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I examined the effects of extreme hypoxia and water level fluctuations on the distribution and movement of an air-breathing clariid catfish, Clarias liocephalus, in a papyrus swamp in western Uganda. Monthly records of the distribution and relative abundance of C. liocephalus across 28 swamp stations were used to examine seasonal trends in habitat use and movement. My results suggest that dissolved oxygen did not directly limit use of, or dispersal through, the papyrus swamp. C. liocephalus were found at most stations in the dry season, and there was no significant relationship between the number of stations used per month and mean monthly dissolved oxygen levels. In addition, there was no evidence for a significant effect of oxygen on the relative abundance of fish among stations during the driest months, or during peak flood conditions. However, relative abundance was positively correlated with water depth during the dry season. Fish from deeper habitats exhibited fewer injuries and lower rates of disappearance than fish from shallower waters. This may reflect the risk of aerial predation for surfacing fish. A comparison of habitat use and movements of C. liocephalus with the only other fish species found in the papyrus swamp, Barbus neumayeri, supports the idea that respiratory mode can affect the use of hypoxic papyrus swamps. B. neumayeri, is a small water-breathing cyprinid that uses aquatic surface respiration in response to severe hypoxia. The air-breathing capabilities of C. liocephalus permitted more widespread use of swamp waters than B. neumayeri. This study demonstrates that an understanding of the respiratory mode of fish species may be useful in predicting patterns of habitat use.  相似文献   

  1. Arapaima (Arapaima sp.) are highly overexploited fish endemic to the Amazon basin. Because the fish are obligate air-breathers, it is possible to use surface-breathing events to count individuals visually for population censuses important for conservation, yet uncertainties remain about body size and environmental influences on air-breathing intervals, and thus count accuracy.
  2. This study examined relationships between breathing intervals and environmental parameters (e.g. water temperature and transparency) and body size for radio-tagged arapaima (n = 12) in an upland river-floodplain (Lake Ayapuá, Amazonas, Brazil). Generalized additive mixed models were used to evaluate environmental, size, and behavioural correlates of breathing intervals.
  3. Temperature was the most influential predictor of air-breathing intervals, followed by body size. The shortest breathing intervals were associated with consecutive ‘aggressive’ breaths while the longest breathing intervals had consecutive ‘calm’ breaths. Type of breath, size, and temperature predictors revealed that breathing intervals ranged from 4 to 46 min and were not significantly different among life stages (  = 15.9 min for sub-adults and adults (>1 m);  = 14.8 min for juveniles (<1 m)).
  4. Whereas the current population census method uses fish counts in 20-min intervals, this study found that 15% of observed breaths, and two thirds of fish, took longer than 20 min to breathe. These findings were obtained in relatively cool-water environments, so it is recommended that future population census methods consider water temperature (e.g. extend intervals used for counts in cooler waters), which may improve the accuracy of census counts and thus further enhance arapaima conservation efforts.
  5. This study demonstrated an effective method in which fundamental biological information is used to inform and improve population census methods for an imperilled fish in a region where traditional stock assessment is ineffective. Similar approaches for adaptive stock assessments could be applied to improve conservation of other air-breathing fishes (e.g. lungfishes) globally.

We investigated habitat specificity of the amber darter (Percina antesella Williams & Etnier 1977), an imperiled fish from restricted portions of 2 rivers in the southeastern United States. Foraging amber darters occupied a narrow range of riffle habitat, consistently avoiding areas < 20 cm deep and with velocity < 10 cm. s?1 near the substrate, occupying areas with cobble or gravel substrate and average water-column velocity of 30 to 70 cm. s?1. During low to mo'derate flows, approximately 20% or more of the study areas contained suitable habitat for the species. Amber darters appeared rare, and the numbers of individuals were uncorrelated with the concurrent availability of suitable habitat. Protecting the amber darter may require more than maintaining adequate depths and velocities over gravel-cobble substrates. Until we understand the potential importance of migration and dispersal for maintaining small populations, suitable habitat should be maintained over the longest contiguous stream segments possible.  相似文献   

