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1994年我们用果尔在杉木、火炬松育苗时,分别作播种时土壤处理、苗期土壤处理和叶面处理除草试验,两个月之后平均除草效果是93.1%。用果尔除草每公顷可降低成本12810元。  相似文献   

研究了在福建省泉州地区林业苗圃应用果尔化学除草的适宜剂量、施药时间、施药方法、经济效益和推广价值。结果表明:以750ml/hm ̄2剂量的果尔在杉、松和火力楠等苗木圃地,采用喷雾或药土法施药,对窄、阔叶杂草的防除效果达90%以上,比人工除草省工80%以上,节省资金72%以上;对苗木安全,已在全市林业苗圃推广。  相似文献   

除草剂果尔在杉木苗圃的应用试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
果尔为林业苗圃的优良除草剂,应用于杉木种子播后芽前苗圃除草效果显著,除草率达90%以上,与氟乐灵、丁草胺相比,除草效果相同,但残效期为100~115天。经初步试验,果尔适用浓度600ml/hm~2。  相似文献   

几种化学除草剂在杉木苗圃的应用试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杉木苗圃化学除草试验结果表明:播种后发芽前10~15天,每公顷使用氟乐灵1.8升,加水900公斤,喷洒苗床,对许多杂草防除有效,除草率在85%以上,药效期长,苗木安全。在播种后发芽前半个月左右,每公顷使用扑草净1.125~1.5公斤,加除草醚3.75~4.5公斤,采用毒土法,其除草效果比在苗期使用好,而且对苗木生长有促进作用。  相似文献   

1991年,浙江庆元县松杉苗圃应用果尔分别在苗前、播后芽前和苗期进行了化学除草试验。试验结果表明,果尔对出苗率和苗木生长无明显影响,果尔的经济用药量0.1公顷为60~75毫升,果尔持效期苗前处理为1~1.5个月,苗期处理为1个月。经年终调查,施用果尔可提高杉木苗木质量。与人工除草相比,应用果尔进行化学除草,可节省用工86.25%,节省费用3 660元/公顷。  相似文献   

林业苗圃果尔化学除草技术应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丰宁满族自治县处于寒冷地区,在6~8月雨季时期,苗圃杂草茂盛,种类繁多。全县培育落叶松10hm2(包括移栽的),为了有效控制草害,于1997年开始采用果尔,在落叶松移栽苗圃地进行化学除草试验研究。经过1年大面积示范,已探索出果尔在上述树种苗圃地化学除...  相似文献   

长期以来,苗圃依靠人工除草,消耗大量人力、物力、财力,而且除草不彻底。为了解决这一问题,减轻劳动强度,提高劳动效率,降低育苗成本,我们于1986年6~8份,在几个圃中进行了化学除草试验。现将试验结果总结如下。  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):179-185
Pendimethalin is used by some nursery managers to control weeds in Eucalyptus and Pinus seedbeds and cutting beds of Pinus. Six trials were implemented in open-rooted seedbeds to test the response of Pinus taeda to postemergence (to the crop) applications of 2.2 kg ha?1 active ingredient of pendimethalin (the formulation contained 455 g l?1). No stunting was noticed when treating seedlings with 2.2 kg ha?1 four to 10 weeks after sowing. In one study, treated seedlings were larger than those not treated. Although the 2.2 kg ha?1 rate provided good control of the prostrate weed Chamaesyce maculata, pine seedlings developed herbicide galls on the stem near the groundline. The frequency of herbicide galls at 2.2 kg ha?1 varied by study and ranged from 0 to 28%. At present, it is not known if the frequency of gall formation depends on environmental or genetic differences.  相似文献   

灰木莲大苗培育及山地造林对比试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了引种树种灰木莲绿化大苗培育和山地造林对比试验情况,经2006年、2009年两次调查显示:灰木莲在西畴、景洪、安宁等地,生长量、萌发率、成枝率都高出对照的木兰科树种,在景洪,混交林生长量比纯林高,作为庭院树种和行道树的培育,特别速生,树形优美,树冠呈圆锥形。  相似文献   

In addition to pests and diseases, weeds are a major problem in poplar nursery production. The possibilities of herbicide application in juvenile poplar growth were researched, taking into account that weeds are one of the main limiting factors. The following pre-emergence herbicides were tested: acetochlor, S-metolachlor, metribuzin,oxifluorfen, and dimethenamid during two vegetation seasons at two locations, which differed by the soil physicochemical characteristics. The study results show that the number of weeds on sample plots was significantly reduced by the tested herbicides when compared to control plots. The highest reduction in the number of weeds was achieved using the herbicides acetochlor and metribuzin. However, metribuzin showed a phytotoxic effect on sandy soil. Metribuzin application is recommended only on the soils with higher contents of organic matter, where the phytotoxic effect was absent. Acetochlor, S-metolachlor, oxifluorfen, and dimethenamid were not phytotoxic to poplars and can be used for weed suppression in the production of poplar plants.  相似文献   

在杨树扦插育苗地,于早春杨树穗条扦插完后及顶芽未萌动前,采用乙草胺100~150倍液进行化学除草,可除净圃地内的各种杂草。  相似文献   

分析了苗圃育苗霜冻害产生的原因,提出预防霜冻害的措施。  相似文献   

以长白落叶松播种苗(S1-0)圃地为对象,采用果尔、拿扑净和一定重量的水按4种不同配比的药液进行除草试验,结果表明:芽前杀草效果以“A35ml+B40ml+C”为最好,苗期喷施效果考虑幼苗受害率和杀草率,以“A30ml+B40ml+C”效果最佳。采用化学药剂除草较人工除草可提高工效5倍,除草667m^2可节约生产成本1120元。  相似文献   

在幼林抚育中,利用1%含量的检灵颗粒剂进行除草,药效可保持2a以上,抚育成本比人工抚育降低50%左右。  相似文献   

Bruguiera sexangula(Lour) Poir., a threatened mangrove tree, was inoculated with beneficial microbes in a nursery to assess any improvements in growth and biomass.From soil samples from the rhizosphere of B.sexangula in a mangrove forest in Panangadu of Kerala India, nitrogen-fixing bacteria Azotobacter chroococcum and Azospirillum brasilense were isolated.The phosphatesolubilising bacterium Bacillus megaterium and potassiummobilizing bacteria Frateruria aurantia were also isolated and cultured on suitable media.Later, ripe propagules of B.sexangula were collected from matured trees and raised in sterilized soil bags(13×25 cm) containing sterilized soil and sand(2:1 ratio).The cultured beneficial microbes were propagated and used to inoculate the ripe propagules of B.sexangula and maintained in the nursery for 6 months.After 6 months, growth and biomass of the inoculated propagules were greater than for the uninoculated control propagules.Shoot length, number of leaves, stem girth and root length were also significantly greater than in the controls.This study showed that the mangrove-specific beneficial microbes influenced the growth of B.sexangula in the nursery and will help in the establishment of B.sexangula in degraded mangrove forests.  相似文献   

果尔在沙棘苗圃化学除草中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在1年生扦插大果沙棘苗移植生产工作中,采用大垄双行密植栽培,给人工除草带来很大困难。因此,选择应用适宜的除草剂和方法是嫩枝扦插大果沙棘苗除草的最佳方法之一。结果证明,果尔除草效果好,可以推广使用。  相似文献   

湿她松苗木的正常生长离不开菌根菌,菌根菌在苗床的整体传播与苗木密度有关。现就湿地松圃期苗木密度与菌根的关系进行研究.提出一个合理的芽移点播密度。  相似文献   

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