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The clinical pathology and histopathology of two groups of Atlantic salmon with severe degenerative myopathy (pancreas disease) is described and compared with a third healthy group. One affected group was anorexic and had low plasma protein and albumin levels while the other was feeding and had normal levels. Both diseased groups had plasma and tissue vitamin E and selenium levels lower than the healthy group. Similarly, creatine kinase values were raised in affected groups. If representative of the syndrome as a whole, the results suggest that the myopathy of pancreas disease has a basis in a vitamin E-selenium deficiency, but whether primary or induced is not clear. The results also demonstrate that the myopathy and pancreatic atrophy do not inevitably lead to anorexia or any other clinically obvious sign of disease, despite both cardiac and oesophageal involvement.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate the content of emamectin in blood, mucus and muscle following field administration of the recommended dose, and correlation with sea lice infection on the same fish (elimination study). The tissue distribution of tritiated emamectin benzoate after a single oral dose in Atlantic salmon was also investigated by means of whole-body autoradiography and scintillation counting (distribution study). In the elimination study, concentrations of emamectin benzoate reached maximum levels of 128, 105 and 68 ng/g (p.p.b.) for blood, mucus and muscle respectively, on day 7, the last day of administration. From day 7, the concentration in the blood declined until concentration was less than the limit of detection on day 77. The concentration was higher in mucus compared with plasma (P < 0.05) except on days 7 and 21. The concentration of emamectin benzoate decreased gradually from the end of treatment (day 7) to day 70 with half-lives of 9.2, 10.0 and 11.3 days in muscle, plasma and mucus respectively. The distribution study demonstrated a high quantity of radioactivity in mucous membranes (gastrointestinal tract, gills) throughout the observation period (56 days). Activity was high in the epiphysis, hypophysis and olfactory rosette throughout the study. The highest activity was observed in the bile, indicating this to be an important route for excretion. The distribution study confirmed the results from the elimination study with respect to concentrations in blood, skin mucous and muscle.  相似文献   

The heart is considered the powerhouse of the cardiovascular system. Heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI), cardiomyopathy syndrome (CMS) and pancreas disease (PD) are cardiac diseases of marine farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) which commonly affect the heart in addition to the skeletal muscle, liver and pancreas. The main findings of these diseases are necrosis and inflammatory cells infiltrates affecting different regions of the heart. In order to better characterize the cardiac pathology, study of the inflammatory cell characteristics and cell cycle protein expression was undertaken by immunohistochemistry. Immunohistochemistry was performed on paraffin embedded hearts from confirmed diseased cases applying specific antibodies. The inflammatory cells were predominantly CD3+ T lymphocytes. The PD diseased hearts exhibited moderate hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF1α) immuno-reaction that suggested tissue hypoxia while recombinant tumor necrosis factor-α (rTNFα) antibody identified putative macrophages and eosinophilic granulocytes (EGCs) in addition to endocardial cells around lesions. There were strong to low levels of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II immunostaining in the diseased hearts associated with macrophage-like and lymphocyte-like cells. The diseased hearts expressed strong to low levels of apoptotic cells identified by caspase 3 and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase nick-end labeling (TUNEL) staining. The strong signals for proliferative cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and TUNEL, and moderate levels of caspase 3 immuno-reactivity suggested a high cell turnover where DNA damage/repair might be occurring in the diseased hearts. Interestingly, the apparently similar cardiac diseases exhibited differences in the immunopathological responses in Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Infectious salmon anemia (ISA) is a viral disease occurring in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) that is characterized by lethargy, anorexia, anemia and death. To control the disease in New Brunswick, Canada, 7.5 million fish from outbreak cages have been destroyed since 1997. Despite changes made by farmers, 2002 was the worst year ever for ISA losses in the region.

We evaluated the associations between potential risk factors and ISA outbreaks in the Atlantic-salmon sites in New Brunswick. This was a multilevel study in which the site-level design was a retrospective cohort study while the cage-level design was a modified case-cohort study. The questionnaire was divided into site-level questions, cage-level questions and hatchery information.

