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The stability and storage characteristics of 24 blood constituents from dogs including nine enzymes (ALP, ALT, amylase, AST, CK, GGT, GLDH, LDH, lipase), 15 metabolites and minerals (albumin, bile acids, bilirubin, calcium, cholesterol, creatinine, fructosamine, glucose, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, protein, sodium, triglycerides, urea) were studied. Conditions studied included storing of nonanticoagulated and heparinized whole blood for 3 days (Part A), and storing of serum and heparinized plasma for 3 days (Part B). The storage temperature for both studies was +4 degrees C from day 0 to day 1, and +20 degrees C, from day 1 to day 2 and 3. Eight of 24 analytes showed no significant differences (p > 0.05) for three days in whole blood. However, the stability of all 24 analytes greatly improved by storing serum or heparinized plasma compared to nonanticoagulated or heparinized whole blood. In stored serum or heparinized plasma, 20 of 24 analytes showed no significant differences (p < 0.05) for 3 days. Nine of 24 analytes showed significant differences (p < 0.05) between serum and heparinized plasma, where CK, LDH, GGT, and potassium showed differences of possible clinical importance. This study strongly supports the practice of separating serum/plasma from clot/cells as promptly as possible to achieve improved stability for most analytes under test.  相似文献   

Whole blood has been compared with erythrocytes and plasma for spectrophotometric cholinesterase determination in the dog. Cholinesterase activity was characterized using two substrates: acetylthiocholine and butyrylthiocholine. Acetylcholinesterase was the only form of cholinesterase present on erythrocytes and hydrolysed only acetylthiocholine. Butyrylcholinesterase (pseudocholinesterase) was predominant in plasma, hydrolysing mainly butyrylthiocholine. Based on these results, a method based on the use of two substrates (acetylthiocholine for monitoring acetylcholinesterase and butyrylthiocholine for determining butyrylcholinesterase) in the same whole blood sample is recommended for canine cholinesterase analysis. This way of monitoring both enzymes can be easily automated, yielding good within (CVs < 5%) and between-run (CVs < 7%) precision.  相似文献   

Circulating levels of monosaccharides can act as a reflection of systemic glucose/ energy metabolism. Characteristic changes observed in these levels can be seen in patients with diabetes and other metabolic disorders. There have been a few reports describing the significance of mannose metabolism as an energy source under physiological and pathological conditions. However, the relationship between circulating levels of mannose and the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus are unknown in dogs. This study examined circulating levels of mannose between healthy control and diabetic dogs and evaluated the clinical significance of mannose levels in dogs. Diabetic dogs demonstrated a higher circulating level of mannose in comparison to normal healthy control dogs. Plasma mannose was positively correlated with plasma glucose and fructosamine, respectively. Interestingly, plasma mannose levels were affected by plasma insulin levels. In the context of feeding and glucose tolerance tests, plasma mannose levels responded to changes in circulating insulin levels. Circulating plasma mannose levels decreased after feeding in both control and diabetic animals in spite of observed insulin level differences. However, when glucose tolerance tests were given, a positive correlation between mannose levels and insulin levels was observed. Therefore, plasma mannose levels obtained via glucose tolerance testing may be used as a new diagnostic method for evaluating insulin resistance or deficiency in diabetic dogs.  相似文献   

