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Zusammenfassung In dem für die Besonderheiten der Kiefernrindenwanze konstruierten Olfaktometer, wurden die Chemotaxie des Schädlings auf die Terpenoide aus ätherischen Ölen der Gemeinen Kiefer untersucht. Es wurden dabei Terpenoide mit vorwiegend anlockender und abschreckender Wirkung isoliert. Einige Terpenoide (-Pinen und Limonen) verwandeln bei einer Änderung ihrer Konzentration ihre anlockenden Eigenschaften in abschreckende. Bei der Verdampfung von der Oberfläche der pflanzlichen Gewebe der Kiefer bilden die Terpenoide eine Schutzwolke — ein äußeres Schutzsystem (R-System). Bei Überwiegen der anlockenden Stoffe wird in den Dä mpfen der wirksamen Stoffe das System lockend (A-System). Es wurde ein Modell des äußeren Systems aufgebaut und ihre ungefähre mathematische Erklärung gebracht, die erlaubt, die Anlockung der pflanzlichen Gewebe der Kiefer für die Rindenwanze nach den Ergebnissen der chromatographischen Analyse der atherischen Öle zu ermitteln. Das äußere Schutzsystem der Kiefer ist eines von den Systemkomplexen, welches als Schutzfunktion die Widerstandfähigkeit der Kiefer gegen Schadinsekten erfüllt und gewährleistet.
, , .- , . /-, / . , , , /R- /, /A-/. , . .

Zusammenfassung 1. Die Intensität der Harzausscheidung ist kein sicheres Kriterium bei der vergleichenden Diagnose der Widerstandsfähigkeit verschiedener Kiefern-Arten gegen Schadinsekten. In dem Widerstandsmechanismus der Kiefer spielt nicht die Quantität des Harzes, sondern die Qualität eine Rolle und unbedingt seine biologische Aktivität.2. Kiefeinharz ist ein natürliches Schutzmittel des Baumes gegen. Insektenschäden. Verschiedene Kiefern-Arten enthalten Harz von qualitativ verschiedener biologischer Aktivität für Insekten. Das bezieht sich auch auf das Harz ein- und derselben Kiefernart bei unterschiedlichem physiologischen Zustand. Das Harz der geschwächten Kiefernbäume verliert seine Schutzeigenschaften und sein Geruch wirkt auf Insekten als ein Zeichen der Eignung des Baumes für ihre Ernährung und Entwicklung.3. Die biologische Aktivität des Harzes ist durch die in ihm vorhandenen ätherischen Öle, die auis Terpenoiden bestehen, bestimmt. Die Terpenoide besitzen für die Insekten verschiedene biologische Aktivitä t, welche von ihrer Menge, ihren Eigenschaften, den Beziehungen der Komponenten untereinander und optischen Isomeren abhängen, die insgesamt ihre Qualität als natürliche Schutzstoffe des Nadelbaumes bestimmen und den Widerstand gegen Insektenschäden in bestimmtem Maße bewirken.
1. . , , .2. . . , . , .3. , . , , , , , .

Sugi (Cryptomeria japonlca D. Don) wood powder was carbonized at varying temperatures by a onestep process up to 1000C and a two-step process using wood charcoal as the raw material up to 1600C. This study was conducted to evaluate the adsorptive properties of wood charcoal and discuss the mechanism of its adsorptive function in relation to the physical and anatomical characteristics of wood after carbonization. Anatomical characteristics of carbonized wood materials were directly observed under heating using an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM); the cell wall structures were analyzed by high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM). The largest weight losses were observed at the highest temperatures, in both the one-step and twostep processes but leveled off above 800C. Shrinkages in the tangential, radial, and longitudinal directions increased with carbonization temperature, peaking at 1000C. Direct observations by ESEM showed distinct shrinkage at around 400C. The first trial observations by HRTEM on the changes in the ultrastructure of cell walls of wood charcoals were done, and it was assumed to affect the formation of micropores. Adsorption was found to follow the Langmuir isotherm model. With the one-step carbonization process, the iodine adsorption capacities of the carbonized wood powders increased with increasing carbonization temperature, peaking at 800C, but decreased at higher temperatures. The wood powder carbonized at 1000C with the two-step process showed the highest capacity, but further heating up to 1400C drastically decreased the adsorption. The shrinkage of cells was related to the increases and decreases in its specific surface area. Specific surface area and total pore volume were evidently related to the adsorptive properties.Part of this paper was presented at the Second International Wood Science Seminar, Indonesia, November 6–7, 1998  相似文献   

Summary An analysis is given which enables the shear strain in a piece of timber to be specified in terms of the difference between tangential and radial strain, herein termed the angular strain. The angular strain is then evaluated in terms of the orientation of two lines at right angles prior to deformation. The equations involved are simple and facilitate the evaluation of strain parameters which would otherwise require numerical computation.Symbols a, b, c length parameters, Fig. 2 - C half chord length - k constant of proportionality - r radial coordinate (distance from pith) - x length coordinate (board) - , angle parameters, Fig. 1 - shear strain - width of segment - angular strain - #x025B; tangential strain - r radial strain - 1, 2 components of shear strain, Fig. 1 - angle parameter, Fig. 2 - angle parameter, Fig. 3 - angle parameter, Fig. 2 The author wishes to thank Mr. J. W. Sutherland for his assistance with the presentation of this paper.  相似文献   

