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城市湿地公园在我国的发展还不足10年历史,但发展迅速。城市湿地公园环境的独特性和生物多样性,在功能定位上与传统城市公园的差异,现代城市居民休闲游憩新需求,决定其在旅游功能的休闲游憩产品开发上需进行创新。本文通过在起源、资源环境禀赋、建筑设施、分布位置等方面对城市湿地公园和城市传统公园系统比较的基础上,依据现代休闲旅游理论,分析了城市湿地公园的休闲游憩价值,提出了城市湿地公园休闲游憩产品创新的5项基本原则,构架了游憩产品创新理论框架。以绍兴市镜湖湿地国家城市公园为例提出了休闲游憩产品创新的4种途径。  相似文献   

广州海珠湿地二期植物景观特色探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市湿地公园是城市绿地的主要类型之一,是城市游憩绿地中常见的一种形式,是公益性的城市基础设施。广州市海珠湿地二期是典型的城市湿地公园,通过对该公园的植物景观进行分析、研究,归纳总结其植物景观特色,同时,对城市湿地公园的植物景观规划、设计提出建议,为今后湿地公园植物景观建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

城市湿地具有强大的生态功能和社会功能,在植物景观规划设计和植物景观营造上也有其独到之处。本文阐述了城市湿地公园植物景观的相关概念构成,并以西溪湿地公园为例,着重说明了湿地植物景观设计的原则和营造的方式及途径。同时,通过美学、生态学等相关理论对湿地公园的景观营造方式进行分析,提出了在城市湿地公园在植物规划设计中应从植物群落生态结构或植物生态演替恢复等角度出发,强调对群落中关键物种的保留,同时注重其游憩、赏景、教育等人性化设计。  相似文献   

通过实地考察和文献研究,分析三门峡市天鹅湖城市湿地公园规划的特点和问题。该湿地公园规划体现了保护和利用的统一,融合自然、园林景观、历史文化等要素于一体,并具有生态、景观、游憩、科普教育和文化等多种功能,但也存在技术与资金基础、重点保护区、水域及环境保护和基础设施建设不足等问题,并针对这些问题提出改进建议。  相似文献   

城市湿地是连接自然与人类的纽带,对生态系统和城市系统均具有重要意义。根据川东丘陵独特地形,构建山水丘陵型城市湿地,研究其在生态格局、湿地特征、游憩系统、山水空间、配套设施、安全监控等方面的独特性,探索山水丘陵型湿地对构建城市山水格局的作用与意义。通过营建城市湿地公园不仅将自然生态融入城市,更为城市营造了丰富的城市空间与自然生态栖息空间。以四川成都东部的杨溪湖湿地公园为例,论证了所提出的城市湿地公园规划设计理念的合理性,以期为西部丘陵地区城市开发建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

湿地公园作为生态环境的一个重要组成部分,在涵养水源,调节区域气候,为动植物提供栖息地等方面具有重要作用,同时,又具有游憩观赏功能。湿地公园管理模式决定了湿地公园保护、宣教、游憩体验之间的关系。因此,采用科学的管理模式对湿地公园实施分区管理尤为重要。  相似文献   

程岩 《现代园艺》2022,(2):60-61,64
为了提升城市湿地公园自然野趣景观营造效果,采用文献资料法、实地调研法、案例分析法等研究方法,以艾溪湖湿地公园作为研究对象,分析了城市湿地公园自然野趣景观营造.结果显示:植物景观、动物景观及行为性景观是艾溪湖湿地公园自然野趣景观的主要构成部分.在营造自然野趣景观的过程中,应坚持因地制宜,在依托原有自然环境的基础上,适度进...  相似文献   

台旖  区智  方敏 《现代园艺》2023,(2):100-102+105
湿地公园是城市可持续发展重要的生态基础设施,除生态价值和社会价值以外,湿地公园在植物景观营造方面,不仅有美学价值和文化价值,还有生态价值和科学价值。本研究论述湿地公园植物景观营造的相关知识,以杞麓湖国家湿地公园为例,通过调查分析湿地公园内植物物种的选择和植物景观配置方式,探讨湿地公园内植物景观的营造,探索符合当地湿地公园自然条件、人文环境的湿地植物景观营造方式。  相似文献   

