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Banana, an important fruit crop, requires high amounts of fertilizers for commercial cultivation, which is costly and can be hazardous to the environment when used excessively. Inoculations of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have been shown to produce beneficial effects through growth stimulation in legumes and cereals, and an attempt has been made to use rhizobacteria in bananas. Three experiments were conducted to observe the effects of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) inoculation on root stimulation and colonization, nutrient absorption, growth and yield of bananas (Musa spp. cv. ‘Berangan’, AA type). The results showed that inoculation together with 33% N improved the bioenhancing activity by increasing root and shoot growth, and photosynthetic rate. The PGPR inoculation with 33% N-fertilizer also increased the Ca uptake capacity resulting in higher Ca concentration in root, corm and pulp but increased the Mg concentration in the root only. In addition, the total accumulation of nutrients was heavily influenced by PGPR inoculation due to enhanced root proliferation. The PGPR inoculation greatly increased the bunch yield (35–51%). The strains Sp7 and UPMB10 were evaluated for their N2 fixing capacities in association with banana roots by 15N isotopic dilution technique and acetylene reduction assay (ARA). The results conclusively showed that roots of PGPR-inoculated plants fixed N2 and produced higher ARA values and inoculated plants together with the least N-fertilizer supply showed the highest amount of nitrogen derived from atmosphere (Ndfa). The findings from the above studies demonstrated that PGPR strains (Sp7 and UPMB 10) inoculation with minimal N-fertilizer supply are effective as a bioenhancer for increasing plant growth, nutrient uptake and yield of bananas.  相似文献   

Soil properties vary according to the topography. They affect water uptake and root exploration in the soil. Consequently, they may also influence the spread of plant–parasitic nematodes. This study reports on the effect of toposequence-related variations in soil on banana yields, foliar nutrient status, and nematode impact. Twenty banana plots were visited within 6 hills/valleys at each of the three toposequence positions: valley bottom, mid-slope and crest. Important variability in plant growth, nutrition and soil properties was observed within the toposequence. Significantly better plant growth (height and girth) was observed in the valley bottoms, where banana bunch weight was 1.7–3.4 kg higher (although not significant) than at upper toposequence positions. Best plant growth was observed in valley bottoms in contrast to the highest N and K foliar deficiencies in this position. Plants in the valley bottoms had higher foliar Ca and Mg, and K compared to those in the crest. Plants in the mid-slope had greater percentage of dead roots (19.1%), compared to the plants in the valley bottoms (12.3%) and the crest (14.2%). Soils in the valley bottoms were deeper, sandier, with lower organic matter, lower N, and K compared to the soils at higher toposequence. Nematodes likely play a key role in banana root damage, however, their effect appear to be in relation to various soil factors at each position. The abundance of Pratylenchus goodeyi had generally limited impact on banana yields in fields having less than 5% slope (crest and valley bottom) where soil conditions were more optimal for root growth. However, in the presence of increased run-off on steeper middle slopes, root death was increased even under moderate pressure from P. goodeyi.  相似文献   

In Chile, like in other countries, a high percentage of apple (Malus domestica Borkh) orchards are grafted on vigorous or semi-vigorous rootstocks. The need to decrease the amount of labor involved and increase efficiency has motivated this study on the effect of reducing the height of cv. Ultra Red Gala/MM111 trees in a commercial orchard in the Maule Region of Chile. Apple trees were planted in 2003, and their tree heights were adjusted to 2.5, 3.0 and 3.6 m prior to blooming in 2006. The reduction of plant height from 3.6 m to 2.5 m determined a significant reduction in canopy volume (26% and 29% in 2007/2008 and 2008/2009, respectively), but no differences were detected in leaf area index (LAI) and the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) transmitted through the canopy. However, a higher proportion of the canopies of the shorter trees had over 30% of incident PAR, the threshold for the production of good fruit quality and flower-bud differentiation. There were no differences in fruit production among plant heights, accumulating 131 tonnes ha−1 in the three growing seasons. Over the three seasons, the shortest plants (2.5 m) required 19, 57 and 42% less labor time at harvest, respectively, than the plants maintained at a height of 3.6 m. There were no evident differences in fruit quality among the treatments; flesh firmness varied between 73.0 and 74.0 N, soluble solids between 11.6 and 12.6°Brix, mean weight between 180 and 200 g, and the percentage of red coloring exceeded 59% of the Premium fruit in the three growing seasons. Our results suggest that it is possible to manage plants with reduced height on semi-vigorous rootstocks and thus reduce the time necessary for harvesting, without affecting fruit yield and quality.  相似文献   

