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水稻不同品种(组合)谷粒分离力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻谷粒分离力指将稻谷谷粒从穗上拉下时所需的拉力,该指标是影响水稻脱粒性能的主要因素。分离力太小,稻谷在收获作业过程中,特别是机械收获时,极易丢粒。造成较大的落粒损失。分离力太大,则造成脱粒困难。在收获过程中产生较大的脱不净损失,本试验的目的在于研究水稻不同品种(组合)的谷粒分离力的一些特点,为减少稻谷收获过程中的损失提供参考依据。  相似文献   

为探讨不同杂交棉组合在本地的适应情况,1998年进行了比较试验,结果表明,湘杂棉2号F1,F2中棉所29F1的皮棉产量分别比泗棉3号高22.33%,11.49%和16.22%,且经济性状表现较好,尤其是中棉所29,抗性较好,适合在棉铃虫旺发的衢江两岸棉区扩大试种。  相似文献   

通过进行不同施肥量的对比试验,结果表明,在有机水稻生产中,施肥量应控制在优质农肥2000~2500kg/667m~2、速效有机肥80~90kg/667m~2之间较为适宜。  相似文献   

The rate of dark respiration (Rd) and net photosynthesis (Pn) at various leaf temperatures was examined in three potato clones (Solatium tuberosum L.) differing in heat tolerance. Plants were grown at low (25/12 C, day/night) and high (35/25 C) greenhouse air temperatures for five weeks, beginning two weeks after tuberization. Gas exchange characteristics were measured by manometric and infrared gas analyzer techniques. Respiration:photosynthesis ratios were calculated as indicators of leaf carbon balance. High greenhouse temperature reduced whole plant and tuber growth rate of all clones, however, the reduction was highest in the cultivar Russet Burbank (heat sensitive). Gas exchange characteristics did not explain differences in heat tolerance. The heat tolerant cultivar Desiree had Rd similar to Russet Burbank, while the clone DTO-28, also heat tolerant, had lower Rd of mature leaves than Russet Burbank or Desiree. However, all clones had similar Rd of immature leaves. There was no apparent relationship between heat tolerance and Pn for the three clones. DTO-28 had lower respirationrphotosynthesis ratios of immature and mature leaves than Russet Burbank 4 weeks after the start of the high temperature treatment. Desiree had respiration:photosynthesis ratios as high as Russet Burbank. At different sampling times, Rd increased in a linear and curvilinear manner with increasing leaf temperature up to 40 C. Heat tolerant and sensitive clones had similar rates of increase in Rd with increasing leaf temperature. Simultaneous measurement of Rd and Pn did not help explain differences in heat tolerance among clones. However, determination of respirationrphotosynthesis ratios may help explain the physiological basis for heat tolerance of some clones.  相似文献   

花生叶片衰老的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
高产花生品种鲁花11号和辐8707叶片衰老的研究结果表明,花生叶片展开至衰老过程中,叶绿素含量、净光合速率(Pn)、可溶性蛋白质(Pr)含量先升高,至最大值后缓慢下降,到衰老后期转为快速下降,呈抛物线变化,可分为叶片缓衰期(叶片展开后25 ̄30d至55 ̄60d,各指标从最大值至降到最大值的50%)和叶片速衰期(叶片展开55 ̄60d以后,各指标从最大值的50%至叶片脱落)两个变化阶段。两品种相比,辐  相似文献   

Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) requires four or more cuttings at early bud stage per growing season to optimize the amount of crude protein and digestible fibre for feeding high‐producing dairy cows. However, there is potential to generate a nutrient‐dense feed from lucerne regardless of developmental stage by harvesting its protein‐rich leaves separate from its fibrous stems. In order to determine whether fractionated lucerne can be effectively ensiled under high‐moisture conditions and be nutritionally competitive with wilted whole‐plant silage, leaf and stem fractions, harvested at three developmental stages (early bud, 10%–20% bloom and >50% bloom), were directly ensiled in mini‐silos. At day 0, 1, 3, 21 and 140 of ensiling, silages were analysed for protein and non‐protein nitrogen fractions as well as their fermentation products and carbohydrate composition. Silages from unwilted leaves and stems were more heterofermentative than wilted whole‐plant silages; their fermentation shifted from primarily lactic acid to acetic acid production after 21 days. In leaf silages, the high degree of protein degradation into non‐protein nitrogen (~55%) was most likely due to fermentation quality. Nevertheless, at 140 days of ensiling, leaf silages had 21%–25% higher (p < 0.01) available protein (peptide amino acids, soluble and insoluble protein) content than wilted whole‐plant silages, regardless of developmental stage. Achievement of a more rapid pH decline and improved fractionation may further increase the nutritional value of leaf silages.  相似文献   

