熊蜂授粉试验。结果表明:设施果树熊蜂授粉比蜜蜂授粉坐果率明显提高,其中油桃高25.5%、金太阳杏高1.02倍、李子高10.81%、大樱桃高66.41%、草莓高13.6%;果实成熟期提前3~5d;油桃、李子、大樱桃、草莓的单果质量分别高3.6、3.0、1.75、6.0g;油桃、李子、大樱桃平均株产分别高2.0、1.5、4.0kg。  相似文献   

Forest loss has been invoked as a cause for changes in the reproductive success of animal-pollinated woodland plants, associated with changes in their pollinators. To analyze such effects, it is important to include all of the three key players: landscapes, pollinators and a plant. We investigated effects of forest loss on an insect-pollinated plant through landscapes in forested ecosystems to pollinator communities and plant populations. Then we questioned if abundance and species richness in pollinator communities decrease as forest loss increases, and this in turn leads to a decrease in reproductive output of an insect-pollinated plant. We made a study with 12 populations of the bee pollinated herb, Erythronium americanum, in a landscape characterized by scattered fragments of deciduous forest within intensively managed agricultural fields. We also sampled bees as the potential pollinators by pan traps. We quantified the study landscapes using the amount of forest cover and the length of forest edge within each of the six radii (250, 500, 750, 1,000, 1,250 and 1,500 m). Regression analyses showed that the abundance and species richness of all collected bees were positively related to only the forest cover at the radius of 750 m. We also found the positive relationships for the seed set of E. americanum when the forest cover at the same radius and abundance of all collected bees were used as the predictor variables. These results indicate that forest loss causes negative impacts on potential pollinator communities and seed sets of some woodland herbs.  相似文献   

葫芦科作物耐弱光研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了近年来国内外葫芦科作物耐弱光研究进展,包括形态指标、生理生化指标、光合代谢等方面,并指出了目前存在的主要问题和研究方向。  相似文献   

设施果树的昆虫授粉,目前多数用蜜蜂授粉,但其活动温度较高,相对缩短了其有效授粉时间,致使达不到理想的坐果率。为此,山东省淄博京鲁生物授粉有限公司筛选了一种专为设施作物授粉的蜂种熊蜂,并进行工厂化生产取得成功。它活动温度低,飞翔能力强,访花次数多,专以花粉为食,不采蜜。为了验证熊蜂在设施果树上的授粉效果,我们在2004年舂小规模试验取得成功的基础上(试验结果已刊登在《北方果树》2004年第6期上),于2005年春进行了大规模对比试验,现将2005年试验结果报告如下。  相似文献   

不同柿品种的花粉粒大小和发芽率有极显著差异。完全甜柿和涩柿品种的花粉发芽率一般在20%-30%,禅寺丸品种在40%以上。花粉在常温条件下可贮藏5-10天,在常温干燥和低温干燥条件下可贮藏15—20天和30天以上。雌花开放后1-3天内授粉坐果率最高。花粉发芽适宜的蔗糖和硼砂浓度组合为15%-25%蔗糖 10—50mg/L硼砂。  相似文献   

现代生物技术在蔬菜品种改良中的应用(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以细胞工程技术和基因工程技术为主体的现代生物技术在近十多年中得到快速发展。现代生物技术的广泛应用给传统的农作物品种改良带来了一场技术上的革命。主要介绍了国际国内植物细胞工程技术和基因工程技术在蔬菜品种改良方面的现状和展望。  相似文献   

The development of a low capital cost technique for crop production in recirculating nutrient solution is described with special reference to greenhouse tomato production. Tomato trials in heated glasshouses are reported and attention is drawn to the decline in root growth which began in late April and ceased in early June. It is suggested that this “May check” may be related to time of year and not to plant age.  相似文献   

