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渭北旱塬苹果黑星病的初侵染来源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 苹果黑星病是世界各苹果产区的重要病害之一,也是我国渭北旱塬苹果产区的新病害。近5年调查研究证明,渭北旱塬苹果落叶上分生孢子数量随时间推移呈急剧下降趋势,在春季苹果芽鳞萌动之前,分生孢子呈无色透明薄片状,均已失去存活力,芽鳞内外检测到分生孢子的数量很少,且均已丧失萌发力。果园中孢子捕捉结果表明,子囊孢子出现在先,分生孢子在后,两者出现时间相差15d以上,且捕捉到分生孢子的日期是在黑星病发病以后。对洛川县、白水县、长武县、永寿县、泾川县和平凉市等地苹果黑星病普查中未发现发病枝条,以菌丝体在枝条上越冬的可能性极小。综合以上试验结果,初步确定子囊孢子是渭北旱塬苹果黑星病的初侵来染,分生孢子不能越冬。  相似文献   

Apple scab is one of the most economically important diseases of apples worldwide. The disease is caused by the haploid ascomycete Venturia inaequalis. Growing apples in cultivar mixtures may reduce disease severity. To determine how the pathogen population structure is affected by host mixtures we studied 24 V. inaequalis isolates sampled from three different apple cultivars (Bramley, Cox, and Worcester) growing in a mixed orchard approximately 50 years old. The isolates were aligned against a reference genome and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were called between the isolates. The populations isolated from Bramley and Worcester were distinct, while Cox isolates were an admixture. This supports previous tests of the ability of isolates to cross-infect hosts, and molecular comparisons using simple sequence repeats (SSRs). Genotype-specific allele (GSA) loci were not distributed randomly across contigs in proportion to contig length, but were clustered. Clustered GSA loci were observed in almost all contigs. This indicates population differentiation across the whole genome, presumably due to lack of crossing-over events between Bramley and Worcester isolates. This lack is probably due to physical separation effects: sexual mating is more likely to take place and succeed between isolates from lesions on the same leaf than from contact between independently infected leaves in leaf litter on the orchard floor. This would especially be the case if sexual reproduction is initiated before leaf-fall.  相似文献   

Samenvatting Een geringe, maar significante reductie in gevoeligheid vanVenturia inaequalis voor fungiciden die tot de sterol-biosyntheseremmers behoren werd vastgesteld bij isolaten uit proefboomgaar den in Italië, die gedurende enkele jaren met deze middelen behandeld waren. Bij isolaten uit enkele commerciële boomgaarden in Nederland werd nog geen significante verschuiving in gevoeligheid waargenomen.  相似文献   

Isolates ofVenturia inaequalis and ofV. pirina sensitive (S) or resistant (R) to benomyl were examined in vitro on media amended with two phenylcarbamate fungicides. There was a negatively correlated cross-resistance (NCCR) to both methyl N-(3,5-dichlorophenyl) carbamate (MDPC) and isopropyl N-(3,4-diethoxyphenyl) carbamate (NPC) in some benomylresistant isolates. InV. inaequalis, isolates with low benomyl resistance (LR) did not show NCCR to MDPC, whereas isolates with medium (MR), high (HR) and very high (VHR) resistance to benomyl were more sensitive to MDPC than were the benomyl-sensitive isolates. To NPC, MR and VHR isolates showed NCCR whereas LR and HR isolates reacted similarly as sensitive isolates. InV. pirina only HR and VHR isolates showed NCCR to MDPC. The VHR isolates were sensitive to NPC, whereas the reactions of S, LR, MR and HR to NPC were similar.Crosses between benomyl-sensitive and benomyl-resistantV. pirina as well as between different resistant isolates showed that NCCR is inheritable and controlled by a single Mendelian gene.Samenvatting Benomyl-gevoelige en-resistente isolaten vanVenturia inaequalis enV. pirina werden in vitro onderzocht op media met de fungiciden methyl N-(3,5-dichlorophenyl) carbamate (MDPC) en isopropyl N-(3,4-dichlorophenyl) carbamate (NPC). Een aantal benomyl-resistente isolaten van deze pathogeen bleken een negatief gecorreleerde kruisresistentie (NCCR) te vertonen ten opzichte van MDPC en NPC.Isolaten vanV. inaequalis met matige (MR), hoge (HR) en zeer hoge (VHR) benomyl-resistentie vertoonden NCCR. Ten opzichte van NPC vertoonden alleen MR en VHR isolaten NCCR, en niet de LR en HR isolaten. InV. pirina vertoonden HR en VHR isolaten NCCR ten opzichte van MDPC, maar alleen de VHR isolaten ten opzichte van NPC.Kruisingen tussen benomyl-gevoelige en-resistenteV. pririna, en tussen verschillende benomyl-resistente isolaten onderling, toonden aan dat NCCR erfelijk is en berust op een enkel gen.Contribution No. 1712-E, 1986 series, from the ARO.  相似文献   