Pistachio cultivation requires the use of rootstock because grafting is the only form of vegetative propagation. The main commercial rootstocks are Pistacia integerrima L., Pistacia atlantica Desf., Pistacia terebinthus L. and Pistacia vera L. Pistachio is considered to be a drought and saline-resistant crop; however, there is little information describing varietal responses of rootstocks to water stress. Some studies have suggested that P. terebinthus L. is the most drought and cold resistant rootstock. The effect of the rootstock on the water relations of the grafted plant is crucial for improving crop performance under water stress conditions and for developing the best irrigation strategy. This work studied the physiological response to water stress of pistachio plants (P. vera L. cv. Kerman) grafted onto three different rootstocks P. terebinthus L., P. atlantica Desf. and a hybrid from crossbreeding P. atlantica Desf. × P. vera L. Plant physiological responses were evaluated during a cycle of drought and subsequent recovery in potted plants. Parameters measured were soil moisture, trunk diameter, leaf area, leaf number, leaf and stem dry weight, stem water potential, leaf stomatal conductance. The results showed different responses of cv. Kerman depending on the rootstock onto which it had been grafted. The hybrid rootstock was associated with a higher degree of stomatal control and reduced leaf senescence compared to P. atlantica and P. terebinthus, despite being associated with the most vigorous shoot growth. P. terebinthus enabled very effective stomatal control but was also associated with the most rapid leaf senescence. P. atlantica was associated with less vigorous shoot growth and similar levels of water stress as occurred with the others rootstocks under conditions of high evaporative demand, which was associated with lower stomatal control. The selection of the most effective rootstock choice for different environmental conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

Very little information is available on organic specialty cut flower production, especially fertilization requirements. In order to better understand organic fertilization requirements of two specialty cut flower crops, Limonium sinuatum and Celosia argentea, we initiated a field and greenhouse experiment to study the effect of compost (organic) and conventional (inorganic) fertilization treatments on the growth and productivity of these crops. Optimum yields in the field, expressed as fresh weight per plot, were achieved at compost applications of 98.8 t ha−1 for both Limonium and Celosia. However, when number of stems, height of the stems, and the environmental impacts of such compost applications are considered we concluded that the optimal organic fertilizer amounts were 12.4 and 24.7 t ha−1, for Limonium and Celosia, respectively. Limonium and Celosia plants in the greenhouse experiment were fertilized with 100, 200, 300, and 400 mg L−1 nitrogen, combined with 0, 5, 10, 20, 40, and 60 mg L−1 phosphorus. The generation of response surfaces for total weight per pot, number of stems per pot, average weight per stem, and average stem length were attempted for each species. The results showed that nitrogen did not significantly contribute to any of the models, except for Celosia average weight and length per stem models. Total weights per pot on the other hand showed both a linear and quadratic relationship over the range of phosphorus applications we tested. Maximum number of stems and total weight per pot were observed between 30 and 46 mg L−1 P in both Limonium and Celosia. Our results suggest that organic fertilizer recommendations, in the form of animal manure composts should be based on phosphorus content of the compost rather than nitrogen content especially for soils high in initial phosphorous content.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to understand the effect of N supply in autumn on its uptake and distribution in tree parts and the utilization of reserve N the following year in persimmon trees (Diospyros kaki cv. Fuyu). The treated trees received 22.5-g N each for two successive years as a 3.5% urea solution from September 18 at 5-day intervals. Trees absorbed about 30% on average of the N applied in autumn. Sixty four to 83% of the N absorbed in autumn was in perennial parts, and 65–72% of that was in roots. Total N in perennial parts of the tree fertilized with N increased by over 4.28 g while leaf N changed little during senescence, indicating that the reserve N was constituted mostly by the N absorbed in autumn. Total N in the new growth was about the same as the amount of N declined in spring from perennial parts, indicating that there was little contribution by soil N to sustain new growth. Total dry weights of new growth the following year in a with-N tree were greater by over 34 g than those in a without-N tree.  相似文献   

