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张明  韦学 《内陆水产》2009,(2):49-49
目前引起特种水产动物发病的病害种类很多,发病率也很高。特别是对虾的养殖,发病率常超过20%。同时在病害的防治中,手段和所用药物得不到很好的规范。据统计,在特种水产动物的养殖中,使用的药品已达数百种,实际上几乎人用、兽用的抗菌药品都在特种水产动物的养殖中使用,有的甚至使用孔雀石绿、呋喃类等国内外早已禁止使用的抗菌药物。从亲体暂养开始,使用各种抗菌药和消毒剂已成为育苗和养成的必要程序,药物在生物体内大量积累,严重威胁消费者的健康,并使病菌产生耐药性,加大了病害防治的难度。  相似文献   

简述氟苯尼考在水产养殖中的抗菌活性和耐药性,以及水产动物体内氟苯尼考的药代动力学,分析氟苯尼考对动物机体的急性毒性、免疫抑制,以及对水环境中的微生物及昆虫等造成影响.指出,与较早期的酰胺醇类药物相比,氟苯尼考具有高效、低毒的优点,但随着长时间的使用,一些致病菌对其逐渐产生了耐药性.提出,在水产养殖中,要合理规范使用氟苯...  相似文献   

<正>要了解和掌握不同水域中病原微生物耐药状况的变化。病原微生物产生耐药性,是抗微生物兽药经过较长期使用后必然出现的现象。随着这些药物在水产养殖中应用数量的增多和时间的延长,水生动物的致病菌对各种抗生素的耐药性也在不断变化。因此,对养殖水域中病原菌对各种抗菌药物的敏感性进行监测,及时了解致病菌耐药性的变化趋势,对于正确选用药物和确定各种药物的使用剂量是十分重要的。没有这样的资料,是根本不可能做到科学、规范使用水产用兽药中抗生素类药  相似文献   

<正>离体抗菌药物敏感性试验简称药敏试验(Antimicrobial Sensitivity Test,AST),是指在离体条件下测定药物抑制或杀灭致病微生物能力的试验。对于由致病微生物引起的水生动物疾病,采用抗菌类水产用兽药治疗是养殖业者常用的方法。抗菌类水产用兽药在控制水生动物细菌性传染病中起到了非常重要的作用。但是,由于养殖过程中不科学地、盲目地滥用抗菌药,导致很多致病性微生物已经产生了较强的耐药性,而各种致病菌耐药性的产生使常用抗菌药物失去药效,已有的抗菌类水产用兽药对水生动  相似文献   

目前引起特种水产动物发病的病害种类很多,发病率也很高。特别是对虾的养殖,发病率常超过20%。同时在病害的防治中,手段和所用药物得不到很好的规范。据统计,在特种水产动物的养殖中,使用的药品已达数百种,实际上几乎人用、兽用的抗菌药品都在特种水产动物的养殖中使用,有的甚至使用一些国内外早巳禁止使用的药物。从亲体暂养开始,使用各种抗菌药和消毒剂已成为育苗和养成的必要程序,药物在生物体内大量积累,严重威胁消费者的健康,并使病菌产生耐药性,加大了病害防治的难度。  相似文献   

罗鹏 《科学养鱼》2023,(2):52-54
<正>近年来,随着水产养殖行业规模化、集约化发展,水产品产量急剧增加,随之而来的问题是养殖水环境的不断恶化、水产品质量下降。水产养殖过程中滥用化学药物,导致细菌和病毒出现耐药性以及药物的残留。耐药性出现又导致水产养殖的用药量不断增加,而疗效却不断下降。中草药具有残留少、不易产生耐药性、价格低廉等特点,使发展安全、绿色水产养殖业成为可能。中草药的广泛、廉价易得也为大规模、  相似文献   