Summary The reaction of ferric chloride with the lignin model guaiacol affords primarily a complex mixture of coupled guaiacol oligomers. Major components were the symmetrical carbon-carbon coupled dimer 3,3-dimethoxy-[1,1-biphenyl]-4,4diol and the trimer 3,3,5-trimethoxy-[1,1:3,1-terphenyl]-4,4,4-triol which were isolated by preparative HPLC and characterized by 1HNMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. An unstable component believed to be a 4,4-diphenoquinone derived from the trimer was also prominent. The reaction of chromium trioxide with guaiacol yields the same dimer, trimer and diphenoquinone as well as 2-methoxy-p-benzoquinone. The major product with chromium trioxide, however, is an inert, highly insoluble polymer which was shown by degradation to contain guaiacol oligomers bound or crosslinked by hydroxylated chromium species. Magnetic susceptibility measurements clearly indicated that the valency of chromium in the polymer was + 3. It is postulated that similar complexes formed from phenolic lignin units are responsible for the weather resistance of chromium trioxide treated wood surfaces. In a broader context this study is relevant to the fixation of hexavalent chromium from a range of widely used wood preservative formulations.The authors wish to thank the following: Tom Syers (CSIRO Division of Forest Products) for technical assistance, Mary Reilly (CSIRO Division of Forest Products) for NMR spectral determinations and Ivan Vit (CSIRO Division of Chemicals and Polymers) for mass spectral determinations  相似文献   

The frictional behaviour of wood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The work described was primarily concerned with determining the more important variables affecting friction between wood and steel, but friction between wood and non-ferrous materials including wood itself was also investigated briefly. Deviations from the classical laws of friction were of interest, the most significant being variation of friction coefficient with sliding speed. With an increase in sliding speed up to 4 m/sec the curves for highly polished steel showed undulations, but with unpolished surfaces there was a monotonic reduction, somewhat greater in wet wood than dry. Other important factors, interacting with sliding speed, were steel roughness and wood moisture content. Effects of load, nominal contact area and fibre direction were minor. The results appear to be adequately explained in terms of adhesion and lubrication.A world wide selection of species was tested, and it appears that the nature and amount of extractives in most woods is such that they have similar friction coefficients except on very smooth steel, and only a few greasy species, have significantly lower coefficients. For most air-dry wood in contact with unpolished steel, the coefficient decreases from a static value about 0.65 to a value about 0.4 at 4 m/sec. For wet wood, the corresponding values are about 0.7 and 0.15.Coefficients of friction between wood and wood were similar to those between wood and rough steel, and those between wood and other materials varied in a manner which may be related to strength of adhesion.
Zusammenfassung Die ursprüngliche Zielsetzung der Arbeit, die Untersuchung der wesentlichen Einflußgrößen auf die Reibung zwischen Holz und Stahl wurde durch Einbeziehung von Nichteisen-Metallen und der Reibung zwischen Holz und Holz erwitert. Als bemerkenswert stellten sich die Abweichungen von den klassischen Reibungsgesetzen heraus, am auffallendsten die Änderung der Reibung mit der Vorschubgeschwindigkeit. Beim Anstieg der Vorschubgeschwindigkeit bis zu 4 m/s zeigten die Kurven für hochglanzpolierten Stahl Unstetigkeiten, während bei unpoliertem Stahl ein gleichförmiger Abfall eintrat, der bei nassem Holz etwas größer war als bei trockenem. Weitere wichtige Einflußgrößen waren Stahlart und Holzfeuchtigkeit. Die Wirkungen von Normaldruck, Kontaktfläche und Faserrichtung waren von untergeordneter Bedeutung. Die erzielten Ergebnisse lassen sich in etwa gleicher Weise durch Begriffe aus den Gebieten der Adhäsion oder der Schmierung beschreiben.Es wurde angestrebt, möglichst alle wichtigen Holzarten der Welt zu erfassen. Man kann sagen, daß die Inhaltsstoffe der meisten Hölzer nach Art und Menge zu ziemlich ähnlichen Reibungskoeffizienten führen, ausgenommen bei sehr glatten Stahlarten. Nur wenige fetthaltige Holzarten weisen deutlich niedrigere Reibungskoeffizienten auf. Für lufttrockenes Holz und unpolierten Stahl fällt der Koeffizient von 0,65 für Haftreibung auf 0,40 für gleitende Reibung bei 4 m/s Vorschubgeschwindigkeit. Bei nassem Holz lauten die entsprechenden Werte 0,70 und 0,15. Die Reibungskoeffizienten zwischen Holz und Holz waren ähnlich denen zwischen Holz und rauhem Stahl; diejenigen zwischen Holz und anderen Materialien variierten so, daß ein Zusammenhang mit den Adhäsionskräften anzunehmen ist.

