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试验旨在研究拜城油鸡公鸡中脂肪型脂肪酸结合蛋白(adipocyte fatty acid binding protein,A-FABP)基因的多态性及其与生产性能的相关性,寻找可用于拜城油鸡选育的分子遗传标记。随机选取92只6周龄拜城油鸡公鸡,采用PCR-RFLP方法检测A-FABP基因的多态性。每种基因型选取15只体重相近的个体随机分为3组,每组每种基因型个体各5只,分别在12、18、24周龄时屠宰并对生产性能指标进行测定。结果显示,在拜城油鸡公鸡中检测到A-FABP基因有3种基因型:AA、AB、BB,BB为优势基因型,B为优势等位基因,不符合哈代-温伯格平衡定律(P<0.01)。12周龄时,各基因型间各生产性能指标差异均不显著(P>0.05);18周龄时,BB基因型肌间脂宽显著高于AA基因型(P<0.05),BB和AB基因型腹脂重极显著高于AA基因型(P<0.01),腹脂率显著高于AA基因型(P<0.05);24周龄时,BB基因型体重、肌间脂宽、腹脂重均显著高于AA基因型(P<0.05)。推测A-FABP基因可以作为与拜城油鸡公鸡脂肪性状相关的候选标记之一。 相似文献
试验旨在研究肌肉生长抑制素(myostatin,MSTN)基因在拜城油鸡中的多态性及其与生产性能的关系,探寻可用于拜城油鸡选育的分子遗传标记。选取96只6周龄的拜城油鸡公鸡,随机分为3组,每组32只,分别在12、18和24周龄时对其生产性能指标进行测定,同时采用PCR-RFLP方法检测MSTN基因的多态性,分析MSTN基因多态性与拜城油鸡生产性能的关系。结果显示,在拜城油鸡公鸡中MSTN基因存在多态性,检测到3种基因型:AA、GA、GG,GA为优势基因型,等位基因A为优势等位基因,不符合哈代-温伯格平衡定律(P<0.05)。在12周龄时,AA基因型个体的体重、屠体重、半净膛重、全净膛重、胸肌重和腿肌重均显著高于GA基因型个体(P<0.05);在18周龄时,GA基因型个体的体重、胸肌重和腿肌重均显著高于GG基因型个体(P<0.05);在24周龄时,AA基因型个体的体重、屠体重和半净膛重均极显著高于GG基因型个体(P<0.01),全净膛重和腿肌重显著高于GG基因型个体(P<0.05),GA基因型个体的体重、屠体重、半净膛重和腿肌重均显著高于GG基因型个体(P<0.05),其余指标在不同周龄不同基因型个体间差异不显著(P>0.05)。MSTN基因多态性与拜城油鸡部分生产性能指标密切相关,推测该基因可以作为拜城油鸡选育的分子遗传标记之一。 相似文献
旨在探究雌激素受体(ESR)基因多态性与拜城油鸡产蛋性状、蛋品质及孵化性能的关系,为高生产性能种鸡的选育提供新的分子标记。试验以129只拜城油鸡为研究对象,利用DNA混池重测序技术筛选SNPs位点,采取Sequenom飞行时间质谱技术进行相关的位点分型,通过SPSS 26.0进行繁殖性能关联分析。结果显示:所筛选出的6个ESR基因SNPs位点分别为g.48747211 T>G、g.48777663 C>T、g.48817503 G>A、g.52521976 T>C、g.52529021 A>G和g.52541181 C>T,且均存在3种基因型,哈代-温伯格平衡检验表明6个SNPs位点均处在平衡状态,其中g.48747211 T>G、g.48777663 C>T、g.52521976 T>C和g.52541181 C>T位点多态信息含量均大于0.25,处于中度多态。关联性分析表明,ESR1基因g.48747211 T>G和g.48777663 C>T位点与拜城油鸡300日龄总产蛋量存在极显著相关性(P<0.01... 相似文献
试验在相同饲养条件下,对果园散养珍珠鸡与拜城油鸡的体尺和屠宰性能比较.结果 表明:雄性珍珠鸡的体尺与雌性珍珠鸡相比差异极显著(P<0.01);珍珠鸡的屠宰率、半净膛率及全净膛率极显著高于拜城油鸡(P<0.01).结果 说明,同一品种家禽因性别不同在屠宰性能和体尺上可能会存在差异,不同品种家禽其屠宰性能和体尺也会存在差异... 相似文献
在相同饲养条件下,对果园散养珍珠鸡与拜城油鸡的体尺及屠宰性能比较.结果显示,雄性珍珠鸡的体尺各性状与雌性珍珠鸡相比差异极显著(P<0.01),雄性拜城油鸡的屠宰性能各性状与雌性珍珠鸡相比差异极显著(P<0.01),珍珠鸡的屠宰率、半净膛率、全净膛率极显著高于拜城油鸡(P<0.01).说明同一品种家禽,因性别不同,在屠宰... 相似文献
在乌鲁木齐近郊某养鸡场养殖拜城油鸡、良凤花鸡、油麻鸡各200只,饲养环境和条件相同,定期测量其体重,记录产蛋性能指标,120日龄时测量体尺性状、屠宰性能、肌肉品质,比较3个品种的生长性能、产蛋性能、体尺性状和屠宰性能。试验结果显示:120日龄时良凤花鸡公母鸡体重最重,但成活率较低,油麻鸡成活率和体重介于良凤花鸡和拜城油鸡之间;油麻鸡开产日龄、50%产蛋率周龄、高峰产蛋率、单产等产蛋性能均优于拜城油鸡和良凤花鸡;油麻鸡公、母鸡体斜长、龙骨长、胫长和胫围均优于拜城油鸡和良凤花鸡;油麻鸡屠宰性能比拜城油鸡高,比良凤花鸡略低。油麻鸡保留了拜城油鸡成活率高、抗逆性强、耐粗饲的特点,其屠宰性能、外貌特性、生长速度等又表现出优良的特性,兼顾了拜城油鸡和良凤花鸡2个品种的优势,适合在新疆地区饲养。 相似文献
促卵泡激素(follicle-stimulating hormone,FSH)是垂体前叶分泌的一种糖蛋白,可通过卵泡刺激素受体(follicle-stimulating hormone receptor,FSHR)调节卵巢的功能。为了研究香猪FSHR基因外显子10的多态性及其与产仔数的关系,试验以从江香猪为研究对象,采用PCR产物直接测序方法检测基因的多态性,分析基因型与香猪产仔数间的关系。对8个候选位点进行群体检测证实其中2个为SNPs位点,分别是rs322800083(C276T)和rs332115220(T601C),且新发现1个SNP位点novel 1(G-92A);rs322800083和rs332115220位点构成4种单倍型,其中C-T为香猪群体的主要单倍型(45.0%),且在香猪群体中紧密连锁(r2=0.334)。分析4种单倍型与香猪产仔数间的关系,在香猪的二胎产仔数中,单倍型C-T的总产仔数(total number born,TNB)最高,单倍型C-C的TNB最低,两者之间的TNB相差0.99头(P<0.05);在香猪的三胎产仔数中,单倍型C-T的TNB最高,与单倍型T-C、C-C间的TNB分别相差1.61和2.33头(P<0.01)。rs332115220位点的基因型与香猪的三胎产仔数呈弱的正相关关系(ρ=0.429)。本研究结果提示,单倍型C-T可以作为分子标记应用于香猪产仔数性状的辅助选育。 相似文献
