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本试验旨在研究DDGS对生长育成猪的生产性能和胴体品质的影响。432头体重为29.8±0.2kg的育成猪被随机分成1-9个日粮组,分别为对照组(D0),D15-0wk,D15-3wk,D15-6wk,D15-9wk,D30-0wk,D30-3wk,D30-6wk和D30-9wk,其中D0、D15和D30分别代表DDGS在猪日粮中的百分含量;0wk、3wk、6wk和9wk代表在屠宰0、3、6和9周前分别取消DDGS在猪日粮的添加时间。结果显示,当生长育成猪日粮中的DDGS含量为15%或30%时,不管屠宰前是否取消DDGS的添加,除了D30-0wk处理组的猪的ADG比对照组(D0)稍降外(0.87:0.92kg/d;P〈0.05),其他处理组猪的ADG、ADFI和G:F均没有显著差异(P=0.76)。DDGS的不同含量或屠宰前取消DDGS的添加时间(0周、3周、6周和9周)对猪胴体质量、背最长肌(LM)猪肉品质、背脂和腹脂颜色评分分数没有显著影响(背脂,P=0.47;腹脂,P=0.17)。相对对照组,D30-0wk组的腹部猪肉嫩度稍低(P=0.04),其他处理组猪的腹部猪肉嫩度与对照组的差别均不大(P=0.26)。当增加猪日粮中的DDGS含量时,腹脂的亚油酸含量(C18:2;P〈0.001)和碘值(IV;P〈0.001)有所增加。当猪日粮中含有15%DDGS时,在屠宰前的0~9周取消DDGS添加可以线性的降低猪腹脂的C18:2含量和腹脂碘值(屠宰前的第0-、3-、6-和9周的腹脂C18:2含量分别为:14.6%、13.3%、12.6%、10.9%;P=0.001;碘值分别为:67.3、64.4、64.1和62.7);而当猪的日粮中含有30%DDGS时,在屠宰前0~9周取消DDGS的添加也可以线性的降低猪腹脂的C18:2含量和腹脂碘值(屠宰前的第0-、3-、6-和9周的腹脂C18:2含量分别为:17.3%、16.1%、14.2%和12.4%;P〈0.001;碘值分别为:71.2、68.2、64.5和62.7)。总体来看,当在生长育肥猪中添加高达30%DDGS对猪的生产性能有极小影响,且在屠宰前的3周取消在猪日粮中的DDGS的添加可以降低猪腹脂的C18:2含量和碘值。  相似文献   

Eight experiments were conducted to determine the effect of a single administration of amperozide on agonistic behavior and growth performance in newly mixed, restricted-fed pigs. Two hundred 12-wk-old pigs were used in a 4-wk trial (Exp. 1) to investigate the effect of amperozide on agonistic behavior and performance. The pigs were assigned to each pen on the basis of body weight and sex, ensuring that pigs in each pen were unacquainted. Each pig was weighed individually on d 3, 7 and 28. Agonistic behavior was quantified by counting bite and slash marks on each pig at 8, 26 and 48 h after penning. An i.m. injection of amperozide immediately before mixing the pigs reduced the physical damage (P less than .001) at each time point. There was no evidence of amperozide causing either sedation or motor disturbances. On the average, amperozide treatment improved (P less than .001) daily gain in the 4-wk study period by 70 g (17%). In Exp. 2 to 8, 1,648 pigs growing from approximately 20 to 100 kg body weight were used to determine the effect of amperozide on weight gain. Pigs were penned in groups of 9 to 11, randomly assigned to each pen on the basis of sex. Each pig was weighed individually after penning, on d 35 and at slaughter. Untreated control pigs had a poorer growth performance than did amperozide-treated pigs. During the first 5 wk postpenning average daily gain was improved (P less than .001) by 90 g (26%) in pigs receiving a single oral administration of amperozide at penning.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

杨柠蔚 《中国饲料》2022,1(4):49-52
文章旨在评估日粮添加不同水平的亚麻籽对生长育肥猪生长指标、血清和肌肉抗氧化指标及肉品质的影响.试验将576头体重接近的16周龄生长猪分为3组,每组8个重复,每个重复24头.试验育肥猪在26周龄出栏,整个试验期间3组分别饲喂亚麻籽添加水平为0、1%和2%的配合饲料.结果:1%和2%亚麻籽组育肥猪生长前期(16~20周)的...  相似文献   

