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The medical records of 19 horses with cutaneous vasculitis were reviewed. Most (73.7%) affected horses were between 3 and 10 years old, and there were significantly more mares (14) than stallions or geldings (5) (P less than 0.01). Subcutaneous edema of the limbs, body, and/or head was the predominant clinical sign (18/19 horses; 94.7%). The single most prevalent laboratory abnormality was neutrophilia (greater than 7,000 neutrophils/microliter), which was detected in 10 horses (52.6%). Leukocytoclastic vasculitis was evident in skin biopsy specimens from 12 of 14 horses (85.7%). All horses were treated with corticosteroids and supportive care, and the overall survival rate was 63.1% (12/19). The mean duration of treatment with corticosteroids in surviving horses was 14 (+/- 5.3) days. Of the 7 horses that died, 5 failed to respond to treatment (4 were euthanatized, 1 died), and 2 others had persistent debilitating sequelae (euthanatized). The only significant clinical or laboratory abnormality predictive of poor prognosis was fever (odds ratio, 17.81; P less than 0.05). Seven horses had history of, or were exposed to horses with, abscessed peripheral lymph nodes and likely were suffering from equine purpura hemorrhagica. In spite of histopathologic evidence of hypersensitivity-vasculitis and/or the clinical suspicion that the cause for vasculitis was immune mediated, 7 of 19 horses (36.8%) had no history of bacterial or viral infection nor a history of current drug administration.  相似文献   

Four young horses of various breeds and suffering from atrial fibrillation died of heart failure. All had markedly high pulmonary arterial pressure, right-sided cardiomegaly, and lack of histologic lesions in the right atrium or pulmonary parenchyma. Three horses had hypertrophy and/or necrosis of the tunica media of the pulmonary vasculature. Clinical signs of disease, physiologic data, and pathologic findings indicated that these horses had primary pulmonary hypertension with secondary right-sided cardiac ventricular hypertrophy and dilatation, atrial fibrillation, and heart failure.  相似文献   

During a 3 1/2-year period, cardiac arrhythmias were identified in 6 of 67 horses diagnosed with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis (DPJ). Arrhythmias were detected by auscultation of irregular cardiac rhythm and subsequently were characterized by electrocardiographic evaluation. Arrhythmias included frequent second-degree atrioventricular block, ventricular ectopic depolarizations, and atrioventricular conduction disturbance. In 4 horses, arrhythmias resolved with recovery from the primary problem. One horse died suddenly 66 hours after admission, and another was euthanatized at 72 hours after admission. Clinical and laboratory data from horses with DPJ and cardiac arrhythmias (group 1) were compared with findings for horses with DPJ and without arrhythmias (group 2). Group-1 horses had significantly (P less than 0.05) higher serum bicarbonate concentration and serum creatine kinase activity. Normal sinus rhythm returned in all 4 group-1 horses that recovered from DPJ, suggesting a causal relationship between DPJ and the arrhythmias. Two group-1 horses were necropsied, and both had myocarditis. The cause of these lesions was not determined.  相似文献   

Over an 8-year period, 14 horses were admitted to the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine for evaluation of fistulous withers. Of the 14 horses, 11 were treated surgically and 3 were not treated. Surgical techniques involved radical excision of the affected soft tissue and spinous processes of affected vertebrae. Recurrence rate was 30%, and these horses required additional surgery to resolve the problem.  相似文献   

Review of medical records of 78 horses admitted to the George D. Widener Hospital for Large Animals with dorsal displacement of the soft palate revealed 94% of these horses to have evidence of an intermittent abnormal "gurgling" respiratory noise at the time of exercise. Sternothyrohyoideus myectomy was used as a primary treatment for 17 of these horses, with a success rate of 58%. Anatomic dissection of 30 horses indicated that the midcervical region is the optimal site for sternothyrohyoideus myectomy to alleviate dorsal displacement of the soft palate.  相似文献   