为探究拜城油鸡不同产蛋性能与蛋品质及耻骨间距各指标间的关联性,随机选取120日龄健康的拜城油鸡母鸡150只,单笼饲养,分别记录个体开产日龄、开产蛋重、300日龄总产蛋量等产蛋指标,并在产蛋初期、中期和后期三阶段收集鸡蛋测定蛋品质。根据产蛋量将试验群体分为4组,Ⅰ组(产蛋量≥100个),Ⅱ组(90个≤产蛋量<100个),Ⅲ组(80个≤产蛋量<90个),Ⅳ组(产蛋量<80个)。对各组产蛋性能、耻骨间距和蛋品质各指标进行单因素方差分析及其Pearson相关性分析。结果表明,Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组300日龄平均蛋重极显著高于Ⅳ组(P<0.01);开产蛋重Ⅰ组显著低于Ⅳ组(P<0.05);开产日龄Ⅰ组显著高于Ⅱ组(P<0.05),极显著高于Ⅲ组和Ⅳ组(P<0.01);Ⅰ组开产体重极显著高于Ⅳ组(P<0.01);Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组耻骨间距均极显著高于Ⅳ组(P<0.01)。蛋形指数Ⅰ组显著低于Ⅳ组(P<0.05)。300日龄总产蛋量与300日龄平均产蛋重呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与开产日龄和开产蛋重呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),与开... 相似文献
选取相同饲喂条件下,520d拜城油鸡母鸡和520d海兰褐壳蛋鸡各60qg,测定屠宰性状和部分肉品质指标。试验结果如下:拜城油鸡的腿肌率、胸肌率、腹脂率、屠宰率、全净膛率、半净膛率均高于海兰蛋鸡。520d拜城油鸡肌肉的颜色、pH和520d海兰褐壳蛋鸡之间没有显著差异(P〉0.05),拜城油鸡剪切力、滴水损失低于海兰褐壳蛋鸡(P〈0.05),肌内脂肪含量、粗蛋白含量比海兰褐壳蛋鸡高(P〈0.05)。 相似文献
In this study, the single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) of MSTN gene and its correlation with the production performance was tested, and explored the molecular genetic marker of breeding in Baicheng fatty chicken. 96 Baicheng fatty chicken roosters were selected randomly and divided into 3 groups, there were 32 chicken in each group. The indexes of production performance were measured in 12, 18 and 24 weeks old and the SNP of MSTN gene was detected by PCR-RFLP method, and analyzed the relationship between gene polymorphism and production performance indexes.The results showed that 3 genotypes of AA,GA and GG were found in Baicheng fatty chicken, GA was the dominant genotype, and allele A was the dominant allele, the allele frequency was not in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P<0.05). At 12 weeks old,AA genotype was significantly higher than GA genotype in body weight, carcass weight,semi-eviscerated weight, eviscerated weight, breast muscle weight and leg muscle weight (P<0.05). At 18 weeks old,GA genotype was significantly higher than GG genotype in body weight, breast muscle weight and leg muscle weight (P<0.05). At 24 weeks old,AA genotype was extremely significantly higher in body weight, carcass weight and semi-eviscerated weight than GG genotype (P<0.01),and AA genotype was significantly higher in eviscerated weight and leg muscle weight than GG genotype (P<0.05). GA genotype was significantly higher in body weight, carcass weight,semi-eviscerated weight and leg muscle weight than GG genotype (P<0.05), there were no significant difference in the other indexes among different genotypes at different ages (P>0.05). MSTN gene polymorphism was closely related to the production performance indexes of Baicheng fatty chicken, it was speculated this gene could be used as one of the molecular genetic markers for the breeding of Baicheng fatty chicken. 相似文献
