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Curly-leafed and turnip-rooted parsley have recently been introduced to Greece as alternative herbs within the programme for crop diversification. Because the response of these subspecies to nitrogen (N) application under the warm climatic conditions of the Mediterranean region is unknown, both were cultivated over three consecutive years in order to evaluate their yield potential and quality (in terms of nitrate content) in relation to nitrogen application in comparison with the traditionally cultivated plain-leafed subspecies. Nitrogen was applied as ammonium nitrate in the form of liquid feeds at rates of 30–450 mg kg−1. Foliage and root yield increased with N application up to a level of 150 mg kg−1 and the nitrate content of the tissues was low. Increasing N application rates to 300 or 450 mg kg−1 did not cause a further increase in yield, but the nitrate content of the tissues increased. In view of health concerns with respect to human nitrate intake and environmental threats posed by excessive N application, it is concluded that the optimum level of ammonium nitrate application under local conditions should be 150 mg kg−1. Overall, all three subspecies responded to N in a similar way in terms of yield and nitrate content.  相似文献   

The effects of water deficit on vegetative growth, fatty acids and essential oil yield and composition of Salvia officinalis aerial parts were investigated. Plants were treated with different levels of water deficit (C, MWD and SWD). Results showed important reductions of the different growth parameters. Drought decreased significantly the foliar fatty acid content and the double bond index (DBI) degree. This later was provoked mainly by a strong reduction of linolenic acid proportion and the disappearance of palmitoleic acid. Besides, moderate deficit increased the essential oil yield (expressed as g/100 g on the basis of dry weight) and the main essential oil constituents were camphor, α-thujone and 1.8-cineole which showed an increasing under moderate water deficit.  相似文献   

Two experiments were undertaken in southern Greece during 2000–2002 in which turnip-rooted parsley was tested for its suitability for cultivation in comparison with locally grown curly-leafed and plain-leafed forms. Plants were harvested when the foliage was acceptable for marketing, rather than on completion of the vegetative cycle, hence root size was relatively small. In year 1, the foliage development of plain-leafed parsley was significantly higher than that of the other two forms, irrespective of sowing date. In year 2, both plain-leafed and curly-leafed parsley produced more foliage than turnip-rooted parsley in the early sowing (November), but not in subsequent sowings (December and February). During both years, root development was higher in turnip-rooted parsley than in curly-leafed parsley, although in the November and February sowings of year 1 the root weight of both plain-leafed and turnip-rooted forms were similar. In all three types of parsley, foliage yield fell off significantly in the spring sowing (February), and in year 1 there was a considerable decrease in root production as well. In most cultivars, foliage weight was higher when plants were grown from transplanted seedlings rather than by direct sowing, whereas the effect of sowing method on root weight was sowing date dependent. Cultivar differences in the foliage weight of direct sown and transplanted plants were reflected by differences in plant height and, in some cases, by leaf number. It is concluded that although overall turnip-rooted parsley produced rather less foliage than that plain-leafed parsley, this was compensated for by the satisfactory production of roots and therefore turnip-rooted cultivars may constitute a suitable crop for introduction to the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Impatiens walleriana ‘DeZire’ and Petunia × hybrid ‘Tidal Wave’ were subjected to a combination of water stress and exposure to wind to evaluate the potential application of these treatments as an alternative to chemical growth retardation. Air velocities evaluated were 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.5, and 4.5 m s−1 and irrigation treatments were either control or 45% water stress based on irrigation occurring when the weight of the plant (plant, pot and peat) was reduced by 25% (control) or 45% (water stress) of the initial weight. The experiment was repeated twice; once in spring and once in summer.  相似文献   

Black currants were grown from cuttings in sand culture to study the effect of intensity of nutrient supply on growth, yield and leaf composition of the plants. An increase in frequency of nutrient supply gave an increase in the amount of fruiting wood produced in 1966 and in the yield of fruit in 1967. Leaf phosphorus concentrations ranged from 0·48-1·61% as the intensity of nutrient supply increased; fractionation of phosphorus in leaf samples showed that the largest part of this variation was accounted for by differences in the inorganic phosphate content of the leaf. Leaf concentrations of N, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn were little affected by the experimental treatments.  相似文献   

