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Summary Mineralization of 14C- and 15N-labelled whole bacteria, cytoplasm, and cell walls and their distribution in different soil fractions were studied during 211 days of incubation including two drying and rewetting cycles. With any of these three soil amendments, almost 60% of C derived from cellular constituents was released as CO2, 15% was incorporated into the living microbial biomass and 25% was distributed into protected microbial metabolites or recalcitrant microbial products. The distribution of C and N derived from the amendments in the different soil fractions showed that constituents adsorbed on fine clay (<0.2 m were more rapidly decomposed than those adsorbed on silt (50-2 ) and coarse clay (2–0.2 ), indicating a faster organic matter turnover in fine clay than in silt and coarse clay. Although alternate soil drying and rewetting cycles did not significantly affect the mineralization of bacterial constituents, the cycles did have an important effect on the size and specific activities of newly formed microbial biomass. This suggests the presence of an active and a dormant fraction of soil biomass.  相似文献   

Many surface soils in Japan may experience more frequent and intense drying–rewetting (DRW) events due to future climate changes. Such DRW events negatively and positively affect microbial biomass carbon (MBC) through microbial stress and substrate supply mechanisms, respectively. To assess the MBC immediately after DRW and during the incubation with repeated DRW cycles, two laboratory experiments were conducted for a paddy soil. In the first experiment, we exposed the soil to different drying treatments and examined the MBC and hourly respiration rates immediately after the rewetting to evaluate the microbial stress. In the second experiment, we compared microbial growth rates during the incubation of the partially sterilized soil with a continuously moist condition and repeated DRW cycles to evaluate the contribution of the substrate supply from non-biomass soil organic C on MBC. First, all drying treatments caused a reduction in MBC immediately after the rewetting, and higher drying intensities induced higher reduction rates in MBC. A reduction of more than 20% in MBC induced the C-saturated conditions for surviving microbes because sufficient concentrations of labile substrate C were released from the dead MBC. Second, repeated DRW cycles caused increases in the microbial growth rates because substrate C was supplied from non-biomass organic C. In conclusion, MBC decreased immediately after DRW due to microbial stress, whereas MBC increased during repeated DRW cycles due to substrate C supplied from non-biomass organic C.  相似文献   

The effect of increasing rates of 15N‐labelled Ca(NO3)2 (N0 = no N application, N300 = 300 mg N/pot; N600 = 600 mg N/pot; N900 = 900 mg N/pot) on recovery of fertilizer N in winter wheat plants and soil (total soil N, soil microbial biomass N [Nmic], extractable organic N [Norg]) and on N mineralization (NMsoil) was investigated at milk‐ripe growth stage in a pot experiment. The N rates were equally split at tillering, stem elongation and ear emergence. Fertilizer N recovered in crops increased with increasing N rates (N300: 223.5 mg N/pot [74.5% of applied fertilizer N], N600: 445.6 mg N/pot [74.3%], N900: 722.1 mg N/pot [80.2%]). NMsoil slightly increased from N0 (43.8 mg N/pot) to N900 (75.6 mg N/pot) indicating that N application enhanced availability of soil‐derived N for the plants. However, in fertilized treatments NMsoil is balanced by immobilization and losses (non‐recovered fertilizer N). Therefore the effective soil N mineralization is indicated by apparent net N mineralization (ANNM = NMsoil — fertilizer N immobilization — lost fertilizer N). Fertilizer N immobilization in soil increased from N300 (38.7 mg N/pot) to N600 (60.7 mg N/pot) and N900 (65.5 mg N/pot). Lost fertilizer N increased from N300 (14.8 mg N/pot) to N600 (56.7 mg N/pot) and N900 (62.1 mg N/pot). As a consequence negative ANNM values were calculated at N600 and N900. Due to the small differences between N600 and N900 fertilizer N immobilization and lost fertilizer N did not increase linearly with increasing N rates, i.e. both processes were limited by factors other than N rate. Only 5.6—7.4% of the immobilized fertilizer N was recovered in Norg and 5.4—9.3% in Nmic soil pools. It is assumed that most of the immobilized fertilizer N was in non‐extractable organic N forms. Nmic and Norg were weak indicators for the extent of fertilizer N immobilization.  相似文献   

