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马铃薯二年制脱毒种薯体系建设及其关键技术改良   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯脱毒种薯生产和利用是马铃薯生产的重要环节,传统的脱毒种薯生产体系因繁殖周期长,病毒再侵染风险高,使种薯质量很难保证。本研究以品种脱毒和试管薯生产为基础,以微型薯生产和标准种薯生产为扩繁环节,建成了二年制种薯生产体系。该体系将种薯生产在田间多年繁殖改进为只需一年繁殖,从而降低了病毒再侵染机率,保证了脱毒种薯质量。  相似文献   

<正>1 前 言 马铃薯采用无性繁殖,容易被病毒侵染引起种性退化,近年来脱毒微型薯已被广泛应用于马铃薯脱毒种薯的生产,对微型种薯的田间栽培技术进行研究探讨有着很重要的现实意义。2 微型薯的特点和种用价值 微型薯是利用茎尖脱毒、组织培养和无土栽培方法,在防蚜虫的条件下生产出来的,直径1.0~  相似文献   

近几年,无土栽培生产马铃薯微型种薯技术的广泛推广,对我国马铃薯产业提升、种薯生产工艺的发展以及种薯种性提高发挥了重要作用。围绕马铃薯脱毒微型种薯采收、分级与包装,结合不同时期的陇薯系列马铃薯脱毒种薯特征特性及其对温度、湿度的要求和甘肃谓源高寒阴湿区气候气象特征.提出马铃薯脱毒种薯采收、分级与包装技术,旨在为马铃薯脱毒种薯工厂化生产提供技术支持。  相似文献   

为解决生产中存在的马铃薯脱毒试管苗生产成本高、生产微型薯繁殖系数低、造成微型薯价格居高不下的难题,本研究选用两个马铃薯品种(抗疫白和润者),在防虫温室收获完微型薯后,把植株再移栽到网棚,株行距20 cm×60 cm,继续使其结薯,进行二次收获。结果其产量远高于第一次收获生产微型薯的产量,因此大大提高了种薯生产效率。  相似文献   

马铃薯脱毒苗网室无土立体栽培技术研究高慧君,陈涛(四川省凉山州西昌农科所615000)1前言随着抗马铃薯癌肿病脱毒微型薯工厂化生产规模的逐步扩大和脱毒薯的不断推广应用,西昌脱毒微型薯良种繁育中心仅有的600m2网室面积与年生产脱毒微型种薯任务量大的矛...  相似文献   

通过药剂熏蒸处理生产马铃薯脱毒微型薯的土壤和药剂处理带有疮痂病的微型小薯,防止在温(网)室生产马铃薯脱毒微型薯过程中,基质连作后疮痂病的发生,解决每年更换基质造成的人力、财力方面的损失。试验结果表明:基质用氯化苦(三氯硝基甲烷)熏蒸处理,带病种薯播前用0.1%对苯二酚处理30min防治疮痂病效果最佳。  相似文献   

1前言 在脱毒微型种薯的生产中,早期育苗,能使当年5~7月间收获的一批微型种薯,在休眠期打破后,于8~10月间出现发芽的情况,在过去的生产中,由于芽的过度生长而导致微型种薯的萎蔫失水而废弃.尤其对于重量在700 mg以下的微型小薯,发芽后不能再利用,因此,造成不必要的资源浪费.本试验利用微型小薯(700mg以下)芽的单节快繁,摸索出了脱毒微型种薯单节快繁的新方法,在生产上取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

我国在70年代,就用茎尖组织培养方法得到了脱毒马铃薯试管苗,并成功地获得脱毒复壮的马铃薯,开始了脱毒马铃薯种薯的生产和推广。实践证明,脱毒马铃薯种薯的生产体系,是建立在基于解决优良品种种性退化,并大面积推广健康优良品种上的一种非常有效的生物技术措施。其所生产的脱毒马铃薯种薯增产效果很好,一般增产30%以上,但是,由于马铃薯脱毒种薯的生产成本较高,而马铃薯的产区又大多是贫困的冷凉地区。马铃薯种植户难于接受脱毒马铃薯的昂贵价格,这就限制了脱毒技术的普及和推广。我们根据云南省的自然条件、农业的生产机制和技术水平,总结出了一套适合云南省实情的马铃薯脱毒微型薯的高效生产技术。这套生产技术的应用将使马铃薯脱毒种薯的生产成本大幅度降低,促进马铃薯脱毒种薯的普及和推广。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,随着我国马铃薯脱毒种薯技术研究的不断深入发展,微型种薯的生产已引起人们的普遍关注和重视.为了探讨在温室保护条件下,利用无土栽培技术一年四季连续生产微型种薯过程中出现的植株徒长以及延迟结薯等问题,我们选用了具有抑制茎叶伸长作用的植物生长调节剂B_9(比久)进行叶面喷施,旨在研究B_9对植株徒长的抑制作用和对微型种薯产量的影响,掌握最佳的施用浓度、时期和次数,以便对生产脱毒微型种薯,提高种薯产量提供科学依据.2 材料与方法  相似文献   