Traditionally, phosphates (Pi, salts of phosphoric acid, H3PO4) have been used for plant fertilization, and phosphites (Phi, salts of phosphorous acid, H3PO3) have been used as fungicides. Nowadays several Phi fertilizers are available in the EU market despite the fact that in research trials Phi has often had a negative influence on plant growth. The objective of this study was to elucidate the effect of a Phi fertilizer on plant growth, yield and fruit composition of strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.). Experiments were carried out with ‘Polka’ frigo plants in South Estonia in 2005 and 2006. The number of leaves per plant, total and marketable yields, fruit size, fruit ascorbic acid content (AAC), soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), anthocyanins (ACY) and total antioxidant activity (TAA) were recorded.  相似文献   


A crop-scale experiment between March and October 2000 investigated the effects of split-root salinity stress and rooting volume on the expansion of leaves, fruit yield and quality in two standard round fruited cultivars of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentumMill) Solairo and Espero, grown in rockwool. To implement the treatments, a split-root method was utilized whereby different levels of salinity (expressed as EC), adjusted by the addition of NaCl, was administered to two halves of a root system. The split-root high EC (2.8/8.0 dS m–1) treatment enhanced fruit quality by increasing the concentrations of sugar, acid, total soluble solids and reducing the incidence of visual defects such as uneven ripening and gold-spot. Split-root high EC did however reduce leaf area that corresponded with low K concentration in the leaf tissue. The split-root method utilized doubled the rooting volume compared with the standard single rockwool slab, but this extra rooting capacity had no detectable effect on leaf expansion, yield or fruit quality. Although there was little impact on yield for ten weeks after the imposition of the high EC split-root treatment, mean reductions in weekly yield occurred thereafter and were of the order of 9 and 13% for ‘Solairo’ and ‘Espero’ respectively through to the end of the experiment. The fall in yield was due, in part, to a decrease in fruit size. Whilst water uptake was reduced it was unclear how the effects on leaf growth and fruit yield were mediated in the shoot. Possible processes that coordinate responses to root-zone salinity stress are discussed. The potential use of the split-root system in commercial production is considered.  相似文献   

The responses of January-sown cucumber cvs Farbio and Sandra to day and night temperature during the early post-planting stage (late February to mid-April) were examined in a glasshouse experiment. Three day temperatures (15°, 20° and 25°C) were combined factorially with three night temperatures (10°, 15° and 20°C). Comparisons were also made between two temperature regimes (21°C day: 19°C night and 24°C day: 17°C night) applied during the pre-planting stage (late January to late February) and between two mainstem cropping methods (restriction or retention of mainstem fruits). In the pre-planting stage the 24°C day: 17°C night temperature combination produced plants which were taller, heavier and leafier than those grown at 21°C day: 19°C night. During the first 12 weeks of harvesting the larger plants produced significantly more fruit and higher gross monetary returns than did their smaller counterparts. The difference then diminished and after 20 weeks of harvesting plants from the two pre-planting temperature treatments had produced similar weights of marketable fruit of equivalent value. In the early post-planting period increases in total leaf area and stem length were closely correlated with 24-h mean temperature. Earliness (first harvest) and total weight of fruit after four weeks of harvesting were also linearly related to mean post-planting temperature. Raising the 24-h mean air temperature (within the range 15.2° to 22.6°C) by 1°C during the early post-planting stage increased early (4 week) yield by 0.82 kg m-2 and total (20 week) yield by 1.17 kg m-2. There was no effect of day/night temperature amplitude. After 20 weeks of harvest, gross monetary returns and profitability were generally highest when mean temperature in the early post-planting period was high and fell progressively with reduced mean temperature. Restricting stem fruits to oné per leaf node produced no significant difference in either the yield or quality of fruit from plants of any of the temperature treatments. The results are discussed from physiological and practical viewpoints and a cost-benefit comparison of temperature treatments is presented.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to compare two water-saving practices, deficit irrigation (DI) and partial rootzone drying (PRD), and examine how they affected soil water distribution, water use, growth and yield of greenhouse grown hot pepper compared to commercial irrigation (CI). Control (CI) in which irrigation water was applied to both sides of the system when soil water content was lower by 80% of field capacity; deficit irrigation (DI50, DI75) in which 50% and 75% irrigation water of CI supplied to both sides of the root system; 1PRD with half of the root system exposed to soil drying and other half kept well-watered with 50% irrigation water of CI, and 2PRD with 50% irrigation water of CI supplied, half to fixed side of the root system. The results showed mean soil volumetric water content of DI75, DI50, 1PRD and 2PRD were lower by 21.06%, 28.32%, 24.48% and 34.76%, respectively than that of CI after starting the experiment. Water consumption showed some significant effect of irrigation treatments during the growing period of drought stress application, and therefore decreased in DI75, DI50, 1PRD and 2PRD to a level around 75% and 50% of CI. All the DI and PRD treatments resulted in a reduction of total dry mass of 7.29–44.10%, shoot biomass of 24.97–47.72% compared to CI, but an increase in the root–shoot ratio of 12.50–35.42% compared to the control and with significant differences between 2PRD, 1PRD, DI50 and CI. The yield of 1PRD was significantly reduced by 23.98% compared to CI (19,566 kg hm−2) over a period of 109 days after transplanting. However, the 1PRD treatment had 17.21% and 24.54% additional yield over the DI50 and 2PRD treatments and had 52.05% higher irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) than CI treatment. At harvest, although there was a significant difference recorded as single fruit weight and single fruit volume were reduced under the DI and PRD treatments, total soluble solids concentration of fruit harvested under the water-deficit treatments were higher compared to CI. Stomatal conductance measured in fresh leaf was the lowest under 1PRD treatment relative to CI and other treatments. The low stomatal conductance of fresh-leaf issue observed in the work supported the root signaling mechanism reported earlier in plants having undergone partial root drying cycles.  相似文献   

