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In cattle, sheep, and other ruminants, clostridial myonecrosis (gas gangrene) is mostly caused by Clostridium chauvoei, C septicum, C novyi and C sordellii. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) system using common primers designed from multiple alignment of the 16S rRNA and 23S rRNA genes of Clostridium species was developed to identify pathogenic clostridia. The PCR was performed with total DNA from 26 strains which included seven different Clostridia species. These bacteria were differentiated at species level by the different PCR product patterns. To characterise the 16S-23S rDNA spacer regions of these clostridia further, most PCR products of these bacteria were sequenced. The smallest PCR products of each bacterium represented the fundamental 16S-23S rDNA spacer region; larger PCR products of each bacterium were caused by insertion sequences, i.e. tRNA gene sequences. The authors' observations indicate that the PCR patterns of the 16S-23S rDNA spacer regions have the potential to be used as an identification marker of pathogenic clostridia in gas gangrene.  相似文献   

In a blind test, 344 samples representing 80 bacterial isolates were analyzed by the Brucella abortus species-specific polymerase chain reaction (BaSS PCR) assay for the identification and discrimination of B. abortus field strains (wild-type biovars 1, 2, and 4) from 1) B. abortus vaccine strains, 2) other Brucella species, and 3) non-Brucella bacteria. Identical samples were tested in 2 laboratories. Half the samples were fully viable, and half were bacteria that had been killed by methanol fixation. The results in 1 laboratory correctly identified 100% of the samples, resulting in a predictive value of 100% for all categories and 100% sensitivity and specificity under the prescribed conditions. The second laboratory misidentified 31 samples, resulting in a range of 66.7-100% sensitivity, 93.2-99.7% specificity, and 77.3-98.2% predictive values depending on the category. There was no significant difference in viable versus fixed bacteria for either laboratory. Subsequent review of the protocol indicated that contamination was the likely cause of 26 of the 31 erroneous identifications. The results show that the BaSS PCR assay has the potential to be a very reliable screening tool for B. abortus identification. However, the data also provide a cautionary reminder of the importance of preventing contamination in diagnostic PCR.  相似文献   

Pythium insidiosum is an important cause of cutaneous and gastrointestinal disease in horses and dogs in the southeastern United States. Culture-based diagnosis of pythiosis is rarely definitive because production and identification of reproductive structures is difficult. The purpose of this study was to develop a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assay for the identification of P insidiosum. Genomic DNA was extracted from 3 clinical isolates of P insidiosum and I isolate each of Pythium graminicola and Pythium arrhenomanes. The ITS I region of the ribosomal RNA gene of each isolate was amplified and sequenced, and the resultant sequences were aligned with published sequences for Pythium aphanidermatum, P acanthicum, and P myriotylum. A pair of P insidiosum-specific primers (PI-1 and PI-2) were designed from variable regions within the ITSI region. A nested PCR assay was developed in which the 1st round amplified the ITSI region by use of universal fungal primers. Second-round amplification utilized the internal P insidiosum-specific primers PI-1 and PI-2. Specificity of the assay was tested with DNA extracted from cultures of the following: 10 clinical isolates of P insidiosum and 1 isolate each of P graminicola, P irregulare, P arrhenomanes, P myriotylum, P deliense, Basidiobolus ranarum, Conidiobolus coronatus, Aspergillus terreus, Lagenidium giganteum, and a canine-pathogenic Lagenidium species. Nested PCR produced a single 105-base pair amplicon for each of the P insidiosum isolates, but did not produce amplicons for any of the other isolates. Results of this study suggest that PCR is a useful tool for the identification of P insidiosum.  相似文献   

A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) system was developed for identification of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains and to differentiate them from other gram negative enteric bacteria. This test simultaneously amplifies heat-labile (LTI) and heat-stable (STI and STII) toxin sequences and the E. coli-specific universal stress protein (uspA). The specificity of the method was validated by single PCR tests performed with the reference E. coli and non-E. coli strains and with bacteria isolated from pig feces. The multiplex PCR allowed the rapid and specific identification of enterotoxin-positive E. coli and may be used as a method for direct determination of ETEC and to differentiate them from other E. coli and gram-negative enteric isolates.  相似文献   

Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis was developed and compared with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method to type 18 Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) strains. All analysed strains were typeable by RAPD but only 89% of MS strains were typeable by PFGE because of DNA degradation. The discriminatory power of RAPD was greater than that of PFGE but the two techniques had a discriminatory index superior to 0.95, the threshold value for interpreting typing results with confidence. The in vitro, in ovo and in vivo reproducibility of both typing techniques was 100%. However, the interpretation of RAPD patterns was complicated because of inconsistent band intensity. Thus, these molecular typing techniques should be helpful for epidemiological studies of avian mycoplasma infections.  相似文献   

Three hundred and forty-two Streptococcus uberis isolates were cultured from milk samples from subclinical and clinical cases of dairy cattle mastitis. The samples were collected from 15 different New Zealand farming regions, including eight specific farms, during field research trials and veterinary diagnostic investigations. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was used to determine and compare the degree of genetic dissimilarity between the restriction endonuclease fragment pattern of the 342 New Zealand and a single United States S. uberis isolate. The 343 isolates exhibited 330 different restriction endonuclease fragment patterns. The United States isolate had a pattern unlike any of the New Zealand isolates. Most of the isolates were genetically different strains (pattern deferred by at least 33%), but identical patterns were noted within the same or different quarters of an individual cow, different cows within the same farm, and from different cows from the same or different districts, farming regions or islands. Seven of the eight selected farms had at most only one pair of isolates with banding patterns, which differed by less than 33%. A high degree of dissimilarity was noted in individual herds in which all the samples were collected on the same day or over a 2-year period. The high degree of dissimilar isolates is an indication that S. uberis infections in New Zealand dairy cattle are largely due to the opportunistic nature of the organism in the cows' environment. Prevention and treatment of S. uberis mastitis will therefore need to be directed at a multitude of different strains present throughout the country as well as in individual herds.  相似文献   

