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The frequencies of milk protein variants alphas1-casein, alphas2-casein, beta-casein and beta-lactoglobulin were determined in 182 milk sheep from 7 flocks in Lower Saxony and Saxony. The genotype effects of these polymorphic milk protein variants on milk performance traits were estimated for 173 ewes using a test day model with fixed regression.The model included the fixed effects of colour variant of the breed, region, lambing season, lambing year, lactation number and number of lambs born. The herd and animal effect were treated as random and the days in milk as linear and non-linear covariates. The milk protein variants of alphas1-casein and beta-casein showed a significant relationship to protein content and the variants of beta-casein to milk fat content. Milk fat yield was significantly associated with the milk protein variants of alphas2-casein, whereas the other milk performance traits were not significantly correlated.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the importance of effects of cytoplasmic origin on milk production and reproduction traits.Cow families at the experimental farm originated from randomly collected calves from 240 herds in two breeding districts. Cytoplasmic origin was defined as the first animal in the traced, maternal lineage. Milk production of 290 cows in first lactation from 1976 to 1982 was used. Reproduction records of the same cows as nulliparous and primiparous could be analysed in cow families.Cytoplasmic origin was a significant (P < 0.01) source of variation in kg fat plus protein, and milk returns (Dfl.) after adjustment for district of origin of the cytoplasmic source, sire's breed, calving year and season, breeding values of sires and material grandsires, and age at calving. Cytoplasmic origin accounted for maximal 10% and 13%, respectively, of the phenotypic variation in the two traits.Cytoplasmic origin was not a significant source of variation in nulliparous and primiparous reproduction traits after adjustment for effects of sire's breed, calving year and season. Although not significant, the cytoplasmic components accounted for 10 to 4% of the phenotypic variation in number of inseminations per first conception and for −0.04% to 13% of the phenotypic variation in age at first calving for the first and second generation, respectively. Some of these cytoplasmic components accounted for more phenotypic variation in reproductive traits of nulliparous heifers than most additive genetic components found in the literature.The effects of cytoplasmic inheritance on production and reproduction traits might have an impact on breeding policies in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the effect of calcium supplementation of dairy cattle after calving on serum concentrations of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous after calving, and on reproductive and productive performance in the following lactation. METHODS: This was a double-blind randomised clinical trial using 356 dairy cows of parity 3 or greater from six seasonally calving commercial dairy herds. Cows were randomly assigned to a treatment and control group. The treatment group received two doses of 380 ml of calcium chloride in oil (49 g of elemental calcium); the first dose was given as soon as practical after calving and the second 12 hours later. Control cows received 380 ml of a placebo using the same treatment regime. Treatment and control cows had blood samples taken during the first 7 days after calving to determine serum calcium, magnesium and phosphorous levels. Treatment and control cows were monitored throughout the lactation to measure production and reproductive performance. RESULTS: Treatment had no effect on PSM to first service intervals. Treatment significantly reduced PSM to conception intervals in only one of the four herds with data available for analysis (p = 0.09). There was no difference between treatment groups for adjusted corrected milk yield calculated from the first herd test milk yield (p = 0.93) or 305-day milk solids production (p = 0.19). CONCLUSION: Further studies are required to identify reasons for the between-herd effectiveness of calcium chloride treatment in improving fertility.  相似文献   

Bilateral convergent strabismus with exophthalmus (BCSE) is characterized in cattle by a symmetrical antero-medial rotation and protrusion of the eyeballs. This eye defect is caused by an inherited, centrally insufficient function of the eye muscles recti laterales and retractores. In German Brown cattle a monogenic, autosomal dominant inheritance proved to be most probable in complex segregation analysis. In our study running between October 1993 and May 1995 a total of 200 affected German Brown cows was studied. The investigation of the association between milk production traits and BCSE was based on 10,960 German Brown cows. The analysis revealed no significant differences between affected and non-affected cows, nor between cow families with and without affected members. There was no indication of an association between milk production traits and occurrence of BCSE within cow families. Linkage or pleiotropy of the BCSE locus with quantitative trait loci for milk production traits may be rather unlikely.  相似文献   