本试验研究了半胱胺(CS)和大豆黄酮(Da)对杜×长×大生长肥育猪生长性能和胴体性状的影响,结果表明:这两种物质均具有显著促进猪生长作用,且在猪生长期的促生长效果好于肥育期.二者能提高胴体瘦肉率4%以上,脂肪率下降9%.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to compare growth performance and behaviors of group-farrowed pigs with those of confinement-farrowed pigs. A total of 216 pigs (8 wk of age) were used, with an equal number of group-farrowed or confinement-farrowed pigs from 1 farrowing batch. Group-farrowed pigs were farrowed in bedded, individual pens and mingled into a group of 8 litters at 12 (±1.3) d of age. Pigs were weaned at 33 (±1.3) d and remained in the farrowing room until 8 wk of age. Confinement-farrowed pigs were farrowed in farrowing crates. At weaning (32 ± 2.0 d of age), confinement-farrowed pigs were mixed and moved to pens of 9 pigs in a confinement nursery and remained there until 8 wk of age. At 8 wk of age, pigs from the 2 housing systems were allocated to 24 pens of 9 pigs in a confinement growing-finishing barn, with 12 pens from each of the housing systems. Within farrowing system, pigs from different groups or pens were mixed upon entering the growing-finishing barn. Individual BW was recorded at allotment (wk 0) to the growing-finishing barn and every 2 wk thereafter for 14 wk. Feed intake and G:F were monitored on a pen basis every 2 wk between wk 0 and 14 of the study period. Behaviors of pigs were video recorded in 6 pens of each housing treatment for 24 h on the day of mixing (d 0), d 7, and d 14 after mixing in the finisher barn. The video recordings were scanned at 5-min intervals to calculate behavioral time budgets for lying, standing, eating, drinking, and belly nosing. Data were analyzed using the Proc Mixed model of SAS with repeated measures. Compared with confinement-farrowed pigs, group-farrowed pigs spent more time lying (85.7 vs. 82.7%; SE = 0.75; P < 0.001) and belly nosing (0.05 vs. 0.02%; P < 0.05) and less time standing (5.8 vs. 7.5%; SE = 0.49; P < 0.01) and eating (7.3 vs. 9.3%; SE = 0.40; P < 0.001). The difference in behavioral time budgets was associated with differences in performance of pigs from the 2 housing systems. Group-farrowed pigs exhibited greater ADG (866 vs. 814 g; SE = 10.3; P < 0.01) for the initial 2 wk after mixing, less ADFI (2,004 vs. 2,188 g; SE = 42.5; P < 0.05), and improved G:F (0.431 vs. 0.393; SE = 0.0078; P < 0.01) for the entire 14-wk study period compared with confinement-farrowed pigs. These results suggest that group-farrowed pigs were more efficient than confinement-farrowed pigs in utilizing dietary energy for BW gain by lying more and standing and eating less during the growing and finishing period.  相似文献   

The effect of intramuscular azaperone on the cardiovascular responses to stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system was examined in thiopentone-anaesthetized stress-sensitive pigs. Sympathetic stimulation was achieved with the Valsalva-like manoeuvre, and the intravenous tyramine, isoprenaline and phenylephrine tests. The responses were monitored as the changes in heart rate and blood pressure. Azaperone exerted an alpha adrenergic blocking action and possibly a mild beta adrenergic blocking effect. It also retarded pre-adrenoreceptor activation of heart rate. It is suggested that azaperone has peripheral actions which could contribute towards its prophylactic effect in preventing stress-induced deaths in pigs.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to evaluate the possible effect of dietary oregano etheric oils as non-specific immunostimulating agents in growth-retarded, low-weight growing-finishing pigs. Forty-nine growth-retarded (> 10% under average weight in a group) growing-finishing pigs of the same age were assigned to two groups and treated as follows: Group 1 (n = 25): the animals weighed 58.2 +/- 2.4 kg and were fed until slaughter ad libitum with a commercial fattening diet supplemented with 3000 ppm commercial oregano feed additive (Oregpig Pecs, Hungary). Oregpig is dried leaf and flower of Origanum vulgare, enriched with 500 g/kg cold-pressed essential oils of the leaf and flower of Origanum vulgare. Analysis of Oregpig: 60 g carvacrol and 55 g thymol/kilogram. Group 2 (n = 24): the animals weighed 57.9 +/- 2.6 kg and were fed until slaughter with the same diet without Oregpig supplementation. Oregpig-receiving pigs showed a significantly (P < 0.05) better average daily gain and feed conversion rate than the non-treated animals (Oregpig group 788.1 +/- 31.3 g, control animals 709.3 +/- 42.2 g; 2.96, vs. 3.08, respectively). Mortality was significantly (P < 0.001) higher in the non-treated animals (Oregpig group, 1 animal = 4%; control, 8 animals = 33.3%). The proportion of CD4, CD8, MHC class II antigen, and non-T/non-B cells in peripheral blood lymphocytes was significantly higher in the Oregpig-receiving pigs than in the control animals. The proportion of CD4+ CD8+ double-positive T lymphocytes in peripheral blood and mesenteric lymph nodes was higher in the Oregpig-receiving pigs than in the control animals. Implication: Dietary oregano improves growth in growth-retarded growing-finishing pigs and has non-specific immunostimulatory effects on porcine immune cells.  相似文献   