Zusammenfassung Im Jahre 1963 wurde in verschiedenen Gebieten Deutschlands ein Massenauftreten des BuchenspringgrüßlersRhynchaenus (Orchestes) fagi L. beobachtet. Die Jungkäfer gingen ab Mitte Juni an Obst über und verursachten dort große Schäden. Bevorzugt wurden Aprikosen, Süßkirschen und Äpfel der Sorten Cox Orange, Golden Delicious und Goldparmäne, wä hrend Ontario nicht befallen war.In Rheinland-Pfalz wurden noch Ende Oktober agile und lebhaft fressende Käfer in großen Massen selbst an lagerndem Obst beobachtet.Im Frühjahr 1964 wurden in Rheinland-Pfalz erneut Massen von Altkäfern in Buchenbeständen beobachtet. Die Jungkäfer schädigten außer Obst auch Beta-Rüben.In künstlichen Zuchten konnten lediglich 8 von Hundert der Versuchstiere überwintert werden.Zur Bekämpfung erwiesen sich Kontaktinsektizide auf Lindan-DDT-Basis den Phosphor-Estern überlegen.
Summary In 1963 an enormous appearance ofRhynchaenus (Orchestes) fagi L. was observed in many parts of Germany.The young beetles attacked fruits in the second part of June. Apricots, cherries and especially the apple varieties Cox Orange, Golden Delicious and Goldparmaine were most severe damaged. Only the variety Ontario remained unattacked.Observations in Rhineland-Palatinate proved thatRh. fagi attacked apples still in October even at store houses.During the spring 1964Rh. fagi attacked beech-trees and fruits once more and even beets.Kept in special assays only 8 percent of the caged beetles survived the winter.In experiments for controllingRh. fagi proved more susceptible to Lindane-DDT and less susceptible to parathion and diazinon.

Meinem verehrten Lehrer, Herrn Professor Dr. Hans von Lengerken zum 75. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

We prepared carpet cleaners containing three wood oils extracted from Thujopsis dolabrata Sieb. et Zucc. var. hondai Makino, Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl., and Chamaecyparis taiwanensis Masamune et Suzuki and studied their effects on mites and perfumerists' impressions. The oil concentrations were set at 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.8%, and 1.6%. The effects on Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus Trouessart were investigated. The sensory evaluations were conducted by seven male perfumerists using the SD method and they were asked to describe freely their impressions of the scents. These results showed that: (1) all three types of wood oil had a significant effect on making D. pteronyssinus inactive at 0.1% concentration; and (2) the wood oil of T. dolabrata evoked refreshing, natural, rich, and intellectual feelings; C. obtusa oil evoked vivacious, rich, and intellectual feelings; and C. taiwanensis evoked refreshing, natural, rich, rough, masculine feelings. According to the test subjects, T. dolabrata evoked woody and earthy impressions; C. obtusa evoked woody, citrus, and pine-resin impressions; and C. taiwanensis evoked woody, citrus, and medical impressions. Many issues remain to be investigated, but the inclusion of wood oil in carpet cleaners offered both good mite control and a pleasant aroma to humans. This study suggests a new potential for using these wood oils.  相似文献   

Cortes  Pilar  Espelta  Josep Maria  Savé  Robert  Biel  Carme 《New Forests》2004,28(1):79-88
The use of an enriched CO2 atmosphere in tree nurseries has been envisaged as a promising technique to increase productivity and to obtain seedlings with a higher root/shoot ratio, an essential trait to respond to water stress in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. In that framework, we have analyzed the effects of three levels of atmospheric CO2 concentration (350, 500 and 700ppm) on the germination rate, growth and morphology of seedlings of two Mediterranean oaks used in reforestation programs: the evergreen Quercus ilex L. and the deciduous Quercus cerrioides Wilk. et Costa. CO2 enrichment increased the germination rate of Q. cerrioides (from 70±7 to 81±3%) while it decreased that of Q. ilex (from 71±10 to 41±12%). Seedlings of both species increased approximately 60% their total biomass in response to CO2 enrichment but at two different CO2 concentrations: 500ppm for Q. cerrioides and 700ppm for Q. ilex. This increase in seedlings biomass was entirely due to an augmentation of root biomass. Considering germination and biomass partitioning, an enriched CO2 atmosphere might not be appropriate for growing Mediterranean evergreen oaks, such as Q. ilex, since it reduces acorn germination and the only gains in root biomass occur at a high concentration (700ppm). On the other hand, a moderate CO2 enrichment (500ppm) appears as a promising nursery technique to stimulate the germination, growth and root/shoot ratio of deciduous oaks, such as Q. cerrioides.  相似文献   

