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Triticale, a man-made cereal crop developed from a cross between wheat and rye, has excellent agronomic traits to produce starch for bioindustrial applications. The effects of different levels of water stress on expression of starch synthesis genes and starch composition and physicochemical properties were investigated in this study. Three triticale varieties from 5 days post-anthesis were treated with three levels of water stress: low water stress (LWS) at 55–60% of soil moisture, moderate water stress (MWS) at 30–35% soil moisture and severe water stress (SWS) at 10–15% soil moisture. Water stress led to a significant reduction in seed weight at SWS (35–45%). A decrease in starch content was noticeable from MWS onwards and the values were decreased by 42–55% at SWS across all varieties. Such decrease was associated with the reduced expression of starch synthesis genes at 19 days of water stress (DWS). MWS favoured an increase of amylose proportion in triticale starch and it was accompanied by a significant up-regulation of GBSSI expression throughout the grain development. Triticale starch synthesized under water stress showed a reduced population of small granules and an increase of A-type to B-type ratio. SWS caused pitting on starch granules but did not alter the biconcave disc shape of mature granules. An inverse relationship between water stress and a range of starch gelatinization temperature was observed and the MWS environment specifically decreased the peak temperature (Tp) and increased the enthalpy. Our results signify that starch morphology, composition and physicochemical properties in triticale grains could be altered if triticale is grown under drought conditions.  相似文献   

啤酒大麦与饲用大麦籽粒结构和淀粉粒的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探索大麦籽粒结构和淀粉粒与其用途的关系,利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和差示扫描量热分析仪(DSC)对啤酒大麦(港啤1号和扬农啤2号)与饲用大麦(扬饲麦1号)的籽粒结构和淀粉粒进行了比较研究。结果表明,3个品种表现相似的胚乳结构,但啤酒大麦的淀粉粒与蛋白质结合不紧密,饲用大麦的淀粉粒和蛋白质结合较紧密,且饲用大麦的蛋白质基质含量高于啤酒大麦。采用碱处理和差速沉淀法分离了籽粒胚乳大、中、小淀粉粒,虽然品种间淀粉粒的形态无明显差别,但大、中、小淀粉粒的大小和含量差异很大。DSC分析所得参数表明,大淀粉粒糊化时的起始温度(To)、峰值温度(Tp)和终结温度(n)高于相同品种的中、小淀粉粒,且糊化过程所需的热焓(△H)也较高。  相似文献   

Preharvest sprouting (PHS) is one of the most serious defects that impacts rice production and grain quality. Knowledge about the effects of PHS on the eating and cooking quality (ECQ) of milled rice is limited. Here, we selected four japonica rice varieties to study the influences of PHS on grain quality. The results showed that PHS strongly led to poor grain appearance and the development of small starch granules whose surfaces were eroded. Analysis of starch fine structure revealed that PHS resulted in amylose (AM) degradation; in particular, PHS caused a decrease in the content of long AM chains. Moreover, PHS led to a decrease in the content of short amylopectin (AP) chains in the varieties Yandao 815 (YD815), Wuyugeng 27 (WY27) and Yangeng 13 (YG13), while the variety Sidao 785 (SD785) displayed the opposite trend. We propose that the main reasons for the decrease in starch crystallinity and the pasting profiles of the germinated rice were due to both the tendency of the AM content to decrease and the degree of this decrease in the content of the different AM chains along with changes in AP and other major components. All these changes caused by PHS led to a decrease in both ECQ and palatability of milled rice.  相似文献   