Objective – To determine the difference between colloid osmotic pressure (COP) values determined from plasma versus those determined from whole blood. Design – Prospective observational study. Settings – University veterinary teaching hospital. Animals – Fifty‐three healthy dogs. Interventions – None. Measurements and Main Results – Whole blood and plasma COP, CBC, plasma biochemistry. In all dogs, plasma COP values were significantly lower (P=0.02) than whole blood COP, with a mean of difference of 0.5 mm Hg. The mean and median whole blood COP was 21.75 and 21.4 mm Hg, respectively, with a range of 17.9–27.1 mm Hg. The mean and median plasma COP was 21.2 and 20.9 mm Hg with a range of 16.7–28.9 mm Hg. Conclusions – While significant difference exists between plasma and whole blood COP, the individual values are within expected reference intervals for dogs (21–25 mm Hg). Using either sample appears to provide the same information in clinically healthy dog; however, it is recommended that clinicians utilize the same sample type for comparison in an individual patient.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lactate concentration often is quantified in systemically ill dogs and interpreted based on human data. To our knowledge, there are no published clinical studies evaluating serial lactate concentrations as a prognostic indicator in ill dogs. OBJECTIVES: Our objective was to perform a prospective study, using multivariate analysis, to determine whether serial lactate concentrations were associated with outcome in ill dogs requiring intravenous fluids. METHODS: Eighty sick dogs had lactate concentrations evaluated, using an analyzer that measures lactate in the plasma fraction of heparinized whole blood, at 0 hours and 6 hours after initiation of treatment. Severity of illness and outcome (survivor, nonsurvivor) were determined by reviewing the patient's record 2 weeks after admission. Lactate concentrations, age, body weight, gender, and severity of illness were evaluated using multivariate analysis to determine their effects on outcome. RESULTS: Dogs with lactate concentrations greater than the reference interval at 6 hours were 16 times (95% confidence interval = 2.32-112.71 times, P <.01) more likely not to survive compared to dogs with lactate concentrations within the reference interval. Lactate concentrations above the reference interval at 0 hours were not significantly related to outcome. However, hyperlactatemia that did not improve by > or = 50% within 6 hours was significantly associated with mortality (P = .024). CONCLUSION: Dogs with a lactate concentration higher than the reference interval at 6 hours were more likely not to survive. These results indicate an association between lactate concentration and outcome and emphasize the importance of serial lactate concentrations in evaluating prognosis.  相似文献   

血球蛋白粉和血粉的差异   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文主要从血球蛋白粉和血粉的感官、加工工艺、化学组成和新鲜度4个方面分析比较二者的差异,结果表明,血球蛋白粉的加工工艺比血粉更加科学、安全。其粗蛋白质和氨基酸含量显著高于血粉,比血粉更新鲜。  相似文献   

Previous studies have determined that, compared to whole blood, serum or plasma used in a portable blood glucometer (PBG) may provide more accurate results. We investigated the accuracy of a veterinary PBG (AlphaTRAK 2; Zoetis) for the measurement of glucose concentrations in serum, plasma, and whole blood compared to plasma glucose concentration measured by a biochemical analyzer. Blood samples from 53 client-owned dogs were collected. Lin concordance correlation coefficient (ρc) and Bland–Altman plots were used to determine correlation and agreement between the results obtained for the different sample types. Glucose concentration in whole blood measured by the veterinary PBG was more strongly correlated with the glucose concentration measured by the biochemical analyzer (ρc = 0.92) compared to plasma and serum glucose concentrations (ρc = 0.59 and 0.57, respectively). The mean differences between the glucose concentrations in whole blood, plasma, and serum measured by the veterinary PBG and the glucose concentration determined by the biochemical analyzer were 1.0, 6.3, and 6.7 mmol/L (18, 113, and 121 mg/dL), respectively. Our findings suggest that, when using this veterinary PBG, the accuracy of a glucose measurement obtained is higher when using whole blood compared to plasma or serum. Use of whole blood allows for more correct assessment and diagnosis, which are necessary for appropriate therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

It is increasingly important to have simple, non-invasive indicators of stress in animals. Studies in various species have shown that concentrations of cortisol in saliva relate closely to plasma levels of the free hormone; the aim of the present procedure was to show a similar correlation in the dog. Baseline blood and saliva samples were collected concurrently from six male beagles. Synthetic adrenocorticotrophic hormone was given and further samples were collected at 0.25, 0.5, one, two and 2.5 hours later. The results indicated a statistically significant correlation between the levels of cortisol in blood and saliva. Concentrations in saliva were between 5 and 10 per cent of those in plasma at each collection time. To demonstrate a response to a more natural stimulus, saliva samples were taken from a dog during exposure to a known stressor for that individual. The results showed a marked, delayed increase from baseline which was maintained for at least 0.5 hours after stressing.  相似文献   

The plasma fibrinogen concentration, the total plasma protein concentration and the plasma protein to fibrinogen ratio (PP:F) were determined in clinically healthy Nili Ravi buffaloes. The plasma fibrinogen concentrations in calves, lactating and non-lactating buffaloes were 513±62, 615±90 and 544±74 mg/dl, respectively, and were statistically different (p<0.05). Total plasma protein concentrations in these animals were 7.15±0.28, 9.32±0.53 and 8.79±0.58 g/dl. PP:F for all animals was between 11 and 19. Fibrinogen levels were positively correlated with plasma protein (r=0.59) and negatively correlated with PP:F (r=–0.59).Abbreviations PP:F plasma protein to fibrinogen ratio  相似文献   