Nasopharyngeal cicatrices were observed endoscopically in 47 horses examined because of abnormal respiratory noises and/or exercise intolerance. A review of these cases revealed a correlation between cicatrization and age, sex, and the presence of other upper airway abnormalities. The age of affected horses ranged from 6 to 21 years, with a mean age of 12.7 +/- 7.8 (+/- 2 SD) years. Females were affected 2.7 times more frequently than males. Abnormalities commonly observed with a nasopharyngeal cicatrix included chondritis of the arytenoid cartilage, epiglottic deformity, and deformity of the guttural pouch openings. The nasopharyngeal cicatrix was responsible for respiratory obstruction in only 3 horses. Treatment for the cicatrix was not performed on any horse in this series. Generalized nasopharyngeal and laryngeal inflammation were postulated as causes of the cicatrices and associated abnormalities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine historical, physical examination, clinicopathologic, and postmortem findings in horses with putative uremic encephalopathy. Design-Retrospective study. Animals-5 horses with renal failure and neurologic disease not attributable to abnormalities in any other organ system. PROCEDURE: Medical records from 1978 to 1998 were examined for horses with renal disease and neurologic signs not attributable to primary neurologic, hepatic, or other diseases. Signalment, history, physical examination findings, clinicopathologic data, renal ultrasonographic findings, and postmortem data were reviewed. RESULTS: Of 332 horses with renal disease, 5 met selection criteria. Historical findings, physical examination findings, clinicopathologic data, ultrasonographic data, and postmortem findings were consistent with chronic renal failure. Swollen astrocytes were detected in all 4 horses examined at necropsy. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A single criterion was not determined to be pathognomonic for uremic encephalopathy in horses. Uremic encephalopathy should be considered as a differential diagnosis in horses with evidence of chronic renal failure and encephalopathic neurologic sign not attributable to other causes. Astrocyte swelling, which was common to all 4 horses examined at necropsy, may serve as a microscopic indicator of uremic encephalopathy in horses.  相似文献   

Small intestinal adenocarcinoma in cats: 32 cases (1978-1985)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The medical records of 32 cats with small intestinal adenocarcinoma were reviewed. Common clinical signs included vomiting, dehydration, weight loss, cachexia, anorexia, and lethargy. In 50% of the cats, an abdominal mass was palpated, and in 38%, a mass was seen on radiographs. Biopsy of the tumor without resection was performed in 9 cats; 8 cats were euthanatized at the time of surgery, 7 because of metastases, and 1 cat died 1 day after surgery. In 23 cats, resection was performed. Eleven of these died within 2 weeks after surgery (mean survival time, 2.6 days); 8 had lymph node metastasis. Twelve cats survived greater than 2 weeks after surgery. The mean survival of 11 of these cats was 15 months. Six cats were euthanatized because of recurrent signs; 5 of the 6 had a recurrent abdominal mass. One cat was alive 2 years after surgery. Results of this study indicated that cats with adenocarcinoma, even those cats with advanced disease, can have long-term survival after surgery.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Previous reports of clostridial myonecrosis have either focused on individual case reports or have been small retrospective studies reporting very high mortality rates. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to describe the outcome of cases of clostridial myonecrosis submitted to 2 referral equine hospitals in the United States over a 15 year period. METHODS: A retrospective study of case material selected on the basis of positive Clostridium spp. culture or the identification of Clostridium spp. by specific fluorescent antibody testing from soft tissue wounds was performed at Cornell and Wisconsin. RESULTS: 37 cases of clostridial myonecrosis were documented. Twenty-seven horses survived, 8 were subjected to euthanasia and 2 died during treatment for an overall survival rate of 73%. Twenty-five cases (68%) were associated with Clostridium perfringens alone, 6 cases (16%) with Cl. septicum alone, 4 cases with mixed clostridial infections (11%), 1 case with Cl. sporogenes and 1 with an unspeciated Clostridium spp. The highest survival rate of 81% was documented for those cases from which Cl. perfringens alone was isolated. The most common antecedent condition prior to referral was colic. The myonecrotic lesion occurred within 6-72 h of a soft tissue injection in 34 cases but was associated with a wound or laceration in the remaining 3 cases. Of the 34 cases associated with recent injections, 24 were associated with i.m. injections in the cervical region, 4 in the semimembranosus/semitendinosus region, 3 in the gluteal region, 2 with perivascular leakage of drugs administered into the jugular vein and 1 case developed simultaneously in the gluteal and neck region following injections at both sites. CONCLUSIONS: Clostridial myonecrosis can occur following the i.m. or inadvertent perivascular administration of a wide variety of commonly administered drugs. It is most common in the neck musculature. Aggressive treatment can be associated with survival rates of up to 81% for cases due to Cl. perfringens alone. Survival rates for other Clostridial spp. tend to be lower. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: A combination of high dose i.v. antibiotic therapy and surgical fenestration/debridement is the best approach to cases of clostridial myonecrosis. With rapid diagnosis and therapeutic intervention, horses may have up to an 81% chance of survival.  相似文献   

