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In this study, genetic parameters were estimated for the Danish populations of Danish Marsk, Finnish Landrace, Gotland Pelt and Spel for birth weight (BW), average daily gain until two months (DG2) and litter size (LS). A multivariate animal model was used for estimation of genetic parameters, including fixed effects, both direct and maternal additive genetic effects, common litter effects and permanent environmental effects. Mean birth weight and DG2 ranged from, respectively, 3.39 kg and 262 g to 4.61kg and 286 g. Litter size ranged from 1.60 to 2.07. Direct heritability for BW ranged from 0.12 to 0.24, and maternal heritability for BW was about 0.23 for all breeds. Direct heritability of DG2 ranged from 0.19 to 0.33. The heritability for LS was between 0.08 and 0.13. The significant genetic correlations between the direct and maternal effect on both BW and DG2 were negative. The genetic correlations between the growth traits and LS were not uniform.  相似文献   

Variance and covariance components for birth weight (BWT), as a lamb trait, and litter size measured on ewes in the first, second, and third parities (LS1 through LS3) were estimated using a Bayesian application of the Gibbs sampler. Data came from Baluchi sheep born between 1966 and 1989 at the Abbasabad sheep breeding station, located northeast of Mashhad, Iran. There were 10,406 records of BWT recorded for all ewe lambs and for ram lambs that later became sires or maternal grandsires. All lambs that later became dams had records of LS1 through LS3. Separate bivariate analyses were done for each combination of BWT and one of the three variables LS1 through LS3. The Gibbs sampler with data augmentation was used to draw samples from the marginal posterior distribution for sire, maternal grandsire, and residual variances and the covariance between the sire and maternal grandsire for BWT, variances for the sire and residual variances for the litter size traits, and the covariances between sire effects for different trait combinations, sire and maternal grandsire effects for different combinations of BWT and LS1 through LS3, and the residual covariations between traits. Although most of the densities of estimates were slightly skewed, they seemed to fit the normal distribution well, because the mean, mode, and median were similar. Direct and maternal heritabilities for BWT were relatively high with marginal posterior modes of .14 and .13, respectively. The average of the three direct-maternal genetic correlation estimates for BWT was low, .10, but had a high standard deviation. Heritability increased from LS1 to LS3 and was relatively high, .29 to .37. Direct genetic correlations between BWT and LS1 and between BWT and LS3 were negative, -.32 and -.43, respectively. Otherwise, the same correlation between BWT and LS2 was positive and low, .06. Genetic correlations between maternal effects for BWT and direct effects for LS1 through LS3 were all highly negative and consistent for all parities, circa -.75. Environmental correlations between BWT and LS1 through LS3 were relatively low and ranged from .18 to .29 and had high standard errors.  相似文献   

M. Chimonyo  K. Dzama  E. Bhebhe   《Livestock Science》2006,105(1-3):69-77
Genetic parameters for individual birth weight (IBWT), total number of pigs born (NBT), number of pigs born alive (NBA), number of pigs born dead (NBD) and litter weight at birth (LBWT) were estimated using 1961 Mukota pigs kept at the University of Zimbabwe Farm, Harare, Zimbabwe. Variance components were estimated for IBWT based on a direct-maternal genetic effects model. The genetic relationships among NBT, NBA, NBD and LBWT were assessed using a multi-trait direct effects model. For LBWT, the direct, maternal and common environmental litter proportions on the phenotypic variance were 0.090, 0.033 and 0.009, respectively. After adjustment of IBWT for NBA, phenotypic fractions were 0.091, 0.034 and 0.011 for direct, maternal and litter effects. The correlation between the direct and maternal genetic effects of IBWT was − 0.354 and − 0.295, with and without adjustment for NBT. Heritabilities for NBT, NBA, NBD and LBWT were 0.020, 0.030, 0.088 and 0.196, respectively. Differences in the maternal heritability and the heritability for LBWT, a trait of the dam, are different due to accumulation of observations per litter. Maternal genetic effects are, therefore, of less importance than in highly selected European breeds.  相似文献   

