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Eight lines of grain sorghum and their F1hybrids were evaluated for contents of crude protein (CP), fat (FAT), and starch(STA); protein digestibility (PD); and in vitro dry matter disappearance (IVDMD).The effect of seed weight (SW) on these traits and the potential use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to predict them also were investigated. The male lines included three normal-seeded lines (TX2737, TX435, and P954063) and two large-seeded lines (PL-1 and Eastin1). The female lines included common U.S. seed parent lines (Wheatland, Redlan, andSA3042). The lines and their hybrids were grown under dry land conditions at Kansas State University experiment fields in Ashland and Belleville, Kansas, in 1999.The experiments were conducted using a randomized complete block design with four replications at each location. The effect of genotype was significant for all measured traits. The male parent lines were highly variable and expressed high levels of genetic variation in combining ability for CP, PD, STA, and SW. The female parents were genetically more uniform; however, significant general combining ability effects were noted for PD and SW. Significant negative correlations were noted between CP and STA and between SW and STA. Significant positive correlations were found between CP and SW and between FAT and IVDMD. Crude protein content was predicted accurately by NIRS. Fat content and IVDMD could not be predicted by NIRS. The NIRS equations based on ground samples were more accurate than those based on whole-seed samples. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

One of the reasons of poor nutritive value of sorghum grain is resistance of its seed storage proteins (kafirins) to protease digestion. To reveal sorghum entries with increased kafirin digestibility, the sodium dodecyl sulfate – polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS‐PAGE) of endosperm proteins of 10 lines [cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS)‐lines and fertility restorers] and five F1 hybrids before and after pepsin digestion was carried out. For quantitative estimation of kafirin digestibility the SDS‐PAGE banding patterns were scanned by laser densitometer. Significant variability for both individual fractions and total kafirin digestibility was found. The line KVV‐45, fertility restorer for the Indian ‘M35‐1A’ type of CMS, had the highest level of kafirin digestibility (30% and 25% of undigested γ‐ and α1‐kafirins, respectively), while in some entries 80–90% of kafirins remained undigested. Increased α1‐kafirin digestibility coincided with relatively high γ‐kafirin digestibility. High‐molecular weight kafirins (HMWK) (45 kDa and 66 kDa) resistant to pepsin digestion were found in some lines, the F1 hybrids had the same HMWK as parental lines. These data demonstrate possibility for isolation of sorghum genotypes with increased nutritive value by screening their flour for in vitro protein digestibility.  相似文献   

本研究于2015—2019年以晋杂34、辽杂27、晋饲2号、晋糯3号和汾酒粱1号为研究对象,设0(N0)、75(N75)、150(N150)、225(N225)、300(N300)、450 kg hm^-2(N450)6个氮素水平,调查其对产量性状、淀粉含量和土壤硝态氮以及氮素利用特性指标的影响,以探讨高粱合理的氮素施用方案。结果表明,高粱的产量、穗粒数及植株地上部氮素累积量,随施氮水平的增加呈先增加后趋于稳定的趋势,其中以N75处理增幅最大,较N0处理最大增幅分别可达23.68%、48.05%和51.86%;籽粒淀粉含量、5年叠加氮肥利用率、5年叠加氮肥农学效率和氮素5年叠加表观回收率随施氮水平的增加都存在不同程度的降低,其中N75处理下5年叠加氮肥利用率为63.01%,较N150处理提高了76.91%;籽粒淀粉产量则随施氮水平的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势。连续施氮4~5年后,施氮量≥225 kg hm^-2,残留的硝态氮在60~200 cm土层逐年累积,且在0~200 cm土层存在明显的累积峰,硝态氮淋失风险加剧。施氮量75~150 kg hm^-2之间,在满足高粱植株基本生长需求的同时,可以弥补了土壤氮库的消耗,有效降低了土壤硝态氮的淋失,亦有利于高粱产量和籽粒淀粉产量的形成。  相似文献   