Analyses of four populations of Venturia inaequalis in Switzerland were performed to obtain information about migration and to predict the probable speed of the spread of new pathotypes able to overcome resistance, e.g. Vf-resistance, of new cultivars.Genetic and haplotype diversity was calculated based on allele frequencies of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-region of ribosomal DNA, which are regarded to be neutral, and the -tubulin locus which may be under selection pressure. Within-population diversity was found to be quite similar over all four populations. Normalised haplotype diversity based on RAPD and ITS data was very high with a mean of 0.95. Diversity among populations (GST) was consistent over all neutral loci with a low mean of 0.04, but reached the high value of 0.26 for the selected -tubulin locus. Low GST based on neutral loci may suggest a high level of gene flow.Considering these results, new pathotypes would be expected soon outside their place of identification. But actual gene flow is easily overestimated because of effects of gene flow in the past. However, naturally occurring gene flow could be increased by human activity. Therefore, it is very difficult to predict durability of the Vf-resitance in Switzerland.  相似文献   

Apple scab, caused by Venturia inaequalis, can lead to large losses of marketable fruit if left uncontrolled. The disease appears in orchards during spring as lesions on leaves. These primary lesions are caused by spores released at bud burst from overwintering sources; these spores can be sexually produced ascospores from the leaf litter or asexual conidia from mycelium in wood scab or within buds. The relative importance of conidia and ascospores as primary inoculum were investigated in an orchard in southeast England, UK. Potted trees not previously exposed to apple scab were placed next to (c. 1 m) orchard trees to trap air‐dispersed ascospores. Number and position of scab lesions were assessed on the leaves of shoots from both the potted trees (infection by airborne ascospores) and neighbouring orchard trees (infection by both ascospores and splash‐dispersed, overwintered conidia). The distribution and population similarity of scab lesions were compared in the two tree types by molecular analysis and through modelling of scab incidence and count data. Molecular analysis was inconclusive. Statistical modelling of results suggested that conidia may have contributed approximately 20–50% of the primary inoculum in early spring within this orchard: incidence was estimated to be reduced by 20% on potted trees, and lesion number by 50%. These results indicate that, although conidia are still a minority contributor to primary inoculum, their contribution in this orchard is sufficient to require current management to be reviewed. This might also be true of other orchards with a similar climate.  相似文献   

As part of an ongoing research project on biological control of apple scab, this study presents a novel approach for the in vitro selection of potential antagonists of the saprophytic phase of Venturia inaequalis. A collection of forty-two fungal isolates were tested for their in vitro ability to degrade apple leaf tissue, inhibit pseudothecia, and ascospore production. The inhibition of ascospore production cannot always be linked reliably with leaf degradation or the evaluation of pseudothecia production. Consequently, ascospore production was retained as the most useful screening parameter. Six isolates proved to significantly reduce the ascospore production of Venturia inaequalis. Two were as effective as Athelia bombacina, a previously reported antagonist of pseudothecia formation and inhibited over 98% of the ascospore production. These new organisms are now available for future field tests. Future selections from a large collection of fungal and bacterial saprophytes can now be based on a reliable and simple in vitro screening method.  相似文献   