湿地是三大生态系统之一,一旦受到外界的干扰,就会很容易发生变化,反应较敏感。随着城市不断的发展,导致许多的湿地资源遭到了严重的破坏,与此同时,城市的不断扩张同样让城市边缘有越来越多的湿地资源。保护和利用自然或人工湿地资源的一种方式是建设城市湿地公园,并且优化原本就有的湿地生态系统。同时可以搭建更多的可以用来满足休闲游憩、科普教育的景观空间,但这有一个大前提,就是要对湿地生态环境有着合理的保护。本文合理地探讨了如何将生态规划理念和方法应用到城市湿地公园的建设中,使得湿地公园的布局能够更加合理、更加生态化。本文首先提出了生态规划和城市湿地公园的相关概念、发展历程等内容,在此基础之上归纳总结出了基于生态规划理念下的城市湿地公园规划的可持续性、适宜性、协调性和同城性的原则,最后得出出水系梳理、岸线保护、植被恢复、动物保护和雨洪管理等设计策略。  相似文献   

人与鸟的和谐共生是湿地公园可持续发展的核心问题。以东营白鹭湿地规划为例,通过对场地分析及问题总结,提出人鸟和谐共生的湿地公园规划策略,包括分区指引、筑巢引鸟、多维景观、生态营城、系统支持、弹性生长等。力求营造适宜鸟类栖息的环境和适宜人们休闲游憩的城市绿心,打造集合白鹭、湿地、农林、乡村的人与自然共栖共生的新家园,实现鸟与人、自然与城市的和谐共生。  相似文献   

摘要:成华公园是带状滨水公园,场地内现有大量荷塘和湿地植物存在。东风渠贯穿整个公园用地,很好地解决湿地的水源。针对其现状条件,采取保护和新建相结合的管理措施,可达到因地制宜地打造湿地景观的目的。  相似文献   

董杰  邹丹  安明 《北方园艺》2012,(2):104-106
湿地环境是与人们联系最紧密的生态系统之一,对城市湿地景观进行生态设计,加强对湿地环境的保护和建设,意义十分重大。现根据国内外众多已建成湿地公园的成功经验,以广府古城环城湿地公园景观设计为例,探讨城市湿地公园的开发与利用,并提出"保护与传承、修复与再生、置入与创新"的对策和方法。  相似文献   

张波 《中国园艺文摘》2013,29(1):128-131
广州万亩果园湿地是罕见的城中次生湿地和农耕湿地,在该区域建设湿地公园将有助于加强对湿地资源的保护和合理利用,提升周边环境质量,开发旅游资源.结合该地域的条件和发展历史,探索通过最少的干扰和合理的工程手段,将该地域转化成水网纵横交错、果基密布、百鸟翔集、野趣盎然,具有岭南园林特色和亚热带自然风光的未来城市中心湿地,同时为日后万亩果林保护建设、开发管理提供参考.  相似文献   

城市公园入口空间是城市公园整体设计的重要组成部分,植物景观是公园入口空间不可忽视的元素之一。文章以深圳市莲花山公园、仙湖植物园、东湖公园、荔枝公园为例,通过实景图和植物配置平面图,联系各城市公园的实际情况,探讨分析公园入口的植物配置,可供相关植物景观设计借鉴。  相似文献   

The importance of urban green spaces in providing ecosystem services to the population is increasingly being recognised by scientists, policy makers and the general public. Across cities, urban planners are seeking to reconcile the location of urban green spaces and accessibility of the public. The main aim of our paper is to assess the accessibility of urban green spaces and to identify perceived benefits along the travel route to urban green spaces, starting from a selected case study in Romania. We started from a spatial analysis of a service area for an urban park in Bucharest (Tineretului). With the help of network analyst in ArcGis Pro we established the boundaries of the service area (using urban park boundaries, street network, traffic restrictions) and applied two methods of travel to the park (walking and cycling). We applied a survey to 202 respondents, collecting information on the routes and methods of reaching the park, as well as the perceived benefits and disservices of selecting the preferred method and route. The main results revealed different patterns delimited by a number of criteria: age (elder population preferred public transport and shaded routes), income (people with higher incomes selected travelling by car and accessing elements with parking facilities), group structure (people with children selected routes perceived as safe). This type of analyses can represent useful instruments for urban planners in developing and managing urban green spaces in close relation with neighbouring spaces and facilities.  相似文献   