The N‐deposition in Germany is commonly calculated as values of about 20—30 kg/ha·yr. This range is based on the measurements of the nitrate and ammonium nitrogen bulk deposition, which does not include the gaseous N‐deposition and the direct N‐uptake by plants. The calculation of airbone N‐deposition from N‐balances of the Static Fertilization Experiment Bad Lauchstädt came to 50—58 kg/ha·yr. This is consistent with results from other European long‐term experiments. Using the newly developed 15N‐based ITNI‐system, the total airborne N‐deposition can be determined. For Bad Lauchstädt analogous to results of former measuring periods an annual N‐deposition of 65 kg/ha·yr was measured in 1998, a figure greater than the balanced values. The balanced and measured values show, that airborne N‐deposition is often underestimated and amounts to at least 50 kg/ha·yr, which is a significant burden on natural ecosystems. By taking this extra N‐input into account in calculations for fertilizer recommendations in agriculture a decrease of N‐losses can be achieved which, in turn can also induce a decrease in airborne N‐deposition.  相似文献   

The effect of drying and rewetting (DRW) on C mineralization has been studied extensively but mostly in absence of freshly added residues. But in agricultural soils large amounts of residues can be present after harvest; therefore, the impact of DRW in soil after residue addition is of interest. Further, sandy soils may be ameliorated by adding clay‐rich subsoil which could change the response of microbes to DRW. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of DRW on microbial activity and growth in soils that were modified by mixing clay subsoil into sandy top soil and wheat residues were added. We conducted an incubation experiment by mixing finely ground wheat residue (20 g kg–1) into top loamy sand soil with clay‐rich subsoil at 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40% (w/w). At each clay addition rate, two moisture treatments were imposed: constantly moist control (CM) at 75% WHC or dry and rewet. Soil respiration was measured continuously, and microbial biomass C (MBC) was determined on day 5 (before drying), when the soil was dried, after 5 d dry, and 5 d after rewetting. In the constantly moist treatment, increasing addition rate of clay subsoil decreased cumulative respiration per g soil, but had no effect on cumulative respiration per g total organic C (TOC), indicating that the lower respiration with clay subsoil was due to the low TOC content of the sand‐clay mixes. Clay subsoil addition did not affect the MBC concentration per g TOC but reduced the concentration of K2SO4 extractable C per g TOC. In the DRW treatment, cumulative respiration per g TOC during the dry phase increased with increasing clay subsoil addition rate. Rewetting of dry soil caused a flush of respiration in all soils but cumulative respiration at the end of the experiment remained lower than in the constantly moist soils. Respiration rates after rewetting were higher than at the corresponding days in constantly moist soils only at clay subsoil addition rates of 20 to 40%. We conclude that in presence of residues, addition of clay subsoil to a sandy top soil improves microbial activity during the dry phase and upon rewetting but has little effect on microbial biomass.  相似文献   

Soils can naturally be a source of the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). By contrast, the largest anthropogenic source of N2O is the application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on agricultural soil, but it is unclear if fertilizer‐supported N2O emission only originates from the fertilizer N directly or through additionally stimulated N2O production from native soil N. Even though native soil N also includes mineral N already in soil before fertilizer application, organic N is the principal native N pool and thereby provides for mineral N cycling and N2O emission. Here, we tested (1) the contribution of native soil N to N2O emission after mineral N fertilizer application and (2) whether it is affected by different soil organic matter (SOM) contents by conducting a laboratory 15N‐tracing experiment with agricultural soil from a long‐term field trial with two treatments. Both field treatments are fertilized with mineral N, whereas only one of the two receives liquid manure causing higher SOM content. Soil sampling was conducted in March 2016 shortly before fertilizer application in the field. The application of 15N‐labeled fertilizer more than doubled the N2O production from native N sources compared to the non‐fertilized control incubations. This primed N2O production contributed by 5–8% to the fertilizer‐induced N2O emission after one week of incubation and was similar for both field treatments regardless of liquid manure application. Therefore, further research is needed to link N2O priming to its potential production pathways and sources. While the observed effect may be important in soils, the amount of applied N fertilizer remains the largest concern being responsible for the majority of N2O emission.  相似文献   