A quality cost analysis was performed with the cooperation of six full-time African catfish, Clorias gariepinus, farmers in The Netherlands. The relative distribution of the quality costs does not fit a common quality cost model. Possible explanations for this observation are the absence of (1) feedback from customers and (2) well-defined quality criteria. The results show that it is likely that a considerable reduction in quality costs can be achieved with respect to sorting and rewatering. A further reduction is possible if agreement on quality criteria for African catfish can be reached.  相似文献   

Gill respiratory surface area and oxygen consumption during aquatic respiration were measured in the facultative air-breathing loricariid fish,Hypostomus plecostomus. The fish did not surface to breathe atmospheric air in normoxic water; air-breathing was evoked by environmental hypoxia (water oxygen tension=35±2, mmHg) and did not show size-related threshold differences for air breathing.During gradual hypoxia, without access to atmospheric, air,H. plecostomus was found to be an oxyregulator and showed a reduced range of water oxygen tension in which the oxygen consumption remained constant in smaller fish. The critical oxygen tensions were 55 and 33 mmHg at 25°C for fish of 14–30 g and 31–80g body weight, respectively.The gill respiratory surface area (total lamellae area) is reduced, however, the lamellar frequency per mm of gill filament is high which facilitates the gas exchange. Moreover, the increase of gill respiratory surface area (b=0.666) is higher than the increase in routine VO2 (b=0.338) showing a positive relationship between the gill respiratory surface area /VO2 ratio and body mass (b=0.328); this indicates that the fish have greater gill respiratory surface area per unit of routine VO2 as they grow.  相似文献   

The release of fresh water from major impoundments to meet the requirements of estuaries has become a recognized need and methodologies to define appropriate release strategies have become an urgent priority in some parts of the world. A recruitment index for juvenile marine fish is presented, based on information relating to the preferred recruitment periods for 27 species, as well as the extent of dependency of these species on estuaries. The status of the estuary mouth (i.e. open or closed) and the longitudinal salinity differences (i.e. the difference between the salinity at the estuary head and the mouth) in the estuary are obtained from a hydrodynamic model of the estuary. The recruitment index integrates this information to provide an indication of potential recruitment (or recruitment opportunity). This index was applied in a case study of the Great Brak Estuary, South Africa, and a distinct decrease in the recruitment index was associated with a reduction in freshwater inflow. In the estuary modelled, annual run-off could be halved without an appreciable decrease in the fish recruitment index (FRI), but with a potentially sharp decline in fish recruitment thereafter. While the index represented recruitment opportunity rather than actual recruitment, it does at least provide an indication of where ecological risk is likely to increase substantially. Since the index integrates the current understanding with respect to the key processes which regulate recruitment of juvenile marine fish into estuaries, it is suggested that it has the potential to fulfil a vital role in identifying appropriate freshwater release policies for impoundments in South Africa.  相似文献   

  • 1. Fish species are used globally for fundamental research, product and environmental testing, and education, but this use has not hitherto been documented. The number of fish used for research and education in North America currently represents approximately one‐quarter of all animal use for these purposes; only mice are used in higher numbers. Data from the Canadian Council on Animal Care, various animal care committees from Canadian universities, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service are collated and summarized.
  • 2. In Canada nearly a half a million fish were used for research and education each year from 1996 to 2001. We estimated that the United States used over four times that amount for the same purposes, totalling approximately 2.8 million fish each year.
  • 3. At least 100 fish species, representing 27 taxonomic orders, were used for research and education in North America from 1996 to 2001. Close to one‐third of the species had life‐history characteristics that might make them particularly susceptible to over‐exploitation. This potential vulnerability, coupled with data from animal care facilities in Canada suggesting that nearly half of all fish used for research and education were wild‐caught, should prompt further documentation of such fish uses in order to assess their sustainability.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gill and liver microsomal Na+/K+-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activities, body weight, and several blood parameters were measured in marble gobies held in freshwater, in air on wet filter paper for 7 days and three days after return to freshwater following 7 days in air. During the 7 days in air, body weight, and blood Na+ and K+ concentrations remained unchanged. During the same period, however, mean specific activity of the gill ATPase fell 79% while liver ATPase specific activity was unchanged. When these fish were returned to water the specific activity of the gill ATPase returned to values seen in freshwater gobies within 3 days. Several changes were also noted in the characteristics of the ATPase in the fish held in air.  相似文献   