This study was conducted at the Seongju Fruit Vegetable Experiment Station for 2 years, 2002–2003 to investigate the effect of pollination methods on development and sugar content of oriental melon fruits. Oriental melon fruit was pollinated by honeybees (Apis indica) and bumblebees (Bombus ignitus) and fruit setting growth regulators was used as a control treatment. Fruits pollinated by honeybees and bumblebees has lesser length and width of fruit compared to the control. Pollinated by bumblebees increased hardness and soluble solids of fruits by 27% and 4–5% and that of honeybees increased hardness and soluble solids of fruits by 12% and 5–10% compared to the control, respectively. Fermented fruit ratio (%) of oriental melon fruit pollinated by honeybees, bumblebees, and growth regulator was 6.7%, 9.1%, and 28.1%, respectively. Glucose, fructose and sucrose contents of fruits by HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) were very low throughout the ripening stage, but abruptly increased at harvesting stage. In fructose content of fruits, pollination of bumblebees and honeybees was higher by 9% and by 13% than those of control, respectively. The amount of total sugar content in fully ripen fruits of oriental melon was not different between the treatments (P > 0.05). Total sugar content (%) of fruits pollinated by bumblebees was slowly decreased until 15 days after storage compared to that of other treatment. For the low fermented fruit ratio (%) and slowly reduced total sugar content at storage of fruits, the pollination of bees was more useful than fruit setting growth regulators in early cultivation of oriental melon under plastic houses. The economic analysis according to the pollination method will be needed in the near future.  相似文献   

Changes in light intensity have a particular effect on the photosynthetic apparatus. Most of the studies on light acclimation in higher plants have focused on the effects of fixed light intensity. Few works deal on sudden changes in light intensity due to pruning for long periods of time. Pruning the bent shoots in roses (cv. Grand Gala) can modify the light interception in internal leaves and change their photosynthetic reactions. Before pruning, internal leaves were acclimated to low light intensity and after pruning, internal and external leaves received the same light intensity. The aim of this work was to find out how the photosynthetic light reaction, measured by chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence in internal and external leaves of arched shoot could be modulated by light changes. Other parameters described as light dependent were also measured: nitrate reductase (NR) activity, NH4+, sucrose and starch levels. Internal and external leaves in rose have shown a high plasticity, rapid and dynamical acclimation, in response to changes in incident sunlight produced by pruning, that can be explained by Chl a fluorescence parameters. The modified NR activity, NH4+, sucrose and starch levels were difficult to associated with light intensity changes, and their modulation could be the response to long-time light acclimation.  相似文献   

Soil and rootstock can particularly affect the ‘Rainha Claudia Verde’ (Prunus domestica) fruit quality, mainly its firmness characteristics. To investigate the variation in fruit quality, plums were harvested at commercial maturity from trees grafted on Marianna GF8-1 (Prunus cerasifera × munsoniana) and Marianna GF10-2 (P. cerasifera × munsoniana) rootstocks on two different soils: Haplic Luvisol and Vertic Luvisol. After harvest fruits were stored at 2 °C for 3 weeks. At the harvest day a small group of fruits were analysed without cold storage. During storage fruits were tested for firmness, soluble solids content, titratable acidity and fruit mineral content. Tree vigour was evaluated from trunk cross-sectional areas values.The GF8-1 rootstock promoted the highest vegetative development, comparing to GF10-2. This rootstock promoted the largest fruits size and the higher calcium fruit level. Positive correlations were found between higher concentrations of calcium in the pulp fruits and firmness. Fruits from two different rootstocks showed the same firmness at harvest but during cold storage, fruits from GF10-2 rootstock exhibited the highest firmness pulp values. There weren’t significant differences in fruit nitrogen and potassium levels for any studied factor.At harvest solids soluble content and solids soluble content/titratable acidity ratio weren’t affected by soil type or rootstock. As expected, solids soluble content during cold storage increased and solids soluble content/titratable acidity had a slight increase.GF10-2 revealed to be a good option as a ‘Rainha Claudia Verde’ rootstock for plums growers due to its intermediate-vigour. Also GF10-2 fruits presented better quality during storage comparing with GF8-1.  相似文献   