The in situ net nitrogen mineralization (Nnet) was estimated in five agricultural soils under different durations of organic farming by incubating soil samples in buried bags. Simultaneously, soil microbial C and N was determined in buried bags and in bulk soil under winter wheat and after harvest. The aim was to check for variations in soil microbial biomass contents and microbial C:N ratios during the incubation period, and their importance for Nnet rates. Microbial C and N contents were highest in soils that had been organically farmed for 41 years, whereas Nnet rates were highest in a short‐term organically managed soil that had been under grassland use until 36 years ago. The mean coefficient of variation in the bulk soil for microbial C estimates ranged from 5 to 12 %. Microbial N contents were similar inside buried bags and in the bulk soil at the end of the incubation periods. Under winter wheat during the incubation period until harvest, microbial C contents and microbial C:N ratios (in 10—27 cm depth only) decreased more strongly inside buried bags than in the bulk soil. Following harvest of winter wheat and ploughing, microbial biomass increased while in situ Nnet decreased, presumably due to N immobilization. The Nnet rates were not correlated with microbial N contents or changes in microbial N contents inside buried bags. At the end of the vegetation period of winter wheat, Nnet rates were negatively correlated with microbial C:N ratios. Because these ratios concurrently decreased more inside buried bags than in the bulk soil, the Nnet estimates of the buried bag method may differ from the Nnet rates in the bulk soil at that time.  相似文献   

The effect of presubmergence and green manuring on various processes involved in [15N]‐urea transformations were studied in a growth chamber after [15N]‐urea application to floodwater. Presubmergence for 14 days increased urea hydrolysis rates and floodwater pH, resulting in higher NH3 volatilization as compared to without presubmergence. Presubmergence also increased nitrification and subsequent denitrification but lower N assimilation by floodwater algae caused higher gaseous losses. Addition of green manure maintained higher NH4+‐N concentration in floodwater mainly because of lower nitrification rates but resulted in highest NH3 volatilization losses. Although green manure did not affect the KCl extractable NH4+‐N from applied fertilizer, it maintained higher NH4+‐N content due to its decomposition and increased mineralization of organic N. After 32 days about 36.9 % (T1), 23.9 % (T2), and 36.4 % (T3) of the applied urea N was incorporated in the pool of soil organic N in treatments. It was evident that the presubmergence has effected the recovery of applied urea N.  相似文献   

Under the hot and moist conditions of irrigated agriculture in the arid subtropics, turnover of organic matter is high, which can lead to considerable carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) losses. Therefore, sustainable use of these soils requires regular manure application at high rates. To investigate the contribution of consecutive manure applications to an arid sandy soil to various soil N pools, goat manure was isotopically labeled by feeding 15N‐enriched Rhodes grass hay and applied to the soil during a two‐year field experiment. In the first year, soils received 15N‐labeled manure to distinguish between soil‐derived and manure‐derived N. In the second year, these plots were split for the application of either 15N‐labeled or unlabeled manure to discriminate N derived from previous (first year) and recent (second year) manure application. Soil samples (of control and 15N‐manured soil) were collected at the end of the first and the second year, and incubated in two laboratory experiments with labeled or unlabeled manure. At the beginning of Experiment 1, 7% of total N, 11% of K2SO4 extractable N, and 16% of microbial biomass N were derived from previously field‐applied manure. While the application of manure during incubation increased microbial biomass N by 225% and 410% in the control soil and the previously field‐manured soil, respectively, N2O emissions were more affected on the control soil, releasing considerable amounts of the soil N‐pool (80% of total emissions). In Experiment 2, 4% of total N, 7% of K2SO4 extractable N, and 7% of microbial biomass N derived from previously applied manure, and 4%, 8%, and 3% from recently applied manure, respectively. Microbial biomass N and N2O‐N derived from manure declined with time after manure application, whereas in Experiment 1 this tendency was only observed for microbial biomass N.  相似文献   