In dairy cattle, many studies have reported quantitative trait loci (QTL) on the centromeric end of chromosome 14 that affect milk production traits. One of the candidate genes in this QTL region – thyroglobulin (TG) – was previously found to be significantly associated with marbling in beef cattle. Thus, based on QTL studies in dairy cattle and because of possible effects of this gene on fat metabolism, we investigated the association of TG with milk yield and composition in Holstein dairy cattle. A total of 1279 bulls from the Cooperative Dairy DNA Repository Holstein population were genotyped for a single nucleotide polymorphism in TG used previously in beef cattle studies. Analysis of 29 sire families showed no significant association between TG variants and milk production traits. Within‐sire family analysis suggests that TG is neither the responsible gene nor a genetic marker in association with milk production traits.  相似文献   

大豆黄酮对奶牛产奶量和乳中常规成分的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
研究口服大豆黄酮对不同泌乳期奶牛产奶量和乳中常规成分的影响。结果表明,1)大豆黄酮能明显提高泌乳中期奶牛的产奶量;2)大豆黄酮可显著提高泌乳晚期奶牛乳蛋白含量和乳脂率;另外对乳糖的影响是泌乳早期和泌乳晚期上升,而泌乳中期有所下降。  相似文献   

Italian Brown is a cattle breed largely exploited in the production of many dairy products in Italy, including typical and traditional cheeses. For this reason, the improvement of selection methods is of economic relevance while a deeper understanding of the genetic mechanisms regulating milk production is of general scientific interest. We selected a total of 561 samples, representing virtually all Italian Brown bull population, to test for association between milk production traits and 29 known genes harbouring 106 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). After filtering, a total of 31 SNPs in 22 candidate genes and 473 bulls were retained. Associations between each SNP and milk traits were tested by a mixed model approach, obtaining seven significantly associated SNPs, two of which (in β-Lactoglobulin) associated with all traits, and four (in Chemokin receptor I, αs1 casein, k casein, fatty acid synthase, thyroid hormone responsive and Oxytocin prepropetide genes) associated with at least one trait.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the effect of the thyroglobulin (TG) locus on beef quality traits in some beef cattle breeds and to investigate the effect of the DGAT1 locus on milk production traits in the Hungarian Holstein Friesian population. TG and DGAT1 genotypes were determined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assay. At the TG locus TT bulls showed the highest fat percentage values in the longissimus dorsi muscle (m. longissimus dorsi); the difference between CC and TT genotypes was significant. DGAT1 GC/GC cows had the highest milk, fat and protein yield values. Due to the relatively small number of GC/GC cows the difference proved to be significant only between AA/AA and AA/GC genotypes.  相似文献   

Gene-flow methodology was used to calculate the cumulative discounted expressions (CDE) for annual/lactation, replacement heifer, cull cow, birth, yearling, and slaughter traits in alternative cattle production systems. Generic equations were presented and parameters representing dairy-beef production systems in Ireland and Brazil were inputted. Cumulative discounted expressions using input parameters from a hypothetical purebred dairy production system with poor cow longevity were also calculated. Cumulative discounted expressions were calculated assuming either an initial purebred or crossbred mating within each production system. Absolute and relative differences in CDE existed among trait categories across the three alternative production systems investigated. For example, the CDE of beef-related traits accruing from an initial purebred mating ranged from 0.42 to 0.75 CDE of an annual/lactation trait across the three contrasting systems investigated which differed in various input parameters. Such variation may alter the relative emphasis of traits on overall profitability thereby contributing to genotype by environment interactions. The results of this study highlight the necessity to consider auxiliary traits in sire selection over and above those representing the principal intended use of the sire. This was particularly so for integrated dairy-beef cattle production systems.  相似文献   

Non-additive effects on milk production in Czech dairy cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crossbreeding effects on milk production traits of Czech dual‐purpose and dairy cattle breeds were estimated. Nearly 370 000 cows with known gene proportions from Czech Pied, Ayrshire or Holstein cattle were selected from the national milk recording data base. Single‐trait animal models were calculated for milk, fat and protein yield, fat and protein content. The model of Dickerson including additive, additive maternal, heterotic and recombination effects was used for the part of the animal model describing the crossbreeding effects in all calculations. For milk yield, the additive genetic effect (defined as deviation from Czech Pied cattle) was 850–900 kg for Holstein and 240–480 kg for Ayrshire. The maternal effects were low and negative. Low significant positive heterotic effects were observed being up to approximately 100 kg for Czech Pied × Holstein. The recombination effects were negative and statistically significant for Czech Pied × Holstein. The results for fat and protein yield were similar to the results for milk yield. For fat and protein content, nearly no statistically significant crossbreeding effects were found.  相似文献   

