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During baking, bread dough undergoes an expansion followed by a slight contraction at the end of baking. The contraction during baking has been evidenced by some authors. However, there is a limited amount of literature about the contraction of the crumb during the chilling phase and also during the freezing phase in the case of freezing. A study has been carried out to better understand the impact of the baking degree on the contraction of the crumb during chilling after baking and during freezing. The volume of the samples has been evaluated with a laser volumeter. Breads (70 g dough) were baked until reaching 75 °C, 85 °C, 95 °C, 98 °C and then 98 °C for 10 min. Results showed that a longer baking resulted in a lower contraction of the bread. The volume change was between 25% and 2.5% for baking at 75 °C—0 min dwell and 98 °C—10 min dwell, respectively. The contraction was compared to the contraction of degassed bread crumb samples, which was more important. SEM pictures showed that the degree of baking also corresponded to a very different structure of the crumb. For the longer baking, the starch granules were fully gelatinized and no ghosts of starch granules were visible. The magnitude of the contraction was thus associated with the degree of baking and with the degree of starch granule destructuration.  相似文献   

The crystallinity of starch in crispy bread crust was quantified using several different techniques. Confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) demonstrated the presence of granular starch in the crust and remnants of granules when moving towards the crumb. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed an endothermic transition at 70 °C associated with the melting of crystalline amylopectin. The relative starch crystallinity, as determined by X-ray and DSC, from different types of breads was found to lie between 36% and 41% (X-ray) and between 32% and 43% (DSC) for fresh bread crust. Storage of breads in a closed box (22 °C) for up to 20 days showed an increase in crust crystallinity due to amylopectin retrogradation both by X-ray and DSC. However, DSC thermograms of 1-day old bread crust showed no amylopectin retrogradation and after 2 days storage, amylopectin retrogradation in the crust was hardly detectable. 13C CP MAS NMR was used to characterize the physical state of starch in flour and bread crumb and crust. The intensity of the peaks showed a dependence on the degree of starch gelatinization.  相似文献   

Improvements in both the miniaturisation and heat compensation of pressure transducers made it possible to measure pressures as low as 5 kPa inside bread dough during baking (ΔT = 80 °C). Additional calibration was found to be necessary to decrease it below 0.18 kPa according to the variations in temperature encountered during baking. Two probes with both a thermocouple and a miniature pressure transducer were used to reveal pressure gradients inside bread dough during baking and post-cooling. During baking, increase in pressure (up to 1.1 kPa) was mainly attributed to the mechanical restrictions exerted on the dough by the stiffened surface layers. Pressure build-up due to the stiffening of bubble walls could not be detected. Various effects of the rupture in the bubble walls are reported. Sudden falls in pressure observed up to 70 °C were attributed to the bubble coalescence phenomenon. Evidence of an open porous structure was provided by the balance in pressure through the dough before the end of baking and the almost simultaneous lowering of pressure (−0.15 kPa) throughout the crumb during cooling. The slight lowering of pressure during post-cooling was also evidence of lower permeability of the crust compared to the crumb.  相似文献   

The effect of the recombinantly produced xylanase B (XynB) from Thermotoga maritima MSB8 on the quality of frozen partially baked bread (FPBB) was investigated. Addition of XynB to wheat flour dough resulted in a significant increase in dough extensibility (L), swelling (G), and a decrease in dough resistance to deformation (P), configuration. Bread crumb characteristics were studied by differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA). The results show that addition of XynB leads to improvements in the bread quality of FPBB and retards bread staling compared to the control. The greatest improvements were obtained in specific volume (+35.2%) and crumb firmness (−40.0%). The control FPBB was significantly firmer in texture and higher in amylopectin recrystallization than the bread with XynB. During frozen storage of FPBB with and without XynB for 8 weeks, the crumb firmness increased gradually and the specific volume slightly decreased with the frozen storage time. The ΔH values of freezable water (FW) endothermic transitions increased with frozen storage time for all samples. However, addition of XynB lowered the ΔH values indicating a decrease in FW. Therefore, XynB is useful in improving the quality of FPBB. DMA was also used to monitor the shrinking behavior of the samples. Addition of XynB increased the contraction during chilling but significantly diminished the total shrinking and frozen-state shrinking of the bread crumb during the freezing process.  相似文献   