Scab is an important disease of apple and its control depends almost exclusively on frequent use of fungicides. Primary scab infection in the spring assumes several steps: ascospore maturation, liberation of ascospores that become airborne, deposition on susceptible tissues, and infection. However, the spatial heterogeneity of ascospores within the tree canopy is unknown. Aerial concentration of ascospore (ACA), ascospore concentration in rain water (ACR) and ascospore deposition (AD) were therefore measured at six heights (20–257 cm from the ground) with rotating-arm air samplers, funnels, and greased glass slides, respectively, during five rain events in 2001 and in 2002. In addition, ACR and AD were measured at eight locations within tree canopy at 196 cm height. Apple scab was assessed at the end of the primary infection period in each sampling location within the apple tree. A similar experimental design was used in 2003 to study the spatial heterogeneity of both AD and primary scab lesions. ACA and AD decreased with increasing height, while ACR increased with increasing height. Based on both variance to mean ratio and the power law relationship in both years, the ACR was heterogeneous, while AD was heterogeneous only during the peaks of ascospore release. The ACR was significantly higher at the centre of the trees and the AD was significantly higher at the centre and at the western edge of the trees. Only the cumulative AD was significantly correlated with apple scab lesions at the same location (r = 0.83). In 2003, a similar pattern of spatial heterogeneity within the tree canopy was observed for AD and primary scab lesion counts and there was a linear relationship (R 2 = 0.84) between these two variables. It was concluded that ACR and AD within the tree canopy are not randomly distributed at least during peaks of ascospore release and that AD is a good estimate of primary scab lesion development. This spatial heterogeneity should be considered when estimating ascospore deposition using mathematical models or when quantifying ascosporic inoculum using spore samplers.  相似文献   

The Vf locus from Malus floribunda clone 821 is an important source of resistance to apple scab disease caused by Venturia inaequalis , and has been introduced into numerous cultivars of domesticated apple, Malus  ×  domestica . Cloning of the putative Vf locus has revealed that it contains several receptor-like Vf candidate genes. In order to determine which of these genes is most closely linked to Vf resistance, primers were designed based on conserved regions in the Vf candidate genes adjacent to a variable portion of the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain, to yield PCR product length polymorphisms. PCR products were obtained from 31 cultivars of M.  ×  domestica , of which 19 are known to contain Vf resistance, and from 10 selections of M. floribunda . PCR products corresponding in size to Vfa1 and Vfa2 were found in all the plants tested. However, a PCR product with 100% predicted amino acid identity to Vfa4 was found only in M.  × domestica cultivars known to have Vf scab resistance. This PCR product was also found in most, but not all, selections of M. floribunda tested, including the original source of Vf resistance, M. floribunda 821. The PCR product matching Vfa4 appears to be the most closely linked to Vf resistance and should be a valuable tool for monitoring Vf inheritance in apple.  相似文献   