Objective To compare serum and skin surface IgA concentrations from atopic and normal dogs.
Procedure IgA concentrations in sera and skin washings of 20 clinically normal dogs that had no history of pruritus or skin disease were compared to those obtained in 20 dogs with a diagnosis of atopy determined by history, clinical examination and positive intradermal skin test.
Results There was no significant difference in the mean serum IgA concentration in normal dogs (252 ± 187 mg/L) versus atopic animals (314 ± 327). When skin washings from all sites in both groups were compared, atopic dogs had significantly greater concentrations of IgA in their skin washings than normal dogs as evaluated by an enzyme-linked immunoassay (P < 0.001). However, there was no significant difference between the individual sites of the skin washings of atopic and normal dogs.
Conclusion IgA concentrations of skin washings in atopic dogs were greater than in normal dogs. Further investigations need to determine if the greater concentrations were caused by nonspecific inflammation or by secretion of allergen-specific IgA onto the skin surface.  相似文献   

Background –  Ciclosporin (CSA) is approved for the treatment of canine atopic dermatitis. Ciclosporin is metabolized by liver cytochrome P450 enzymes, a process inhibited by ketoconazole (KTZ). Hypothesis/Objectives –  The aims of this study were to determine skin and blood CSA concentrations when CSA was administered alone at 5.0 (Treatment 1) or 2.5 mg/kg (Treatment 2) and when CSA was administered at 2.5 mg/kg concurrently with KTZ at 5 (Treatment 3) or 2.5 mg/kg (Treatment 4). We hypothesized that skin and blood CSA concentrations in Treatment 1 would not differ from those obtained with T3 or T4. Animals –  In a randomized cross‐over study, six healthy research dogs received each of the treatments (Treatment 1, 2, 3 and 4) once daily for 7 days. Methods –  After the first, fourth and seventh dose for each treatment, a peak and trough skin punch biopsy sample and whole blood sample were collected and analysed with high‐performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Data were analysed using a repeated measures approach with PROC MIXED in SAS. Pairwise comparisons were performed with least squares means and Tukey–Kramer adjustment for multiple comparisons. Results –  Mean blood CSA concentrations in Treatment 1 were not different from those in Treatment 2 or 4, but were less than in Treatment 3. Mean skin CSA concentrations in Treatment 1 were greater than in Treatment 2, not different from those in Treatment 4, and less than those in Treatment 3. Conclusions and clinical importance –  Administration of CSA and KTZ concurrently at 2.5 mg/kg each may be as effective as CSA alone at 5.0 mg/kg for treatment of canine atopic dermatitis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate, in dogs, the effects of obesity and weight loss on plasma total ghrelin and leptin concentrations. Twenty-four Beagle dogs, 12 control lean and 12 obese dogs of both genders and aged between 1 and 9 years, were used for the experiments. Mean body weight was 12.7+/-0.7 kg for the lean group and 21.9+/-0.8 kg for the obese group. The trial was divided into three phases. During phase 1, all 24 Beagle dogs were fed a maintenance diet. During phase 2, the obese dogs were submitted to a weight loss protocol with a high protein-low energy diet. The weight loss protocol ended once dogs reached optimal body weight. During phase 3, the dogs that were submitted to the weight loss protocol were maintained at their optimal body weight for 6 months. Plasma total ghrelin, leptin, insulin and glucose concentrations were measured to evaluate the effects of obesity and weight loss on these parameters in dogs. Body weight, body condition score, thoracic and pelvic perimeters, and ingested food amounts were also recorded during the study. Obese dogs demonstrated a significant decrease in plasma ghrelin and a significant increase in plasma leptin and insulin concentrations when compared with control dogs. During weight loss, significant increases in plasma total ghrelin and glucose and significant decreases in plasma leptin and insulin were observed. The increase in plasma ghrelin concentrations seemed to be transient. Body weight and the morphometric parameters correlated positively with leptin concentrations and negatively with total ghrelin concentrations. These results suggest that ghrelin and leptin could play a role in dogs in the adaptation to a positive or negative energy balance, as observed in humans.  相似文献   

