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BACKGROUND: Increasingly, Flemish greenhouse growers are using spray booms instead of spray guns to apply plant protection products. Although the advantages of spray booms are well known, growers still have many questions concerning nozzle choice and settings. Spray deposition using a vertical spray boom in tomatoes and strawberries was compared with reference spray equipment. Five different settings of nozzle type, size and pressure were tested with the spray boom. RESULTS: In general, the standard vertical spray boom performed better than the reference spray equipment in strawberries (spray gun) and in tomatoes (air‐assisted sprayer). Nozzle type and settings significantly affected spray deposition and crop penetration. Highest overall deposits in strawberries were achieved using air‐inclusion or extended‐range nozzles. In tomatoes, the extended‐range nozzles and the twin air‐inclusion nozzles performed best. Using smaller‐size extended‐range nozzles above the recommended pressure range resulted in lower deposits, especially inside the crop canopy. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a vertical spray boom is a promising technique for applying plant protection products in a safe and efficient way in tomatoes and strawberries, and nozzle choice and setting should be carefully considered. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the greenhouses of south‐eastern Spain, plant protection products are applied using mainly sprayers at high pressures and high volumes. This results in major losses on the ground and less than uniform spray deposition on the canopy. Recently, self‐propelled vehicles equipped with vertical spray booms have appeared on the market. In this study, deposition on the canopy and the losses to the ground at different spray volumes have been compared, using a self‐propelled vehicle with vertical spray booms versus a gun sprayer. Three different spray volumes have been tested with a boom sprayer, and two with a spray gun. RESULTS: The vehicle with the vertical spray boom gave similar depositions to those made with the gun, but at lower application volumes. Also, the distribution of the vertical spray boom was more uniform, with lower losses to the ground. CONCLUSIONS: The vertical spray booms used in tomato crops improve the application of plant protection products with respect to the spray gun, reducing the application volumes and the environmental risks of soil pollution. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

农药有效利用率与喷雾技术优化   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
提高农药的有效利用率是植保工作者非常关心的问题。本文阐述了农药有效利用率的广义和狭义涵义,并分析了农药使用中存在的药剂浪费、有效利用率低的问题。根据喷雾技术中的“剂量传递”过程,分析了农药有效利用率的狭义涵义,在春季果园和作物苗期,常规喷雾法的农药有效利用率只有20%~30%;在夏秋季果园和作物中后期,随着作物叶面积系数(LAI)的增加,农药的有效利用率可达到50%~60%。论文分析了造成农药有效利用率低的原因,提出喷雾技术的优化措施:(1)大田喷雾时采用机动喷杆喷雾替代背负式手动常规喷雾,可以改善雾滴沉积分布的均匀性;(2)添加喷雾助剂可以提高药液在靶标表面的润湿性;(3)优化雾滴粒径,采用细雾滴替代粗雾滴可以提高雾滴的中靶率;(4)降低施药液量可以减少药液流失;(5)加装挡板可以减少雾滴飘失等。通过以上技术的优化,可以大幅度提高农药的有效利用率,达到减量增效的目的。  相似文献   

比较在不同喷雾压力和施药液量条件下,采用自走式喷杆喷雾机在水稻分蘖期、孕穗期、扬花期进行喷雾处理的农药利用率、沉积分布均匀性及水稻茎基部雾滴密度的差异,为建立自走式喷杆喷雾机在稻田的高效施药技术提供理论依据。以生物染料丽春红-G作为农药示踪剂,估测不同喷雾参数的农药利用率,并用变异系数、绝对份额比例值比较农药分布的均匀性。同时通过水敏纸收集水稻基部雾滴密度,分析不同喷雾参数下农药雾滴穿透水稻冠层的能力。结果表明:在水稻分蘖期,采用自走式喷杆喷雾机在喷雾压力为1.2 MPa、施药液量为375 L/hm^2条件下喷雾,每个采样点的丽春红-G的平均沉积量仅为0.11 mg,与喷雾压力为0.4 MPa、施药液量为300 L/hm^2条件下喷雾的沉积量相比减少了56.00%。在水稻孕穗期,当喷雾压力为1.2 MPa、施药液量为375 L/hm^2时进行喷雾处理,每个采样点的丽春红-G的平均沉积量达0.26 mg,显著高于其他4个处理。在水稻扬花期,不同喷雾参数间的沉积量差距减小。在合适的喷雾压力和施药液量时,自走式喷杆喷雾机在水稻分蘖期、孕穗期和扬花期进行喷雾处理,农药利用率分别达到40.57%、54.97%和55.50%。综合变异系数和绝对份额比例两个指标,采用自走式喷杆喷雾机在喷雾压力为0.8 MPa、施药液量为300 L/hm^2条件下喷雾,农药分布更均匀。喷雾压力对水稻基部雾滴密度有显著影响,在水稻生长中后期,当喷雾压力低于0.8 MPa、施药液量为225~375 L/hm^2时,水稻茎秆基部雾滴密度均小于30个/cm^2。研究结果表明,喷雾压力和施药液量对自走式喷杆喷雾机稻田喷雾的农药利用率、分布均匀性及水稻茎秆基部雾滴密度有显著影响。在水稻生长前期,不宜采用高压力大水量喷雾作业;在水稻生长中后期,为增加对水稻基部病虫害的防治效果,需提高喷雾压力。  相似文献   