干旱胁迫下桃树各部位贮存水调节能力的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
干旱胁迫使桃品种瑞光5号(Prunuspersicavar.nectarinacv.RuiguangNo.5)的叶片水势和茎流下降,并且干旱越严重下降越多。干旱胁迫对贮存水调节量的影响不显著,但是绝对调节能力随干旱胁迫程度的增加而增加。各部位间的相对调节能力主要是由其水容、贮存水阻力和体积决定的,干旱胁迫对各部位间的相对调节能力的影响不显著。在充分灌水条件下各部位贮存水夜间的相对调节能力为:主根18.8%、主干38.5%、枝条17.8%、叶片3.4%、细根2.9%、果实6.7%、粗根12.0%,处理之间绝对调节能力的差异不显著。贮存水的调节主要来自主干、主根、粗根和枝条,这4部分占全部调节量的80%以上。  相似文献   

全球气候变暖已成为当今世界重要的环境问题之一,对植物生长发育造成严重影响。马铃薯性喜冷凉,为浅根系作物,高温、干旱是马铃薯生长过程中面临的主要非生物胁迫,马铃薯生长发育与生理代谢直接受到其影响。笔者讨论了当前高温和干旱耐受性的鉴定方法,从马铃薯植株形态特征、细胞生理生化变化、分子水平响应等方面系统概述了马铃薯对高温和干旱胁迫的响应机制。从选育耐热抗旱新品种、应对高温干旱的栽培调控技术及基因工程等方面论述了提高马铃薯耐热抗旱的途径和措施,为马铃薯高温干旱研究提供理论参考,并对未来马铃薯耐高温和干旱研究方向和发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Greenhouse-grown hot pepper was used to investigate the effect of Time-Space deficit irrigation (TSDI), a newly developing irrigation technique based on regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and partial rootzone drying (PRD), by measuring plant growth, yield and irrigation water use efficiency. The treatments consisted of factorial combinations of three factors, organized following an orthogonal L9 (3)4 test design with four growing stages. Three irrigation strategies (conventional furrow irrigation with full-water when soil water content was lower by 80% of field capacity (F), conventional furrow irrigation with 50% of full-water (D) and alternate furrow irrigation with 50% of full-water (P)) as the main plot factor were applied to select the optimum irrigation parameter at different stages of crop development, the treatment in which irrigation water was applied to both sides of root system when soil water content was lower by 80% of field capacity during all stages was considered as control (FFFF). Water consumption showed some significant effect of irrigation treatment during the growing period of different drought stress patterns application, and therefore decreased in these treatments to a level around 54.68–70.33% of FFFF. Total dry mass was reduced by 1.17–38.66% in TSDI treatments compared to FFFF. However, the root–shoot ratio of FFFF was lower than other treatments and the differences from FFFF and other TSDI treatments were statistically significant. The highest total fresh fruit yield (19.57 T ha−1) was obtained in the FFFF treatment. All deficit irrigations increased the water use efficiency of hot pepper from a minimum of 1.33% to a maximum of 54.49%. At harvest, although there was difference recorded as single fruit weight and single fruit volume were reduced under the TSDI treatments, total soluble solids concentration of fruit harvested under the water-deficit treatments were higher compared to FFFF.  相似文献   