Summary Present development of forestry entomology in the SSRThis article gives an outline on the occurrence of the more important harmful forest insects in the SSR in the year 1950–1962 and on the results of their study. The Norway spruce suffered from the year 1954 notably byIps typographus L. The control was based on insecticides, studies included optimal density of natural regeneration at the mass propagation etc. It was found, for instance, that typical density borings in bark (151–300 borings per 1 sq.m. of bark) shows variation in the shortest distance between borings from 54–70 mm. Relation between density of borings and their distance indicates function y = a.x–b, (constant a = 476,9 and constant b= 0,38). It was further found thatIps typographus L. shows even sister generations twice in a year (about 60%, eventually even 30% females of the preceding population). Sister laying is conditioned mainly climatically, i.e. also by the forest stand elevation above sea level. A secure control of further harmful species of Norway spruce,Trypodendron lineatum (Ol.) was carried out by extirpation of wintering beetles in soil, eventually by treating of round wood by emulsions on the HCH + DDT basis.Cephaleia abietis L. shows two diapause periods in a larval stage. For this reason, the development of this species lasts prevailingly two years (90% population). Swarming imagines are controlled by chemical aerosols (10% DDT in the dosis 4–8 kg/ha). On obtained from eggsTrichogramma cephalciae Hochm. et Mart. which cannot be grown on eggs of butterflies. Investigations found that the clean eating ofZeiraphera diniana Guen. begins at the density of 300 caterpillars per one meter of long branch. Chemical control (aerosol 10 l/ha) is recommended when feeding is repeated for three years. The mass propagation ofBupalus piniarinus L. appeared on the Scotch pine. The critical number amounts 400 caterpillars per one kg of needles.Hylobius abletis L. is controlled by insecticides in trap barks and by underground traps for concentration of egg laying. Oak was injuried mostly by the rollerTortrix viridana. The critical number is one caterpillar per one bud. Other, in the SSR new harmful insect of oakArchips crataegana (Hb.) showed the critical number 100 egg heaps on the stem to the height of 2 m. The eggs of the above mentioned species showedTrichogramma embryophagum cacoeciae March., which can easily be grown on butterfly eggs. Oak 60–200 years old was attacked byApethymus biaccatus (Gmel.) andA. abdominalis (Lep.). Silver fir was harmed mainly by the rollerChoristoneura murinana (Hb.). Also the critical number was found. Egg rearing gaveTrichogramma minutum Ril. Ash indicates new type of bark injuries caused probably by a representative of the genusLestes (Fig. 1.). Poplars are damaged by the species of the familyCerambycidae, further byCryptorrhynchus lapathi L. and by the species of the familyAegeridae. Saperda carcharias L. has in the Czechoslovak conditions a generation of three years. Eggs overwinter.Cryptorrhynchus lapathi L. has in the southern Moravia mostly (70% population) one year generation, the rest shows a generation of two years. Beech and hornbeaum were harmfully attacked byErannis aurantiaria Hb.) andColotois pennaria (L.). It is obvious that in the year 1950–1962 several species (Alchips crataegana (Hb.),Apethymus braccatus (Gmel.),A. abdominalis (Lep.) on oak,Erannis aurantiaria (Hb.) andColotois pennaria (L.) on. hornbeam and oak,Pachynematus scutellatus Htg. on Norway spruce etc.) previously not known as important forest injurious insect, appeared as calamity species. Further it is obvious that some harmful insects probably under the influence of changed structure and also forest stand microclimate are retreating whereas other species show mass outbreak. For this reason it is necessary to study the lawfulness of the propagation of the individual species.
Résumé Les plus récentes expériences de l'entomologie en TchécoslovaquieLe travail contient un aperçu concernant la présence d'insectes nuisibles forestiers de certaine importance en Tchécoslovaquie au cours des années 1950–1962 ainsi que le résultat de leur recherche. Jusqu'à 1954 l'épicéa a été assaili surtout par l'Ips typogiaphus L. On cherche une solution de la défense au moyen des insecticides, la densité optimale d'attaque en cas de la reproduction excessive etc. Par exemple il a été constaté que lors de la densité typique de forage de l'écorce (151–300 forages par mètre carré d'écorce) leur distance ré ciproque varie de 54 à 70 mm. Le rapport entre la densité de forage et de leurs distances présente la forme de fonction y = a.x–b, où la constante a = 476,9 et la constante b = 0,38. Ensuite il a été constaté qu'en ce qui concerne l'Ips typogiaphus L. existent même deux gé nérations-soeurs au cours de l'année (environ 60 % respectivement encore 30 % des femelles de la population pécédente). La production de pondaisonsoeur est soumis surtout au facteurs climatiques, c'est à dire même á l'altitude des peuplements. Contre un antre parasite de l'épicéa, leTrypodendron lineatum (Ol.), une certaine défense fut élaborée par l'extermination d'imagos hivernant dans le sol ou par le traitement de rondin par des émulsions sur la base HCH + DDT. En ce qui conceme laCephaleia abietis L. on a constaté deux phases de diapause en état de larve. C'est pourquoi le développement duparasite est en majorité biennal (90% de la population). II a été introduit une lutte chimique contre l'essaimage d'imagos par des aerosols (10% de DDT dans une dose de 4 à 8 kg par ha). On a réussi à faire sortir des oeufs de laTrichogramma cephalciae Hochm. et Mart. que l'on ne peut pas cultiver sur les oeufs de papillons. En ce qui concerne laZeiraphera diniana Guen. il fut constaté que la défoliation compléte a lieu par 300 chenilles sur une branche d'un métre de longueur. La lutte chimique est recommandée en cas d'attaque repétée au cours de trois ans. Sur des pins il fut constaté la multiplication de masse duBupalus piniarius L. où le chiffre critique et atteint par 400 chenilles sur un kg d'aiguilles. En ce qui concerne l'Hylobius abietis L. on élabora une manière de défense en utilisant des insecticides dans des pièges d'écorce et des pièges souterrains pour saisir les pondaisons. Sur le chêne c'était laTortrix viridana qui a causé les plus grands dé gâts. Le chiffre critique est exprimé par une chenille pour un bourgeon. En ce qui concerne l'ulté rieur parasite de chêne nouvellement apparu en Tchécoslovaquie, l'Archips crataegana (Hb.), le chiffre critique fut fixé par 100 agglomérations ovulaires sur le tronc jusqu'à 2 mètres de hauteur. On a obtenu laTrichogramma embryophagum cacoeciae March., qui peut être facilement cultivée sur les oeufs de papillons. Sur les chênes d'un âge de 60 à 200 sont apparus ensuite comme parasite desApethymus braccatus (Gmel.) et desApethymus abdominalis (Lep.). Sur le sapin apparaît surtout laChoristoneura murinana (Hb.). Un chiffre critique fut fixé. On a obtenu à partir des oeufs laTrichogramma minutum Ril. On a découvert sur le frêne un nouveau type de lésion de l'é corce provoqué vraisemblablement par la libellule g.Lestes (Fig. 1). Les capricornes, leCryptorrhynchus et lesSesia spp. sont nuisibles aux peupliers. En Tchécoslovaquie laSaperda carcharias L. a une géneration triennale. Les oeufs hivernent. LeCryptorrhynchus lapathi L. a en Moravie du Sud en majorité (70% de la population) une génération annuelle, le restant, biennale. Ensuite sur le hêtre et sur le charme a eu lieu l'apparition désastreuse de la chenille arpenteuseErannis aurantiaria (Hb.) et de laColotois pennaria (L.). Il en ressort donc qu'au cours des années 1950–52 plusieurs espèces ont fait une apparition désastreuse:Archips crataegana (Hb.),Apethymus biaccatus (Gmel.),Apethymus abdominalis (Lep.) sur le chêne,Erannis aurantiaria (Hb.) etColotois pennaria (L.) sur le charme et le hêtre, lePachynematus scutellatus Htg. sur l'épicéa et d'autres qui é taíent auparavent inconnus comme parasites considérables de la forêt.On peut en déduire qu'évidemment sous l'influence de la structure transformée et par consé quent du microclima des peuplements, certains parasites tendent à disparaître, tandis que d'autres insectes deviennent parasites désastreux. C'est pourquoi une recherche approfondie des lois de la reproduction en masse des différentes espèces est nécéssaire.