The important factors identified by this study can be categorized as environmental, farmer controlled or industry controlled according to the capacity to change or eliminate them. Environmental risk factors such as increasing the depth of the net (if nets were ≤9 m, odds ratio (OR) = 3.34) and decreasing the depth of water underneath the net (if depth of water underneath the net >3 m, OR = 3.34) are for the most part dictated by site location. Wild pollock (Pollachius virens) in the cage reflects the number of wild pollock that live in the site location. If there were ≥1000 pollock in the cage, the odds of disease in the cage increased 4.43-fold. Risk factors that are under farm control include increasing the number of times that the salmon are treated for sea lice (OR = 3.31 if lice treatments are ≤2 times), transferring small smolts into seawater (OR = 2.40 if smolts weighed >99 g) and improving on the adaptation of smolts to seawater to reduce post-transfer mortalities (OR = 4.52 if there was at least one cage with post-transfer mortalities >5%). The industry-controlled factors need to be addressed by the industry as a whole. Organizing boat travel to minimize the time and frequency of boats travelling to or by sites currently is being reviewed. This will be extremely important because the OR = 9.43 if processing boats travel within 1 km of the site and the OR = 4.03 if the site has dry feed delivered by the feed company. Because the hazard ratio increased stepwise from 1 if the nearest neighbor with ISA was ≥5 km up to 5.5 if the nearest site with ISA was within 0.5 km, increasing the distance between sites might be necessary for effective control.  相似文献   

The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is a freshwater and marine fish of the family Salmonidae, widely farmed in aquaculture facilities in several countries. The salmon are carnivorous, but in aquaculture, alternative foods have been experienced. It is well known that feeding in captivity should cause adaptation and modifications of the morphological characteristics of the oral cavity, especially of tongue; therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate, by light, laser confocal and scanning electron microscopy, the morphological characteristics of the tongue dorsal surface, considering the importance of the correlations between feeding habits and the anatomy of the tongue. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrates the presence of caniniform teeth with oro-aboral orientation surrounded by numerous filiform papillae, single, fused or arranged in row. Oro-aborally, the papillae show an appearance like a rosette and they disappear at level of the root. Light and laser confocal microscopy demonstrates that the mucosa is covered by a non-keratinized stratified pavement epithelium with, in the deepest layer, the presence of a triangular structure whose apex is cranially directed and base facing aborally. In this structure, spindle-shaped cells are present, with a vimentin immunoreactivity, that for their characteristics could be adult mesenchymal stem cells. The obtained data could be useful not only for further studies on the nutrition, but it is interesting the detection of tissues typical of the embryo-fetal phase in the adult specimens tongue, thus giving a basis for studies of potential applications, if any, regarding cell therapies for different clinical indications.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon were selected from a fish farm with no previous record of pancreas disease (PD) or infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) infection. Groups of fish were inoculated with either IPNV (strain Sp) from cell culture, organ material from fish with PD or control material as phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Virological, histological and immunohistochemical examinations were carried out throughout the experiment. None of the fish died or showed clinical symptoms of PD. Histological examination revealed no pathological changes, and immunohistochemical studies were negative. Virus was isolated only sporadically from the group inoculated with organ material, whereas it was isolated consistently from the group inoculated with virus propagated in cell culture, as well as from in-contact control fish after the first week. In a latent carrier test, changes were entirely lacking in the first mentioned group, and were only slight in the last mentioned group. The data suggest that PD is not a transmissible disease, and that IPNV isolated from a PD outbreak does not play any part in the etiology of this disease.  相似文献   

Binding of a fluorescent-labelled soluble immune complex to different types of Atlantic salmon leucocytes was investigated using flow cytometry. Peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL) were separated into sIg+ and sIg enriched populations by magnetic activated cell sorting, blood neutrophils were identified by electronic gating, and kidney macrophages were selected by plastic-adherence. About 60% of both sIg+ and sIg- enriched PBL, 44% of neutrophils and 34% of macrophages bound the soluble immune complexes.  相似文献   