我国是水产养殖大国,随着高密度、集约化养殖模式的发展,养殖中各种病害频繁发生,大量甚至提前使用抗生素进行病害预防相当普遍,抗生素的残留及耐药性对我国水产养殖业造成了严重影响。在纷纷寻求抗生素替代物的背景下,抗菌肽具有广谱抗菌性,较抗生素而言具有独特的抗菌机理,养殖过程中使用抗菌肽不易产生耐药性菌株,又具有提高鱼类等水生动物的生产性能及非特异性免疫功能等作用,正逐渐成为替代抗生素的新型抗菌药物而用于水产养殖中。目前有关抗菌肽在水产养殖上的应用研究主要集中在鱼类等水生动物自身产生的抗菌肽以及作为饲料添加剂的外源性抗菌肽。外源抗菌肽经摄食途径进入肠道,改善鱼类肠道的肠绒毛、肠皱襞高度及肌层厚层等组织形态结构,促进消化吸收功能;调节肠道菌群结构,在杀灭肠道有害微生物的同时增加益生菌含量,改善肠道微环境;在提高肠道消化酶活性和抗氧化能力等方面保障鱼类的肠道健康,同时提高鱼类生产性能、改善其品质、增强鱼体抗氧化和免疫功能[1-3]。笔者着重从水产养殖中抗菌肽饲料添加剂的来源及其与肠道菌群、肠道组织结构、肠道消化功能等相关研究进行总结分析,探讨存在的问题和对策,为抗菌肽在水产养殖中的应用,特别是保护鱼类肠道健康提供参考。  相似文献   

抗生素具有显著的治病、防病、保健和促生长等功效,且能明显降低水产养殖生产成本,因此在饲料中添加抗生素等药物添加剂已成为动物营养界与水产养殖界的普遍举措。但长期和高剂量使用抗生素可导致了产品中药物的残留、耐药性细菌的产生以  相似文献   

正随着水产养殖技术的提高,集约化养殖规模逐渐扩大,水产养殖种类不断增多,养殖水环境也进一步恶化,发病率的明显升高给水产养殖业造成巨大经济损失。目前,在水产养殖中激素、抗生素、化学合成药物等应用普遍。但由于渔药的不合理使用,尤其是抗生素类药物的滥用,导致病原微生物产生耐药性,养殖鱼类免疫力降低和环境受到污  相似文献   

正我国水产养殖业取得了蓬勃发展,已成为农业经济的一个支柱。然而,在水产业迅猛发展的同时,养殖品种的老化和退化、池塘的高密度养殖、未经处理的废水任意排放、池塘老化,尤其现在以投饵为主的养殖模式,残饵、粪便、氮、磷等富营养因子排入水体,这导致水域环境恶化,鱼虾病害频频发生,已成为影响我国水产养殖的瓶颈。为防治病害,长期以来大量使用抗生素和其他抗菌药物,其弊端日益突出:产生耐药性、破  相似文献   

Aquaculture is emerging as one of the most viable and promising enterprises for keeping pace with the surging need for animal protein, providing nutritional and food security to humans, particularly those residing in regions where livestock is relatively scarce. With every step toward intensification of aquaculture practices, there is an increase in the stress level in the animal as well as the environment. Hence, disease outbreak is being increasingly recognized as one of the most important constraints to aquaculture production in many countries, including India. Conventionally, the disease control in aquaculture has relied on the use of chemical compounds and antibiotics. The development of non-antibiotic and environmentally friendly agents is one of the key factors for health management in aquaculture. Consequently, with the emerging need for environmentally friendly aquaculture, the use of alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters in fish nutrition is now widely accepted. In recent years, probiotics have taken center stage and are being used as an unconventional approach that has numerous beneficial effects in fish and shellfish culture: improved activity of gastrointestinal microbiota and enhanced immune status, disease resistance, survival, feed utilization and growth performance. As natural products, probiotics have much potential to increase the efficiency and sustainability of aquaculture production. Therefore, comprehensive research to fully characterize the intestinal microbiota of prominent fish species, mechanisms of action of probiotics and their effects on the intestinal ecosystem, immunity, fish health and performance is reasonable. This review highlights the classifications and applications of probiotics in aquaculture. The review also summarizes the advancement and research highlights of the probiotic status and mode of action, which are of great significance from an ecofriendly, sustainable, intensive aquaculture point of view.  相似文献   

