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Nitrogen fertilizer was applied at 0, 30,60 and 90 kg N ha-1 in March 1976, 1977 and 1978 to plots containing perennial ryegrass cv. Barlenna sown either alone or with white clover cv. Blanca, Sabeda, Olwen and S100 in four replicated blocks.
Dry matter (DM) yield of all swards responded positively to N with the response being highest in the no-clover swards in two of the three years. Annual DM yields were lower in the no-clover than in the mixed swards at any given N level. The higher levels of N reduced DM yield in mixed swards at some harvests in midsummer.
Swards of S100 were consistently among the lower yielding mixed swards, whereas the other three clover cultivars varied in their relative yields. There were no N x cultivar interactions for white clover yields; irrespective of cultivar, N application reduced annual white clover yield by similar amounts.
It is concluded that it is beneficial to apply moderate amounts of N fertilizer to mixed swards in spring and that under these conditions the yield differences between swards including medium-large and smaller leaved white clover cultivars are similar to differences between the inherent yield potential of these cultivars in mixed swards receiving no N.  相似文献   

Twelve plots were laid down on an existing perennial ryegrass/white clover sward, one plot in each of six replicated blocks receiving 100 kg  N ha−1 (100N) and one plot receiving no N (0N). Biomass, canopy development (stratified cuts and point quadrat records at 2–4-week intervals) and changes in stolon population density were recorded during one 8-week regrowth period (25 July–23 September) to investigate the likely causes of N effects on white clover in mixed swards.
Over the period, N fertilizer resulted in an increase of 74% in perennial ryegrass biomass and a reduction of 24% in white clover biomass. There was also a reduction of 44% in stolon growing point density, mainly due to lower density of younger stolon branches. White clover's contribution to the upper three leaf area index (LAI) units (taken as an estimate of the proportion of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intercepted) was, on average, 70% at 0N producing 74% of the sward biomass, compared with 46% contribution to interception and 37% contribution to biomass at 100N.
While there was no evidence of overtopping, it is concluded that N fertilizer application increased the LAI of perennial ryegrass in the upper layers of the canopy thereby reducing the share of available PAR to white clover. This, coupled with a lower radiation use efficiency at high N and lower population density, results in white clover's reduced performance in mixed swards receiving N fertilizer.  相似文献   

A preliminary investigation evaluated six grass-suppressing herbicides applied on two occasions in late winter to a predominantly ryegrass ley containing only 15% ground cover of white clover. Substantial increases in clover growth, estimated visually, and flower head numbers per unit area were recorded in the first summer after treatment with 2·8 kg ha-1 carbetamide, 0·8 kg ha-1 propyzamide and 0·6 kg ha-1 paraquat. To achieve these increases, visual estimates suggested that spring growth of grass was reduced by 40–80%. However, grass growth recovered fully by mid-summer on the majority of the treatments.
The following year five of the herbicides were compared in a field experiment. Dry matter (DM) and nitrogen (N) assessments of the grass and legume components were made at three harvests in the first growing season and a single harvest in the second year. Carbetamide, paraquat and, especially, propyzamide increased the proportion of clover in the DM (to 89% in the case of 1·2 kg ha-1 propyzamide); in general, using herbicides to raise clover contents above 20% lead to reductions in spring grass growth of about 70%. However, such reduction was offset by subsequent increased growth so that total annual yields were largely unaffected. The increased legume content resulted in an increased N concentration in both grass and legume components, measured in the second summer. At this time, the greatest increase in total N yield (up to 35%) was recorded from 0·6 kg ha-1 propyzamide. Potential uses to achieve legume dominance by grass-suppression are suggested and the needs for further research are outlined.  相似文献   

A 1-year grazing experiment with dairy cows is described in which the milk yield and herbage intake from a sward of S23 perennial ryegrass alone receiving fertilizer N at an annual rate of 360 kg ha−1 were compared with those from a ryegrass-white clover var. Blanca sward given a total N application of 180 kg ha−1. Both treatments gave virtually the same total milk yield of about 12500 kg ha−1 over a 20-week grazing season.  相似文献   