乳牛日粮中添加大蒜素对乳品质和产奶率的效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了乳牛日粮中添加大蒜素对乳品质和产奶率的影响,结果显示,乳牛日粮中添加80 mg/kg大蒜素对产奶量和乳脂率有显著的改善作用,平均产奶量比对照组提高2.145 kg/(d·头),乳脂率提高0.151%.添加量为80 mg/kg时乳牛产奶量和乳脂率提高幅度最大,由此确定大蒜素最佳使用量为80 mg/kg.  相似文献   

以同胎次、产犊集中、健康状况为主要选择内容从80头奶牛中随机选择第1胎牛18头,分3组,2个重复.在用相同原料制作的地面青贮、窖式青贮饲养及普通饲料饲养(不用青贮)的处理下,饲养90 d的产奶量结果:地面青贮料饲养的平均日产奶量19.37kg;窖式青贮料饲养的19.21 kg;普通饲料饲养的16.65 kg;用地面青贮饲养的奶牛平均日产奶量比不喂青贮料的牛增加2.72kg,提高16.34%,且乳脂率提高1.44%.  相似文献   

全混合日粮对奶牛产乳性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
试验选用了12头奶牛,根据产奶量、泌乳天数和胎次相近的原则分为试验组和对照组,研究全混合日粮对奶牛产乳性能的影响。试验结果表明,试验组4%标准乳产量比对照组提高1 24kg,差异显著(P<0.05),乳脂率及乳脂、乳糖和乳固形物含量也分别比对照组显著提高11.60%、17.50%、13.21%和9.86%(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

To effectively utilize total mixed ration (TMR) prepared with locally available feed resources, we studied the nutritional value and milk production in Jersey dairy cattle fed a local general diet (LGD) and fermented TMR in Mozambique. Ten head of Jersey dairy cattle with 337 ± 19.8 kg body weight, aged 3–4 years in mid location were used in this study. The LGD diet was designed following the general feeding method of local smallholding farms; it contained native grass, Napier grass, wheat bran, and mineral–vitamin mix. Fermented TMR was prepared using Napier grass, corn bran, wheat bran, formula feed, and mineral–vitamin mix. Fermented TMR was preserved as good quality, with a relatively low pH and high lactic acid content. Compared to LGD, fermented TMR significantly improved the dry matter intake and digestibility in dairy cattle. Milk yield was significantly higher in dairy cattle fed with TMR than in those fed with LGD, by 3.75 L/d; milk quality was not significantly different between treatments. The results confirmed that LGD had a low dry matter intake and milk yield, and fermented TMR prepared with local feed resources can attain good quality and improve milk yield in dairy cattle in Mozambique.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to estimate, simultaneously, the genetic parameters of test‐day milk fat‐to‐protein ratio (FPR), test‐day milk yield (MY), and days‐open (DO) in the first two lactations of Thai Holsteins. A total of 76 194 test‐day production records collected from 8874 cows with 8674 DO records between 2001 and 2011 from different lactations were treated as separated traits. The estimates of heritability for test‐day FPR in the first lactation showed an increasing trend, whereas the estimates in the second lactation showed a U‐shape trend. Genetic correlations for FPR‐DO and MY‐DO showed a decreasing trend along days in milk (DIM) in both lactations, whereas genetic correlations for FPR‐MY increased along DIM in the first lactation but decreased in the second lactation. Genetic correlations of FPR between consecutive DIM were moderate to high, which showed the effectiveness of simultaneous analyses. Selection of FPR in the early stage has no adverse effect on MY and DO for the first lactation but has a negative effect on MY and positive effect on DO for the second lactation. This study showed that genetic improvement of the energy balance using FPR, MY and DO with multi‐trait test day model could be applied in a Thailand dairy cattle breeding program.  相似文献   

奶牛氨基酸营养及其对乳蛋白分泌的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
乳蛋白是一种营养价值很高的蛋白质 ,它的氨基酸含量和构成比例基本上与人体所需氨基酸的数量、比例相近。然而长期以来我国奶牛育种工作过分强调产奶量和乳脂率两项生产性能指标 ,而忽视了乳蛋白的选育 ,因此奶牛乳蛋白浓度始终较低。近些年随着研究的不断深入 ,人们发现 ,牛奶中含有大量的高度饱和脂肪酸助长了胆固醇的循环水平 ,增加了心血管疾病的发生率 ,同时人们也发现 ,乳蛋白除给新生动物和人类提供蛋白、氨基酸外 ,某些乳蛋白及其消化产生的肽类活性物质还具有特定的生理功能。目前世界很多国家低脂乳销售比例均在逐年增加 ,并且世…  相似文献   

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