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Experiments with the alkaline heavy clays of the Sudan Gezira showed that when the strigol analogue GR7 was applied to moist soil prior to subjecting Striga hermonthica seeds to moist conditions (‘conditioning’) for 7–14 days, there was no significant increase in germination. Conditioning of seeds in soils treated with GR7 had an adverse effect on the responsiveness of seeds when GR7 was added again after conditioning. Under ideal conditions, when GR7 was applied to conditioned seeds in moist soil, up to 75% germination could be induced by 2.0 kg/ha incorporated to 2–3 cm depth. Residual activity of GR7 persisted in air-dry soil, but at 50% moisture there was complete loss within 1 day. However, when conditioned seeds were put into the soil immediately after GR7 application its activity increased with increasing soil moisture.  相似文献   

Aqueous extracts of fifteen Euphorbia species induced germination of Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. seeds to varying extents. Extracts from E. supina Raf., E. pilulifera Jacq., E. acalyphoides Hochst. ex. Boiss, E. prunifolia (Jacq.) Hort. Schoent., E. hirta L., E. aegyptiaca Boiss, E. splendens Boj., and E. granulata Forsk, were the most active. Extracts from E. acalyphoides and E. pilulifera were inhibitory at high concentrations. Undiluted extracts from E. pilulifera, E. aegyptiaca and E. hirta induced haustorial initiation. The stimulatory substance(s) were widely distributed in plants of E. aegyptiaca. Extracts from E. aegyptiaca also stimulated seed germination and haustorial initiation in a range of Striga species and strains.  相似文献   

Ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid), which generates ethylene, stimulated the germination of pre-conditioned seeds of Striga hermonthica when it was added to the alkaline Gezira clay soil at concentrations of 2.5 to 30 mg kg?1. As little as 5 min contact with treated soil was enough to stimulate germination. Ethephon in soil did not cause germination of unconditioned seeds for periods of up to 12 days and also had an adverse effect on seed germination when such seeds were given a second ethephon exposure after a storage period which was adequate, in untreated soil, to give the necessary pre-conditioning. Ethephon activity persisted in air-dry soil but declined over a 14 day period in moist soil. In the field ethephon at 0.6 to 4.8 kg ha?1 decreased the number of Striga shoots and increased sorghum height and flowering.  相似文献   

Seedbank density is an important aspect that determines the amount of damage that the parasitic weed, purple witchweed (Striga hermonthica; hereafter, called “Striga”), causes on its crop hosts. The seedbank depletion of Striga was measured in Mali and Niger during the 2004 rainy season under the host crops, pearl millet and sorghum, the non‐host crops, cowpea and sesame, the intercrops of pearl millet or sorghum with cowpea or sesame, and fallow with or without weeding. Two methods were used and compared; namely, a seed bag method and a soil‐sampling method. The fate of the seeds was assessed by a seed press test. Seed germination, as determined by the presence of empty seed coats, contributed most to the seedbank depletion of Striga under a variety of crop covers and fallow. The highest seedbank depletion was found under the monocultures of the host crops. The intercrops of the host and non‐host crops caused less seedbank depletion, followed by the monocultures of the non‐host crops, fallow, and bare soil. The seed bag method and the soil‐sampling method yielded similar percentages of seedbank depletion, while the former allowed for distinguishing between the germinated and diseased seeds. The results suggest that, although all the tested crop species can cause the seed germination and seedbank depletion of Striga, management by using host cereal crops causes the highest amount of germination and has the highest potential to deplete the soil seed bank, provided that seed production is prevented.  相似文献   

