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An experimental infection of 4-to 5-month old pigs with a stock of Trypanosoma brucei brucei resulted in a high parasitaemia, anorexia, pyrexia and a decline in the packed cell volume by one third. Nervous sign of circling and wobbling of the hind legs occurred in one of the pigs which at necropsy revealed a very severe meningo-encephalitis and the presence of trypanosomes in the brain. These results confirm that T. b. brucei might cause a severe disease in pigs.  相似文献   

Pathological changes in cattle infected with Trypanosoma brucei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Studies on relapsing Trypanosoma brucei brucei infections in dogs after Berenil treatment revealed that the first relapse occurred 13 to 64 days after chemotherapy and 36 to 79 days after inoculation. A second relapse infection was observed in two dogs 43 and 60 days after a second Berenil treatment. During the aparasitaemic period following chemotherapy in four dogs, successful transmission (as evidenced by subsequent parasitaemia) following the intraperitoneal inoculation of homogenate of brain from two of the dogs into recipient rats was obtained. Transmission with blood collected just before the animals were sacrificed was, however, negative. Hornogenates of other organs (liver, spleen, eyes, testes, kidneys, heart and lymph node) were also non-infective. One dog inoculated with relapsed trypanosomes and treated with Berenil soon after showing parasitaemia was completely cured of the infection. It was considered that the brain is the source of relapse in T b brucei infection after Berenil therapy and that the relapse was not due to drug resistance.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma brucei infection produced an acute and fatal disease in Nigerian mongrel dogs due to a rapidly developing anaemia. Infected dogs responded with increased reticulocytosis, which was not sustained with chronicity. In comparison the response to artificially-induced haemolytic anaemia was progressive, marked and sustained. The anaemia of T. brucei infection of dogs was either normocytic normochromic in acute infection or microcytic normochromic in chronic infection. Artificially-induced haemolytic anaemia was either macrocytic normochromic or normocytic normochromic. The erythropoietic potential of plasma in vivo in mice increased in T. brucei-infected dogs except at the terminal parasitaemia. The anaemia in Trypanosoma brucei-infected dogs is therefore initially responsive but becomes poorly involved with chronicity.  相似文献   

Six Zebu bulls aged between 31 and 34 months exhibiting good libido were used to study sequential testicular and epididymal damage in Trypanosoma vivax infection. Three bulls were infected with T. vivax, while the other three served as controls. All infected bulls became parasitaemic by day 5 post-infection and developed clinical trypanosomosis with rapidly developing anaemia. Representative bulls, one from each of the infected and control groups, were sacrificed on days 14, 28 and 56 post-infection. Testes and epididymides from these animals were studied histopathologically after processing and staining with haematoxylin and eosin (H and E). Testicular degeneration developed in all the infected bulls characterized by depletion of spermatogenic cells and destruction of interstitial tissue. The most severe testicular degeneration occurred in the bull that was sacrificed 56 days post-infection. Epididymal sperm reserves were 36%, 4% and 0%, respectively, in infected bulls that were sacrificed on days 14, 28 and 56 post-infection. The 0% epididymal sperm reserve may suggest complete cessation of spermatogenesis. It was concluded from this study that T. vivax infection of Zebu bulls could cause severe testicular and epididymal damage that may result in infertility or even sterility of the affected animals at early infection stages not previously thought.  相似文献   

A direct haemagglutination assay for antibodies to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) was used to assess the response of rats infected with Trypanosoma brucei gambiense. Whereas uninfected rats showed an efficient primary and secondary immune response to SRBC, trypanosome-infected rats displayed depressed antibody response starting about six days after infection. Infected rats failed to respond to a challenge dose of SRBC given 14 days after infection while uninfected control animals responded with an increased level of antibody production. These observations showed that T. b. gambiense infection inhibited both primary and secondary immune response to SRBC in rats. The result of this experiment is very important with regard to serological methods used to detect increasing levels of antibody production for diagnosis of diseases caused by bacterial and viral pathogens. In a concurrent trypanosome infection such increasing antibody levels would not be observed, leading to inaccurate diagnosis. Thus trypanosomiasis infection should be excluded under field conditions before the value of a serological diagnosis can be fully utilized.  相似文献   

Growing pigs were placed on feeds with high (Group A), medium (B) and low (C) dietary energy and were infected with a virulent stock of T. brucei. Eight weeks later, the infected pigs were treated with isometamidium chloride at 1 mg/kg live weight and all pigs were subsequently placed on a high energy diet to investigate their response to therapy. Clearance of T. brucei from blood was completed 72h after treatment. There was no evidence of relapsed infection up to eight weeks after treatment. Red blood cell parameters returned to normal four to six weeks after treatment with responses being fastest in Group A, B and C had gained about two-thirds of the live weight gains of their non-infected pair-fed controls. It appears that the retarded weight gain as a result of the infection persisted after therapy since drug-treated pigs did not gain as much weight as their non-infected controls.  相似文献   



