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施马伦堡病毒感染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施马伦堡病是由施马伦堡病毒(schmallenberg virus,SBV)引起的一种新发现的吸血昆虫传播的动物疾病。该病可引起成年牛发热、腹泻、奶牛产奶量下降,怀孕牛羊感染可引起胎儿畸形、流产或死胎。目前荷兰、比利时、德国西部、法国北部和英国东南部有疫情报道,已有国家严禁从上述出现施马伦堡病毒疫情的国家进口相关动物产品。本文汇总了最新的疫情研究进展,介绍了该病的病原、流行病学和预防控制措施。  相似文献   

施马伦堡病是由施马伦堡病毒(schmallenberg virus,SBV)引起的一种新发现的吸血昆虫传播的动物疾病。该病可引起成年牛发热、腹泻、奶牛产奶量下降,怀孕牛羊感染可引起胎儿畸形、流产或死胎。目前荷兰、比利时、德国西部、法国北部和英国东南部有疫情报道,已有国家严禁从上述出现施马伦堡病毒疫情的国家进口相关动物产品。本文汇总了最新的疫情研究进展,介绍了该病的病原、流行病学和预防控制措施。  相似文献   

2011年11月在德国西部城镇施马伦贝格检测出一种新型病毒,以其首次阳性病毒标本检出的地名命名为“施马伦贝格病毒”。该病毒能够感染牛、山羊、绵羊等家畜并引起发热、腹泻、乏力等症状,导致动物早产或难产。继德国之后,荷兰、比利时、法国、卢森堡、意大利、西班牙等欧盟8个国家的牛羊等家畜中证实出现疫情。由于现阶段缺乏有效疫苗,被感染牛、羊数量仍在继续上升,引起世界范围内对此病毒的关注,本文就施马伦贝格病毒的危害及在欧洲的传播情况作如下简述,以期为进出口检疫部门和动物引种工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

本文从病原、流行病学、诊断和预防控制等方面简要介绍了2011年底发生在德国奶牛的一种新病毒病——施马伦贝格病毒,主要感染猪、牛、羊和野牛,该病毒主要由昆虫如蚊蠓等小虫传播,也可通过胎盘垂直传播。截至2012年5月,已经有8个国家相继报道该病的发生。许多国家纷纷采取禁止从受该病毒感染国家进口活动物及其产品的措施防止该病的传入。目前该病毒还没有特异治疗措施和疫苗预防方案。  相似文献   

2011年11月在德国西部城镇施马伦贝格镇牛场中发现一种未知的,主要感染绵羊、山羊、牛等反刍动物的新型病毒性动物传染疾病。感染动物出现高烧达40℃、精神不振、产奶严重下降、多功能衰竭、腹泻、厌食、怀孕母畜流产、死胎或畸形等临床症状。德国研究人员利用分离的病毒进行鉴定证实该病毒为一种新型布尼亚病毒,被命名为施马伦贝格病毒(Schmallenberg virus,SBV)。  相似文献   

施马伦贝格病毒病(Schmallenberg virus,SBV)是一种新发现的动物传染病,因于2011年底在德国施马伦贝格镇首次发现而临时得名,随后蔓延于西欧(包括比利时、法国、德国、荷兰、意大利、卢森堡、西班牙、英国和丹麦),并分别在奥地利、波兰、瑞典和芬兰等国的牛、山羊、绵羊中检测到抗体。遗传分析显示该病毒与布尼亚病毒科(Bunyaviridae)正布尼亚病毒属(Orthobunyavirus)西姆布血清群病毒(Simbu serogroup viruses)的亲缘关系最密切,西姆布血清群病毒是已知的反刍动物病原,可通过节肢动物媒介(蚊、蠓)传播。施马伦贝格病毒病有2种不同的临床症状:成年牛出现短暂轻微/温和的病症(产奶量减少、发热、腹泻)和新生哺乳动物(牛、羊)死产和先天缺陷。因为同群类似的病毒不是人畜共患病病原,也无该病毒致人发病的证据,但现阶段尚不能完全排除。尽管目前没有特效的药物和疫苗,但因已有类似病毒(赤羽病)的疫苗,疫苗接种应是控制该病的可能选项。因施马伦贝格病毒是一种新发现的病毒,许多方面尚不清楚,还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