A 2-year study was conducted to determine the widespread occurrence of overwintered conidial inoculum of Venturia inaequalis and its impact on the apple scab control in 18 apple orchards (organic and integrated) with various levels of scab in the Netherlands. Autumn assessments of scab lesions showed that the integrated orchards had a significantly lower scab incidence (<20%) compared to that of the organic orchards (>60%). At the bud-break phenological stage, the mean numbers of nonviable and viable conidia on 1 cm pieces of shoots ranged from 1 to about 90 and from 6 to more than 1000 in the integrated and the organic orchards, respectively, for both years. However, viable conidia on shoots were found only in 2 integrated and 6 organic orchards out of the 18 and the viability of conidia was below 2%. The mean numbers of viable and nonviable conidia per 100 buds ranged from 24 to more than 1000 and from 230 to almost 5000 in the integrated and the organic orchards, respectively, for both years. In both years, some 60–85% of the conidia was found on the outer bud scales. The percentage viability associated with the outer bud tissues was below 2% for all the orchards. However, the percentage of viable conidia within the inner bud tissues ranged from 0% to 6% in the integrated and from 2% to 11% in the organic orchards for both years. Differences between the organic and the integrated orchards were clearly demonstrated for overwintered conidia associated with both shoot and bud samples. The relationship between autumn scab incidence and numbers of overwintered conidia associated with shoots or buds was exponential. If the autumn scab incidence was above 40%, then the number of overwintered conidia markedly increased. We conclude that specific treatments for overwintering conidia of Venturia inaequalis may not be necessary in integrated orchards with a low scab incidence in the previous autumn. However, the risk of early scab epidemics initiated by overwintered conidia potentially is high in organic orchards. Preventative measures in early spring and also in the previous year must be established in these orchards.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Management of strawberry powdery mildew, Podopshaera aphanis (Wallr.), requires numerous fungicide treatments. Limiting epidemics is heavily dependent on sterol demethylation inhibitors (DMIs) such as myclobutanil or penconazole. Recently, a noticeable reduction in the efficacy of these triazole fungicides was reported by strawberry growers in France. The goal of this study was to investigate the state of DMI sensitivity of French P. aphanis and provide tools for improved pest management. RESULTS: Using leaf disc sporulation assays, sensitivity to myclobutanil and penconazole of 23 isolates of P. aphanis was monitored. Myclobutanil EC50 ranged from less than 0.1 to 14.67 mg L?1 and for penconazole from 0.04 to 4.2 mg L?1. A cross‐analysis and a Venn diagram showed that there was reduced sensitivity and a positive correlation between the less sensitive myclobutanil and penconazole isolates; 73.9% of isolates were less sensitive to a DMI and 47.8% exhibited less sensitivity to both fungicides. CONCLUSION: The results show that sensitivity to myclobutanil and, to a lesser extent, penconazole has become less efficient in strawberry powdery mildew in France. Therefore, urgent action is required in order to document its appearance and optimise methods of control. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The ascomycete Venturia inaequalis causes annual epidemics of apple scab worldwide. Scab development is reduced in mixed cultivar orchards compared with monocultures. In order to use mixtures in commercial production, how the population of scab changes in a mixed orchard needs to be understood, together with how likely a super race, with virulence factors overcoming multiple resistance factors in the mixed orchard, is to emerge and become dominant. This study used simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to investigate the temporal change of scab populations in two mixed cultivar orchards in the UK to infer the likelihood of emergence of a scab super race. There were no significant differences between the populations at the two sampling times (6 or 7 years apart) in either of the two mixed orchards. In one of the orchards, apple scab populations on different cultivars were significantly different and the differences did not diminish over time. These results suggest that it is not inevitable that a super race of V. inaequalis will become dominant during the lifetime of a commercial apple orchard.  相似文献   

The effects were investigated of fruit maturity and duration of wetness on infection of apple fruits by Venturia inaequalis , and subsequent scab development. Incubation rate (inverse of median incubation period) increased linearly with increasing temperature (5–20°C) on detached 5-week-old fruits of cv. Royal Gala. Fruits were highly susceptible in the early stages of development, but became increasingly resistant as they matured. Inoculation of attached 12-week-old and detached near-mature fruits did not result in any lesions, while inoculation of attached 4-, 5-, 7- and 9-week-old fruits resulted in various levels of infection. Fruits of cv. Mondial Gala were more susceptible than those of cv. Cox's Orange Pippin. On cv. Mondial Gala, a wet period of 9 h resulted in ≈ 90% infection of 4-week-old fruits, but only 9% infection of 9-week-old fruits. Numbers of scab lesions on an apple generally followed a Neyman type A rather than a Poisson distribution, indicating a certain degree of aggregation of lesions on a fruit. A two-parameter generalization of the Poisson model described the observed incidence–density relationship well. A longer duration of wetness was required to result in a similar level of scab infection on old fruits to that on young fruits. On cv. Mondial Gala, wet periods of 9 and 32 h were required for ≈ 90% incidence of fruit scab on 4- and 7-week-old fruits, respectively. A mathematical model was developed to relate the incidence of fruit scab to duration of wetness and fruit maturity. The potential use of these results in practical disease management is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Genetic resistance to QoI fungicides may account for recent failures to control Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) Winter in French orchards. Two PCR-based assays were developed to detect the G143A point mutation in the fungal mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. The mutation is known to confer a high level of resistance to QoI fungicides. Occurrence of the G143A mutation in French field isolates collected from 2004 to 2007 was monitored. RESULTS: The QoI-resistant cytochrome b allele was specifically detected either following the cleavage of the amplified marker by a restriction endonuclease (CAPS assay) or its amplification using an allele-specific PCR primer. Using either method, the G143A mutation was found in 42% of the 291 field samples originating from French orchards in which apple scab proved difficult to be controlled. Monitoring of the G143A mutation in orchards located in 15 French administrative regions indicated that the mutation was detected at least once in nine of the regions, and its presence ranged from 33% to 64% of the orchards analysed in 2004 and in 2007 respectively. CONCLUSION: The PCR-based methods developed in this study efficiently reveal the presence of the G143A mutation in French V. inaequalis field populations.  相似文献   

