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Two viruses were found in mosaic-diseased plants ofEucharis grandiflora in a glasshouse of the laboratory. One virus with a normal particle length of 733 nm caused local lesions onHyoscyamus niger and mosaic symptoms in leaves of healthy-lookingEucharis andHippeastrum plants. On the basis of its host range, physical properties and serology it was identified asHippeastrum mosaic virus, a member of the potyvirus group. This was confirmed by the presence of spherical nuclear inclusions and pinwheels in different tissues of diseasedEucharis plants. The second virus with a normal particle length of 598 nm was present in both healthy-looking and mosaic-diseasedEucharis plants, and it inconsistently induced local lesions onGomphrena globosa. According to its morphology and its reaction onGomphrena, it might be identical or related toHippeastrum latent virus. Crystal-like inclusions were observed in the cytoplasm of cells of both healthy-looking and mosaic-showingEucharis leaves. As no virus-free seedlings ofEucharis were available, the virus nature of these inclusions could not be established.  相似文献   

Samenvatting UitHippeastrum hybridum planten werd een virus geïsoleerd dat in diverse waardplanten symptomen induceerde overeenkomend met symptomen welke door de normale stam van het tabaksmozaïekvirus in eenzelfde waardplantenreeks werden veroorzaakt.De inoculatie vanHippeastrum-planten met het uitHippeastrum geïsoleerde TMV slaagde niet. Mogelijk werd dit verooizaakt door de aanwezigheid van virus-remstoffen inHippeastrum.  相似文献   

On the older leaves ofPelargonium zonale chlorotic rings and flecks are common, especially during spring and fall. From such plants an isometric virus can be isolated that causes local lesions on the leaves ofChenopodium quinoa. An attempt was made to produce symptomless plants, reacting negatively onC. quinoa. Meristem tips on a basal medium supplemented with α-naphthalene acetic acid and coconut milk produced abundant callus, but no plantlets. However, on media containing low concentrations of indole acetic acid and kinetin or benzyl adenine, some plants were produced that fulfilled the above requirements. Those selected on horticultural properties, are considered as valuable mother plants. Of twenty-one cultivars such plants were obtained. They may prove an important contribution to the improvement of theP. zonale industry in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

A damaging virus isolated in the Netherlands from lettuce was studied and compared with a virus isolated from dandelion orginating from Czechoslovakia. It was found to biologically resemble dandelion yellow mosaic virus incompletely described from dandelion and lettuce in Great Britain (Kassanis, 1944, 1947) and from dandelion in Germany (Hein, 1963). Mechanical transmission was greatly improved by buffer solution and transmission byMyzus persicae seemed to be in the non-persistent manner. Longevity in vitro of the virus hardly exceeded one day. Thermal inactivation was between 60 and 65 °C and the dilution end-point was between 10 000 and 100 000. It was still infectious in leaf material dried and stored over CaCl2 at 4 °C for 6 1/2 years. The virus was isolated and purified with difficulty and was found to consist of one type of spherical particle of ca 30 nm diameter, with a sedimentation coefficient of 159 S, a buoyant density of 1.42 g.cm?3 and an A260/A280 ratio of 1.67. An antiserum was prepared with a titre of 256 in the agar double-diffusion test. The virus could be identified in crude extracts from lettuce andChenopodium amaranticolor by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), but not by agar double diffusion. It could only be visualized in crude sap in the electron microscope after trapping of virus particles on antiserum-coated grids. The virus cannot yet be assigned to any known virus group. It is of potential economic importance to lettuce because of its occurrence in widely differing regions in Europe, its aggressiveness and virulence on 22 out of 23 lettuce cultivars tested (and on endive) and its pathogenicity toLactuca genotypes which are resistant to lettuce mosaic virus and other important pathogens of lettuce. ‘Laibacher Eis’ was the only cultivar showing some tolerance.  相似文献   