Interactions between perennial ryegrass (grass) and white clover (clover) cultivars were investigated at the seedling stage in two experiments: (a) a field experiment in which two clovers, AberHerald and Grasslands Huia, were grown in binary mixture with two grasses, Preference and Ba 10761; (b) a glasshouse experiment in which the same clover/grass combinations were grown in low-N soil either with (+ N) or without (-N) added N. In the field experiment both clovers produced larger and more complex seedlings with Preference, and this was particularly evident in Huia. In the glasshouse experiment grass dry-matter yield was greater in the +N treatment, and this effect increased with time. Clover seedling density and development were suppressed in the +N treatment, and the development of AberHerald was affected more than Huia. Morphological measurements of the clovers showed interactions between clover, grass and N level. In the -N treatment Huia plants were larger and more complex than those of AberHerald, but in +N conditions there was little difference between them. Grass cultivar had an effect on clover via N-level interactions: in +N plants there was no grass effect, but -N plants were significantly larger with Preference. Comparison of the root and shoot morphology of the two grasses revealed no obvious differences that would account for these effects.  相似文献   

An examination was made of the effects of different spring treatments on the growth of white clover in a ryegrass/white clover sward. Plots were either cut once (in February, March or April) or twice (in February and April) or left uncut. Nitrogen was applied to half of the plots in each instance. The clover was sampled at intervals of approximately 3 weeks from February to June to determine numbers of leaves and growing points and weights of plant parts. Rates of leaf appearance were also observed and estimates were made of total herbage mass from ground-level cuts.
Percentages of white clover in the herbage were higher in unfertilized than in fertilized plots and in defoliated than in undefoliated plots. The percentage increases that followed defoliation were usually maintained into later regrowth, showing that clover content was not automatically reduced as herbage mass increased. Increases in growing points were recorded after the beginning of April in defoliated unfertilized plots but not in undefoliated fertilized plots or in plots fertilized and defoliated twice during the spring period, in which numbers fell substantially.
Inverse relationships were found between rates of leaf appearance, or the number of green leaves retained per stolon, and herbage mass, whereas heights of clover and grass leaves and the percentage of dry matter allocated to petiole rather than leaf in the clover increased with increasing herbage mass.
We suggest that the observed differences between spring treatments in clover percentage result primarily from their differential effects on the formation and death of tillers and growing points in the early stages of regrowth.  相似文献   

Data are presented for the fourth (1979) and fifth (1980) harvest years of a trial in which four levels of N fertilizer (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha−1) were applied each spring to swards with grass (perennial ryegrass cv. Barlenna) and each one of four cultivars of while clover (Blanca, Sabeda, Olwen and S100) or grass alone. Results from the first three years have been published.
Dry matter (DM) harvested dropped from the fourth to fifth years over all swards by 1 −5 to 2 0 t ha−1 but response to N was maintained (17.4 and 24.4 kg DM (kgN)−l in response to 90 kg N ha−1 in 1979 and 1980 respectively) despite reductions in summer yields relative to unfertilized swards. Blanca swards produced significantly less DM harvested than all other cultivars in 1979 and all cultivars in 1980 except for Olwen. Clover DM harvested continued to fall from 1977, the mean for the unfertilized treatment in 1980 being 55% of that in 1979. Up to 1980 Sabeda swards produced more clover DM harvested than Blanca swards. Linear regressions between annual clover content at zero N and at each spring N level for each sward type over 5 harvest years were very highly significant. It is concluded that all cultivars used responded similarly to spring N. Further work to develop a method for predicting the effect of spring N on clover content of given swards is required.  相似文献   

