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利用遥感技术进行海南省水产养殖调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用2002年4景ETM 作为遥感信息源,对海南省水产养殖的面积和位置进行了调查。并将调查结果按县(市)制作了水产养殖专题图。结果表明,利用15m的遥感影像调查水产养殖是可行的,基本能反映这一区域的养殖状况。随着地区经济的发展,每2 ̄3a利用遥感技术进行一次动态监测是很有必要的。  相似文献   

海南岛兰花种质资源考察报告   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对海南岛15个县(市)不同生态类型区兰花种质资源进行了全面的考察,共搜集了野生兰57属161种(变种、型),栽培兰14属(剔除与野生种重复)50余个品种,其中海南特有种21个,东亚特有属8个,海南新记录属6个,海南新记录种13个,保存活种质180余种(品种、型),10多种野生兰有观赏价值。通过实地考察,基本摸清了海南岛兰花种质的分布(水平分布和垂直分布)、生态环境、多度、花果期及形态特征等情况。  相似文献   

近年来珍贵树种降香黄檀(Dalbergia odorifera T.Chen)在广西壮族自治区崇左市人工造林规模不断扩大,为掌握其病虫害种类、分布和危害情况,通过线路调查、标准地调查和灯诱调查等3种方法开展调查。调查发现降香黄檀主要病虫害种类共12种,其中,病害2种,虫害10种,危害部位主要是叶片和嫩梢,造成重度危害的有炭疽病(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.)和灰卷裙夜蛾(Plecoptera subpallida(Walker))。  相似文献   

对海南省部分牧草病害进行了调查与病原鉴定,发现真菌性病害10多种,其中国内新记录寄主病害8种。为害较重的病害有银合欢黑霉病、山蚂蝗炭疽病、爪哇大豆瘤座孢叶斑病和野花生炭疽病等。  相似文献   

通过多次实地调查文昌市椰子产区,初步了解文昌市椰树主要病虫害发生现状,发现椰心叶甲、二疣犀甲、红棕象甲、椰子织蛾、椰子灰斑病、泻血病和芽腐病为文昌椰树主要病虫害。描述椰树主要病虫害的发生及危害,并提出防治措施。  相似文献   

海南岛花卉种质资源考察报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1987—1990年考察了海南岛17个县市的花卉资源,共搜集花卉种质859种(变种、品种、型),内含野生种406种,栽培种453种,隶属97科,390属。其中,海南特有种47种,兰科植物东亚特有属3个,海南新记录属5个,新记录种13个;保存活种质713份。这次考察基本摸清了海南岛花卉种质资源的分布、生态、环境、花果期、主要性状和分类名称。最后,推荐十余种观赏价值较高的种类,供研究和利用。  相似文献   

A field survey was conducted in 1979 to determine the accuracy of inrow spacing of five models of potato planters. Irregular seedpiece spacing expressed in terms of coefficient of variation (CV), was observed for all planters tested. The CV levels recorded in the survey ranged from 50.1% to 76.5%. The use of seedpieces of an optimum and uniform mass was effective in improving the accuracy of placement by a pick-type planter.  相似文献   

在广东省6县18个乡镇开展玉米有害生物种类、为害及分布调查,基本摸清广东省玉米有害生物种类、为害及分布情况。结果显示,广东玉米有害生物种类48种,其中病害22种,病害以真菌为主,虫害及蜗牛26种,以鳞翅目害虫为主。发生为害表现为发生种类多,病虫草害种类及发生为害区域间差异大。  相似文献   

调查了惠州市绿化树种,发现绿化植物种类较为丰富,有52科104种植物,其中乔木、灌木应用较多,而藤本植物应用较少。在此基础上,分析了其绿化树种的组成及特点,指出其存在的问题,并提出其绿化树种选择与配置的建议。  相似文献   

基于TM影像的海南岛橡胶种植面积信息提取   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以ERDAS IMAGINE为操作平台,利用2008年Landsat-TM卫星数据作为遥感信息源,通过监督分类方法和实际调查,提取海南岛天然橡胶种植面积信息,并与2008年年鉴中橡胶面积数据进行对比分析。结果表明:利用TM遥感影像调查橡胶种植面积的准确率约为91%,基本能反映区域橡胶种植分布情况。  相似文献   

韩英 《中国糖料》2012,(4):43-44,47
综述了甜菜地下害虫抽样调查方法。  相似文献   

海南桉树林地受桉树枝瘿姬小蜂(Leptocybe invasa FisherLa Salle)为害较重,为了有效防治桉树枝瘿姬小蜂,于2014年12月~2015年7月在海南三亚、东方、儋州、临高等地开展了桉树枝瘿姬小蜂寄生性天敌资源的调查。在为期8个月的调查期间,收集到了大量桉树枝瘿姬小蜂及其寄生蜂,并对其生物学进行了观察。其中一种寄生蜂,孟氏胯姬小蜂(Quadrastichus mendeli KimLa Salle),为国内首次报道,确定为中国新纪录种。本研究对孟氏胯姬小蜂进行了描述,同时对其生物学进行了补充。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法和社会调查法,收集整理了目前我国茶业会展经济发展的基本现状及发展过程中存在的展会数量过多、质量不高、缺乏行业自律标准和法律规范的约束和指导、信息资料缺乏统计分析等问题。从精心组织,归口管理与审批;明确会展主题,提高会展活动质量;完善会展活动效益分析评价体系,建立会展信息共享平台几方面提出了相应策略。  相似文献   