A model experiment was conducted under tropical conditions with a view to evaluating the changes in microbial biomass and nutrient dynamics in upland soil through the continuous application of azolla and rice straw (2 g C kg-1 soil per each application). Flush decomposition of C was observed immediately after each application and the rate of mineralization did not change appreciably during this period. After flush decomposition, the rate of C mineralization from azolla was higher than that from rice straw until 9 to 13 weeks after each application and thereafter the mineralization rate was similar. The amount of inorganic N released from azolla increased following each application, whereas inorganic N in rice straw plot was immediately immobilized and the rate of immobilization increased until the 3rd application and did not increase further after the 4th application. The amounts of biomass C and N increased immediately after residue incorporation, reached the maximum level one week after each application and declined thereafter. Maximum biomass formation increased until the 2nd application and then the level remained constant. Maximum biomass N formation was higher in azolla than in rice straw after the 1st application, but after repeated applications, the difference became less pronounced: Continuous increase in biomass in a certain week after each application was observed, probably because of the cumulative effects of the previous applications. The increase suggests that continuous application of organic materials may enable to improve the amount of soil microbial biomass.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the influence of leaf‐litter type (i.e., European beech—Fagus sylvatica L. and European ash—Fraxinus excelsior L.) and leaf‐litter mixture on the partitioning of leaf‐litter C and N between the O horizon, the topsoil, the soil microbial biomass, and the CO2 emission during decomposition. In a mature beech stand of Hainich National Park, Thuringia, Germany, undisturbed soil cores (?? 24 cm) were transferred to plastic cylinders and the original leaf litter was either replaced by 13C15N‐labeled beech or ash leaf litter, or leaf‐litter‐mixture treatments in which only one of the two leaf‐litter types was labeled. Leaf‐litter‐derived CO2‐C flux was measured every second week over a period of one year. Partitioning of leaf‐litter C and N to the soil and microbial biomass was measured 5 and 10 months after the start of the experiment. Ash leaf litter decomposed faster than beech leaf litter. The decomposition rate was negatively related to initial leaf‐litter lignin and positively to initial Ca concentrations. The mixture of both leaf‐litter types led to enhanced decomposition of ash leaf litter. However, it did not affect beech leaf‐litter decomposition. After 5 and 10 months of in situ incubation, recoveries of leaf‐litter‐derived C and N in the O horizon (7%–20% and 9%–35%, respectively) were higher than in the mineral soil (1%–5% and 3%–8%, respectively) showing no leaf‐litter‐type or leaf‐litter‐mixture effect. Partitioning of leaf‐litter‐derived C and N to microbial biomass in the upper mineral soil (< 1% of total leaf‐litter C and 2%–3% of total leaf‐litter N) did not differ between beech and ash. The results show that short‐term partitioning of leaf‐litter C and N to the soil after 10 months was similar for ash and beech leaf litter under standardized field conditions, even though mineralization was faster for ash leaf litter than for beech leaf litter.  相似文献   

A field incubation experiment was carried out to test the applicability of N‐mineralization parameters for mature bio‐waste compost for use in a simulation model. The parameters were previously obtained from a laboratory experiment. Micro‐lysimeters were used for incubation, containing four different vineyard soils that were treated with three different compost‐application rates (0, 30, and 50 Mg compost ha–1). Between 2.0% and 45.2% of total bio‐waste compost N was mineralized and leached from the micro‐lysimeters during the two‐year investigation period. The application of a simulation model for soil N dynamics revealed two major drawbacks of the model: (1) in most of the soils, extraordinary high mineralization rates were observed within a few weeks after compost amendment, which could not be explained by the model, and (2) the average compost‐N‐mineralization rates were estimated as being close to the observed rates (–6%), but distinct deviations in some cases (–46% to +29%) led to considerable miscalculations in long‐term simulations. Excluding the effect of these two processes from the data set, the remaining variance could be well explained by the model for all soils treated with compost (modeling efficiency ≥0.98). Based on the average performance, the mineralization parameters for mature bio‐waste compost are considered to be applicable for use in any simulation model based on the double‐exponential approach for calculating fertilizer recommendations, whereas the functions calculating the impact of environmental factors on N mineralization in the model need to be revised. The initial mineralization flush observed in most of the compost treatments was attributed to a priming effect. The experiment showed that such a priming effect can cause exceptionally high rates of N mineralization from mature bio‐waste compost in a viticultural environment, which exceed the potential mineralization rates known for bio‐waste compost applied to arable soils in Germany.  相似文献   