Sixty-eight horses with colic caused by small intestinal disease were allotted into 2 groups of 34 on the basis of recorded findings during exploratory celiotomy, necropsy, or response to medical treatment alone. Signalment, history, physical examination findings, and laboratory findings were compared between the group of horses with small intestinal obstruction and the group with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis. A significantly greater proportion of horses with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis were older than 2 years old (P less than 0.05). Differences in sex or breed distribution, or in seasonality of the 2 disease syndromes were not observed. Horses with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis had significantly greater signs of depression than those with small intestinal obstruction (P less than 0.01), and horses with small intestinal obstruction had significantly greater signs of abdominal pain (P less than 0.05). The mean heart and respiratory rates were significantly lower (P less than 0.01) and the volume of nasogastric reflux was significantly greater (P less than 0.05) in the group of horses with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis. Sections of small intestine that were palpable per rectum were less distended and there were more auscultable borborygmi in horses with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis, compared with those with small intestinal obstruction (P less than 0.05 and P less than 0.01). The group of horses with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis had lower mean plasma potassium and higher mean plasma bicarbonate concentrations (P less than 0.05) than the group with small intestinal obstruction. The mean nucleated cell count and total protein concentration of peritoneal fluid specimens were significantly less in the group with duodenitis/proximal jejunitis (P less than 0.01); however, these values were greater than normal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Strangulated umbilical hernias in horses: 13 cases (1974-1985)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The medical records of 13 horses with strangulated umbilical hernias were reviewed. Typical history included increased swelling, warmth, and firmness of the hernial sac. Enterocutaneous fistulas had developed in 2 horses. Four horses had signs of abdominal pain. Surgery was performed on all horses, and the hernia was reduced by an open reduction technique. Incarcerated tissue included omentum (1 horse), jejunum (5), ileum (4), cecum (1), and ventral colon (2). All horses survived and were discharged from the hospital. Follow-up information on 9 horses (5 to 52 months after discharge) revealed no complications in 6 horses. Of the remaining 3 horses, one horse was euthanatized 5 months after discharge because of laminitis. One horse had persistent drainage from the skin incision requiring removal of nonabsorbable suture material 8 months after discharge. One foal required a second surgery because of signs of abdominal pain 17 days after the initial surgery. The foal was euthanatized during surgery because of severe peritonitis secondary to anastomotic leakage.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the outcome of horses with basal fractures of the proximal sesamoid bone from which a fracture fragment involving a portion of the base of the bone was removed arthroscopically and to determine whether fragment size was associated with outcome. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 26 horses. PROCEDURE: Dorsopalmar and axial-abaxial lengths of the fracture fragment were measured on the dorsopalmar and mediolateral radiographic views, respectively, and percentage of the base of the sesamoid bone involved was estimated. Fractures were classified as grade 1 (< or = 25% of the base involved) or grade 2 (> 25% but < 100% of the base involved). Outcome was classified as successful if the horse started at least 2 races or unsuccessful if the horse started only 1 race or failed to return to racing. RESULTS: There were 24 racehorses and 2 nonracehorses. Twelve (50%) of the racehorses returned to racing and started at least 2 races. Eight of 14 horses with grade-1 fractures and 4 of 10 horses with grade-2 fractures had a successful outcome. Ten of 16 horses without associated articular disease had successful outcomes, compared with 2 of 8 horses with associated articular disease. However, fragment size and presence of associated articular disease were not significantly associated with outcome. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Horses with basal fractures of the proximal sesamoid bone from which a fracture fragment involving a portion of the base of the bone is removed arthroscopically have a fair prognosis for return to racing.  相似文献   

Osteochondral fragmentation of the plantar aspect of the proximal phalanx was diagnosed as a cause of hind limb lameness in 19 horses. The lameness was evident at the upper levels of the horses' performance capabilities, and was isolated to the metatarsophalangeal joints by use of intra-articular or regional anesthesia. Fragments were surgically removed from 10 horses that later returned to full use. Seven horses were treated intra-articularly with polysulfated glycosaminoglycans or corticosteroids; only one horse was able to return to full use. One horse was retired from work at the time of diagnosis. Surgery appeared to be the most effective treatment for osteochondral fragmentation of the plantar aspect of the proximal phalanx, although medical treatment combined with a decrease in the horses' expected performance also was believed to be useful.  相似文献   

Cholelithiasis and/or obstructive biliary tract disease was diagnosed ultrasonographically in 8 horses, 5 to 15 years old. Ultrasonographic findings revealed greater than normal amount of hepatic parenchyma in the right side of the abdomen in 8 horses and in the left side in 3 horses. The echogenicity of the liver was greater than normal, and thick distended bile ducts were seen in all horses. Choleliths were imaged ultrasonographically in 6 horses. Subsequently, postmortem findings in 6 horses revealed periportal and intralobular fibrosis, moderate bile duct dilatation, proliferation, and cholestasis. One or more choleliths were found in all horses. Ultrasonographic findings accurately depicted the histologic changes in the hepatic parenchyma in horses with cholelithiasis.  相似文献   