To determine a suitable nitrogen fertilizer application rate, an experiment was conducted using Jinza 34, Liaoza 27, Jinsi 2, Jinnuo 3, and Fenjiuliang 1 with six nitrogen (N) fertilization levels, including 0 (N0), 75 (N75), 150 (N150), 225 (N225), 300 (N300), and 450 kg hm-2 (N450). The effects of long-term nitrogen fertilization with different levels on sorghum grain yield, nitrogen use characteristics and soil nitrate nitrogen distribution were investigated. The grain yield, grain number and N accumulation of sorghum increased initially and then tended to be stabile with the increase of nitrogen fertilizer application. Among them, the maximum increase of sorghum under N75 treatment compared with that under N0 treatment was 23.68%, 48.05%, and 51.86%, respectively. With the increase of nitrogen fertilizer application, the grain starch content decreased, while the grain starch yield increased firstly and then decreased. Nitrogen apparent recovery rate, nitrogen fertilizer agronomic efficiency and nitrogen use efficiency which were accumulated for five years were reduced significantly with the increase of nitrogen fertilizer application. Compared with the N150 treatment, nitrogen use efficiency accumulated for five years under N75 treatment, which was 63.01%, was increased by 76.91%. When nitrogen fertilizer application was beyond 225 kg hm-2, after four to five years later, nitrate nitrogen residue was increased rapidly in the 60-200 cm soil layer year by year, NO3--N accumulation peaks distributed in the 0-200 cm soil layer and the risk of nitrate nitrogen leaching was increased. In view of the yield, starch yield, nitrogen utilization and environmental benefit, the reasonable nitrogen fertilizer application for sorghum was between 75 kg hm-2 and 150 kg hm-2.  相似文献   

The stability of biochemical constituents and their association with resistance to shoot fly (Atherigona soccata Rondani) was evaluated for reducing sugars, total sugars, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, chlorophyll and moisture contents at weekly intervals of seedling growth (7, 14, 21 and 28 days after emergence) in 14 selected grain sorghum genotypes [five resistant accessions (IS nos. 1054, 2146, 2312, 3962 and 4664); three susceptible checks (CK 60B, CSV 1 and CSH 1); one national variety (CSV 8R); and five post-rainy advanced generation (F6) breeding lines (148 × CS 3541, SPV 103 × IS 4664, CSV 8R × SPV 104, SPV 104 × M 35-1, and PD 3-1-11 derivative)]. The genotypes IS 2312 and IS 4664 showed stability of antixenosis for oviposition during post-rainy season advanced generation lines compared to the susceptible checks. Deadheart formation was low and the expression of resistance was stable across different seedling growth stages in IS 1054 and IS 2146. Depletion in levels of reducing sugars and phosphorus in resistant genotypes played a significant role in deadheart formation in the test genotypes. Positive association of nitrogen and potassium with oviposition at early seedling stages indicated their role in releasing chemical cues for oviposition. Low levels of reducing sugars and total sugars seemed to enhance the degree of resistance to sorghum shoot fly. The total chlorophyll content had no relationship with antixenosis for oviposition. No relationship was observed between moisture content of sorghum seedlings and shoot fly resistance. Low concentrations of reducing sugars, total sugars, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in sorghum seedlings greatly enhanced the degree of antixenosis for oviposition/feeding and deadheart formation, and can be used as selection criteria for resistance to shoot fly.  相似文献   

Summary The current study deals with genetic improvement of the nutritive value of forage maize. In separate field trials, maize inbred lines without the brown midrib trait and derived hybrids were evaluated for stalk quality as well as some other agronomic traits. The aim was to relate the performance of lines and hybrids. Quality traits studied were the contents of ash and cell walls expressed as percentage of dry matter and the digestibilities of organic matter and cell walls (stalk-dv% and stalk-dcw%, respectively). The performance of hybrids was established in a trial at two locations with three replicates per location and the performance of lines at one location in an unreplicated trial.The range for stalk-dcw% was about 10 percentage units between hybrids and 15 percentage units between inbred lines. Stalk-dcw% had of all quality traits of hybrids the highest broad-sense heritability (h 2=0.74), and determined about 80% of the variation in stalk-dv%. The only stalk quality trait where a significant correlation was found between the mean hybrid performance and the corresponding midparent value was stalk-dcw% (r=0.70, P<0.01).In conclusion, stalk-dcw% proved to be the only stalk quality trait worth evaluating at the inbred line level in a breeding programme aimed at producing commercial hybrid varieties of forage maize.  相似文献   

Summary The group 1 and 6 inter-varietal chromosome substitution lines of Cappelle-Desprez (Bezostaya 1) were intercrossed along with the donor and recipient varieties, Cappelle-Desprez and Bezostaya 1, to give 36 genetically different families. The analysis of the means of these families showed that variation in SDS-sedimentation volume fitted a predominantly additive model. There were no significant within or between chromosome interactions among the group 1 and 6 chromosomes. Nor was there any evidence for interactions between these chromosomes and those of the background. Significant dominance/within chromosome interactions amongst the background chromosomes were however detected. Some of the positive effects on SDS-sedimentation were associated with increased grain hardness. Chromosome effects on % grain protein were not correlated with SDS-sedimentation.  相似文献   