施马伦贝格病是2011年11月首次在德国北莱茵一威斯特法伦州的反刍动物中发现的,由一种新的布尼病毒,布尼病毒科,布尼病毒属的新成员一施马伦贝格病毒引起的一种新发动物传染病,主要感染猪、牛、羊和野牛,主要通过蠓传播。会造成动物精神不振、体质下降、厌食和腹泻等临床症状。本文从病原学、流行病学、诊断和防控等方面对该病进行了综述。  相似文献   

本文对2011年引起德国奶牛疾病的一种新病毒——施马伦贝格病毒的病原学、流行病学、临床症状及检测方法进行了阐述。。该病毒可引起牛、山羊、绵羊等家畜发病,造成动物发热、腹泻、乏力等临床症状,可导致动物早产或难产,给畜牧业带来了巨大的危害.  相似文献   

施马伦贝格病是2011年11月首次在德国北莱茵-威斯特法伦州的反刍动物中发现的,由布尼亚病毒科正布尼亚病毒属的新成员--施马伦贝格病毒引起的一种新发动物传染病,主要危害绵羊、牛、山羊和野牛。作者对新近发现的施马伦贝格病的发生历史、流行情况、临床症状、病原学、流行病学、病理变化、诊断方法等作一综述。在欧洲施马伦贝格病疫情蔓延迅速,严重危害反刍动物健康,威胁畜牧业生产安全,已经引起欧盟和世界动物卫生组织的高度关注。中国是农业和畜牧业的生产与贸易大国,且中欧农产品贸易往来频繁,应保持高度警惕性,适时采取必要的限制措施,严防这种新发动物传染病传入。  相似文献   

沈涛 《畜牧与兽医》2012,44(7):93-96
2011年11月西欧国家发现一种新的动物病毒——施马伦贝格病毒,引起国际关注。欧盟是我国的主要贸易伙伴之一,每年大量进口动物和动物产品。本文参照OIE传入风险分析的原则和方法,在目前所掌握的对病毒的最新研究资料和信息基础上,对病毒进行科学地风险分析,并提出适合我国国情的风险管理建议,为今后我国进境检疫部门制订入境应对措施提供参考。  相似文献   

Schmallenberg virus (SBV), a novel orthobunyavirus that rapidly spread throughout north-western Europe in 2011, caused congenital malformations in lambs and goat kids (Van den Brom et al., 2012) and newborn calves (Hoffmann et al., 2012). The impact of the SBV epidemic seemed limited however, in terms of the number of affected herds with malformed offspring (European Food Safety Authority, 2012b). Nevertheless, little is known with regard to the overall within-herd impact of SBV infection. The objective of the current study was to quantify the impact of the 2011 SBV epidemic on the productivity of dairy cattle in the Netherlands and the district of Kleve, Germany.  相似文献   

Surveillance for new emerging animal diseases from a European perspective is complicated by the non-harmonised approach across Member States for data capture, recording livestock populations and case definitions. In the summer of 2011, a new vector-borne Orthobunyavirus emerged in Northern Europe and for the first time, a coordinated approach to horizon scanning, risk communication, data and diagnostic test sharing allowed EU Member States to develop early predictions of the disease, its impact and risk management options. There are many different systems in place across the EU for syndromic and scanning surveillance and the differences in these systems have presented epidemiologists and risk assessors with concerns about their combined use in early identification of an emerging disease. The emergence of a new disease always will raise challenging issues around lack of capability and lack of knowledge; however, Schmallenberg virus (SBV) gave veterinary authorities an additional complex problem: the infection caused few clinical signs in adult animals, with no indication of the possible source and little evidence about its spread or means of transmission. This paper documents the different systems in place in some of the countries (Germany and the Netherlands) which detected disease initially and predicted its spread (to the UK) and how information sharing helped to inform early warning and risk assessment for Member States. Microarray technology was used to identify SBV as a new pathogen and data from the automated cattle milking systems coupled with farmer-derived data on reporting non-specific clinical signs gave the first indications of a widespread issue while the UK used meteorological modelling to map disease incursion. The coordinating role of both EFSA and the European Commission were vital as are the opportunities presented by web-based publishing for disseminating information to industry and the public. The future of detecting emerging disease looks more positive in the light of this combined approach in the EU.  相似文献   