A total of 169 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties (landraces and cultivars) were used to asses the relationship between Puroindoline D1 alleles and Puroindoline b-B2 variants and grain hardness, other grain traits, yield components, and flag leaf size. Results indicated that the average SKCS hardness of Pinb-B2v3 varieties was significantly greater than that of Pinb-B2v2 varieties within the soft Puroindoline D1 haplotype sub-group. Conversely, no statistically significant difference was obtained for SKCS hardness between varieties with the Pinb-B2v3 vs. Pinb-B2v2 alleles within the two hard Puroindoline D1 haplotypes (Pinb-D1b and Pinb-D1p sub-groups). Therefore, the Puroindoline b-B2 gene may have a bigger impact on soft wheat varieties than hard. Across all varieties, thousand-kernel weight, grain weight per spike, grain diameter, grain number per spike, flag leaf width and area of Pinb-B2v3 varieties were significantly greater than those possessing Pinb-B2v2. These results indicated that the Pinb-B2v3 allele was associated with preferable grain yield traits compared to the Pinb-B2v2 allele in bread wheat. This study provides evocative information for better understanding the molecular and genetic basis of wheat grain yield.  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica (Delile) Benth., stemborers, and declining soil fertility are serious threats to sustainable food production in the Lake Victoria zone of Kenya. To address these constraints, promising integrated crop management technologies were evaluated, using a multi-locational design in four sub-locations in Siaya and Vihiga district (western Kenya) for six cropping seasons. Technologies evaluated consisted of the traditional maize (Zea mays L.) – bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) intercrop, maize – Desmodium (Desmodium uncinatum (Jacq.) DC.) push–pull intercrop, Crotalaria (Crotalaria ochroleuca G. Don) – maize rotation, and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) – maize rotation. Within each of these systems, imazapyr-coated herbicide-resistant maize (IR-maize) and fertilizer were super-imposed as sub-plot factors. The push–pull system was observed to significantly reduce Striga emergence and stemborer damage from the second season onwards. IR-maize reduced and delayed Striga emergence from the first cropping season. Differences in Striga emergence and stemborer damage between the other systems were not significantly different. After five cropping seasons, the Striga seedbank was significantly higher in the maize-bean intercrop system than in the push–pull system under both maize varieties while the rotational systems had intermediate values not different from the day zero values. Under IR-maize, the Striga seedbank was significantly lower than under local maize for all cropping systems. Maize yields varied between seasons, districts, and cropping systems. Yields in the push–pull system were higher than in the maize-bean intercrop after two seasons and in the absence of mid-season drought stress. Both maize and soybean responded significantly to fertilizer application for both districts and for most seasons. The various interventions did not substantially affect various soil fertility-related parameters after five seasons. In the short term, IR-maize integrated in a push–pull system is the most promising option to reduce Striga while the rotational systems may need a longer timeframe to reduce the Striga seedbank. Finally, farmer-led evaluation of the various technologies will determine which of those is really most acceptable under the prevailing farming conditions.  相似文献   

From a nutritional perspective, rice flour is one of the most valuable flours and it is suitable for preparing food for people suffering from wheat allergy. However, bread made from rice flour is very difficult to bake because it lacks gluten. We found that pre-fermenting of rice flour using Aspergillus oryzae facilitated a better formulation of gluten-free rice bread. Bread swelling was remarkably improved with a longer pre-fermenting period at 55 °C. The specific loaf volume (SLV) without polymeric thickeners after a 12 h fermentation was approximately 2.2-fold (2.98 ml/g) higher than that after 0 h (1.36 ml/g). An enzymatic assay of the batter indicated that protease activity during the pre-fermentation period increased from 0.38 to 1.44 U/ml and this activity correlated with bread swelling. Furthermore, a commercial protease from A. oryzae also produced similar results with an adequate SLV of 3.03 ml/g. Rheological analysis showed that batter treated with protease had an increased batter viscosity and decreased flour settling behavior because of the aggregation of flour particle after partial cleavage of storage proteins. These results indicated that the improved SLV was mainly because of an A. oryzae protease, which affected the batter rheology thereby improving gas retention before baking.  相似文献   