Cultural ecosystem services (CES) in urban parks are associated with nature contact willingness and health outcomes of urban residents. However, practical knowledge on how to manage urban park features to enhance CES is still lacking, especially on more detailed scales. This study developed a practice-oriented workflow for exploring design-related indicators that affect CES by considering four aspects of urban park features, including distance to elements, density of elements, land cover proportion, and landscape diversity. Then the workflow was implemented in a case study by taking six urban parks in Beijing as study areas. Three CES types were identified with outdoor social media images, including recreation value, aesthetic value, and social interaction value. Statistical analyses indicated that a combination of the four aspects of urban park features within a specific service radius was the most significant factor in explaining CES. The importance of design-related indicators for enhancing different CES types was also identified. Density of facilities, proportion of tree canopy-shaded ground, and richness of land cover types were proved important for all the three CES types and therefore could be concerned in urban park design practices. Based on these findings, this study further proposed landscape site design strategies and three adaptive design cases for enhancing different CES types, which could provide evidence-based and practical solutions for managers and landscape architects.  相似文献   

城市公园是城市公共开放空间的重要组成部分,植物景观是城市公园设计不可忽视的元素之一。以深圳市荔枝公园为例,通过实景图从公园入口空间、道路广场、开阔草坪空间、滨水绿化空间、建筑小品配景几个方面分析探讨公园的植物配置,以期对相关的城市公园植物景观设计有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Landscapes surrounding parks in most of the developing world, while still containing considerable biodiversity, also have rapidly growing human populations and associated agricultural development. Since the establishment of Kibale National Park first as a Crown Forest Reserve in 1932 and later as a park in 1993 in western Uganda, most access and resource extraction has been prohibited. The park has become nearly a complete island of forested land cover surrounded by intensive small-scale agriculture and some large-scale tea plantations, along with a network of wetland and forest patches. As the population grows outside the park and land becomes more scarce, remaining forests and wetlands are being used more intensively for material resources (e.g., fuelwood, building poles) and converted to other land uses (e.g., pasture, agriculture). This study uses both discrete and continuous data analyses of satellite imagery to examine these diminishing resource bases at the landscape level placing the results within the social context of conservation and parks. Findings reveal that the park boundaries have remained fairly intact whereas, the landscape surrounding the park has become increasingly fragmented. From a landscape perspective, while the park has indeed maintained its forest cover, it has become increasingly islandized with wetland and forest patches in the surrounding landscape becoming smaller in number and size. Those that have survived are now more isolated and even lower productivity than in 1984, which may be a precursor to their eventual loss in this landscape.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic created unprecedented challenges for people’s health. Studies have demonstrated the positive impact of urban green spaces, particularly urban parks, on physical and mental health. However, few studies have evaluated social health, which is a component of human health, and more understanding of the relationship between urban parks and human health during the COVID-19 pandemic is required. This study examined the effects of urban parks on people’s health using a canonical correlation model. Physical, mental, and social health were the dependent health variables, and five factors related to urban parks were the independent variables. This study investigated 22 urban parks inside the Forth Ring Road in Beijing, China using a questionnaire survey. The results demonstrated a positive association between urban parks and human health during the pandemic. Distance to the parks, park area, and park size were positively correlated with physical, mental, and social health. Furthermore, frequency and duration of visits to urban parks were positively associated with mental health and contact with neighbors. The health effects of urban park use varied with park types and locations’ urbanization background. These findings can provide insights for health-oriented urban park planning and construction.  相似文献   

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