应用盆栽的方法,比较了不同叶龄鸭跖草对咪唑乙烟酸的耐药性。结果表明,随着叶龄的增大,施药后鸭跖草叶中丙二醛(MDA)含量变化量下降,而叶绿素含量、光合速率及气孔导度恢复越快。由于3叶期开始鸭跖草耐药性迅速增强,因此,3叶以前是鸭跖草施药的最佳时期。  相似文献   

Summary Shoot regeneration was investigated on explants from different leaves and leaflets of three potato cultivars Posmo, Folva and Oleva. Explants were excised from glasshouse grown plants and grown for 6 days on callus induction medium with indole-3-acetic acid or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Explants were then transferred to auxin free shoot regeneration medium with gibberellic acid and 6-benzyladenine or zeatin. By using the optimum combinations and concentrations of plant growth regulators and by excision of explants from particular regions of proximal leaflets from newly unfolded leaves, shoot regeneration frequencies of 97.0% were obtained for cv. Posmo and 32.1% for cv. Folva. Shoot regeneration frequency of cv. Oleva was very low and could not be improved by the different treatments.  相似文献   

本研究通过对八个品种亚麻叶片表面形态结构的扫描电镜观察,对不同品种间表皮细胞形态;气孔的位置、大小、形态及单位面积气孔数等进行了比较研究.本研究对于亚麻优良品种的选育及引种具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

密度对不同类型大豆叶部性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 以耐密植品种垦丰16和普通品种绥农14为材料,设置不同种植密度小区试验,研究密度对不同耐密性大豆叶部性状的影响。结果表明:耐密植品种垦丰16产量高于普通品种绥农14,特别是在高密度条件下差异达到极显著水平;垦丰16随着密度增加光合速率和水分利用效率下降速度较绥农14慢;在栽培密度变化时叶柄长度变化没有绥农14明显,在高密度条件下冠层更加疏朗,有利于群体通风透光;绥农14随着密度增大,叶色值的峰值提前,而垦丰16的叶色值出现时期没有明显变化,且生育后期耐密品种的叶色值高于普通品种,可见叶色值峰值变化小,后期叶片持绿性强是耐密植品种的一个重要特性;垦丰16的叶形指数在3种密度条件下都高于绥农14,更有利于通风透光。从3种密度条件下产量、光合速率、水分利用效率、叶色值、叶形指数和叶柄长度的变化规律可以看出垦丰16更适于密植栽培。  相似文献   

对不同药剂防治高龄稻纵卷叶螟幼虫的药效进行了试验研究,试验表明:以5%锐劲特悬浮剂和20.2%稻卫乳油的防治效果和保叶效果最好,且药效期长、持效性好.40%毒死蜱、25%贝伐、三锐(三唑磷)对稻纵卷叶螟幼虫的速效性好,在特大发生的暴发年份,2类杀虫剂应交替使用.  相似文献   

对1991~2003年闽西北杂交水稻组合演变规律进行了初步的分析,结果表明:早季推广杂交稻面积占30%~40%,先降后升,中、晚稻以中熟杂交稻组合为主(占93%),主栽组合不占主导地位;拔尖组合比例下降,组合个数呈上升趋势,大于0.333万hm2的杂交稻组合面积大幅度减少.并对今后杂交稻育种提出粗浅看法.  相似文献   