选择中国知网(CNKI)数据库和Web of Science TM(WOSTM)核心合集数据库,采用文献计量学的方法,对农药喷雾助剂相关文献的作者及其国别、研究机构、来源期刊、发文量及引用频次等进行了研究。在CNKI学术期刊网络出版总库中检索出相关科技文献369篇,其中272篇文献来源于100种期刊,且85篇文献源自核心期刊;在WOSTM核心合集数据库共检索出来自美国、巴西、德国等42个国家1369位作者在117种刊物上发表的304篇相关文献和62篇会议论文。检索到的文献内容涵盖喷雾药械的选择、喷雾助剂作用(如减少雾滴飘移、提高润湿性、附着性、分布均匀性等),以此来减少农药的使用量、提高农药使用效率。通过文献计量学分析,揭示了国内外对农药喷雾助剂的研究现状、研究热点及发展趋势。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The present study compared entomopathogenic nematode delivery at the base of savoy cabbage and cauliflower, at the lower side of savoy cabbage and cauliflower leaves and in leek stems and the ground deposition using a five‐nozzle spray boom equipped with an ISO 08 flat fan, an air induction flat fan and Twinjet spray nozzles. Additionally, an air support system and a row application system were evaluated. RESULTS: Approximately 40% of the applied nematodes did not reach the foot of the cabbage plants. The use of an air support system or a row application system improved nematode deposition at the savoy cabbage base. Relative nematode deposition on the lower side of savoy cabbage leaves was 27.20%, while only 2.64% of the applied nematodes reached the lower side of cauliflower leaves. After spraying leek with a standard boom, a low relative nematode deposition (26.64%) was measured in the leek stem. Nozzle type affected the distribution of nematodes in droplet spots. CONCLUSION: Nozzle type has a minor effect on the number of entomopathogenic nematodes delivered on difficult‐to‐reach targets. The use of modified spray application techniques directing the spray to the target site are necessary to increase the chances of contact of entomopathogenic nematodes with their target. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

植保无人机施药沉积飘移监测系统设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提升植保无人机施药沉积飘移监测智能化水平,研发植保无人机施药沉积飘移监测系统,该系统机载监测终端实时获取药械状态参数、植保无人机状态参数及位置参数,通过数据处理服务系统将其发送至平台软件,基于作业参数利用沉积飘移预测模型实时监测药液沉积区域及飘移范围。该系统同时具有作业面积计量、飞行轨迹回溯、作业质量空间分析等功能。2015年4月于山东省威海市文登区泽头镇眠虎岭区域对该系统进行性能测试,植保无人机规划靶区作业面积为433 hm2,最终监测作业面积为405 hm2,施药覆盖率为93.5%;施药过程中实时监测沉积区域和飘移范围,受环境侧风影响,药液最大飘移距离可达40 m,系统整体达到预期设计要求。截至目前该系统已在山东、安徽、江苏、云南、河南、浙江、天津等多个省市应用。  相似文献   

The development of resistance to an insecticide under various types of application method has yet to be reported in the literature. Five fall armyworm Spodoptera armigera (JE Smith) colonies were reared in a chamber for ten generations before starting topical application bioassays. From each colony, 200-500 third-fourth-instar larvae were fed for 72 h on corn plants sprayed with cypermethrin or spinosad at minimum application rate (20 g ha(-1)) using a small droplet size nozzle XR8001VS (volume median diameter D(v0.5) = 163 microm) or a large droplet size nozzle XR8008VS (D(v0.5) = 519 microm). Surviving larvae were transferred to untreated corn leaves to complete their life cycle. Next-generation third-instar larvae of each colony were topically dosed with technical cypermethrin or spinosad at 1 microL per larva, and mortality was recorded 24 h post-treatment. The results indicated that cypermethrin demonstrated an insecticidal activity greater than that of spinosad, and the cypermethrin regression lines moved to the right faster than those for spinosad, indicating an increased tolerance of cypermethrin. Generally, larvae from all generations (F1-F7) under the XR8008VS treatments were less susceptible to cypermethrin and developed resistance faster and to higher levels than larvae from the XR8001VS treatments. The confidence limits (95%) of LD(50) for all spinosad treatments indicated that there was no significant difference from the LD(50) value of the susceptible reference strain. The results are a first indication that application technology/insecticide reaction may affect the rapidity of resistance development in certain pest/plant scenarios, but field studies are needed to confirm this conclusion.  相似文献   



In order to improve the biological control agent (BCA) efficacy, stress factors threatening the viability of microorganisms during spray application need to be determined. The effect of spray mixture temperature and exposure time on Trichoderma harzianum T 22 and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens QST713 viability were tested. Concurrently the combined effect of mechanical and thermal stress effect on BCA viability were tested at two initial spray mixture temperatures (14 and 25 °C) by simulating a spray application using airblast sprayers featured by different tank capacity and a spray liquid circuit (without and with hydraulic agitation system). To assess the BCA microorganism viability, spray mixture samples were collected at time intervals along trials and plated to count the colony forming units (CFU).


The critical temperature threshold that inhibited BCA viability was 35 °C with 30 min of exposure. The sprayer type, the initial temperature of the spray mixture and the temperature increment during the trials significantly decreased the number of CFU recovered. When simulating a spray application, the spray mixture temperature increase rate was determined mainly by the residual amount of spray mixture in the tank. Even if the tank capacity does not substantially affect the final temperature reached by the spray mixture, the higher residual spray mixture in bigger tanks can expose the BCAs for a longer time to critical temperatures.


Experimental trials allowed us to identify the effect of factors affecting the viability of tested BCAs, providing information about the actual chance to guarantee the biological efficacy of BCA treatments. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

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