利用位于陕西杨凌的17年长期定位试验研究了长期不施肥(CK)、单施化肥(F)、化肥配施有机肥(F+M)和化肥加秸秆还田(F+S)处理对小麦-玉米轮作体系中作物不同生长时期土壤微生物生物量碳、氮(SMBC、SMBN)和矿质态氮含量的影响。结果表明,0—10 cm土层土壤SMBC、SMBN和矿质态氮含量的变化范围分别为264.8~752.2、37.51~14.8和3.83~8.5 mg/kg。不同处理相比,F+M处理中各采样时期(小麦苗期、拔节期、灌浆期及玉米播种期、大喇叭口期、灌浆期和收获后)土壤SMBC和SMBN含量均为最高,分别为不施肥对照的1.382~.65和1.892~.50倍;F+S处理矿质态氮含量最高,SMBC和SMBN也高于F和CK处理,大部分采样时期的差异达显著水平(P0.05);与CK相比,长期单施化肥也使各时期SMBC和SMBN含量提高。在小麦拔节期到灌浆期的旺盛生长阶段各施肥处理土壤SMBN含量均下降,而矿质态氮含量变化不大,处于较低水平;在玉米大喇叭口期到灌浆期的旺盛生长阶段,F+M、F+S和F处理土壤矿质态氮含量显著下降,而SMBN含量均有所升高。表明在土壤矿质态氮含量较高时,作物首先利用矿质态氮,而在土壤矿质态氮含量处于较低水平时,微生物固持的氮素可能会释放出来供作物吸收利用。  相似文献   

Differences in the mechanisms of storage and decomposition of organic matter (OM) between minimum tillage (MT) and conventional tillage (CT) are generally attributed to differences in the physical impact through tillage, but less is known about the effects of residue location. We conducted an incubation experiment at a water content of 60% of the maximum water‐holding capacity and 15°C with soils from CT (0–25 cm tillage depth) and MT fields (0–5 cm tillage depth) with 15N‐labeled maize straw incorporated to different depths (CT simulations: 0–15 cm; MT simulations: 0–5 cm) for 28 d in order to determine the effects of the tillage simulation on (1) mineralization of recently added residues, (2) the dynamics of macroaggregate formation and physical protection of OM, and (3) the partitioning of maize‐derived C and N within soil OM fractions. The MT simulations showed lower relative C losses, and the amount of maize‐C mineralized after 28 d of incubation was slightly but significantly lower in the MT simulations with maize added (MTmaize) than in the respective CT (CTmaize) simulations. The formation of new water‐stable macroaggregates occurred during the phase of the highest microbial activity, with a maximum peak 8 d after the start of incubation. The newly formed macroaggregates were an important location for the short‐term stabilization of C and N with a higher importance for MTmaize than for CTmaize simulations. In conclusion, our results suggest that a higher amount of OM in MT surface soils compared with CT surface soils may not only result from decreased macroaggregate destruction under reduced tillage but also from a higher efficiency of C retention due to a more concentrated residue input.  相似文献   

The suitability of three 15N application methods (15NH3 fumigation, split‐root technique, 15N pre‐cultivation) for the estimation of N net rhizodeposition (NRD) of wheat plants into soil has been tested and compared under similar conditions and at the same developmental stage. The results were as follows: 1. The use of the 15N tracer technique allows the detection of the net N release by roots under soil conditions. NRD was considerable and can be estimated to be at least 15 kg N ha−1 a−1. 2. All three methods applied are practicable under non‐sterile experimental conditions. The distribution of applied 15N in the system and NRD can be balanced totally only by using the 15NH3 fumigation and the 15N pre‐cultivation methods. The split‐root technique leads to an overestimation of NRD. 3. The split‐root technique allows a qualitative separation of the NRD under nearly undisturbed conditions. With the 15N precultivation, a higher 15N‐labelling can be achieved for long‐term balance studies. 4. Despite the required high 15N abundance, the 15NH3 fumigation method works best to evaluate the influence of microbes on NRD and to quantify the gaseous 15N release.  相似文献   