In grass–legume swards, biologically fixed nitrogen (N) from the legume can support the N requirements of the grass, but legume N fixation is suppressed by additional fertilizer N application. This study sought to identify a fertilizer N application rate that maximizes herbage and N yields, N fixation and apparent N transfer from white clover to companion grasses under intensive grazing at a site with high soil‐N status. During a 3‐year period (2011–2013), swards of perennial ryegrass and of perennial ryegrass–white clover, receiving up to 240 kg N ha?1 year?1, were compared using isotope dilution and N‐difference methods. The presence of white clover increased herbage and N yields by 12–44% and 26–72%, respectively. Applications of N fertilizer reduced sward white clover content, but the effect was less at below 120 kg N ha?1. The proportion of N derived from the atmospheric N fixation was 25–70%. Nitrogen fixation ranged from 25 to 142 kg N ha?1 measured using the isotope dilution method in 2012 and from 52 to 291 kg N ha?1 using the N‐difference method across all years. Fertilizer N application reduced the percentage and yield of fixed N. Transfer of N from white clover to grass was not confirmed, but there was an increased N content in grass and soil‐N levels. Under intensive grazing, the maximum applied N rate that optimized herbage and N yields with minimal effect on white clover content and fixation rates was 60–120 kg N ha?1.  相似文献   

In a field experiment carried out over 3 years, the nitrate content of herbage from perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) swards increased exponentially with nitrogen application rate, but herbage nitrate content appeared to reach potentially dangerous concentrations only when nitrogen application rates were greater than those needed to stimulate dry-matter production. Thus, on average over all the harvests, maximum yield could be obtained with annual application rates of 400 kg N ha–1 (six applications of 67 kg N ha–1) for perennial ryegrass and 300 kg N ha–1 (six applications of 50 kg N ha–1) for perennial ryegrass/white clover (Trifolium repens) swards, whereas the mean nitrate concentrations were 3340 and 2929 mg NO3 kg–1 dry matter (DM) respectively. Nitrate content, however, varied considerably from harvest to harvest, reaching maxima of 9345 mg NO3 kg–1 DM at 400 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass and 6255 mg NO3 kg–1 DM at 300 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass/white clover. The nitrate content of herbage from perennial ryegrass/white clover swards was always greater than that of perennial ryegrass swards receiving the same rate of nitrogen application, even though in the herbage from the mixed sward the nitrate content of white clover was usually less than half that of the perennial ryegrass component. The physical environment did not have a clearly interpretable effect on nitrate content, although herbage harvested in May had a much lower nitrate content than that harvested at any other time of the season. It was not possible to find a single multiple regression equation relating herbage nitrate content to nitrogen application and to other environmental variables that explained more than 60% of the variance in herbage nitrate, but it is suggested that, by reducing the later-season nitrogen applications from 67 to 50 and finally to 33 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass and from 50 to 33 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass/white clover, it would be possible to achieve over 90% of the maximum yield while reducing average nitrate content to <40% of that at maximum yield, with no samples containing more than 2300 mg NO3 kg –1 DM.  相似文献   

Four varieties of white clover (small-leaved cv. Aberystwyth S184. medium-leaved cv. Grasslands Huia and large-leaved cvs Linda and Olwen) were sown at 3 kg ha-1 together with 10 kg ha-1 perennial ryegrass cv. Talbot. Herbage productivity was measured for three harvest years, 1979-81, over four annual rates of fertilizer N (0,120,240 and 360 kg ha-1) and two closeness of cutting treatments (80 and 40 mm from ground level). A simulated grazing regime of six cuts per year at 3- to 6-week intervals was used.
Production of total herbage DM was increased by increasing N rate; mean annual DM production ranged from 783 1 ha-1 with no N to 11701 ha-1 at 360 kg ha-1 N. Mean herbage response to N (kg DM per kg N applied) was 73,90 and 108 for the three successive N increments relative to no N. Mean white clover DM production was reduced from 4 14t ha-1 with no N to 051 t ha-1 at 360 kg ha-1 N.
The large-leaved clover varieties were more productive than the small- or medium-leaved varieties at all N rates. Close cutting increased total herbage and white clover by a mean annual 16% and 31%. respectively. White clover varieties did not interact with either N rate or closeness of cutting.
It is concluded that repetitive N application over the growing season is incompatible with white clover persistence and production, even with large-leaved clover varieties or with close cutting, two factors which improved clover performance in the experimental swards.  相似文献   