A new carlavirus, apparently omnipresent in shallot (Allium ascalonicum) without causing symptoms, is described as shallot latent virus. It has also been detected in naturally infected onion (A. cepa) and leek (A. porrum). The virus was easily transmissible in sap and could be transferred withMyzus ascalonicus. Infection after inoculation was symptomless in onion, leek,A. fistulosum andA. jailae. Chenopodium album, C. amaranticolor andC. quinoa reacted with local lesions.A. neapolitanum andA. schoenoprasum and 20 other plant species were immune. Dilution end-point was 104–105, thermal inactivation at ca. 80°C and ageing in vitro 8–11 days. Purification by molecular sieving on Sephadex G-200 followed by equilibrium density-gradient centrifuging in CsCl was successful. Sedimentation coefficient was 147.5 S, bouyant density 1.313 g/cm3 and molecular mass of protein subunits 23 200 dalton. With the antiserum (titre 1024) distant serological relationships to some carlaviruses were determined. No inclusion bodies were observed with the light microscope. With the electron microscope a high concentration of straight or slightly curved particles with a normal length of 650 to 652 nm could easily be detected in crude sap and in purified preparations.  相似文献   

Infectious virus was isolated fromHippeastrum plants by density gradient centrifugation and examined with the electron microscope. The average lengths of the flexuous particles were 643±24 nm.Samenvatting Infectieus virus kon worden geïsoleerd uitHippeastrum-planten die mozaïekverschijnselen vertoonden, door middel van centrifugeren in een dichtheidsgradiënt. Het materiaal werd bekeken in een elektronenmicroscoop en gefotografeerd. De gemiddelde lengte van de buigzame staafies van hetHippeastrum-mozaïekvirus, berekend uit 600 metingen, bedraagt 643±24 nm.  相似文献   

Samenvatting Bladeren vanHyoscyamus niger planten vertoonden chlorotische lokale lesies 7 dagen na inoculatie met sap van mozaïekziekeHippeastrum-planten. Met sap vanHippeastrum-planten zonder mozaïeksymptomen werd geen reactie verkregen. In dooppreparaten gemaakt van chlorotische lesies inHyoscyamus-bladeren en van bladeren vanHippeastrum planten met mozaïeksymptomen werden draadvormige virusdeeltjes van 648–772 nm aangetroffen. Het virus kon met sap geperst uit geïnoculeerdeHyoscyamus-planten weer op gezondeHippeastrum-planten worden overgebracht.  相似文献   

There still is confusion concerning the relationships between clover yellow vein virus (ClYVV), pea necrosis virus (PNV) and bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV). Therefore, three Swedish isolates of ClYVV and its type strain have now been compared with three isolates of PNV. A bean mosaic isolate and three pea necrosis isolates of BYMV have been used for reference. Based on host range tests, serology, and light microscope studies of inclusion bodies, ClYVV and PNV isolates are now considered to be strains of one virus, with the first name having priority. ClYVV (including the original PNV) especially differs from BYMV in its ability to infect white clover, to produce local lesions on cucumber cotyledons (at least two cultivars), to go systemic inChenopodium quinoa (the two local selections used at Wageningen and at Uppsala), to be rather virulent onNicotiana clevelandii, and to provoke extensive nucleolar enlargements in its host cells. Serologically the two viruses are more or less distinct.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to identify a mosaic disease inHippeastrum hybridum. Infectious virus material could be demonstrated in roots, leaves, stem, perianth, stamen and pistil. Inclusion bodies were found in the epidermis of leaves, stem, spatha leaves and in the perianth. Virus concentration in a young stage was high but decreased by aging of the perianth. Efforts to transmit the virus by aphids failed. However, the virus was transmitted by seed in a few cases. Plants of 30 species reacted negatively upon inoculation with the virus.Hippeastrum hybridum, Gomphrena globosa, Chlorophytum spec. andLycopersicum esculentum could be infected experimentally. On account of the host range and presence of inclusion bodies the mosaic symptoms inHippeastrum are not caused by tomato spotted wilt virus or Cucumber mosaic virus. Results suggest that the virus under investigation is theHippeastrum mosaic virus. Dr.M. K. Corbett, Wageningen, succeeded in purifying the virus by density gradient centrifugation. Whe preparation contained flexuous rod particles. Plants ofDatura stramonium, Nicotiana glutinosa andN. tabacum Samsun could be infected. Within two weeks after inoculation with purified virus solution these plants showed systemic symptoms.
Samenvatting In een kwekerij te Hoorn werden planten vanHippeastrum hybridum aangetroffen, die mozaïekverschijnselen vertoonden. De oorzaak hiervan werd nagegaan. Infectieus virusmateriaal kon worden aangetoond in wortels, bladeren, bloemstengel, bloemdekbladen, meeldraden en stijl. Celinsluitsels kwamen voor in de epidermis van bladeren en stengel en in de bloemschede. De aanwezigheid van insluitsels in het bloemdek was afhankelijk van de ouderdom van de bloem. Er schijnt een omgekeerd evenredige relatie te bestaan tussen de virusconcentratie en het aantal insluitsels in bloemen.Pogingen om het virus over te brengen door bladluizen mislukten. In enkele gevallen had zaadoverdracht plaats.Dertig plantesoorten reageerden negatief op een inoculatie met virushoudend sap.Hippeastrum hybridum, Gomphrena globosa, Chlorophytum spec. enLycopersicum esculentum konden wel worden geïnfecteerd. Gezien de waardplantenreeks en het voorkomen van celinsluitsels kunnen de mozaïeksymptomen inHippeastrum niet toegeschreven worden aan Tomato spotted wilt-virus of het komkommer-mozaïek-virus, maar is het waarschijnlijk dat zij worden veroorzaakt door hetHippeastrum-mozaïek-virus, reeds beschreven doorBrierley (1948),Johnson (1951) enProcenko & Procenko (1964).Dr.M. K. Corbett, Wageningen, slaagde erin het virus te zuiveren door middel van density gradient-centrifugering.Datura stramonium, N. glutinosa enN. tabacum Samsun werden systemisch ziek binnen twee weken na inoculatie met de gezuiverde virus-oplossing.