选用60头平均体重28.3 kg的杜洛克×长白×大约克夏三元杂交猪,随机分成2组,每组30头,研究在饲粮中添加植酸酶(750 FTU/kg)对生长肥育猪矿物元素利用和排泄的影响。结果表明:1)添加植酸酶使生长猪对铜和锌的消化率、肥育猪对粗灰分、磷、铜和锌的消化率显著提高(P<0.05或P<0.01)。2)添加植酸酶使生长猪对铜和锌的吸收量、肥育猪对粗灰分、磷、铜和锌的吸收量显著提高(P<0.05或P<0.01)。3)添加植酸酶显著降低生长猪粪中铜、肥育猪粪中粗灰分和磷的排泄量(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out to determine the residues of azaperone in slaughter pigs and pig meat products. The butyrophenone tranquillizer azaperone is frequently administered to pigs by intramuscular injection in order to reduce mortality and loss of meat quality resulting from transportation from the farm to the slaughter house. In the pig, following administration of azaperone as recommended by the manufacturer (0.4 mg/kg i.m.) residue concentrations of about 0.05 μg/g azaperone, and 0.20 μg/g azaperol (the main biotransformation product in the pig) were found in the kidneys; the kidneys proving to be the sampling organs of choice. Pasteurization and other technological procedures did not influence residues measurably. Toxicological evaluation suggests that the residues found do not per se constitute a danger to public health. None the less, the presence of any drug residue in meat or meat products is undesirable, and alternative, non-pharmacological approaches to the problems arising from transportation prior to slaughter should be considered.  相似文献   

Crossbred barrows and gilts (n = 168) were used to test the effects of supplemental Mn during the growing-finishing period on performance, pork carcass characteristics, and pork quality during 7 d of retail display. Pigs were blocked by BW and allotted within blocks to pens (5 pigs/pen in blocks 1, 2, 5, and 6, and 4 pigs/pen in blocks 3 and 4). A total of 36 pens was randomly assigned to 1 of 6 dietary treatments, where the basal diets were formulated with (PC) or without (NC) Mn in the mineral premix, and supplemented with 0 or 350 ppm (as-fed basis) of Mn from MnSO4 or a Mn-AA complex (AvMn). Pigs were slaughtered at a commercial pork packing plant when the lightest block of pigs averaged 113.6 kg. During fabrication, boneless pork loins were collected and transported to Oklahoma State University, where 2.5-cm-thick LM chops were packaged in a modified atmosphere (80% O2 and 20% CO2) and subsequently placed in display cases (2 to 4 degrees C) under continuous fluorescent lighting (1,600 lx) for 7 d. Pig performance was not (P > or = 0.44) affected by supplemental Mn; however, during the grower-II phase, pigs fed the basal diets including Mn consumed less (P < 0.02) feed and tended to be more efficient (P < 0.09) than pigs fed the basal diets devoid of Mn. Throughout the entire feeding trial, neither dietary nor supplemental Mn altered (P > or = 0.22) ADG, ADFI, or G:F. Chops from pigs fed the diets supplemented with MnSO4 received greater (P < or = 0.05) lean color scores and had a redder (greater a* and hue angle values), more vivid color than chops from pigs fed the diets supplemented with AvMn. Additionally, LM chops from pigs fed the PC diets supplemented with MnSO4 were darker (lower L* values; P < 0.05) than chops from pigs fed the NC diets or PC diets supplemented with 0 or 350 ppm of AvMn. Even though discoloration scores were similar during the first 4 d of display, chops from pigs fed the PC diets supplemented with MnSO4 were less (P < 0.05) discolored on d 6 and 7 of retail display than chops from pigs fed the PC or NC diets and diets supplemented with AvMn (dietary treatment x display time, P = 0.04). Results of this study indicate that feeding an additional 350 ppm of Mn from MnSO4 above the maintenance requirements of growing-finishing pigs does not beneficially affect live pig performance but may improve pork color and delay discoloration of pork during retail display.  相似文献   