- 1950–1962. . 1954. Ips typographus L. , , . . , (151–300 1 2 ) 54 70 . y = a x–b, a = 476,9 b = 0,38. , Ips typographus L. ( 60%, 30% ). , . . . Trypodendron lineatum (01.) , HCH + DDT. Cephalia abietis (L.) , (90% ). (10% 4–8 (). Trichogramma cephalciae Hochhm. & Mart., . Zeiraphera diniana Guen. 300 1 . . . ( 10 /) . Bupalus piniarius L., 1 400 . Hylobius abietis L. . Tortrix viridana L. 1 1 . , ,Archips crataegana (Hb.) 100 2 . Trichogramma embryophagum cacoeciae March., . 60–200 Apethymus braccatus (Gmel.) Apethymus abdominalis (Lep.). Choristoneura murinana (Hb.). . Trichogramma minutum Ril. - Lestes (. 1). , .Saperda carcharias L. . .Cryptorrhynchus lapathi L. (70% ) , . Erannis aurantiaria (Hb.) Colotois pennaria (L.). , 1950–1962. (Archips crataegana (Hb.),Apethymus braccatus (Gmel.),Apethymus abdominalis (Lep.), Erannis aurantiaria (Hb.) Colotois pennaria (L.), Pachynematus scutellatus Htg. . .), . , , . .

Herrn Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. A. Pfeffer zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Reflexionen zu dem offenen Problem, inwieweit Imagines necrophager Dipteren, — deren Maden im Zentralnervensystem von an Tollwut(Lyssa) verendeten Wirbeltieren zur Entwicklung gelangten —, logischerweise als eventuelle direkte (durch Kontakt-Infektion) oder indirekte (z. B. als Beute von Fledermäusen) Vektoren dieser Virose verdächtigt werden könnten —?
Summary Reflections belonging the open problem, how far imagines of necrophagous dipters, — if theirs maggots developed in the nervecentre-system of such vertebrats, which succumbed by lyssa —, logically are suspected, perhaps to be vectors of this virose, either directly (by contact-infection) or indirectly (for example to be prey to the bats) —?