The main insect pest in Brazilian corn is fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) can be used to control this pest, and can be applied together with various insecticides. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of mixtures of EPNs and insecticides to control S. frugiperda in corn crops. In laboratory bioassays three species of EPNs were tested (Heterorhabditis indica, Steinernema carpocapsae and Steinernema glaseri) together with 18 registered insecticides to control S. frugiperda in corn. Efficacy of association between insecticides and EPNs on S. frugiperda larvae was evaluated against the insect's third instar, 2 and 4 days after applications in laboratory. Experiments in the field were performed in two consecutive years, with located application of H. indica and S. carpocapsae (250 IJs/cm2) mixed with chlorpyrifos (0.3 L/ha) and lufenuron (0.15 L/ha) on the corn husk. In laboratory, after two days exposure the interaction between chlorpyrifos and H. indica was synergistic, while interaction with cypermethrin, spinosad, methoxyfenozide and deltamethrin + triazofos was additive, as was interaction between lufenuron, chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin with S. carpocapsae. In contrast, the interaction between chlorpyrifos (Vexter™ and Lorsban™) and lufenuron with S. glaseri was synergistic. In the field, the best treatment was the mixture of H. indica with lufenuron (0.15 L/ha), with 62.5% and 57.5% larval mortality in the two evaluation years in the field, respectively.  相似文献   

Antifeedant, growth inhibitory and toxic effects of crude seed extracts of Annona squamosa and Annona atemoya from Fazenda Viveiro Bona, Parasisópolis – Minas Gerais, Brazil, were evaluated against the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) using different bioassays. Crude methanolic seed extracts deterred feeding of third instar T. ni larvae in a leaf disc choice bioassay. A. squamosa was ∼10 times more active as a feeding deterrent than A. atemoya (DC50 = 2.3 mg/ml vs. 20.1 mg/ml). A. squamosa was ∼three times more active as a growth inhibitor than A. atemoya (EC50 = 38.0 ppm vs. 117.0 ppm). Methanolic seed extracts of A. squamosa and A. atemoya were toxic to third instar T. ni larvae both through topical and oral application. A. squamosa was more toxic through feeding (LC50 = 167.5 ppm vs. 382.4 ppm) whereas, A. atemoya exerted greater toxicity via topical application (LC50 = 301.3 μg/larva vs. 197.7 μg/larva). Both A. squamosa and A. atemoya extracts reduced leaf area consumption and larval growth in a greenhouse experiment. Our results indicate that both A. squamosa and A. atemoya have potential for development as botanical insecticides, especially for local use in Brazil.  相似文献   

Bactrocera latifrons is a newly invasive pest species in eastern Africa. Surveys to determine the spatial and temporal abundance of this fruit fly in the Morogoro Region, Eastern Central Tanzania, were conducted from April 2007 to March 2008. The surveys involved trapping of adult flies and collection of host fruits to determine the emergence of adults. The results indicated that the population of B. latifrons was generally low but that adult flies were present throughout the survey period. The population of B. latifrons based on infestation rates and incidence in host fruits, seems to be relatively high during the wet seasons, probably because of availability of many hosts. However, the population of the pest as determined by trapping, indicated a low population but without a specific pattern. The pest shows minimal response to the used attractants. The surveys further indicate that B. latifrons is more abundant in low to medium altitude areas compared to high altitude areas. The results indicate that, because of its low population, B. latifrons might be a minor pest. Results further suggest the possibility of establishing B. latifrons free areas where export valued solanaceous crops can be grown, but further research over longer periods would be needed to establish this.  相似文献   