Apotyvirus, isolated fromVallota speciosa, is tentatively designatedVallota mosaic virus (VMV). VMV was easily transmissible in sap and could be transferred byMyzus persicae in a nonpersistent manner. Infection was symptomless inNicotiana clevelandii andSpinacia oleracea, whereasHyoscyamus niger, chenopodium quinoa, C. amaranticolor, Tetragonia expansa andGomphrena globosa reacted with local lesions. Dilution end-point was 104–105, thermal inactivation at c. 60°C and ageing in vitro 4–8 days. With the electron microscope elongate particles with a normal length of about 750 nm could be detected in crude sap. In ultrathin sections virus particles were observed in the cytoplasm, dispersed as well as aggregated. Pinwheel and laminate aggregated inclusions were present in sectioned leaf material. The inclusions observed in negatively stained crude sap preparations exhibited fine linear striations with a periodicity of 5.3 nm.  相似文献   

A new disease in carnations, characterized by internode shortening and excessive lateral sprouting has been observed at a flower nursery. From plants with these symptoms,Arabis mosaic virus could be isolated by mechanical inoculation ofChenopodium quinoa with partially purified preparations or with crude sap to which some bentonite was added. Inoculation of healthy carnation plants with the isolated virus produced plants with the same symptoms. From these plantsArabis mosaic virus could be re-isolated.Xiphinema diversicaudatum (Micol.), vector ofArabis mosaic virus in the Netherlands, transmitted the virus to healthy carnation plants. The disease adds another species to the host range ofArabis mosaic virus, but is of no importance to the carnation industry.Samenvatting Op een nieuw anjerbedrijf in de omgeving van Aalsmeer werd een tot nu toe onbekende ziekte waargenomen, die gekenmerkt werd door verkorting van de internodiën, overmatig uitlopen van zijscheuten, gedrongen groei en vertraagde of zelfs volledig uitblijvende bloei (Fig. 1). Uit planten met deze symptomen konArabis-mozaïekvirus worden geïsoleerd. Inoculatie van normale anjerplanten met dit virus uit anjer leverde planten op met dezelfde symptomen. Ook deze anjerplanten blekenArabis-mozaïekvirus te bevatten.Xiphinema diversicaudatum, gehaald uit grasland buiten de kassen, bracht het virus over naar gezonde anjerplanten. De ziekte is van geen belang voor de anjerteelt als geheel. Het verrichte onderzoek voegt een plantesoort toe aan de toch al grote waardplantenreeks van hetArabis-mozaïekvirus.  相似文献   