Two field trials were carried out in successive years in which (1) perennial ryegrass and white clover seeds were drilled together, or (2) clover was broadcast and grass drilled, or (3) both clover and grass were broadcast. The last two treatments were followed by harrowing or not of the seed bed. Sowing took place in early May or August. Four harvests were taken in each full harvest year. In establishment years, sowing in May resulted in a total dry matter (DM) production at least ten times higher than that resulting from sowing in August. No sowing method treatment effects on total DM or clover yield were significant in the establishment year (measured only in spring-sown plots). In the first harvest year the August-sown treatments produced 15% less DM than those sown in May and clover yield was, on average, 40% lower than the earlier sown treatments; clover proportion followed a similar pattern to yield. Drilling of both grass and clover without harrowing produced swards with a significantly lower proportion of clover in the first harvest year in the first trial than in treatments in which clover was broadcast but not harrowed. In the second trial at harvest 1, clover proportion just failed to be significantly lower in the treatment in which grass and clover were drilled than in the treatment when clover was broadcast and the seed bed harrowed. In the second harvest year (first trial only), annual clover yield and proportion were not affected but drilled grass and clover had lower DM yield than when grass was drilled and clover broadcast without harrowing and when both were broadcast, without harrowing. At one harvest, the yield of clover in treatments sown in May was actually lower than that in the later-sown plots. In a subsidiary controlled environment experiment to investigate the effect of stage of clover development on cold hardiness (a factor in autumn-sown swards), plants which were about to initiate stolons (58 days old) had an LD50 of ?5·1° compared with ?9·3°C for plants 60 days older. It is concluded that autumn sowing delays the time at which optimum clover production is achieved (late in the first full harvest year) and method of sowing does not compensate for this. However, sowing in August under Northern Ireland conditions does not seem to jeopardize the chances of a successful establishment of white clover, and plants should be sufficiently winter hardy to withstand relatively hard freezing conditions.  相似文献   

A trial was carried out over two harvest years to assess the effect of sheep grazing and closing date on stolon density and seed yield components of two contrasting white clover varieties and to determine the potential for producing clover seed from mixed swards in an integrated livestock/seed production system.
Overall, the small-leaved cv. S184 had a higher stolon density at closing and harvest than the large-leaved cv. Olwen, but only significantly so in 1987. Stolon density at closing was generally increased by delaying closing. Varieties also differed in their response to closing date. Stolon density of cv. S184 in both harvest years, generally increased with later closing whilst cv. Olwen was less influenced by closing date and at all dates in 1987, and all but one date in 1986 was not significantly different from the ungrazed treatment.
Delay of closing significantly increased stolon density at harvest on all closing dates in 1987 but had no effect in 1986. Varieties responded similarly to a delay in closing but the magnitude of increase of cv. Olwen was less than that of cv. S184.
The seed yield components of both cv. S184 and cv. Olwen were influenced by closing date, but the effect differed between years. Although there was some initial increase in inflorescence production, delaying closing after inflorescence buds appeared on the stolon reduced inflorescence number of cv. Olwen in both years but reduced inflorescence number in cv. S184 in 1986 only. However, inflorescence size, seed yield per inflorescence and the proportion of ripe inflorescences at harvest was reduced in both years. Cultivar S184 produced more inflorescences than cv. Olwen in both years and in both years tolerated later closing than cv. Olwen.
The effect of sheep grazing and closing date is discussed in relation to stolon removal and the suitability of particular leaf types for this system of seed production.  相似文献   