海藻酸水溶肥对梨树生长与果实产量及品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
【目的】探究海藻酸水溶肥对梨生长发育的影响,为当地梨产业合理施肥提供理论依据。【方法】以‘黄金’梨和‘酥梨’为试验材料,用常规施肥[NPK(C)]、传统水溶肥[NPK(F)]、等量NPK海藻酸水溶肥[NPK(HF)]、NPK用量减施25%海藻酸水溶肥[3/4NPK(HF)]和NPK用量减施50%海藻酸水溶肥[1/2NPK(HF)]处理梨树,测定比较处理间果实产量、品质、养分吸收和经济效益等指标。【结果】与NPK(C)和NPK(F)处理相比‘,黄金’梨园区的3/4NPK(HF)处理提高果实糖酸比和叶片氮养分含量,显著降低果实石细胞含量,且各指标基本上高于NPK(HF)和1/2NPK(HF)处理。在‘酥梨’园区,3/4 NPK(HF)处理梨可溶性糖和叶片氮养分含量较NPK(F)处理分别显著提高12.38%和9.08%。同时,海藻酸水溶肥减量使用明显增加园区经济收益。【结论】在两梨园当前施肥量下,减施25%的海藻酸水溶肥处理不会导致梨显著减产和果实品质降低,其综合效果优于其他处理。  相似文献   

针对乙草胺在河南省大蒜生产中出现的药害问题,探索性地研究了硫酸钙对乙草胺药害的缓解作用,以期实现降低药害损失的目的。试验通过测定大蒜的植株高度、叶长度、叶宽度、叶绿素含量、根系活力、SOD活性、POD活性及产量来评价其缓解效果。结果表明:施用10 d后,叶绿素含量恢复到未施用乙草胺的对照水平,根系活力、SOD活性、POD活性明显改善,大蒜产量显著高于未施用乙草胺的对照。偏碱性土壤上施用硫酸钙,能有效缓解乙草胺对大蒜的毒害作用,提高抗逆能力,为受除草剂污染土壤的科学利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为了研究干旱及复水处理对野生苦瓜幼苗生长和生理特性的影响,探讨野生苦瓜的抗旱机制,为其栽培育种提供理论依据。以野生苦瓜‘JH01’为试验材料,对干旱胁迫4、8、12、16 d和复水处理2、5 d野生苦瓜幼苗部分生理指标的变化进行研究。结果显示,随着干旱胁迫时间的延长,植株长势变弱,叶片萎蔫程度加重,叶片相对电导率、丙二醛含量、超氧阴离子含量、过氧化氢含量和脯氨酸含量逐渐上升,叶绿素含量呈先升高后降低的变化趋势;复水后,各指标得到了不同程度的恢复,复水5 d时叶绿素含量、相对电导率、过氧化氢含量均恢复到接近对照水平;此外,脯氨酸的可塑性指数达0.98,明显大于其他生理指标,叶绿素含量的可塑性指数最小为0.29。综上表明,野生苦瓜幼苗具有一定的耐旱能力,复水对干旱胁迫具有缓解作用。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,104(2):137-149
We compared two water-saving irrigation practices, deficit irrigation (DI) and partial rootzone drying (PRD), for their effects on growth and quality of ‘Ancho St. Luis’ hot pepper (Capsicum annum L.). The treatments were: commercial irrigation (CI) considered as the control, irrigating both sides of the rootzone with half of the volume of CI considered as DI, and alternating irrigation between two sides of the rootzone with half the volume of CI at each irrigation time considered as PRD. Midday leaf water potentials of PRD and DI plants were lower by 0.15 and 0.30 MPa, respectively, than of CI plants from 130 days after sowing. Total fresh mass of fruit was reduced by 19 and 34.7% in PRD and DI, respectively, compared to CI. Fruit number per plant was reduced by more than 20% in PRD and DI compared to CI. Total dry mass of fruit was similar among the treatments. At harvest, DI fruit had 21% higher total soluble solids concentration and better colour development than other treatments. Although incidence of blossom-end rot was high in PRD and DI fruit, more than 80% of fruit from PRD was not affected. DI and PRD saved 170 and 164 l of water, respectively, compared to CI and they could be feasible irrigation strategies for hot pepper production where the benefit from saving water outweighs the decrease in total fresh mass of fruit.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the physiological and morphological response of carnation plants to different levels of irrigation and to evaluate regulated deficit irrigation as a possible technique for saving water through the application of controlled drought stress. Carnations, Dianthus caryophyllus L. cultivar, were pot-grown in an unheated greenhouse and submitted to two experiments. In the first experiment, the plants were exposed to three irrigation treatments: (control); 70% of the control (moderate deficit irrigation, MDI) and 35% of the control (severe deficit irrigation, SDI). In the second experiment, the plants were submitted to a control treatment, deficit irrigation (DI, 50% of the control) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI). After 15 weeks, MDI plants showed a slightly reduced total dry weight, plant height and leaf area, while SDI had clearly reduced all the plant size parameters. RDI plants had similar leaf area and total dry weight to the control treatment during the blooming phase. MDI did not affect the number of flowers and no great differences in the colour parameters were observed. RDI plants had higher flower dry weight, while plant quality was affected by the SDI (lower number of shoots and flowers, lower relative chlorophyll content). Leaf osmotic potential decreased with deficit irrigation, but more markedly in SDI, which induced higher values of leaf pressure. Stomatal conductance (gs) decreased in drought conditions more than the photosynthetic rate (Pn). Osmotic adjustment of 0.3 MPa accompanied by decreases in elasticity in response to drought resulted in turgor less at lower leaf water potentials and prevented turgor loss during drought periods.  相似文献   