Résumé Rèflexions à ce propos de discuter le problème ouvert, jusqu'à quel point les individues volants des diptères necrophages, — dont mites se developpaient au milieu du système nerveux central de vertébrés, succombés par lyssa —, sont soupçonnés logiquement d'être peut-être des vectors de cette virose, ou directement (par mettre en contact infectieux) ou indirectement (par exemple d'être butin des chirotères) —?

, , (Imagines), —, , (Lyssa) — ( ) ( ) .

Zusammenfassung In Freiland- und Laborversuchen wurde die Wirkung des Pflanzenschutzmittels Sevin auf Regenwürmer untersucht. Dieser Stoff ist in Pulverform und als Suspension für diese Organismen außerordentlich gefährlich. Schon der Kontakt mit sehr geringen Mengen bewirkt schwere Lähmungserscheinungen und irreversible histopathologische Schäden.
Summary Experiments in the field as well as in the laboratory showed up the effect of the pesticide Sevin on rainworms. In the form of powder as well as a suspension this material is extremely toxic for them. Contact with smallest quantities even causes severe paralysis and irreversible histopathologic damages.

Résumé Aussi bien dans la nature que au laboratoire nous avons étudié l'activité de l'insecticide Sevin sur les vers de terre. Ce produit est en poudre ou en suspension extrémement dangereux pour ces organismes. Le seul contact avec des quantités minimes de ce produit provoquent des phénomènes de paralysie et des troubles histopathologiques irreversibles.

SEVIN . . .

Summary It is demonstrated that there can be only one driving potential for the movement of water through wood and this will be a function of wood state. On the assumption that the driving potential is the partial pressure of water vapour, a theoretical expression is derived for the diffusion coefficient. Such expression is fitted to diffusion coefficients for Scots pine and a remarkably good fit is obtained.Symbols a reciprocal mean radius of curvature of a capillary meniscus; also taken to be the radius of the corresponding exposed liquid surface, m - b spacing between flow paths in the cell wall, m - D diffusion coefficient for water in wood with vapour pressure as the driving potential, kg/ms Pa - Da diffusion coefficient for water vapour through air, kg/ms Pa - D diffusion coefficient for water in wood with the driving potential - D diffusion coefficient for water in wood with the driving potential - D0 diffusion coefficient for water in wood with vapour pressure as the driving potential, which is associated with leakage paths through the wood, kg/ms Pa - Df diffusion coefficient for water in wood with vapour pressure as the driving potential, corresponding to fibre saturation and with no leakage paths, kg/ms Pa - Dc diffusion coefficient for water in wood with vapour pressure as the driving potential, which is associated with the constriction of the vapour flow as it approaches the cell wall, kg/ms Pa - D diffusion coefficient for water in wood with moisture content as the driving potential, kg/ms - diffusivity for water vapour in air, m2/s - F flux of water, kg/m2 s - p partial pressure of water vapour, Pa - R specific gas constant for water, J/kg K - r fractional relative humidity - T temperature, K - x length coordinate in direction of flow, m - the dimensionless ratio Df/Dc evaluated at r=1/e - arbitrary driving potential for movement of water in wood - cell spacing in the direction of water flux, m - density of liquid water, kg/m3 - coefficient of surface tension, N/m - arbitrary driving potential for movement of water in wood - fractional moisture content  相似文献   