Abstract – The horizontal distribution of fish in lakes varies with species, age, predation risk, vegetation coverage and water clarity. Although sporadic data are available for specific lakes, little is known about how habitat distribution generally changes along a gradient in nutrients and clarity. Here we analyse littoral and pelagic fish catch data for 34 Danish lakes (covering 94 lake years) with contrasting total phosphorus (TP) concentrations and mean depth levels (but mainly eutrophic and shallow). Electrofishing was conducted during day along the shore or along the edge of the reed belt if such existed. Gill nets were set overnight for 18 h in open water. We calculated a littoral proportion as: LITPRO = (100 × number caught by electrofishing in the near‐shore area)/(number caught by electrofishing in the near‐shore area and nets in the open water). At all summer TP concentrations LITPRO was high for several ‘littoral’ species such as gudgeon (Gobio gobio), rudd (Scardinius erythrophtalmus) and pike (Esox lucius) and low for more typical pelagic species like pikeperch (Sander lucioperca), ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and smelt (Osmerus eperlanus). However, for many of these species including the dominant roach (Rutilus rutilus) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) LITPRO increased with TP or lake water chlorophyll a (CHLA) for fish >10 cm, suggesting a more littoral distribution with increasing turbidity. Exceptions are pikeperch and bream (Abramis brama). For bream, LITPRO increased significantly with mean lake depth only. For fish ≤10 cm LITPRO showed only a weak relationship to TP, CHLA or depth. In accordance with the TP‐dependent distribution, major changes occurred in the fish community structure during the monitoring period following nutrient loading reduction. A comparison of LITPRO from the first part of the monitoring period (1989–1993) with a subsequent period (1997–2003) for four abundant species showed a significant decline in LITPRO over time for large‐ and small‐sized roach and perch and large rudd. This suggests a fast response in fish distribution to improved water quality. It further demonstrates that fish monitoring in lakes should cover both littoral and pelagic habitats to describe the recovery process.  相似文献   

  • 1. Stream classification systems are widely used in stream management and restoration. Whereas the principal morphological types of these classification systems are increasingly recognized for their ecological connections, the roles of intermediate and mixed morphologies are still poorly understood, yet may be biologically significant.
  • 2. Twenty‐five stream reaches in north‐western Vermont were classified by channel morphology to determine whether fish community diversity differed among pool‐riffle, mixed (i.e. pool‐riffle/cascade, pool‐riffle/other) and forced pool‐riffle stream morphological groups. Stream reach surveys included cross‐sectional surveys, longitudinal profiles, bed substrate characterization, and fish surveys.
  • 3. Three fish community diversity measures were calculated: (1) species richness (S); (2) Shannon–Weaver Index (H′); and (3) Simpson's Index (1/D). Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) followed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to explore potential differences in fish diversity among stream morphological groups. Fish diversity was significantly different for all three community diversity measures (P?0.05), with pool‐riffle/cascade morphology consistently exhibiting the greatest fish diversity and forced pool‐riffle the lowest.
  • 4. These results suggest that fish community diversity is significantly associated with distinct channel morphologies. Generally, pool‐riffle/cascade and pool‐riffle/other stream morphological groups supported habitats that fostered greater species diversity than more homogeneous and uniform pool‐riffle reaches. The observed patterns of diversity are likely to be the result of habitat patches created by variations in flow and other physical characteristics in reaches of mixed morphologies.
  • 5. These results support fish sampling schemes that incorporate morphological heterogeneity, such as proportional‐distance designation. Sampling strategies that focus on homogeneous reaches may underestimate diversity, and misrepresent stream condition when fish community data are used in indices of biological integrity (IBIs). Reaches of mixed stream morphologies should be recognized as areas of biological importance in stream and catchment management and in conservation efforts.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract– Projected world population increases imply demand for an increase of 60 million tonnes on the present world fish production of 100 million tonnes. Capture fisheries are unlikely to yield more because many stocks are already overexploited, there are few remaining unexploited and management shows few signs of redressing problems. Aquaculture is a possible source of the required production, given maintenance of current rates of increase. If this potential is to be realized, the importance of maintaining the quality of freshwater, brackish and coastal marine environments can scarcely be overstated. In a world of rapid change, there is an urgent need for research at all levels of biological and social organization that relate to the ecology of freshwater fish. At the organismic level, genetics, migratory behaviour and physiological ecology will be emphasized. Population genetics research is needed to enlighten controversies concerning the impact of cultural practices and the effects of harvesting natural populations. Greater attention will be given to interactions between species, including fish and their parasites, and the dynamics of multispecies interactions in pond culture and in capture fisheries. Issues of multiple uses of water resources will force research on freshwater fish ecology into broader contexts. The march of discovery in all branches of science will have major implications for freshwater fisheries research. The next few decades will be demanding of the creative energies of young researchers.  相似文献   