花生不同衰老型品种叶片衰老过程中多胺变化规律的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在大田条件下以两个不同衰老型花生品种为材料,研究了叶片衰老过程中多胺的变化。结果表明:内源多胺与叶片衰老密切相关,随叶片展开、成长到衰老,叶片多胺总量的变化是先上升后下降,幼嫩叶片多胺含量早衰型高于正常衰老型,但在叶片衰老过程中,早衰型叶片多胺含量下降速度快、幅度大,其含量低于正常衰老型,从多胺组成上,花生叶片中共检测出三种多胺,其中腐胺所占比例最大。  相似文献   

通过营养液栽培试验,研究了低磷胁迫下4种不同磷效率基因型大豆叶片和根系的酸性磷酸酯酶(APase)同工酶的酶谱和活性变化.结果表明,大豆叶片和根系APase同工酶含量在低磷处理第10 d、20 d、30 d均比对照高,酶谱染色加深和谱带条数的增加,说明低磷胁迫增加该酶活性,磷高效基因型酶活性升高的幅度大于磷低效基因型.  相似文献   

2006年闽清县早稻新组合比较试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闽清县种子管理站承担2006年福州市早稻联合区试任务,共引进8个杂交早稻新组合在塔庄镇坂尾村进行比较试验。经试验,Ⅱ优010表现突出,平均产量位居第1,值得继续扩大示范种植;金山优2155、安优118、T优353、金两优22、香A/R101等5个新品种表现较好,建议续试。  相似文献   

The nematicidal effect of Pseudomonas fluorescens, Paecilomyces lilacinus, Pichia guilliermondii and Calothrix parietina singly or in combination was tested against root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Treatments with P. fluorescens and P. lilacinus caused mortality of M. incognita as 45% and 30% of juveniles after 48 h of exposures, respectively compared to water control in vitro. Under greenhouse conditions, all treatments reduced the disease severity and enhanced plant growth compared to untreated control. Application of P. fluorescens, P. lilacinus and P. guilliermondii Moh 10 was more effective compared to C. parietina. There was a negative interaction between C. parietina and either P. lilacinus or P. guilliermondii. Fresh and dry weight of shoots and roots of plants were significantly reduced as a result of infection with M. incognita, however application of biocontrol agents singly or in mix recovered this reduction. Moreover, they enhanced the growth parameters compared with the control. Our results proved that application of different biocontrol agents (P. fluorescens, P. lilacinus and P. guilliermondii) not only has a lethal effect on nematode, but also enhances the plant growth, supplying many nutritional elements and induction the systemic resistance in plants. Presence of C. parietina as a soil inhabitant cyanobacterium could antagonize biocontrol agents leading to the reduction of their practical efficiency in soil.  相似文献   

通过Ⅱ优辐819与两优培九在不同肥力的土壤上进行的对比栽培试验,说明了Ⅱ优辐819在闽北有更高的生态适应性和推广价值,并制定相应的高产栽培技术提供生产上利用。  相似文献   

以珍珠豆小果型花生远杂6号为材料,研究了夏直播花生在1.8×105~2.25×105穴/hm2密度及不同配置方式下叶片功能、光合特性及产量等指标的变化,探讨了合理密植对花生群体生殖生长及产量的影响.结果表明:与1.8×105穴/hm2密度相比,2.25×105穴/hm2种植会降低叶片净光合速率、抗氧化能力和群体间中下部...  相似文献   

A field investigation was carried out over 3 years to determine if there was a synergistic effect on total or seasonal yield when cultivars of perennial ryegrass were grown in combination. The three cultivars used were Stormont Zephyr, Hora and Perma, representing respectively early, medium late and late maturing groups. Each cultivar was grown as a pure stand and also as a 50:50 mixture with each of the other two cultivars. Each of these swards was maintained under two rates of nitrogen fertilization (300 and 600 kg per ha per annum) and under two harvesting treatments (4 and 8 harvests per annum). Mixture yield did not exceed significantly the pure sward yieid of the highest yielding component. Occasional yield improvements were detected for the mixtures averaged as a group over monocultures averaged as a group. There was a tendency, especially under frequent cutting, for the yield response to nitrogen to be greater from mixed than from pure swards.  相似文献   

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