Ethiopia, particularly in the Northwest region, is affected by both tsetse and non-tsetse fly transmitted trypanosomosis, with significant impact on livestock productivity. The aim of this study was to determine and compare clinical findings and haematological values between experimental infections induced by Trypanosoma vivax isolates from areas of either transmission mode. Sixteen young (aged between 6 and 12 months) Zebu cattle (Bos indicus), purchased from a trypanosome-free area and confirmed to be trypanosome-negative, were randomly assigned into four groups of four animals. Groups 1, 2 and 3 were infected with an isolate from a tsetse infested or one of two isolates from a non-tsetse infested area, and group 4 was a non-infected control. All animals in the infected groups were inoculated intravenously with 2 × 106 trypanosomes from donor animals. The experimental animals were monitored for eight consecutive weeks post infection for clinical signs, parasitaemia and haematological changes in packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin concentration (Hgb), total red blood cell (RBC) and white blood cell (WBC) counts, differential WBC count and blood indices (mean corpuscular volume [MCV], mean corpuscular haemoglobin and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration).


Infection was characterized by reduced feed intake, weakness, pyrexia, parasitaemia, rough hair coat, enlarged prescapular lymph nodes, lacrimation, weight loss, pallor mucus membrane and dehydration. Body weight loss in all infected groups was significantly higher than in the non-infected control. Similarly, body weight loss was higher (P < 0.001) in animals infected with the tsetse infested isolate than with the non-tsetse infested isolates. The mean PCV, Hgb, total RBC and WBC counts were lower (P < 0.001), and mean MCV was higher (P = 0.01) in all infected groups than in non-infected control animals at different time points during the study period. Except for minor variations in haematological values, the overall changes were similar in all infected groups.


Clinical signs and significant reduction in haematological values in the infected groups indicated the pathogenicity of the T. vivax parasites. Pathogenicity of T. vivax from the non-tsetse infested area can be considered as nearly as important as that of its counterpart derived from the tsetse infested area.  相似文献   

Twenty dogs of mixed local East African breeds were used. Five of the dogs were uninfected controls and 15 were infected with T. brucei (ILRAD 273). Five of the infected dogs were untreated controls, five were treated with a high curative dose of diminazene aceturate, (7 mg kg-1 body weight (wt.), and five were given a subcurative dose of isometamidium chloride (1 mg kg-1 body wt.). The drugs, given at 8 days post infection (d.p.i..), led to apparent recovery. The antibody titres, however, remained high in both groups and at 42-49 d.p.i. there was at least one relapse in each treatment group. Parasite populations from relapsed animals were more resistant to the drugs than the original infecting populations. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma evansi causes wasting disease in many livestock. T. evansi infection gives rise to inflammatory immune responses, which contribute to the development of inflammation-associated tissue injury. We previously reported that regulatory dendritic cells (DCs), which act as potential regulators of inflammation, were activated in infected mice and transfer of regulatory DCs to infected mice prolonged their survival. However, the kinetics of regulatory DCs in cattle, which are natural hosts of T. evansi, remained unclear. In this study, we report that the expressions of CCL8 and IL-10, which promote the development of regulatory DCs, were up-regulated in cattle experimentally infected with T. evansi. This finding is potentially useful for studying the control strategy of T. evansi infection in cattle.  相似文献   

The present study examined the development of anaemia in Small East African goats experimentally infected with Trypanosoma congolense or Trypanosoma brucei. Experimental goats received a primary trypanosome challenge on day 0, treated with diminazene aceturate on day 49 and received a secondary trypanosome challenge on day 77 of the 136-day experiment. Both primary and secondary challenges were characterised by reduced peripheral erythrocyte counts, fall in packed cell volume (PCV), hypohaemoglobinaemia and reductions in the myeloid:erythroid ratios (M:E) compared with the uninfected goats. The progressive reduction in the M:E ratios denoted increased erythrogenesis in response to increased destruction of erythrocytes in blood by infecting trypanosomes or their products. The more rapid fall in M:E ratio in T. congolense infections shows that this parasite causes more severe clinical pathological effects in goats than T. brucei.  相似文献   