Data on ovulation rate, litter size and embryo survival of 364 Sardi (S), D'man (D), S x DS, DS x S, S x D, D X S (F1), F2, D x DS and DS x D ewes mated for first and second lambing to F1 rams were analyzed. Breed group, birth group and season had significant effects on ovulation rate and litter size but not on embryo survival. D'man ewes had the highest ovulation rate (2.79) and litter size (2.00), with an essentially linear increase in each of these variables with percentage of D'man inheritance in the ewe (b = .017 +/- .001 CL and .009 +/- .001 lambs born). Embryo survival was influenced only by the number of ova shed. D'man direct genetic effects were higher (P less than .01) than those of Sardi for ovulation rate (+1.78) and litter size (+1.08) but did not differ for embryo survival (-.07). Maternal effects differed little for any of the three traits. Individual heterosis estimates were negative and significant for ovulation rate but not significant for litter size and embryo survival. Maternal heterosis and epistatic recombination effects were small and not significant for any trait.  相似文献   

Prolificacy is an important trait of animals, specifically for sheep. The Bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1B (BMPR1B) is a major gene affecting the litter size of many sheep breeds. The well-known FecB mutation (Q249R) was associated fully with the hyper prolific phenotype of Booroola Merino. However, the identification of variation in all exonic regions of BMPR1B was rare. In this study, we sequenced all exonic regions of BMPR1B gene of Mongolia sheep breed, and ten novel variants were detected by direct sequencing. Among them, the litter size of the Mongolia ewes with the CC genotype was significantly higher (0.34 additional lambs, p < .05) than those with the TT genotype of the g.29346567C>T single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). The litter size of the Mongolia ewes with the TT genotype was significantly higher (0.19 additional lambs, p < .05 and .31 additional lambs, p < .01, respectively) than those with the GT and GG genotypes of the c.1470G>T SNP. The silent c.1470G>T mutation is predicted to increase the stability of the mRNA secondary structure through reducing minimum free energy and is predicted to change the mRNA secondary structure of BMPR1B. Our findings may give potentially useful genetic markers for increasing litter size in sheep.  相似文献   

Conception rate, prenatal survival and litter size were recorded for 444 ewes of two age groups from five lines of grade Targhee sheep: two unselected control lines, HC1 and DC(C); two lines selected for 20 yr for increased 120-d weight, HW and DH(W); and a line selected for 18 yr for increased multiple births, T. Line T was equal or superior to the control lines in conception rate, prenatal survival and litter size in both age groups, although most of the differences were not significant. The W selected lines were inferior to the C and T lines in fertility and tended to be lower in prenatal survival, among mature ewes, resulting in a significantly lower number of lambs born per corpus luteum in the W lines than in the other two groups. Among yearlings, C ewes were non-significantly lower in fertility than T and W ewes, while W ewes were significantly lower than C and T ewes in prenatal survival. The T line ewes had higher overall reproductive performance than either of the other two groups. Ewes with two ovulations had a significantly higher conception rate than ewes with single ovulations. Gestation period was exceptionally uniform with a coefficient of variation of 1.3% and little difference due either to line or litter size. It was concluded that selection for multiple births improved overall reproductive performance, whereas selection for increased growth rate had an adverse effect on several components of reproduction, leading to a net decline in fitness.  相似文献   