Yong Wang Wenqiang Liu Chao Hang Yiqiang Du Ying Chen Jinming Xing Jun Gao Dexin Qiu 《Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition》2019,103(5):1447-1452
This study aims to assess the association of polymorphisms and mRNA expression of adipocyte‐type fatty acid‐binding protein (A‐FABP) with intramuscular fat (IMF) in the breast muscle (BM) and leg muscle (LM) of Baicheng‐You chickens (BYCs). A total of 180 chickens, including sixty black Baicheng‐You chickens (BBYCs), sixty silky Baicheng‐You chickens (SBYCs) and sixty white Baicheng‐You chickens (WBYCs), were reared from 1 to 120 day. A polymerase chain reaction–single‐strand conformation polymorphism strategy (PCR‐SSCP) was used to detect the polymorphism of the A‐FABP gene in the first exon, and the C51T silent mutational site was found. The IMF content with the AA genotype was significantly higher than that with the AG genotype (p = 0.0473) in the LM of WBYC. Thus, this site could be taken as a molecular marker in selecting a higher IMF content of LM in WBYC. A‐FABP gene mRNA expression in the BM and LM of BYCs was detected, and a significant positive correlation was observed in the LM of WBYC. These findings provide fundamental data that might be useful in further study of the role of the A‐FABP gene in IMF content and fatty metabolism in chickens. 相似文献
In order to search the molecular genetic markers for breeding of Baicheng fatty chicken, the relationship between the polymorphism of adipocyte fatty acid binding protein (A-FABP) gene and the productive performance of the male chickens at different ages was studied. Ninety two chickens with age of 6 weeks were randomly selected. The polymorphism of A-FABP gene was detected by PCR-RFLP method. In each genotype group, fifteen chickens with similar body weight were categorized, each group was randomly divided into three sub-groups with equal numbers. The productive performance of the chickens was measured at their age of 12, 18 and 24 weeks. The results showed that there were three genotypes of A-FABP gene:AA,AB and BB, BB genotype was the dominant genotype,allele B was the advantageous allele,and it was not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P<0.01). At the age of 12 weeks,no significant difference was found among the measured productive performance (P>0.05). At the age of 18 weeks, it was found that the intramuscular fat width of BB genotype was significantly higher than AA