马铃薯脱毒苗双株扦插生产微型薯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王秀英  郭尚  杨忠 《中国马铃薯》2003,17(5):286-287
1 前 言马铃薯生产实践证明 ,脱毒种薯有十分显著的增产效果 ,一般可增产 30 %~ 80 % ,甚至成倍增长 ,但是生产脱毒种薯繁殖系数低 ,成本高昂 ,推广脱毒种薯受到制约。我们通过温室试管苗植株加快扦插繁殖速度 ,由过去的单株扦插改为双株扦插 ,效率提高了 1倍 ,此方法简单 ,便于操作 ,省工、省投资 ,实用性强 ,为生产脱毒微型薯创造出一条新途径 ,将为提高脱毒种薯的覆盖面起到积极作用2 材料与方法试验在本所防虫网室中进行 ,采用 6 0cm×2 4cm× 8cm的育苗盘 ,脱毒苗于 6月 11日扦插 ,8月 10日收获 ,生产周期为 6 0d。2 1 试验材料…  相似文献   

四川省马铃薯种薯体系现状、问题和对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
受立体气候条件影响,四川省不同地区一年四季均有马铃薯种植和收获。自2006年来全省马铃薯年种植面积已达到60万hm2以上,2009年达到了73.3万hm2。全省需要种薯量达到了近150万t,其中来自农民自留种的比例约为70%,外购种薯约占30%。虽然各级部门正想方设法改进种薯体系,但存在着优质种薯供应量不足、三代种薯体系尚未建立、质量控制体系尚未健全和种薯质量较差等问题,造成全省马铃薯产量长期徘徊在每公顷16.5~17.9 t之间。通过建立省级基础脱毒种苗供应中心、建立三代种薯体系、增加各级种薯生产能力、改进种薯贮藏条件、提高自留种薯质量和规范种薯繁供体系,将迅速提高全省种薯质量,促进马铃薯产业健康发展。  相似文献   

马铃薯脱毒种薯生产是解决马铃薯因病毒感染引起品种退化的最有效途径。马铃薯品种资源丰富,种薯质量要求高,生产环节多,级别多元化,但目前在国内尚无专一机构作种薯质量认定,种薯生产一旦出现问题将无从可追。本文借鉴农产品质量追溯系统的做法,以本单位种薯生产为依托,从标准体系、质量认证、编码规则、数据采集与档案管理等方面,探讨马铃薯质量追溯系统的建设。  相似文献   

Summary This notice displays trials of farmer seed potato production in Mali using micro and minitubers. A simple phytotechnique has been development to use this kind of prebasic material. In spite of severe culture conditions in Mali, the average yield varies from 6 to 12 t/ha for a microtuber plantation and from 8 to 14 t/ha for minitubers. Between two successive crops, the seeds are stored under diffuse light in a ventilated room. The profitability of the local seed production scheme seems interesting. The cost price of the second generation is already below the import price of seed potato.  相似文献   

浅谈我国马铃薯种薯市场发育现状与发展思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在分析我国马铃薯种薯生产与市场发育现状、存在问题和发展潜力的基础上,提出了建立健全的脱毒种薯繁育体系和严格的质量检测监督体系;建设规模化、工厂化的原原种生产体系和规模化、机械化、良种良法配套的种薯繁育基地,提高种繁育能力;建立种薯市场准入制度,规范种薯销售市场等种薯产业健康持续发展的初步思路和建议。  相似文献   

通过对正常留种和夏播留种的对比试验,可以获得正常留种和夏播留种的差异性,为当地马铃薯生产提供相关的理论依据。试验结果表明:由于夏播留种生长时间短,它的各项生长指标弱于春播留种是很正常的。但从产量和经济效益分析来看,夏播留种试验是成功的。按当年商品薯地头收购价格计算,夏播留种每667 m2收入为727.5元,比当地农民平均每667 m2毛收入700元多27.5元,说明夏播留种在当地实施是可行的,具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

