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薄壳山核桃研究概况及发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍薄壳山核桃优良的经济性状、在原产地美国的栽培情况以及在我国的引种栽培等情况,阐述其生物学特性、生态要求、品种类型及有性繁殖、无性繁殖、杂交育种等方面研究概况,指出薄壳山核桃的栽培与种植发展趋势.  相似文献   

美国山核桃芽苗移栽育苗技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据美国山核桃育苗实践,总结出了一套美国山核桃芽苗移栽技术,通过科学方法和精心管理,培育出的美国山核桃苗木不仅产量高,而且质量好,当年生苗木可嫁接率达90%以上。  相似文献   

指出了在美国山核桃的分布十分广泛 ,针对美国山核桃的种植以及栽培技术结合山核桃在美国的分布进行了论述.这不仅对我国科技进步 ,以及引种并培养此类山核桃提供了参考 ,还对我国的嫁接繁殖技术起到了指导作用 ,对早果具有十分重大的意义.  相似文献   

美国山核桃良种采穗圃营建技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立采美国山核桃采穗圃是扩大种苗培育规模的基础,介绍了美国山核桃采穗圃的营建技术,包括圃地选择、面积、良种选择、苗木品种与规格、定植时间、定植密度与、修剪及穗条生产等,以提高美国山核桃采穗圃营建质量和穗条产量。  相似文献   

2016年春季,从浙江、安徽等地引入十余个美国山核桃[Carya illinoensis(Wangenh.)K.Koch]品种试验栽培。经过4年管理和观察,在山东莱芜地区气候条件下,美国山核桃生长发育正常,为下一步适量规模发展美国山核桃奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

美国山核桃嫁接育苗关键技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对美国山核桃圃地嫁接各个环节的反复研究,从接穗的采集时间、接穗保鲜、嫁接时间等具体嫁接方法和接后管理对美国山核桃嫁接育苗技术进行了系统的总结。  相似文献   

通过对美国山核桃Pawnee在引种地的物候期及其地径、树高、冠幅、分枝等生长因子的观测与分析,研究其对引种地的生长适应性,为湖北省引种美国山核桃提供初步的理论依据。结果表明:美国山核桃Pawnee在引种地表现出较强的生长适应性,树势旺盛,枝叶粗壮,生长快速。同时也初步表明引种地的地理、气候、土壤等生境条件满足美国山核桃的生长需求。  相似文献   

山核桃属植物在湖南的利用现状及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南山核桃,浙江山核桃和美国山核桃是目前国内外山核桃属植物开发利用面积较大及产量较高的优良名特优干果。我省是湖南山核桃主产区,栽培历史悠久。先后引进美国山核桃和浙江山核桃优良品种到湖南。为目前国内引种美国山核桃品种资源最多的省份之一。本文在总结湖南对山核桃属植物利用现状的基础上,对今后发展提出几点建议。  相似文献   

美国山核桃在云南引种研究成果及产业化发展前景分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从良种选育、适栽区域探索、苗木繁殖技术、丰产栽培技术及示范基地建设和人才培养等方面简述了云南32年来对美国山核桃研究取得的成果,从坚果品质、市场潜力、栽培效益、适栽范围等方面分析了美国山核桃在云南产业化开发前景,同时提出了对产业化发展的几点思考。  相似文献   

不同立地美国山核桃叶绿素荧光特性及叶性状比较   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
对立地条件对美国山核桃的叶片性状和叶绿索荧光参数的影响进行了研究。结果表明,同一品种,土壤条件较好的美国山核桃叶片叶绿素含量、Fv/Fm、Fv/F0、qp、qN值均比土壤条件较差的植株高,土壤条件较好的美国山核桃具有较高的PSⅡ光能转换效率和碳同化能力。  相似文献   

青钱柳属难生根树种,生根率低,扦插繁殖是无性繁殖的重要技术,已广泛应用于苗木生产中,研究青钱柳扦插生根问题对其产业化育苗具有重要意义.该文主要从扦插的生根机理、生根的影响因素方面进行了综述,重点讨论了:(1)扦插繁殖技术研究进展;(2)扦插生根解剖学和生理生化研究;(3)插穗的位置效应、温湿度和基质.最后提出应该从生长素调控机制、几种重要氧化酶活性及其含量、营养物质和形态解剖学4个方面进行深入研究.  相似文献   

Liu Yuxi 《林业研究》1993,4(1):11-17
After 14 year’s growth observation on the plant growth, it was found that obvious segregation appeared among the haploid pollen plants obtained from anther culture ofPopulus Xiaohei T.S. Hwany ex C. Wang et Tung in vitro. By vegetative propagation, 19 clones were selected and field contrast test was carried out. Statistical analysis result showed a significant difference in volume production. They are superior clones which could be selected from among the pollen plants for utilization. A haploid breeding procedure is suggested in the paper. This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