Processing tomato is a high water demanding crop, thus requiring irrigation throughout growing season in arid and semiarid areas. The application of deficit irrigation (DI) strategies to this crop may greatly contribute to save irrigation water. A two-year study was carried out in order to assess the effects of DI upon water productivity, final biomass, fruit yield and some quality traits of open-field processing tomato cv. Brigade in a typical semi-arid Mediterranean environment of South Italy. Four irrigation treatments were studied: no irrigation following plant establishment (V0); 100% (V100) or 50% (V50) evapotranspiration (ETc) restoration up to fruit maturity, 100% ETc restoration up to flowering, then 50% ETc restoration (V100-50). Total dry biomass accumulation was significantly depressed by early soil water deficit in V0; irrigation at a reduced rate (50% ETc) from initial stages (V50) or from flowering onwards (V100-50) did not induce any losses in final dry biomass. The marketable yield did not significantly differ among plots irrigated, but an averaged irrigation water saving of 30.4% in V100-50 and 46.2% in V50 was allowed as compared to V100. Marketable yield was negatively affected by the early water shortage in V0, due to the high fruit losses (>44%). The effects of DI on fruit quality were generally the converse of those on fruit yield. DI improved total soluble solids content, titratable acidity and vitamin C content. Water use efficiency was positively affected by DI, suggesting that the crop does not benefits from the water when this last is supplied to fulfil total crop requirements for the whole season. Yield response factor, which indicates the level of tolerance of a crop to water stress, was 0.49 for total dry biomass (Kss) and 0.76 for marketable yield (Ky), indicating that in both cases the reduction in crop productivity is proportionally less than the relative ET deficit. In conclusion, the adoption of DI strategies where a 50% reduction of ETc restored is applied for the whole growing season or part of it could be suggested in processing tomato, to save water improving its use efficiency, minimizing fruit losses and maintaining high fruit quality levels. This aspect is quite important in semi-arid environments, where water scarcity is an increasing concern and water costs are continuously rising.  相似文献   

为了驱赶隐蔽的豇豆蓟马,辅助化学药剂防治,采用Y型嗅觉仪测试了16种精油对豇豆蓟马的趋避活性,并观察了其田间趋避作用。结果表明,柑橘精油趋避活性最高,趋避率为86.67%,其次是肉豆蔻精油、香茅精油、大蒜精油、香樟精油等;香樟精油虫口减退率最高,达到45.36%,其次为香茅精油、柠檬精油、桉叶油、姜黄精油、石菖蒲精油。综合选取香樟精油和香茅精油分别组合乙基多杀菌素进行豇豆蓟马田间防效试验,精油与药剂组合比单一施用药剂的防效显著。利用精油的趋避作用和药剂的杀灭组合能显著提高药效,可达到防治豇豆蓟马的目的。  相似文献   

Grapevine cultivars are known to differ in their drought adaptation mechanisms, but there is little knowledge on how they behave when recovering after a drought event. The effects of increasing water deficit and recovery after rewatering were evaluated on four widely grown red grapevine cultivars native from different climates (Cabernet Sauvignon, Cs; Garnacha, syn. Grenache, Ga; Merlot, Me; and Tempranillo, Te) through the study of gas exchange (GE) measurements and transpiration decline curves (TDC). As a whole, Ga has proved to be the cultivar best adapted to water deficit, since it showed the highest water use efficiency (WUE) and the greatest water saving ability after leaf excision. Te, on the contrary showed the lowest values for those parameters under increasing stress, although when rewatered showed greater acclimation ability than Cs and Me, remarkably improving its behaviour. The two methodological approaches (GE and TDC) used at different water deficit levels and after rewatering, have complemented each other, allowing a better cultivar characterization than each method would had allowed itself.  相似文献   

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