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综述了湖北省农业用水实施两部制水价沿革与国内外农业灌溉用水水价制定方法,农业灌溉供水价格具有自然垄断价格的特性,经济学成本定价理论包括平均成本定价和边际成本定价,分析了农业供水采用这两种成本定价法的不足与采用两部制水价的优点。结合湖北省水利工程农业供水两部制水价改革情况调查,分析了湖北省灌区执行的两部制水价水平与测算值的差距,最后对湖北省两部制水价的实施与推广提出了参考建议。  相似文献   

农村供水水价的构成分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
山东省平邑县从 1990~ 1994年在山区农村先后建成了 12 2处农村供水工程 ,这些工程在运行期间对水费的收取管理情况不同 ,可归结为以下几种类型 :①低价收取水费 ,从每方水 0 .3~ 0 .6元不等 ;②按户收取 ;③只收运行电费 ;④不收水费。由于水费收取办法不妥 ,水费积累不足 ,甚至无水费积累 ,导致工程用水浪费严重 ,设备坏了得不到及时维修等。有必要对水价进行分析 ,并以此为据收取水费。1 理论水价分析1.1 构成供水成本的因素(1)工程投资为T ,折旧年限为t(2 0年 ) ,年折旧费即为 :K =T/t =T/2 0 =0 .0 5T(元 )(2 )工程年大修费…  相似文献   

介绍了乡镇供水成本的组成及成本核定中应注意的问题,提出了容量水费、定量水费和增容水费的概念,并对其制定方法和可行性进行了分析。  相似文献   

城市水价异化现象的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用经济学的知识,对影响城市水价的诸如政府行为、官员寻租行为、水资源开发商的不当行为、消费者购买力的异化、隐性水市场交易、水费标准的设定等因素进行了分析,并基于上述分析的基础上,进而对这些因素如何对水价产生影响和引起水价异化进行了解释。最后,对国外的土地定价委员会制度进行了简单描述,以起经验借鉴之效。  相似文献   

科学合理的农业水价能起到价格杠杆作用,促使农业节约用水。以济源市为例,分析区域农业用水概况、农业水价现状及其存在问题,以全成本水价理论和能值价值理论为基础估算得到区域内主要灌区的农业成本水价;以亩均产值和亩均净效益为基础测算得到农民水价承受能力为0.11元/m3;参考计算结果,明确了农业水价的调整范围,针对济源实际,提出了农业水价调整策略。为济源市农业水价调整提供了参考依据,也可供其他地区农业水价调整借鉴。  相似文献   

浅议济南市水价与可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对水价偏低的历史现象,分析了现代水价的构成要素及其作用,指出建立合理的水价体系是保障水资源可持续利用和经济社会可持续发展的一个重要措施,并提出优水优价、超定额用水加价、季节性浮动水价、逐步提高水价等对策建议。  相似文献   

农业水价改革的问题与出路   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
随着我国水短缺问题的加剧,提高水价解决水资源不足提上议事日程。结合当前农业用水管理的国际惯例,通过对我国农业水价改革过程和现状、粮食生产成本效益变化等突出问题的分析.认为农业水价改革应综合考虑水资源利用及农业和农村发展阶段等多种因素.在按供水成本和费用制定水价的同时.一定要采取相应的补偿措施.保证我国农业生产和农民增收不受过大影响。  相似文献   

随着我国农业水价综合改革的全面推进,一些地方逐步形成了适合当地情况的农业水价机制,但不少地方还在进行探索.荆门市作为南方丰水地区农业水价综合改革试验区,经过三年多的探索,初步形成了由农业水权制度、水价定价模式、计价方式、水费征管以及节水奖励等为主要内容的农业水价机制,但也存在一些问题,亟须完善.在此基础上提出了相关对策...  相似文献   

农业供水价格的制订与实施,对灌区节水灌溉的发展具有重要的作用。根据灌区现行水价过低导致农业水资源浪费的现状,讨论导致水价偏低的主要原因,提出推进水价改革的合理化建议。  相似文献   

本文对叶城县农村供水基本情况作了介绍,对实施阶梯性水价的必要性进行了分析,提出了农村水价的改革思路和改革方案,并对阶梯式水价改革方案的实施进行了探讨.  相似文献   

The Government of Egypt is currently implementing projects that expand irrigated area on the Sinai Peninsula and in the southern desert. Those projects will reduce the supply of Nile River water available to farmers in the Nile Delta, which is a heavily populated and highly productive agricultural region. The southern desert project will obtain water directly from Lake Nasser, while a mixture of Nile River water and drainage water will be delivered to the Sinai. The true costs of the projects include the opportunity costs of water and capital that could be used alternatively in the Nile Valley and Delta, or in other productive endeavors. Economic analysis generates optimizing criteria that describe the role of scarcity values (opportunity costs) in determining the allocation of Nile River water that will maximize net social benefits. Policy implications are derived by comparing those criteria with the criterion that farmers implement when maximizing profits from crop production. A small-scale simulation model demonstrates the potential impact of water allocation policies on regional net revenues. Results are discussed within the context of a broader view of national goals that include promoting economic growth, achieving food security, and enhancing the quality of life for Egyptians.  相似文献   