White and purple garlic is harvested in the Bajio region of Mexico from February to August and then stored at room temperature. A complete study of quality changes under different conditions and how these conditions interact to determine the shelf life of the product has been lacking, nor have objective parameters to predict shelf life been determined. Six batches of 360 bulbs of garlic (Allium sativum L.) cv. Perla were stored for 190 days at 0 °C, 0 °C and 70% relative humidity (RH), 5, 20, 30 °C, and at room temperature (RT) (17.7 ± 7 °C). The weight loss, subjective firmness of the bulbs, clove penetration resistance, hue value, internal sprouting index, soluble solids and dry matter content of the cloves were recorded periodically. The weight loss and internal sprouting index had a negative correlation on the subjective firmness, penetration resistance, and hue of the cloves. Storage at 5 °C, 20 °C, and RT induced sprouting, and subsequent growth had an effect on a loss of firmness and color. Complete sprouting (>100%) induced a weight loss of 9–11% at these temperatures. In order to maintain an adequate safety margin for marketing, we propose an internal sprouting index of 50% to determining the effective shelf life of garlic cv. ‘Perla’. In accordance with this criterion and in conditions studying, shelf life at 0 °C was 155 days; at 5 °C and RT it was 80 days; and at 20 °C it was 60 days. These results lead us to conclude that it is possible to estimate the shelf life of garlic using the internal sprouting index.  相似文献   

Low yields of ‘Nova’ citrus hybrid are common in single variety plantings (plantings consisting of one variety) due to its sexual self-incompatibility. Self-incompatibility may be overcome by cross-pollination with other compatible varieties. Fruit quality and yield of ‘Nova’ citrus hybrid as well as of the ‘SRA63’ and ‘Marisol’ Clementines, when either they were self-pollinated in single variety plantings or each one of the two Clementine varieties was used as a pollenizer for ‘Nova’ in mixed plantings (plantings consisting of more than one variety), were investigated. The study was carried out for two successive years under the same environmental and cultural conditions using three single variety plantings (‘Nova’ × ‘Nova’, ‘SRA63’ × ‘SRA63’, ‘Marisol’ × ‘Marisol’) and two mixed plantings (‘Nova’ × ‘SRA63’, ‘Nova’ × ‘Marisol’).  相似文献   

A 3-year study was conducted to examine leaf gas exchange response of Vitis vinifera L. (cv. Tempranillo) grapevines growing in the central Iberian Peninsula as a function of soil water availability. Net CO2 assimilation rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration (E) of leaves were measured at the east and west side of vines planted in north/south orientated rows. Soil water availability was varied by three different irrigation treatments at 0.45, 0.30 and 0.15 of ETo and a fourth non-irrigated treatment. Approximately 60% of the variation in gs over 3 years was due to changes in soil water content (θv); the correlation between the two was closer when examined on a season by season basis. Net CO2 assimilation rates were significantly correlated with gs. Stomatal conductance decreased by approximately 25–30% when measured 15:00 h (west side of vines) compared to 09:00 h (east side of vines); reductions in A were even greater than those in gs. Leaf E increased approximately by 15–25% from morning to afternoon. The reduction in A and gs from morning to afternoon was observed even in irrigated vines but absolute differences increased with decreasing soil water. This occurred when maximum daily gs was less than 200 mmol m−2 s−1. These responses indicate that in hot areas training systems and row orientation, which minimize exposed leaf, area in the afternoon should be recommended.  相似文献   

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