The effects of different spring defoliation managements on potential harvestable seed yield and seed yield components of three contrasting white clover cultivars were assessed. The small-leaved cv. S184 produced more but smaller inflorescences than the large-leaved cv. Olwen and Menna, a medium-leaved cultivar. Cultivar Olwen, however, produced more ripe and brown (nearly ripe) inflorescences with more florets, seeds per floret and a higher seed yield per ten inflorescences than the other cultivars. Potential harvestable seed yield and individual seed yield components were only influenced by defoliation after bud emergence, as defoliation before bud emergence had no effect on seed yield components. Defoliation after bud emergence had a similar effect on all cultivars: the number of ripe inflorescences was unaffected by defoliation but the number of brown and therefore harvestable (ripe + brown) inflorescences was highest following defoliation three weeks after bud emergence. Florets per inflorescence, seed per floret, 1000 seed weight, seed yield per ten inflorescences and potential harvestable seed yield were not influenced by defoliation after bud emergence. Season had a significant effect on seed yield components and influenced the effect of defoliation treatments, emphasizing the importance of climate in white clover seed production. The results are discussed in relation to the spring defoliation of white clover seed crops, harvesting techniques and the provision of guidelines for optimizing seed yield.  相似文献   

Three experiments designed to investigate different facets of autumn management on white clover stolon development are described. The effects of defoliation interval (2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks during 16 weeks from 27 July) were investigated. The shortest interval resulted in the shortest length of stolon material per unit area but cutting interval had no effect on growing point density nor on hardiness of stolon tips evaluated in October, December and January.
Chemical grass suppressants were employed to reduce grass biomass during winter in two experiments to evaluate the influence of grass on white clover development. One experiment involved varying grass tiller density by spraying a perennial ryegrass/white clover sward in October with three rates of three chemical suppressants (Clout, Kerb and Checkmate). Although tiller and clover growing point density were inversely related in January, the overall relationship was not strong.
Clout at l·5kg a.i. ha−1 was sprayed in October on one of two subplots in each of twelve grazed grass/white clover plots that had been maintained at 7 or 9 cm from July to October then grazed to 3–4 cm with sheep. Sward height had no effect on clover population density but the shorter sward had a greater mean node number per secondary stolon branch. By March, suppressing grass resulted in more than double the stolon population density, a higher proportion of plants with tertiary and quaternary branches, and on marked stolons, five times more branches and 60% higher dry matter (DM) produced during winter but with shorter petioles compared with clover in untreated plots.
It is concluded that white clover has the capacity to branch during a mild winter and as stolon branch numbers can suffer a net loss as a result of the presence of the grass canopy, management that controls grass growth during winter should aid over-wintering and improve persistence of white clover.  相似文献   

The effect of blending small- and medium-leaved white clovers together in a mixture of varieties was examined under continuous sheep stocking over a period of three years. Four varieties were used, S184 and Gwenda, small-leaved varieties suitable for intensive sheep grazing, together with medium leaved varieties Menna and Donna, which are mainly used in general purpose seed mixtures for medium term leys. The small-leaved varieties were blended with Menna or Donna, sown with a commercial grass mixture and managed as near as possible to farm practice. Although the leaf size of Gwenda is only slightly greater than that of S184, blends based on these two small-leaved varieties behaved differently. In spring of the first harvest year the yield of Gwenda and of the clover in mixtures containing Gwenda was 27% greater than the yield of the same mixtures which contained S184. As the season progressed this difference decreased. In terms of total annual yields and saving in fertilizer N, the benefits of including white clover in a seed mixture were more pronounced when Menna was mixed with S184 and Gwenda, rather than when Donna was used, although both varieties are in the medium-leaf category. It was concluded that the slower establishment and the lower clover yield of S184, when compared with larger leaved varieties, can be overcome by blending with a variety that is slightly larger in leaf size, such as Menna, although the choice of variety may depend on sward management and its persistency under grazing.  相似文献   

An experiment was set up to investigate the morphological and physiological changes occurring in two white clover (Trifolium repens) (clover) varieties, AberHerald and Huia, growing in binary mixture with two perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) (grass) varieties, Preference and Ba 10761. Measurements were made on four occasions during winter/spring 1993–94. The statistical procedure of antedependence analysis was used to check for the existence of serial correlations among data from the different sampling dates. Evidence of antedependence was found in only three of the seventeen variables measured, and an order of antedependence for each of these was estimated. The antedependence structure providing the best fit to the data was then used in an analysis of covariance on the data set for that variable. The rest of the seventeen variables could be safely analysed by a split-plot analysis of variance for each sampling date separately. This result validated the sampling protocol used in the experiment.  相似文献   