Seeds of Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze required 7 and 14 days at 30°C to become conditioned when they were immersed in water and 10?8m dl-strigol, respectively. At least 80% of seeds so conditioned germinated with 10?8m dl-strigol as a terminal stimulation treatment. Seeds that were first immersed in water for 2 days, then subjected to one to three drying periods of 2 days each, either separately or continuously, required only 2 days of water immersion to become conditioned. Seeds first immersed in 10?8m dl-strigol, then subjected to one or two drying periods, required only 3–4 days of water immersion as compared to a 14 days’requirement without drying treatments. The seeds first immersed in water or 10?8m dl-strigol and then dried, plus one or two 10?8m dl-strigol immersions, required 4 days of water immersion to become conditioned. However, the seeds immersed in various combinations of water or 10?8m dl-strigol solutions plus one, two or three drying periods of 2 days each required 6 days of water immersion to become conditioned. The results indicate that the interaction of prolonged drying treatments and dl-strigol immersions delay conditioning processes in the seeds. Both water immersion and short drying treatments, however, seem to enhance certain required processes that occur during conditioning, thereby reducing the time required for the seeds to become conditioned when re-immersed in water.  相似文献   

The persistence, binding, and metabolism of six dinitroaniline herbicides, including trifluralin, profluralin, dinitramine, butralin, fluchloralin, and chlornidine, added to Matapeake silt loam were determined after 3, 5, and 7 months. Dinitramine was rapidly degraded during the first 5 months, while butralin and chlornidine were less persistent than fluchloralin, profluralin, and trifluralin after 7 months. The latter three herbicides were similar in persistence and binding properties. The parent herbicide was the major extractable product detected in soil at each sampling time. Degradation products were identified by cochromatography on thin-layer plates, retention times on gas-liquid and high-pressure liquid chromatography, and mass spectral analysis. Dealkylated and cyclic derivatives of the parent herbicide were detected as metabolites. The cyclic products included benzimidazole derivatives of dinitramine, trifluralin, and fluchloralin; a morpholine derivative of chlornidine; and a quinoxaline derivative of fluchloralin. A unique metabolite of butralin was derived from the parent material by the loss of one nitro substituent.  相似文献   

Bromacil was applied annually for 6 or 7 years in two apple-orchard experiments. At intervals of a year after the last applications, concentrations at various depths down to more than 1 m were measured by gas-liquid chromatography. On an average, 54% of the annual dosage was still present, corresponding to a decline to 35% of the initial amount within a year. The highest concentration in the profile was found at about 10–20 cm, which indicates a much lower mobility than that found with soil thin-layer experiments. Traces of bromacil were found at depths around 1 m, especially with the higher dosages. The upper limits of the amount leaching below a depth of 1 m were estimated at less than 3% of the dosage. Persistance et mobilité du bromacile dans les sols de vergers. Du bromacile a été apporté annuellement pendant six ou sept ans dans des essais effectués dans deux vergers de pommiers. A des intervalles d'une année aprés la derniére application, les concentrations ont été mesurées par chroma-tographie gaz-liquide, á des profondeurs variées allant jusqu'a plus d'un métre. En moyenne, il a été retrouvé 54% de la dose annuelle, ce qui correspond á une diminution de 35% de l'apport initial, dans l'intervalle d'une année. Les concentrations les plus fortes dans le profil ont été trouvées aux environs de 10 à 20 cm, ce qui indique une mobilité beaucoup plus lente que ce qui a été trouvé dans des expériences avec des couches minces. Des traces de bromacile ont été retrouvées à des profondeurs avoisinant 1 m, particuliére-ment avec des dosages élevés. Les limites supérieures du lessivage à une profondeur inférieure à 1 m ont été estimées à moins de 3% de la dose. Persistenz und Mobilität von Bromacil im Boden von Obstanlagen In zwei Apfelanlagen wurde iiber sechs bzw. sieben Jahre, jährlich einmal Bromacil angewendet. In Abständen von einem Jahr nach den letzten Anwendungen wurde das Herbizid in verschiedenen Bodentiefen bis liber 1 m Tiefe gaschromatographisch nachgewiesen. Im Durchschnitt waren noch 54% der jährlichen Aufwandmenge vorhanden. Das entspricht einer Abnahme der ursprünglich ausgebrach-ten Herbizidmenge um 35% innerhalb eines Jahres. Die höchste Konzentration wurde in einer Tiefe von etwa 10–20 cm gefunden. Die Mobilität des Herbizids war, verglichen mit seiner Beweglichkeit in Versuchen mit der Boden-Dunn-schicht-Chromatographie wesentlfch geringer. Spuren von Bromacil wurden besonders bei den hoheren Aufwand-mengen in einer Tiefe von 1 m gefunden. Es wird angenom-men, dass die hochste Herbizidmenge, die liber 1 m tief transportiert wurde, weniger als 3% der Aufwandmenge entspricht.  相似文献   