One group of BALB/c mice infected with a highly virulent strain of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense were treated intraperitoneally with three series of three injections (each injection of 10 mg/kg) of Mel-B separated by seven days of rest, while a second group was treated once by a single injection All the Mel-B treated mice in both experiments were negative for parasites when examined using either the wet blood film or buffy coat methods, but were intermittently PCR positive during the sampling period. We encourage the use of a repeat negative PCR test over a one month period in combination with corroborative clinical and parasitological investigation to be suggestive of cure in experimental animals previously infected with trypanosomosis. In view of the exorbitant costs of Mel-B and its extreme toxicity, we recommend that Mel-B be given as one course of two injections (each equivalent to 10 mg/kg) separated by 2 d of rest in experimentally infected rodent models.  相似文献   

Four dogs were infected with Trypanosoma brucei (Mkar strain) while another four were used as uninfected controls. Two of the dogs showed acute disease and died in the first wave of parasitaemia on days 7 and 8 post infection (PI) while the other two died from the sub-acute disease on days 24 and 28 PI corresponding to the second wave of parasitaemia. In the first wave of parasitaemia there was a sharp decrease in the packed cell volume, red blood cell, haemoglobin, total leucocytes, eosinophil, neutrophil and lymphocyte values, but during the period of low parasitaemia there was a slight recovery of the values of total leucocytes and lymphocytes although these and the other values showed a continuous decrease during the second wave of parasitaemia. In contrast, there was a consistent monocytosis in both acute and sub-acute diseases. The general picture was that of loss of condition, anaemia, leucopenia, monocytosis, ocular impairment, elevated temperature, pulse and respiratory rates, the difference between the acute and sub-acute diseases being in the degree of intensity. The degree of anaemia noted and the circulatory disturbances associated with the infection could have caused the death of all the infected dogs.  相似文献   

The existence of a pig reservoir for human African trypanosomosis (HAT) due to Trypanosoma brucei gambiense complicates the fight against this disease. This study, reports results obtained from pigs, which were inoculated with the blood of a person, suffering from HAT in Cameroon. The pigs were reared and kept in the shelter from all contact with Glossina, and monitored for 188 days. The seroconversion was checked by agglutination assays for trypanosomosis (CATT 1.3 and LATEX/T.b.gambiense). The parasitemia was measured by quantitative buffy coat method (QBC) and by polymerase chain reaction method (PCR). In addition, growth was recorded as well as blood counting and blood formulas. The results showed that the pigs were trypanotolerant and cure themselves in less than 6 months. It is concluded that sterilisation of this reservoir could be achieved by tsetse-control measures in 1 year. It confirms the strategy to complement screening and treatment of HAT with tsetse fly control measures.  相似文献   

Fourteen goats were experimentally infected with Trypanosoma brucei with the following results: Four animals became terminally ill 24 to 47 days after inoculation of trypanosomes and were killed for necropsy. A second group of four goats became sick, had signs of systemic trypanosomiasis, were treated with diminazine aceturate (Berenil) and recovered showing no signs of disease over observation periods of 151 to 163 days. A third group of six goats, were treated with Berenil and temporarily recovered and in 60 to 79 days after therapy; four of these goats underwent relapse infection characterized by severe central nervous system (CNS) disease. Two of these goats were necropsied 45 days after chemotherapy, before clinical signs were evident, to show early neurological lesions. In group 3 (the relapse group), the microscopic changes became more severe as relapse infection progressed. Microscopically, the central nervous system lesions were edema, hyperemia, and infiltration of plasma cells, small lymphocytes, and some macrophages in the leptomeninges, choroid plexus, and brain parenchyma. Relapse infection is discussed from the standpoint of an occult phase of the disease where parasites are protected from the effects of trypanocidal drugs by the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

The course of an experimental infection of Zebu calves (6-12 months old) with Trypanosoma vivax was studied. Three of eight (38%) infected calves died, two within the first three weeks of infection and the other at 17 weeks. The remaining animals were self-cured. It would appear that self-cure of the infection was related to the ability of the calves to control parasitaemia as well as the severity of anaemia.  相似文献   

The effect of challenging cattle, chronically infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei, with T. congolense on the development of the T. b. brucei infection was investigated. For this purpose, nine experimental animals were first infected with T. b. brucei through the bites of infected tsetse flies. Once the T. b. brucei had developed into a chronic infection, that was difficult to detect using routine parasitological diagnostic tools, seven of the experimental animals were challenged by tsetse flies infected with T. congolense. Two of the animals infected with T. b. brucei were kept as control. The infection with T. congolense resulted in a sudden increase in the parasitaemia of T. b. brucei. In the T. b. brucei control animals, on the other hand, the parasitaemia remained below the level of detection. The epidemiological repercussions of this increase in the parasitaemia of T. b. brucei after infection with T. congolense are discussed.  相似文献   

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