genotype (P<0.05), the abdominal fat weight of BB and AB genotypes were extremely significantly higher than AA genotype (P<0.01),and the abdominal fat weight percentage of BB and AB genotypes were significantly higher than AA genotype (P<0.05). At the age of 24 weeks, it was found that the body weight, intramuscular fat width and abdominal fat weight of BB genotype were significantly higher than that of AA genotype (P<0.05). Therefore, this results suggested that A-FABP gene could be used as a potential candidate marker for the association of fatty traits in male Baicheng fatty chicken. 相似文献
为研究日粮能量水平与NPY基因对文昌鸡产蛋性能的影响,600只文昌鸡随机分为3组(Ⅰ组,低能组;Ⅱ组,对照组;Ⅲ组,高能组),每组设置5个重复,每个重复40只试验鸡.运用PCR-RFLP方法检测3组试验鸡群NPY基因Dra Ⅰ酶切位点的多态性,并与产蛋性能进行方差分析.结果表明:不同能量水平之间的文昌鸡300日龄体重差异显著(P<0.05);日粮能量水平与NPY基因对300日龄产蛋数产生明显的互作效应(P<0.05),从基因型300日龄产蛋数在高能组比在低能组和对照组分别少20.02个和28.45个. 相似文献
和美酵素对矮小型蛋鸡生产性能的影响 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
摘要:用四种饲料在冬季饲喂矮小型蛋鸡,A组为对照组(基础日粮),B组日粮是基础日粮添加0.5%油脂和500g/T和美酵素,C组日粮是基础日粮添加1.4%油脂,D组日粮是在基础日粮基础上加500g/T和美酵素,试验期11周。结果表明:添加500g/T和美酵素的D组产蛋率最高(77.7%),和其他三个组差异达到显著水平(P<0.05),试验期料蛋比2.21∶1,每只鸡毛利3.52元,比对照组和加油组分别提高0.45元和0.79元;同时结果还发现,和美酵素和油脂同时使用效果不好。 相似文献
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), a glycoprotein secreted from pituitary, can regulate ovarian function through the FSH receptor (FSHR).To evaluate the effects of FSHR gene on the litter size of Xiang pig population, the polymorphisms of FSHR gene exon 10 were detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing methods, and the effect of polymorphisms in FSHR gene exon 10 on litter size traits in Xiang pigs was analyzed using the least square analysis.In eight candidate sites, there were two polymorphic loci were detected out from Xiang pig population, which were rs322800083 (C276T) and rs332115220 (T601C). Moreover, a new SNP novel 1 (G-92A) was discovered.Four haplotypes were constructed between rs322800083 and rs332115220 sites, in which C-T was the main haplotype (45.0%) and presented closely linkage disequilibrium (r2=0.334) in Xiang pig population. Furthermore, the haplotype C-T corresponded to the highest total number born (TNB) at the second fetus of Xiang pigs, haplotype C-C to the lowest TNB. It was notified that haplotype C-T produced 0.99 TNB of Xiang pigs more than haplotype C-C (P<0.05). And the TNB at the third fetus was also the highest in haplotype C-T, which produced 1.61 and 2.33 TNB more than haplotypes T-C and C-C (P<0.01). The genotypes of locus rs332115220 was weakly correlated with the third fetus of Xiang pig population (ρ=0.429).The results suggested that haplotype C-T could be used as a molecular marker to assist selection for the litter size of Xiang pigs. 相似文献