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2003年9月国际林业研究联合会(IUFRO)在印度召开了短轮伐期林业的国际会议,该会议由IUFRO、印度树木协会的科学家以及大学学者联合召开。大约300名代表讨论了短轮伐期林业的问题,共收到了14个国家的论文。  相似文献   

林良柱 《桉树科技》2005,22(2):58-59
近年来樟木头林场以发展短轮伐期工业用材林为主,获得了林业经济上的大发展,本文对其所取得成就进行了总结.  相似文献   

短轮伐期茹木林人工培育技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选用银荆、南酸枣、杜英、马褂木等22个速生阔叶树种为试材。在庆元不同立地地段进行不同树种、不同种植密度和不同树种混交方式造林试验,通过连续5年的调查、测试表明,银荆、南酸枣、杜英、马褂木等树种具有早期丰产的特性,采用密植造林4~5年可获得较高的生物产量与经济效益,同时提出了“短轮伐期人工茹木林丰产栽培”模式。  相似文献   

从可持续森林经营的观点出发 ,论述了世界林业的短轮伐期趋势  相似文献   

几种短轮伐期段木林树种营造林技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

红安县属鄂东北低山丘陵区,是杉木分布北缘。近十年来,随着杉木林的不断成熟,先后开展了经营性采伐,对60%以上采伐迹地连栽2代杉木林。本试验着重从轮伐期与杉木连栽的关系出发,对北部边缘区杉木连栽问题进行探讨。一、试验地概况本试验在红安县5个国营林场进行,为北亚热带季风气候,多为500m 以下低山丘陵区。年降水量1013~1122mm,主要集中在5~7月,8~10月秋旱频率80%以上,年平均气温15.7℃。林地土壤主要为黄棕壤,土层厚度多为40cm 左  相似文献   

笔者简要分析了短周期工业原料林建设的现状,概述了其基地建设的布局原则,并按其原则对湖北省适合短轮伐期用材林发展区域进行了重点布局;针对性地提出了相应的技术措施,为短周期原料林基地建设提供参考。  相似文献   

探讨了短轮伐期的工业用材林的经营和管理方式,以期使工业用材林能达到短轮伐期的目的。  相似文献   

本文对公主岭市的生态环保型效益林业进行了调查,分析了目前存在的问题,提出了发展战略,建设措施等。  相似文献   


Forests are under increasing pressure with increasing risk of conflicts between stakeholder groups with different interests in sustainable forest management (SFM). This study investigated the different dimensions of conflict as perceived by private forest owners and other stakeholders, and the likely impact of these pressures on SFM in a southern Swedish context. Data were collected through a mixed methods approach using qualitative in-depth individual semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and a quantitative survey (n?=?6–161), with questions on present and past conflicts, actors, drivers, acting, management and solutions. Stakeholders felt that in the past the conflicts were more about technical dimensions of forestry practice, and today more about the political and cultural dimensions of forestry issues. The most frequently mentioned reason for forest conflict was forest protection, especially woodland key habitats. In all conflicts, forest owners emphasised the importance of knowledge, responsibility and emotions. Other stakeholders did too, but with emotions less emphasised. In managing conflict, meetings, adaptation and education were stressed by stakeholders. Dialogue arenas on different levels are needed for all stakeholders. Governing bodies also need to realise the implication different approaches and strategies have on forest owners management.  相似文献   


Contractors perform the majority of forestry activities in Sweden, yet little is known about the development of their company structures and strategies. By analyzing data from the Swedish Forest Agency's yearly survey to forestry contractors for 2006–2009 and comparing the results with previous data for 1993–1998, we examined the current profiles of Swedish forestry contractors and their recent development. For 2006–2009, responses were received from 700 to 770 forestry contractors, corresponding to ca. 20% of the estimated total number of Swedish forestry contractors. In 2009, 60% of contractors were mainly performing logging activities, whereas 30% were mainly performing silvicultural activities. Between 1993 and 2009, the number of contractors increased by ca. 80%, while the number of forestry working contractors and their employees increased by 157%. These increases were mainly due to increased silvicultural activities. Although one-person enterprises still dominate among Swedish forestry contractors, most logging work is performed by small-sized enterprises, whereas most silviculture work is performed by large-sized enterprises. Our study suggests that there is an increased dependency upon contractors and forestry contractors have become more diversified, but still specialized, in the type of work they perform.  相似文献   

介绍了美国林务局广泛使用,基于GIS/GPS集成的快速制图系统DASM的开发背景、系统的软件和硬件组成、核心软件GeoLink的数据处理方法,分析了该系统在林业调查中的优势与不足,指出其在林业中的应用领域及前景.  相似文献   