作者从病原学、流行病学、诊断及预防措施等方面,对2011年秋欧洲大部分地区暴发的新型传染病——施马伦贝格病进行全面综述,重点总结了此病的诊断方法,为对此病的发病机理、感染机制和其他新型检测技术的深入研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

Schmallenberg disease (SBD) is an emerging disease transmitted mainly among ruminant species by biting midges of the genus Culicoides. Since the Schmallenberg virus (SBV) was first identified in Germany in late 2011, it rapidly spread to other European countries. The aims of the present study were to describe the first SBD outbreak in Spain and to assess the spread and risk factors associated with SBV infection in domestic ruminants from nearby farms during the following year. In March 2012, one malformed stillborn lamb from a sheep farm located in Cordoba province (Southern Spain) was subjected to necropsy. Pathological compatible lesions and molecular analyses confirmed the first SBV infection in Spain. Afterwards, serum samples from 505 extensively reared domestic ruminants from 29 farms were analysed using both blocking ELISA and virus neutralization test against SBV. The overall seroprevalence was 54.4% (CI95%: 50.0–58.7). Antibodies were detected in 70.6%, 46.0% and 34.8% of cattle, sheep and goats, respectively. A generalized estimating equation model indicated that the main risk factors associated with SBV infection were: species (cattle), age (adult), and absence of animal insecticide treatment. Pathological and molecular results confirmed the presence of SBV in Spain few months after it was firstly identified in Germany. The seroprevalence detected indicates a widespread circulation of SBV in nearby domestic ruminant farms one year after this first outbreak was reported in Spain. Further studies are warranted to determine the spatio-temporal trend of SBV in domestic ruminants in this country.  相似文献   

In November 2011, the new orthobunyavirus Schmallenberg virus (SBV) was identified in dairy cows that had induced fever, drop in milk production and diarrhoea in the Netherlands (Muskens et al., 2012. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde 137, 112–115) and a drop in milk production in cows in Northwestern Germany (Hoffmann et al., 2012. Emerging Infectious Diseases 18 (3), 469–472), in August/September 2011. This study aimed at quantifying risk factors for high within-herd prevalence of SBV and SBV-induced malformations in newborn calves in dairy herds in the Netherlands. Additionally, the within-herd impact of SBV infection on mortality rates and milk production was estimated.A case-control design was used, including 75 clinically affected case herds and 74 control herds. Control herds were selected based on absence of malformations in newborn calves and anomalies in reproductive performance. SBV-specific within-herd seroprevalences were estimated. Risk factors for high within-herd SBV seroprevalence (>50%) and the probability of malformed newborn calves in a herd were quantified. In addition, within-herd impact of SBV with regard to milk production and mortality was estimated.Animal-level seroprevalence was 84.4% (95% confidence interval (CI): 70.8–92.3) in case herds and 75.8% (95% CI: 67.5–82.5) in control herds. Control herds that were completely free from SBV were not present in the study. Herds that were grazed in 2011 had an increased odds (OR 9.9; 95% CI: 2.4–41.2)) of a high seroprevalence (>50%) compared to herds that were kept indoors. Also, when grazing was applied in 2011, the odds of malformations in newborn calves tended to be 2.6 times higher compared to herds in which cattle were kept indoors. Incidence of malformations in newborn calves at herd level was associated with both within-herd seroprevalence and clinical expression of the disease in adult cattle.The rate of vertical transmission of SBV to the fetus once a dam gets infected seemed low. A total of 146 stillborn or malformed calves were submitted by 65 farmers during the study period, of which 19 were diagnosed as SBV-positive based on pathological investigation and/or RT-qPCR testing of brain tissue. Based on these results combined with calving data from these herds we roughly estimated that at least 0.5% of the calves born between February and September 2012 have been infected by SBV.A drop in milk production was observed between the end of August 2011 and the first half of September (week 35–36), indicating the acute phase of the epidemic. During a 4-week period in which SBV infection was expected to have occurred, the total loss in milk production in affected dairy herds was around 30–51 kg per cow. SBV had no or limited impact on mortality rates which was as expected given the relatively mild expression of SBV in adult cows and the low incidence of malformations in newborn calves.  相似文献   

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