本试验探讨了在日粮中使用发酵蛋白原料替代普通蛋白原料对生长育肥猪生产性能和猪肉品质的影响。结果表明,以发酵豆粕、发酵棉粕为主要蛋白原料的育肥猪无抗饲料配方产品与常规饲料相比,能显著提高育肥猪末重及平均日增重;能使每头猪养殖增收78.72元,提高毛利33.98%;能显著降低猪肉剪切力和滴水损失,提高猪肉氨基酸水平,改善了肉品质,提高了猪肉营养。  相似文献   

Six hundred forty growing-finishing pigs (initial BW = 23.2 +/- 4.8 kg) were used in a 12-wk study (final BW = 95.5 +/- 10.2 kg) to quantify the effects of group size (10, 20, 40, and 80 pigs/pen) on performance, tail biting, and use of widely distributed feed resources. One single-space wet/dry feeder was provided for every 10 pigs, and floor allowance was 0.76 m2/pig in all treatment groups. Weight gain and feed intake were measured every 2 wk. At weighing, a tail-biting injury score was given to each pig. Blood samples were collected and analyzed for neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio before regrouping at the beginning of the experiment, 24 to 48 h after regrouping, and on the last day of each trial. The use of feeders by individual pigs was assessed by behavioral observations. Average daily gain for the entire 12-wk trial did not differ among group sizes (861, 873, 854, and 845 g/d for groups of 10, 20, 40, and 80, respectively; P > 0.10). During the first 2 wk, ADG was lower for pigs in groups of 40 (554 g/d) than pigs in groups of 10 (632 g/d; P < 0.05), but not pigs in groups of 20 or 80 (602 and 605 g/d, respectively). Average daily feed intake, feed efficiency, and variability in final BW within a pen also did not differ among group sizes. Tail-biting injury scores increased throughout the study, but did not differ among group sizes. Similar proportions of pigs were removed from the trial for health reasons, primarily due to tail biting, in all treatments. Individual pigs in each group size ate from most, if not all, of the feeders in the pen. There was no evidence of spatial subgrouping within the larger groups. The results suggest that housing growing-finishing pigs in groups of up to 80 pigs is not detrimental to productivity and health if space allowance is adequate and feed resources are evenly distributed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the space occupied by a pig, calculated from direct measurements on the animal or from digital images. A total of 100 pigs with body weight (BW) ranging from 47 to 198 kg were individually weighed and measured for body length, back and shoulder height. The area of the rectangle into which each pig can be fitted was calculated, following the same method as Petherick and Baxter [Petherick, J.C., Baxter, S.H., 1981. Modelling the static spatial requirements of livestock. In: MacCormack, J.A.D. (Ed.), Proceedings of the CIGR Section II Seminar on Modelling, Design and Evaluation of Agricultural Buildings, Aberdeen, August 1981, Scottish Farm Buildings Investigation Unit, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, UK. pp 75–82]. In addition, pictures of the pigs were taken with a digital camera at the same distance and resolution to estimate the area of the geometrical shape of each animal by counting the number of pixels. Values of Petherick and Baxter's data space (A = 0.047 × BW0.67) are significantly higher (p < 0.0001) than those found with our linear measurements (A = 0.041 × BW0.67). The areas calculated from linear measurements support the EU Council Directive 2001/88/EC for pigs in the weight class of 115–150 kg, but not for growing pigs. This is because the area recommended for pigs of 110 kg corresponds only to our minimum space allowance, as estimated from digital image analysis (A = 0.028 × BW0.67).  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of dietary Cr propionate (CrProp) on growth, carcass traits, and pork quality of crossbred finishing gilts. Dietary treatments were 0 or 200 ppb Cr (as CrProp; as-fed basis), and each treatment was replicated four times with five gilts per replicate pen. Gilts were fed diets containing 0.82% lysine from 73 to 80 kg BW and 0.64% lysine from 80 to 115 kg BW. At the end of the trial, carcass and pork quality data were collected from four gilts per replicate. Average daily gain, ADFI, and G:F were not affected (P = 0.76 to 0.96) by CrProp. Before delivery at the abattoir, shrink loss was determined after an 18-h fast (fasting shrink) and after hauling (shipping shrink) pigs for 2.66 h (209.2 km). Fasting, shipping, and overall shrink were not affected (P = 0.14 to 0.39) by CrProp. Carcass length was increased (P = 0.03) in pigs fed CrProp. Loin muscle area, 10th-rib backfat thickness, average backfat thickness, dressing percent, muscle score, fat-free lean, and percent lean were not affected (P = 0.18 to 0.95) by CrProp. Twenty-four-hour loin pH was increased (P = 0.10) in pigs fed CrProp, but 45-min loin and ham pH and 24-h ham pH were not affected (P = 0.39 to 0.83) by CrProp. Subjective (color, marbling, firmness, and wetness) and objective (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage L*, a*, b*) assessments of the loin muscle (at the 10th-rib interface) were not affected (P = 0.62 to 0.99) by CrProp. Forty-eight-hour drip (P = 0.10) and 21-d purge loss (P = 0.01) were decreased in pigs fed CrProp, but cook and total loss (drip + cook loss) and shear force were not affected (P = 0.35 to 0.53) by CrProp. Plasma cortisol, glucose, and lactate concentrations were not affected (P = 0.28 to 0.97) by CrProp after transportation or during exsanguination. These data indicate that CrProp may improve some aspects of pork quality (loin pH, drip and purge loss) but not growth performance or carcass traits.  相似文献   