Summary Potatoes account for about half of the world's annual output of all roots and tubers, and since the early 1960s, the increase in area planted in developing countries has been higher than for any other major food crop. Annual world production currently totals 274 million tons on 18 million hectares, with China and India accounting for 22 percent of this total. In less than a generation, most of the world's potatoes will be harvested in Asia. Africa, or Latin America, where the potato is becoming an increasingly important source of food and its cultivation provides rural employment and income for the growing population. The rapid emergence of processing facilities for the fast food industry, and the indirect influence of improved rice and wheat irrigation systems have also contributed to the expansion of potato production in Asia. The demand is strongest for processing quality potatoes that supply the fast food chains in large urban concentrations where processed potato products fetch top prices. Such increasing demand is putting strong pressure on national and international breeding institutions to produce high quality processing varieties well adapted to the wide array of agro-ecological conditions, in South East Asia in particular. The lack of adequate seed systems in this region is the single most important impediment to the expansion of the cultivation of the crop. Unfavourable agro-ecological conditions interfere with the production of high quality seed in most Asian potato growing areas, and the availability of high quality seed of the right quantity at the right time remains the most consequential bottleneck to efficient potato production. The seed issue is also the principal problem of potato cultivation in the traditional potato growing areas of Central and Eastern Europe. A review of “the development of integrated systems for large scale propagation of elite plants using in vitro techniques” with specific focus on “potato seed production by tissue culture” is therefore very timely. It provides a platform for analysis and discussion of solutions for some of the most common seed problems facing the potato industry in many parts of the word. All efforts to improve the potato crop and to solve the associated seed problems begin with the right choice and use of the available genetic resources. Resistance to certain pests and diseases has a direct bearing on the success of a seed program. Multiple virus resistance, in particular, would ensure a halt to seed degeneration caused by an accumulation of viruses and thus greatly prolong the ability of seed producers and ware potato growing farmers to grow their crops at great economic benefit. This paper will therefore deal with the current status of the World Potato Collection held in trust by the International Potato Center (CIP) in Peru by presenting up-to-date information on its classification, phytosanitary status and availability of the genetic material and its evaluation data to the breeders worldwide.  相似文献   

“十二五”以来,我国水稻审定品种数量快速增加,结构类型逐步优化;杂交稻制种面积波动明显,制种结构不断优化;种子市场价格稳步上涨,市场规模不断扩大;大面积推广品种数量和面积双减,品种优质率明显提升;水稻种子出口贸易量窄幅波动,贸易金额稳步增长。但同时,我国水稻种业发展也面临育种创新能力有待增强、企业竞争力有待提升、种子生产水平有待提高、杂交稻种子出口有待扩大等问题与挑战。从未来发展看,生物育种等新技术将加速发展,突破性新品种将加快推广应用,种子市场集中度将持续提升,杂交稻国际战略将从产品输出向技术输出转变。  相似文献   

Summary Flowering and true seed production from different order inflorescences in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were evaluated in two experiments. The number of flowers per inflorescence, berry set, berry weight, number of seeds per berry and seed weight generally decreased from primary inflorescences to tertiary inflorescences and inflorescences on lateral stems. The possible relation with carbohydrate distribution is discussed. Quality of the seeds produced from the different orders of inflorescences was a function of seed size; larger seeds showed better germination, emergence and seedling growth. Late harvest of berries increased berry weight and number of seeds per berry from primary inflorescences. Application of additional nitrogen during the flowering period did not affect flowering or differences between inflorescence positions in seed production, but it significantly decreased the number of seeds per berry. The practical implications of these results for true seed production are discussed.  相似文献   

First, an extensive literature review was performed with respect to Potato virus Y (PVY) resistance sources and their further utilization in a breeding programme. On the basis of that review we present a scheme of backcrossing and new cultivar creation on the basis of five detected sources of PVY resistance and one source of Potato virus X resistance. Some cultivar pedigrees are presented reflecting the differences in the breeding strategies. Moreover, results of investigations on some polygenic traits such as field resistance against late blight and starch content are presented. For these purposes progenies were screened for suitable recombinant genotypes which were used in further crossings. Also the results of investigations on resistance to the potato golden nematode and on the selection of cultivars suitable for processing are briefly analysed. We also describe a programme of parallel evaluation of identical hybrid populations in different soils and climatic zones. The development of seed potato production systems facilitated the conditions to improve the quality of potato seed material, to increase potato production and to allow Russia to participate in the international potato market. Systems of virus detection, norms and methods of laboratory tests as well as requirements for quality and tolerance levels of different seed classes (generations) were unified and harmonized with European systems.  相似文献   

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