Larix olgensis is a major reforestation species in areas of the northeast part of China. Rooted cutting for vegetative propagation on this Larch has been carried out since 1990, and later the bulk method of hardwood cutting propagation also has been studied. The result is as follows: (1) Cuttings from physiologically juvenile trees are easy to root, and develop better roots. In addition, there are many methods to enhance the cuttings rooting. (2) The good time for seedling transplanting is in the middle of August. Treatments with plant hormones and rare-earth compounds can improve the seedling survival rate, and the survival rate of the seedlings soaked in chelate rare-earth molybdenum compound (300×10−6) for 3 hours reached 94.00%, 19.49% higher than that of the control. (3) Methods of maintaining juvenility such as hedging, is essential to further developments for operational planting of vegetative propagates. Hedges in 5 years old can produce 91.75 shoots per tree, exceeding the control to 152.2%. (Responsible Editor: Zhu Hong)  相似文献   

沉香属植物繁殖研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沉香属植物为瑞香科名贵木材树种,我国有土沉香(又名白木香)和云南沉香2种,其中土沉香是我国生产沉香的重要植物资源。由于沉香的用途极其广泛,其野生资源已日趋枯竭,出现供不应求的局面。文中从种子繁殖、扦插繁殖、嫁接繁殖、组培繁殖等方面综述了土沉香等沉香属植物繁殖技术的研究进展,并对沉香属植物繁殖的研究重点进行了展望,以期为沉香属植物高效繁育优质种苗提供参考,并有利于野生资源保护和可持续利用。  相似文献   

加勒比松及其杂种的无性繁殖   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
加勒比松自引进我国已有近40年的历史,表现出速生丰产、产脂高、适应性强等优良特性,但加勒比松及杂种良种供应量明显不足。主要原因是引进的加勒比松开花结实晚,种子产量低;另一原因是进口的杂交良种价格昂贵。针对以上问题,文中指出除继续大力开发我国自己的加勒比松与湿地松种间和加勒比松种内杂交技术外,还应加强研究加勒比松及其杂交种的无性繁殖技术。通过回顾加勒比松的无性繁殖技术的进展状况,重点指出要学习澳大利亚等国的先进的扦插繁殖技术,形成一套成熟的加勒比松的无性繁殖技术。同时还应大力发展加勒比松及杂种体细胞胚胎发生技术。  相似文献   

Four ligneous species from the tropical forest in the east of Madagascar, with a proven or potentially high economic value, were subject to ‘low-tech’ vegetative propagation tests from stem cuttings. The species concerned were Aphloia theiformis, Ilex mitis, Prunus africana and Ravensara aromatica. The cuttings were three-node segments of stems on which one leaf was retained. All the species proved amenable to rooting. The maximum percentage of rooting ranged from 33% for P. africana to 60% for I. mitis. Rooting success was dependant on the season of cutting (high in the hot season, from October to May, and null in cold season). This study is the first successful attempt at propagating cuttings from Malagasy forest species. This result is of particular importance to P. africana, threatened by destructive exploitation in Madagascar. It goes a step further in the domestication of this species by demonstrating the ability of cutting from 10 year old ortets collected in natural forest to root as it offers the possibility of a reliable and effective method of reintroduction for the species in overexploited zones.  相似文献   

本文从嫁接、扦插和组培技术等方面总结了椴树属植物无性繁殖的研究进展,展望椴树属植物无性繁殖今后的研究重点及趋势.  相似文献   

Vegetative inoculum of Pisolithus tinctorius (Pt) produced by Sylvan Spawn Laboratories (C:N 50) and by research methods (IMRD), spore-encapsulated seeds, spore pellets, and sprayed spores were compared for efficacy in forming Pt ectomycorrhizae on pines in operational bare-root nurseries in South Carolina, Florida, and Indiana and in microplots and containers in Georgia. Two rates of application (0.33 and 0.16 liter/m2 of soil) of both sources of vegetative inoculum were similar in effect and formed abundant Pt ectomycorrhizae (Pt index > 50) and fruit bodies in all studies. Spore treatments formed consistently fewer Pt ectomycorrhizae than vegetative inoculum. The most effective spore treatment was spore encapsulated seeds. These results indicate that at a bed density of 270 seedlings/m2, 0.6 to 0.7 liter of vegetative inoculum is needed to obtain Pt indices > 50 on 1,000 pine seedlings.  相似文献   

林木育苗技术研究综述   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
从播种育苗,无性繁殖,容器育苗,生物制剂,密度,施肥和苗根对苗木生长的影响出发,对苗木培育理论和生产技术的研究现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

马尾松在我国南方亚热带地区广泛种植,是我国主要植树造林树种之一,长期以来产生了巨大的生态和经济效益,在我国林业中有着重要地位。在全球气候变暖这一大背景下,研究马尾松森林生态系统的生物量和生产力具有非常重要的意义。文中从传统方法和遥感技术2个方面介绍了马尾松生物量和生产力的测算方法,分析了林龄、混交造林、立地条件、气候因素和林分密度对马尾松生物量和生产力的影响,并针对目前存在的问题提出未来研究的发展方向,以期为我国马尾松林的可持续经营提供参考。  相似文献   

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