Diseased Egyptian broomrape ( Orobanche aegyptiaca ) inflorescences were collected from a heavily broomrape-infested tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) field in Israel. The microorganisms that were isolated from the diseased inflorescences were passed through Koch's postulates on Egyptian broomrape-parasitizing tomato roots in a polyethylene bag system and pots under greenhouse conditions. The fungi, Alternaria alternata , Macrophomina phaseolina , Rhizoctonia solani , and Fusarium solani , and the bacterium, Bacillus sp., were newly isolated from the diseased inflorescences of Egyptian broomrape and were found to be pathogenic to the parasite. Fusarium solani damaged all of the developmental stages of broomrape and prevented the damage that Egyptian broomrape causes to tomato plants. The level of pathogenicity and the damage of M. phaseolina , A. alternata , and Bacillus sp. to Egyptian broomrape in greenhouse experiments were relatively low. All the tested microorganisms are known as pathogens of tomato, yet none caused disease symptoms on the tomato plants grown in the inoculated polyethylene bags or in the pots. Fusarium solani demonstrated the highest potential for further development as a mycoherbicide for Egyptian broomrape control in tomato.  相似文献   

Striga seeds were extracted from soils collecled in Mali and the viahility of these seeds was estimated. Striga seeds were found in 45 of 46 samples taken from 23 fields. Siriga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. growmg on the host crop millet, was present at all 46 sites sampled. The a size uf the Striga seedbaiik measured lo a depth of 15 cm was estimated to be 38 800 m -2 of surface area (geometnc mean 11 500). The average number of S. hermonthica plants observed per millei hill was 8.83 (geometric mean 3.89) or 13.98 m-2 (gcometrie mean 5.69 m-2). Higher crop hill densities tended to result in higher densities of emerged S. hermonthica per hill. The relationship between seeds m-2 and S. her-monhica plants m-2 was fitied to a reetungular hyperbola and used to reassess an existing model of S. herniouhica control.  相似文献   

The persistence of vinclozolin in three tropical rice soils, widely varying in their physicochemical characteristics, was compared under both non-flooded and flooded conditions. Degradation of the fungicide was more rapid in all the soils under flooded conditions than under non-flooded conditions. Kinetic analysis indicated that the degradation of the fungicide followed a first-order reaction irrespective of soil or water regime. Soil acidity and salinity significantly affected the persistence of the fungicide under non-flooded conditions. The degradation of the dicarboxymide fungicide was enhanced following repeated applications to an alluvial soil under both water regimes, with the enhancement being more marked under flooded conditions. Faster degradation of vinclozolin in mineral salts medium inoculated with non-sterile suspension from retreated alluvial soil indicates the involvement of micro-organisms. 3,5-Dichloroaniline was detected as a metabolite in the degradation of the fungicide in both soil and mineral salts medium. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

从胡杨生存的干旱强光照逆境中获得新的细菌资源,从中筛选新的可抑制瓜列当种子萌发的生防菌。采用3种分离培养基,以稀释涂布法对塔里木河流域3处胡杨根系样品进行可培养细菌分离,通过分析分离菌株16S rRNA基因序列确定其种属分类。采用皿内培养法测定其对瓜列当种子萌发的抑制活性,利用盆栽试验检测分离菌株M2-3对瓜列当寄生的防治效果。结果分离获得98株细菌,分属于28个属,马赛菌属Massilia、Pontibacter、玫瑰单胞菌属Roseomonas为优势菌属。其中,菌株M2-3与Pontibacter salisaro HMC5104T的相似度最高,为97.92%,其菌体发酵液10倍稀释液对瓜列当种子萌发抑制率为87.8%,盆栽试验表明该菌株对瓜列当防效可达36.9%,具备进一步开发可能性。  相似文献   