西瓜简约化栽培研究进展   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
西瓜简约化栽培技术是一项将施肥、灌溉及其他田间管理措施相结合的综合栽培技术。通过采用最新最佳育苗嫁接技术、肥水一体化膜下滴灌技术、留蔓整枝技术、植株化学调控技术、实施机械化等一套现代化生产管理技术,简化栽培程序,降低劳动强度,提高劳动生产率,以实现西瓜栽培操作程序的简约化,高效生产出安全优质的西瓜。  相似文献   

The percentage of ovules that set seeds per fruit has been used to evaluate the bumblebee activity of a two campaigns greenhouse trial. The experiment was carried out with two commercial cultivars of sweet pepper, ‘bell’ type, called Bardenas and Vergasa. The averages of the percentages of seed set per fruit of the two campaigns were 49.8% (Bardenas) and 40.7% (Vergasa) on the pollination treatment, whereas the averages of the control (self-pollination) treatment were 27.5% and 25.7%, respectively. Percentages of seed set per fruit was strongly related with the number of bee visits, but weakly with duration of visits.  相似文献   

The effects of deep ploughing, shallow ploughing-with-subsoiling, shallow ploughing, and shallow rotary cultivation combined factorially with three manurial treatments on the yields of vegetable crops are described. Each of the five crops in the rotation was grown in each year from i960 to 1962 on a sandy loam at Wellesbourne.

Where a high level of fertility bad been built up by the use of farmyard manure (FYM), yields were subsequently maintained at a high level for a three-year period by the use of NPK fertilizers alone.

Plots which had received either FYM with NPK fertilizers for each crop from 1954 to 1962 (FYM -j- NPK), or FYM with NPK fertilizers from 1954 to 1959 but with NPK only from i960 to 1962 (residual FYM + NPK), gave much higher yields than plots which had received only nitrogenous fertilizers from 1954 to 1959 and NPK fertilizers from 1960 to 1962. The increases in yields from FYM + NPK over those from residual FYM + NPK were small, and significant only for autumn lettuce and leeks.

Although, on average, the differences between the yields from the three ploughing treatments were small (the largest was 10%) some of the differences were significant.

The ploughing treatments gave significantly higher yields of early peas, autumn lettuce, leeks and Brussels sprouts than shallow rotary cultivation ; with early summer cauliflowers, however, only shallow ploughing-with- subsoiling gave a higher yield than shallow rotary cultivation.  相似文献   

蜜蜂授粉对浙东地区甜瓜品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究蜜蜂授粉对甜瓜品质的影响,采用意大利蜜蜂为设施甜瓜授粉,授粉期间调查大棚内温湿度变化情况,采收后考察甜瓜坐果率、畸形果率、单果质量、果肉厚度、中心糖和边缘糖含量。结果显示,在设施内温度达到46.21℃时,蜜蜂仍能完成授粉工作。蜜蜂授粉的甜瓜平均单蔓坐果数和平均畸形果率分别为3.84个和5.75%,分别较人工授粉的高1.80个和低8.36%,甜瓜蜜蜂授粉果实品质与人工授粉无显著差异。表明蜜蜂可以代替人工完成授粉工作,且不会影响果实品质,适合设施甜瓜早春和夏秋季栽培授粉。  相似文献   

苹果梨角额壁蜂授粉试验   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在吉林省龙井地区选择6个苹果梨园,在苹果梨花期释放角额壁蜂,进行授粉试验,结果表明:在苹果梨园成功地进行角额壁蜂的释放和繁殖;苹果梨利用角额壁蜂授粉,其坐果率可以达到人工授粉的效果;角额壁蜂授粉苹果梨平均每个梨果有种子9.16粒,比人工授粉增加0.42倍。  相似文献   