Ovulation rate was measured by laparoscopy at two consecutive cycles on 366 ewes 2 yr old and over and 85 yearling ewes of five lines of Targhees from the base base population; 53 yearling linecross ewes were also included. The lines were two unselected controls (HCl and DC), two selected for 21 yr for increased 120-d weight (HW and DH) and one selected for 19 yr for multiple births (T). Ewes were synchronized in late July or early August at the start of the normal breeding season with intravaginal pessaries impregnated with 60 mg methylacetoxyprogesterone and examined at first and second estrus. Ovulation had occurred in both cycles in 327 (89%) and 177 (85%) of the mature and yearling ewes, respectively. Overall mean numbers of corpora lutea at first and second estrus were 1.42 and 1.63, respectively for ewes 2 yr and over and 1.20 and 1.44 for yearlings, indicating an effect of synchronizing treatment, season, flushing, or a combination of these. Among mature ewes, ovulation rate was higher (P less than .05) in DH (+.20), HW (+.19) and T (+.16) than in controls at first estrus, and in HW (+.29) and T (+.21) but not DH (-.04) at second estrus. Among yearlings, differences were significant only at second estrus (HW, +.40; T, +.35) and again not for DH (+.08). The failure of line DH to increase in ovulation rate from first to second estrus as did other lines was transmitted to linecross progeny. Body weight within line affected ovulation rate significantly, with a greater effect at second estrus, in both age groups. Adjustment for body weight removed the difference between HW and controls but not between T and controls. Repeatability of corpora lutea count was .27 and .25 for mature and yearling ewes, respectively.  相似文献   


This study describes how birth weight, gender, litter size, and age of dam affect lamb mortality during the summer period, using data on lambs of the breeds Spælsau (N ≈ 110 000) and Norwegian White Sheep (N ≈ 450 000) during 1994 to 2005. A general mixed linear model was used for the analysis. Birth weight affected summer mortality non-proportionally: an increase in weight from very small towards the breed mean strongly deflated mortality risk; weigh increase above breed means had little effect. Male lambs had a higher mortality than females, and lambs born by 12-months-old dams were in greater risk than those having older dams. Increasing litter size resulted in increased mortality. The results are discussed and recommendations for future research, with focus on breeding and genotype by environment interaction effects are made.  相似文献   

影响母猪产仔数和仔猪初生重的因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
繁殖率是反映母猪繁殖力和猪场生产管理水平的重要经济参数。通常衡量母猪群生产性能的指标是每头母猪每年提供的断奶仔猪数,主要有两部分组成,即年母猪产仔窝数和母猪每窝的断奶仔猪数。据生产实践,有许多因素影响着母猪的生产性能,包括遗传因素、环境因素、饲养管理因素等。饲养母猪,只有年产仔窝数多,  相似文献   

文章旨在研究饲喂大米草对纯种波尔山羊的产羔数、羔羊初生重以及羔羊体尺指标的影响。结果表明:饲喂大米草对波尔山羊产羔数、羔羊初生重和羔羊体尺指标等具有一定的影响。其中试验组与对照组双羔的初生重和胸围指标达到差异显著水平(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

In the present study, 1,635 lambing records of Ghezel (n?=?766) and Mehraban (n?=?869) breeds were used to evaluate the early growth traits, litter size, and lamb survival in sheep reared in Fars Province, southern Iran, during a 5-year-long period. The least squares means (± SE) of lamb birth weight for Ghezel were 5.27 (±0.22), 5.02 (±0.22), and 3.98 (±0.23) kg for single males, single females, and twin lambs, respectively; whereas, the corresponding values for Mehraban were 4.39 (±0.18), 4.18 (±0.18), and 3.50 (±0.19) kg. The least squares means of pre-weaning lamb growth (gram per day) for Ghezel were 239 (±15), 218 (±15), and 181 (±16) for single males, single females, and twin lambs, respectively, and the corresponding values for Mehraban were 204 (±12), 187 (±12), and 156 (±13). Lambs from 2 year old ewes or younger were on average lighter at birth and at weaning and had a lower average daily gain than those from older ewes (P?<?0.05). The percentage of twin births increased from 1.1 and 1.3 % for ewes aged ≤ 2 years to 19 and 12 % for those aged ≥ 6 years old in Ghezel and Mehraban, respectively (P?<?0.05). The mean pre-weaning lamb mortality was 7.1 and 4.1 % for Ghezel and Mehraban, respectively.  相似文献   