Neoseiulus baraki Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is an important predatory mite of the coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer (Acari: Eriophyidae) and attempts are now being made to evaluate the effectiveness of augmenting N. baraki to control coconut mite in the field. These studies require a steady supply of N. baraki in large numbers. One major constraint of the existing method to mass rear N. baraki on Tyrophagus putrescentiae Shrank (Acari: Acaridae) in a closed arena without a water barrier was frequent contamination of cultures by other mites. This paper describes the development of an efficient method to mass rear N. baraki in the laboratory with less monitoring and relatively minimal contaminants. Three box-type arenas and a tray-type arena were tested to mass rear T. putrescentiae. Mites were successfully developed on two box-type arenas and the tray-type arena, but the production (2197 mites per tray in 4 weeks) of T. putrescentiae was significantly higher on the tray-type arena. A 110-fold increase of T. putrescentiae was achieved in tray-type arenas in 4 weeks. None of the box-type arenas could be maintained more than 5 weeks without acarine and fungal contaminations. N. baraki could be successfully reared on the tray-type arena at least for 6 weeks. More than 4800 mites per tray, a 240-fold increase was achieved in 5 weeks when T. putrescentiae was added at 3-week intervals. Advantages and disadvantages of the new method are described.  相似文献   

A 3-parameter Boltzman and a 4-parameter Logistic non-linear regression model were constructed to simulate the emergences and seasonal dynamics of the major moth pest complex of peach including Anarsia lineatella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), Grapholitha (Cydia) molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and Adoxophyes orana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Model development used 4 yr (2004–2007) climatic data and field observations in peach orchards located in two separate regions in northern Greece. Model performance was evaluated by using the Adjusted r2 and the Akaike and Bayes-Schwartz information criteria. Applied models had a very high prediction capability in most of the cases. The Akaike and Bayes–Schwartz information values of the 4-parameter Logistic model provided better estimates in most data sets. According to the Logistic equation, 50% of the cumulative number of male moths for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations of A. lineatella occurred at 151, 785 and 1513 degree-days respectively, for G. molesta at 654, 785 and 1251, and for A. orana at 406, 1260 and 2141 degree-days (Biofix: 1st March in all cases). In addition, a simplified theoretical degree-day model adjustment was attempted to generate simultaneously a multispecies moth phonological model for the above species, in order to outline perspectives in Integrated Pest management (IPM). The unique proposed model revealed differences in the phenology of the three species, and can simplify calculations and recommendations to pest control advisors, based on a common base temperature and biofix.  相似文献   

(E)-2-Nonenal and (E,E)-2,4-decadienal are key aroma compounds in wheat bread crumb. The fate of these unsaturated aldehydes in sourdoughs fermented with homo- and heterofermentative lactobacilli or baker's yeast was investigated, and the metabolic pathways in these microorganisms identified. Clear differences were observed between homofermentative lactobacilli, heterofermentative lactobacilli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Heterofermentative strains rapidly reduced the concentrations of these aldehydes in dough, whereas S. cerevisiae displayed a lower activity. Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis reduced the aldehydes to the corresponding unsaturated alcohols, whereas S. cerevisiae reduced both the aldehyde moiety and the double bond, resulting in the formation of the corresponding saturated alcohols. S. cerevisiae first reduced the aldehyde moiety and then the double bond. In L. sanfranciscensis, the reduction of aldehydes is coupled to the oxidation of NADH to NAD+, which enables this heterofermentative strain to produce additional ATP from glucose. L. sakei, a strain that produces only lactic acid during sourdough fermentation, did not metabolise the unsaturated aldehydes at all. Both L. sakei and S. cerevisiae appeared to enhance aldehyde formation during the first hours of dough fermentation, probably due to the hydrogen peroxide production by these two strains.  相似文献   