The effects of ultrasound-assisted freezing on the freezing time and water migration of dough, and the structural characteristics of gluten components were investigated. The effects of ultrasound-assisted freezing in the whole immersion freezing process (UWF) on the freezing time were better than those of ultrasound-assisted freezing in the maximum ice crystal generation zone. The shortest freezing time was obtained at 80 W/L, and was 577 s shorter than that with traditional immersion freezing. The UWF treatment at 80 W/L significantly (p < 0.05) affected the absorption enthalpy, freezable water content and water migration of frozen dough. In UWF compared with traditional immersion freezing, the SH content of gluten, glutenin and gliadin was significantly (p < 0.05) higher, by 12.06%, 27.55% and 21.65%, respectively. The surface hydrophobicity of gluten, glutenin and gliadin in UWF treated samples significantly (p < 0.05) decreased, by 19.67%, 13.21% and 9.17%, respectively. The secondary structure of gluten components was also significantly changed by UWF. The network of gluten, the chain structure of glutenin and the gliadin particles were all changed by UWF treatment. These findings indicated that UWF is an effective method to improve the moisture distribution in dough and reduce the damage to protein molecular structure caused by freezing.  相似文献   

Plastic film or straw mulching cultivation under non-flooded condition has been considered as a new water-saving technique in rice production. This study aimed to investigate the yield performance in terms of quality and quantity and water use efficiency (WUE) under such practices. A field experiment across 3 years was conducted with two high-yielding rice cultivars, Zhendao 88 (a japonica cultivar) and Shanyou 63 (an indica hybrid cultivar) and four cultivation treatments imposed from transplanting to maturity: traditional flooding as control (TF), non-flooded plastic film mulching (PM), non-flooded wheat straw mulching (SM), and non-flooded no mulching (NM). Compared with those under the TF, root oxidation activity, photosynthetic rate, and activities of key enzymes in sucrose-to-starch conversion in grains during the grain filling period were significantly increased under the SM, whereas they were significantly reduced under the PM and NM treatments. Grain yield showed some reduction under all the non-flooded cultivations but differed largely among the treatments. The reduction in yield was 7.3–17.5% under the PM, 2.8–6.3% under the SM, and 39–49% under the NM. The difference in grain yield was not significant between TF and SM treatments. WUE for irrigation was increased by 314–367% under the PM, 307–321% under the SM, and 98–138% under the NM. Under the same treatment especially under non-flooded conditions, the indica hybrid cultivar showed a higher grain yield and higher WUE than the japonica cultivar. The SM significantly improved milling, appearance, and cooking qualities, whereas the PM or the NM decreased these qualities. We conclude that both PM and SM could significantly increase WUE, while the SM could also maintain a high grain yield and improve quality of rice. The SM would be a better practice than the PM in areas where water is scarce while temperature is favorable to rice growth, such as in Southeast China.  相似文献   

A coated layer at the surface of cooked rice grain was visualized using a simple sectioning method, fluorescence microscopy, and digital image processing. Polished rice grain (150 g) was added to 150, 225, or 300 ml of water, which was 1.0×, 1.5×, or 2.0× (w/w) the weight of the grain, respectively. The rice was cooked and then examined. The sections of whole size grain obtained by the simple sectioning method were captured using a stereomicroscopy with transmission and fluorescent modes. The actual grain section including the coated layer was observed in the transmission image. In contrast, the cell morphology in the grain, which showed the exact size of the sectioned grain, was visualized in the fluorescence image. The composite image of both the fluorescent and transmission images captured at the same position can show extra portions of the actual section, which can be distinguished from the morphological tissue area and regarded as the coated layer. The specific layer thicknesses estimated from the composite images shown in this report were approximately 1–7 μm, which increased with increasing amount of cooking water. Differences in the layer thickness at the dorsal and ventral sides were also observed.  相似文献   