Analysis on polyacrylamide gels of the soluble protein fraction of cucumber cotyledons infected with tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) revealed a stimulated protein component, designated as protein E1. The amount of protein E1 was related to the size and number of local lesions produced on the inoculated cotyledons. Protein E1 stained positive for carbohydrate and could be partly purified by gel filtration on Sephadex G 100. The molecular weight was estimated to be approximately 22000 d. Protein E1 seems to be serologically unrelated to any of the structural proteins of TSWV. Following inoculation of cucumber cotyledons with the yellow strain of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), a protein with identical mobility on 7.5 and 10% polycrylamide gels to protein E1 was detected. These proteins are probably identical and their accumulation is a result of the infection process. There was a close correspondence between the amount of protein E1 and the severity of symptom expression. A protein with a mobility differing slightly from protein E1 occurred in the soluble protein fraction ofNicotiana rustica after infection with either TSWV or tobacco mosaic virus.  相似文献   

A mixture of (Z)-11-hexadecenal (Z11–16: Ald), (E)-11-hexadecenal (E11–16: Ald), (Z)-13-octadecenal (Z13–18: Ald), and (E)-13-octadecenal (E13–18: Ald) on rubber septa (100∶10∶100∶10 μg, respectively) was superior to virgin females in attracting maleCryptoblabes gnidiella Mill. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) to traps. A dichloromethane extract of 200 female ovipositors was separated into fractions by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) on OV-101 and Hi-Eff 8BP. Two fractions had significant electroantennogram (EAG) activity, and had the retention times ofZ11–16∶Ald andZ13–18∶Ald on each GLC column. These fractions contained insufficient material for further chemical work. SyntheticZ11–16∶Ald andZ13–18∶Ald had the greatest EAG activity of a series of monounsaturated 12?, 14?, 16?, and 18-carbon alcohols, acetates, and aldehydes. Various ratios ofZ11–16∶Ald andZ13–18∶Ald were tested in traps, and a 1∶1 mixture was the most attractive. Addition of small amounts of the correspondingE isomers significantly increased trap catches.  相似文献   

The host range specificity of Greek isolates ofCucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) was determined and the ability of the virus to retain its infectivity in naturally contaminated soil, after storage at 4°C for at least 10 months, was established. An immunocapture RT-PCR protocol was developed for the detection of the virus and proved to be 105 times more sensitive than DAS-ELISA and 102 times more sensitive than F(ab’)2-ELISA using F(ab’)2 fragments that were prepared from an antiserum, which was raised against a local virus isolate. In order to clarify dissimilarities that were revelaed between the coat protein (CP) genes of the Greek isolates after restriction mapping of their respective PCR products, the CP genes of three isolates were sequenced and found to be very similar but not identical to the CP gene of CGMMV-SH. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Aug. 27, 2002.  相似文献   