将吡啶羧酸铬、烟酸铬、酵母铬分别以0.2mg/kg的浓度添加到两种不同能量水平的饲料中,探讨在两种能量水平下,3种有机铬对生长育肥猪的生长性能和肉品质的影响。结果显示,这6种饲料对生长肥育猪的日增重、料重比的差异显著(P<0.05);对45minpH值、滴水损失、背膘厚的影响差异不显著(P>0.05),对24hpH值、嫩度、眼肌面积、肉色的影响差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

The performance and the physiological and metabolic consequences of three dietary levels of Na (.03, .09 and .18%) and of Cl (.08, .17 and .32%) arranged factorially were determined in growing-finishing pigs (36 to 89 kg). Average daily gain and feed efficiency of pigs fed .03% Na were lower than pigs fed .09 or .18% Na. Gain:feed ratio of pigs fed .32 or .17% Cl was greater than that of pigs fed .08% Cl during the finishing phase (58 to 89 kg) but not during the growing phase. Increasing dietary Cl levels increased average daily feed intake and gain:feed ratio of pigs fed .03% Na, but had no effect at the higher levels of Na. Plasma Na and Cl were lower (P less than .05) while plasma K (P less than .01), total protein, (P less than .04), albumin (P less than .07) and urea N (P less than .03) were higher in pigs fed .03% Na compared with those fed .09 or .18% Na. Increasing the dietary levels of Cl decreased urea N (P less than .05). Plasma lysine:arginine ratio increased as dietary Cl increased in pigs fed .18% Na diets, but not in pigs fed .03 or .09% Na. The urea cycle intermediate ornithine was highest in the plasma of pigs fed .18% Na. Dietary Na and Cl seem to interact to affect both plasma electrolytes and basic amino acid metabolism.  相似文献   

微颗粒饲料的研究与应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
微颗粒配合饲料又名人工浮游生物,美国科学家自 20世纪 60年代率先进行这方面的研制和生产,一些水产研究发达国家如日本、美国、英国等已开始生产和销售微颗粒饲料。随着研究的深入,微颗粒配合饲料在营养和性状上越来越完善,其适口性、水中悬浮性和稳定性越来越好,特别是针对鱼、虾、蟹及贝类幼体的生长特性、营养需求,配制生产专用的微颗粒饲料,经过与轮虫、卤虫并用到完全替代轮虫和卤虫,微颗粒配合饲料的研究和应用取得了突破性进展。目前,微颗粒配合饲料可以单独使用,也可与浮游生物混合使用进行育苗生产,因此具有广阔的应用…  相似文献   

金属蛋白酶制剂对育肥猪生产性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择平均日龄约为130d,平均体重约为60kg的72头育肥猪(杜×长×约杂交),按完全随机分组法分成3个组(经检验组间差异不显著),每组设3个重复,每个重复8头。在试验组1添加0.05%的金属蛋白酶制剂,试验组2添加0.1%的金属蛋白酶制剂,进行为期40d的饲养试验。结果表明:金属蛋白酶制剂可提高育肥猪的日增重(P<0.05);提高粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、磷的表观消化率;但降低试验组粗灰分的表观消化率(P<0.05);提高试验组1的钙表观消化率(P<0.05)。金属蛋白酶制剂可提高试验组的眼肌面积、里脊重、胴体重、屠宰率。0.1%金属蛋白酶制剂可提高肉豆寇酸、花生酸、十七碳酸、棕榈油酸、油酸含量(P<0.05);降低棕榈酸、总饱和脂肪酸含量(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

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