Screening for nasal colonization is an important aspect of many methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) control programs. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is an attractive alternative to standard culture techniques because of the considerably shorter turnaround time. An assay has been validated for diagnostic purposes in humans, however this methodology has not been evaluated in horses. The purpose of this study was to compare an RT-PCR assay for rapid identification of MRSA directly from nasal swabs in horses to standard culture techniques. Nasal swabs collected from 293 horses were processed using a commercial RT-PCR assay (IDI-MRSA, GeneOhm Sciences, San Diego, CA) according to the manufacturer's instructions. The swabs were also cultured and MRSA was identified according to standard protocols. Initially only 176/293 samples yielded valid PCR results. Two of 176 and 167/176 samples were positive and negative, respectively, by both PCR and culture. Seven of 176 samples were positive by PCR and negative by culture, whereas 0/176 samples were negative by PCR and positive by culture. The kappa statistic was 0.35, which represented poor agreement between the tests. Of the remaining 117 samples, 105 samples were initially reported as "unresolved". Following one freeze-thaw cycle of the lysates, the recommended technique to resolve such samples, 61/110 (55%) samples remained unresolved. In this study, the IDI-MRSA assay was not a clinically practical screening test for horses harbouring nasal MRSA. Its agreement with culture was poor and the high unresolved rate (37%) also significantly decreased the clinical utility of the test.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the optimum reaction conditions and detection limits of PCR assay for identification of Pentatrichomonas hominis in DNA extracted from canine feces. SAMPLE POPULATION: DNA extracted from feces of 4 dogs with diarrhea from which trichomonads were observed, 81 dogs that had feces submitted to a diagnostic laboratory, and 19 dogs residing in a laboratory animal facility. PROCEDURES: Optimum reaction conditions and absolute and practical detection limits of 2 P hominis 18S species-specific primer pairs were determined by use of an in vitro cultivated canine isolate of P hominis in the presence and absence of canine feces. The optimized PCR assay was applied to amplification of P hominis 18S rRNA genes from DNA extracted from the feces of dogs. RESULTS: Under optimized conditions, a primer pair was identified as able to detect as few as 1 P hominis organism/180-mg fecal sample. The PCR assay identified P hominis in diarrheic feces of 4 dogs in which trichomonads were seen by light microscopy. The P hominis genes were not amplified from other fecal samples examined. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Molecular identification of P hominis in feces of 4 dogs with trichomonosis and diarrhea reported here validates the identity of this species in such infections. Sensitive and specific PCR amplification of P hominis 18S rRNA genes from DNA extracted from feces will directly facilitate studies examining pathogenicity of this trichomonad and enable differentiation of P hominis from other known or novel species of trichomonads that may infect the gastrointestinal tract of dogs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to design a multiplex PCR assay to identify Mannheimia haemolytica, Mannheimia glucosida and Mannheimia ruminalis. The multiplex PCR included primer sets HP, amplifying a DNA region from an unknown hypothetical protein, Lkt and Lkt2, amplifying different regions of the leukotoxinD gene, and 16S to amplify universal bacterial sequences of the 16S rRNA gene. Based on positive amplification, isolates were delineated as M. haemolytica (HP, Lkt, 16S), M. glucosida (HP, Lkt, Lkt2, 16S), or M. ruminalis (HP, 16S). The validity of the assay was examined against 22 reference strains within the family Pasteurellaceae and 17 field isolates (nasal) that had been collected previously from feedlot cattle and tentatively identified as M. haemolytica based on morphology and substrate utilization. Additionally, 200 feedlot cattle were screened for M. haemolytica using multiplex PCR. Forty-four isolates from 25 animals were identified as M. haemolytica. The PCR assay positively identified all M. haemolytica, as confirmed by phenotypic tests and clustering based upon cellular fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles. Selected nasal isolates that exhibited evidence of haemolysis, but were M. haemolytica-negative based on PCR, were also confirmed negative by phenotypic and FAME analyses. The multiplex PCR assay required no additional phenotypic tests for confirmation of M. haemolytica, within the group of bacteria tested.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR) assay in the detection and quantitation of virulent Rhodococcus equi. SAMPLE POPULATION: 1 virulent, 2 intermediately virulent, and 2 avirulent strains of R. equi and 16 isolates of bacteria genetically related to R. equi. PROCEDURE: The QPCR assay was evaluated for detection and quantitation of the virulence-associated gene (vapA) of R. equi in pure culture and in samples of tracheobronchial fluid, which were inoculated with known numbers of virulent R. equi. Results were compared with those derived via quantitative microbial culture and standard polymerase chain reaction methods. RESULTS: The QPCR assay detected the vapA gene in pure culture of R. equi and in tracheobronchial fluid samples that contained as few as 20 CFUs of virulent R. equi/mL and accurately quantitated virulent R. equi to 10(3) CFUs/mL of fluid. The assay was highly specific for detection of the vapA gene of virulent R. equi and was more sensitive than standard polymerase chain reaction for detection of R. equi in tracheobronchial fluid. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The QPCR assay appears to be a rapid and reliable method for detecting and quantitating virulent R. equi. The accuracy of the QPCR assay is comparable to that of quantitative microbial culture. The increased sensitivity of the QPCR method in detection of virulent R. equi should facilitate rapid and accurate diagnosis of R. equi pneumonia in foals.  相似文献   

The 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene of Eperythrozoon suis was amplified using gene-specific primers developed from GenBank sequence accession U88565. The gene was subsequently cloned and sequenced. Based on these sequence data, 3 sets of E. suis-specific primers were designed. These primers selectively amplified 1394, 690, and 839 base-pair (bp) fragments of the 16S rRNA gene from DNA of E. suis extracted from the blood of an experimentally infected pig during a parasitemic episode. No polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products were amplified from purified DNA of Haemobartonella felis, Mycoplasma genitalium, or Bartonella bacilliformis using 2 of these primer sets. When the primer set amplifying the 690-bp fragment was used, faint bands were observed with H. felis as the target DNA. No PCR products were amplified from DNA that had been extracted from the blood of a noninfected pig or using PCR reagents without target DNA. The detection limits for E. suis by competitive quantitative PCR were estimated to range from 57 and 800 organisms/assay. This is the first report of the utility of PCR-facilitated diagnosis and quantitation of E. suis based on the 16S rRNA gene. The PCR method developed will be useful in monitoring the progression and significance of E. suis in the disease process in the pig.  相似文献   