Pyrenopeziza brassicae, cause of light leaf spot of oilseed rape, has a complex polycyclic life cycle. It can be difficult to control light leaf spot in winter oilseed rape in the UK since it is not easy to optimise fungicide application timing. Early autumn infections are usually symptomless and recognisable lesions do not develop until the epidemic has progressed further by the spring. Light leaf spot often has a patchy distribution in winter oilseed rape crops and estimation of disease incidence can be difficult. There is evidence that epidemics are initiated primarily by ascospores produced from apothecia that survive the summer inter-crop period on infected debris. Subsequent development of the epidemic during the winter and spring is maintained by rain-splashed conidia that spread light leaf spot from initial foci. Understanding the relative roles of ascospores and conidia in the light leaf spot life cycle is crucial for forecasting epidemic severity and developing control strategies. The current web-based regional forecast system provides an autumn forecast of the incidence of light leaf spot that can be expected the following spring. This is based on survey data which assesses the occurrence of disease the previous July, and weather factors, such as deviations from summer mean temperature and winter rainfall. The forecast can be updated throughout the autumn and winter and includes crop-specific elements so that growers can adjust risks by inputting information about cultivar, sowing date and fungicide use. Crop-specific forecasts can be confirmed by assessing the incidence of light leaf spot. Such assessments will become easier when immunodiagnostic methods for detection of the disease become available. Incorporation of information on spore biology (e.g. apothecial maturation, ascospore release and infection conditions) is considered as a component of the interactive, continuously updated, crop-specific, web-based forecasts which are needed in the future.  相似文献   

For sustainable management of scab‐resistant apple cultivars, it is necessary to understand the role of aggressiveness in the adaptation of Venturia inaequalis populations and particularly the costs to the organism of acquiring additional virulence. The aims of the present study were (i) to identify the quantitative variables that are most important in determining the differences in aggressiveness among groups of V. inaequalis isolates, and (ii) to ascertain whether virulent and avirulent isolates of V. inaequalis differ significantly in aggressiveness. The aggressiveness of eight isolates that differed in their virulence to the major resistance gene Rvi6 was compared on the non‐Rvi6 apple cv. Gala. Three components of aggressiveness, namely lesion density, the number of spores per square centimetre of leaf area, and the number of spores per lesion, were evaluated 21 days after inoculation, and the kinetics of lesion density over time were analysed in terms of maximum lesion density, length of latent period and rate of lesion appearance. On the second youngest but fully developed leaf at the time of inoculation, maximum lesion density in the virulent group was 20% lower and the latent period 7% longer, than in the avirulent group. However, the alternative hypothesis, namely that isolates had adapted to quantitative resistance present in cv. Gala depending on their cultivar of origin, could not be rejected. The analysis of the kinetics of lesion density by a non‐linear mixed‐effect model proved useful in the assessment of aggressiveness.  相似文献   