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) plants were grown in pots with 12.5 and 50 mg applied N kg?1 soil. With an increase of soil N, the Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze infestation, as well as the sorghum shoot dry matter losses due to infestation, decreased. The relative differences in stimulant capacity to induce Striga seed germination among the four sorghum genotypes were not consistent over the 0 to 150 mg N 1?1 range. The sorghum root exudate was considerably more active at 0 mg N 1?1, than at 30 mg N 1?1, and the stimulant produced at 150 mg N 1?1 failed to induce Striga seed germination. Presence of N in the growth medium considerably reduced the effectiveness of the stimulating substance produced by sorghum roots, whereas K promoted stimulant activity only in the absence of N. The presence or absence of P in the growth medium did not affect Striga seed germinability, probably due to the inability of this element to interfere with the production or activity of the stimulating substance from the host plants. It can be concluded, therefore, that sorghum plants seem to produce active root exudate only in conditions of N deficiency.  相似文献   

Botanga CJ  Timko MP 《Phytopathology》2005,95(10):1166-1173
ABSTRACT Striga gesnerioides is a root hemiparasite of wild and cultivated legumes, among which cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and Indigofera hirsuta are suitable hosts. In this study, we examined the genetic structure and host-parasite interaction of a strain of S. gesnerioides parasitizing I. hirsuta (SGFL) from central Florida (United States). Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis was used to compare genetic profiles from 71 individual S. gesnerioides plants (SGFL) representing four different populations in central Florida. Our results showed that these individuals are genetically similar, with pairwise genetic distances ranging from 0.00 to 0.037. A cluster analysis grouped all four S. gesnerioides populations from Florida, separating them from S. gesnerioides isolates parasitic on I. hirsuta and cowpea collected from West Africa. One EcoRI and MseI selective primer combination generated a 510-bp fragment present in individuals from the SGFL and the West African isolate parasitic on I. hirsuta, but absent in isolates parasitic on cowpea. Germination of seed from individuals of all four populations of S. gesnerioides parasitic on I. hirsuta from Florida was stimulated by root exudates from cowpea genotypes Blackeye and TVX-3236, known to be highly susceptible to all races of S. gesnerioides parasitic on cowpea in West Africa. SGFL seedlings failed to parasitize cowpea, with the development of attached SGFL seedlings arrested at the tubercle stage. The very high level of genetic uniformity observed within and among the central Florida populations suggests that there was likely a single introduction of the parasite or strong host-driven selection to genetic uniformity.These findings are important in assessing the potential of the parasite as an agronomically significant pest in the United States.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was performed to study the persistence of imidacloprid from two formulations (Confidor 200 g litre-1 SL and Gaucho 700 g kg-1 WS), and its metabolism in three different soils (Gangetic alluvial soil of Kalyani, lateritic soil of Jhargram and coastal alkaline soil of Canning) of West Bengal following application at 0.5 kg and 1.0 kg AIha-1. Dissipation of imidacloprid in soil followed first-order kinetics and DT50 values ranged from 28.7 to 47.8 days. The shortest half-lives (28.7 and 35.8 days) were observed in the lateritic soil of Jhargram for both liquid and powder formulations. The formation of two metabolites of imidacloprid, imidacloprid-urea and imidacloprid-olefin, was first detected on day 30 of degradation at 28 (+/- 1) degrees C in all three soils.  相似文献   

The effects of soil temperature and soil moisture content on the rate of loss of N-(1-ethylpropyl)-2,6-dinitro-3,4-xylidine (I, AC 92,553) were measured under controlled conditions. The time for 50% disappearance in a sandy loam soil at 75% of field capacity was inversely related to temperature (98 days at 30°; 409 days at 10°). At 25°, the half-life increased with decreasing soil moisture content (122 days at 75% of field capacity; 563 days at 12.5%). In seven soils with different properties there was a trend towards a slower rate of loss as the organic matter content of the soils increased and the half-life varied from 72 to 172 days, first-order kinetics being obeyed. The herbicide was lost rapidly from an inert surface and 97% loss was recorded after 28 days at 25°. Losses from soil surfaces occurred more slowly and were greater from wet compared with dry soil. In the field, it was more persistent when incorporated than when applied to the soil surface. More than 60% of I incorporated in April 1975 could be detected the following September, but when applied to the soil surface, only about 20% of the applied dose remained by this time. Residues measured by gasliquid chromatography using a thermionic nitrogen detector closely paralleled those measured by a bioassay based on the root growth of buckwheat.  相似文献   