Amoebic gill disease (AGD) is characterised by the association of Neoparamoeba sp. with hyperplastic gill tissue of affected fishes, however, the identity and role of host cells associated with AGD lesions are not known. Here, we investigated cells with an immunological role that were associated with AGD lesions by locating cellular MHC class II β chain. A tank housing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was inoculated with Neoparamoeba sp., and MHC class II β chain expression in the gills was qualitatively assessed by immunohistochemistry. In AGD-naïve control fish, MHC class II+ cells were detected basolateral to the interlamellar epithelium as well as upon the interlamellar and secondary epithelium. In the gills of AGD affected fish MHC class II+ cells were observed in both affected and unaffected tissue. Within AGD lesions, numerous MHC class II+ cells were present and these cells exhibited variable levels of expression suggesting that like mammals, MHC class II expression is highly regulated. The presence of MHC class II+ cells within gill lesions is indicative of immune cell trafficking and these cells could contribute in an antigen presentation capacity to the development of an antibody response in fish chronically affected by AGD.  相似文献   

Diflubenzuron is a potent inhibitor of chitin synthesis, with potential use against salmon lice infestations. The absorption, distribution and elimination of the substance in Atlantic salmon was examined after a single, oral dose of 75 mg/kg bodyweight. The kinetic properties were studied by whole-body autoradiography, liquid scintillation counting and thin layer chromatography, using a 14C-labelled isotope of the substance. The drug was poorly absorbed from the intestine, but reached a concentration of more than 4 micrograms/g in the mucus layer of the skin 2 days after administration. If maintained for several days, this concentration is probably sufficient to control all moulting stages of sea lice in Atlantic salmon. The main route of excretion was via the bile.  相似文献   

The alpha-precipitins of the Atlantic salmon have been isolated by a combination of chromatography and gel filtration. A monospecific antiserum has been raised and this has been used to measure the concentration of the antigen in 925 fish sera by CELISA. The results were analysed for the effects of sex and disease state of the animal, time of year and year of collection, and the part of the UK from which they were collected. Significant differences were found in all cases. The components of alpha-precipitin were investigated by the isoelectric focusing of pure alpha-precipitin, whole serum and serum heated for 18 h at 95 degrees C. Multiple banding occurred in the acid region of the gels; the number, relative strength and position of the bands depended upon the animal from which the serum was isolated.  相似文献   

Glandular Kallikrein is a serine-protease with trypsin-like activity and is able to generate bioactive peptides from inactive precursors. We have evaluated the presence of this protease in the different organs of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). The results clearly indicate that GK and PRL are generated in the same pituitary cells based on a co-localization by confocal microscopy. Based on probed cross-reactivity between C. striata and C. carpio glandular anti-GK antibodies, we used a homologous antibody to detect the presence of GK in several salmon tissues. We have evaluated the GK expression in healthy and defied fish. P. salmonis and V. ordalii. The GK immunoreaction in organs such as leukocytes, gills and skin is considerably increased in defied fish compared to healthy fish. This increase was present in the cells of the excretory kidney and in the intercellular tissue, where the development of hematopoietic and lymphocytic lines in fish take place. One of the most interesting organs to study was the skin, bearing in mind that this is a primary barrier to all pathogens. The skin of the defied fish exhibited an increase in immunoreactivity for glandular kallikrein similar to the protease found in mucus. An immunoreactive tissue kallikrein-like protein was identified and partially separated by perfusion chromatography. Enzymatic activity of salmon muscle prokallikrein was determined before and after trypsin activation. Kallikrein activity was characterized with respect to their ability to cleave the chromogenic leaving group, p-nitroanilide, from the peptidyl kallikrein and trypsin substrate. These findings constitute a important contribution to reveal the role of kallikrein in the innate immune system of fish.  相似文献   

Infectious pancreatic necrosis is a disease that is causing increasing loses to Scottish Atlantic-salmon farms. I asked the question: is infection of individual salmon farms persistent or transient? Using Fisheries Research Services' Fish Health Inspectors' data, conditional probabilities that a farm would (time 0) be infected were estimated for farms that had been infected [P(I(0)|I(-T))] or free [P(I(0)|F(-T))] from infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) when a sample was taken at some earlier time (-T). A logistic-regression model was used to estimate these conditional probabilities with T; this model was multilevel to account for regional and inter-annual level differences in prevalence of IPNV. In freshwater, conditional probabilities remained substantially different for periods of at least 4 years, so, although many farms did change infection status, IPNV either persisted or recurred at specific freshwater farms. Marine farms showed similar conditional probabilities after about 2 years following a positive or a negative sample, indicating that infection was transient. Management of larger areas and exchanges between farms might be more effective than farm-level management at controlling marine IPNV.  相似文献   

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