It is well established that especially in prolific ewes the mortality rates are high in lambs with low birth weights and that after birth the absolute growth rates are lower in the surviving light lambs than in the heavier lambs. Differences in the prenatal placental development as the feto-maternal connection could be one of the reasons for this effect. The aim of the present study was to ascertain primary data for the placenta characteristics. Therefore three different genotypes which varied in litter size and weight of all born lambs were studied. In 197 placentas the weight, the number of cotyledones, the diameter of the cotyledones and the weight of ten cotyledones were determined. The total weight of all cotyledones and surface area of the cotyledones (the feto-maternal contact area) were calculated. The effects of the breed, the age of the dams (1.5-7.5 years), the litter size (1-4), the weight of all born lambs (5 classes between 3 and 15 kg) and the ram were tested with the ANOVA/MANOVA procedure (co-variable = weight of the dams before mating). Litter size and weight of all born lambs influenced significantly the morphologicaly parameters of the placenta. In the examined genotypes the placenta weight increased from a minimum of 500 g to 1100 g and the surface of the cotyledones grew from 200 cm2 to 350 cm2 with increasing litter size and increasing weight of all born lambs. This seems to be a maternal compensation mechanism for the raising fetal requirements. With the increase of the litter size the surface area of the cotyledones for each lamb decreases because the possible placental compensation mechanism collapses. This could be a reason for low birth weights and increasing deaths of lambs. A possible influence of the genotype on the characteristics of the placentas is discussed by considering the litter size and the condition of the ewe. Paternal effects were not found.  相似文献   

603 neonatal piglets (German Landrace) were investigated for passive immunization affected by birth order, birth weight, litter size and parity. Concentrations of immunoglobulins in the blood serum of piglets on the first day of life served as measure for passive immunization. Blood samples were drawn at 12, 18 and 24 hours post partum. Quantitative measurements of immunoglobulin classes were carried out by radial immunodiffusion. There was a significant effect of birth order, because of the rapid changes in colostrum composition between onset of birth and the last piglet of each litter. The effect of birth weight was only partly significant and different for the immunoglobulin classes. There was no significant effect of litter size on passive immunization. Parity had a significant positive effect on IgG- and IgA-concentrations in sow's colostrum with litter two to six, parity 1 and 2 lead to highest IgM concentrations in the blood serum of piglets.  相似文献   

Data obtained from the French Kennel Club and the Fichier National Canin were used to estimate the effect of inbreeding on average litter size and survival in seven French breeds of dog. Depending on the breed, litter sizes were 3.5–6.3 puppies and longevities were 7.7–12.2 years. Estimated heritabilities were 6.0–10.9% for litter size and 6.1–10.1% for survival at 2 years of age. Regression coefficients indicated a negative effect of inbreeding on both individual survival and litter size. Although the impact of baseline inbreeding within breeds appears to be limited, the improper mating of close relatives will reduce biological fitness through significant reduction of litter size and longevity.  相似文献   

母猪配种前后气候因子与窝产仔数的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了某猪场1993年3月至1994年3月之间1722胎窝产仔数,夏季(1993年6月至9月份)配种所产仔猪数显著低于其它月份(P〈0.05)。母猪配种时期气候因素如平均日照,温度,相对湿度和风速与窝产仔猪数的相关系分别为-0.516,-0.775,-0.281,-0.751,用通径分析法对以上相关系及各气候因子间的相关系进行部分,求出以上各气候因子以窝产仔猪数的通径系数分别为0.507,-0  相似文献   