在水产养殖中,抗生素是用来治疗细菌性疾病最有用的药物。但近些年的研究发现,过度使用抗生素,反而诱导产生了一系列带有抗性基因的致病菌,严重制约了水产养殖业的发展。本文以近15年来国内外相关研究的文献为依据,概括介绍了抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)的产生及其传播途径、ARGs污染的危害性、国内外ARGs污染研究现状及加强ARGs污染研究的必要性等4个方面的研究进展,围绕抗性基因的检测、ARGs的传播、扩散及作用机制和控制、消除ARGs的方法等方面进行了后续研究重点的展望,以期为我国水产养殖行业的可持续发展提供依据。  相似文献   

Within aquaculture, genetic engineering (GE) is emerging as a powerful method for breeding of fish and shellfish, and for developing alternative sources of feed and vaccines to combat diseases. On the other hand, the use of GE in aquaculture raises ecological, ethical and economic concerns. For instance, genetically modified (GM) feed could be spread to the aquatic environment and consumed by other marine organisms, and horizontal gene transfer may conceivably occur from DNA in feed or vaccines to a recipient genome or by faeces to the environment. Numerous reports have described beneficial effects such as viral disease resistance following DNA vaccination. However, side effects, such as activation of other genes than those which are central in immune defence mechanisms, may occur and warrant further investigations. In order to achieve sustainable introduction of GE, it is crucial that appropriate scientific investigations and ethical considerations are done prior to large-scale introduction of GE products such as DNA/GE vaccines and GM feed in commercial fish farming. This may result in a solid basis for the avoidance of potentially undesirable health and environmental effects. If GE can help make aquaculture a sustainable industry, this opens the possibility of positive market and consumer responses. This can best be achieved by involving the stakeholders from the conceptual stage to the commercial stage by facilitating a transparent process whose purpose is to inform research, to identify decision stakes, and to influence design, adoption and implementation of pro-active policy.  相似文献   

The extensive use of antibiotics and various chemical compounds has resulted in drug residue and resistant pathogens in treated fish. Drug residue not only pollutes the environment, but also threatens human consumers. In contrast, garlic as a well‐known natural antibiotic that causes no environmental or physical side effects has shown to be effective for the treatment of many diseases in humans and animals owing to its antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antihypertensive properties. In aquacultural operations, garlic with dose optimization is strongly recommended. This review focuses on the application of garlic in various fish diseases treatments and the prospects of using garlic preparations in aquaculture.  相似文献   

陈愿  张永安  周洋 《水产学报》2021,45(9):1605-1615
随着水产养殖业的发展,养殖密度越来越高,细菌性疾病暴发频繁。现如今主流抗菌手段是抗生素,但其大规模且不规范的使用使得细菌耐药性问题越发严重。为了有效防治水产细菌性疾病,加快推进水产养殖业绿色发展,促进产业转型升级,人们亟需寻求新的抗菌手段来缓解当今的局面。噬菌体是一种感染细菌和古细菌的病毒,具有专一性强、不易产生抗性、代谢快、易开发及成本低等优点。在国内外被广泛研究,同时也被应用于多种疾病的防控,其相关产品也获得认可,但其本身存在的限制也不容忽视。本文首先综合介绍了噬菌体治疗的原理和优势,然后对噬菌体治疗在水产养殖动物细菌性疾病中的研究进展进行综述,并对噬菌体治疗现存的困难和应对策略进行讨论,最后在此基础上作出展望,期望能够为后续噬菌体在水产上的应用研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract. The growth of the aquaculture industry and the general awareness of the environment have increased the concern of' the environmental impact from aquaculture.
As fish farms are open systems, all material that is not harvested as fish is released to the environment. The most important effluents are solid particles like feed and faeces, dissolved substances like nutrients and excretion products, and antibacterial agents.
The effect of these substances varies with their nature and quantity and with local conditions. Production and biomass of phytoplankton seem to be little influenced. The benthic community beneath and close to the cages is often altered. At poorly flushed sites the sea-bed may be anoxic and methane and hydrogensulphide are released from the sediments. Wild fauna, like fish, otters and birds are attracted to the farms.
The respiration and excretion of the fish directly influence water quality. Usually the oxygen tension is somewhat reduced in the net cages, while the concentration of ammonia is elevated in the net. Such conditions are assumed to influence fish growth and health.
Most of the antibiotic agents used in fish farming are persistent and may remain in high concentrations in the sediments up to one year after medication. The frequency of resistant bacteria in the sea-bed is normally increased, and there is a temporary drop in sediment metabolism after medication. Wild fish have been found to have high residues of antibiotic agents.
The organic loading of the sea-bed, the evolution of resistant bacteria and residues in the wild flsh are considered to be the most severe environmental impact of aquaculture. These are all associated with effluent of large particles, and thus mainly restricted to the site area.  相似文献   