Surgical treatment of sand colic in equids: 48 cases (1978-1985)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Medical records of 48 equids (47 horses, 1 pony) with surgical sand colic were reviewed. The diagnosis of sand colic was made if a sand impaction(s) was palpated during exploratory abdominal surgery or if a large quantity of sand was found during colotomy. Most equids did not experience a previous episode of sand diarrhea or sand colic. Clinical findings and results of clinicopathologic determinations were not diagnostic. Rectal palpation findings in 40 of 46 horses were compatible with large-colon and/or cecal distention. Impactions were palpable per rectum in only 7 horses, but emergency abdominal surgery revealed one or more impactions in 46 of 48 equids. Single impaction most commonly was observed at the pelvic flexure. Twenty-six horses had concurrent large-colon torsion or displacement. Pelvic flexure colotomy was performed in 44 horses. Of 48 equids, 44 survived and were discharged.  相似文献   

Third carpal sagittal fractures were found to be related to racing injuries in 10 of 12 horses. These fractures occurred most commonly on the medial aspect of the bone. A dorsoproximal-dorsodistal view of the carpus was required to visualize the fracture in all cases. Healing of the fracture required periods of rest of up to one year. Conservative management of these fractures resulted in return to function in 7 of 12 horses.  相似文献   

The medical records of 17 horses that were evaluated and treated because of colic caused by pedunculated lipomas between 1983 and 1990 were reviewed. The mean age of the horses was 16.6 +/- 3.9 years (range, 10 to 26 years), which was significantly greater than that of the population of horses evaluated because of colic (control population) during the same period. There were significantly more geldings (76.5%), compared with the control population. Nasogastric reflux ranged from 1 to 16 L in 8 horses and was not obtained in 9 horses. Abdominal palpation per rectum revealed small intestinal distention in 13 horses, displaced large colon in 7 horses, and large colon impaction in 2 horses. Peritoneal fluid was abnormal in 11 of 12 horses from which it was obtained successfully. One horse was euthanatized after unsuccessful medical treatment. Surgery was performed in 16 horses. Lipomas were blindly resected in 5 horses or exteriorized and resected in 6 horses. The method used to resect the lipoma was not recorded in 5 horses. The ileum and/or jejunum was strangulated in 15 horses, the small colon was strangulated in 1 horse, and the jejunum was obstructed in 1 horse. The length of intestine resected ranged from 0.15 to 7.2 m. Fourteen horses survived surgery, of which 11 were discharged from the hospital (short-term survival rate of 78.6%). Excluding 2 horses lost to follow-up evaluation, 6 of 12 horses that survived surgery were alive 2 to 56 months following surgery (long-term survival rate of 50%), and 9 of 15 horses died or were euthanatized (fatality rate of 60%).  相似文献   

The medical records of 12 horses that had cataracts removed by use of phacofragmentation were reviewed. Cataracts were removed from 16 eyes in horses ranging in age from 2 months to 15 years. Complications after surgery included corneal ulcers in 13 eyes, diffuse corneal edema in 5 eyes, and uncontrollable uveitis in 3 eyes. Follow-up information was obtained in all horses from 1 month to 3.5 years after surgery. Visual results were judged good by owners or veterinarians in 10 of the horses.  相似文献   

By use of endoscopy, 75 horses with respiratory noise and/or exercise intolerance were determined to have structural arytenoid cartilage abnormalities (60 primary, 11 after previous laryngeal surgery), or failed left laryngoplasty (4 horses) for laryngeal hemiplegia in which the arytenoid cartilage still appeared normal. Eighty-eight percent of the horses were either Thoroughbred (54 horses; 72%) or Standardbred (12 horses; 16%) racehorses; only 9 horses (12%) had occupations not related to racing. Seventy-six percent of the racehorses were 2 to 4 years old; all non-racehorses were greater than 4 years old. The male:female ratio was approximately 2:1. Of the horses with cartilage abnormalities, 28 had left-sided involvement, 22 had right-sided involvement, and 21 had bilateral involvement. Sixty-two arytenoidectomies were performed, 58 for cartilage abnormalities (22 left, 19 right, 17 bilateral), and 4 for failed left laryngoplasties. Overall, 45% of the Thoroughbred racehorses that returned to racing after arytenoidectomy raced successfully (50% left, 75% right, 22% bilateral); only 20% of the Standardbreds were able to race. Seventy-five percent of non-racehorses were able to return to their previous use. Many horses were retired intentionally after surgery.  相似文献   

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