针对猪伪狂犬病病毒(pseudorabies virus,PRV)gE基因保守区的核苷酸序列设计1对特异性引物和TaqMan探针,建立并优化了一种可快速、定量检测PRV野毒的TaqMan实时荧光定量PCR方法。应用该方法检测猪常见病毒性病原(猪瘟病毒、猪细小病毒、猪圆环病毒2型),PRV gE基因缺失株,以及健康猪的组织,结果均为阴性,证明该方法特异性良好。该检测方法能够检到的阳性质粒模板最低浓度为254 copies/μL,最低病毒浓度为4.22 TCID_(50)/100μL,比常规PCR敏感性高10倍;重复性试验结果表明该方法重复性良好;用TaqMan实时荧光定量PCR方法和常规PCR方法同时检测37份临床样品,其中前者检出阳性病料22份,阳性检出率为59.64%,后者检出阳性病料15份,阳性检出率为40.54%,2种方法的符合率为81.08%。综上所述,该方法的建立为PRV的实验室诊断及流行病学调查提供了快速、准确的检测手段。  相似文献   

An evaluation of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of Brucella melitensis DNA in bovine and ovine semen was performed. Since semen contains different components that inhibit PCR amplification, a protocol was used to purify Brucella-DNA from bovine and ovine semen samples prior to conducting amplification of the targeted DNA. When separated fractions of naturally Brucella contaminated semen were analyzed by the PCR, most of B. melitensis DNA were present in the seminal fluid and non-sperm fractions.The PCR examination results for detection of B. melitensis DNA in different semen fractions were compared with the results for traditional cultural methods of Brucella from semen. The PCR was more sensitive than the traditional cultural methods since it detected Brucella-DNA in 12 (10%) out of 120 semen samples while direct culture detected only 7 (5.8%) in the same semen samples. The limit of detection by PCR was 100 CFU/ml of semen. In addition, the results of PCR were available in one day, whereas isolation and identification of Brucella organisms required days or even weeks. The PCR may be used as a supplementary test for detection of B. melitensis in semen.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate sensitivity and specificity of a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for simultaneous detection of Rhodococcus equi and differentiation of strains that contain the virulence-associated gene (vapA) from strains that do not. SAMPLE POPULATION: 187 isolates of R equi from equine and nonequine tissue and environmental specimens and 27 isolates of bacterial species genetically or morphologically similar to R equi. PROCEDURE: The multiplex PCR assay included 3 gene targets: a universal 311-bp bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA amplicon (positive internal control), a 959-bp R equi-specific target in the cholesterol oxidase gene (choE), and a 564-bp amplicon of the vapA gene. Duplicate multiplex PCR assays for these targets and confirmatory singleplex PCR assays for vapA and choE were performed for each R equi isolate. An additional PCR assay was used to examine isolates for the vapB gene. RESULTS: Results of duplicate multiplex and singleplex PCR assays were correlated in all instances, revealing high specificity and reliability (reproducibility) of the vapA multiplex assay. Of the pulmonary isolates from horses with suspected R equi pneumonia, 97.4% (76/78) yielded positive results for vapA. Seven of 50 (14%) human isolates of R equi yielded positive results for vapA. Six human R equi isolates and 1 porcine isolate yielded positive results for vapB. No isolates with vapA and vapB genes were detected. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The multiplex PCR assay is a sensitive and specific method for simultaneous confirmation of species identity and detection of the vapA gene. The assay appeared to be a useful tool for microbiologic and epidemiologic diagnosis and research.  相似文献   