The effects of inbreeding in livestock species breeds have been well documented and they have a negative impact on profitability. The objective of this study was to evaluate the levels of inbreeding in Sarda (SAR, n = 785) and Valle del Belice (VdB, n = 473) dairy sheep breeds and their impact on milk production traits. Two inbreeding coefficients (F) were estimated: using pedigree (FPED), or runs of homozygosity (ROH; FROH) at different minimum ROH lengths and different ROH classes. After the quality control, 38,779 single nucleotide polymorphisms remained for further analyses. A mixed-linear model was used to evaluate the impact of inbreeding coefficients on production traits within each breed. VdB showed higher inbreeding coefficients compared to SAR, with both breeds showing lower estimates as the minimum ROH length increased. Significant inbreeding depression was found only for milk yield, with a loss of around 7 g/day (for SAR) and 9 g/day (VdB) for a 1% increase of FROH. The present study confirms how the use of genomic information can be used to manage intra-breed diversity and to calculate the effects of inbreeding on phenotypic traits.  相似文献   

Data from a French experimental herd recorded between 1990 and 1997 were used to estimate genetic parameters for individual birth and weaning weight, as well as litter size of Large White pigs using restricted maximum likelihood (REML) methodology applied to a multivariate animal model. In addition to fixed effects the model included random common environment of litter, direct and maternal additive genetic effects. The data consisted of 1928 litters including individual weight observations from 18 151 animals for birth weight and from 15 360 animals for weaning weight with 5% of animals transferred to a nurse. Estimates of direct and maternal heritability and proportion of the common environmental variance for birth weight were 0.02, 0.21 and 0.11, respectively. The corresponding values for weaning weight were 0.08, 0.16 and 0.23 and for litter size 0.22, 0.02 and 0.06, respectively. The direct and the maternal genetic correlations between birth and weaning weight were positive (0.59 and 0.76). Weak positive (negative) genetic correlations between direct effects on weight traits and maternal effects on birth weight (weaning weight) were found. Negative correlations were found between direct genetic effect for litter size and maternal genetic effects on all three traits. The negative relationship between litter size and individual weight requires a combined selection for litter size and weight.  相似文献   

Data from a French experimental herd recorded between 1990 and 1997 were used to estimate genetic parameters for individual birth and weaning weight, as well as litter size of Large White pigs using restricted maximum likelihood (REML) methodology applied to a multivariate animal model. In addition to fixed effects the model included random common environment of litter, direct and maternal additive genetic effects. The data consisted of 1928 litters including individual weight observations from 18151 animals for birth weight and from 15360 animals for weaning weight with 5% of animals transferred to a nurse. Estimates of direct and maternal heritability and proportion of the common environmental variance for birth weight were 0.02, 0.21 and 0.11, respectively. The corresponding values for weaning weight were 0.08, 0.16 and 0.23 and for litter size 0.22, 0.02 and 0.06, respectively. The direct and the maternal genetic correlations between birth and weaning weight were positive (0.59 and 0.76). Weak positive (negative) genetic correlations between direct effects on weight traits and maternal effects on birth weight (weaning weight) were found. Negative correlations were found between direct genetic effect for litter size and maternal genetic effects on all three traits. The negative relationship between litter size and individual weight requires a combined selection for litter size and weight.  相似文献   

Characterization of fecundity genes offers the opportunity to improve production efficiency, and the consequent increase in litter size in livestock industry, through utilizing them in breeding programs. The main objective of this study was to detect the BMPR‐IB, BMP15 and GDF9 gene mutations and to investigate whether these mutations are associated with litter size in Egyptian sheep breeds. To achieve this goal, 73 adult ewes representing Barki (n = 33) and Rahmani (n = 40) breeds were used. Polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR‐RFLP) screening approach was used to detect the presence of FecB, FecXG and FecXI mutations in the two selected breeds. Results of this study showed that the three different candidate gene mutations, namely FecB, FecXG and FecXI are not present among these selected populations of the Egyptian breeds. Further studies regarding other mutations and/or other genes, which may influence ovulation rate, should be carried out to determine the type and mode of inheritance of such genes in Egyptian sheep breeds.  相似文献   

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