To obtain high-strength phenol formaldehyde (PF) resin-impregnated compressed wood at low pressing pressure, the effects of resin content, preheating temperature, pressing temperature, and pressing speed on the compressive deformation of oven-dried low molecular weight PF resin-impregnated wood was investigated. With an increase of PF resin content, the Youngs modulus of the cell wall perpendicular to the fiber direction decreases, and collapse-initiating pressure decreases linearly with the Youngs modulus. This indicates that the occurrence of cell wall collapse is strain-dependent. By increasing preheating temperatures, the collapse-initiating pressure increases due to the increment of the Youngs modulus of the cell wall. An increase in pressing temperature results in the thermal softening of the cell wall and causes collapse at a lower pressure. The wood is compressed effectively despite accelerated resin curing. The pressing speed significantly affects the viscoelastic deformation of the cell wall and the wood is well deformed with decreasing pressing speed, although the differences in density and mechanical properties are relatively small after a pressure-holding period of 30min. In all the parameters examined in this study, the Youngs modulus and bending strength increase with increasing density.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Altlarven 2. Generation der AmpferblattwespeAmetastegia glabrata Fall. sind im Obstbau als Schädling bekannt. Die Schäden entstehen bei dem Versuch der Larven, in Früchten Puppenkammern anzulegen.Üblicherweise verpuppen sich die Larven in den trockenen Stengeln der Nährpflanzen(Polygonaceae) oder anderem trockenem oder verholzten Pflanzenmaterial.Es wird über einen gesicherten Fall berichtet, in demAmetastegia glabrata-Larven in verarbeitetem Nutzholz (Plakattafel) schädlich geworden sind. Ein weiterer Fall konnte nicht völlig geklärt werden; jedoch waren auch hier Blaltwespen-Larven in einer Wohnung in verarbeitetes Nutzholz (Türrahmen) eingedrungen.Nach dem geringen Umfang der Schäden, die nur durch die Anlage kurzer Puppenkammern in weichen Holzteilen entstehen, istAmetastegia glabrata in die Gruppe der gelegentlichen Holzzerstörer einzureihen. Allerdings kann durch diese Art völlig gesundes Holz im Freiland angegriffen werden.Holzschutzsalze vom U-Typ genügen zur Vorbeugung nicht. Vorbeugungs- und Bekämpfungsmaßnahmen werden besprochen.
Summary Attack on wood by larvae of the dock sawfly Ametastegia glabiata Fall. (Hym., Tenthiedinidae) Normally the mature larvae of the last brood of the dock sawfly bore themselves for pupation into dry stems of plants.By the gnawing efforts in certain years of appearance in masses, however, they may attack fruit too, especially apples, and cause considerable damage by numerous gnawing spots.Besides these known injuries on fruitA. glabrata has now been stated in two cases as an occasionally dangerous animal to dry timber too.The damage caused is described by word and picture; preventive and curative measures are discussed.

Résumé Attaque du bois par des larves de la Tenthrenidé Ametastegia glabrata Fall. (Hym., Tenthredinidae) Normalment les larves adultes de l'A. glabrata se forent dans les tiges sèches des plantes pour la mé tamorphose.Cependant aussi des fruits, surtout des pommes, sont attaqués par le ronger pendant les anées quand ces insectes paraîssent en masse. Des dommages considérables sont provoqués aux points d'attaque nombreux.A côté de ces dommages connus aux fruits l'A. glabrata a été constaté en deux cas comme causeur de dommage par occasion en bois sec de construction.Les dommages sont décrits et figurés; des methodes preventives et curatives sont discutées.

? Ametastegia glabrata Fall. (Hym., Tenthredinidae) . , , , . Ametastegia glabrata Fall. ( ) . , .

Mitteilung aus dem Holzschutzlaboratorium der Farbenfabriken Bayer AG., Werb Uerdingen  相似文献   

Summary For protection of agricultural crops, archards, forests and stored products a system of institutes for vegetative protection have been gradually built in Bulgaria within the last fifteen years. Now a leading part in the study of pests and diseases of plants are taking the Academy of Rural Economy Sciences and the Institutes for Plant Protection, for Forest Protection, the Zoological Institute by the Bulgarian Academy of Science, the Higher Rural Economy Institute and the Higher Forest Institute. Specialists of all ranks are working at these institutes: academicians, member correspondents, professors, senior and junior scientific collaborators and a great number of experts and assistants. Parallel with the studies of specific composition of pestilent insects, their biology is being explored and experiments are being made with insecticides. An inquiry is also being undertaken for utilization biologic combat against noxious insects. In aid of scientific institutes a dense network of services for heading the research work and combat on the terrain has been organized.
Résumé Pour la défense des cultures agricoles, des vergers, des forêts et des produits récoltés, un système d'instituts pour la défense végétale a été successivement dé veloppé en Bulgarie pendant les dernières quinze années. Actuellement l'Academie des sciences de l'economie rurale et les Instituts pour la défense végétale ont le rôle dirigeant dans les recherches de la nocivité et des maladies sur les plantes. Dans ces instituts travaillent des spécialistes de toutes les catégories scientifiques: des académiciens, des membres-correspondants, des professeurs, des travailleurs scientifiques supérieurs et plus jeunes, avec un grand nombre d'aides-spécialistes. Parallèllement à l'étude de composition specifique des insectes nuisibles on étudie sa biologie, de même on fait des expériences avec des insecticides. Aussi on cherche à utiliser la lutte biologique contre les insectes nuisibles. Pour faciliter les instituts scientifiques dans cette lutte et leur recherche sur le terrain, un immense service est organisé dans tous les plus grands emplacements peuplés du pays.

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Twelve-week-old container-grown seedlings of noble fir (Abies procera Rehd.) and Shasta red fir (A. magnifica A. Murr. var. shastensis Lemm.), both high-elevation species, were grown under controlled environments in a study of induction of terminal-bud dormancy. Eight treatment combinations of long (15 h) or short (11 h) photoperiods, warm (25°/20°C) or cool (18°/12°C) thermoperiods, and dry (–1.2 MPa) or wet (–0.6 MPa) moisture regimes were imposed upon seedlings for 12 weeks. Treatment factors significantly affecting the induction of dormancy in terminal buds of seedlings were identified over time. The results suggest that seedlings responded dynamically to dormancy cues. The warm/dry and cool/wet combinations induced dormancy in the first 2 weeks in noble fir and in the first week in Shasta red fir. Short-day/warm and long-day/cool combinations enhanced dormancy induction in weeks 3 to 4 in noble fir and in weeks 1 to 7 in Shasta red fir. Short days and cool thermoperiods independently hastened dormancy induction in noble fir in weeks 5 through 12.  相似文献   