Rodents are a severe and chronic pest for farmers in the upland farming system of Lao PDR where upland rice is the predominant subsistence crop. Farmers participated in developing and implementing a series of ecologically-based rodent management (EBRM) strategies designed to reduce the impact of rodents in their upland farming system. These were tested in replicated Treatment and Reference sites in two provinces of northern Laos. A survey was conducted with farmers to determine their knowledge, attitudes and practices prior to and after the implementation of EBRM. This paper reports on the results of the post-implementation survey and compares results with the pre-implementation survey. The survey revealed that rodents remained the most important pest for these farmers. The mean estimated yield loss of upland rice was 12%. There was a significant reduction in the yield loss from pre- to post-treatment, but the time by treatment interaction was not significant. Trapping rodents in the fields remained the most important control strategy for these farmers and also was considered the most effective method. There was an increase in effort expended by farmers in controlling rodents post-treatment on Treatment sites in Luang Namtha, but no difference for other sites. The money spent on controlling rodents was lower on all sites post-treatment except for Treatment sites in Luang Namtha. Farmers on the Treatment sites in Luang Namtha had the lowest effort during the pre-treatment period and thought they needed to increase their rodent management efforts because of their involvement in this project. As a result of the project, farmers were more aware of the problems of rodents and were interested in adopting EBRM strategies.  相似文献   

通过对河口植胶区先后3次较全面详细的橡胶树根病普查资料及2012年割胶林根病区普查资料统计分析得出:河口植胶区50多年来橡胶树根病发生呈现危害重、受害面广、根病种类不断增加及病害整体呈不断扩展蔓延上升态势等特点;充分暴露出复垦胶园病区多,橡胶树根病更加突出,新植幼林第2年,甚至第1年就出现根病危害,第7年根病累计发病率已达到3.1%。并从橡胶树根病治理难度大、成本高、见效慢、效果差,治理工作难以坚持,以及农垦改革后各单位根病调查和治理工作基本停止或得不到重视等方面阐明目前生产上橡胶树根病综合治理存在的现状和问题。提出进一步完善体制和经营机制,建立健全橡胶树根病治理制度;加强宣传教育,提高管理人员对橡胶树根病危害性认识;增加橡胶树根病综合治理和胶林复垦的投入;加强橡胶树根病综合治理新技术研究与推广应用等建议和对策,以便真正把橡胶树根病治理落到实处,更快更好促进我国天然橡胶产业可持续、健康、安全发展。  相似文献   

通过调查发现,龙门县水稻杂草有15科40种,柑桔杂草有16科53种,花生杂草有8科30种,蔬菜杂草有12科35种。危害水稻的优势种是四叶萍,亚优势种是鸭舌草和黑藻;危害柑桔的优势种是马兰和马唐,亚优势种是狗尾草和狗牙根;危害蔬菜、花生的优势种因海拔、生态环境不同差异较大。根据调查结果,对农田草害造成的粮油损失进行估算,并提出了针对性的防除策略。  相似文献   

Using a survey, this study investigated public perceptions relating to different healthy grain foods (bread, pasta and biscuits) and how these perceptions are influenced by gender, nationality, base product (staple vs. fun food), type of health claim (general vs. specific) and people's perceptions associated with different production methods. Two thousand and ninety-four (50.4% women, 49.5% men) members of the public from the UK, Italy, Finland and Germany completed the survey questionnaire. The participants were over 18 years of age and were solely or jointly responsible for the family's grocery shopping.  相似文献   

The total amount and the composition of varieties of all forage grass and clover seed delivered for farm use in Northern Ireland was monitored over the 25‐year period of 1980–2004. Total seed use in Northern Ireland declined from the 1980s to the 1990s but then stabilized despite isolated drops in sales associated with outbreaks of animal diseases. This profile was mirrored by similar declines in the rest of the UK. The survey revealed the annual volatility of the market and its sensitivity to changes in government financial support, to changes in farm practice and farm incomes. Examination of the data on the grassland area under 5 years old showed them to be poor indicators of actual seed use. Levels of species use were very stable over the 25 years of the survey but reseeding of varieties of perennial ryegrass differing in maturity and ploidy type changed dramatically. When sufficient seed was available, selection of varieties complied with the contemporary recommended list ratings of agronomic value but in a few cases selection of varieties was determined by price. The current survey of seed sales provides a benchmark against which responses by farmers following the latest changes in the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union can be measured.  相似文献   

浙南茶叶市场集散现象分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许咏梅 《茶叶》2010,36(3):172-174,176
本文以浙南茶叶市场实地考察为依据,对浙南茶叶市场的集散现象进行了描述,在此基础上对该市场的集散机理、组织方式及途径进行了分析,最后得出了结论。  相似文献   

报道云南陇川县第一次农业污染源普查结果,提出了农业环境保护的对策和建议,为制定社会经济发展和环境保护政策、规划提供了依据。  相似文献   

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