Objective To develop a method for identifying DNA of Aspergillus fumigatus from ostriches, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A fumigatus is the principal causative agent of avian aspergillosis.
Design A biochemical trial.
Sample population Twelve Aspergillus fumigatus isolates and three other Aspergillus species.
Procedure PCR primers that were based on the sequence of the alkaline protease gene from human isolates of A fumigatus were used.
Results We successfully tested the method on ostrich isolates from five states and showed that the test is specific for A fumigatus.
Conclusions In most cases the DNA sequence of A fumigatus isolates from ostriches is similar to that of human isolates. DNA sequences vary significantly among A fumigatus isolates, including those from affected ostriches in the same flock. The genetic variation may be used to trace aspergillus infections in ostrich flocks and determine if the disease is transmitted by contact with infected birds.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers complementary to the 16S rRNA genes was used to detect avian mycoplasmas. A primer pair designed for the detection of human and rodent mycoplasmal species was examined for its ability to detect the most important avian mycoplasmas. After testing the respective reference strains, we found that Mycoplasma iowae, Mycoplasma meleagridis and Mycoplasma synoviae could be detected by PCR with this primer pair, and distinction could be made among them by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) assay with two restriction enzymes (BamHI and RsaI). For the detection of Mycoplasma gallisepticum by PCR, we needed species-specific primers. The results of the PCR- and RFLP-based identification procedures of 17 different field isolates agreed with those obtained by conventional methods.  相似文献   

Over the years, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) has been proven a robust technique to type isolates with a high resolution and a good reproducibility. In this study, a PFGE protocol is described for the typing of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae isolates. The potential of this technique was demonstrated by comparing M. hyopneumoniae isolates obtained from the same as well as from different herds. The use of two different restriction enzymes, SalI and ApaI, was evaluated. For each enzyme, the resulting restriction profiles were clustered using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic means (UPGMA). For both obtained dendrograms, the included isolates of the related M. flocculare species clustered separately from all M. hyopneumoniae isolates, forming the root of the dendrograms. The PFGE patterns of the M. hyopneumoniae isolates of different herds were highly diverse and clustered differently in both dendrograms, illustrated by a Pearson's correlation coefficient of only 0.33. A much higher similarity was observed with isolates originating from different pigs of a same herd. The PFGE patterns of these isolates always clustered according to their herd and this for both dendrograms. In conclusion, the results indicate a closer relationship of M. hyopneumoniae isolates within a herd compared to isolates from different herds and this for both restriction enzymes used. Since the described PFGE technique was shown to be highly discriminative and reproducible, it will be a helpful tool to further elucidate the epidemiology of M. hyopneumoniae.  相似文献   

猪肺炎支原体PCR诊断方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了一个PCR检测猪肺炎支原体(Mhp)的方法。根据国外发表Mhp 16sr RNA基因设计了一对特异性引物,扩增出一个大小为653bp的特异性片段。将PCR产物克隆并测序表明,与GenBank的Mhp的序列的同源性为89.2%。而对于常见的猪呼吸道疾病有关的病原胸膜肺炎放线杆菌、支气管败血波氏杆菌、多杀性巴氏杆菌以及牛支原体、羊支原体不能扩增出特异性片段;PCR的敏感性实验显示这对引物能够检测到1ng的DNA,结果表明此方法特异、敏感。  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test was compared with culture for the detection and diagnosis of bovine Mycoplasma intramammary infection. The PCR test was applied to 24-hour Mycoplasma enrichment cultures of milk from cows with suspected mastitis and from bulk tank milk. In comparison to culture, the sensitivity and specificity of the PCR method were 96.2% and 99.1% for individual cow milk and 100% and 99.8% for the bulk tank milk, respectively. However, in discrepant cases where PCR was positive and culture was negative, the PCR test was correct; subsequent PCR tests and culturing of the individual cow's milk yielded positive results. The PCR test simultaneously detected and differentiated among 11 bovine Mycoplasma species.  相似文献   

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