杜元虎 《林业研究》1996,7(1):81-84
INTRoDUCnoNThewaveletwasfirstaPpliedtoanalyz-ingtheseismiceignalsbyJ.MorletandA.Grossmarminl98o.Atpresent,waveletanaly-sishasbeenexpandedintoanewmathematicalbranchandwidelyusedinmanydomainsofscience,suchas,signalsanalysis,pattemrec-ognition,quantUIntheory,forageprocess,non-linearanalysisandsoon.Thetheoryisagreatbreakthrougl1intheresearchtOOlsandmeth-ods.Inforesny,theapplicationofwavelettransformis'growingup,specially,inforestindustry*,inremotesensingimageprocess;inxtoodscience.Wecanview…  相似文献   

Boreal forest ecosystems are generally highly sensitive to logging and other forestry activities. Thus, commercial forestry has had major effects on the forests and landscape structure in northern Sweden since the middle of the 19th Century, when it rapidly extended across the region. Lichens (which constitute up to 80% of reindeer forage in winter and early spring) have often been amongst the most severely affected ecosystem components. The overall aim of the present study was to analyze how forestry has influenced the potential supply of ground-growing lichens as winter forage for the reindeer in this region over the past ca. 100 years. For this purpose, we analysed changes in forest and stand structure in Scots pine-dominated (Pinus sylvestris L.) reindeer wintering areas in the southern part of the county Norrbotten (covering ca. 58,000 ha) using detailed historical forest inventories and management plans. We found that the amount of the forest types considered potentially good pasture (mainly middle-aged and old pine forests) decreased during the first part of the 20th Century. However, the quality of grazing grounds was improved by forestry during this time mainly because selective logging made the forests more open which benefits lichen growth. During the last part of the 20th century forestry impaired the quality of grazing grounds in several ways, e.g. by clear-cutting and intensified use of various silvicultural measures. We conclude that ca. 30–50% of the winter grazing grounds have been lost in the study area because of intensive forest management during the last century. The spatially precise historical information about the affects of forestry on lichen pasture provided in this study can be used to direct forest management which will facilitate and promote reindeer herding in the future.  相似文献   

Forestry in Sweden as well as in other European countries is characterised by intense and increasing international competition resulting in decreasing roundwood prices in real terms. This is especially the situation in the mountainous region of Sweden with long transportation distances between the felling site and the processing industries located at the coast. The question arises whether forestry must be run more extensively than at present to achieve the optimal rate of silvicultural activities compared with the amount of timber cut. With this in mind, optimising economic analyses have been performed at the stand level as well as at the level of forest estates. Results of the analyses reveal that more intensive thinning (more frequent operations) and shorter rotation periods would increase profit and offset continuously decreasing roundwood prices. Intensive pre-commercial thinning (cleaning) is especially important for profitability of the subsequent thinnings and the final cut. The large number of cuts during the rotation will increase logging costs. However, this will be more than offset by the increasing production of economically matured dimensions of timber, an effect that will be still more pronounced when using new harvesting technology. Moreover, frequent high thinning operations (thinning ‘from above’ or removal of dominant trees) will result in more dense wood close to the pith, more evenly distributed year rings, and fewer and smaller knots in the lower part of the stem — in other words more valuable roundwood which will justify high transportation costs. Several biological and technical aspects of these treatment programs are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Small-scale forestry builds upon interactions among local stakeholders. Forest management entails multiple social situations such as consultations or cooperative engagements between owners and forest professionals. Successful social endeavours rest on positive social capital as operationalised via trust. Based on qualitative in-depth interviews with forest owners, managers and other forestry stakeholders, this study explores how trust influences the social relationships in a local context of Southern Swedish forestry. Most strikingly, the analysis reveals large differences in owners' trust towards two major actors: the Swedish Forest Agency (SFA) and the forest owner association (FOA) Södra. Permanence of personnel, a client-based approach, and personal features of SFA's local forest officer lead to strong local anchoring and high trust towards SFA. Södra proved to be a trustful partner in the aftermath of calamities; however its industrial priorities seem to erode owners' trust. The empirical findings of this study demonstrate the importance of recognising personal relationships and the catalysing role of bonding social capital in order to understand the local forest management situations. Our results are useful for forestry organisations and policy-makers willing to comprehend the local context and implement best practices in small-scale forestry.  相似文献   

Eriksson  Erik; Berg  Staffan 《Forestry》2007,80(2):99-111
Forestry has an important role to play as a provider of energyfrom renewable biomass and through the sequestration of carbonin biomass and soil. Forests are also habitats for a large numberof species which are important for biodiversity. In some cases,these two roles may conflict. The aim of this study was to modelthe implications of specific environmental quality objectiveson the potential of forestry to reduce net CO2 emissions byaddressing interim targets 1 and 2 in the environmental qualityobjective, sustainable forests for Uppsala County and used thisregion as a case study. The carbon stock in the biomass, thesubstitution effect, and the economic consequences associatedwith six forest management scenarios were considered. The developmentfor the scenarios was simulated at stand level using an empiricalmodel. The results of the study showed that the shortest rotationperiod was preferable to mitigate net CO2 emissions since itresulted in more biomass that could replace fossil fuel. However,such a strategy might affect sustainable policies negatively.Increasing the extent of mixed stands could be a preferablestrategy since it may achieve several objectives.  相似文献   

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