Recently, new varieties of hull-less barley have been developed with altered carbohydrate traits. To our knowledge, there is no study on metabolic characteristics in ruminants of the proteins in the newly developed hull-less barley varieties. The objectives of this study were to: compare metabolic characteristics of the proteins of zero-amylose waxy (CDC Fibar), low-amylose waxy (CDC Rattan), high-amylose (HB08302), and normal starch (CDC McGwire) hull-less barley. In situ animal trials were carried out to generate the original rumen fermentation data for modeling nutrient supply to dairy cattle by using two dairy nutrition models – Dutch DVE/OEB system and NRC 2001. The major comparisons were made in terms of i) truly absorbed protein in the small intestine (DVE or MP, and ii) degraded protein balance (DPB). The study revealed that zero-amylose waxy hull-less barley was superior (P < 0.05) in both DVE (123 vs. 117, 114, 103 g kg−1 DM) and MP (112 vs. 93, 96, and 87 g kg−1 DM) when hull-less barley was evaluated as a single feed for dairy cattle. All of four hull-less barley varieties had negative DPB (DPBOEB; −37.4, −17.1, −30.2, and −28.2 g kg−1 DM for normal starch, zero-amylose waxy, waxy, and high-amylose cultivar, respectively), indicating the potential N shortage. In conclusion, the alteration of starch structure in granule provided a relatively balanced energy and protein for microbial synthesis in the rumen. The DVE and DPB predicted by using the DVE/OEB system can be explained (r2 > 0.76) by the equivalent parameters, predicted by using the NRC 2001 model. The alteration of starch structure in granule affects metabolic characteristics of the proteins of hull-less barley in ruminants.  相似文献   

不同基因型油菜对苗期水分胁迫的生理响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过盆栽试验分析了17个不同基因型甘蓝型油菜对苗期水分胁迫的生理响应及抗旱性差异。结果表明,水分胁迫下不同油菜材料9个生理生化指标的抗旱系数(Dc)存在显著差异,其中叶片萎蔫指数(WI)的变异系数和改良潜力最大。17份材料的平均隶属函数值(AS)变幅在0.12~0.94之间。相关分析表明AS与9个生理生化指标达显著或极显著相关,其中相关性最高的是WI和叶绿素含量,而且WI还与其余的8个生理生化指标具有很高的相关性。利用隶属函数法和系统聚类法对供试材料的抗旱性进行了评价分级,发现两种分类方法的评价结果一致,均可将供试油菜材料划分为不抗、低抗、中抗和高抗4种类型。鉴定获得了华杂10号、B108、Q2和中双7号等4份高度抗旱材料(AS > 0.75)。由于WI与苗期综合抗旱性高度相关,且测定简便,因此叶片萎蔫指数可作为油菜苗期抗旱性鉴定的关键指标。  相似文献   

运用水培法研究铝毒胁迫下两种基因型油菜苗期根系的生长特征及生理响应。结果表明,铝毒明显抑制了两种油菜根系总长、根表面积、根直径和根体积,且随着Al3+胁迫浓度的增加和处理时间的延长抑制效果增强,但湘杂油二号的根系生长受抑制相对较轻。两种基因型油菜根系的MDA含量、质膜透性、根系活力大小均在50 µmol/L Al3+处理时与对照差异不显著,100和200 µmol/L Al3+处理使MDA含量、质膜透性迅速上升,根系活力下降,且胁迫14d的伤害程度大于胁迫7d。在胁迫7d时,两种基因型油菜根系的SOD、POD和CAT活性整体上均呈上升趋势;当胁迫延长至14d时,二者的SOD活性增幅减少,POD和CAT活性呈下降趋势。Al3+胁迫促进了两种基因型油菜根系脯氨酸的积累,在7d和14d时铝毒处理的脯氨酸含量均高于对照;胁迫7d时根系可溶性蛋白含量和抗坏血酸含量先增加后下降,胁迫14d时两者均随着Al3+浓度增加而下降。由此可见,与浙双758比较,湘杂油二号的根系通过相对较高的保护酶活性及非酶保护物质含量来增强对铝毒的抗性。  相似文献   