Indicators of soil quality associated with N‐cycling were assessed under different land‐use systems (native forest – NAT, reforestation with Araucaria angustifolia or Pinus taeda and agricultural use – AGR) to appraise the effects on the soil potential for N supply. The soil total N ranged from 2 to 4 g/kg (AGR and NAT, respectively), and the microbial biomass N ranged from 80 to 250 mg/kg, being higher in NAT and A. angustifolia, and lower in P. taeda and AGR sites. Activities of asparaginase (ca. 50–200 mg NH4+‐N/kg per h), glutaminase (ca. 200–800 mg NH4+‐N/kg per h) and urease (ca. 80–200 mg NH4+‐N/kg/h) were also more intense in the NAT and A. angustifolia‐reforested soils, indicating greater capacity for N mineralization. The NAT and AGR soils showed the highest and the lowest ammonification rate, respectively (ca. 1 and 0.4 mg NH4+‐N/kg per day), but the inverse for nitrification rate (ca. 12 and 26%), indicating a low capacity for N supply, in addition to higher risks of N losses in the AGR soil. A multivariate analysis indicated more similarity between NAT and A. angustifolia‐reforested sites, whilst the AGR soil was different and associated with a higher nitrification rate. In general, reforestation with the native species A. angustifolia had less impact than reforestation with the exogenous species P. taeda, considering the soil capacity for N supply. However, AGR use caused more changes, generally decrease in indicators of N‐cycling, showing a negative soil management effect on the sustainability of this agroecosystem.  相似文献   

We compared the dynamics of net mineralization of nitrogen (N) derived from white clover material (Ndfc) as measured by the difference and the 15N methods in a pot experiment with a sandy loam (15°C and pF 2.4) planted with Italian ryegrass. On day 22, mineralized Ndfc (soil mineral N plus plant N uptake) was 5.8% and 1.3% of added N for the 15N and the difference methods, respectively. The discrepancy was reduced on day 43. On day 64, the relationship was reversed, and on day 98 the values given by the two methods were 22.8% and 29.5%, respectively. The results obtained by the two methods were linearly correlated (r = 0.987) and, on average, did not differ significantly. Nevertheless, the different temporal patterns led to appreciably different parameter values as estimated by fitting of a reparameterized Richards model. On day 22, clover amendment reduced mineralized N derived from soil (Ndfs) by 3.4 mg N pot–1. The reason for this was that the clover amendment led to a reduction in plant growth and uptake of Ndfs, most likely because of allelopathy, while mineral Ndfs did not increase correspondingly. Clover-induced Ndfs in the microbial biomass of 5.1 mg N pot–1 suggested that the mineral Ndfs not taken up by plants had been reimmobilized. Towards the end of the experiment, clover-induced Ndfs in the biomass declined to 1.5 mg N pot–1, while mineralized Ndfs due to clover amendment increased to 5.1 mg N pot–1. The results strongly suggested that this increase was caused by a real stimulation of humus N mineralization by clover amendment rather than by isotope displacement or pool substitution. Received: 5 May 1997  相似文献   

Quantifying trends in soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) under contrasting management conditions is important in understanding the dynamics of soil organic matter (SOM) in soils and in ensuring their sustainable use. Against such a background, a 60-day greenhouse simulation experiment was carried out to study the effects of straw placement, mineral N source, and tillage on SMBC dynamics in two contrasting soils, red soil (Ferrasol) and black soil (Acrisol). The treatments included straw addition + buried (T1); straw addition + mineral N (T2); and straw addition + tillage (T3). Straw was either buried in the soil or placed on the surface. Sampling was done every 15 days. Straw placement, addition of external mineral N sources (Urea, 46% N) and soil type affected SMBC. SMBC levels decreased with exposure durations (15 days, 30 days, 45 days, and 60 days). Rate of SMBC fixation was more in buried straw than in surface placed straw at all sampling dates in both soils. Addition of an external N source significantly increased SMBC level. Soil pH increased in both soil types, with a greater increase in black soil than in red soil. The study could not, however, statistically account for the effect of tillage on SMBC levels because of the limited effect of our tillage method due to the artificial barrier to mechanical interference supplied by the mesh bags, although differences in absolute values were quite evident between treatments T1 and T3.  相似文献   

In the last decades many aspects of nitrogen turnover have been studied by 15N methods. In this article contemporary 15N tracer as well as natural 15N abundance methods for the study of animal manure turnover are briefly reviewed. The nitrogen dynamics after application of farmyard manure and slurry are elucidated. Here, emphasis was put on results from 15N stable isotope work in the fields of nitrogen immobilization, nitrogenous trace gas emissions, turnover of organic nitrogen fractions, and finally plant uptake. Added nitrogen interactions, which must be considered when interpreting 15N studies, are discussed. Finally promising research fields for the use of stable isotopes are outlined.  相似文献   

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