Summary Ten peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) lines, two from each of five centers of diversity in South America, and the F2 generation of all possible crosses among them were used to characterize the variation for yield, fruit and seed traits and protein and oil content and to determine the breeding potential of the parents. Two of the parental lines belong to subspecies hypogaea and the other eight to subspecies fastigiata.Several crosses gave heterotic responses for yield. The parents of the crosses with significant heterosis generally came from different centers of diversity.Variation among both general and specific combining abilities was significant for all traits with the exception of the SCA estimate for protein percent. The component of variation for GCA was larger than the SCA component for all traits.A Spanish line and a Valencia-like intermediate line from the Guarani region had the highest GCA effects for fruit yield, seed yield and meat content and transmitted consistently their characteristics to their F2 progeny. Some lines showed significant but small maternal effects for oil, protein and oil + protein percent. Differences between reciprocal crosses were significant for fruit length, fruit weight and oil + protein percent.A significant portion of the variation among crosses was explained by differences among parental lines within centers of diversity. This supports the fact that centers are founded because of the diversity of the peanuts grown there.The performance of parental lines per se was useful in predicting the performance of the lines in hybrid combination for all traits except fruit yield.Paper number 6141 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service (USA). This work was partially supported by CSRS Research Agreement 701-15-51.  相似文献   

Summary The variation for postharvest, kitchen and table characteristics of sweet potato was studied in a collection of 310 seedlings by correlation techniques and cluster analysis. Desired states were defined for 21 characteristics, and frequency of desired state was determined. Sweet potatoes were classified into 7 groups that are identified from 6 discriminant functions, and a key to the groups was developed. Correlations among quality characteristics were frequent, but moderate in value, thus independent selection for desired characteristics is feasible.  相似文献   

Summary The 21 intervarietal chromosome substitution lines of the cultivar Hope in Chinese Spring were used to analyse the genetic differences between the two cultivars Hope and Chinese Spring in grain protein content and grain weight.Only one chromosome of Hope, 5D, significantly influenced grain protein content of Chinese Spring. Its influence was of only minor effect and was to decrease protein content expression of Chinese Spring. It has been postulated that the genetic control of protein content, in this instance, is most likely due to many genes each of small effect.Five chromosomes of Hope influenced the 1000 grain weight value of normal Chinese Spring, all increasing its expression. Chromosomes 1A, 4A and 5B were of major effect and 3A and 6A of comparatively minor effect. A minimal estimate of five genes determines the difference in grain size between these cultivars. The possible evolutionary significance of the contribution of the A genome of bread wheat to grain size determination is discussed. On the basis of certain findings of this study, proposals are made for breeding for increased grain size in hexaploid wheat.  相似文献   

Typical soybean oil is composed of palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. High oleic acid content in soybean seed is a key compositional trait that improves oxidative stability and increases oil functionality and shelf life. Using a marker‐assisted selection method, near‐isogenic lines (NILs) of G00‐3213 for the high oleic trait were developed and yield tested. These NILs have various combinations of FAD2‐1A and FAD2‐1B alleles that were derived from the same backcrossing populations. The results indicated that G00‐3213 NILs with both homozygous mutant FAD2‐1A and FAD2‐1B alleles produced an average of 788 g/kg oleic acid content. The results also demonstrated that possessing these mutant alleles did not cause a yield reduction. Furthermore, seed germination tests across 12 temperatures (12.8–32.0°C) showed that modified seed composition for oleic acid in general did not have a major impact on seed germination. However, there was a possible reduction in seed germination vigour when high oleic seeds are planted in cold soil. The mutant FAD2‐1A and FAD2‐1B alleles did not hinder either seed or plant development.  相似文献   

H. Y. Jiang    Y. J. Zhu    L. M. Wei    J. R. Dai    T. M. Song    Y. L. Yan    S. J. Chen 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(5):492-497
Maize samples (n = 309) containing 3090 single intact kernels from a broad variety of breeding materials were scanned by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to develop non-destructive determination calibrations for crude protein, starch and oil content in kernels. Calibration equations of single kernels were developed by partial least square regression (PLS). Regression parameters between the chemical values, determined by reference methods, and the predicted values, determined by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy, were verified by cross validation and external validation. It was found that embryo position had a significant influence on the effect of calibrations. Reliable calibrations were developed for the prediction of protein and starch contents with the embryo upwards, whereas the oil content required the embryo to be downwards. The cross validation and external validation coefficients for protein were 0.91 and 0.94, for starch 0.90 and 0.89 and for oil 0.94 and 0.95, respectively. The data suggested that NIRS could be successfully used in breeding programmes, as an accurate and non-destructive tool to predict protein, starch and oil contents at the level of single kernels.  相似文献   

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