The implications of solar UV radiation exposure for fish and fisheries   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) possesses three important properties that combine to make it a potent environmental force. These include the potential to induce damage: UVR carries more energy per photon than any other wavelength reaching the Earth’s surface. Such highly energetic photons are known to damage many biological molecules, such as DNA and proteins. In addition, they can initiate a series of redox reactions to form reactive oxygen species (ROS), which cause oxidative stress to cells and tissues. The second property is ubiquity: owing to their dependence on light, primary producers and most visual predators, such as fish, are also necessarily exposed to damaging levels of UVR. Thirdly, the combined effect of UVR and additional environmental factors may result in synergistic effects, such as the photoactivation of organic pollutants and photosensitisation. In natural environments, the concentration of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and habitat depth are the two main factors controlling the degree of UVR exposure experienced by fish. Additional factors include vegetation coverage, particulate materials in suspension, pH and hydrological characteristics, and site location (latitude, elevation). The range of potential effects on fish includes direct DNA damage resulting in embryo and larval mortality, and adult and juvenile sunburn, as well as indirect oxidative stress, phototoxicity and photosensitisation.  相似文献   

Abstract Results of a number of studies on the interactions between grayling, Thymallus thymallus L., and its habitat in tributaries of the River Itchen, a chalk stream in Hampshire, southern England are reported. These include an investigation into the effect of riparian shading on T. thymallus growth and population density in relation to the development of in‐stream macrophyte cover, and the use of a multi‐point decoder system to record micro‐habitat use and preference of individual T. thymallus. In all stream sections, T. thymallus recruitment fluctuated greatly. Densities were generally low often restricting meaningful comparisons. However, where large differences occurred, wooded sections, with less aquatic macrophyte cover, generally had higher densities of T. thymallus. All age groups of T. thymallus (0+, 1+ and 2+) tended to occupy hard gravel substratum, both by day and by night in the autumn and winter, and used deeper and faster water with increasing age. The 1+ and 2+ groups were generally found in water 40–70‐cm deep with a velocity between 0.3 and 0.5 m s?1, whilst the 0+ group showed a preference for shallower water with reduced velocity at night, particularly in the winter. The results are discussed in relation to habitat management where T. thymallus occur with other salmonids.  相似文献   