Summary During the application of several acaricides to manifest their effectivness againstPanonychus ulmi Koch living on the apple trees in Lebanon, it could be clearly noticed that a kind of resistance to the phosphoric acid organic preparations occurs, where these mentioned chemicals are regularly used against the mites. The control succes by means of some acaricides and ovicides combinations is here discussed. AsTetranychus urticae Koch in some apple plantations infests the different weeds growing together with the trees there and it wanders in summer to overrun the apple trees; the question of the mite control by means of respective sprays or by means of weed eradication is also discussed.
Résumé L'étude de l'efficacité d'une série d'acaricides dePanonychus ulmi Koch sur pomme en Liban a démontré une certaine résistance de groupes des parathions, lá où ceux — ci sont appliqués régulièrement depuis des années. Les résultats de combat de quelques acaricides et combinaisons par des ovicides sont discutés. PuisqueTetranychus urticae Koch occupe les herbes, les plus différentes, et depuis — là en été change sur les pommiers la question d'un combat de cet acarien nuisible par des application ultérieures ou par l'extermination d'herbes est discuté e.

, Pannonychus ulmi Phosphorsäureester. Akarizide Ovizide. Tetranychus urticae , .

Summary In this paper a new method for rearingTribolium destructor is described. For oviposition the imagines are cultured in a thermostate (27° C, 70% RH) on a mixture of flour and yeast; additional feeding of pieces of fresh apple is necessary. The sifted eggs also must be stored in the thermostate. The newly hatched larvae must be isolated from the mixture of egg shells, particles of yeast, excrements of the beetles and of the remains of flour, and they get fresh food (flour-yeast-mixture). The rearing is performed in the thermostate in glass-vessels of a bigness corresponding to the developmental state of the larvae. Fully grown larvae must be isolated (for getting exactly dated material of pupae) or they are put in Petri-dishes furnished with fluted coardboard. Pupae and imagines which are not used for obtaining eggs are cultured at room temperature in darkness (flour-yeast-mixture with additional feeding of apple pieces).
Résumé Dans ce travail une nouvelle méthode de l'élevage deTribolium destructor est décrite. Pour la déposition des oeufs les adultes sont tenus dans un thermostat à température constante (27° C et 70% RH) dans une mixture de farine et de levure; en outre il faut un don supplémentaire de pomme fraî che. Les oeufs séparés en criblant sont aussi tenus dans le thermostat. Les larves qui viennent d'é clore sont à séparer de la mixture des coques d'oeuf, des particules de levure, des excréments et des restes de farine, et après elles reçoivent de la nourriture fraîche (mixture de farine et de levure). L'élevage a lieu dans des bocaux dans le thermostat. La grandeure de ces bocaux doit correspondre à l'état du développement des larves. Les larves complétement développées sont à isoler (pour obtenir du materiel des chrysalides bien datées) ou à mettre dans des bocaux »Petri« fournis de carton ondulé. Les chrysalides et les adultes, qui ne sont pas nécessaires pour la déposition des oeufs, sont á tenir à témperature de chambre dans l'obscurité (mixture de farine et de levure, de temps en temps aussi de pomme).

» «Tribolium destructor Uyttenb.). 27° C 70% PH ; . . , , ; ( ). , . ( « »-, ). , ( — , ).

Diese Untersuchung wurde im Zusammenhang mit einem größeren Forschungsvorhaben durchgeführt, das durch Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft ermöglicht wird.  相似文献   

The deformation behavior of low molecular weight phenol formaldehyde (PF) resin-impregnated wood under compression in the radial direction was investigated for obtaining high-strength wood at low pressing pressures. Flat-sawn grain Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) blocks with a density of 0.34g/cm3 were treated with aqueous solution of 20% low molecular weight PF resin resulting in weight gain of 60.8%. Oven-dried specimens were compressed using hot plates fixed to a testing machine. The temperature was 150°C and the pressing speed was 5mm/min. The impregnation of PF resin caused significant softening of the cell walls resulting in collapse at low pressures. The cell wall collapse was strain-dependent and occurred at a strain of 0.05–0.06mm/mm regardless of whether the wood was treated with PF resin. Thus, pressure holding causing creep deformation of the cell walls was also effective in initiating cell wall collapse at low pressure. Utilizing a combination of low molecular weight PF resin impregnation and pressure holding at 2MPa resulted in a density increase of PF resin-treated wood from 0.45 to 1.1g/cm3. At the same time, the Youngs modulus and bending strength increased from 10GPa to 22GPa and 80MPa to 250MPa, respectively. It can be concluded that effective utilization of the collapse region of the cell wall is a desirable method for obtaining high-strength PF resin-impregnated wood at low pressing pressures.  相似文献   

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