Small swards of white clover and perennial ryegrass were established in Perlite in a heated glasshouse, as either monocultures or mixtures of equal plant numbers. On 26th March, 1984 the swards were moved outside and their growth studied over the period to 29th May. All swards received a basal level of nitrate N to simulate soil mineralization and two-thirds received additionally the equivalent of 80 kg N ha−1. Over the experimental period (26th March-29th May) clover maintained its proportion of total mixture dry weight In swards given 'fertilizer'-N and increased its proportion in those given only 'basal' N, However, clover declined as a percentage of total mixture dry weight during the first period of the experiment when total leaf area index (LAI) and ambient temperatures were low, and increased its percentage later when temperature and LAI had risen. Changes in tiller and stolon growing point numbers were not good indicators of changes in dry weight. Relative yields and relative replacement rates also were not good indicators of relative performance in mixture. Where 'fertilizer'-N was applied, clover derived less of its nitrogen from that source than grass although their uptakes per unit shoot dry weight were similar.  相似文献   

The period of leaf expansion in white clover ( Trifolium repens ) grown with perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne ) in mixed swards and the relationship between the period of leaf expansion and leaf appearance rate were examined in a field experiment in The Netherlands in which two cutting frequencies (low and high) and three white clover cultivars (Alice, Retor and Gwenda) were used. A significant positive correlation existed between the period of leaf expansion and leaf appearance rate under a low frequency of cutting, indicating that a longer cutting interval might allow the expression of cultivar and environmental differences in both leaf expansion and leaf appearance rate. In most cases, frequent cutting tended to shorten the period of leaf expansion, which may be an important cause of lower dry-matter yield in the high frequency of cutting treatment. The large-leaved cv. Alice had a significantly longer period of leaf expansion than the other cultivars under frequent cutting in autumn. This might partly account for the mixtures with Alice having a greater proportion of white clover than the mixtures with Retor and Gwenda in autumn. Some of the variation between low- and high-frequency cutting treatments in the period of leaf expansion could be explained by mean and minimum temperatures (38% and 15% respectively).  相似文献   

Two contrasting Gremie perennial ryegrass and Blanca white clover seeds mixtures were established. Each sward type was either continuously or rotationally (four paddocks) grazed at two stocking rates by lambs of 26–28 kg initial mean live weight in two 12-week experiments. Dry matter production, assessed by the cage method, was lower on the high-clover sward during the first experiment but overall was similar between seeds mixtures. Clover content, and differences between sward types, declined with time and was lowered by continuous grazing in both experiments and by the higher stocking rate in the first experiment. Animal performance was related to intake and both were increased by lowering stocking rate, increasing clover content and adopting a continuous grazing system. The results are discussed in relation to the experimental methods used and to other published findings.  相似文献   

White clover swards were grown in a freely ventilated glasshouse during August and September 1979. The uninterrupted growth of these swards, which were grown in Perlite with either nitrate or biologically fixed nitrogen, was studied from 5 weeks after sowing until peak dry weights of the live sward components occurred. The dry weight of leaf laminae, petioles, stolons, roots, nodules and dead material was determined weekly together with live leaf numbers and leaf lamina area. The pattern of dry matter accumulation of the yield components of the swards (live leaf laminae plus petioles) was characterized by an initial period of more or less exponential growth up to 6 weeks from sowing dominated by leaf lamina development. This was followed by a linear phase, when petiole weight increased rapidly and a final slowing down period terminated by peak yields of live DM 12 weeks after sowing.
The weight of stolons, roots and nodules increased slowly during the period dominated by leaf lamina growth compared with the rapid increase thereafter, which resulted in a two- to three-fold increase in the weight of stolons, roots and nodules by the time the weights peaked. It is assumed that after the leaf area index of the sward had reached a plateau there was a limit to the assimilate supply to the sward components at a stage when they were all apparently competing for photosynthates. There was a progressive slowing down in the rate of dry matter accumu-  相似文献   

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