A two-year study was conducted to determine the effect of six sanitation treatments on leaf litter density (LLD), relative ascospore production of Venturia inaequalis and scab incidence on spur-leaf clusters, leaves and harvested fruits, on two cultivars with low and high scab susceptibilities, in Hungarian integrated and organic apple orchards. The following sanitation treatments were used: sprays of lime sulphur in autumn, collecting fallen leaves in autumn, straw mulch cover in late winter, sprays of lime sulphur followed by mulch cover, collecting fallen leaves followed by mulch cover, collecting fallen leaves followed by covering the orchard floor with plastic foil, and non-sanitized control. LLD decreased continuously in all treatment plots by 0–23% by mid-May in both orchards and years; however, LLD reduction was 1.4–4.2 times higher in the organic orchard compared to the integrated one. All treatments, except for the lime sulphur treatment, resulted in significant (P < 0.05) reduction of LLD and ascospore production in both the integrated and organic apple orchards compared to non-sanitized plots. The most efficient treatment was leaf collection combined with plastic foil cover, followed by leaf collection combined with mulch cover, leaf collection alone, mulch cover alone, and lime sulphur spray combined with mulch cover, with a reduction in the ascospore production of >95, 72–92, 56–79, 24–38, and 27–46%, respectively, in the mean of both orchards and years. However, only treatments of leaf collection applied alone, or in combination with mulch or with plastic foil cover reduced significantly (P < 0.05) leaf and/or fruit scab incidence by 18–57% compared to non-sanitized plots. These three leaf collection treatments are recommended in both integrated and organic orchards and the possibilities of successfully incorporating these methods into orchard management practices are interpreted.  相似文献   

The inoculum sources of ascospores of Pleospora allii and of conidia of its anamorph Stemphylium vesicarium were investigated in relation to the brown spot disease epidemiology on pear. Dead and living leaves of three pear varieties (Abate Fétel, Conference and William), seven grasses (Poa pratensis, Festuca rubra, Festuca ovina, Lolium perenne, Digitaria sanguinalis and Setaria glauca) and Trifolium repens, which are used in pear orchard lawns, were inoculated with conidia of Stemphylium vesicarium virulent on pear and incubated under controlled-environment. Stemphylium vesicarium was always re-isolated from dead leaves of the considered plants, but not from symptomless green or yellowish living leaves. The fungus was occasionally re-isolated from leaf segments showing unspecific necrosis. Inoculation of pear leaves with isolates from grasses demonstrated that the fungus did not lose pathogenicity. Pseudothecia, ascospores and conidia were produced on all the dead inoculated leaves; differences between specimens were found for phenology of pseudothecia, their density and size, and for the number of conidia produced. Pseudothecia were produced faster in the lawn species than in pear leaves, and their density was higher, especially for S. glauca, L. perenne and P. pratensis. Ascospore maturation and ejection was more concentrated for the pseudothecia developed on pear leaves than for those on F. ovina and S. glauca. All the lawn species produced more conidia than pear leaves.  相似文献   

The ring-substituted N-phenylanilines, N-(3-chlorophenyl)aniline (MC-1) and N-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)aniline (MC-2) were tested for their antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr. and Venturia nashicola Tanaka et Yamamoto. In both fungi, increased sensitivity to MC-1 and MC-2 was clearly observed in ‘highly carbendazim-resistant, diethofencarb-sensitive’ (HR, S) phenotypes. Sensitivity was low in ‘carbendazim-sensitive, diethofencarb-resistant’ (S, R) and ‘intermediately carbendazim-resistant, diethofencarb-resistant’ (IR, R) strains. On cucumber cotyledons, other strains of B. cinerea, possessing the phenotype ‘highly carbendazim-resistant, diethofencarb-resistant’ (HR, R) were not controlled by either MC-1 or MC-2. Response to MC-2 was also examined using random ascospore progenies from V. nashicola crosses. In these progenies, high-level carbendazim resistance and MC-2 sensitivity always segregated together. Sensitivity to MC-2 is controlled by a single gene which is either identical to or very closely linked to one conferring high-level resistance to carbendazim.  相似文献   

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