为了完善小果型西瓜立架栽培蜜蜂授粉技术,解决蜜蜂授粉坐果率低的问题,对北京地区小果型西瓜立架栽培蜜蜂授粉技术展开研究。结果表明,小果型西瓜立架栽培授粉时温度达到15℃以上,采用每667 m2两箱6脾蜜蜂授粉效果最佳;改善栽培方式,用增加授粉行、授粉株,种植花朵密、花粉多的品种提高花粉量的方法,可使小果型西瓜坐果率提高27%~31%,667m~2产量增加1 318.19 kg,经济效益提高3 251.93元。采用蜜蜂授粉降低瓜农的劳动强度,降低生产成本,提高坐果率,每667 m~2节省人工授粉费高达840元。填补了北京地区小果型西瓜立架栽培蜜蜂授粉坐果率低的技术空白。  相似文献   

Fruit cracking after rain limits the production of a number of crops, including some Ribes species. To gain a better understanding of the factors involved in cracking, fruit growth, deposition of the cuticular membrane (CM), water uptake and fruit cracking were studied in black currant (Ribes nigrum L. cv. Zema), gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa L. cv. Rote Triumph), and jostaberry (Ribes nidigrolaria B. cv. Jostine). Fruit surface area and fresh mass increased continuously throughout development, whereas deposition of the CM was biphasic. CM mass per fruit increased rapidly up to 42, 41, and 49 days after full bloom (DAFB) in black currant, gooseberry, and jostaberry, respectively. Thereafter, CM mass per fruit remained constant in gooseberry and jostaberry or increased at a lower rate in black currant. The cessation of or reduced rate of CM deposition resulted in a decrease in CM mass per unit area in all berries. Elastic strain of the CM at maturity averaged 23.8% and 19.5% in gooseberry and jostaberry, respectively, and only 8.2% in black currant. Microcracks in the CM were observed first in gooseberry and jostaberry 64 DAFB, whereas there were no microcracks in black currant. Water uptake into mature detached berries was linear over 2 h of incubation. Rates of uptake were highest in gooseberry followed by black currant and jostaberry. Relative uptake was similar via the cut end of the pedicel (32.1%), the apex of the fruit (34.7%) and the fruit surface (33.2%). Rates of water uptake through the fruit surface were positively related to surface area. Average fruit water potential for black currant, gooseberry, and jostaberry was −2.14 ± 0.17, −1.24 ± 0.03, and −1.89 ± 0.20 MPa, while the permeability for osmotic water uptake was 7.7 ± 0.4 × 10−8, 5.2 ± 0.1 × 10−8, and 3.3 ± 0.3 × 10−8 m s−1. Incubating whole fruit in deionized water for 72 h resulted in more cracked jostaberries (94%) than black currants (74%) or gooseberries (50%). A comparison of our findings in Ribes berries with published data for the sweet cherry drupe revealed that the berries fitted the relationships established in sweet cherry among fruit growth, cuticle deposition, strain of the cuticle, microcracking, permeability for osmotic water uptake, frequency of stomata and cracking. The Ribes berries were less susceptible to cracking than sweet cherry.  相似文献   

Data are examined from an apple trial over a period of sixteen years during which the trees received no differential treatments. Crops for a varying number of years were accumulated in order to determine how long a period is needed to obtain a low coefficient of variation. Four years were better than two, but six years gave little advantage over four. Covariance by previous crops was useful, two years’ crop being as good as four years’ crop. Adjustment by trunk girth was less successful but could be recommended in conjunction with previous crop. Number of fruits was a more variable record than crop weight. Removing positional variation by analysis of variance did not have a major effect in reducing variation. Where space is available multi-tree plots proved effective since adjacent tree crops are not highly correlated, but covariance adjustment of multi-tree plots was not successful.  相似文献   

双列杂交设计及其分析方法是指通过分析组合材料的特点,从而为筛选出符合目标性状的优良亲本组合提供一强有力的工具。由于双列杂交能提供关于组合材料变异遗传成分和杂交后代的实际表现能力,而且在遗传中可以研究数量性状基因的相互作用,所以双列杂交在数量性状遗传与育种上得到广泛应用。主要对双列杂交法在作物增产、品质改良、抗性遗传育种等方面的应用历史、现状和前景进行概述。  相似文献   

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