Parsley latent virus, a hitherto undescribed virus, was isolated from 38 out of 54 samples of seed of parsley (Petroselinum crispum) of 17 out of 24 cultivars and from all five European countries tested, but not from some samples from the USA. It could easily be detected in seedlings and also in seeds germinated on moist filter paper, but not in dry seeds or in seeds soaked in water. Strawberry latent ringspot virus was detected in five samples. The parsley virus is symptomless in parsley and caused latent systemic infection inGomphrena globosa, three cultivars ofSpinacia oleracea and weak and often transient systemic symptoms inChenopodium amaranticolor, C. giganteum, C. glaucum andC. quinoa, but did not infect any other species out of all 32 species of seven plant families tested in total.The virus could easily be transmitted mechanically but not by seven aphid species in the non-persistent manner. Dilution end-point was between 100 and 1000, thermal inactivation between 55 and 60°C and ageing in vitro between 7 and 10 days.Purification yielded a single infectious component. The particles were spherical, ca. 27 nm in diameter, with a sedimentation coefficient of 127.5 S, a buoyant density of 1.449 g/ml, an RNA content of 36% and one type of protein with a relative molecular mass of 22×103. Purificition without Triton and urea resulted in preparations with aggregates each consisting of 12 particles in icosahedral array.The virus differs from all viruses described so far and did not show clear serological affinity with antisera to any of 34 widely differing viruses tested. It does not seem of direct practical importance and may be easily overlooked.Samenvatting In zaailingen van peterselie (Petroselinum crispum) werd een nog niet eerder beschreven virus aangetroffen. Het virus kon niet worden aangetoond door toetsing van droge of in water geweekte zaden opChenopodium quinoa maar wel in op filtreerpapier gekiemde zaden en vooral in zaailingen. Het werd aangetroffen in 38 van de 54 getoetste herkomsten, in 17 van de 24 getoetste rassen en in zaad vermeerderd in alle zes hierop onderzochte Europese landen maar niet in enkele zaadmonsters uit de USA. In sommige monsters bevatten nagenoeg alle zaden het virus. In vijf herkomsten werd eveneens het nog niet eerder in peterselie gerapporteerde latente aardbeikringvlekkenvirus geconstateerd. Dit virus kan bij toetsing gemakkelijk worden herkend door systemische symptomen inC. amaranticolor en komkommer.In geïnfecteerde peterselieplanten zijn geen afwijkingen waargenomen. Het virus kon niet op non-persistente wijze worden overgebracht met zeven bladluissoorten maar wel gemakkelijk met sap. Van 32 getoetste plantesoorten van zeven families, waaronder vier schermbloemigen, kon het virus slechts worden overgebracht op vierChenopodium-soorten,Gomphrena globosa en alle drie getoetste spinazierassen. AllenC. quinoa (Fig. 1),C. giganteum, C. glaucum en soms ookC. amaranticolor (Fig. 2) reageerden met vaak voorbijgaande systemische symptomen. Een lokalelesietoetsplant werd niet gevonden. Zaadovergang bijC. quinoa kon niet worden aangetoond.Voor de houdbaarheid van het infectievermogen werden de volgende waarden gevonden: verdunningseindpunt 100–1000, thermaal inactiveringspunt 55–60°C en houdbaarheid in vitro 7–10 dagen.Zuivering door homogenisatie in fosfaatcitroenzuurbuffer, behandeling met Triton X-100 en ureum en differentiële en daarna dichtheidsgradiëntultracentrifugering leverde preparaten op met uniforme deeltjes van ca. 27 nm diameter (Fig. 3B), een sedimentatiecoëfficiënt van 127,5 S, een zweefdichtheid van 1,449 g/ml, een RNA-gehalte van 36% en een relatieve moleculaire massa van de eiwitondereenheid van 22×103. Bij zuivering zonder toepassing van Triton en ureum werd een extra zone verkregen met aggregaten van 12 deeltjes in icosaëdrische rangschikking (Fig. 4). In ruw plantesap waren slechts met grote moeite enkele deeltjes met behulp van de elektronenmicroscoop te vinden.Het virus reageerde niet met antisera tegen 33 bolvormige virussen en luzernemozaïekvirus (Tabel 1). Of de zwakke reactie verkregen met één antiserum tegen het tomate-aspermievirus een verre serologische verwantschap inhoudt, dan wel het gevolg is van een verontreiniging, werd niet vastgesteld.Het virus wordt beschouwd als een geheel nieuw virus waarvoor de naamlatent peterselievirus wordt voorgesteld. Het lijkt door zijn beperkte waardplantenreeks en symptoomloosheid in de vatbaar bevonden soorten, behalve in enkele als toetsplant te gebruikenChenopodium-soorten, nauwelijks van praktische betekenis.  相似文献   

Two sap-transmissible virus isolates from bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were identified as bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) on the basis of particle size and morphology, serology, non-persistent aphid transmission, very limited host range, and symptoms and seed transmission in bean. In bean varietal reaction both isolates differed from each other and all six Dutch BCMV strains described before. From literature data it may be concluded that they also differ from thirteen other strains described elsewhere. The isolate from Peruvian seed may be related to strains reported from Costa Rica and Peru, but these have been described incompletely. The two isolates obtained at Wageningen are therefore described as new strains and designated BCMV-NL7 and BCMV-NL8. The latter seems unusual in its extremely high dilution end point, in its serological affinity to both BCMV and BYMV, and in not being infectious toChenopodium amaranticolor andC. quinoa. Tetragonia expansa proved to be a new local lesion host of BCMV. There is an urgent need for international standardization of strains of BCMV.  相似文献   