The relative persistence of [14C]-gamma-BHC and [14C]-beta-BHC in Indian rice soils under flooded conditions was studied. In alluvial, laterite and pokkali (acid sulphate, saline) soils, rapid degradation of both isomers occurred; in sandy and kari (acid sulphate, saline) soils, both isomers persisted even after 41 days of flooding. The rapid degradation of BHC isomers in the former three soils was related to highly negative redox potentials within 20 days of flooding in contrast to oxidised conditions in sandy and kari soils even after 41 days. During the degradation in the soils, beta-BHC showed longer lag than gamma-BHC. Results suggest that the degradation of beta-BHC commences at a potential lower than that required for gamma-BHC degradation. Greater decomposition of gamma-BHC occurred in rice straw-amended soils than in unamended soils when the insecticide was incorporated to the soils in an aqueous solution. Addition of BHC isomers to the soils in ethanol resulted in comparable rates of rapid decomposition in both rice straw-amended and unamended soils, since ethanol was as effective as rice straw in lowering the redox potentials of the soils favouring BHC decomposition in unamended soil as well.  相似文献   

Imazathabenz-methyl dissipated rapidly in sandy and sandy loam field soils in Nova Scotia. Canada, seeded to wheat ( Triticum aestivam L.).The time to 50% loss of herbicide residues in the 0-10 cm soil zone was about 3-4 weeks after October applications and about 2.5 weeks after June ones. After October applications, there was further loss of >60% of the remaining parent herbicide during the winter and early spring despite periods of prolonged snow cover and freezing, or near freezing, soil temperatures. After October applications, imazamethabenz-methyl residues in May-collected samples from the 10-20 and 20-30 cm soil zones ranged from 40% to 80% and from 15% to 40%, respectively of those extracted from the 0-10 cm zone over four sites. Precipitation in the month after October applications ranged from 105 to 180 mm. which suggests leaching may play an important role in dissipation at times of the year when precipitation greatly exceeds evapotranspiration. Levels of the phytoioxic free acid ranged from 15% to 35% of the parent herbicide in selected samples. These residues had no effect on spring wheat replacement crops. The effect of the herbicide on replacement crops may also be influenced by the soil pH. A laboratory study demonstrated that as soil pH increased from 4.1 to 6.5. degradation of imazamethabenz-methyl increased with a corresponding increase in free acid formation.  相似文献   

Imazapyr absorption, translocation, root release and metabolism were examined in leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.). Leafy spurge plants were propagated from root cuttings and [14C]imazapyr was applied to growth-chambergrown plants in a water + 28% urea ammonium nitrate + nonionic surfactant solution (98.75 + 1 + 0.25 by volume). Plants were harvested two and eight days after herbicide treatment (DAT) and divided into: treated leaf, stem and leaves above treated leaf, stem and leaves below the treated leaf, crown, root, dormant and elongated adventitious shoot buds. Imazapyr absorption increased from 62.5% 2 DAT to 80.0% 8 DAT. Herbicide translocation out of the treated leaf and accumulation in roots and adventitious shoot buds was apparent 2 DAT. By the end of the eight-day translocation period only 14% of applied 14C remained in the treated leaf, while 17% had translocated into the root system. Elongated and dormant adventitious shoot buds accumulated 3.2- and 1.8-fold more 14C, respectively, 8 DAT than did root tissue based on Bq g?1 dry weight. Root release of 14C was evident 2 DAT, and by 8 DAT 19.4% of the 14C reaching the root system was released into the rooting medium. There was no metabolism of imazapyr in crown, root or adventitious shoot buds 2 DAT; however, imazapyr metabolism was evident in the treated leaf 2 and 8 DAT. Imazapyr phytotoxicity to leafy spurge appears to result from high imazapyr absorption, translocation to underground meristematic areas (roots and adventitious shoot buds), and a slow rate of metabolism.  相似文献   

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