Herbivorous insects can demonstrate great selectivity among visual cues. The cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus (Marsham) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) (syn. Ceutorhynchus assimilis (Paykull)) is also influenced by visual cues. Here, we present results of a study examining the attractiveness of flowers and foliage of Sinapis alba (a suboptimal host for larval development), Brassica napus (an excellent host for larval development) and novel lines derived from S. alba x B. napus; several of these have been demonstrated to be resistant in field and laboratory tests. Attractiveness, reflectance properties and resistance demonstrated in field trials were related. Responses to host plants differed among plant genotypes and were related to the amounts of UV and yellow reflected from flowers. Moderate UV reflectance greatly increased the attractive effects of yellow. Fewer weevils responded to test plants with greater or lesser floral UV reflectance.  相似文献   

The commercial mycopesticide, Vertalec® based on Lecanicillium longisporum, was evaluated for simultaneous control of aphids and powdery mildew on cucumbers in a greenhouse setting where temperature and RH were allowed to fluctuate within normal operating ranges. Five to six week old cucumber plants were inoculated with either Sphaerotheca fuliginea (Sf) spores, cotton aphids (Aphis gossypii) or both. Vertalec, Vertalec containing irradiation-inactivated blastospores (II Vertalec) or sterilized water (control) were applied to the plants 1, 4, and 7 days later. Vertalec treatment provided complete control of aphids 16 days after aphid inoculation, whereas effects of the II Vetalec were not significantly different from the water-treated control. The number of powdery mildew spots on cucumber leaves and the number of S. fuliginea spores in each spot were significantly lower in Vertalec-treated plants than II Vertalec-treated plants or the controls, whereas numbers in the II Vertalec treatment were lower that the untreated control. These results demonstrate that Vertalec has potential for simultaneous management of both cotton aphid and powdery mildew in greenhouse cucumber production.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia rot caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is one of the most serious and damaging diseases of oilseed rape and there is keen worldwide interest to identify Brassica genotypes with resistance to this pathogen. Complete resistance against this pathogen has not been reported in the field, with only partial resistance being observed in some Brassica genotypes. Introgression lines were developed following hybridization of three wild crucifers (viz. Erucastrum cardaminoides, Diplotaxis tenuisiliqua and E. abyssinicum) with B. napus or B. juncea. Their resistance responses were characterized by using a stem inoculation test. Seed of 54 lines of B. napus and B. juncea obtained from Australia, India and China through an Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) collaboration programme were used as susceptible check comparisons. Introgression lines derived from E. cardaminoides, D. tenuisiliqua and E. abyssinicum had much higher levels (P < 0.001) of resistance compared with the ACIAR germplasm. Median values of stem lesion length of introgression lines derived from the wild species were 1.2, 1.7 and 2.0 cm, respectively, as compared with the ACIAR germplasm where the median value for stem lesion length was 8.7 cm. This is the first report of high levels of resistance against S. sclerotiorum in introgression lines derived from E. cardaminoides, D. tenuisiliqua and E. abyssinicum. The novel sources of resistance identified in this study are a highly valuable resource that can be used in oilseed Brassica breeding programmes to enhance resistance in future B. napus and B. juncea cultivars against Sclerotinia stem rot.  相似文献   

Since sponges, as typical filter-feeders, are exposed to a high load of attacking prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, they are armed with a wide arsenal of antimicrobial/cytostatic low-molecular-weight, non-proteinaceous bioactive compounds. Here we present the first sponge agent belonging to the group of ASABF-type antimicrobial peptides. The ASABF gene was identified and cloned from the demosponge Suberites domuncula. The mature peptide, with a length of 64 aa residues has a predicted pI of 9.24, and comprises the characteristic CSα β structural motif. Consequently, the S. domuncula ASABF shares high similarity with the nematode ASABFs; it is distantly related to the defensins. The recombinant peptide was found to display besides microbicidal activity, anti-fungal activity. In addition, the peptide lyses human erythrocytes. The expression of ASABF is upregulated after exposure to the apoptosis-inducing agent 2,2'-dipyridyl. During the process of apoptosis of surface tissue of S. domuncula, grazing gastropods (Bittium sp.) are attracted by quinolinic acid which is synthesized through the kynurenine pathway by the enzyme 3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygenase (HAD). Finally, the gastropods are repelled from the sponge tissue by the ASABF. It is shown that the effector peptide ASABF is sequentially expressed after the induction of the HAD gene and a caspase, as a central enzyme executing apoptosis.  相似文献   

Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng. (Rutaceae) is characterized by a large chemical intraspecific variability among the land races. This fact makes it difficult to detect real changes occurring in their essential oil composition during annual cycle. Based on this, variations of essential oil yield and composition in two chemotypes (‘A’ and ‘B’) of M. koenigii were assessed in spring, summer, rainy, autumn and winter seasons under foot hill conditions of northern India. The essential oil yield ranged from 0.15% to 0.18% in chemotype ‘A’, while it varied from 0.12% to 0.14% in chemotype ‘B’. Essential oils of both chemotypes from different seasons were analysed by gas chromatography (GC-FID) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A total of fifty-eight constituents representing 93.7-98.8% of chemotype ‘A’ and fifty-six constituents forming 96.1-98.7% of the total composition of chemotype ‘B’ were identified. Chemotype ‘A’ was characterized by higher percentages of α-pinene (34.6-41.9%), sabinene (26.1-36.1%), (E)-caryophyllene (2.4-5.4%) and terpinen-4-ol (1.5-5.3%), whereas chemotype ‘B’ was dominated by higher amount of α-pinene (52.7-65.3%), β-pinene (10.7-12.9%), (E)-caryophyllene (3.1-10.3%) and limonene (5.1-7.8%). Comparative results showed considerable variations in the essential oil composition of both chemotypes due to season of collection. Present study concluded that the M. koenigii leaves of desired quality may be obtained by selecting suitable chemotype and season.  相似文献   

The boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis, has been eradicated from much of the cotton producing region of the US and to-date eradication efforts continue in Texas. While providing long-term economic and environmental benefits, area-wide applications of malathion used by the eradication program have been implicated in the disruption of biological control of some cotton pests. This study evaluated the impact of the area-wide boll weevil eradication on abundance of predatory arthropods and key pests of cotton during four years in central Texas. Multiple applications of malathion ULV significantly reduced seasonal mean densities of spiders, predatory bugs (Orius spp. Pseudatomoscelis seriatus, Nabis spp., Geocoris spp.), Chrysopidae larvae and red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, collected from the cotton canopy. In contrast, densities of beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua, heliothine and other lepidopteron larvae, cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii, and adult and larval convergent lady beetle, Hippodamia convergens, often increased in cotton fields under boll weevil eradication. The density of total predators measured during the mid-season (period of blooming and early boll development) was significantly and negatively correlated with density of beet armyworm larvae during the late-season (boll maturation period). Results suggest that the community of predatory arthropods in the cotton canopy, rather than one or several key predators, is important in suppressing outbreaks of S. exigua and other lepidopteran pests in cotton. Furthermore, the potential to use densities of generalist predators in mid-season to anticipate late-season outbreaks of beet armyworm during boll weevil eradication is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of extracts of different parts of the perennial tropical plant Balanites aegyptiaca (L) Del., including various solvent extracts of roots, methanol extracts from leaves, fruits, flowers and roots, partially purified saponins obtained from its roots and a standard saponin were studied on the life cycle (adult longevity, number of eggs, crawlers, adults, weight of adults and % wax content) of a laboratory-reared parthenogenic line of the mealy bug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Extracts derived from various parts of B. aegyptiaca (leaves, fruits, flowers, and roots in methanol) affected the life cycle of M. hirsutus with a methanol root extract being the most effective at a concentration of 500 μg ml−1. Partially purified saponin of B. aegyptiaca and the commercial bark saponin extract (Sigma) from Quillaja saponaria at a concentration of 500 μg ml−1 were effective in reducing the longevity of M. hirsutus. Significant reductions in oviposition by M. hirsutus were found for all the extracts at a concentration of 500 μg ml−1. Extracts also affected the number of emerging crawlers, number of adults as well as the weight and wax content of emerging adults. These studies suggest that B. aegyptiaca plant extracts and saponins can be useful botanical insecticides for the protection of crops from mealy bugs.  相似文献   

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