A virus isolated from apple and pear, and coded GE36, was purified from sap ofChenopodium quinoa by bentonite clarification followed by differential centrifugation and rate-zonal centrifugation on a sucrose gradient in a zonal rotor. Infectious fractions contained spherical virus-like particles. An antiserum with a titer of 64 was prepared. No serological relation was found with 22 known spherical viruses and alfalfa mosaic virus. GE36 virus differs from any other sap-transmissible virus from apple and pear previously described.Samenvatting Proeven werden uitgevoerd om te komen tot een nadere identificatie van het eerder door van der Meer (1968) geïsoleerde GE36 virus. Deze proeven hadden voornamelijk betrekking op de zuivering en de serologie. Voor vermeerdering van het virus werdChenopodium quinoa gebruikt. In ruw sap van deze planten, 1 op 10 verdund met 0,2 M buffers, verloor het virus zijn infectievermogen reeds binnen 24 uur. Werd het sap 1 op 10 verdund met 0,02 M buffers of met gedestilleerd water, dan bleef het virus aanmerkelijk langer infectieus (Tabel 1 en 2).Een goede klaring van het sap met behoud van infectievermogen kon worden verkregen door toevoeging van een bepaalde hoeveelheid van een 1% bentoniet-suspensie gevolgd door centrifugering bij laag toerental van het mengsel (Tabel 3). Bovendien bleek het aantal vlekjes bij inoculatie opPhaseolus vulgaris door toevoeging van bentoniet sterk toe te nemen (Tabel 4).Het virus kon worden geconcentreerd door ultracentrifugeren. Werden voorgezuiverde en geconcentreerde preparaten van gezonde en zieke planten vanC. quinoa vergeleken door middel van centrifugeren op een suikergradiënt in een zonerotor, dan bevatte het zieke materiaal twee componenten extra (Fig. 1). Deze waren infectieus en bevatten bolvormige virusachtige deeltjes (Fig. 2).Antiserum (titer 64), bereid tegen gezuiverde viruspreparaten, reageerde alleen met preparaten van zieke planten vanC. quinoa en niet met preparaten van gezonde planten. Antisera tegen 22 bekende bolvormige virussen en het luzernemozaïekvirus reageerden niet met GE36 virus. Het virus bleek niet identiek te zijn met enig ander reeds beschreven virus. Het cryptogram van GE36 is (*/* */*S/SS/*).  相似文献   

Since 1970 yellow stripe disease of leek (Allium porrum) has developed epidemically in the south-eastern part of the Netherlands coincident with increasing year-around cultivation of the crop. Many autumn and winter crops now become totally infected. Apparently similar attacks, first reported in Germany in 1937, are increasingly attracting attention in various European countries. This paper describes the leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV) as a new potyvirus related to onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV), which was so far incompletely described. LYSV is hardly infectious to onion (A. cepa) and shallot (A. ascalonicum) and OYDV behaves similarly on leek. The leek virus further differs from OYDV in not being infectious toA. fistulosum and in causing distinct local lesions onChenopodium amaranticolor andC. quinoa. The two viruses closely resemble each other in external symptoms in their respective hosts, in persistence of infectivity in expressed sap, and in particle morphology and length (LYSV 820 nm; OYDV 833 nm). Intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies slightly differ. Further biophysical characters of the two viruses, such as sedimentation coefficient (OYDV 143 S), buoyant density in CsCl (LYSV 1.326; OYDV 1.306, or 1.258 in Cs2SO4), and molecular mass of coat protein subunit (LYSV 34000; OYDV 30000 dalton), are characteristic of the potyvirus group, but do not assist in judging their relationships. Serologically they are only distantly related if at all. The leek virus is not seed-borne. It is aphid-transmitted in the non-persistent manner and its main epidemic build-up is during late summer and autumn. The sole sources of infection are nearby leek crops. Awaiting the development of resistant leek cultivars, it is advised to avoid sowing leek seed beds and planting spring crops near overwintering leek, and to remove infected plants showing up during summer.  相似文献   

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