Water management is an essential feature of any project related with overall development of agriculture. The Soan river catchment in the northwest Himalayas, is fed only by rainwater. Hence, a strategy of rainfed agriculture needs to be developed through water conservation and storage techniques. The Soan is an important river from a soil erosion and water management point of view and detailed economic analysis is needed for any proposal to be implemented in the field. The present study was undertaken to propose an economic analysis of water harvesting structures for the Soan catchment. The purpose of the investigation is to control erosion and conserve water to meet the requirements of supplemental and pre-sowing irrigation for major cereal crops in the area and to maximise agricultural productivity. Benefit/cost ratios ranging from 0.41 to 1.33 are obtained for water harvesting structures of different sizes with estimated life of 25 and 40 years respectively, by taking into account different crop return from maize and wheat.  相似文献   

宁夏水权转换价格变动原因分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源匮乏一直是制约宁夏发展的“瓶颈”,为了探索解决黄河水资源供需矛盾的有效途径,宁夏在黄委会指导下开展水权转换相关工作。随着水权转换制度及体系日臻完善,水权转换价格也逐步回归合理。本文从工程成本、节水量计算方法、水权转换价格等方面,分析水权转换价格的影响因素及变动原因。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the optimal water allocation and cropping patterns for the Jordan Valley, taking into consideration variations in expected incomes from agricultural production and rising water prices. The calculations were based on information available on water supplies, areas under irrigation and market conditions, and used linear programming models for determining solutions that maximize gross margins and minimize potential variations in these gross margins. The results indicated that optimizing cropping patterns and the allocation of irrigation water still has a substantial potential to increase the financial return from agriculture. Optimal solutions that consider risk from varying gross margins react quite elastically in terms of demand for irrigation water to rising water prices. This adds the element of a changing market supply to any discussion about managing water consumption between sectors of the society by using pricing mechanisms.  相似文献   

浑沙灌区是沈阳地区的大型灌区,一直发挥着当地粮仓的作用.农业用水水价的改革可以改善农业生产条件,提高农业综合生产能力,同时也是保障国家粮食安全的需要.本文对浑沙灌区农业用水水价存在的问题进行分析,说明引起水价问题的原因,并提出进行农业用水水价改革的必要性和具体的改革方案.针对具体的改革方案,预测水价改革后产生的效果为:可以改善农田周边的整体环境,增加灌溉面积,减少机井提取地下水,提高地下水位,有效地保护地下水资源.  相似文献   

陈丹  唐宏璐  袁秀伟  陈波  季巍 《农业工程》2022,12(10):81-85
从农业用水户的角度,结合南方平原灌区实际,提出3种递进式的农业用水激励模式及相应测算公式,即“先交水费、后全额补贴”模式,基于合理用水定额的“先交水费、后差额补贴”模式,以及基于区域单位用水量的“先交水费、后差额补贴”模式,并测算分析了典型试点区内用水户的用水量、预交水费、奖惩金额、精准补贴额和实交水费等。结果表明,3种农业用水激励模式各有优缺点,可适用于改革进程的不同阶段。基于区域单位用水量的“先交水费、后差额补贴”模式充分体现了节奖超罚的原则,并最终达到区域内奖惩金额的动态平衡,促使用水户间相互督促、互相竞争,有利于充分调动用水户的节水积极性,提升用水户节水意识,具有推广应用价值。   相似文献   

实施农业水价综合改革,对提高用水效率、优化资源配置、促进农业节水和农业可持续发展具有重要意义.本文总结了济南市农村水利现状,分析了开展农业水价综合改革的难点,提出相应对策建议,为农业水价改革全面实施提供参考.  相似文献   

棉花市场价格指数波动是一个非常复杂的非线性系统,具有随机波动特性,容易受到气象、金融、政策和国际环境影响.在现有研究棉花价格的数据集特征的基础上如政策、国际环境、进出口、产量等,增加气候因素对棉花价格影响的数据特征如降水、日照、湿度等,并对数据进行收集、整理及预处理.基于棉花价格的波动特性,采用双向长短期记忆网络BiL...  相似文献   

A linear programming model was developed to assess the impact of different water prices on cultivated areas, irrigation water demand, net income and optimal cropping pattern in the Northern Jordan Valley (NJV). The results reveal that the price for irrigation water does not reflect any elasticity in the range of water prices between 0.01 and 0.06 JD/M3 indicating constant real economic water price of 0.06 JD/M3. The change in cultivated areas as well as water demand (reduction) starts at water price 0.07 JD/M3. The expected reductions under optimal cropping patterns are 5%, 24%, and 60% for cultivated area and 4.7%, 18.9%, and 31% for water demand with water prices at 0.07, 0.1, and 0.16 JD/M3, respectively. Significant reductions in net incomes are resulted with increasing water prices over current average water price of 0.025 JD/M3. The expected reductions in net incomes are 33.6%, 53.8%, and 81.4% at water prices 0.07, 0.1, and 0.16 JD/M3, respectively. This result reflects the low land profitability as a result of low land productivity and/or low farm gate sale prices for most crops grown in NJV. The study also shows the inconsistency in quantity of water supplied and water demanded, leading to unbalanced water budget on monthly level and inconsequence, a noticeable waste in the quantity of available water during winter months, although there is a net surplus of water over the year. While the findings of this research reveal that a water price in the range of 0.07?C0.1 JD/M3 does not significantly influence the farmers' socio-economic parameters in the NJV, it may help reach the stated goal of saving water especially when monthly distributions of irrigation water are based on real crops water demands and actual cropping patterns.  相似文献   

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