中草药对海水养殖黄鱼病原弧菌抑菌效果研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用K-B纸片法、试管法和平皿法,分别测定17种中草药水提取液的单味及其配伍组方对大黄鱼病原体哈氏弧菌的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)、最低杀菌浓度(MBC)。试验结果表明,试验用药中乌梅、五味子、黄连、石榴皮等4种单味药抑菌杀菌效果明显,其中尤以乌梅抑(杀)菌能力最强,即MIC、MBC均为1.95 g/L;配伍组方不如单味最强药物抑菌作用明显,配伍用甘草能增强其他配伍中草药抑菌活性。  相似文献   

Bacteriocin‐producing bacteria in aquaculture may prevent spreading of potentially pathogenic microorganisms, and could be used as an alternative to the empirical use of antimicrobial drugs, especially for prophylaxis. Bacteriocinogenic bacteria inoculated as probiotics should not carry undesirable traits, such as antibiotic resistance. This study aimed to find potentially bacteriocinogenic bacteria in an aquaculture system and evaluate their antimicrobial susceptibility patterns. Selective cultures for enterobacteria, non‐fermenting Gram‐negative rods and Gram‐positive cocci were obtained from water samples before bacterial isolation and biochemical identification. Overall, 160 representative strains were recovered and for 57 antagonism was observed against selected strains such as Staphylococcus aureus, with antagonism being expressed better on Brain Heart Infusion medium. After exclusion of interfering factors, bacteriocin or bacteriocin‐like substances were suggested to be related to the antagonism observed. Higher drug‐resistant rates were observed among potentially bacteriocinogenic bacteria for different antimicrobials of clinical relevance. Although antibiotic resistance is a global health problem and bacteriocins are attractive alternatives to classical antibiotic even to multiresistant bacteria, the data obtained suggest that bacteriocin‐producing bacteria may harbour resistance genes available for transference in different environments. From the ecological and biotechnological perspective, antimicrobial susceptibility tests must be always performed when prospecting potentially bacteriocinogenic bacteria as probiotic candidates in the environment.  相似文献   

Because of the evolving resistance of microorganisms to existing antibiotics, there is an increasing need for new antibiotics not only in human but also in veterinary medicine. Competition for space and nutrients led to the evolution of antimicrobial defence strategies in the aquatic environment. Therefore, aquatic organisms, e.g., seaweeds, offer a particularly rich source of potential new drugs. The aim of our studies was to identify seaweeds, which possess activities against fish pathogenic bacteria and could be an alternative to the commonly used antibiotics in aquaculture.Dichloromethane, methanole and water extracts of 26 species of cultivated seaweeds were screened for their antibacterial activities against five fish pathogenic bacteria strains (Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. salmonicida, Aeromonas hydrophila ssp. hydrophila, Pseudomonas anguilliseptica, Vibrio anguillarum, Yersinia ruckeri). The dichloromethane extracts of Asparagopsis armata, Ceramium rubrum, Drachiella minuta, Falkenbergia rufolanosa, Gracilaria cornea and Halopitys incurvus showed strong antibacterial activities. V. anguillarum and P. anguilliseptica were the two most susceptible bacteria strains. The screening results confirm the possible use of seaweeds as a source of antimicrobial compounds or as a health-promoting food for aquaculture.  相似文献   

微生态制剂在水产养殖中的应用及前景   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
微生态制剂具有投入小、收益大、无残毒、无抗药性、不污染环境等优点,作为抗生素最有可能的替代品在水产养殖业的应用,具有广阔的应用和开发前景。  相似文献   

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