Lysine is the first‐limiting amino acid (AA) in typical swine diets and plays very important roles in promoting growth performance of pigs. This research was conducted to study the effects of dietary lysine on blood plasma concentrations of protein, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolites of pigs. Eighteen crossbred finishing pigs (nine barrows and nine gilts; initial BW 92.3 ± 6.9 kg) were individually penned in an environment controlled barn. Pigs were assigned to three dietary treatments according to a randomized complete block design with gender as block and pig as experimental unit (6 pigs/treatment). Three corn and soybean meal‐based diets were formulated to contain total lysine at 0.43%, 0.71%, and 0.98% (as‐fed basis) for Diets I (lysine deficient), II (lysine adequate), and III (lysine excess) respectively. After 4 weeks on trial, jugular vein blood was collected and plasma was separated. The plasma concentrations of total protein, albumin, urea nitrogen (UN), triglyceride, total cholesterol, and glucose were determined using an ACE Clinical Chemistry System (Alfa Wassermann, Inc., West Caldwell, NJ, USA). Data were analysed using the GLM Procedure with PDIFF (adjust = T) option of SAS. No differences (> 0.10) were found between barrows and gilts for any of the metabolites measured. While there were no differences (> 0.10) between pigs fed Diets II and III in plasma concentrations of UN, albumin, and total cholesterol, the concentration of albumin in these pigs was higher (< .05) than that of pigs fed Diet I, and the concentrations of UN and total cholesterol in these pigs were lower (< .05) than that of pigs fed Diet I. There were no differences (> 0.10) among the three dietary treatments in plasma concentrations of total protein, triglycerides, and glucose. These findings indicated that the plasma metabolite profile can be affected by changing dietary lysine content only. Thorough understanding how the plasma metabolite profile is alternated by dietary lysine will facilitate nutrient management for more sustainable swine production.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Amylase and lipase activities are most often determined in serum, although heparinized plasma is more convenient to obtain and is used for many routine biochemical analyses. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare amylase and lipase activities in serum and plasma of dogs and to determine whether either specimen type is acceptable for analysis. METHODS: Serum and heparinized plasma were obtained from 101 randomly selected dogs and analyzed in parallel for alpha-amylase and lipase. Results were compared using Passing-Bablock regression, Bland-Altman difference plots, and correlation analysis. RESULTS: There was a high correlation between the results obtained from serum and those from plasma. Regressions (with 95% confidence intervals in parentheses) were as follows: lipase(plasma) = 0.984 (0.976/0.995) Chi lipase(serum) - 0.9 (2.9/0.7) (r =.999); a-amylase(plasma) = 1.003 (0.977/1.032) Chi alpha-amylase(serum) - 1.9 ( 20.7/23.3) (r =.991). Mean differences (serum - plasma) were 8 U/L and 4 U/L for lipase and alpha-amylase, respectively. Classification of results as normal or abnormal did not differ according to specimen type. CONCLUSION: In dogs, lipase and alpha-amylase activities can be determined with the same level of accuracy in serum and in heparinized plasma.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate plasma taurine concentrations (PTC), whole blood taurine concentrations (WBTC), and echocardiographic findings in dogs fed 1 of 3 protein-restricted diets that varied in fat and L-carnitine content. ANIMALS: 17 healthy Beagles. DESIGN: Baseline PTC and WBTC were determined, and echocardiography was performed in all dogs consuming a maintenance diet. Dogs were then fed 1 of 3 protein-restricted diets for 48 months: a low-fat (LF) diet, a high-fat and L-carnitine supplemented (HF + C) diet, or a high-fat (HF) diet. All diets contained methionine and cystine concentrations at or above recommended Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) minimum requirements. Echocardiographic findings, PTC, and WBTC were evaluated every 6 months. RESULTS: The PTC and WBTC were not significantly different among the 3 groups after 12 months. All groups had significant decreases in WBTC from baseline concentrations, and the HF group also had a significant decrease in PTC. One dog with PT and WBT deficiency developed dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Taurine supplementation resulted in significant improvement in cardiac function. Another dog with decreased WBTC developed changes compatible with early DCM. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results revealed that dogs fed protein-restricted diets can develop decreased taurine concentrations; therefore, protein-restricted diets should be supplemented with taurine. Dietary methionine and cystine concentrations at or above AAFCO recommended minimum requirements did not prevent decreased taurine concentrations. The possibility exists that AAFCO recommended minimum requirements are not adequate for dogs consuming protein-restricted diets. Our results also revealed that, similar to cats, dogs can develop DCM secondary to taurine deficiency, and taurine supplementation can result in substantial improvement in cardiac function.  相似文献   

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