为探讨土壤水分胁迫对大豆品种形态性状和生理特性的影响,以3个抗旱性不同的大豆品种(合丰25、黑农44、晋豆21)为试验材料,在盆栽条件下,于大豆始荚期至鼓粒期进行中度和严重土壤水分胁迫试验,对形态性状、叶绿素含量、光合速率、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性进行测定.结果表...  相似文献   

Models can play an important role in agricultural planning and management. Thermal time accumulation is a common way of describing phenological development in crop models, but the sensitivity of this concept to water stress is rarely quantified. The effect of pre-anthesis droughts on the timing of anthesis and physiological maturity was assessed for quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) var. ‘Santa Maria’, with the help of two field experiments (2005–2006 and 2006–2007) in the central Bolivian Altiplano. Various treatments with different sowing dates and irrigation applications were considered. To evaluate the effect of drought stress on crop development, drought stress during the first 60 days after sowing was assessed with three different stress indicators: the number of days that the soil water content of the root zone was above a threshold, the average relative transpiration, and the sum of daily actual transpiration, standardized for reference evapotranspiration (∑(Ta/ET0)). The best indicator to quantify the effect of pre-anthesis drought stress on phenological development was ∑(Ta/ET0) cumulated until 60 days after sowing. This indicator showed a significant logarithmic relation with the time to anthesis and time to physiological maturity. Correlations of the drought stress indicator with thermal time accumulation were better than with calendar time accumulation. Due to an effect of post-anthesis droughts, the correlations of the drought stress indicator with the time to anthesis were stronger than with the time to physiological maturity. It was also demonstrated that deficit irrigation can contribute to a better agricultural planning due to a better control of the phenological development of quinoa. The proposed relations can be used for modeling phenological development of quinoa in drought prone regions and for efficient deficit irrigation planning.  相似文献   

High temperature stress during ripening increases the frequency of chalky grains, resulting in a lower market value for rice (Oryza sativa L.). Changes in starch properties and the accumulation pattern of storage proteins are proposed to be related to the occurrence of chalky grains. This study investigated changes in the accumulation of key storage compounds in the grains of Japanese highly palatable rice cultivars, subjected to high temperature stress when grown in a growth chamber and the field. The 13 kDa prolamin content was significantly reduced in a highly heat-sensitive cultivar, Tsukushiroman, whereas the 13 kDa prolamin content was not affected in a heat-tolerant cultivar, Genkitsukushi, even in a high temperature chamber condition (31/26 °C day/night), when compared with the control chamber condition (26/21 °C day/night) for both genotypes. In addition, grains grown in field conditions revealed that severely chalky grains had less 13 kDa prolamin than perfect grains in all five genotypes. Changes in amylose content and the distribution of amylopectin chain lengths did not explain the difference in grain appearance both for chamber and field experiments. These results strongly suggest that physiological processes linked with the synthesis of 13 kDa prolamin are associated with grain appearance in Japanese highly palatable under high temperature stress.  相似文献   

The identification of “stay-green” in sorghum and its positive correlation with yield increases has encouraged attempts to incorporate “stay-green”-like traits into the genomes of other commercially important cereal crops. However, knowledge on the effects of “stay-green” expression on grain quality under extreme physiological stress is limited. This study examines impacts of “stay-green”-like expression on starch biosynthesis in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grain under mild, severe, and acute water stress conditions induced at anthesis. The proportions of long amylopectin branches and amylose branches in the grain of Flagship (a cultivar without “stay-green”-like characteristics) were higher at low water stress, suggesting that water stress affects starch biosynthesis in grain, probably due to early termination of grain fill. The changes in long branches can affect starch properties, such as the rates of enzymatic degradation, and hence its nutritional value. By contrast, grain from the “stay-green”-like cultivar (ND24260) did not show variation in starch molecular structure under the different water stress levels. The results indicate that the cultivar with “stay-green”-like traits has a greater potential to maintain starch biosynthesis and quality in grain during drought conditions, making the “stay-green”-like traits potentially useful in ensuring food security.  相似文献   

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