Adaptations of amphibious fish for surviving life out of water   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
There are a small number of fish species, both marine and freshwater, that exhibit a truly amphibious habit that includes periods of aerial exposure. The duration of emersion is reflected in the level of physical and physiological adaptation to an amphibious lifestyle. Fish that are only briefly out of water retain predominantly aquatic attributes whereas there are semi‐terrestrial species that are highly adapted to prolonged periods in the aerial habitat. Desiccation is the main stressor for amphibious fish and it cannot be prevented by physiological means. Instead, amphibious fish resist excessive water loss by means of cutaneous modification and behavioural response. The more terrestrially adapted fish species can tolerate considerable water loss and may employ evaporation to aid thermoregulation. The amphibious habit is limited to fish species that can respire aerially. Aerial respiration is usually achieved through modification to existing aquatic pathways. Freshwater air‐breathers may respire via the skin or gills but some also have specialized branchial diverticula. Marine species utilize a range of adaptations that may include modified gills, specialized buccopharyngeal epithelia, the intestine and the skin. Areas of enhanced respiratory activity are typified by increased vascularization that permits enhanced perfusion during aerial exposure. As with other adaptations the mode of nitrogenous elimination is related to the typical durations of emersion experienced by the fish. Intertidal species exposed on a regular cycle, and which may retain some contact with water, tend to remain ammoniotelic while reducing excretion rates in order to prevent excessive water loss. Amphibious fish that inhabit environments where emersion is less predictable than the intertidal, can store nitrogen during the state of emersion with some conversion to ureotelism or have been shown to tolerate high ammonia levels in the blood. Finally, the more amphibious fish are more adapted to moving on land and seeing in air. Structural modifications to the pectoral, pelvic, dorsal and anal fins, combined with a well‐developed musculature permit effective support and movement on land. For vision in air, there is a general trend for fish to possess close‐set, moveable, protruberant eyes set high on the head with various physical adaptations to the structure of the eye to allow for accurate vision in both air and water.  相似文献   

Understanding spatial and temporal patterns in larval fish distributions is important for investigating factors related to recruitment variability and for developing sampling methodologies. Variation in species diversity (Shannon index) and density (number 100 m?3) of larval fishes from nearshore and pelagic habitats in Glen Elder Reservoir, KS, USA, was assessed during 1999 and 2000. Species diversity and densities of individual taxa were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in nearshore habitats than pelagic habitats during both years. Larval fish densities were generally higher in the year 1999 with higher spring water levels. Gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur) was the most abundant taxon in nearshore and pelagic habitats during both years. In addition, larval gizzard shad was sampled for the longest duration in the upper water column and overlapped with all taxa collected. High densities of gizzard shad in both habitats suggested that the potential for competitive interactions was high, especially given the lack of aquatic vegetation and habitat heterogeneity in littoral habitats. Most of the variation in larval fish diversity and density was because of temporal variation. If sampling effort must be limited and the purpose of sampling is to monitor larval diversity or density, attention should focus on sampling the same location over long time periods rather than across a variety of sampling locations.  相似文献   

In the Oueme River, a lowland river in Benin, Africa, artificial ponds constructed in the floodplain (whedos) are colonised during the high‐water period by a presumably random sample of fishes from the river channel. As water slowly recedes from the floodplain, fishes are isolated in whedos until they are harvested near the end of the dry season. We surveyed fishes in whedos and adjacent main‐channel and floodplain habitats during two low‐water periods (2008 and 2009) and one falling‐water period (2010–2011) to evaluate the relevance of four alternative metacommunity models to these systems. In 2010–2011, we also measured a suite of physicochemical variables including dissolved oxygen, temperature, specific conductivity and per cent cover of aquatic vegetation. Whedos were covered with dense growth of aquatic vegetation, and dissolved oxygen concentrations were lower in whedos and a natural floodplain depression compared with the main channel. Multivariate analyses revealed that habitat types were distinct with regard to assemblage structure and abiotic conditions. Assemblages in whedos and natural floodplain depressions were differentiated from those of the river channel, with the floodplain habitats being dominated by piscivorous fishes that tolerate aquatic hypoxia. Dispersal, aquatic hypoxia and predation act in concert to shape local community structure. Patch dynamics, species sorting and mass effect models all were consistent with patterns in fish assemblage structure in this system. We conclude that the underlying mechanisms of drift, speciation, selection and dispersal ultimately may be more useful for explaining patterns in ecological communities than alternative metacommunity models.  相似文献   

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